Calcium fluoricum (Calcium fluoricum) - calcium fluoride. Calcarea fluorica. Action on the body

Calcarea fluorica

Calcium fluoride - CaF2, the first three dilutions are prepared in the form of triturations.

Action on the body.

A combination of opposites in their effect on bone tissue substances (calcium builds, fluorine destroys) produces changes characterized by rapid but irregular growth. There are all kinds of deformations, anomalies in the development of bones, exostoses. A similar effect is exerted on many organs that have connective tissue structures: muscles, ligaments, blood vessels, lymph nodes, glands. The formation of tooth enamel is disrupted.

Indications for use

1. Diseases of the bones and periosteum with deformation, the formation of exostoses. Heel spur.

2. Habitual dislocations of the joints, developing due to the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus.

3. Hemangiomas.

4. Diseases thyroid gland accompanied by the appearance of fibrous goiter of stony density. More often hyperthyroidism. There is pressure in the throat.

5. Varicose veins lower extremities, trophic ulcers with a raised hard, callous bright red edge, tenderness to palpation. Ulcers with yellowish purulent discharge.

6. Keloid scars after operations, herbs and burns. Dry skin, the formation of cracks. Subcutaneous fibrous nodules.

7. Periodontal disease with alveolar pyorrhea. Thickening of the tissue around the tooth.

8. Cataract, eyelid cysts.

9. Chronic otitis media, otosclerosis with the deposition of salts on the eardrum.

10. Atrophic rhinitis with crusting, offensive discharge from the nose. Ozen.

12. Fibroma of the uterus, fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands. Tumors are very dense to the touch. Bends, prolapse and prolapse of the uterus.

constitutional type

The type of calcarea fluorica is characterized by numerous deformities and anomalies in the development of the skeleton, a history of often rickets, increased joint mobility, abnormal tooth growth, caries, and varicose symptom complex.
The appearance of dilated veins on pale skin is characteristic.
Chronic low back pain (lumbago) due to pathological mobility in the lumbar and sacral departments spine. Pain gets worse during rest and initial phase movement.
Characterized by an increase in lymph nodes and their acquisition of stony density.
Omissions internal organs due to insufficiency of the ligamentous apparatus. Urgent stool, bloating. Diarrhea in gouty.
Menses profuse, with pain in uterus and thighs. Feeling of heaviness and twitching due to uterine prolapse.
Such people are lazy, slow, indecisive, but quickly adapting to the environment.


Worse from dampness, cold, drafts, at rest and when moving. Better from warmth, thermal treatments, massage, hot drinks.


Dilutions from 3 to 30 hundredths are used. For a long time.

Fluoride compound of calcium. The first three dilutions are prepared in rubbing. The pathogenesis of calcarea fluorica is found in Clark's Pharmacodynamics. Type of Bones of the calcarea fluorica type are often deformed. The joints are not strong enough, due to the weakness of the articular connections and muscle fibers, the elastic tissue of which is completely devoid of tone (tension), which is why dislocations and sprains can easily occur. There is a protrusion upper jaw, teeth are often incorrectly positioned; There may be little enamel on the teeth. The change in the elastic fibers of the vessels is expressed in the expansion of the veins, hemorrhoids, in the appearance of a venous network on the chest. Changes in the elastic fibers of the connective and muscle tissue enlargement, ptotic tendencies, and hypertrophy of the lymph nodes, which are hard as stone, are explained. Characteristic 1. Hardening with the threat of suppuration. 2. Rachitic hypertrophy thigh bones in children. 3. Tumors and hard knots in the fasciae, in connection with bags and tendons. 4. Chronic suppuration of the middle ear. 5. The lymph nodes hard as stone. 6. birthmarks and vascular tumors. Pain. Always aggravated by damp weather and cold, and always ameliorated by warm compresses and massage, you need to point to chronic pain in the small of the back (lumbago), which come on at the slightest exertion, worse after rest and from the first movement, and better from continuous motion (like rus tox). Chair. Urgent urge to stool accompanies extreme bloating. Diarrhea in gouty. Menses. Copious, accompanied by pain in uterus and thighs. There is often a feeling of heaviness and twitching due to prolapse of the uterus. Summary Calcarea fluorica is mainly a remedy for diseases associated with malnutrition of the bones, ligaments, glands, blood vessels. Bone hypertrophy, vascular tumors, hardening with the threat of suppuration.

indications for use

Main indications Calcarea Fluorica is indicated for all diseases of the periosteum, tooth enamel, elastic fibers of blood vessels, connective tissue, skin, and in particular: GROWTHS AND RACHITIC CHANGES OF BONES; Gouty nodules on the fingers. POOR NUTRITION OF THE BONES, especially the teeth; dental fistulas. EXPANSION OF BLOOD VESSELS, arterial or venous, hematomas, hemorrhoids, varicose veins in the legs. INCORRECT POSITION OF THE UTERUS. THE GLANDS ARE HARD AS A STONE. CRACKS ON THE PALM OF THE HANDS. REDUCTION OF HEARING ACUTE, due to the deposition of lime on eardrum and due to sclerosis of the auditory ossicles. COUGH WITH ITCHING IN THE LARYNCH, often after the cessation of the itching.

action on the body

Physiological action Calcium fluoride compound, i.e. calcarea carbonica, combined with fluoric acid, is found in all tissues of the body, but the tissue-destroying acid acts on the structural lime, producing a kind of irritation of the cells that are formed, causing an abnormal condition of the bones and fibrous tissues. The nutrition of the bone is disturbed, it develops poorly, the elastic tissue loses its basic properties. As a result, visible deformations and deep changes appear in all organs in which the elastic tissue is the main integral part: periosteum of the vein and ligaments. Everything happens as if the elastic tissue of the periosteum was irritated during its formation by an alien element from the outside (mercurial poisoning) or by elements transmitted by inheritance (syphilis) "(French homeopathy 1926). Peculiarities Worse: in damp weather and from cold; at rest. Better : From warmth and motion.

Type of- the bones are often deformed. The joints are not strong enough due to the weakness of the ligaments. There may be dislocations and sprains. There is a protrusion of the upper jaw, the teeth are located incorrectly, there is little enamel on the teeth. Expansion of the veins. Tendency to harden glands, fasciae and tendons. Slow, lazy, adaptable, diplomatic.

pain- Worse from damp weather and from cold, and better from warm compresses and massages.

Eyes cataract; barley; eyelid cysts.

Ears- chronic suppuration of the middle ear. Decreased hearing acuity due to the deposition of lime on the eardrum and auditory ossicles.

Teeth- dental fistulas: discharge is bloody, has an unpleasant salty taste (fluoric acid (Acidum fluoricum)). wrong growth teeth; graininess of enamel; little enamel on the teeth; caries.

Nose- atrophic rhinitis with the formation of crusts. Catarrh of the nose, with copious, foul-smelling discharge.

Ozena- Copious discharge with a bad smell.

Cough- with itching in the larynx; appears after the itching stops.

Hypotension- severe physical weakness; thinness or emaciation despite a good appetite; connective tissue weakness.

Vessels- dilation of blood vessels (arteries or veins).


diarrhea- gouty; bloating.

Menses- Abundant, accompanied by pain in the uterus and thighs. Often a feeling of heaviness and twitching due to uterine prolapse.

Uterus - wrong position. Prolapse of the uterus and vaginal walls. Fibroma of the uterus.

Milk glands- dense tumors.

Lumbago- chronic cases, the pain is aggravated at the beginning of the movement and calms down with prolonged movement (well after poisonous sumac (Rhus toxicodendron)).

joints- Tendency to sprains and dislocations.

Gout- Gouty knots on the fingers.

heels- heel spurs.

Bones- bone tumors with and without caries. Rachitic hypertrophy of the femur. Growths and rachitic changes in bones. Poor nutrition of bones, especially teeth. Chronic suppuration of bones, periosteum (dental fistulas, middle ear).

Leather- dry, cracked, often very white.

ulcers- varicose ulcer of the lower leg; mild pain; the edges of the ulcer are raised, very hard; skin around purplish red, swollen; thick, yellow pus.

glands- tumors of the glands, they are hard as a stone. With the threat of suppuration.

cracks- on the palms of the hands.

Scarring- keloid.

Tumors- glands, fascia or tendons; they are hard as stone. Hardening with threat of suppuration. Birthmarks and vascular tumors.

Goiter- dense goiter with a tendency to hyperfunction; sensation of pressure and spasms in the throat.

Calcarea fluorica is a mineral remedy. Compound Calcium fluoride is made from the elements Calcium (Group II A), and Fluorine (Halogen). In my understanding, Calcarea represents the need for stability and protection, while Fluor represents the fear of being let down and abandoned. Fluorine is found in tooth enamel, the hardest substance in human body. The function of enamel is to provide maximum protection teeth with their hard, persistent quality.

The main feeling of Calcarea fluorica is that the source of a person's protection or support is fickle and unreliable. Hence, there is a need to be tough and steadfast in order to fully protect oneself. He feels as if his defenses are slowly being eroded; this is noted even in the pathology of Calcarea fluorica, for example carious teeth. "Fear of poverty" is the main rubric of Calcarea fluorica.

Calcarea fluorica a person is very worried about his financial situation. He feels that his business may fail, that something may happen and he will lose all his money. Money provides him with protection, and he makes up for all his fears by accumulating as much money as possible. more money without risk and with caution.

The feeling that his source of protection is fickle and unreliable can be seen even in the realm of relationships. Calcarea fluorica feels that his relationship is unstable and fears that the relationship on which he depends (Calcarea) will be destroyed (Fluor); hence, he feels the need to be independent.

I noticed that Calcarea fluorica people are very independent, strong personalities, and as long as they have many friends and contacts (thus protecting themselves from problems), they rely on themselves. They make themselves independent by industriousness, and provide themselves with a solid material base. But they are constantly afraid that this protection that they have created for themselves will collapse, and that they may go broke.

They are hardworking, very determined, firm and strong people. They seem very tough - they can overcome a lot. For example, one of my patients who feels good with Calcarea fluorica has malignant tumor breasts, but she hasn't told her family and friends about it, and she endures the pain without showing it.

They are highly organized, and as shown in The Essence of Homeopathy, their records are systematic, content clear, complete with precise numerical descriptions. Also, they use minimal paper space and any extra paper will be cut off. They take care of their property, and also maintain their health and work well.

Calcarea fluorica are prone to problems where certain parts of the body slowly cease to function, such as cataracts, osteoarthritis. They constantly think about what they will do if these parts of the body stop functioning altogether. They are treated regularly and even when they don't have any problems, they continue treatment as a "precautionary measure". They say: "it's good that everything went away, but now cure me so that this does not happen again."

Most important dream Calcarea fluorica - about the death of relatives. This dream reflects a great fear that the person on whom he depends may leave him. However, if the relative (in the dream) is a person from whom he receives love and care, and not money or protection, the remedy is likely to be Magnesium. Calcarea fluorica also has dreams of effort, such as missing the train, etc.

When all efforts to secure oneself financially or in relationships fail, Calcarea fluorica becomes completely indecisive, feeling vulnerable and helpless; he may become depressed and insolvent - a depressed state.

physical signs

Early baldness. Cracks in the feet. Transparent skin (through which veins are visible). Cracks in the middle of the tongue that are horizontal. Early tooth decay. Hard nails. They desire spicy and heavily seasoned food. Hot patient, but ill >heat and constant motion (Rhus toxicodendron).

Among the physical concomitants of Calcarea fluorica, I found: Arcus senilis. Early baldness. Cracks in the feet. Transparent skin (through which veins are visible). Varices below the skin. Cracks in the middle of the tongue that are horizontal. Early tooth decay. Hard nails.

They desire spicy and heavily seasoned food. Hot patient, but sick. >heat and constant movement (Rhus toxicodendron). They develop a sluggish, chronic, progressive pathology: indurations, exostosis, conditions like cervical spondylosis, osteoarthritis, heel spur, hypertension, ischemic disease hearts, cataracts, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, bone tumors; some types of crayfish are also seen in Calcarea fluorica.

Categories: Worry, future, relative. Anxiety, money issues. Greed. Delusion, poor thing, he is. Delusion, want him to come. Fear, failure. Fear, poverty. Fear, work, daily.


A 71-year-old man: vertebral degeneration, pain radiates to the knee and ankle, heaviness in the left leg. Trembling for over 20 years. Worse when worried and angry. There was an accident with my son - more trembling, he argues. And if someone does not understand his views, he becomes nervous and more trembling. He says that there should be harmony and peace. When calm, there is no tremor. When he sits at the table and he is comfortable, when there is a knife or a spoon directed at him, it is not comfortable. There is a feeling of hollowness, emptiness inside.

This is not comfortable. In more deep place pool, when it is far from the side - to worry that something might happen. In a high place, he is afraid that he will fall. Wants to leave. AT large space when the big landscape is no problem. But if there is a bottleneck or a steep descent, he is afraid that he will fall. I am dominant, I like to be obeyed. Was adopted child and felt that he did not receive love, such as everything from his mother. And so he joined the army. My father supported me. But then I had to be independent. The loss of my father affected me greatly.

Dream: a snake is approaching and wants to bite. Fears in childhood, feeling insecure as a child. Chilly. Cervical spondylitis, arthritis, many warts on the neck.

Army incident: there was something that did not correspond to his morality, and he did not agree to do it and therefore he was not promoted in the army.

Complaints: tremor, hypertension, legs hurt. Main symptom: when I stand or sit for a long time, the pain in my left leg begins. From the middle of the leg down to the ankle and numbness in that part. It's better to lie down. I am careful when I walk.

Tremble all the time. I can't write, so I can't read what I wrote. When I'm calm, I can write a line, but it's not like before. It has been there since 1993, then it got worse, it continues for a long time. Wears a belt - helps with leg pain. Stenosis lumbar canal. The pain is only in the leg.

D: What's your concern? P: My daughter's device. She is already 40+, she needs to get married. The son is married and settled. I'm worried about my daughter. She had a good job and made good money. But then something did not work out and she left her. I feel like she is a woman. How can she live without male support. If she is financially settled or gets married, I will be glad. In our society, if a woman is single, she always has a risk.

D: What is safe? P: Safe physically and financially.

D: Tell me, financially arranged? P: If he earns well, then at least she can take care of herself. She's not safe. But she does not have a husband who can support her.

D: What does it mean to support? P: Emotionally, physically, financially. Any support.

D: You say completely independent? -… Independent – ​​what do you mean? P: A person is independent when he can think or do what he decides and that accordingly he has the resources to do so. I am anxious. To progress in life you need to learn, you learn. And this is the basis.

D: Describe it to progress? P: To improve your position, your situation. If I have a bad job, then I have to keep studying.


M 71, no acute symptoms. chronic problem, stenosis in the vertebrae and degeneration, arthritis, mainly problems associated with age: joints, vertebrae. General pathology. We need a drug in which the pathology of the senile character is the spirit of this case, its general idea.

Unusual, individual: anxious, anxiety associated with a daughter who is not married, she is 40 years old and has left Good work and opened her own business, which does not bring her money. He feels that today he is still here and can help her, but what will happen to her when we are gone. She needs financial physical support. Who can protect her. Our life is limited, it will be left without financial and physical support.

Another topic: the death of his father (the patient was 36 years old): he felt that he was left alone, without financial support. This is strange because he was already working. Did not have big problem with money. This is the same support that he feels for his daughter.

He needs a drug related to aging problems, and that he needs financial support, feels insecure if this support is lost.


Anxiety about money matters. Fear of poverty (that will lose this support). Calcarea fluorica is good for osteoarthritis in old age especially.

Calcarea- money, work, independence, security, fear of financial loss, poverty.

Fluor- two separate ones, cutting the umbilical cord, separation from which gives you financial, physical protection. Calc-f 30С

Local symptoms: spine, trembling. Repeat often: 2 times a day for a month. With degeneration, arthritis - give often. it helps to cope with these pathologies. 200C does not need to be repeated so often, only if it is often prescribed in progressive degenerative conditions, it is at the level of 30C. The important thing is at what level the patient himself is, that he is ready to talk, at what level he is ready to speak (it should not be deepened) - the drug is at this level.

In these cases, we did not proceed from the system. A person can be at the level of sensations and be at the everyday level. He can answer at the level of sensations being in a normal state answering the question: how do you experience it?

Accord (Rina): if you need 1M (but the condition does not allow due to pathology) then: 1 day 30C (possibly 2 days), 2 day 200C, 3 day 1M


calcium fluoride

A powerful tissue remedy indicated for hard, “stony” glands, dilated and varicose veins, and bone malnutrition. Hard knots in the mammary glands in women. Goiter. Hereditary and congenital syphilis. Thickening of tissues with the threat of suppuration. Lens cataract. Congenital syphilis, manifested by ulceration in the mouth and throat, caries and necrosis with boring pains and heat in the limbs. Arteriosclerosis with threat of apoplexy. Tuberculosis. It is used after operations, reducing the likelihood of adhesions.

Psyche. severe depression; afraid of ruin for no reason.

Head. Shooting noises in the head. Hematomas in newborns. Hard growths on the scalp. Ulcers with hard, callous edges on the scalp.

Eyes, Flashing, sparks in eyes, spots on cornea; conjunctivitis; cataract. Nodular, phlyctenous keratitis. Subcutaneous cysts of the eyelids.

Ears. Lime deposits on the eardrum; sclerosis of the auditory’ossicles and the petrous part temporal bone with deafness and ringing in the ear. Chronic suppuration of the middle ear.

Nose. Sensation of coldness in the head when the nose is stuffed up; dry runny nose; lake. Copious, offensive, thick, lumpy, greenish or yellowish discharge in nasal catarrh. Atrophic rhinitis with crusting.

Face. Hard swelling on the cheeks, with pain or toothache;

hard swelling on the jawbone.

Mouth. A cheap abscess with a hard tumor on the jaw. Painful or painless cracks in the tongue. Thickening of the tongue after inflammation. Unusual tooth mobility, painless or painful, teeth loose in alveoli. Toothache when food touches the crown of the tooth.

Throat. Painful follicles in the throat; mucous plugs in the crypts of the tonsils. Pain and burning in the throat; better from warm drinks, worse from cold drinks. Hypertrophy of the tonsil. Palatal uvula relaxed; tickling radiating to the larynx.

Stomach. Vomiting in children. Vomit undigested food. Hiccough (Cajup.; Sulph. ac.). Flatulence. Weak and capricious appetite, nausea and discomfort after meals in schoolchildren who are overworked

educational sessions. acute disorder digestion with fatigue and mental exhaustion; severe flatulence.

Stool and anus. Diarrhea in gout. Itching in the anus. Cracks in the anus and very painful cracking of the mucosa distal intestines. Bleeding hemorrhoids. Itching in anus, as with pinworms. Often disturbed by internal ("blind") hemorrhoids with pain in the back, usually going down to the sacrum, and with constipation. Abundance. gases in lower section intestines. Worse during pregnancy.

Male reproductive organs. Hydrocele; hardening of the testicles.

Respiratory organs. Hoarseness. Croup. Cough with expectoration of small lumps yellow slime, with a sensation of tickling and irritation; - when laying down. Spasmodic cough. Calc. fluor. contributes to the removal of fibrous deposits in the endocardial region and the restoration of normal endocardial structures ”(Jones).

Circulatory system. The main tool for vascular tumors with the expansion of blood vessels, as well as with varicose veins or their expansion. Aneurysms. Valve damage. In cases where tuberculosis toxin affects the heart and blood vessels.

Neck and back. Chronic lumbago: aggravated at the beginning of the movement and better when the movement is continued. Bone tumors. Rachitic expansion of the thigh in children. Pain in the lower back, accompanied by a burning sensation.

Limbs. Ganglia or cystic tumors on the back of the hand. Podagric thickening of the joints of the fingers. Exostoses on the fingers. Chronic synovitis of the knee joint.

Dream. Very vivid dreams with a sense of imminent danger. Does not restore strength.

Leather. Marked pallor of the skin. Scar tissue: adhesions after operations. Cracks in the skin. Cracks or creases in the palms or hardened skin. Anus fissures. Suppuration with calluses and hardened edges. Purulent inflammation the pulp of the distal phalanx of the finger. Painless, slow-healing penetrating ulcers that discharge thick yellow pus. Hard raised edges of ulcers; surrounding skin purplish and swollen. Knots, grains and other indurations in the mammary gland in women. Swelling or hardening of tissues in the fascia and joint capsules formed on the tendons. Hardenings of stone density,

MODALITIES. Worse during periods of rest; when the weather changes. Better from heat; from warm compresses.

RELATIONSHIPS. Similar: Conium; Lapis; Baryt. mur.; Hecla; Rhus.

Compare: Catcarea sulphurostibiaia. Hemostatic and
resolving with uterine fibroids. v!

Mangifera indica. At varicose veins veins.

BREEDINGS. From the third to the twelfth. “Chronic” remedy’- it takes some time before the effect manifests itself. Should not be repeated too often.

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