What can you eat big post. Lenten products. List of lean foods. This is not a diet

Dietary restrictions during Lent purify both the soul and the body. But this should be approached wisely. If you have health problems - do not exhaust the body with hunger strikes and diets. Today the church makes exceptions for those who cannot limit themselves for health reasons. Therefore, what is impossible, and what can be eaten in fasting, concerns only people who are ready for this not only mentally, but also physically.

Fasting varies in severity. People of the highest rank and those who stay in monasteries eat a little differently than those who observe abstinence from harmful food at home. But at the same time, any believer can “sit down” on strict restrictions at will.

The post is divided into several degrees:

The fast lasts for 40 days, and during this time all kinds of recreational activities and quarrels are prohibited. For those who keep the most strict rules, there are several additional responsibilities:

  1. In the first and last week, fruits, vegetables and bread are allowed. You can only drink water.
  2. On other days, it is recommended to eat nuts with honey, plant foods.
  3. On the first day and subsequent Fridays of fasting, you can only eat raw herbal products and drink water.

Such a fast should be kept only by trained people who have no health problems, and whose body can harmful effects endure abstinence from abundance of food.

Prepare for restrictions in advance. You can not eat before the start of the post, and then starve. This can make you feel worse. It is necessary to exclude forbidden foods from the diet gradually, a few days before the great event. Do not abuse alcohol and tobacco products.

In the early days, hunger can be very strong, since the allowed plant foods do not contain enough protein to saturate the body. You will have to eat more often and do not forget about breakfast.

There is a myth that only cereals, raw vegetables and fruits are allowed during fasting. Many do not dare to such serious restrictions on food, believing that such a meager diet is too harsh. In fact, the menu these days can be varied. The main thing is to be able to cook the right and delicious food. Desserts, casseroles, sandwiches, dumplings, salads, cereals, soups - all these delicacies are available to fasting people.

Before you start fasting, it is recommended to go through the sacrament of communion. You need to contact the priest in advance, and he will tell you what you can eat in fasting before communion and what - after.

It is worth following all the prescribed rules in order to be completely cleansed. Restrictions before communion last 3 days and hold out is not difficult for the Orthodox. But if for some reason this was not observed, one must repent to the priest during confession, and the priest will forgive this sin.

The most important thing in this short-term restriction is not to overeat. Eat only when you really feel hungry.

Products that can be consumed:

  • fish and seafood (boiled or baked);
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts and candied fruits;
  • vegetables (only raw);
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • porridge on the water;
  • unleavened bread;
  • tomato paste;
  • pasta (not wheat flour);
  • black bitter chocolate;
  • natural marmalade and marshmallow;
  • seeds;
  • compote;
  • kvass;
  • jelly;

There are countless posts, the main one being Great. There are also one day posts with a strict menu. There is a special calendar where you can see what you can eat during fasting.

Proper nutrition by day

Who wants to fast correctly, for those there is an established menu for the days, which says what you can eat in the post:

It would be better for the entire period of restrictions to refuse white bread and change to black. Season vegetables with lemon juice.

Special days of fasting

According to the canons of the church, there are several special days during the year when you also need to fast:

  • the first Monday of Lent is hunger;
  • Palm Sunday- you can fish, wine and caviar;
  • Good Friday - hunger;
  • Wednesday in the fourth week - wine is allowed;
  • Christmas Eve - hunger;
  • martyr's day - you can oil and wine.

The menu recommended by the church is actually quite varied. Many housewives come up with more and more recipes with each period of restrictions. Food in fasting should be moderate, but does not exclude delicacies and delicious dishes:

Fasting is not only possible, but it also needs to be tasty. Food and fasting can be varied, the main thing is not to deviate from the recipe and not to use animal fats.

Tomato soup

To prepare this delicious soup you will need:

For bruschetta, take yesterday's yeast-free bread, a couple of cloves of garlic, olive oil and salt.


When the soup is ready, you can punch it with a blender or eat it like that. The taste will not change, but the texture will become more pleasant.

Since meat is not allowed in fasting, and on some days even fish, cereals come to the rescue. You can make hearty meals from oatmeal delicious meatballs which are indistinguishable from meat.

You will need:

  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • spices to taste.


  • pour boiling water cereals and leave to swell;
  • peel and grate vegetables;
  • combine cereals with vegetables, add spices and mix;
  • form cutlets and fry on both sides in a frying pan, greased with oil.

Mushrooms can be added to the cutlets if desired.

Seed sweets

There is a recipe for an insanely delicious treat with seeds. He certainly will not leave anyone indifferent.

You will need:

  • 200 g of sesame or sunflower seeds;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • salt to taste.

The preparation here is pretty simple. You just need to fry the seeds in a dry frying pan and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Serve sweetness on bread or instead of jam for tea.

You need to understand that the rejection of the usual food for such a long time adjusts the body to change. Therefore, you should not overeat on the first day after the costs. Happy Easter, of course, a sacred holiday, when it is customary to lay a rich table. But a hearty meal after abstinence can affect well-being. It is necessary to add the usual food to the diet gradually, without immediately switching to fried meat. It is better to give preference to less fatty foods.

To make a decision whether to fast or not, you need to take into account all your physiological abilities. And most importantly, remember that it is important not only to start and keep fasting with dignity, but also to finish it with dignity.

Easter is a great Christian holiday that unites all historic churches and a large part of the Protestant denominations. In order for believers to be able to prepare for it, they observe a fast called the Great. This process of spiritual cleansing, among other things, involves the refusal and restriction in the use of certain types of food. Even during the years of atheism in our country, there were people who sacredly observed the rules prescribed by the believers of the Orthodox Church, and today millions of believers observe great post. What is possible, what cannot be eaten, and what should be the menu in preparation for Easter, will be described below.

A bit of history

An example of refusing all earthly joys, including eating food, was shown to his flock by Jesus Christ himself, who, after his baptism by John the Baptist, retired to the desert for 40 days. The early Christians turned this into a tradition and observed only one fast during the year, preceding Easter. During this period, they were to eat only bread and water, refusing wine, sweet and nutritious, and also spending their days in prayer and almsgiving. The first followers of Christ and the fathers of the church also determined the rules on how to organize Great Lent, what is possible, what is not, etc. We are guided by them to this day.

Fasting and Diet

Today it is not uncommon to hear from colleagues, friends or acquaintances that they are going to fast in order to lose weight. Especially often such thoughts are expressed by young girls and women. The Church considers such an approach a sin, and calls on people who consider this forty-day feat of abstinence to be a kind of diet to delve into its essence. Indeed, in the Great, as in any other post, the most important is the spiritual side. Thus, the refusal of certain types of food is intended only to promote sincere repentance of a Christian. But the question of what can be eaten in fasting (Lent) cannot be considered secondary, and it should be dealt with.


By Orthodox tradition Monks and clergy should fast the most severely, for which several types of fasting are provided:

  • “with eating fish”, when you can use seasoned with vegetable oil in any culinary treatment, as well as fish and fish products;
  • “with cooking with oil”, which implies the inclusion in the menu, including hot vegetable food, seasoned or cooked in vegetable oil;
  • “with a brew of cooking”, when hot dishes are consumed, prepared from ingredients exclusively plant origin without oil;
  • the “strictest fast”, which involves fasting, when a believer can only drink cold water;
  • “with dry eating”: you can eat only unboiled vegetable food in a cold form without adding oil and drink unheated drink.

In addition to what you can and cannot eat during fasting, the monastic charter also regulates the number of meals. In particular, it is allowed to eat food only once a day, after Vespers.

Rules of fasting (regarding food) for the laity

In recent decades Orthodox Church conducts great educational work in order to explain to believers the rules that their ancestors followed for thousands of years. Such an educational program is really necessary, since many do not even know elementary things. For example, during public conversations with pastors, one can often hear the question: "What can and what can not be eaten during Great Lent?" As for the monastic brethren, so for the laity, in different days weeks expected varying degrees strictness of abstinence from food. In addition, several holidays are celebrated during the fast, when some indulgences are made.

Lent menu: what you can eat and what you can’t by the days of the week

The strictest abstinence is prescribed to be observed on (the first day) and in Good Friday when believers should generally refuse food and drink only cold water.

To the question of what to answer like this: “Much depends on what day weeks go by speech". For example, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, during the 40 days preceding Easter, the Orthodox are instructed to adhere to a dry diet. In other words, they should only eat dishes made from herbal ingredients that have not been subjected to heat treatment. Moreover, the number of meals should be reduced to one, which takes place in dark time days.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, boiled food is allowed, but it should not even be seasoned with vegetable oil. As for what you can and cannot eat on Saturday and Sunday, these are the most “nutritious” days when you are allowed to eat hot dishes cooked in vegetable oil. In addition, during the period of spiritual cleansing on the eve of Easter, the feast of the Annunciation is celebrated, as well as Palm Sunday, in honor of which believers can include fish in their menu.

It should be noted that during all 40 days of Lent, it is strictly forbidden to eat meat, any dairy products and eggs. You should also give up pastries, chocolate and, of course, alcohol.

Who can not fast

The Church makes an exception and does not require fasting by all those Orthodox for whom abstaining from food can lead to health problems. In particular, fasting, including Great, should not be observed by the sick, as well as small children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. The exception is the elderly, people with weakened immune systems, those who are engaged in heavy physical labor traveling and prisoners in prisons. If, nevertheless, the desire to fast is very strong, then they should talk with the priest in order to receive his blessing and find out with what indulgences it is better for them to do this.

Lent: menu (what you can and cannot eat), examples of dishes

Orthodox hostesses, especially young ones, often find themselves at a loss as to how to feed the household, observing all the prescribed rules. If you look closely at the list of products that are not included in the number of prohibited items, it turns out that correct menu not so difficult. For example, from what you can eat in Lent, the main emphasis can be placed on cereals, nuts, vegetables and fruits. Moreover, the church does not prohibit the use of all kinds of pickled fruits and vegetables and pickles. In addition, juices and jams are allowed, which may well replace sweets and desserts. Throw in fresh and frozen fruits, vegetables, and mushrooms, and you've got a pretty good selection of foods to choose from. By the way, it is not at all necessary to be limited only to traditional ones, because the canons are also sacredly observed by Serbs, Bulgarians, Orthodox Arabs, Georgians, in national cuisines which have a lot of interesting Lenten dishes.

What to cook

Great Lent is taking place these days. What you can and cannot eat, you already know, and now it's time to learn how to cook a few dishes that will help not harm your health and at the same time follow all the rules.

So, the basis of the menu should be salads from boiled or just raw foods, seasoned or not seasoned with oil, depending on the day of the week for which it is prepared. It will also include soups that can be consumed on days when boiled food is allowed. By the way, despite the fact that baking is prohibited, this applies only to those buns, donuts and cookies, the dough for which is kneaded on eggs, sour cream, butter, cottage cheese, yogurt or other dairy products. It seems to you that without all this you can’t bake anything? However, recipes will be presented below that will change your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat you can and cannot eat in Lent, while not violating the rules of abstinence.

Lean soups


2,400 g carrots, half a head of onion, cut into pieces, put in a saucepan, pour two glasses of water and cook until the carrots are ready. Beat the soup in a blender, salt, pepper, add ½ tsp. nutmeg and the same amount of honey. Pour the contents of the blender into the pan and cook for another 2 minutes (no more). Sprinkle with parsley and basil before serving.

Eggplant soup

One eggplant is cut off the stem and baked in the oven. Peel it off the skin and cut it. Half an onion and 1 clove of garlic are finely chopped and sautéed in vegetable oil. Pour into a saucepan 1/2 tbsp. l. tomato paste, diluted in 1 tbsp. water, add onion and garlic along with butter, put chopped eggplant, salt, pepper and cook for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.


It will take: ½ st. mineral water(carbonated), ½ tbsp. vegetable oil, half a can of jam (preferably pear) and flour in an amount sufficient to make an easily rolled dough.

Cooking: Pieces of fruit are removed from the jam and the liquid is allowed to drain. From all other ingredients knead the dough. Roll it out, cut out circles with a glass or a mold. Each is wrapped in a tube, putting in one piece of pear. Spread on a greased baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven for a quarter of an hour.

Cookies “Lenten”

Take 6 tbsp. flour, 2 tbsp. starch, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, the same amount of water, 1 tsp. soda, citric acid on the tip of a knife and 2 cups of sugar.

Cooking: Soda is quenched with a solution citric acid. Flour and starch are ground with vegetable oil. Enter Sugar dissolved in water is added. Knead not very stiff dough. Roll out, cut out figures with the help of molds and bake until cooked.

Please note that fasting food is considered (what you can and cannot eat, described above). During this period, although sweets are allowed, they are not recommended to be abused. Therefore, you should not overeat even lean, but sweet cookies.


The first thing that is recommended for those who do not know what to eat during Lent is to prepare a salad, for example, from champignons with walnuts. To do this, the kernels of nuts are fried in a heated pan without oil. Wash and finely chop the tarragon and shallot sprigs. Olive oil is mixed with salt, pepper and vinegar. Frize lettuce is torn into pieces by hand. All ingredients are mixed with canned champignons and seasoned with a mixture of oil, vinegar and spices.

Now you know how important food is during Lent. What is possible, what is impossible and what to cook, you also know, so you can properly prepare for the Great Feast of the Bright Sunday of Christ.

Great Lent is approaching, which helps to cleanse the body and soul of a person. During it, believers consume only lean foods. Before you start fasting, consider the following tips.

What not to eat while fasting

The main condition that fasting people must observe is to refuse meat products(pork, chicken, beef, fish, lamb). And also you can not include the following components in your diet:


milk cheeses, butter, fermented milk and, in fact, milk).

So, what should be the food and what lean foods are best used in the diet during Lent?

Grocery list

As you know, products of animal origin cannot be consumed during fasting, but only on the shelves of supermarkets, markets, you can find a large assortment of such products. Before you go shopping, bring a list of lean foods with you:

Groats (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, bulgur, barley, corn, wheat, barley);

Vegetables (beets, spinach, potatoes, asparagus, carrots, peppers, cabbage, garlic, onions);

Mushrooms (porcini, champignons, mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, chanterelles) can be consumed in any form - fresh, dried, and frozen.

Legumes (peas, asparagus and green beans, lentils, mung beans, chickpeas);

Vegetable fats olive, linseed, sunflower, pumpkin);

Pickles (cucumbers, apples, cabbage, tomatoes);

Greens (basil, dill, mint, leek, parsley) are used in dried and fresh or as a spice;

Dried fruits (raisins, candied fruits, dried apricots, figs, prunes);

Nuts (cashews, walnuts, forest, hazelnuts);

Fruit can be any, even exotic;

Sweets (jams, kozinaki, preserves, halva, honey);

Black and green olives;

From durum wheat;

Bread malt and bran;

Beverages ( green tea, fruit drink, cocoa, compote, juices, kissels);

Soy products (milk, cottage cheese, mayonnaise, sour cream).

These are the foods you can eat. The list is quite wide. We advise you to stick to it during fasting.

Soy Lean Products

The stores still sell ready-made meat and dairy products that are made from soy. They are enriched with vitamins, Omega-3 acids, trace elements, isoflavones. These lean products have many advantages:

1. They do not need to be stored in the refrigerator.

2. They cook quickly.

3. Soy can be attributed to a complete source of protein.

4. Reduce the risk of breast tumors and cardiovascular disease.

5. Regulate blood cholesterol.

6. Improve brain activity.

But doctors still advise to be careful with these products. After all most soybeans are grown using transgenic technologies. When choosing soy products, consider whether these simulants are necessary.

Lenten menu example

Before you start cooking, get provisions. As mentioned above, lean products for fasting can be bought in supermarkets, markets. So, here are a couple of menu options where components that are prohibited in the post are excluded.

For breakfast: wheat porridge cooked exclusively in water. Add finely chopped pumpkin to it. The drink is green tea.

Lunch: vegetarian borscht, light fresh cabbage salad with finely grated carrots.

Afternoon snack: cook potato rolls with mushrooms in the oven. Drink - compote from apples.

Dinner: stew a turnip with carrots. As a dessert - cranberries, which are mixed with honey.

Here is another option.

Breakfast: potato pancakes, radish salad. The drink is green tea.

Lunch: broccoli soup, celery root salad, apples, swede.

Afternoon snack: vegetable stew. Drink - apple-cranberry mousse.

Dinner: stewed cabbage rolls with rice and carrots. Drink - tea with jam. Dessert - candied fruits.

Now you are convinced that it can be varied and, most importantly, useful. All dishes are balanced and include a sufficient amount of vitamins, proteins, trace elements.

Benefits and contraindications

For some people, dietary restrictions are extremely contraindicated. The following categories of persons are released from office:

Anyone who has recently had complex operation or severe illness;

Elderly people;

Pregnant women, nursing mothers;

Patients with diabetes;

Those suffering from elevated blood pressure, kidney failure, serious illness gastrointestinal tract, gastric ulcer, gastritis;

People who are engaged in heavy physical labor.

As for the rest, doctors welcome their desire to fast. After all, at least once a week you need to arrange a fasting day.

Fasting is also beneficial for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. When eating lean food, harmful toxins and slags are removed from the body. The intestinal microflora is restored. Reduces cholesterol and sugar levels excess fluid. During fasting, many lose weight. Many people dream about it. After all, excess weight puts a strain on the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular system. The lenten menu is rich in fruits and vegetables, which saturate the body with vitamins.

Fasting Mistakes

In no case should you eat once or twice a day. The body ceases to receive a sufficient amount of energy sources. As a result, performance may deteriorate. immune system, and break hormonal background. In the diet, be sure to include not only carbohydrate foods, but also protein. Otherwise, it will lead to the accumulation of adipose tissue. Abundant consumption of raw fruits and vegetables, nuts can provoke colic, bloating, and even exacerbation of intestinal disease. Mandatory in Lenten menu for every day, include the first dish.

The main thing in fasting is not limiting oneself in food, but a complete purification of the soul. And do not go to extremes and make your menu only from water and bread.

Doctors do not advise entering a multi-week fast without preparation. This may lead to nervous breakdowns and health disorder. All this arises from the feeling of hunger. It is best to prepare yourself throughout the year. Arrange once a week unloading. Meals should be frequent and fractional. Eat five times a day. Avoid fried foods. Steam, boil, stew and bake.

After reading the article, we hope you understand that lean foods are nutritious, healthy and appetizing, and not at all tasteless.

I decided to write an article about what you can eat in fasting, what dishes you can cook on a fasting table.

After all, you want to eat tasty, varied, healthy and not boring, so that every day you don’t eat the same thing, right?

I want to offer you some delicious ideas on how to feed yourself and your family during the fasting period.

From this article you will learn:

What can you eat in the post - menu for lean nutrition

So, many people know that fasting can be strict and not strict.

Moreover, during the same fast there are certain differences in the daily diet.

Accordingly, the dishes that are consumed are different.

Strict fasting and not strict - what is the difference between them?

All posts vary in their degree of severity.

  • Strict post:

during strict fasting, only plant foods (vegetables, fruits, cereals) are allowed, and all animal products are completely excluded. Food can be thermally processed or raw (these are days of dry eating).

when allowed on some days vegetable oil in plant foods.

  • Not a strict post:

fish and vegetable oil are allowed these days. Otherwise, all food is plant-based, meat, milk and eggs are not consumed at all.

Lent is considered the strictest. The rest are less strict.

What can be cooked in the post?

Many believe that fasting is exclusively carrot cutlets, sauerkraut and “empty” rice… But, in fact, everything is not so scary at all, friends!

How do you like lasagna, spaghetti, pizza, various pancakes, dumplings, pancakes, pies and pies? It is not necessary to cook with white wheat flour if we do not want to get better! You can cook from buckwheat, corn, oat, pea, etc.

And how about various delicious sandwiches with hearty pates, vegetable and mushroom caviar, jelly, mushroom aspic, sweet cereals, dumplings with different fillings and “lazy” dumplings (gnocchi, dumplings, dumplings), julienne, various salads with such a hearty composition, that they fit to call the main dish and dumplings?

Borscht, cabbage soup, soups, mushroom and nut dishes, and even “scrambled eggs” without eggs!

And how many sweets you can cook, it's generally incomprehensible to the mind!

And sweets, and kozinaki, and pies, and cookies, and even cakes with cream!

Including - cakes without flour, without eggs and without sugar, this is already "aerobatics", but you can also learn this!

And it's far from full list those dishes that are called lenten ...

And if fish is allowed, it’s generally a holiday: it’s fish soup, cutlets, meatballs with rice, fish pastes (pates), steamed, fried, grilled and oven fish.

With vegetables, stuffed, stewed with mushrooms and onions, various fillings with fish for pies and pancakes ... You can’t list everything!

What products can be used in the preparation of lenten dishes?

  • Cereals:

millet, wheat, barley, barley, rice of all varieties,. More buckwheat, bulgur, couscous, spelt, corn grits. As well as oatmeal, and cereal from several types of cereals.

  • We prepare from them:

porridge, add to vegetable dishes, make cutlets, zrazy, fillings for pies and pies, prepare cereal soups and various casseroles.

From buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, barley, cornmeal, rye flour, spelled flour we cook our pastries and bread.

  • Vegetables - absolutely everything

We prepare from them:

soups, vegetable stews, vegetable puree, mashed soups, various fillings, vegetable sauces and meatballs.

We add them to pates, make salads from raw and boiled vegetables, casseroles, stew, bake, boil, fry, steam them.

We add cereals, mushrooms to them, pour them with all kinds of delicious sauces and eat just like that, cut into pieces.

Berries, fruits and dried fruits - absolutely everything

We prepare from them:

fruit purees, marshmallows, compotes, fruit drinks, kissels, jams and jams for tea. We twist and freshly squeezed juices, add to pastries, prepare fillings for pancakes and pies, add to cereals. We eat just like that, whole or cut into beautiful pieces.

  • Greens - any

From it we prepare:

"green" salads, add to smoothies, cut into salads from boiled and raw vegetables, we generously sprinkle our ready-made dishes, we make “green” fillings for our pancakes and pies.

  • Legumes:

peas, beans of all kinds, beans, chickpeas, mung beans, lentils.

  • Cooking from beans:

soups, mashed soups, add to salads, boil and mash, add to vegetable stews, cook bean pastes, fillings, etc.

  • Nuts - whatever you like

We cook from nuts: nut sauces (sweet and salty), nut muffins, nut cutlets, make gozinaki and halva, prepare delicious nut milk, add to pates and fillings, sprinkle our cereals with chopped nuts and add to any other dishes, pastries.

We make cheese from nuts. Cooking nut pastes and nut urbechi. We bite just like that

  • Seeds:

sunflower, sesame, flax, poppy, chia seeds, hemp seeds.

We prepare from them:

we add to pastries, make gozinaki, sauces for dishes (sweet and salty), sprinkle our cereals with crushed seeds and add to other dishes.

Cooking vegetable milk (sweet and unsweetened), urbechi from seeds, cheese from seeds, tahina (tahina, tahini) from sesame seeds and pasta-mix for sandwiches from various seeds.

  • Mushrooms are everything

We fry them, stew them, bake them, cook them on the grill, steam them.

We cook them with various fillings, make pates out of them, cook julienne, add to vegetable dishes, in soups, prepare mushroom soups, mushroom fillings, add to cereals, salads.

  • Vegetable oil - any you want

For salads, cold dishes and snacks, and in ready-made dishes, it is best to use vegetable oils of the first cold pressing. They have both taste and aroma - just divine!

Choose the ones that you like: olive, linseed, camelina, and hemp oil grape seeds and walnut oil, sesame.

As well as mustard oil, coconut, rice, from sunflower seeds and from pumpkin seeds.

For frying-cooking-stewing, 100% oils and refined ones are suitable, they are odorless and can be cooked on, as well as coconut oil.

Where to get protein in a lean diet?

Mushrooms are our "meat" for the period fast food. This includes legumes, nuts, herbs and seeds.

All of these foods are highly nutritious a large number of squirrel, healthy fats(nuts and seeds), as well as vitamins and minerals.

During fasting, all these products are MANDATORY in daily diet. In this case, you will not have any "protein starvation".

What kind of cereals are prepared for fasting?

Our Russian porridge is not just food, it is a whole "philosophy"! Of course, we are not talking about fast, instant cereals, which "filled in and immediately ate."

Although, this is also an option: simple oatmeal or a mixture of cereals filled with boiling water or vegetable milk, yes with the addition of berries, nuts, fruits and seeds - why not a hearty, delicious breakfast?

And porridge with vegetables, mushrooms - why not a wonderful and hearty dish for dinner?

The main idea here is this: porridge is never NOT tasty. The porridge just needs to be cooked properly.

Here's an example: barley. Do not love? You just don't know how to cook it!…

Here you need to know the secret of delicious barley. Try to do this: rinse it, pour enough large quantity boiling water, wrap in a warm blanket and let it brew all night, 8-10 hours. If all the water is not absorbed, then drain it, fill it again a small amount water and boil it for 10 minutes.

Fry separately the onion, cut into beautiful rings and grated potatoes, add spices and mix with the finished barley.

You can also add mushrooms if you like.

No one will refuse such porridge!

A similar story with buckwheat porridge. Do you like it with milk? Please: grind seeds or nuts with water in a blender, strain, and you will have the healthiest milk in the world! Any porridge is good with vegetable milk, and buckwheat is especially good. Make it sweet or savory, whichever you like.

An excellent option for buckwheat porridge is buckwheat with onions, carrots and other fried vegetables.

Buckwheat with mushrooms and onions - who would refuse it, right?

Very tasty buns, pancakes are prepared from buckwheat flour and “Grechaniki” are fried.

In stores, look for spaghetti or any other pasta from buckwheat flour. It is very tasty and unusual!

Cook sweet pilaf from rice: boiled rice add steamed raisins, nuts, seeds, any fresh berries or fruit, drizzle with sweet nut sauce or honey. This is a meal!

And rice with mushrooms and vegetables? Why not swim? A very tasty and satisfying dish, the absence of meat and you will not notice ...

Any porridge can be served with a sauce prepared by yourself. It's easier than ever - to prepare the sauce from the same seeds or nuts. You can make vegetable sauce, tomato sauce, sweet fruit and berry sauce.

Be sure to add spices to any cereal. This will enrich the taste of your cereals, give them an incredible flavor and make them healthier and easier to digest.

Dried fruits in post

Of course, dried fruits are eaten in fasting.

The amount of vitamins in them, of course, falls, but the amount of sugar increases.

But, despite this, the benefits of dried fruits are still all in doubt, because all trace elements are stored there in the necessary and sufficient quantity.

They are commercially available, they are not so expensive in price, especially since there are a lot of them and you can’t eat them. Of course, it is better to buy those that have not been processed, that have been dried and stored without being exposed to "chemical attack."

They are not as beautiful and glossy as those that were first soaked in sugar syrup and dried under high temperature, and then also treated with sulfur dioxide, etc., but you know for 100% that you do not harm yourself by using them.

You can eat dried fruits and just like that, say, with tea. To do this, it is better to pre-soak them in water. They will become juicy and soft, and will look like fresh ones.

From any dried fruit you can make a delicious dessert-delicacy.

Especially good in this dessert will be: figs, cherries, large prunes.

Need juice from red berries. If it’s not the season, then feel free to get your blanks from the shelves and get started! Add the following spices to the juice: vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, black pepper and sugar. Add dried fruits cut into large pieces, mix and boil it all over a very low heat: first without a lid for 50-60 minutes, then under the lid for another 40 minutes. Look, it may take less time. The main thing is that the syrup becomes thick.

Such a dessert can be served with tea, served with porridge, and just cracked with a spoon ...

The use of dried fruits is not limited to this.

Many amazing things are done with dried fruits: for example, they are added to the stuffing for stuffing tomatoes, sweet bell peppers and eggplant. They are stewed with red beans and fried onions.

It turns out unusual, original and piquant.

How to cook mushrooms in the post?

If we do not take into account the “newfangled” soybeans, then mushrooms are exactly the “meat” that will be on our table during the entire post.

Mushroom soup, potatoes with mushrooms and onions, vegetable stew with mushrooms, mushroom julienne, mushroom caviar, potato cutlets stuffed with mushrooms with mushroom sauce (zrazy), mushroom risotto and dumplings with mushrooms…

All this, of course, can be prepared quite calmly from dried mushrooms and from frozen ones. Not only bored champignons and oyster mushrooms will do. Honey mushrooms, chanterelles, aspen mushrooms, porcini mushrooms - everything is good!

AT recent times You can also find Japanese shiitake mushrooms. He is the "world champion" in wrestling cancer. In addition, they are incredibly tasty, the Japanese know a lot!

And the huge, just giant portobello mushrooms? It tastes like pure chicken! And they are often sold in ordinary supermarkets, ask!

Mushrooms have a fantastic variety, and this is a great occasion for daily "mushroom experiments" in order to cook mushrooms often, cook a lot and tasty.

Here are some options for you:

  1. You can make sandwiches with tapenade from forest mushrooms: grind capers with olive oil, add lemon juice, season with salt and pepper. It turns out such a paste that is perfectly smeared on toasted slices of bread, and between two slices - slices of mushrooms fried to a crisp.
  2. And from the good old oyster mushrooms, a salad “emerges” by itself: mushrooms, apples, celery stalks, lettuce and large berries of dark grapes fried to a beautiful ruddy. Everything is poured with lemon juice dressing with mashed pine nuts, salt, pepper and a dash of cinnamon. Mmm…
  3. And champignons fried with soy sauce, honey, sesame seeds and green onions? Served hot, immediately, they are incredible!

How to use nuts and seeds in fasting?

Nuts play an important role in our lean diet.

They can not only sprinkle cakes and add to a salad of beets and garlic ...

During fasting, when almost every protein counts, nuts are simply an irreplaceable thing!

If the nuts are fresh, then this, consider that “almost a panacea” in autumn-winter period when all sorts of colds and SARS pester us.

Nuts are just so nice to nibble on and make nut pastes out of them. It does not have to be peanuts, very tasty pastes are obtained from absolutely any nuts! It is even better to make from nuts, moreover, from raw ones. Still, peanut butter is an ambiguous product ...

Although, if you really want to, then you can, but not much. It is very easy to cook at home: roast peeled peanuts in the oven, twist it in a meat grinder twice, add salt and water to the desired consistency.

Or immediately twist everything in a blender - peanuts + salt + water.

The same principle is used to make raw nut paste:

  • Do you want something sweet? No problem: add honey and cinnamon.
  • Do you want something unusual? Please: add pepper, quite a bit of honey and spices. Highly original taste comes from nut butter!
  • Want something more satisfying? Then combine lightly roasted nuts in a blender (perfect for this appetizer) walnuts, but you can use any, be guided by your taste), fried onions, salt, pepper and water. Very, very tasty, hearty and fragrant snack! It smells so that you immediately need to spread it on your bread and eat it until the homemade “grind”, otherwise you won’t get it, believe me!
  • If you want to make something "more impressive" for a snack, then you can add boiled beans and a little bit of garlic to this recipe. Again: we scroll everything in a blender with the addition of water to the desired pasty consistency.
  • You can do the same with seeds - cook pasta, and spread it every morning thin layer on a piece of bread, crispy toast, cookies (sweet or salty) or whole grain bread. Hearty, tasty, healthy, what else do you need, right?

Make sweet pastes, make salty ones, whatever you want!

Who said tahini has to be salty?

Are you afraid of experiments? Then prepare sweet tahini: sesame seeds(can be raw, or fried in a dry frying pan, with roasted seeds it turns out many times more aromatic) + honey + cinnamon + salt.

This is such an amazing thing, folks! To say it's delicious is an understatement! Therefore, as soon as you cook, grab yourself a spoonful of bread, and only then call your family, although you won’t have to call them, I’m sure: the aroma of roasted sesame seeds is such a thing that they themselves will come running to, believe me!

Here is another very original idea for a snack: raw almonds, lemon juice, a little honey, fresh basil leaves, salt, a little garlic and ginger (proportions are arbitrary, to your taste), scroll through a meat grinder or in a blender, adding so much water to get a paste of the consistency you need.

Then you take apples, carrots, celery stalks, cucumbers and whatever else you can think of, cut into pieces and eat them, dipping them in the prepared sauce.

Very tasty, unusual, nutritious and mega-healthy snack! Be sure to cook, you will definitely like it!

I really like to cook various pastas and pates from seeds and nuts, it helps out so much when there is no time, but you need to eat something quickly, preferably healthy!

And do not be afraid of the calorie content, you, even if you want, will not be able to eat a lot, it's very satisfying!

Such pastes can not only be spread on bread, they can be used as fillings, and add to your own porridges, and spaghetti instead of sauce.

Store nut or seed paste in the refrigerator.

Lenten first courses

Friends, try to do this, and buckwheat soup will become your "favorite" for the lenten period, honestly!

And how do you like the idea of ​​kharcho soup, gazpacho, pickle? You can continue the list. All this can be cooked without meat, and all this is quite tasty and nutritious!

So, friends, this is what I wanted to tell you today. I really hope that you will take some ideas for yourself and apply them.

If you liked the ideas from this article, then share with your friends on social. networks, friends and co-workers at work.

Write in the comments what you can eat in the post, your ideas for lean nutrition. What are you cooking? I will be very interested, I'm always looking for something new and cool.

And other readers will also be interested to know, write!

See you soon, my dears!

Alena Yasneva was with you, Health and Delicious Lent to everyone!

Orthodox post These are the days when people are cleansed by the spirit. But at the same time, the body is also cleansed, because everything in each person must be pure - both the soul, and the body, and thoughts. On the days of fasting, you need to be attentive to your psychophysical state. A person who has decided that he is ready to limit his diet, in principle, knows which foods are allowed to be consumed in a given period, and which are not.

The main canons of nutrition in fasting

It is necessary to figure out what you can still eat on fasting days, and what foods should be excluded from the diet. So, the mandatory exceptions are:

  1. Meat products;
  2. Milk, as well as butter, cottage cheese and cheeses;
  3. Eggs and mayonnaise;
  4. Fatty sweets and pastries;
  5. Fish and vegetable oil (on strict days of fasting);
  6. Alcohol and tobacco.

These foods should not be eaten during fasting. There is an opinion that if a person does not eat meat, eggs, does not drink milk, then he loses protein, which is so necessary for the body. But at right approach This is not the case for a lean diet.

There are many foods that are rich in protein. If you diversify the lean diet with mushrooms, eggplant, legumes and soy, you can get required amount squirrel. After all, even nutritionists have proven that soy may well replace fish and meat.

And yet, before fasting, you should find out if it will become dangerous for the body, because not everyone can benefit from abstaining from certain products.

What is allowed to eat in a strict fast

In Christianity, the days of fasting vary in severity. On one day, one thing may be allowed, on the second, another. And there are days when you can't eat at all. The strictest fast among Christians is Great.

It lasts 40 days, during which any recreational activities are prohibited. In addition, there are some canons that must be followed:

  1. It is forbidden to take any food on Fridays, as well as on the day the Great Lent begins;
  2. First and last week It is marked by the permission to eat vegetables, fruits and bread. Water is allowed as a drink.
  3. On other days, honey, nuts and any plant foods are allowed.

What can you eat during fasting on non-strict days:

  1. Eggplant;
  2. Zucchini;
  3. fish;
  4. lentils;
  5. oatmeal;
  6. Any fruit salads, of course, without seasoning them with sour cream.

The main food in fasting are plant foods. These are mainly cereals (of course, buckwheat, wheat, barley and oatmeal are the best, as these are primordially Russian types of cereals, besides they are rich in fiber and minerals).

Of course, do not forget about the vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits. The main thing is that fasting does not cause a violation of the diet. You should not skip breakfast, and you also need to remember that it is advisable to snack more often during fasting.

Due to the fact that there is no animal protein in the lean diet, which gives the feeling that a person is full for a long time, you want to eat something substantial, especially in the early days. But in this case, you can forget about purification.

The best option here is regular meals, as well as the inclusion of whole grains in the diet, and of course beans.

It is important to remember that for any restriction in food, you need to prepare your body. For him, the option will be the most severe stress, in which a person overeating every day, suddenly suddenly stops eating. There will be no benefit from such an attempt at purification.

Features of nutrition after fasting

Some people think that if the post is over, then you need to win back for all the days and eat everything at once, and even more.

At the same time, without thinking at all that in this case, not only will there be no benefit from abstinence, but on the contrary, there will be only harm. How to eat after the end of the post?

The first days should be like a gradual "fading" of fasting. It is not recommended to eat these days:

  1. Meat (with the possible exception of chicken, turkey or fish);
  2. Mushrooms, especially pickled;
  3. You should not get involved in baking;
  4. High-calorie sweets, such as cake, buttercream or buttercream cake;
  5. Sausages and smoked meats.

Since the body, during the time the fast lasted, weaned from animal food, you need to start eating it little by little, as if re-accustoming yourself. Do not eat fried meat or fish. It is desirable that the food be boiled and eat it in small portions, little by little.

Salt in the first days after fasting is better to limit. Shouldn't get carried away flour products in butter and eggs. Much more useful will be dishes from cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet or oatmeal - does not have of great importance) with fruits, in which it is desirable to add more greens. After all, the body needs vitamins during this period.

The Sacrament of Communion - how to prepare for it, what can you eat?

The shortest duration of fasting before Communion is three days. It happens that a person cannot withstand these restrictions due to illness or even hard, exhausting work, while the body requires a lot of calories.

In this case, at confession, which necessarily takes place before communion, you need to repent to the priest of this sin as well. What you can’t do is tell the priest that you fasted if the fast is not kept.

So what can you eat in this post? Almost the same is allowed as on the days of other fasts:

  1. You can eat vegetables and fruits;
  2. Cereals from cereals;
  3. Boiled or baked fish;
  4. Bread;
  5. Nuts.

You can also eat sweets, such as dark chocolate, gozinaki, but it is better to limit the consumption of these products. The main thing is to remember that in the use of even those products that are allowed, you need to know when to stop, do not overeat.

The benefits of fasting for a person or “why to fast”

Eating in fasting according to all the rules is very beneficial for human health. Allowed food will give the body necessary substances, and the absence of products that are banned will not allow the body to spend energy on fighting toxins, etc.

Lenten nutrition inherently normalizes the work of the whole organism, but its main benefit is as follows:

  1. Improved digestion;
  2. Getting rid of dysbacteriosis;
  3. Liver cleansing and normalization of its work;
  4. Complete cleansing of the body. Slags and toxins are removed completely;
  5. Eating by day will prevent set excess weight.

Some people, fearing excess weight, do not touch, for example, pies with potatoes fried in oil, albeit vegetable. However, if you pay attention to fast days, then on weekends this food is completely allowed and is not at all harmful to health.

Why is this happening? Everything is simple. Even if you allow yourself to enjoy your favorite pies on a day off, all the substances that the body does not need will be removed from the body over the next five weekdays.

Little joys after fasting

Only those people who really held Great Lent, after its end, can fully experience the pleasure of everyday food. In the first days, after forty days of abstinence, ordinary food tastes unusually "sweet".

Those foods that seemed ordinary before Lent seem to be the most delicate nectar. Not everyone can experience such feelings. Only those few who have truly abstained from forbidden food are capable of such a thing.

After all, you no longer need to ask yourself the question, is it possible for me today, now. After all, no matter how hard a person tries, there is not always enough time for cooking, and on fast days tomorrow it will not be possible to eat what they ate today.

Therefore, it turns out that all food often consists of water, nuts and dried fruits.

Fast or not?

In any case, regardless of whether a person fasts or not, you need to know the measure in everything. After all, if you exhaust yourself constant hunger, the body will not receive the substances it needs, it will use internal resources that are not endless.

And in the end, it just “gets tired” of working and stops. Is there any benefit to such fasting? The answer is obvious - no. The same can be said about overeating. Excess will be deposited in the body, and as a result - obesity, heart disease and other internal organs.

So whether to fast or not is up to everyone. The main thing is not to go to extremes.

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