Creating the perfect smile with veneers or lumineers. Differences between lumineers and veneers - which products are better to choose

From this article you will learn:

  • what are lumineers - before and after photos.
  • cost for 2019 in Moscow,
  • veneers or lumineers: which is better.

Dental lumineers are ultra-thin porcelain veneers that are bonded to the front surface of the teeth to improve their appearance. The term Lumineers ® is a patented trademark owned by the American company DenMat. The name was coined to refer to thin veneers that do not require grinding of teeth.

DenMat produces 2 types of original lumineers - Lumineers ® CERINATE and Lumineers ® DUO, which will be discussed in this article. It must be understood that lumineers are not the only very thin veneers of their kind, and this is just a patented tradename. Therefore, when you hear about thin veneers or ultraneers, it's all the same as the original Lumineers ® .

Ultra-thin veneers without turning teeth: photo

For original lumineers, the price for 1 tooth in Moscow will be from 30,000 rubles (see the price below). However, there are very thin veneers produced under other brands, such as Vivaneers ® , DaVinci ® , IPS-Emax ® . In this article, we will not engage in advertising, and vice versa, we will talk about the reasons why reviews on lumineers from patients demanding aesthetics are rarely positive.

Lumineers and veneers: the difference

So what is the difference between veneers and lumineers? Firstly, the original Lumineers are only 0.2 mm thick, but their main competitive advantage (actively promoted in advertising) is the absence of the need to grind the enamel off the front surface of the teeth. It should be noted here that all this is not entirely true, and in the official instructions there is already a more plausible thickness - “0.3-0.7 mm”.

In turn, the thickness of classic standard veneers is on average 0.6-0.7 mm, and their installation always requires grinding off the enamel layer on the front surface of the teeth. But there are also so-called ones made of pressed ceramics, which have a thickness of only 0.3-0.4 mm. To install thin veneers, minimal enamel grinding is required, and sometimes you can even do without it.

Conclusions : but then veneers and lumineers - what is the difference between them? When buying original lumineers, the cost of which ranges from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles (per 1 unit), you buy only the brand and the advertising slogan “without turning teeth”. But the statement that it is unnecessary to grind teeth under lumineers is very point of contention. Increasing the thickness of the teeth by 0.2-0.3 mm without turning them will visually significantly increase their size, making them somewhat "horse".

A thin veneer made of pressed glass-ceramic E.max will cost you from 21,000 rubles, and at the same time it has the same thickness. Manufacturer E.max (Ivoclar Vivadent, Germany) - in this case, he could also talk about the absence of the need to grind teeth, but this would be wrong, because in this case it is simply impossible to get really beautiful, natural-looking teeth in most cases. In Fig.8-11 you can see how, after fixing the lumineers without turning the teeth, the latter look like giant plastic crowns.

Comparison of original Lumineers and E.max: video

Video 1 - original Lumineers ® CERINATE,
video 2 - thin E.max veneers (without turning the teeth).

As for the durability of Lumineers –
original Lumineers ® are made from Cerinate porcelain with a bending strength of about 110 MPa. In turn, the bending strength of thin E.max PRESS pressed ceramic veneers will already be about 400 MPa. This affects the risk of chipping of the ceramic mass and the service life.

Lumineers for teeth: indications for use

Due to their small thickness, fragility, and high transparency, lumineers on the teeth have enough a large number of contraindications (the list of which is even longer than that of conventional veneers). Therefore, during the initial examination, the dentist will look - what is better veneers or lumineers in relation to your situation. The list of indications for lumineers is quite modest, and each indication also has a lot of restrictions related to the size of the teeth, gum disease, etc.

  • Masking stains and cracks on enamel, fillings
    These are discolorations that cannot be neutralized by chemical bleaching. It can be small spots, cracks in the enamel or fillings that are visible against the background of the tooth's own tissues. High-quality lumineers a priori must be sufficiently transparent, and therefore they are not suitable for masking pronounced stains. And if you make them opaque, they will look more like bright white plastic than natural tooth enamel.
  • Correction small problems bite
    Firstly, they will allow you to close small gaps between the teeth, for example, the diastema. Secondly, if the teeth are unevenly located in the dentition, they can be used to achieve the effect of visual alignment of the dentition (this is due to the fact that when installing lumineers on only some teeth, they will increase the thickness of these teeth).
  • Teeth whitening
    With the help of lumineers, you can visually lighten your teeth by 1-2 shades. It is possible, but still it is better to do it with the help - it will be both more efficient and cheaper.

Important : as you already understood, the use of lumineers will only be effective for eliminating minor problems in the aesthetics of the front teeth. To eliminate pronounced problems: bright spots, wide interdental spaces, chips of the cutting edge, to change the inclination of the tooth, etc. – Veneers of standard thickness should be used.

Below you can see what Lumineers look like before and after - photos of real patients. In this section, we have published photos of the most successful cases of treatment. Below (in the “Reviews” section) you can also see photos of not very successful cases of treatment, when the teeth began to look artificial and not natural (website).

Lumineers: price for 1 tooth in Moscow

How much do lumineers cost - the price for 1 tooth will be from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles, if we talk about the original products of DenMat (USA). This company produces 2 variants of lumineers - Lumineers ® CERINATE and DUO, which differ in price.

  • Cost of Lumineers® CERINATE
    These are individually made lumineers, which are made on the basis of casts of the patient's teeth. Their cost will be from 50,000 to 60,000 rubles per 1 unit. This price includes manufacturing, installation and all related costs, except for delivery. The cost of delivery (regardless of the number of lumineers) will be about 40,000 rubles more.

    To date, the American company DenMat manufactures Lumineers ® CERINATE not only in its own laboratory in the United States, but also in 2 more laboratories, which are located one at a time - in Italy and Luxembourg. None of the other dental laboratories around the world are authorized to make such thin veneers under the Lumineers ® brand.

  • Cost of Lumineers® DUO
    these are no longer individually made, but sets of ready-made lumineers, produced in several sizes and colors. Looking at your teeth, the doctor will pick desired option a headset that will more closely match your teeth. But in any case, you must understand that they will not fit your teeth exactly in shape, and therefore, after fixing them on your teeth, they will be grinded with a drill for a long time, bringing them to mind.

    Lumineers ® DUO Lumineers are a hybrid of Cerinate and Composite filling material. In fact, they are nothing better value 8000-9000 rubles, which are made entirely of light-polymer composite filling material. Their only advantage over individually made lumineers / thin veneers is the possibility of fixation immediately on the day of visiting the dentist.

Lumineers Reviews

Research shows that Lumineers have a lifespan that is rarely comparable to the 15-25 year lifespan of conventional veneers. Several studies have shown that Lumineers typically have a lifespan of less than ten years. However, all of these studies were conducted in Europe and the United States, where the quality of care medical care disproportionately higher, and where patients for the most part are protected from situations where a doctor recommends a service, even seeing that it is not very suitable for the patient, and there are risks of breakdowns.

In the US, only 5-6% of doctors use Lumineers in their practice. The survey revealed the main reason: it is very difficult to restore aesthetics with the help of lumineers. The majority of American dentists interviewed in this study, talked about how they just can't get the same realistic natural look with Lumineers. appearance teeth that they can get using ordinary veneers.

Lumineers can be of different transparency. More transparent lumineers look natural on the teeth, but they do not mask tooth color problems well. More opaque lumineers - better eliminate enamel color problems, but give the teeth absolutely no natural look(Fig.8-11), and a compromise here is difficult to achieve.

Disadvantages of Lumineers: Summary

  • Noticeable increase in tooth thickness
    an increase in the thickness of the teeth by the thickness of the lumineers (0.2-0.3 mm) will be very noticeable, i.e. visually, the teeth will become much more massive. Increasing the size of the teeth can even affect a person's speech, lip articulation, and in some cases, it becomes difficult for some patients to simply close their lips completely.

    Therefore, if you already have large teeth, then it is better to consider the option of installing lumineers or veneers with grinding of the enamel layer. Increasing the thickness of the teeth, of course, can be a plus, but only when the teeth are small, as well as in a situation of uneven dentition (when gluing lumineers on certain teeth will visually level out the slight curvature of the teeth relative to each other).

  • Artificial appearance of teeth
    as we said earlier: more transparent lumineers are quite bad at masking dark teeth or bright spots, and the installation of less transparent lumineers immediately leads to the fact that the teeth look less natural - as if there are plastic crowns on the teeth. In addition, the teeth look much more massive, which also does not improve their aesthetics.

    However, in the eyes of many people, the quick and painless placement of Lumineers without the need for tooth grinding is an advantage that simply outweighs the lack of good aesthetics of Lumineers. The presence of too bulky and less natural teeth some patients do not cause concern, tk. it is more important for them that they have become simply whiter.

  • More common cavities and gum disease
    Lumineers are installed without turning the tooth, which leads to the formation of small protrusions in the interdental spaces and the gingival zone. Firstly, it complicates hygiene and contributes to the accumulation of microbial plaque, pigment plaque and tartar. And if you are not going to brush your teeth necessarily after each meal (both with a brush and dental floss), fixation of lumineers will certainly provoke the development of caries and gum disease.

    Secondly, the ledge in the gingival region contributes to chronic gum injury. Injury to the gums leads to inflammation, and in the long term can lead to loss of bone tissue around the tooth and the development of gum recession (exposing the root of the tooth). If the deterioration of hygiene and chronic gum injury are observed at the same time, Lumineers very quickly become a problem.

Veneers or Lumineers: which is better?

If you are faced with a choice: lumineers and veneers, the difference between them lies in what is more important for you specifically. You will have to choose between the excellent aesthetics and long life of veneers (with a minimum of 0.3 mm of enamel removal from the front surface of the tooth) and only satisfactory aesthetics of Lumineers, but without turning the teeth.

The bottom line is that with veneers you can achieve a more realistic natural aesthetic, and with lumineers this can only be achieved in very rare cases ... For example, when you have both small teeth and slightly wide interdental spaces, and at the same time there is no dark teeth or bright spots on them - only in this case Lumineers can be made sufficiently translucent and not too bulky.

In addition, Lumineers are ideal for patients requiring only minimal changes in the shape and color of their teeth. Remember that good lumineers are always translucent, but in this case they are unable to mask dark color and bright spots on the teeth. If the doctor uses opaque lumineers to cover more visible discoloration of the tooth, your teeth will always look artificial and not natural.

Important : but there is 1 more very important feature that makes the original Lumineers ® CERINATE and DUO even less aesthetically pleasing compared to veneers. The fact is that the original Lumineers will not be manufactured in the clinic (where you go), but in one of the 3 dental laboratories located in the USA or Europe. At the clinic, you will first only take impressions of your teeth, sending them to one of these laboratories.

This means that you will only see the finished lumineers when they are delivered, and even if you do not like their shape or color, nothing can be done. Therefore, it is best to opt for thin veneers without turning from pressed ceramic E.max - they will be made in the dental laboratory at any clinic. Moreover, at the fitting stage, you can still ask to change the color or shape if you don’t like something.

And the last point - make standard or thin veneers only in those clinics that have their own dental laboratory located in the clinic itself. In this case, the prosthetist will be in close contact with the dental technician, and the latter will also be able to look at you in the chair (both at the stage of taking impressions and during the fitting of the work). Believe me, this will allow the dental technician to achieve better aesthetics.

Lumineers installation -

To have custom-made Lumineers ® Cerinate - you will need to visit the dentist twice. During the 1st visit, the dentist will take an impression of your upper and lower teeth, take photos of the teeth, discuss with you the color and transparency of future lumineers. This is the end of your first visit, and the clinic will immediately send your impressions to DenMat's dental laboratory.

During the second visit (after about 1 month), you will be re-invited to the clinic, and the dentist will install ready-made lumineers on your teeth. To fix them, a special super strong "cement" is used, which will make your teeth and the lumineers glued on them one whole. At the end, the dentist must check the contacts between the upper and lower teeth. This is important because if the chewing pressure is not evenly distributed on the teeth, this threatens to break some lumineers.

If you chose not the original Lumineers ® Cerinate, but thin E.max glass-ceramic veneers, then their production time will take about 1.5-2 weeks. And in our opinion, individually made thin ones will really the best choice, both in terms of price and quality.

Installation of lumineers from standard sets

If you will install Lumineers from ready-made standardized Lumineers ® DUO kits (Fig.15-16), then keep in mind that they will not take into account the characteristics of your teeth. This means that after fixing the lumineers, there will be small steps between the teeth and in the gum area, which will not be completely removed. In general, these are ordinary overlays for teeth - the price of which will still be very high.

Lumineers ® DUO can be installed the same day you visit your dentist. After fixing them to the teeth with a special composite “glue”, the doctor will grind them with a drill for a long time, bringing their appearance to perfection (after which a very thorough polishing process will still be required).

Lumineers: contraindications for use

Because Lumineers are fixed to the teeth without preliminary grinding of the enamel, then they are made without overlapping the cutting edge (otherwise, the teeth simply will not close normally - this is one, and ceramic chips will immediately appear - this is two). Clinical studies show that overlapped incisal veneers are always more resistant to porcelain chipping than non-overlapped veneers.

Thus, the number of contraindications to lumineers will be even greater than to veneers. And here it is not unimportant to take into account that Lumineers will be categorically contraindicated for patients with chronic sluggish inflammation of the gums, as well as for patients with irregular oral hygiene (especially those who do not use dental floss after each meal).

  • at increased abrasion teeth,
  • in the absence of side chewing teeth(overloading the front teeth in this case will lead to breakage of the lumineers),
  • in contact and extreme sports,
  • at ,
  • if you have a habit of biting your nails, biting off threads, chewing seeds, etc.
  • in the presence of traumatic occlusion,
  • in the presence of direct or reverse bite,
  • can not be installed on teeth treated with the resorcinol-formalin method.

What are veneers? Is there a difference between them and Lumineers? Are they safe? Since a non-invasive method of dental restoration appeared in Russia, that is, one in which there is no need to grind teeth, making the patient's smile "Hollywood", these and other questions are often asked by potential patients of dental clinics.

Looking ahead, I would like to say that there are not only veneers and lumineers, the Americans also brought componeers and ultraneers to us. Of course, veneers appeared before everyone else, which have been used in dental practice and delight patients.

If you answer the last question about whether the structures are dangerous, then many years of practice have shown their complete reliability and safety for patients. As for the differences, although they are fundamentally the same among themselves, they are still in many respects not similar to each other. Basically, the differences relate to indications and contraindications for installation, as well as materials used for the manufacture of structures, etc. But this will be discussed in more detail below.

First you need to tell what veneers are, vining, and where this name came from. These concepts originate from the translation of the English language - veneer (in the second meaning), which is determined by a touch, an external gloss. In dentistry, this is characterized by the application of special materials to the teeth, which significantly change the better side the appearance of the front row teeth, namely their shape and color.


Initially, veneering of teeth was carried out using a light-polymerizable filling material, which appeared at the end of the last century. In the nineties, this was a prestigious, at the same time time-consuming procedure. A dental specialist had to spend up to three hours to install this construction on only one tooth.

The technique was called direct veneering, the dentist was given the opportunity, without the participation of intermediaries, to work in the oral cavity using a large turning of the tooth. The front and side surfaces were turned almost 2 millimeters.

Only years later, it became possible to install veneers from a better and more reliable ceramic material, which looked more attractive than its predecessor. Such designs allowed dentists to perform work with a quality that every patient could envy, the results were much higher than with the previous filling material.

In addition, surfaces natural teeth filmed much less - almost twice. The teeth were ground down by just over a millimeter. But it took, of course, more time, since dental technicians were also involved in the work. In laboratories, they made veneers from casts, which is why such a method as indirect veneer was named. It took a week or even a little more to make the structures.

However, dentistry did not stop at results. All subsequent years, work was underway to improve the design, main task it was to make it more beautiful and durable, while reducing the thickness, thereby achieving the shortest possible turning of the tooth.

As a result, patients were presented ceramic material, which allows you to grind your teeth by only tenths of a millimeter. This technique using IPS E.MAX ceramics has gained popularity and the design has received original name- Ultraneers. They also take an average of a week to make.

And not so long ago aesthetic dentistry delighted patients again the latest technique to give the pearl beauty of the teeth - the installation of lumineers. luminary is a word from the language of "foggy Albion", as the English call the luminary or simply that which is light. But they are better known as "Hollywood veneers" because their snow-white smile Hollywood stars are indebted to these designs.

This is for our country they are more or less a novelty, and in America they have been used for more than a dozen years. When you see a smile in the glossy magazines of George Clooney himself, know that he shines with a lumineer smile. Currently, this method of restoration and improvement of teeth is recognized as the most popular and effective, as it is more gentle.

This patented technique has, perhaps, only one drawback. The fact is that its homeland is the United States, production and technology are classified, so the whole process from manufacturing to installation of the structure takes quite a lot of time - up to thirty days. But this temporary minus is nothing compared to numerous advantages, because the strength of Lumineers ceramics deserves all praise and has no analogues. For their installation, unlike all other structures, no turning is required, only light contouring is done.

Summing up, now we can say what types of designs exist that are designed to change the front teeth with minimal damage to natural teeth. So, there are three main types:

  • EMPRESS. This is a type of veneers that have a thickness of up to one and a half millimeters.
  • E.MAX. The so-called ultraniers, the thickness of the structure is from a third of a millimeter to a half.
  • LUMINEERS. These designs, called Hollywood veneers, are the thinnest and most expensive. Their thickness is up to a maximum of a third of a millimeter, and the cost is more than twice the cost of EMPRESS - veneers.

Varieties of veneers

Today, in dentistry, veneers are distinguished not only by the thickness of the material, but also by its properties, as well as by the way in which they are made. We have already talked about this above, now we will dwell in more detail. So, what veneers exist and what material they are made of, is given below:

  • Composite. For their manufacture, a composite, light-curing material is used. The installation process takes place directly in the oral cavity. Layer-by-layer application of the material by the dentist, then to give hardness, highlighting with a lamp - and the whole process, reminiscent of the technology of tooth restoration.
  • Porcelain. They are also called ceramic veneers, they are a porcelain mass made in a laboratory way. If we talk about equipment for the manufacture of veneers, then it is usually represented by two types:
  1. The first type is layer-by-layer firing of the material.
  2. The second type is the manufacture of porcelain in the chamber high pressure with high temperature conditions.

The quality of the material for installing veneers is, of course, better for a pressed construction (much higher strength) than for a layer-by-layer firing. Therefore, veneers, of course, are of higher quality in terms of their consumer characteristics - they are pressed. They are more durable and aesthetically pleasing. Such an installation perfectly preserves the natural color of the tooth and improves it. In addition, such structures will not darken or change color over time, like composites.

However, porcelain veneers also have disadvantages. Basically, this refers to their potential fragility. Therefore, patients need to cherish them like the apple of their eye, which means completely forgetting that nuts can be cracked with their teeth.

Why are there nuts, gnashing your teeth is not recommended. However, why grinding your teeth is not desirable and natural, but, of course, they will not suffer like that, but porcelain veneers can crack. And such a nuisance will be expensive, because you will have to bear the cost of restoring the tooth.

Veneers using zirconium do not have such unpleasant disadvantages. This is a very wear-resistant and durable material, and most importantly, outwardly it practically does not differ from a natural tooth.

Currently, veneers are made, the framework of which is made of special composition, it includes zirconium oxide and porcelain - they fill the intercostal cavities of the frame. In addition, there are structures for the manufacture of which only zirconium oxide is used.

Dentists believe that this moment There is nothing better than zirconia veneers. They last a quarter of a century when properly installed. And this affects their price - they are more expensive than their counterparts.

As we have already noted, in order to install any type of veneers, it is necessary to treat the teeth, i.e. turning them. But there are designs that do not require this procedure - these are lumineers.

Veneers and Lumineers

What is the difference between these two types of construction? Well, firstly, we repeat that lumineers are porcelain overlays for teeth, they are a type of veneers. Today, the installation of lumineers is perhaps the most effective method, which restores the beauty of the teeth without causing harm. Here are some differences between Lumineers and other designs:

  • They are much thinner - their thickness with a contact lens - does not exceed one third of a millimeter. This makes it possible not to grind the teeth. Ultra-thin veneers only require a special cement-based adhesive to bond them to the teeth.
  • For the manufacture of lumineers, expensive equipment with a specialized three-dimensional design system is used. With the help of modeling technologies, ready-made onlays are produced that best match the shape and color of the patient's teeth. Heavy-duty porcelain is used as the main material, which differs in composition from what is used to make conventional veneers.
  • The design is stronger than that of veneers, the surface of lumineers is reliably protected from possible minor damage and microcracks. By installing lumineers, you can be sure that with proper care they will last more than two decades.
  • Unlike other designs, they can be removed when such a need arises using a grinding tool, since the installation of lumineers does not violate the anatomical structure of the teeth. This feature cannot but attract patients who want to please others. beautiful smile by installing lumineers, and return to the previous position as needed or desired.

Advantages of Lumineers:

  • The design is quickly installed, it requires no more than three visits to the dentist.
  • During installation, anesthesia is almost never used, since the procedure is painless.
  • There is no need to install temporary linings on the teeth.
  • In comparison with composite fillings do not change color shade over time.
  • It has absolute biocompatibility and does not harm the patient.
  • Significantly reduce the risk of caries.
  • The cementing composition contains fluorine, as a result of installation, the teeth are saturated with fluorine.
  • No tendency to hypersensitivity restored tooth.
  • The design provides a high aesthetic appearance, as Lumineers can fully fit color scheme natural teeth.
  • During operation, the design is comfortable and durable.


Among the shortcomings, the most significant is high price structures.
If you install lumineers without turning your teeth, they will look more than natural teeth.

When they put

As a rule, natural teeth in most patients give off a slight yellowish tint. In addition, the front teeth are often curvature, the presence of chips. Some patients have large interdental irregularities. It is clear that such an appearance of the anterior dentition does not bring beauty to the smile and a sense of confidence to the patient. Therefore, there is a need for the restoration of teeth, especially the anterior ones. Lumniers will not only eliminate the above defects, but also allow the patient to shine with a "Hollywood smile".

  • To give the dentition harmony and beautiful shine.
  • Straighten teeth without braces.
  • Make your teeth perfect.
  • Maintain the integrity of the teeth, avoiding tooth grinding.
  • cover up interdental spaces.

How they are made

There are also installation methods, and the patient is given a real opportunity to choose which of them to install Lumineers:

  1. The traditional method when turning teeth is required.
  2. A method that does not involve the installation of a structure on the teeth with their mandatory preliminary turning. This technology is performed without anesthesia and is painless.

Installation steps:

Like any procedure in dentistry, the installation of lumineers has its own preparatory stages tooth preparation:

  • an examination of the teeth is carried out, which must be luminized, if necessary, the tooth or teeth are being treated;
  • casts of the patient's jaws are made;
  • with the help of a computer, the process of modeling the smile that the patient would like to have is carried out;
  • based on the impression obtained, a thin porcelain overlay for the tooth is being made, as a rule, its thickness does not exceed a third of a millimeter;
  • at the second visit to the dentist, the patient tries on Lumineers;
  • on the final stage the design is installed and fixed to the tooth, for this a special glue is used, which is highly resistant to destruction by food acids.

As a rule, the installation of Lumineers takes 25-30 days.

Possible Complications

Installation of lumineers is a technically difficult procedure. Even taking into account the fact that for luminization it is not necessary to carry out special training teeth, the dentist needs to be well trained and qualified to make the patient's smile radiant beauty. Therefore, only a doctor who has sufficient experience in handling such constructions will be able to install them properly, and they will become natural, and the patient's smile will be aesthetic. What complications can be:

  • If the specialist does not have much experience in installing Lumineers, then this can lead to a poor-quality result - the formation of a gap. Usually, incorrect installation structures, especially near the gums, often creates a gap. Although it is small, it will be quite enough for plaque to accumulate in it, and it, in turn, will lead the gum to constant irritation.
  • As already mentioned, the installation of lumineers does not require turning the tooth, which means that even despite the fact that they are very thin, they will still thicken the teeth, as a result, the smile, although it will be brilliant, but not so attractive - after all, teeth with lumineers will turn out to be thicker. True, this option is quite suitable for those patients who have thin teeth from birth.

Which is better - veneers or lumineers? Taking into account all of the above, types of veneers, then, undoubtedly, the preference of potential patients will be given to either zirconium structures or lumineers, unless, of course, this is an obstacle. important question as a matter of cost. In terms of cost, both designs are approximately in equal ranges and belong to the premium class in the list of aesthetic dental services.

Zirconium constructions, as we have learned, are more durable and have a longer service life, while lumineers are attractive due to their reversibility, ease of installation and, importantly, they preserve natural teeth.


The installed lumineers do not have any special restrictions on products, their owners can even afford chewing gum. However, for long preservation initial view structures still require certain care recommendations:

  • the patient needs to carefully care for the oral cavity, brush their teeth properly, use floss, be sure to rinse their mouth after each meal;
  • absolutely eliminate from the diet foods that can damage teeth, never crack nuts with your teeth, but use special devices, do not gnaw on seeds and other hard foods and objects, such as threads, etc.;
  • visit a specialist regularly, a visit to dental office must become mandatory at least twice a year.

When to Install and When Not to

Indications for installation:

  • to eliminate aesthetic defects of the teeth, especially when the correction of the front teeth is required;
  • to smooth the erosion of the enamel on the front teeth, the installation of lumineers will hide these damages;
  • if the teeth are worn down and there are chips on them;
  • in violation of the color of the enamel and the presence of spots on it;
  • there are large gaps between the teeth; the patient has diastema and trem.
  • to correct crooked teeth. These designs, if installed on crooked teeth, will help correct the situation;
  • if the patient's fillings have changed color due to aging;
  • the patient has the development of the disease fluorosis;
  • to improve the aesthetics of the crowns of the anterior teeth.

Lumineers cannot be installed:

  • with a strong curvature of the dentition. With such a violation, it is impossible to eliminate them with the help of these structures;
  • periodontal disease;
  • the patient suffers from carious lesions;
  • with bruxism;
  • The patient has a tendency to pathological abrasion of teeth.
  • with strong changes in bite.


Manufacturers of the structure claim that the service life of Lumineers is designed for two decades or more. But, of course, dental institutions do not give such guarantees, they limit them to five years. But this is understandable - the potential of the design and real opportunities far from the same. However, subject to proper care, as has been said repeatedly, any overlay, whether it be veneers or lumineers, will have a better chance of long term service close to that claimed by the manufacturers.


In the article, you got acquainted with veneers, lumineers and other similar structures. All of them are worthy of attention and each of them has both pluses and minuses. Which overlay to give preference, as they say, is a matter of taste and financial capabilities. But the fact that this thing is popular and attractive is undeniable.


And the most common of them is the installation of veneers and lumineers.

It is difficult for an ordinary person to figure out what is the difference between veneers and lumineers, and before going to the dentist, you want to have at least minimal knowledge. If explained in in general terms, then veneers are high quality ceramic crowns, which require a strong grinding of the teeth before installation, and lumineers are ceramic veneers of a new generation that practically do not require grinding of the teeth, but are glued directly to the cleaned tooth enamel.

But with the help of lumineers it is very difficult to restore aesthetics and remove significant flaws, veneers are much thicker, so they perfectly mask even the most big problems with the color of the enamel and the shape of the teeth. In addition, veneers are ubiquitous, and lumineers are a kind of exotic, so not all clinics offer this service.

You can see the visual difference and the installation process in the videos below.

Key differences between veneers and lumineers

A common feature of these micro prostheses is the creation of more aesthetic appearance teeth by hiding their imperfections. What is the difference between veneers and lumineers?

  1. The difference lies in their thickness - the former are approximately 0.7 mm thick, the latter 0.2 mm. Different thicknesses affect the degree of preparation of the tooth enamel before the installation of the overlays. To wear veneers, the tooth is sawn off. This is done so that after the procedure, the teeth look natural. To install lumineers, the surface of the tooth is cut to a minimum, so there is practically no pain during installation, and as little damage as possible to the tooth enamel is caused. It may seem that pain when grinding teeth before installing veneers, unbearable, but anesthesia completely removes this problem.
  2. The process of installing Lumineers takes a minimum of time. As a rule, two visits to the dentist are enough. The materials used also differ - veneers are attached to dental cement, lumineers - to glue that is resistant to liquids and food.
  3. By attaching to the tooth, veneers are much better. This is also due to the fact that they completely cover the tooth, respectively, better adhere to its surface. This prevents food particles from getting between the microprosthesis and the tooth itself. Lumineers, on the other hand, adhere to the tooth with a smaller area, which is why peeling is possible.
  4. Service life is about the same. Veneers can be worn for 10-15 years, while Lumineers can last up to 20 years.
  5. In terms of appearance, veneers look more natural, while Lumineers create the effect of a “Hollywood smile”.
  6. Veneers will help to remove more significant imperfections, both in color and in the shape of the tooth, with their help it is even possible to correct a slight curvature of the teeth.
  7. The price of lumineers is quite high, in this regard, the installation of veneers will be much cheaper.
  8. The production time varies quite a lot: both veneers and lumineers are made according to an individual cast. However, veneers are made in Russia, while lumineers are sent to the USA, which increases the delivery time for finished products.

How veneers and lumineers work

  1. Veneers are micro-prostheses that replace outer layer teeth, which are attached to each tooth separately, removing imperfections. Lumineers are thin shells that are bonded to the front of the tooth.
  2. They are made of high-quality ceramics (porcelain) individually for each patient, based on the condition of his teeth.
  3. Unlike crowns, which can be placed on any tooth, veneers and lumineers are placed on the front teeth (lower and upper).
  4. The principle of operation of the overlays is to hide the existing defects in the dentition.

When are these technologies used?

  • if there are stains on the teeth, which should be cleaned by conventional means does not seem possible;
  • when changing the color of the teeth;
  • with increased sensitivity of the teeth;
  • with large interdental gaps;
  • in the absence of a part of the tooth;
  • with twisted teeth syndrome;
  • if you want to achieve whiter teeth without chemical bleaching.

Advantages and disadvantages of veneers and lumineers

The main advantage is that visually the teeth acquire the ideal shape and color. This effect lasts throughout the entire time the pads are worn, as they are made from super durable materials that are not affected by dyes.

In addition, the sensitivity of the teeth is reduced because they are behind a protective barrier.

In modern dentistry, great amount shades that can be individually selected according to the wishes of the patient.

However, with all the advantages of using these devices, there are also disadvantages:

  1. Veneers and Lumineers can only be installed in the absence of caries, since tooth decay under the lining cannot be avoided. This also applies to inflammatory diseases gums - the installation of these microprotekhs in this case contributes to an increase in gum bleeding.
  2. Despite the durable material, veneers and lumineers are quite fragile. This does not mean that you can not eat solid food, it is enough just not to test your teeth for strength.
  3. Lumineers can visually make the jaw bulkier. Although they are very thin, in fact, the size of the tooth becomes larger, and therefore this effect is obtained.
  4. When installing lumineers, you need to contact only a specialized clinic, since there is a high risk of encountering scammers who pass off ordinary plastic as expensive American materials.
  5. With a strong darkening or stains on the tooth enamel, Lumineers will not bring the expected result, since the minimum thickness makes them translucent and unable to “hide” severe damage.

Which is better - veneers or lumineers - it is impossible to say for sure. It all depends on what goal is pursued during installation - to hide small flaws, making a dazzling smile, or the desire to “hide” the affected teeth as reliably as possible. Veneers have become more common due to their practicality, lower cost, and other benefits listed above.

After installing veneers or lumineers, there are no restrictions on food or drinks taken, of course, you should not gnaw nuts and check new teeth for strength. Some kind special care it is also not required, it is enough not to forget about oral hygiene - use a toothbrush, floss after each meal, if possible use an irrigator to maximize the cleansing of food debris, and even if there are no complaints, visit the dentist at least twice a year.

Lumineers installation:

Installation of veneers:

If you have any questions, or want to add something, leave your comments below.

First of all, the very wording of the question: "Which is better - veneers or lumineers?" doesn't sound quite right. The fact is that lumineers are also veneers, just released under a separate brand.

The American company Cerinate has patented a special composition of dental porcelain and the name "Lumineers". It is believed that only their laboratory has the right to produce lumineers for clients of clinics around the world. Both this approach and Lumineers themselves have both advantages and disadvantages compared to ceramic veneers.

Veneers or Lumineers: aesthetic qualities

Lumineers got their name from Latin word"lumen" - which means "light". The manufacturer promises that with them the teeth will become not just white, but as if even glowing from the inside. That is, you will get the full effect of the "Hollywood smile". Looks great to say the least! However, it cannot be said that modern porcelain or glass-ceramic veneers lose much to them. They also give their owner a beautiful, even, very aesthetic smile. At the request of the patient, it can be natural (if the color of the veneers is chosen close to the shade of his native enamel) or dazzling white (if the color is chosen 6-8 shades lighter).

Veneers or Lumineers: plate thickness

One of the main advantages of lumineers is the thickness of the porcelain plate: it is 0.2-0.3 mm, while conventional veneers can be 0.5 or even 1.2 mm thick. But such elegance at the same time limits the possibility of using Lumineers. Yes, they are great as an alternative to whitening, and will also help hide minor defects in the front row of teeth, such as gaps, edge irregularities, enamel cracks, small fillings and not so dark spots. In case of more serious problems Lumineers may be powerless. For example, with their help it is difficult to hide "tetracycline" teeth or large fillings (they can simply shine through under the plates). It will not work and increase the size of small teeth with lumineers or visually “unfold” crookedly standing teeth, while the usual "thick" veneers will perfectly cope with these tasks. True, in the latter case, we can talk not only and not so much about aesthetic restoration with veneers, but also about the installation of braces.

Veneers or Lumineers: the need to grind teeth

The meaning of the ultra-small thickness of the plate is to fix it directly on the surface of the teeth, without their preliminary turning. The idea is not bad, but, firstly, this is not possible in all cases. Often, you still have to remove a layer of tooth enamel - you need to fix the overlay on a perfectly flat surface. Secondly, no matter how thin the lumineer is, it still gives the tooth extra volume. Due to this, the jaw can visually become a little more massive. This does not happen with ordinary veneers - after all, they simply fill the space that would be occupied by “native” teeth, making up for their shortcomings. Thirdly, Lumineers are very tightly fixed on the tooth. And if suddenly, for any reason, it becomes necessary to remove it, then it will be extremely difficult to do this without damaging the surface of the enamel. That is, turning the teeth in the case of removing lumineers is still unavoidable. Are you going to take them off? Then what difference does it make whether the tooth under them is processed or not!

Veneers or Lumineers: service life

More recently, lumineers had a significant advantage: according to the manufacturer's promise, their service life is 20 years, while porcelain veneers could boast only ten years of flawless "work". But today this situation has changed - veneers made of modern materials, made using high technologies, may well be compared in terms of reliability with lumineers. And some even surpass them! Thus, it is believed that zirconium veneers (with a framework of zirconium dioxide and a porcelain coating), subject to simple rules care for about 25 years.

Veneers or Lumineers: place of manufacture

The “feature” of lumineers is their production in an authentic laboratory in the USA. That is, a cast of your tooth, made in a Russian clinic, is sent to America, where lumineers are made using high-precision equipment. Naturally, this is a rather long and expensive process. In addition, even the most modern equipment and foreign dental technicians are not immune from mistakes. If such a misunderstanding should suddenly happen, the porcelain onlay will have to make another trip for correction, and you will have to wait again. In addition, there is not always a guarantee that it will be made in the very same, real laboratory! Alas, the cost of lumineers is so high that it often becomes grounds for speculation and abuse of the patient's trust. All other veneers can be made in their native country, and there is not much point in forging them.

Veneers or Lumineers: cost

Lumineers are positioned as overlays that are chosen by Hollywood stars and powers of the world this, so their cost is 2-3 times higher than the price of any other veneers. It includes the uniqueness of the technology, the transfer of materials to the laboratory in the United States and back, as well as, of course, active global advertising. The result is as follows: the cost of installing a "simple" ceramic veneer is on average 15-20 thousand rubles, and lumineers - 30-50 thousand rubles.

Expert opinion

Lumineers are by far the most expensive and prestigious type of veneer. Patients, if they have such a financial opportunity, try to choose them. Although it should be noted that dental science, including in the field of materials development, does not stand still. And veneers made of glass ceramics and zirconium dioxide now compete with lumineers in terms of quality, aesthetics, and price.

However, although the cost of lumineers is quite high, I will still note: it depends, among other things, on how many linings on the teeth you want to install. If 1-2, then it will really be very, very expensive, but if 8-10, for the entire smile line, then the price of each lumineer will be relatively affordable. In general, everything always depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, so if you want to get the most accurate information about both lumineers and veneers, consult a doctor. Choose a professional specialist you can trust - and he will help you make the right choice, choosing the best solution for your specific aesthetic problem.

Who doesn't dream of a "Hollywood smile"? The term first appeared in the 30s of the last century. Dentists of that time began to think not only about dental health, but also about the aesthetic side of treatment. Reflections led to the appearance of special overlays for teeth - veneers, lumineers.

Devices are designed to correct visible defects in the dentition, it is used even with an irregular shape of the tooth. It is these structures that form the famous " Hollywood smile". Before contacting a dentist, study the advantages and disadvantages of devices, choose the right product.

general information

Products are special pads that are fixed on the front of the teeth. They allow you to completely change the aesthetics of the dentition for the better: the teeth become snow-white, even, without the slightest flaws. In appearance, the devices resemble ophthalmic lenses, the same transparent, thin, weightless.

Most Hollywood stars used special linings on their teeth. This fact is hard not to notice when comparing photos of Victoria Beckham, Tom Cruise and others at the beginning of their career, then after popularity.

Indications for installation

  • irreversible change in the color of the enamel: gray, yellow tint. Veneers, lumineers are prescribed in cases where modern technology teeth whitening proved to be ineffective;
  • noticeable damage to the enamel on the front teeth;
  • visible gaps between units of the dentition;
  • easily damaged tooth enamel or too thin as a result mechanical damage, hereditary factor;
  • a slight curvature of the normal position of the dental units.


Do not use the products for the following problems:

  • weakened teeth, heavily worn enamel;
  • pathological rapid abrasion of teeth;
  • malocclusion;
  • the presence of a large seal on the side of the tongue;
  • advanced diseases of the gum tissue;
  • the patient has bruxism (the disease is accompanied by constant gnashing of teeth, the pads simply cannot withstand the pressure, they will fall off).

Veneers and Lumineers: which is better?

For determining the best product you need to find out what each lining is, its pros, cons.

Characteristics of veneers

They are pioneers in microprosthetics. Products are made of porcelain or zirconium dioxide. Almost any dental laboratory is engaged in the creation of overlays.


  • ceramic overlays exactly repeat the surface of the enamel, perfectly copy anatomical structure tooth, allowing you to hide the existing defect as much as possible;
  • medical manipulations are carried out quickly - two sessions;
  • Ceramic veneers can withstand any temperature changes and other loads. They are not afraid of coloring drinks (coffee, red wine, strong tea), products, do not form spots on the surface of the overlays;
  • high aesthetics. Veneers give the dentition whiteness, correct the irregular shape;
  • hide enamel chips, noticeable cracks, other defects;
  • required tooth grinding before preparation - 0.3 mm;
  • the incorrect location of the dental unit in relation to other teeth is corrected, the bite is corrected.


  • non-compliance with the rules of operation is fraught with the appearance of chips, cracks on the product;
  • devices made of porcelain are more fragile, do not add strength to the dentition;
  • dental units on which veneers are installed will never have original view, they are ground for better bonding of the material with enamel;
  • veneers are required to be worn throughout life, without them the dentition looks worse than before they were installed;
  • the aesthetics of the composite material is not so high;
  • Composite veneers are not as durable as porcelain veneers and need to be replaced every five years.

Advantages and disadvantages of Lumineers

Onlays are the latest developments of dentists from all over the world. Thinner products do not require special turning of the dentition before installation. High technologies have significantly affected the pricing policy - lumineers are twice as expensive as veneers.


  • absolute security. Due to the small thickness, there is no need to cut upper layer tooth enamel. Units of the dentition remain completely intact, at any time the lining can be removed;
  • strength. Crystals of solids are added to the devices, which increases their density many times over. Breaking the structure is difficult;
  • good protection. The thinness of the lumineers allows them to be attached close to the tooth, thus making an additional protective layer for the enamel. The fact is a good guarantee that food debris, microbes will not get under the lumineers, inside the tooth. An additional plus - during installation, the tooth surface is treated with a special liquid containing fluorine, the substance strengthens the tooth;
  • long service life. The pads are made of durable material, perfectly adhering to the tooth surface. These positive aspects help to extend the “life” of lumineers up to 20 years, while veneers last a maximum of 10 years;
  • high aesthetics. The presence of special paints, independent natural shades of ceramics allow you to perfectly match the tone of the fixture. No one will notice the difference between natural teeth and onlays.


  • availability. Apart from high price, lumineers should be ordered only in the USA, this country carefully protects the patent for its invention. Therefore, the cost of overlays includes transportation of products, other additional costs;
  • at big teeth, overlays increase their volume, although they themselves are very thin;
  • without careful regular care, the products will quickly lose their attractive appearance, aggravate the situation even more.

What to do if after tooth extraction? We have an answer!

Read about the benefits and service life of zirconia crowns on this page.

Main differences

Comparing the characteristics of both designs, we can conclude: each product has advantages and disadvantages, make right choice An exhaustive list of the main differences between veneers and lumineers will help:

  • lumineers are thinner than their counterparts, their thickness is 0.3 mm, veneers are 0.5 mm;
  • the manufacture of veneers does not require special technologies, but they do not fit so perfectly, they adapt to the patient's natural teeth;
  • nozzles latest generation serve much longer than veneers - up to 20 years;
  • lumineers are much stronger than veneers;
  • Veneers cannot be removed, unlike lumineers.

The conclusion suggests itself: veneers are a thing of the past, their only huge plus over lumineers is low price, in all other points the pioneers in microprosthetics are inferior to their counterparts - lumineers.

It is better to give preference to veneers, they are not so bad: they give a natural look to the smile, turning is similar to conventional treatment in the oral cavity, you will definitely be sure of their quality, do not overpay a lot of money.

Important! Apply for the installation of lumineers only in proven clinics, linings are produced far away, there is a high risk of running into charlatans who will offer you a fake for a lot of money.

Installation steps

All types of overlays for the dentition have a similar installation technology:

  • examination of the patient's cavity, elimination of all defects (filling, treatment of inflammation of the gums, etc.);
  • making casts of the human jaw;
  • a detailed study of the casts, the manufacture of the linings on the teeth themselves (technologists differ depending on the type of product);
  • final fitting of the finished structure by the patient;
  • gluing the product with a special substance resistant to food acids.

Cost of dental pads

The cost of dental overlays varies depending on the prestige of the clinic, the qualifications of doctors, the complexity of preparing the oral cavity for prosthetics.

Approximate rates:

  • porcelain veneers - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • zirconium veneers - from 17 thousand rubles;
  • ceramic lumineers - from 25 thousand rubles.

Features of care

Proper care of overlays is the key to their longevity, presentable appearance:

  • clean regularly oral cavity. Routine hygiene procedures by special means help to keep natural, “false” teeth in excellent condition;
  • visit the dentist every three months. Constant examination by a dentist will protect the structures from undesirable consequences;
  • avoid mechanical damage, monitor the standing of prostheses on your own, any negative changes are a reason to consult a doctor.

Having carefully studied the products, make your smile irresistible. Qualified specialists will definitely help you realize your cherished dream - ideal "Hollywood" teeth.

More details about veneers and lumineers in the following video:

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