Why dream of a gold chain. Whether additional decorations hang: a cross or a pendant. The meaning of a dream where there were many gold chains

We often dream of objects that are actually desirable or dear to us. Girls, and even men, often wonder what the golden chain is dreaming of or what the silver chain is dreaming of.

Firstly, she can dream in response to the impressions of the day, for example, the dreamer could see a beautiful chain on a famous actress in a magazine, and, wishing such a consciously or unconsciously, she fixed the image of the jewelry in her ideas. Secondly, chains are also dreamed of as a symbol of certain states of a person, his desires, goals and fears. To figure out what the chain is dreaming of, you should remember the details of the dream well.

This piece of jewelry can be seen in a dream with a cross or pendant, torn or immediately in large numbers among rings and other jewelry. In addition, the material and circumstances in which the chain was dreamed of are of considerable importance.

The chain enters the dream book under different interpretations, in many respects the interpretation depends on the material of the product. So, to see this decoration from a dream - to abundance and joy, from silver - to trusting relationships and interesting conversations, from base metals - to the desire to gain independence, and iron - to career growth through hard work and dedication.

The number of decorations in a dream is also important. When you dream of a lot of these gold jewelry, then a large acquisition awaits a person, which will serve him for a very long time and bring a large number of positive emotions.

If there are a lot of silver jewelry in a dream, the dreamer is surrounded by trusted people who can be trusted. A lot of iron - you have to work hard to achieve your goals. To see a lot of broken or dirty jewelry - changes await a person, and in order to cope well with them, you need to understand yourself and determine your guidelines.

With pendants or crosses

In ordinary life, we most often see a chain with a pendant or a cross; therefore, it is not surprising that in dreams it is dreamed with some kind of weight.

The chain with the pendant symbolizes the obligations of the dreamer. Moreover, it is most likely that these obligations are too burdensome for the dreamer. If the chain with the pendant is broken, then the dreamer really wants to throw off the promises made in the heat of the moment. Seeing a chain with a pendant on another person in a dream is a symbol of the fact that a person is waiting for the resolution of his questions and problems from third parties.

In addition, for a young girl, the plot of a dream in which she saw a chain with a pendant around her neck is a reflection of too much concern for her chosen one, perceived by him as a restriction of his freedom. The dream book advises her to turn her attention to her own life. It is easy to determine what the golden chain is dreaming of along with the cross - the dreamer will soon have great success in those matters where he can apply his talents.

Dream details

In dreams, we can accidentally find or lose a chain, see it around the neck of a friend or stranger.

In order to understand why the chain is dreaming of, which the dreamer had to accidentally find, one should pay special attention to the circumstances in which it was found. Find in - a symbol of important knowledge or connections that the dreamer ignores. It is worth analyzing recent events, especially those moments that the dreamer rejected as insignificant, most likely, they contain a hint for solving an important issue in reality.

If you managed to find an ornament after a long search, the solution to a long-tormenting problem looms right in front of the dreamer's nose. If you had to accidentally find this piece of jewelry, then the person will soon acquire a very pleasant relationship that can result in true love or warm friendship.

Find a broken jewelry - a dreamer in reality can help other people in solving their problem, while gaining experience, gratitude and faithful comrades. The loss of jewelry in a dream speaks of the dreamer's inattention in reality. Carelessness and unwillingness to concentrate on everyday affairs can significantly delay the fulfillment of a person’s plans.

If you dreamed of a torn chain, then the dreamer is waiting for cardinal changes in life.. Moreover, if it was torn from the careless actions of the person who had the dream, then in reality he will get rid of everything unnecessary, which will allow him to develop and improve in the chosen direction. If it is torn from the actions of other people, the dreamer should rely more on himself, not trying to shift responsibility or responsibilities to others.

The decoration on the neck of a friend is a symbol of a trusting relationship between the dreamer and this person. And the jewelry on the stranger's neck reflects the dreamer's increased interest in the lives of other people, which prevents him from developing and achieving his goals.

Other plots

  • A chain as a gift is a harbinger of finding a patron in reality.
  • Losing a donated chain - there is a high probability of the existence of a secret that is hidden from the dreamer. Take a closer look at your surroundings, although you may just be in for a pleasant surprise.
  • Buying jewelry symbolizes the desire for attention from loved ones. The dreamer should spend more time with friends and family.

The chain dreams of positive changes, making friends and solving problems, but the validity of these interpretations will depend entirely on the person who had the dream, on his perseverance, responsibility and determination.

Gold is considered a symbol of the sun. If you see him in a dream, you will prosper and prosper in real life. An interpretation of dreams is proposed about why the rings are dreamed of, why it was a dream and how to find a rational explanation for the dream.

In a dream, see gold earrings

If you dream of gold earrings, in real life you will be able to feel double the fullness and joy of the events that are happening to you.

Also a good sign would be a dream in which you will find a pair of gold earrings. But a dream in which you see that you are losing earrings is a warning not to commit a rash act. Also, a dream in which earrings are lost symbolizes that in real life you may miss a happy chance given to you by fate. Your Guardian Angel, in the language of sleep, wants to help you. Listen to your inner voice and follow it - and happiness will smile at you.

Golden dream chain, find a golden chain in a dream

If you have a dream in which your chosen one gives a gold chain, then in reality you can be sure of the sincerity of his feelings. The chain seen in a dream is a symbol of integrity and unity of efforts.

The dream in which you find a gold chain is also a good sign that marks a series of positive events that will happen in your life.

Dream Interpretation stole gold in a dream, find, search, in hands, collect, stole, steal

If you saw a dream in which gold was stolen from you, then in reality you will be exposed in a lie or circumstances will be revealed that you would prefer to remain silent about.

A dream in which you see yourself stealing someone's gold means that now you will already know the secrets of other people.

The dream in which you seek and find gold in reality symbolizes that you will discover a new potential in yourself, thanks to which bright prospects will open before you.

Holding in a dream in your hands or collecting gold - in reality, achieve your goals and fulfill yourself.

Wangi's dream book gold

In Vanga's dream book, dreaming of gold symbolizes good luck that has fallen on you.

A dream in which you look at and sort out gold jewelry means that in real life you are characterized by aristocratic behavior.

To lose gold jewelry or coins in a dream is to lose material wealth in reality.

Gold Miller's dream book

In Miller's dream book, finding or holding gold means getting what you want in real life.

The dream in which you discover the loss of gold means that you had a chance to change your life for the better, but you could not use it.

If an unmarried woman dreamed of gold in the form of coins or donated jewelry, then in real life she will marry a rich man, but greedy or mercenary.
The same dream is interpreted as a marriage of convenience in reality.

Freud's dream book gold

The gold that you are trying to give in Freud's dream book symbolizes your desire to ensure a comfortable existence for yourself and your partner.

The dream in which you buy gold for yourself means that in real life you want to buy the love of the person you like.

Gold dream book of Tsvetkov

In this dream book, gold seen in a dream means falsehood - "not all that glitters is gold."

Gold dream book Juno

In Juno's dream book, dreaming gold is one of the most auspicious signs, symbolizing love and happiness for the dreamer.

Finding or receiving gold as a gift in a dream is also easy to achieve wealth in real life.

A dream in which you lose and do not find gold - to failure and grief, as a punishment for your negligence and waste in reality.

The egg symbolizes the emerging life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life ...

A dog, both in real life and in a dream, is a symbol of friendship and fidelity. But to see a puppy in a dream is not always interpreted as a good sign, as ...

If you dreamed of a gold chain, then you should definitely remember all the details. It is they who will help to figure out why such a dream is dreaming. Very often, the interpretation depends on the circumstances that accompany the appearance of this precious jewelry in a dream.

In a dream, finding a gold chain is considered a good sign. The dream book interprets it as quick joyful events and wealth. It should be remembered that wealth can mean not only material values, but also have a deeper meaning.

Perhaps in the near future you will meet a person who will become everything in the fate of the dreamer. The dream promises an acquaintance with a talented and multifaceted personality who takes an active part in the life of the sleeping person. Lose a gold chain in a dream - to carelessness and laziness.

If you dreamed of a golden chain around the neck of a stranger, then the dream book warns that you are too interested in the details of the intimate life of other people. Seeing an ornament on oneself in a dream - to the immutability of aspirations, on someone else - a betrayal of loved ones.

A golden chain with a pendant seen in a dream symbolizes interest. For family people, the appearance of jewelry in a dream is considered a symbol of love and fidelity. The pendant itself has the meaning of peace and harmony in your life. But here is a detailed interpretation of what the jewelry with a pendant is dreaming of, should be done in accordance with the shape, size and pattern of the latter.

If in a dream you saw a golden cross on a chain, then marriage awaits you very soon. Or the sleeping person is waiting for an acquaintance with a person who will be around for a long time. A cross made of gold symbolizes joy and happiness.

A dream has a slightly different meaning, in which a golden chain with a larger cross appears. Most often, it symbolizes a new stage in life. If in a dream the clasp on such an ornament breaks, then the dream book warns of a streak of bad luck. This period will be delayed, and you will not be able to influence events.

Why else dream of a gold chain in a dream

If in a dream the gold chain is torn, then health deterioration is possible. To avoid this, you should give up bad habits. If the decoration falls apart, right before your eyes, the dream book interprets this dream as a warning about the collapse of hopes.

The meaning of a man’s dream, which Miller’s dream book gives: a golden chain presented to a girl in a dream symbolizes mistrust and doubts about fidelity. Do not worry about this, most likely your worries are unfounded.

A gold chain as a gift, the meaning is the same. The dream interpretation advises to stop doubting a loved one. Why dream of a jewelry received as a gift not made of noble metal. Marriage will be concluded for love, but life will be far from secured.

According to the dream book, breaking a golden chain is a loss. But, such a dream should be interpreted depending on the emotional state during the dream. If the sleeper tore the jewelry and was very upset, then this may signal illness and a decrease in overall well-being. If the mood has not worsened, then all troubles can be overcome.

In a dream, buying a gold chain is interpreted by the dream book as a sign of great disappointment. Sometimes a symbol that the sleeper sets himself unrealistic goals. Trying to explain this or that dream, it should be remembered that gold in itself is a symbol of deception. Therefore, such dreams should be treated with caution and understanding.


The golden chain is an ambiguous symbol and it can portend both favorable and negative events. Therefore, in order to obtain specific information, it is necessary to analyze the dream in advance, taking into account all the details, and only then proceed to interpretations. It will not be superfluous to compare the information received with the events that occur in life.

Why dream of a golden chain?

Seeing a gold chain around your neck means that you will, no matter what, strive for your goal. The decoration on the neck of another person is a symbol of the fact that you often stick your nose into other people's business. It can also be a harbinger of betrayal by a loved one. Night vision in which you buy a gold chain is a symbol of great disappointment in the future. Perhaps you often set yourself impossible tasks. If a golden chain breaks in a dream, this is an unfavorable sign that promises health problems. The dream interpretation recommends getting rid of bad habits and carefully monitoring your health. Another such night vision is a harbinger of losses.

Finding a gold chain in a dream means that happy events and an improvement in your financial condition await you in the future. Another dream predicts a meeting with a person who will play a significant role in life. If in a dream you passed by a gold chain, then in real life you will miss the chance to change your life for the better. To lose a gold chain in a dream means that in reality you often do not notice the events that are happening around. If the lost jewelry was a gift, this is a symbol of the fact that someone is weaving intrigues behind his back and spreading gossip.

There were beautiful gems on the golden chain - this is a harbinger of interesting and promising acquaintances. A dream in which a gold chain with a cross-shaped pendant appeared is a harbinger of happiness and joy. If the decoration was massive, then a new stage in life will soon begin. Night dreams in which you put on a chain with a pendant are a sign that in reality you have taken on many responsibilities. If you are presented with such an ornament as a gift, then you doubt in vain the sincerity of your loved one. To dream of a golden chain that has faded means that in real life you often set unattainable goals for yourself, and it can also be a symbol that outlook on life has long been outdated.


According to the dream book, a gold chain symbolizes good luck. Therefore, any actions performed with this object in a dream can be attributed directly to your luck.

So if you are given a gold chain, then such a dream can promise you a gift of fate, for example, improving your well-being or receiving unexpected good news. If in a dream you lose a gold chain, then this may warn you of an imminent streak of bad luck. Fortune may turn away from you for a short time.

A broken golden chain warns you of imminent failure, after which you will not be able to find the right path in life for a long time.


Dream Interpretation Chain, why dream of a Chain in a dream to see

Autumn dream book What is the dream of the Dream Book Chain:

Chain - To an affair.

Summer dream book Why dream of a Dream Book Chain:

Chain - There will be dependence on some person, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why is the Chain dreaming?

Dream Interpretation: to see in a dream To see a chain in a dream - Break the chain in a dream - to disappointment in love, if you had such a dream from Monday to Tuesday or from Thursday to Friday, short-term but tedious work awaits you. If from Thursday to Friday you dreamed that you were buying a chain, this predicts a cooling of your spouse.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud Why is the Chain dreaming:

Chain - To receive a silver or gold chain as a gift - a dream tells you that you should finally stop doubting the feelings of a person close to you: he loves you and is trying to prove it in every possible way. To see a wide chain around someone's neck - you think too much about the intimate life of other people. Most likely, the reason for such a slightly unhealthy interest lies in your excessively long abstinence, which, of course, could not but affect the psyche. Be alert, otherwise your interest will go too far, and you will cease to be interested in your own life, clinging to someone else's keyhole. To lose a chain donated by someone - you stubbornly do not notice what is happening behind your back.

Spring dream book What is the dream of the Dream Book Chain:

Chain -

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Chain in a dream

Chain - You will find a true friend.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing in a dream Chain

In a dream, why the Chain is dreaming - Find a true friend

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Chain (evil, silver) - Love affair, affection, fidelity; engagement for lovers.

Folklore dream book What does it mean if you dream of a Chain:

The chain (our neck) is torn - To a break in relations.


Why dream of a gold chain with a cross?

There are many decodings of the golden chain - this is and under what conditions it is dreaming, and on whom it is worn: on a person watching a dream or on someone else, and there is also a separate description of the cross, and together with the chain. But more on that later.

If you see a chain in a dream or give it to someone, then this means that the one who sees this item in a dream has an interest in the person to whom he gives it, or expresses a feeling of love or gratitude. Or, giving a chain is not sure of a loved one who is faithful and devoted to him.

If you receive a gold chain in a dream as a gift, then this means that the person who gives it is sincerely devoted to the one to whom he gives it. If a family man dreams of a chain, then this means the strength of family ties. When a woman dreams that she is given a chain not made of gold, this may mean that her marriage will be poor.

If you dream of losing the chain or its damage, then this is not a good sign, meaning health problems, some kind of danger, or a quarrel or parting.

If you dream of a gold chain on someone else, then this means that a person who sees this in a dream is prone to envy and loves to be interested in someone else's life.

A golden chain in a dream means a material beginning. And also it can be accumulated problems. The thicker and heavier the chain, the harder it is to solve problems in reality. But, if the chain is massive and golden, then this means making big profits and wealth.

A cross seen in a dream can mean protection from evil and love. This dream can also mean that difficulties and trials lie ahead that require great patience. Another cross can dream of and to joy. If a person is given a cross in a dream, this means that a person will soon appear who will serve as guardianship and protection from all sorts of dangers. If someone steals the cross, then this means repentance for some act. If they give an unwanted cross, then this serves as a warning about troubles that will endure courageously and steadfastly. If in a dream you remove the cross from yourself, then this may mean changes in life, possibly positive ones. If you put a cross on a person, it means that this person has some kind of responsibility.

A gold chain with a cross can mean that it's time to repent and atone for your sins. This dream does not portend anything bad, rather, that on a subconscious level you are turning to God. This dream also portends that a huge number of life victories await ahead, to achieve which it will not be necessary to make any efforts. If in a dream you see how a cross falls from a chain, then this portends some kind of bad event that can happen in life and after which strength will be restored for a long time. Also, a cross on a gold chain can mean a joyful event that will happen in life, and which can lead to a wedding. If you dream that the gold chain with the cross is torn, then this is a warning about a serious illness.

In general, gold jewelry seen in a dream is mainly an alarming signal and more often carries a negative than a positive. The interpretation of a dream with gold jewelry affects many areas of life and means both good and bad, but as for the material side, basically more losses are expected here than profits.

Of course, a dream is a very interesting and amazing thing, and until the end no one has been able to unravel it, how much it is connected with reality and how it affects the subconscious of a person and his fate. It is not known for sure whether dreams are a foreshadowing of an event or not. But be that as it may, to believe in it or not is everyone's business.


Dream Interpretation: What a chain is dreaming of

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Chain

A golden chain in a dream can mean an unexpected visit or an invitation to some official event.

Finding a gold chain in a dream can symbolize a multi-talented person who will only be happy to do you a favor.

To dream of a gold chain with a cross or a pendant - you have to make a journey that will improve your well-being.

A broken chain in a dream reminds you of abandoned cases.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about the chain are about, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a chain in a dream in Miller's online dream book.


Chain gold neck

Dream Interpretation Golden chain around the neck dreamed of why in a dream a chain of gold neck? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Golden Neck Chain in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Dream Interpretation - Neck

The neck in a dream is a symbol of power, honors and inheritance.

Pain in the neck in a dream portends a lot of trouble about an unpleasant business. The dream in which you broke your neck indicates that, due to your own stupidity, you will find yourself in a difficult situation and all your plans will collapse.

If in a dream you are thinking about how to hit someone on the neck, then in reality you can lose control over yourself and break loose, which will ruin your business and ruin your relationship with the right person. The dream in which your neck was crumpled portends shame, dishonor and material loss. If you dream that someone broke his neck, then soon you will hear about the failure of some business that you previously considered hopeless. Seeing your neck fragile in a dream means that you will not be able to cope with the tasks assigned to you. Seeing a thick neck in a dream is a sign of the reliability of your position, which indicates that you can overcome any difficulties. The dream in which you saw that your neck has become thick means great personal happiness and material well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, in which you see a chain on yourself in the mirror, indicates that confusion and confusion will arise in your affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

A door chain dreams of a robbery, a silver chain - to trouble, a gold chain to a series of big troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Having a fat neck in a dream is a success.

To see a thin neck in a dream - to useless labor and torment.

To see a swollen blue neck - it is difficult to endure the surrounding life, to suffer from the hustle and bustle of life.

The neck is missing, I dreamed - not to have willpower.

Having a cut neck in a dream is a nuisance.

Looking at your neck is a danger, a surprise that you need to beware of.

Scratching your neck in a dream - to sadness.

They saw a collar around his neck - to get into an unpleasant position.

To see a beautiful female neck - for a man to the whims of a beloved woman.

An ugly naked neck is for the young a harbinger that the wedding will not take place.

Dream Interpretation - Chain, chain

Dream Interpretation - Neck

The supremacy of the neck for a man in his dream is a sign that he has the head of the family at home, a woman.

Wash your neck - buy something very expensive for your wife.

To admire someone's neck is to try to destroy someone else's family because of their own whims.

In general, for everyone to see a neck in a dream - to honor, power, wealth.

Own neck - trouble in the family.

If your neck is crumpled - a dream prophesies money.

Wounds or abscesses on the neck - to a mistake or illness.

If the neck is thicker than usual - to honor.

Thinner - to spitefulness, grumpiness.

If your neck is squeezed, you will become dependent on someone.

Bitten - get sick or run into trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Looking at your neck is a danger, a surprise that you need to beware of. Having a fat neck is a success.

Swollen - a disease.

Thin - useless work and torment.

To have a swollen blue neck - it is difficult to endure the surrounding life, to suffer from the hustle and bustle of life.

Not to have a neck - not to have an independent will, to act automatically or under someone's suggestion.

Having a cut neck is adversity.

Scratching your neck is sadness.

Having a collar around your neck is an unpleasant position.


Breaking golden chain

Dream Interpretation Golden chain breaks dreamed of why in a dream a golden chain is torn? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a golden chain break in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Any chain in a dream: symbolizes dependence or attachment to something.

Golden chain: this is a sign of dependence on one's passions and desires.

Silver chain: passion for money.

Base metal chain: disappointment.

Broken chain: portends failure and loss.

Watch on a chain: a sign of punctuality.

Seeing a person with a watch on a chain or wearing such a watch yourself is a sign that you will need accuracy and diligence to achieve success in some business.

To feel in a dream that the chain is interfering with you, or to feel that it has become excessively heavy: it suggests that you are at risk of becoming a slave to your desires.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Chain - To receive a silver or gold chain as a gift - a dream tells you that you should finally stop doubting the feelings of a person close to you: he loves you and is trying to prove it in every possible way. To see a wide chain around someone's neck - you think too much about the intimate life of other people.

Most likely, the reason for such a slightly unhealthy interest lies in your excessively long abstinence, which, of course, could not but affect the psyche. Be alert, otherwise your interest will go too far, and you will cease to be interested in your own life, clinging to someone else's "keyhole". To lose a chain donated by someone - you stubbornly do not notice what is happening behind your back.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, in which you see a chain on yourself in the mirror, indicates that confusion and confusion will arise in your affairs.

To break the chain in a dream - to disappointment in love, if you had such a dream from Monday to Tuesday or from Thursday to Friday, short-term but tedious work awaits you.

If from Thursday to Friday you dreamed that you were buying a chain, this predicts a cooling of your spouse.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

A door chain dreams of a robbery, a silver chain - to trouble, a gold chain to a series of big troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Chain, chain

Get tangled in chains - have a lot of unfinished business.

To be chained - to carry a heavy load of worries and responsibilities.

However, such a dream can also mean a pleasant dependence on a loved one.

Other people in chains are failures and misfortunes for them.

Silver chain - to pleasant chores.

A gold chain around the neck - to fidelity in friendship and love, to wealth.

In general, a chain and chains made of expensive or precious metals - to a happy and rich marriage.

If the chains or the chain break or fall apart, you will be freed from something or someone, perhaps from some kind of obligation.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

If you dream that you are given a chain, this indicates vain doubts about the sincerity of a loved one.

He tries to express his love to you in all ways, but you do not notice anything and continue to hesitate.

If you see a wide chain around the neck of another person, this indicates your curiosity about intimate relationships between other people.

Such an unhealthy interest can be explained by the lack of a personal life for yourself.

Get into a close relationship with someone to stop meddling in someone else's life and focus on your own.

If you dreamed that you received a chain as a gift and then lost it, this means that some events are happening around you, but you do not want to notice them.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Your careless act can cause a whole chain of consequences. Be careful with your words and actions.

Imagine that you break the chain and throw it away.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Seeing gold in a dream - to falsehood and delusions in any form. Holding gold in your hands - to prosperity and luck in everything. If you dream that you have discovered a gold mine, it means that in reality you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task.

To find a gold bar in a dream means to achieve complete success in your business in reality. Finding golden things means that your virtues will allow you to easily move on the path to honors and wealth. To lose gold in a dream - therefore, in life you risk losing it, perhaps. your happiest moment.

Seeing golden sand in a dream means that in reality you will have an idea to act dishonestly towards people you do not know. Gold in coins or jewelry portends a young girl's marriage to a rich but dishonest man. A gold chain means that you will use your free time, a gold medallion - you will receive a round sum for your services, a gold necklace - you will find happiness with your loved one.

Seeing in a dream the golden gold coins of the royal coinage - you will gain honor. To receive them as payment for your work - hopes will come true. Paying with gold coins - you will live to a ripe old age. Find a treasure with them - you will be happy. If in a dream you melt them, this is a loss of trust among the authorities. Hearing the sound of falling gold coins - to wealth.

A golden thread in a dream means that in reality you will receive good and timely advice. If in a dream you embroider with gold thread, in reality your work will bring a lot of income after a while. If in a dream you see golden spiders, then in life you will make friends who will help you get a money place. Seeing a chest full of gold in a dream portends that if you do not pay attention to rumors addressed to you and continue to bend your line, this can lead to a bad end.

Seeing golden dishes in a dream and eating from it portends a promotion at work, changing it to silver dishes - to a headache from many troubles and worries. Swallowing gold in a dream - to success in science or art.

To see fake gold is to succumb to flattery and deceit. Buy gold - you will be left with nothing, sell - big changes await you. To receive gold as a gift - beware of losing your head in a love frenzy.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Chain - find a true friend.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

(See interpretation: money)

Seeing golden dishes in a dream, eating or drinking from it - to honors and wealth. The dream means the same, where you will see a richly laid table and many expensive gold items. However, if you dream of jewelry made of gold, then See interpretation: jewelry and objects by name.

A dream to see about golden chains, icons, headdresses is a harbinger of deceit, flattery, a warning about possible betrayal or treason that will plunge you into poverty and deprive you of peace of mind. A woman receiving golden trinkets as a gift in a dream means that her life will be comfortable and prosperous. If gold items are lost or broken in a dream, then you will find a break in relationships, loss, humiliation, poverty. If you dream that some parts of your body are made of pure gold, then do not build castles in the air. Better to have a bird in a cage than a bird in the sky. Losing gold is a sign that you have missed a brilliant opportunity to improve your situation. Sometimes such a dream predicts a break in relations with a dear person. Finding gold in a dream is a warning that you should not miss your chance. Exchange gold for another - you can miss out on the benefits. See interpretation: statue, jewelry, dishes.

Holding gold in your hands is a sign of prosperity and well-being. To find a gold mine in a dream - to great opportunities and hard work. Working with gold in a dream yourself or seeing others doing such work is a sign of danger due to your excessive desire to get rich easily. This dream also warns you that you should be more careful in order to avoid shame. To see a golden crown on your head in a dream is a sign of poverty and ruin. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. See interpretation: crown.

Carrying gold on your hump or back is a sign of a heavy burden. To catch or hold a goldfish in your hands in a dream - to extraordinary changes in life. If the fish dies or jumps out (do not hold), then you will miss your chance. See interpretation: fairy tale.

Buying gold in a dream is a hassle. To see a lot of gold metal in a dream - to poverty and lack in the family. Gilding in a dream is a sign of deceit, falsehood, betrayal, betrayal. See interpretation: money, buy.

The chain is a symbol of connection, the connection of two elements. According to the concept of symbolism, the chain is similar to a staircase, in which the communicating parts that follow one after another stand out. A chain in a dream can represent marriage or even the doctrine of an infinite and uninterrupted universe. To understand in more detail what the golden chain is dreaming of, you should turn to well-known dream books.

Interpretation in various dream books

Various dream books interpret the dream associated with such jewelry in different ways:

  1. Miller's interpreter. If a girl dreamed that a loved one gave her a gold chain, then she was gnawed by her partner's unfounded suspicions of infidelity. If the dreamer personally buys a chain of gold, then in reality he will be greatly deceived, unable to realize his plans due to his own insolvency.
  2. According to the Romanian seer Vanga, a gold chain is a sign of great luck, which will “fall on your head” in reality. To touch jewelry means to be the owner of an aristocratic taste. But if the dreamer has lost a precious thing, this promises a quick loss of financial resources.
  3. Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov says that the golden chain is the personification of a sincere relationship in which the participants are one. However, if the dreamer noticed some kind of flaw on the decoration, then this warns the sleeper about possible falsehood and hypocrisy.
  4. Hasse, in his dream book, considers expensive jewelry as a sign of an early meeting with a true friend who will become a reliable support in any situation, even the most difficult one.

There are many interpretations of visions about jewelry, but for a more accurate understanding of them, you need to remember the details.

Find a gold chain

In a dream, find a gold chain - to receive wealthy and influential people. Also, such a find may be a harbinger of an easy solution to a long overdue issue that was “in a long box” because it seemed unsolvable.

If the dreamer found a torn product, then he should reconsider his plans - he sets the bar too high for himself.

Finding decoration in food is a love of convenience, when material wealth prevails over feelings. If the dreamer has found several chains, it means that soon he will have many responsibilities, or he will be entrusted with great responsibility. But do not be afraid, because over time it will help to gain credibility among friends and colleagues.

Often in our dreams there are jewelry made of precious metal. People are accustomed to attaching exaggerated significance to such dreams, because gold seems to us, first of all, a symbol of unexpected enrichment.

Why dream of a golden chain? The dream interpretation is more inclined to interpretations of sleep that associate this subject with a person’s love or friendships. Often this decoration indicates the emotional state of the dreamer, feelings about personal life. However, this is not the only interpretation of this dream.

A golden chain in a dream is considered a symbol of a spiritual connection with a person dear to you. Finding or wearing valuable jewelry in a dream is a very auspicious sign. This dream can mean harmony in relations with your chosen one or unexpected enrichment.

Losing or buying this thing is a sign of disappointment in the people around you. If the chain is made of tarnished gold, then this indicates unrequited feelings in reality or the unfulfillment of your hopes.

Why dream of a gold chain adorning your neck? Soon you will be able to achieve your goal. The dense weaving of the jewelry symbolizes confidence in the support of your loved one. If the chain was on the neck of another person, soon you will be betrayed by a dear friend or chosen one.

Expensive jewelry on a loved one speaks of his insincerity. Perhaps your frankness will be used for selfish purposes.

The chain consisted of different links - soon your life will be filled with interesting and exciting events. Some links were damaged - a symbol of parting with a person dear to your heart.

If in a dream the decoration is torn, in reality, a final break with your chosen one is inevitable. If the jewelry around the neck was made of cheap metal, similar to gold, then in marriage you will have to face a real need.

A chain of gold on your hand may indicate your dependence on a loved one. The thicker this goal, the more this state burdens you. If in a dream you tried to remove jewelry from your hand, then this symbolizes your desire for independence. You put your spiritual connection with the chosen one above material wealth. However, for a man to wear a massive chain on his wrist, prophesies in the future a strong love relationship and a successful, harmonious marriage.

The pendant on a gold chain symbolizes your state of mind, which is in complete harmony and peace. For people in love, such a dream means devotion and fidelity to the chosen one. For those who are married, the pendant is the personification of spiritual unity and trust. A modest pendant on a gold chain portends quiet family joys. A beautifully decorated pendant on a chain from another person - to the appearance of dangerous rivals in your life, to remove the chain with a pendant - to an early release from burdensome obligations.

Putting on a gold chain with a pendant is a promise that is difficult to fulfill, which you will soon take upon yourself. A gold chain with a black stone pendant warns you of an unfavorable outcome of an important matter for you. The red stones in the pendant prophesy universal condemnation.

Finding a gold chain in night dreams is a big change in life. These changes may also apply to a change in your place of residence.

Passing by a valuable find is a sign that you are missing a rare opportunity to change your life for the better. Shining gold chain found - to joyful events in life. If the decoration is dull in color - to the disappointment that before it was of great importance to you.

To steal a chain in a dream is to shift other people's duties onto your shoulders. You may have to be held accountable for things you didn't do. If the stolen jewelry turned out to be fake, then soon you may be involved in illegal transactions.

If the gold chain breaks, then you are in danger of major financial losses or expenses. If the torn thing in a dream is lost, then intrigues are woven around you. You cannot reasonably assess the events taking place around you because of your naivety.

Interpretation of various dream books

According to Miller's dream book

This dream book presents several meanings of dreams with a gold chain:

  • giving a woman a gold chain - to baseless doubts about the sincerity of love for you;
  • to receive a jewel as a gift - to doubts about the fidelity of your spouse;
  • break the chain - to loss and frustration. If in a dream you were very upset because of the damage to the jewelry, then soon an illness awaits you;
  • buying a chain of gold - to an unexpected and serious deception in reality.

According to Freud's dream book

The golden chain in Freud's dream book symbolizes the doubt that you are valued and loved. And these doubts are completely unfounded. To see in night dreams a gold chain around the neck of another person - in reality to show an unhealthy curiosity for someone else's intimate life. To lose a golden jewel in a dream means not to notice those conversations and actions that take place behind your back.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, a gold chain symbolizes an old friend or true friend. Such a dream speaks of the boundless fidelity of your partner, a new acquaintance with a faithful and devoted person. However, such a dream can also speak of fraud, deception in the near future.

According to Vanga's dream book

The seer regarded this golden decoration in a dream as a quick success in reality. Touching jewelry made of precious metal means that the sleeping aristocratic taste. Losing gold jewelry in a dream predicts financial losses in the future.

According to Hasse's dream book

A well-known medium believed that expensive metal chains promise the acquisition of a reliable and faithful friend in the future. For you, it will become a real protection, a support in difficult times, a vest into which you can shed your tears in various life situations.

According to Longo's dream book

In this dream book, a gold chain with a pendant portends the receipt of a tasteless, however, very expensive gift. Jewelry with a heart-shaped pendant prophesies a young girl of a wealthy groom. A gold chain with a pendant, which was made by one's own hands, promises the maturing of a very serious spiritual conversation in reality.

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