Essential oil of lemon balm: useful properties and applications. Melissa cream. Impact on the emotional sphere

Melissa is often referred to as lemon mint, and for good reason, since mint is its closest relative. However, lemon balm is distinguished by its incomparable aroma: a mixture of lemon, morning dew and coolness. Even in times before our era, healers knew how to get the precious essential oil, which was used to treat many ailments. This plant, amazing in its value, still benefits people today.

Naturally, this essential oil herb grows well in the southern regions: from Central Asia and the Caucasus to the Mediterranean part of Europe. Melissa is also grown as a medicinal and spicy raw material in special farms in North America, the Balkans and here in the Crimea.

Characteristics and composition

Melissa aroma oil has a very rich composition, which contains a number of valuable components:

  • esters - monoterpenes citral, geraniol and others, which determine the pleasant smell of the plant;
  • rosemary, caffeic and other acids;
  • flavonoids with antioxidant activity;
  • vitamins B1, B2, C, beta-carotene and mineral trace elements manganese, zinc, copper, selenium, molybdenum and others.

The real essential oil of lemon balm has a wide spectrum applications:

  • has an analgesic effect;
  • stimulates the production of interferons, which contributes to the fight against colds and viral infections;
  • has bactericidal and wound healing properties;
  • improves the work of the digestive organs and organs of the cardiovascular system and others.

Melissa ether is fine combined:

  • with the same citrus and fresh scents of mint, bergamot, grapefruit, lemon;
  • with floral aromas of jasmine, lavender, rosemary, ylang-ylang, geranium, rose;
  • with woody notes of eucalyptus, cedar, juniper, rosewood.

How to cook at home

The essential oil is obtained by treating fresh leaves and upper stems with inflorescences with water vapor. it is difficult to get enough oil in this way, so at home it is better to use the following method:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of dry lemon balm with a glass of any vegetable oil;
  2. Close the container with a lid and leave for two weeks in a dark and warm place;
  3. Strain through a cheesecloth or sieve and store at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Since the finished pure product is obtained in small quantities, it is rare and expensive on the market. Oil is often mixed with more affordable and cheaper ones, and even more often they are simply faked. This is not surprising, since outwardly it does not have unique distinctive properties: light yellow, slightly greenish in color, liquid, fluid and well absorbed.

Aromatherapeutic properties

Melissa oil is a true elixir of life in a spiritual sense. Its fragrance is optimistic, uplifting, uplifting during fatigue, relieves from fears and obsessive bad thoughts. The fragrance of this plant will to focus on during responsible work during the day, and two drops of the elixir in the aroma lamp will help you relax and fall asleep in the evening.

Melissa has a beneficial effect on the human bioenergetic field. Her scent is called the scent of Mercury. It is responsible for the feeling of self-confidence and the development of mental abilities, attracts good luck, happiness and success.

Melissa extract allows you to quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions, for this it can be worn in aroma pendants. It will protect from feeling unwell on long trips, and just during a change in weather.

Medicinal properties

  • Lemon balm extract is recommended for use during epidemics of colds to boost immunity. It is enough to spray essential oil mixed with water into the air at home, or aromatize with a special lamp. During Melissa improves general well-being and speeds up recovery.
  • Warm inhalations will help with it. for cough and asthma: three drops of oil should be mixed with a teaspoon of honey, pour this mixture into hot water, cover with a scarf and inhale the vapors for ten minutes.
  • Can be taken for problems with the heart and blood vessels(tachycardia, high blood pressure, phlebitis and varicose veins) and diseases of the digestive system (flatulence, poor digestion, colic, improper functioning of the gallbladder). Five drops of essential elixir are added to three tablespoons of honey, syrup or jam and this mixture is taken twice a day for half a teaspoon.
  • Also the use of lemon balm oil normalizes painful and irregular menstruation, during menopause, helps with smears. Just one drop on whiskey will also relieve a headache.
  • The use of lemon balm as antiseptic. A solution of thirty drops in half a glass of water can be washed with wounds and bites of pets. Oil lotions will help get rid of sores on the oral mucosa, and rinsing with an aqueous solution with lemon balm aroma oil will freshen your breath and soothe inflamed gums.
  • Spot application of lemon balm extract on the lesions herpes stops the further development and appearance of blisters.
  • Therapeutic massages with lemon balm oil have anti-cellulite properties. For massage, aroma oil is mixed with a base oil (for example, peach) in proportions of 1:2 or 1:3.
Before using lemon balm oil for medicinal purposes, you should additionally consult with your doctor.

Application in cosmetology

At home, lemon balm aroma oil is used for lips, skin and. It is best suited for those who are prone to oily skin and hair.

  • This is a great tool for female lips. It heals cracks, enriches delicate skin with moisture and vitamins, especially in the cold season. Lips become brighter and smoother. It is enough to add two or three drops to the balm or make a mask: mix a tablespoon of base oil and five drops of lemon balm oil, apply to lips every day.
  • You can also use lemon balm oil enrich creams for face. It has lifting effect for adult skin feeds dry skin and eliminates fat content and porosity of problematic skin. It is only necessary to add five to eight drops to a small jar of cream (about 20 ml in volume).
  • A few drops of lemon balm extract in shampoos can help. get rid of dandruff at home.
  • Good and masks with lemon balm oil for oily hair: five to seven drops of base oil and the same amount of lemon balm oil are added to cosmetic clay. Apply only to the roots and hold for ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Can improve body condition baths with melissa. Five drops of aromatic oil are first dissolved in an emulsifier (cream or milk, flower honey, sea salt solution), and then a bath is poured in. Take such a bath for no longer than twenty minutes and no more than twice a week.
This aromatic oil also has excellent deodorant properties and regulates perspiration.

Properties and uses of ether

Application in cooking

The basic principle of using lemon balm oil in cooking is to know when to stop!

Just a couple of drops of oil in vegetable salads, meat or fish dishes will give them piquancy and freshness, as well as improve digestive process.

You can also use lemon balm oil flavor cocktails, lemonades, tea and homemade cakes.

Other uses

It repels unwanted bloodsuckers well. insects. You can prepare a mixture: 50 ml of base oil, 30 drops of lemon balm oil, and the same number of drops of geranium and lavender oil. Apply this elixir to the skin, avoiding the face.

Itchy mosquito bites can be lubricated with the following mixture: two drops of lemon balm oil, three drops of lavender oil and one drop of wintergreen oil. Avoid scratching.


Melissa oil is contraindicated in pregnant women and may cause a sore throat.

Before using an essential oil, you need to do a small tolerance test: apply a small amount to the skin of the wrist. Individual intolerance will cause severe redness and burning.

Aroma oil should not be used continuously for more than two weeks.

An overdose causes drowsiness.


Melissa essential oil is stored in small dark glass bottles in a dry and cool place. Shelf life - up to five years.

How to choose?

Unfortunately, in aromatherapy there are no mandatory standards by which it would be possible to clearly separate a quality product from a counterfeit.

In Russia, almost any oily substance can be called an essential oil.

Cheap synthetic products will not have the desired therapeutic effect. As a rule, it is a mixture of available solvents and flavors. Alas, such formulations are often found in pharmacies. Also often sold on the shelves are co-distillates: products of steam distillation of the waste of lemon and lemongrass oils through lemon balm. The concentration of lemon balm oil in such solutions is not more than five percent.

It is best to buy natural aroma oil from trusted organizations that specialize in such production.

Signs of quality aroma oil:

  • only “100% natural essential oil”, “100% Essential Oil”, “Pure andNatural Oil” should be written on the package, the rest of the wording is used for fakes;
  • the name of the plant in Latin (Melissa officinalis), source of raw materials, manufacturer, expiration date should be indicated on the bottle;
  • a quality product has the necessary quality certificates and a chromatogram containing a detailed organoleptic composition of a valuable product;
  • price. Essential oil of lemon balm is rare and expensive, the price for one ml of a pure product can start from $50.

Have you ever tasted lemon balm honey? The ancient Greeks called it the nectar of the gods and used it widely. Melissa is used everywhere in cosmetology, and not only as an ingredient in home cosmetics. Melissa, as a rich source of essential oil with unique properties, is included in the elite care products for fading, dry, sensitive and oily skin, combined with a wide variety of ingredients and thus providing a different effect.

Melissa for the face

There are many proven cosmetic recipes with lemon balm and its oil that can be repeated at home. I bring to your attention a few simple and effective recipes for applying lemon balm for the face.

I'll start with lemon balm oils. For a glass of any base oil, 2 tablespoons of lemon balm leaves. Heat the oil in a water bath and pour lemon balm into it, close it tightly and leave it to brew for at least a week. It can be strained if desired, but I never do that. Melissa oil will become the basis for masks, body wraps, creams, ointments and split ends hair care.

Melissa decoction

It can be an independent full-fledged means for rinsing the face after washing, tonic. In a glass of water, 2 tablespoons of lemon balm, boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Keep refrigerated. A fairly effective acne tonic that can be enriched with a few drops.

From a decoction of lemon balm you can make an excellent cosmetic ice. Wipe your face with it after washing with warm water or steam cleansing with chamomile - the ice will narrow the pores and thereby cleanse them.

Melissa mask

  1. Rejuvenating mask for all skin types. 2 tablespoons of lemon balm (grind fresh into porridge, steam dried), 1 teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of aloe juice or aloe pharmacy gel, a few drops of lemon juice (optional, brightens the skin). We apply for 15 minutes, preferably after steaming, however, like any natural nourishing mask. Wash off with warm water, then cold to close the steamed pores. This mask moisturizes well.
  2. Starch mask. For 2 tablespoons of starch, as much melissa decoction as starch takes for the state of sour cream. You can enrich with your favorite essential oil. This mask is more suitable for oily skin.
  3. Mask with starch for dry skin. This nourishing mask has a lifting effect: Take a strong decoction of lemon balm and full-fat milk or low-fat cream in equal proportions for a heaping tablespoon of starch, just enough to make starchy sour cream. Hold for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Melissa cream

Pre-prepared lemon balm oil (50 grams) is filtered through gauze into a glass jar, put in a water bath. Separately, melt 2 tablespoons of beeswax, add lemon balm to a jar of oil, remove from heat. After an hour, the cream is ready for use. Such a cream is stored for up to six months, without changing its properties. I use creams with wax at night; Everything that is not absorbed - I remove it with a napkin.

Ointment with lemon balm

Mix 50 grams of butter with 2 tablespoons of mashed fresh lemon balm or steamed dry, boil this mixture on a steam bath, stirring constantly for several minutes, let it brew and cool, add a teaspoon of honey. Keep refrigerated. Such an ointment is indispensable in winter for weathering, extremely dry skin, dermatitis and eczema. Suitable as a lip balm.

Melissa for hair

Rinse hair with dandruff with a decoction of lemon balm. You can prepare such a mask: mix lemon balm grated into porridge with egg yolk. If the mixture is too thick, add some water. Rub into the scalp and leave for an hour under a warm cap. Rinse only with warm water, as the yolk acts as a well-foaming shampoo and perfectly cleanses the hair. Any shampoo, conditioner or balm can be enriched

Melissa for feet

If you add lemon balm oil to your regular cream (a teaspoon of oil or 4 drops of essential oil per 30 grams of cream) and an ampoule of vitamin A, it will turn into a miraculous balm for dry heels.

Humanity has been producing valuable essential oils for more than one millennium. This is a product of extraction or steam distillation, which is a concentrated extract from vegetable raw materials. A liquid with a characteristic odor and pungent taste, the essential oil has uniquely powerful healing properties. Essential oil is called oil, but it does not have the usual oiliness, and after some time after being applied to fabric or skin, it evaporates, occasionally leaving an imperceptible trace. Depending on the raw materials from which it is made, the scope of this substance varies.

It is now that ethers have become available to ordinary people, and just a hundred years ago they were highly valued and were in use only among rich people. The more complex the extraction process was, the more expensive the final product was. The most difficult thing was to get the ether from herbaceous aromatic plants and flower buds. This article will consider the essential oil of a plant such as lemon balm - its healing properties, methods of application and principles for selecting a quality product.

Chemical composition

It is a complex multi-component substance, homogeneous and fragrant. It is based on substances called terpenes (hydrocarbons), their derivatives are terpenoids and aromatic substances. These components cause the rich smell of the ether. Auxiliary substances are aldehydes, organic alcohols, phenols, oxides and organic acids. The percentage of these substances varies depending on the raw material from which it was made and the method of extraction.

Important! After purchasing this product, check its fragrance. The real composition of lemon balm is very delicate and fresh with lemon notes, a cool base and a green main tone. Ersatz oils, which they try to pass off under the guise of lemon balm ether, have a simple and flat aroma.

Benefits and medicinal properties

First of all, lemon balm or lemon balm ether is known for its calming properties, as it has a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Even in ancient Greece, it was used for inhalations, aromatic baths, used in brewing teas and in compresses.

Fresh fruity aroma relieves, eliminates anxiety, dizziness and tinnitus. A good antispasmodic, this oil relieves sleep disorders, eliminates cramps and acts as a pain reliever. It relieves, accelerates the recovery of the body during periods of rest.

External and internal use of this substance helps to normalize the work of the sweat glands, have a laxative effect on the digestive tract. The antibacterial and antiviral properties of this ether are used for viral respiratory diseases, dermatological problems.

Did you know? Melissa was first mentioned as a medicinal plant in the "Study on Plants" by the Greek scientist Theophrastus, who lived in the 4th century BC. According to this work, it can be judged that lemon balm has been cultivated by people for the third millennium in a row. her homeland- Persia and some lands of North Africa.

It increases blood clotting, therefore, accelerates the healing of wounds on the skin, while disinfecting them. Under the influence of lemon balm oil, it returns to normal, the menstrual cycle improves in women, neuralgia disappears and asthmatic manifestations weaken.

Application in various fields

Despite the fact that clinical medicine prefers to use medications for treatment, lemon balm essential oil is respected by doctors and has established itself as an effective remedy in both folk and classical medical practice.

In folk medicine

Its targeted effect on women's reproductive health has been known to healers since ancient times. It brings the uterus into normal tone, stimulates ovulation and eliminates pain during heavy menstrual bleeding. Traditional medicine uses a positive effect on the structure and composition of the blood to treat anemia, and the ability of lemon balm to tone the heart muscle becomes a real salvation for those who suffer from arrhythmia or have experienced a heart attack. Insomnia, panic attacks, phantom pains, anxiety and other problems with the nervous system are successfully treated with lemon balm essential oil. Emotional disturbances, such as tantrums and psychoses, this substance can weaken, and its positive effect on the intellect postpones age-related degradation of the brain. As for the effect on the digestive organs, this ether kills pathogenic microflora, stimulating the development of its own microflora, which eliminates bloating, intestinal disorders and bad breath.

In dermatology

Since this ether has a disinfecting effect, it is used to treat fungal infections of the skin and nail plates. Pustules, boils, allergic rash - all this is eliminated as soon as possible. If you have been bitten by an insect or animal, lemon balm ether will disinfect the wound and speed up healing. The same action applies to bruises, bruises, sprains and cuts.

Such a serious disease as herpes will not resist this ether. In order to get rid of blisters and prevent their further occurrence, you need to point them with oil and reinforce the antiviral effect with internal use.

Important! Allergies to essential oils are the fourth most common after allergies to seafood, dust, and peanut butter. Before using oils, test them on a small area of ​​your skin. Only after a normal reaction, start regular use.

In cosmetology

The drying properties of lemon balm oil have the best effect on oily and aging skin. Also, this substance is used for the care of lips and hair. Problematic skin with enlarged pores and rashes acquires a healthy appearance with the constant use of lemon mint ether: acne and pustular rashes disappear, sebum secretion decreases. Aged skin and skin with early signs of aging regains a beautiful even color. Excessive pigmentation disappears, the skin becomes elastic.
As for hair problems, lemon balm essential oil helps with seborrhea, alopecia, eliminates excessive greasiness of the scalp, eliminates sticking of hair and stimulates their growth due to its effect on hair follicles. Separately, it should be noted the rejuvenating effect of this ether on the skin of the lips, which gives out the age of a woman in the same way as the neck. Balms and creams enriched with lemon balm ether can restore a bright contour and smoothness to the lips. Also, these products will eliminate peeling and cracks on the lips.

In aromatherapy

Inhalations with lemon ether treat the respiratory tract from infectious diseases. Terpenes and phenols penetrate the mucous membranes, destroy viruses and pathogenic microflora, thereby eliminating the disease. Bronchitis, tonsillitis, influenza, SARS - indications for the use of this remedy.

Lemon mint strengthens the immune system, acts as a preventive measure against infectious and viral diseases in children and adults. Just one aroma lamp with three drops of this oil will disinfect a large bedroom or living room. The peppy sweetish-citrus aroma of lemon balm will relieve a depressive mood, improve brain activity, and ease fits of anger and melancholy.

Did you know? The great healers of the past highly valued lemon balm and knew all about its medicinal properties. In the 1500s, Paracelsus compared this herbal plant with gold and called it "the best gift of the earth for the heart", and five hundred years before that, Avicenna wrote about it as a delight to the heart, and claimed that the aroma of lemon balm drives away black melancholy, bad thoughts and cures digestion.

Folk recipes

The areas of application of this natural medicine are diverse. It is used both for internal and external use, is part of therapeutic baths, inhalations, cosmetics and is used in its pure form.

In case of sleep disturbance

It is best to use aroma lamps and aroma pendants with lemon balm oil for the treatment of insomnia. You need to place them on a bedside table or a nearby pillow. Light inhalations performed half an hour before bedtime work well. Do not be zealous - three drops per liter of water will be enough. This oil will not only calm the nervous system, but also make it easier to breathe in case of a cold. Aromatic baths taken half an hour before bedtime are also effective. The water temperature should be no higher than 40 degrees, calculate the concentration from the proportion of one drop of oil for every ten liters of water.
Stay in the water for no longer than twenty minutes, then be sure to dry yourself with a towel. Another form of application of this ether is oil massages. Apply a carrier oil to the palm of your hand and add one or two drops of lemon balm ether. Massage the mixture into your shoulders, neck, chest and feet in circular motions. This treatment will not only calm you down and prepare you for sleep, but it will also have a rejuvenating effect on your skin.

Important! Immediately after use, the bottle with ether must be closed to prevent its evaporation and oxidation. Shelf life of open oil- two months, so try to use it before that time.

With herpes

Spot application of the extract to the blisters will dry them out and neutralize the pathogenic microflora that accumulates in the foci of inflammation. It is not necessary to dilute lemon balm ether with base oil - after such intensive disinfection, blisters will no longer appear. As for internal treatment, you need to take the oil twice a day, first dissolving in 10 g of honey, and then in 100 ml of warm water. This type of treatment is effective for any form of herpes.

For dandruff and oily hair

There are many therapeutic masks to reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, but for starters, you should add this oil to your shampoo or balm. Perhaps this treatment will be enough for you. For one bottle of care product, take eight to ten drops of ether. Do not expect an instant effect, such a problem requires gradual treatment for at least a month. Wash your hair once every three days, using cosmetics with lemon balm ether. Before washing, make an oil mask on dirty hair: mix five parts of burdock oil, one part of lemon balm and rub this mixture well into the scalp and hair.

Did you know? The concentration of esters in flower buds and plants is so low that to extract one liter of precious oil, more than four tons of green melissa raw materials must be processed.

For cracked lips

The drying effect of this substance helps the wounds not to get wet and rather tighten. Apply an evening moisturizer to your lips with two drops of lemon balm oil to get rid of painful cracks. To restore freshness and vibrant color to chapped and dry lips, add this oily substance to a balm and rub one drop into the lips each time before applying decorative or hygienic lipstick.

Mask for narrowing the pores

The following treatment mask has a pronounced cleansing and narrowing effect. Use it no more than once a week. Pour 5 g of granular gelatin into 40 ml of warm green tea, mix slowly until you get a viscous paste-like substance. Add four drops of lemon balm ether and two drops of ginger oil. Mix until completely dissolved and apply with a cosmetic spatula to problem areas of the skin.
Leave for forty minutes (possibly a tightening sensation) and carefully remove the dried film of gelatin. The pores will be cleansed due to the deep penetration of the mask components into them and narrowed. Repeating the procedure weekly for a month and a half gives excellent results.

Wellness baths for the body

This way of using lemon balm oil will not only rejuvenate and heal you, but also give you a feeling of peace. It is best to take such baths before going to bed. The water temperature should not exceed thirty-eight degrees. You will need an emulsifier - cream, bath salt or honey. Add seven drops of ether first to the emulsifier and then to the bath. Do this procedure for no longer than twenty minutes, then you should rinse in the shower.

How to choose and distinguish a fake when buying

Almost all products that are on the shelves of supermarkets and pharmacies are fake. Under the guise of lemon balm, lemongrass or lemon extract is usually given out, diluted in certain proportions. They repeat the unique fruity aroma, but do not have properties such as lemon balm oil. A flavored fake is also possible - colored burdock or grape seed oil, diluted with a minimal amount of lemon balm ether for smell.
In order not to buy a fake, first of all pay attention to the price. If it is close to the rest of the oils on the rack, you have an ersatz in front of you. The price for one milliliter of the original substance starts at fifty dollars. Second, read the label. Pure lemon balm products have the inscription Melissa officinalis, no additions like indicum or citratum should be nearby.

Important! Never buy lemon balm ether from online stores. You can get a fake, lose money and harm your health. To avoid such a nuisance, choose certified pharmacy products and carefully study the label for certificates and the name of raw materials before buying.

Pay attention to content labeling. There can be only one inscription - 100% natural (or in English - 100% essential). Other wording indicates a forgery. A quality product always has on the packaging information about the manufacturer of raw materials, the date of manufacture and quality certificates on the instructions enclosed in the package.

How to store at home

Nothing complicated - the ether should be in dark glass bottles, kept in a dark room at room temperature. The oil does not tolerate high temperatures and direct sunlight. In hermetically sealed form, it can be stored for three to five years, depending on the type of cap (plastic, silicone, ceramic). An open vial, into which the air microflora has entered, retains its properties for two months.

Can pregnant women use

This is a very active substance with a strong odor and a relaxing effect, which in large quantities causes nausea, individual intolerance and dizziness. Pregnant women should use it only in case of emergency, for example, in case of skin diseases, and always after consultation with the attending physician.

Did you know? Artisans and builders of Ancient Babylon used essential oils in their work. They impregnated wood and other materials with them so that the temple premises would have a special fragrant aura and disinfect the interior space by themselves, as they were designed to be visited by a large number of people.

What oils go with

Since the type of smell of this ester is pronounced citrus, it is best combined with the same citrus aromas - extracts of grapefruit, lemon, orange, lemongrass, mint. Of the floral fragrances, jasmine, ylang-ylang, lavender, and rose oil are closest to lemon balm. Oriental aroma of the composition will give woody notes - eucalyptus.

Contraindications and harm

Balm ether cannot be used for individual intolerance and allergic reactions to other types of oils. Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding should use it with caution - the active components of the ester can adversely affect the baby.

Do not use this substance in extreme heat or during periods of physical activity, as it increases sweating and provokes dehydration. If you have sensitive skin, cut the amount of oil in recipes by half. Remember that this ether affects the vocal cords: it makes them loose for a while, and the voice hoarse.

Important! It is not recommended to use the oil inside for more than two weeks in a row. Active substances such as terpenols, phenols and acids can cause mucosal burns with prolonged use.

The unique gift of nature is the essential oil of lemon balm. It heals a person physically and morally, strengthens the immune system, destroys pathogenic microflora and viral infections, relieves acquired diseases and alleviates the course of chronic problems.
The high price of this product is fully justified by its effect on the body. Remember the principles of choosing a quality product and how to use it. Using high-quality lemon balm essential oil in reasonable doses, you will give yourself and your loved ones health.

Melissa is often referred to as lemon mint, and for good reason, since mint is its closest relative. However, lemon balm is distinguished by its incomparable aroma: a mixture of lemon, morning dew and coolness. Even in times before our era, healers knew how to get the precious essential oil, which was used to treat many ailments. This plant, amazing in its value, still benefits people today.

Naturally, this essential oil herb grows well in the southern regions: from Central Asia and the Caucasus to the Mediterranean part of Europe. Melissa is also grown as a medicinal and spicy raw material in special farms in North America, the Balkans and here in the Crimea.

Characteristics and composition

Melissa aroma oil has a very rich composition, which contains a number of valuable components:

  • esters - monoterpenes citral, geraniol and others, which determine the pleasant smell of the plant;
  • rosemary, caffeic and other acids;
  • flavonoids with antioxidant activity;
  • vitamins B1, B2, C, beta-carotene and mineral trace elements manganese, zinc, copper, selenium, molybdenum and others.

The real essential oil of lemon balm has a wide spectrum applications:

  • has an analgesic effect;
  • stimulates the production of interferons, which contributes to the fight against colds and viral infections;
  • has bactericidal and wound healing properties;
  • improves the work of the digestive organs and organs of the cardiovascular system and others.

Melissa ether is fine combined:

  • with the same citrus and fresh scents of mint, bergamot, grapefruit, lemon;
  • with floral aromas of jasmine, lavender, rosemary, ylang-ylang, geranium, rose;
  • with woody notes of eucalyptus, cedar, juniper, rosewood.

How to cook at home

The essential oil is obtained by treating fresh leaves and upper stems with inflorescences with water vapor. At home, it is difficult to get enough oil in this way, so at home it is better to use the following method:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of dry lemon balm with a glass of any vegetable oil;
  2. Close the container with a lid and leave for two weeks in a dark and warm place;
  3. Strain through a cheesecloth or sieve and store at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Since the finished pure product is obtained in small quantities, it is rare and expensive on the market. Oil is often mixed with more affordable and cheaper ones, and even more often they are simply faked. This is not surprising, since outwardly it does not have unique distinctive properties: light yellow, slightly greenish in color, liquid, fluid and well absorbed.

Aromatherapeutic properties

Melissa oil is a true elixir of life in a spiritual sense. Its fragrance is optimistic, uplifting, uplifting during fatigue, relieves from fears and obsessive bad thoughts. The fragrance of this plant will to focus on during responsible work during the day, and two drops of the elixir in the aroma lamp will help you relax and fall asleep in the evening.

Melissa has a beneficial effect on the human bioenergetic field. Her scent is called the scent of Mercury. It is responsible for the feeling of self-confidence and the development of mental abilities, attracts good luck, happiness and success.

Melissa extract allows you to quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions, for this it can be worn in aroma pendants. It will protect from feeling unwell on long trips, and just during a change in weather.

Medicinal properties

  • Lemon balm extract is recommended for use during epidemics of colds to boost immunity. It is enough to spray essential oil mixed with water into the air at home, or aromatize with a special lamp. During a cold or flu, lemon balm improves general well-being and speeds up recovery.
  • Warm inhalations will help with it. for cough and asthma: three drops of oil should be mixed with a teaspoon of honey, pour this mixture into hot water, cover with a scarf and inhale the vapors for ten minutes.
  • Can be taken for problems with the heart and blood vessels(tachycardia, high blood pressure, phlebitis and varicose veins) and diseases of the digestive system (flatulence, poor digestion, colic, improper functioning of the gallbladder). Five drops of essential elixir are added to three tablespoons of honey, syrup or jam and this mixture is taken twice a day for half a teaspoon.
  • Also the use of lemon balm oil normalizes painful and irregular menstruation, during menopause, helps with smears. Just one drop on whiskey will also relieve a headache.
  • The use of lemon balm as antiseptic. A solution of thirty drops in half a glass of water can be washed with wounds and bites of pets. Oil lotions will help get rid of sores on the oral mucosa, and rinsing with an aqueous solution with lemon balm aroma oil will freshen your breath and soothe inflamed gums.
  • Spot application of lemon balm extract on the lesions herpes stops the further development and appearance of blisters.
  • Therapeutic massages with lemon balm oil have anti-cellulite properties. For massage, aroma oil is mixed with a base oil (for example, peach) in proportions of 1:2 or 1:3.
Before using lemon balm oil for medicinal purposes, you should additionally consult with your doctor.

Application in cosmetology

At home, lemon balm aroma oil is used for lips, skin and hair care. It is best suited for those who are prone to oily skin and hair.

  • This is a great tool for female lips. It heals cracks, enriches delicate skin with moisture and vitamins, especially in the cold season. Lips become brighter and smoother. It is enough to add two or three drops to the balm or make a mask: mix a tablespoon of base oil and five drops of lemon balm oil, apply to lips every day.
  • You can also use lemon balm oil enrich creams for face. It has lifting effect for adult skin feeds dry skin and eliminates fat content and porosity of problematic skin. It is only necessary to add five to eight drops to a small jar of cream (about 20 ml in volume).
  • A few drops of lemon balm extract in shampoos can help. get rid of dandruff at home.
  • Good and masks with lemon balm oil for oily hair: five to seven drops of base oil and the same amount of lemon balm oil are added to cosmetic clay. Apply only to the roots and hold for ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Can improve body condition baths with melissa. Five drops of aromatic oil are first dissolved in an emulsifier (cream or milk, flower honey, sea salt solution), and then a bath is poured in. Take such a bath for no longer than twenty minutes and no more than twice a week.
This aromatic oil also has excellent deodorant properties and regulates perspiration.

Properties and uses of ether

Application in cooking

The basic principle of using lemon balm oil in the preparation of culinary masterpieces is to know when to stop!

Just a couple of drops of oil in vegetable salads, meat or fish dishes will give them piquancy and freshness, as well as improve digestive process.

You can also use lemon balm oil flavor cocktails, lemonades, tea and homemade cakes.

Other uses

It repels unwanted bloodsuckers well. insects. You can prepare a mixture: 50 ml of base oil, 30 drops of lemon balm oil, and the same number of drops of geranium and lavender oil. Apply this elixir to the skin, avoiding the face.

Itchy mosquito bites can be lubricated with the following mixture: two drops of lemon balm oil, three drops of lavender oil and one drop of wintergreen oil. Avoid scratching.


Melissa oil is contraindicated in pregnant women and may cause a sore throat.

Before using an essential oil, you need to do a small tolerance test: apply a small amount to the skin of the wrist. Individual intolerance will cause severe redness and burning.

Aroma oil should not be used continuously for more than two weeks.

An overdose causes drowsiness.


Melissa essential oil is stored in small dark glass bottles in a dry and cool place. Shelf life - up to five years.

How to choose?

Unfortunately, in aromatherapy there are no mandatory standards by which it would be possible to clearly separate a quality product from a counterfeit.

In Russia, almost any oily substance can be called an essential oil.

Cheap synthetic products will not have the desired therapeutic effect. As a rule, it is a mixture of available solvents and flavors. Alas, such formulations are often found in pharmacies. Also often sold on the shelves are co-distillates: products of steam distillation of the waste of lemon and lemongrass oils through lemon balm. The concentration of lemon balm oil in such solutions is not more than five percent.

It is best to buy natural aroma oil from trusted organizations that specialize in such production.

Signs of quality aroma oil:

  • only “100% natural essential oil”, “100% Essential Oil”, “Pure andNatural Oil” should be written on the package, the rest of the wording is used for fakes;
  • the name of the plant in Latin (Melissa officinalis), source of raw materials, manufacturer, expiration date should be indicated on the bottle;
  • a quality product has the necessary quality certificates and a chromatogram containing a detailed organoleptic composition of a valuable product;
  • price. Essential oil of lemon balm is rare and expensive, the price for one ml of a pure product can start from $50.

Cosmetology, for insect control, as a perfume. It is used as a means of external influence, it is recommended to take it orally, add it to food. The remedy is actively used for weight loss and with.


The oil has, namely:

  • beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • analgesic, antipyretic effects;
  • stabilization of the heart, stomach;
  • improving the condition of the skin, hair.

This is not a complete list. It can help get rid of many diseases, annoying insects, give a pleasant aroma to the body, an attractive taste and smell to food.

Be vigilant! It is better to buy grass in a pharmacy or harvest raw materials yourself. Having bought a plant on the market or in transit, it is impossible to be sure that the raw materials were harvested in accordance with the required rules.

How to cook

Ideally, lemon balm oil is obtained using the steam distillation method. You can’t do it at home, but you can use the following method to get it:

  1. Take 4 tablespoons of dried herb lemon balm, 2 cups of absolutely any vegetable oil. Prepare a clean, dry jar with a lid.
  2. Combine lemon balm and vegetable oil, place in a bowl, close the lid.
  3. Infuse this remedy for 2 weeks in a warm place, periodically shaking the bowl.
  4. After the expiration of the intended period, drain the vegetable oil, and squeeze the raw material thoroughly.

Get the essential oil of lemon balm.

It is not necessary to use only dried herbs - fresh lemon balm leaves are very suitable for making essential oils.

Application in cosmetology

Application in cosmetology is in demand. It is used for masks, creams, added to shampoos, rinses, used for relaxing treatments and body wraps. Herbal essential oil, not contained in cosmetics, is added to enhance the effect of cosmetics, used for body care.

For hair

With the help of oil, you can add shine to your hair, get rid of dandruff and hair loss, overcome multiple problems of oily or dry scalp. It must be mixed into shampoo, conditioner, masks, gels.

When dandruff occurs, use the following:

  • moisten hair and scalp with water;
  • apply the usual shampoo on the palm of your hand;
  • drip 3-4 drops of lemon mint essential oil into the shampoo;
  • wash your hair, dry it without a hair dryer.

After a couple of procedures, the effect is clearly visible, after a few weeks there were no problems with dandruff.

Be carefull! You can not think that a larger amount of lemon balm oil will bring the effect faster. Overdose can result in burns.

For skin

It is customary to use essential oil not only for the scalp, but for the care of the skin of the face and the whole body. It helps to fight inflammatory diseases, suspends the aging process. The remedy from the plant returns the skin to a beautiful, healthy appearance, making it smooth as silk.

For facial skin

To make the face more attractive, you need to use lemon balm oil. It must be added to all used cosmetics, make steam baths, masks. This application will save the skin of the face from all possible problems, make it younger.

Steam bath for oily skin.

  1. Take exactly one drop of essential oils of lemon balm, bergamot and 2 drops of grapefruit oil.
  2. Dissolve the oils in a liter of water.
  3. Boil everything, keep your head above the water, covered with a towel for 15 minutes.
  4. Apply cream for oily skin.

Weightloss remedy

In order to lose weight, you can take one drop per cup of green tea as an additional remedy. For external use, you can add it to special creams, use it in a sauna, make wraps, use it in the massage process. It is not worth using the remedy for weight loss for more than 3 weeks in a row inside. The break between doses should be 3 months.

For lips

The effectiveness of lip care oil has long been proven. It has the ability to make the color of the lips brighter, heal cracks, wounds.

To get rid of cracked lips:

  • take any lip balm;
  • very carefully add 5 drops of lemon balm essential oil;
  • leave for a while so that the oil is well absorbed;
  • use the balm as directed if necessary.

Attention! After the end of the treatment process, you should not abuse this remedy, because it can dry out the skin of the lips.

During pregnancy with a cold

Melissa is useful, but for internal use only in the form. During pregnancy, the oil should not be taken orally. In the event of colds, it can be used as an additional remedy for rubbing, and if the doctor allows, it is allowed to do inhalations with the addition of one drop of oil.

From women's diseases

The tool has indications for oral use with. It normalizes the menstrual cycle, helps in the fight against bleeding, amenorrhea. You can add it drop by drop to tea or food, but this is done solely as directed by the gynecologist.

The essential oil of this medicinal plant is practically a panacea for all diseases, but you need to know when and how to use it. If everything is correct, beauty paired with health will become the companions of every person. This is an excellent tool in every way.

Where else is the remedy used

For acne

Not only teenagers, but also people of mature age suffer from acne. Cope with the problem quickly, effectively help lemon balm oil.

To forever forget what acne is, you must:

  • take any acne cream that is at home;
  • add lemon balm oil in a ratio of 1:1 - 1 gram of cream 1 drop of lemon balm oil;
  • use, following the instructions that are attached to the cream in the form of a prescription.

Attention! Use creams that are prescribed by a dermatologist. Ask your doctor if you can combine the remedy with lemon balm oil.

From mosquitoes

To forget about mosquito bites, get rid of itching, redness, you need to add a small amount of drops of the product to any body care product. Insects do not tolerate its smell. If a mosquito has bitten - a drop of oil on the reddened place, there will be no trace of the bite.

For herpes

When all types occur, melissa officinalis oil helps. To quickly get rid of the trouble, it is necessary to drop a drop of funds on the resulting wound. It will dry the wound, prevent the herpes virus from spreading further. Can be used for genital herpes.

From cellulite

In two weeks, the remedy copes with the most advanced stage of cellulite. To obtain the effect, a herbal-based balm is used, which is further diluted with essential oil and rubbed into problem areas. Also, the fight against cellulite is carried out with the help of massage, body wraps using this tool.

From ticks


In case of abuse, exceeding the permissible proportions for one purpose or another, a person risks getting burned. You need to be especially careful about this when it comes to ingestion.

To avoid such consequences, it is always and undeniably necessary to adhere to the rules of application and not change the ratio of components in the products used at your discretion.

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