What can you eat in Lenten. Nutrition calendar for Lent by day: what is possible, what is not. Proper nutrition in fasting: the essence and features

Features of proper nutrition in fasting. What can and what is forbidden to eat during the fasting period. Here it began great post. It will last seven weeks and end after Easter is celebrated in the church. At this time, a believer not only restricts himself in food. The meaning of the post goes much deeper than that. If you do not go into details, then this period can be characterized as an opportunity to purify yourself both spiritually and physically. Special nutrition should help a person look at his life in a new way and cleanse the body.

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By Church Charter the first and last weeks of Lent are considered the strictest. If you strictly follow the rules, then in the first three days you should completely refuse food. The only way you can somehow support your strength is raw vegetables and water. But not every person can last in such a diet for a long time, so you can expand the list of products and eat well, just not using strictly prohibited (fast) foods.

What can not be eaten in the post?

As we have already said, during the period of Great Lent, one must refrain from the so-called fast foods. Basically it is a food containing natural fat and oils. Everything in this list meat products, fish (allowed in certain days), eggs. All dairy products are also banned.

What can you eat in a post

Also, during fasting, a person should refrain from various food fast food, sweets, bread made from white flour, quick pastries. Under the huge ban is alcohol.

Do not add hot spices to food during fasting. This is not a ban, but a recommendation from doctors. Since with such poor nutrition, they can adversely affect the condition gastrointestinal tract.

What can you eat in a post?

Approved Products great amount. Many can be prepared from them. delicious meals, so the stereotype of extreme nutritional scarcity has no support. It is especially important to eat hot first courses, as they have a beneficial effect on the condition of the stomach and intestines.

List of products allowed in the post:

  • Bread (coarse)
  • All fruits in any form
  • All vegetables in any form
  • Mushrooms
  • nuts
  • Kashi (boiled in water)
  • Compote, fruit drink, kvass, smoothies, tea

What not to eat in fasting

On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday you can eat seafood and wine, but only as an exception.

It is recommended to eat only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday cold food, and on Tuesday and Thursday - hot. During the week, it is forbidden to add vegetable oil to food, it is allowed only on Saturday and Sunday.

What can you eat while fasting

How to eat properly in fasting and get all the necessary substances?

Since we are faced with some restrictions during Lent, you should pay attention to your food habits and include some foods in your diet.

  • A person must receive protein in a certain amount. But since meat and dairy products are prohibited in fasting, it can be obtained from legumes, nuts, cereals and soy products.
  • If you are driving active image life, be sure to eat cereal or potatoes daily.
  • Vegetables and fruits should always be on your table.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Replace sweets with dried fruits and honey. It is not only tasty, but also much healthier.
  • arm yourself various recipes to keep your diet varied.

At the end of the fast, very carefully return to use fatty foods. If you eat too much meat tastefully on the first day, you can seriously harm your body. And remember, fasting is not only what is on your plate, but also what is on your mind. Try to avoid negative statements, too noisy parties and quarrels.

Great Lent is approaching, which helps to cleanse the body and soul of a person. During it, believers consume only lean foods. Before you start fasting, consider the following tips.

What not to eat while fasting

The main condition that fasting people must observe is to refuse meat products (pork, chicken, beef, fish, lamb). And also you can not include in your diet the following components:


Dairy cheeses, butter, sour-milk and, in fact, milk).

So, what should be the food and what lean foods are best used in the diet during Lent?

Grocery list

As you know, products of animal origin cannot be consumed during fasting, but only on the shelves of supermarkets, markets, you can find a large assortment of such products. Take a list with you before you go shopping lean foods:

Groats (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, bulgur, barley, corn, wheat, barley);

Vegetables (beets, spinach, potatoes, asparagus, carrots, peppers, cabbage, garlic, onions);

Mushrooms (porcini, champignons, mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, chanterelles) can be consumed in any form - fresh, dried, and frozen.

Legumes (peas, asparagus and green beans, lentils, mung beans, chickpeas);

Vegetable fats olive, linseed, sunflower, pumpkin);

Pickles (cucumbers, apples, cabbage, tomatoes);

Greens (basil, dill, mint, leek, parsley) are used in dried and fresh or as a spice;

Dried fruits (raisins, candied fruits, dried apricots, figs, prunes);

Nuts (cashews, walnuts, forest, hazelnuts);

Fruit can be any, even exotic;

Sweets (jams, kozinaki, preserves, halva, honey);

Black and green olives;

From durum wheat;

Bread malt and bran;

Beverages ( green tea, fruit drink, cocoa, compote, juices, jelly);

Soy products (milk, cottage cheese, mayonnaise, sour cream).

These are the foods you can eat. The list is quite wide. We advise you to stick to it during fasting.

Soy Lean Products

The stores still sell ready-made meat and dairy products that are made from soy. They are enriched with vitamins, Omega-3 acids, trace elements, isoflavones. These lean products have many advantages:

1. They do not need to be stored in the refrigerator.

2. They cook quickly.

3. Soy can be attributed to a complete source of protein.

4. Reduce the risk of breast tumors and cardiovascular disease.

5. Regulate blood cholesterol.

6. Improve brain activity.

But doctors still advise to be careful with these products. After all most soybeans are grown using transgenic technologies. When choosing soy products, consider whether these simulants are necessary.

Lenten menu example

Before you start cooking, get provisions. As mentioned above, lean products for fasting can be bought in supermarkets, markets. So, here are a couple of menu options where components that are prohibited in the post are excluded.

For breakfast: wheat porridge cooked exclusively in water. Add finely chopped pumpkin to it. The drink is green tea.

Lunch: vegetarian borscht, light fresh cabbage salad with finely grated carrots.

Afternoon snack: cook potato rolls with mushrooms in the oven. Drink - compote from apples.

Dinner: stew a turnip with carrots. As a dessert - cranberries, which are mixed with honey.

Here is another option.

Breakfast: potato pancakes, radish salad. The drink is green tea.

Lunch: broccoli soup, celery root salad, apples, swede.

Afternoon snack: vegetable stew. Drink - apple-cranberry mousse.

Dinner: stewed cabbage rolls with rice and carrots. Drink - tea with jam. Dessert - candied fruits.

Now you are convinced that it can be varied and, most importantly, useful. All dishes are balanced and include enough vitamins, proteins, trace elements.

Benefits and contraindications

For some people, dietary restrictions are extremely contraindicated. The following categories of persons are released from office:

Anyone who has recently had complex operation or severe illness;

Elderly people;

Pregnant women, nursing mothers;

Patients with diabetes;

Those suffering from elevated blood pressure, kidney failure, serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers, gastritis;

People who are engaged in heavy physical labor.

As for the rest, doctors welcome their desire to fast. After all, at least once a week you need to arrange a fasting day.

Fasting is also beneficial for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. When eating lean food, harmful toxins and slags are removed from the body. The intestinal microflora is restored. Reduces cholesterol and sugar levels excess fluid. During fasting, many lose weight. Many people dream about it. After all, excess weight puts a strain on the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular system. The lenten menu is rich in fruits and vegetables, which saturate the body with vitamins.

Fasting Mistakes

In no case should you eat once or twice a day. The body ceases to receive a sufficient amount of energy sources. As a result, performance may deteriorate. immune system, and break hormonal background. In the diet, be sure to include not only carbohydrate foods, but also protein. Otherwise, it will lead to the accumulation of adipose tissue. Abundant consumption of raw fruits and vegetables, nuts can provoke colic, bloating, and even exacerbation of intestinal disease. Be sure to include the first course in the lenten menu for every day.

The main thing in fasting is not limiting oneself in food, but a complete purification of the soul. And do not go to extremes and make your menu only from water and bread.

Doctors do not advise entering a multi-week fast without preparation. This may lead to nervous breakdowns and health disorder. All this arises from the feeling of hunger. It is best to prepare yourself throughout the year. Arrange once a week unloading. Meals should be frequent and fractional. Eat five times a day. Avoid fried foods. Steam, boil, stew and bake.

After reading the article, we hope you understand that lean foods are nutritious, healthy and appetizing, and not at all tasteless.

Voluntary refusal of food, abstinence from any entertainment is called fasting. True Christians who want to reunite with make the decision to fast. But what can you eat during fasting to save energy for everyday life?

The essence of fasting

Many Orthodox, who are just starting their journey to God, believe that fasting is completely refusing to eat. But this is not entirely correct. First of all, you need to limit yourself from activities that carry idleness and pleasure:

  • do not participate in entertainment festivities;
  • refuse to watch entertainment programs;
  • do not do bad deeds;
  • not fulfill marital obligations;
  • don't swear or gossip.

Secondly, you need to stop eating junk food. Only lean food is allowed.

There is a basic list of lean foods that can be eaten:

  1. Various types of cereals: semolina, barley, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, barley.
  2. Any vegetables: potatoes, cabbage, onions, beets, carrots.
  3. Fruits and berries.
  4. Mushrooms.
  5. Nuts: walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pine nuts.
  6. Beekeeping products.
  7. Canned vegetables, fruits and berries (compotes, jams, vegetable salads).
  8. Condiments, spices and herbs (dill, parsley, Bay leaf, black and red pepper, cardamom, etc.)

You can eat during fasting, because this is a test, not a test for survival. In order for the body to fully function, it needs a sufficient amount of protein. And where to get it, if the meat is in fast days strictly prohibited? The answer is simple, you should replace meat products with those that contain vegetable protein. Legumes (beans, soybeans, chickpeas, peas) are especially enriched with this protein.

Try to cook lean soup their any kind of legumes, vegetables and cereals. Season with spices to taste, and you will realize that fasting can be delicious. But don't overeat. After all, excess food is a violation of fasting. You should eat everything in moderation, trying only to satisfy your hunger, and not to eat to satiety.

When can you eat fish during fasting?

Fish is a kind of product that is banned on strict days. To answer the question “When can I eat fish during fasting?”, You should study the basic rules for eating it.

Most often, fish can be included in your diet when fasting days coincide with big days. church holidays. For example, April 7 (Annunciation), the last Sunday before Easter (Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem), Saturday of Lazarus.

During the Dormition Fast, fish are allowed on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Petrov fasting allows you to eat fish on the following days: Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday.

During the Christmas fast, fish can be included in the menu on weekends: Saturday and Sunday.

Special rules apply to people with poor health. When talking with the priest, you can ask for relief, then you will be allowed to eat fish products Anytime.

Meals on different days

During the week, you need to know on which days you should make an indulgence, and on which, on the contrary, you should completely refrain from food.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the days of the strictest fast. At this time, if possible, you should completely refuse food or you can afford to eat very little raw, uncooked foods. In addition, during these 3 days, vegetable oils should not be added to dishes. The main food is Rye bread, vegetables, fruits and unsweetened jelly or compote.

Tuesday and Thursday. On these days, it is allowed to eat food that can first be boiled or fried. But sunflower oil Again, adding is not allowed.

Saturday and Sunday. Relaxation days. You can cook yourself a soup or cook a vegetable stew with the addition of fish and vegetable oil.

This post is the strictest and the longest. Therefore, before proceeding with its commission, you need to think about whether it will harm your health. Sick people and nursing mothers are allowed to eat even a little meat on fasting days.

You should refuse:

  • from any kind of meat, fish and even seafood;
  • dairy and fermented milk products, eggs and even egg powder;
  • baking, as forbidden foods are added to the dough during cooking;
  • mayonnaise and other sauces, if they contain milk or eggs;
  • alcoholic beverages, as they have amusing properties.

It must be remembered that fasting people do not eat at all on the first day of Great Lent and every Friday.

In the first and last 7 days, you can eat only vegetables and fruits, and drink only fresh water.

On other days, honey, sunflower oil, and sometimes fish are allowed.

Are sweets allowed?

Some sweet lovers are wondering if you can sometimes drink tea with sugar or eat a bar of chocolate during fasting? The Church gives a positive answer.

During fasting, it is allowed to add sugar to food, in addition, you can small quantities eat dark chocolate without the addition of dairy components, dried berries, gozinaki, marmalade sweets and honey.

Some Orthodox believe that honey is undesirable. Especially this opinion is held by the Old Believers and monks. But church officials are not opposed to the fact that honey is present on the table of the Orthodox during fasting. They advise choosing buckwheat or linden varieties, as they contain many trace elements and vitamins.

Menu for one day of Lent

For people who have decided to start fasting for the first time, you can advise this sample diagram food intake:

  • Breakfast: a slice of black bread, 250 g of any porridge cooked in water.
  • Lunch: lettuce salad with tomatoes and cucumbers, seasoned with lemon juice and salt.
  • Snack: one apple or pear. A glass of berry compote.
  • Dinner: stew of stewed vegetables: potatoes, cabbage and carrots.

According to the clergy, the most important thing is the purification of the soul. And the question “What can I eat during fasting” does not have such of great importance. The main thing is to sincerely believe that through spiritual and bodily abstinence we.

One of the strictest church calendar Lent lasts seven weeks. In 2019, fasting should be observed from March 11 to April 27. Sputnik talks about acceptable and prohibited foods in the diet, as well as the rules for eating.

Fasting symbolizes a difficult journey: in order to get to Easter, believers must overcome its strict restrictions. By the way, fasting is designed to cleanse both the body and the soul, so you will have to refrain from fun.

What not to eat in Lent 2019

It is worth noting that the clergy advise ordinary people take into account your health status, activities and eating habits, avoiding the strictest prohibitions. During Lent, food should be simple, but maintain physical forces person.

Basically, anyone who decides to fast is forbidden to eat food of animal origin on these days. This category includes any meat, milk, eggs and, of course, other products in which they can be found.

Fast food is strictly prohibited, and those with a sweet tooth will have to do without delicacies and muffins.

It is also not recommended to use a lot of sugar, salt and spices - in case you are not ready to give them up altogether, add them in small quantities. It is also not advised to fry food - you should prefer other cooking methods.

What can you eat in Lent

The list of food products allowed during Lent seems insufficient only at first glance: in fact, a variety of dishes can be prepared from these products every day.

It is permissible to eat foods such as black bread and cereals, various cereals, all legumes, mushrooms in different form, seasonal vegetables (particularly in the form of pickles), seasonal fruits, dried fruits, berry jam, nuts and honey.

Twice during the entire post it is allowed to treat yourself to fish. It can be eaten on holidays - for example, on Palm Sunday and on the Annunciation.

Among the methods of cooking, you should choose stewing, baking, boiling or steaming. Porridge is allowed to cook only on water and without adding oil. We recommend that you carefully consider the fact that, not wanting to harm the body, you need to replace the prohibited in fasting animal protein vegetable - it is found in acceptable legumes, peanuts, soy and eggplant. Soups at this time are cooked exclusively on vegetable broth.

Nutrition rules for Great Lent 2019 by day

On most days of Lent, only one meal per day is allowed. The only exceptions are weekends - on Saturday and Sunday you can eat twice a day. The most stringent restrictions will have to be adhered to in the first four days and in his last week - Holy Week right before Easter.

Completely abstain from food Clean Monday, as well as in Good Friday. Another strict day is the first Friday of Great Lent, which allows only wheat with sugar or honey.

By the way, any of the days has its own rules: on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you should stick to a dry diet (drink water and compotes, eat bread, as well as raw fruits and vegetables). Eat on Tuesday and Thursday hot food but no oil. On weekends, vegetable oil and wine can be added to this list of products.

What to drink in Lent 2019

Drinking alcohol during Lent is prohibited (with the exception of weekends when wine is allowed). Despite the fact that during the strict seven weeks it is not forbidden to drink tea and coffee, it is recommended to significantly reduce their consumption and prefer drinks based on fruits and herbs.

By the way, coffee lovers should think about the fact that fasting involves the rejection of pleasure: this restriction will probably be a real humility of the flesh for you.

Neither fish nor fowl.
Who is always on duty?

The merry Maslenitsa died down, the people took their time off, in the old days, after a wide revelry, they relied strict post up to seven weeks. After Shrovetide until Easter, theaters were closed, all entertainment stopped, weddings were not allowed, etc. A modern secular person is unlikely to follow all church prescriptions, because of all the abstinence, the current generation has accepted only a ban on meat food. And the Pepsi generation prefers not to remember that fasting is a time of spiritual perfection.

Fasting is fashionable now. Cafes, restaurants, small eateries vying to invite people Lenten menu and offer to taste meatless dishes. And this is very good, even wonderful. Only under one condition: you need to limit yourself in food in moderation, otherwise it will not be good, but sheer harm.

Everything needs skill and practice.

As with any serious undertaking, it would be good to prepare for fasting ahead of time: during the year, try to arrange for yourself fasting days in which to try to switch to vegetarian food. Do not forget: abrupt rejection from the usual diet can exacerbate sores and worsen well-being.

In addition, strict fasting is categorically contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers, those who are engaged in hard physical or intense intellectual work. Caution should also be observed by those who have recently suffered a strong mental trauma, grief or recovering from illness or surgery. For children and adolescents under 14 years of age, strict lean diet is also contraindicated. Modern children already, according to research, suffer from a lack of calcium, so this deficiency should not be aggravated.

The diet prescribed on fasting days is absolutely contraindicated with medical point vision for those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, diabetes and other disorders immune status. We don’t even mention the patients with anemia – fasting is strictly forbidden for them.

In addition, each fasting person should proceed from his strengths and capabilities. At each stage of life, a person needs a strictly defined amount and quality of nutrition, this is an axiom. Young body a lot of energy is required, and purely vegetarian food in our climate will not provide it. Besides gastric juice, intended for the digestion of meat, will be left without work and will corrode the walls of the stomach and duodenum. Therefore, it may not be worthwhile to completely abandon animal proteins, especially for younger people who lead an active lifestyle.

Another nuance: in our climate, Great Lent falls on the cold season. It is quite natural for a northern person to eat more in winter and less in summer. Fish and meat in winter, vegetables in summer. So, despite the prohibitions, fish must be on the table, especially for those who are fasting for the first time.

Well, now - specific recommendations. The main thing is that you cannot exclude all animal products from the diet in one day. Try to make things a little easier at first. The next year, the conditions of the task can be complicated by adhering to more strict rules. If you are fasting for the first time, do not give up vegetable oil, fish, dairy products and eggs. Avoid meat only. Thoughtless strict fasting can upset health and make a person irritable and nervous due to constant feeling hunger.

Do's and Don'ts

As you know, Lent before Easter is the longest. It lasts 48 days (this year - from February 15 to April 3). At this time, you can not eat meat, fish, eggs, dairy products (including mayonnaise, yogurt, ice cream), drink alcohol, including drink beer. Sweet pastries are also prohibited ( White bread, buns, cakes, cookies) and any sweets. Indulgences are allowed on the Annunciation and on Palm Sunday when you can eat fish meals. In addition, on Saturdays and Sundays, cheese, seafood, caviar and wine are allowed (of course, not drunk).

On Friday of the last week of Great Lent, church canons prescribe complete abstinence from food.

Only plant foods are allowed: fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, pickles (sauerkraut, pickled and pickled cucumber-tomatoes), crackers, dryers, teas and decoctions, mushrooms, nuts, black and gray bread, kissels, cereals on the water.

Alas, this diet is poor. But who said that it is necessary to be limited only to these products? Firstly, meat during fasting can be replaced with soy. The lack of animal protein must be compensated for with beans, peas, and lentils. If you tolerate raw salads well, the flag is in your hands. If not, use boiled vegetables. You can not talk about the variety of modern cereals for a long time - just look into the store closest to the house.

And by the way, raw food is not only cabbage and carrots. These are also nuts, raisins, dried apricots, fruits, including overseas, exotic ones - bananas, pineapples, papaya, etc. A fish Lenten table includes red caviar, black caviar (if you can buy it, of course, and will be able to pay for it), a variety of seafood, including oysters, lobsters and lobsters.

As you can see, the Lenten table can be very diverse. Thus, you can saturate your body with almost everything necessary for normal activities substances. Let's say in herbal products contains substances essential for the body, such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, P vitamins (bioflavonoids), alimentary fiber, magnesium, potassium, iron, folic acid, vitamin K. They lack only vitamins A, D and B12. Grain products supply our body with protein, carbohydrates, again dietary fiber, vegetables, berries and fruits - carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, nuts are rich in protein and fat.

You can go through individual representatives flora. For example, cereals and potatoes are a source of starch, rose hips and bell peppers are rich in vitamin C, cranberries are rich in benzoic acid, Jerusalem artichoke supplies the carbohydrate inulin to our body.

Water and dietary fiber, which are found in plant foods, help digestion, pectin binds and removes from the body toxic substances. In general, plant foods stimulate the secretion of digestive juices.

By the way, nutritionists consider fasting a type of diet.. Thanks to fasting, the body is cleansed, gets rid of excess weight. Thanks to the replacement butter on vegetable in hypertensive patients, blood pressure and cholesterol levels can decrease.

And yet, in order to avoid the vitamin deficiency characteristic of spring, doctors advise taking vitamins during fasting - ordinary or with microelements. And before starting a fast, do not be too lazy and consult with your doctor.

Exit Rules

Fasting with fasting, but we must not forget that after the end of abstinence, a great test awaits us Easter week when both pastries and meat delicacies, and sweets in all their guises. And everything is so tasty, appetizing, just salivating!

Wait and do not rush to lean on pickles and delicacies. Otherwise, a powerful food blow will fall on the body: after all, your digestive system is already used to working in conditions of maximum economy. It is worth starting to "eat off" - health problems are provided. Exactly on Easter days there is a sharp surge in "ambulance" calls and clearance sick leave.

First of all, do not get carried away with Easter cakes and eggs. Two eggs, a piece of muffin and a little curd Easter - that's all you can afford to break the fast. Remember: ahead whole week, have time to celebrate and enjoy all the joys of life. And it is better to stretch the pleasure than to try everything at once and then suffer from indigestion and heartburn for a whole week. And it's still in best case.

Doctors advise to follow the following rules : in the first 2-4 days after fasting, you should not eat chips, crackers, straws, salted and sweet nuts, strong instant coffee and strong black tea, drinks like fanta and cola, any carbonated drinks containing non-natural components; fatty fish, herring, roach. Refrain from fish, smoked meats in any form, bacon, fatty meat and dairy products (heavy cream, confectionery with butter or butter cream).

If, nevertheless, you can’t wait to taste the dishes with holiday table help your digestive system digest the feast with the help of drugs to improve digestion.

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