Rapid breathing in a lactating dog. Polyps in the nasopharynx. When can shortness of breath be considered an abnormality?

The respiratory rate of a dog can tell a lot about its health status. Accelerated is not always a pathology. The owner must be able to recognize what is dangerous for the pet, what needs to be done. Let's try to figure this out.


An adult dog takes 10 to 30 breaths per minute.

Such a run in quantity is different and depends on many reasons:

  • Dog size. small breeds breathe more often, due to a good metabolism. Yorkie takes 2 to 25 breaths per minute, large breeds 10-20 times.
  • Her gender, females breathe more intensively than males. In a pregnant woman, breathing increases even more.
  • The weight. Dogs with overweight, breathe much more often, a recumbent lifestyle makes it difficult to breathe.
  • Season. In summer, in hot weather, it intensifies. In winter, slow, barely noticeable.
  • Age. Puppies breathe faster than adults. They have a good metabolism.
  • Body position. Standing is easier, so it is better not to lie down in stressful situations.
  • Times of Day. At night, during sleep, the frequency of breaths is reduced, the pause between them increases.

Animals are very emotional, prone to stress and anxiety. This changes the frequency, which does not affect the health of the pet.

Causes of rapid breathing:

  • Emotional (joy, fear, anger).
  • Getting into an unfamiliar environment (travel in transport).
  • Visit to the veterinarian (vaccination, treatment).
  • Hormonal changes in bitches during estrus, pregnancy, childbirth.
  • Great physical activity (active games, running).
  • Eating.
  • Long stay in stuffy room, overheating.

In such situations, the dog may experience rapid breathing. . The condition is temporary, caused by certain circumstances, does not cause harm to health.

But if the animal, while at rest, sharply often breathed, you should contact a specialist to determine the grounds. Heavy breathing in a dog can be a harbinger of a serious pathology.

Frequent inhalations and exhalations, causes

Changes in the number of breaths can be divided into three categories that provoke them:

Respiratory when there is a disruption internal organs including infections.

  • Mechanical shocks chest, injury.
  • Gastric dilatation or torsion.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Fluid after injury (hydrothorax).
  • Pleurisy. Stridorous (wheezing) breath.
  • Various innovations.
  • Finding a foreign object in the airways.
  • Lack of oxygen supply in anemia.
  • Low hemoglobin.

Cardiogenic, associated with cardiac disorders vascular system. If the dog has difficulty breathing while walking, and running is impossible - clear signs such diseases:

  • Heart failure, angina attack, shortness of breath, spasm.
  • Congenital or acquired heart defects, wheezing, noisy breaths.
  • cardiopathy.
  • Pulmonary edema.
  • Bleeding due to ruptured blood vessels (hemothorax).

Violation of the central nervous system:

  • Hematomas after strong blows.
  • Electric shock.
  • Head bruises.
  • Neoplasms of the brain.
  • Paroxysmal state

postpartum disorder. It is accompanied by chills, bleeding, vomiting. The help of a specialist is urgently needed.

Difficulty breathing in a dog happens when:

  • high temperature.
  • Painful shock.
  • Overweight.
  • Strong fright.
  • Recovery from general anesthesia after surgery.

Stress provokes the release of adrenaline into the blood, which makes the heart beat faster, respectively, and breathing quickens, the dog opens its mouth and sticks out its tongue.

Breed features:

Some species - brachycephalic suffer from heavy breathing (shortness of breath), due to anatomical structure muzzle. Brachycephalic syndrome is inherent in pugs, Pekingese, bulldogs.

Their soft palate is such that they make whistling and grunting sounds during breathing. They snore during sleep. Lack of oxygen will provoke heat or great physical exertion, which will negatively affect health. May lead to fatal outcome.


It is necessary to distinguish pathology from the usual state. When the dog is sick, they appear:

  • Heavy breathing, breaths are made with difficulty, it is impossible to take a deep breath. It is superficial, lethargy, jerky movements.
  • He behaves restlessly, trembling appears, begins to shake, weakness, hoarse voice.
  • The dog sucks in air open mouth, a whistle is heard, salivation is too strong.
  • The mucous membrane of the nose, lips, gums begin to turn blue, which indicates oxygen starvation.
  • Lack of appetite, sudden loss weight, may be completely weakened.
  • Cough, hoarse, rapid breathing, uneven pulse, symptoms increase in the evening.
  • Job disruption gastrointestinal tract(diarrhea, vomiting).
  • Weak voice, salivation, apathy, the animal lies more.
  • Disorientation in space, walking in a circle.
  • Adoption of unnatural postures (stretched neck, spread paws, cannot lie down).


Vaccination often causes palpitations, with the animal rapidly trembling. It is necessary to observe the dog in order to alleviate the condition, exclude allergies or anaphylactic shock.

The reaction to the vaccine may be accompanied by an increased heart rate, convulsions, vomiting, loss of consciousness. It won't last more than an hour.

A rapid heartbeat (tachypnea) that occurs in dogs a few hours after vaccination is considered normal. This is a reaction to the vaccine. immune system pet.

In these cases, he may be lethargic, refuse to eat, the temperature rises, and diarrhea occurs. The main condition is that these symptoms disappear within a day. If the condition does not improve, you should take the animal to the veterinarian, you may need help.


Heatstroke - a condition where the dog has received as a result high temperature. This is a long stay in the sun, great physical activity, sitting in a closed car. Dogs have very few sweat glands in order to increase heat transfer, they often have to breathe with their mouths open.

The heartbeat rises, the vessels of the skin and mucous membranes expand. If all reserves are turned on, but there is no coolness, heat stroke occurs.

More often breeds with a flattened muzzle (pugs, boxers, bulldogs), pregnant females, dogs with overweight with diseases of the heart and respiratory tract.

Heat Stroke Signs

  • Raising the temperature above 40.5 degrees.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Redness of mucous membranes.
  • Frequent heartbeats and breathing.

The main thing is to be sure that the dog is not sick, but he is just very stuffy. First aid in these situations is different.

For fever, give antipyretic drug, and when heat stroke it will not help, should be cooled. And also, maybe, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness and convulsions.

If you are sure of overheating, immediately refrigerate, then take to a doctor. To reduce the temperature, put a compress under the armpits and inner surface hips. You can wet wool. Sharp reduction is bad. One hour to 39 degrees. Then take him to the hospital.

Condition after anesthesia

The reason for frequent breathing, upon exiting anesthesia, may indicate the following:

  • Pain after surgery.
  • Poisoning, overdose.

The pain can be relieved with pills or an injection. If the cause is intoxication, only a veterinarian will help. It's about about heart problems or postoperative edema lungs.

It is desirable that after surgery, sterilization and castration, including, the dog completely comes out of anesthesia in medical institution.

Emergency care, home therapy

An attentive owner will always notice the changes that have occurred with the dog. Strong emotion or stress makes breathing difficult, it becomes hard with short and shallow breaths. Why is this happening?

How long does it take to restore calm breathing? Adrenaline made the heart work faster, the lungs do not have time, it comes oxygen starvation. normal rhythm can be restored by taking the dog to a quiet place.

wipe wool soft cloth. Put your hand on your chest, stroke the second and talk sweet words. The dog must stand. This makes breathing easier and easier.

Can't give cold water, refresh only room temperature. Stress will pass faster when a person pays attention to his pet.

If the dog is suffering asthmatic bronchitis, there are attacks when he suffocates. Need inflow fresh air, calm environment, preferably an oxygen bag. In such cases, an experienced dog breeder should have medicines for first aid:

  • Suprastin to relieve swelling. ½ tablet for 5-8kg weight.
  • You can prick an immunostimulator - Gamavit according to the instructions in 4 paws.
  • Intensively rub the back, chest, ears.
  • AT extreme cases do indoor massage hearts.

Visit the clinic for a consultation.


Depending on the type of shortness of breath, therapy is prescribed and the disease is determined. At respiratory breathing, the cause is established and treatment is prescribed. Most often, these are antiviral, antihistamines.

Heart problems require a serious examination, a special group of drugs. When fluid appears in the lungs, it is pumped out. CNS problems are determined by MRI. Required at home correct mode, a long course of treatment.


To avoid overheating of the dog, this is especially true if the dog is old, do not walk in the sun for a long time during the hot time of the day. Must sleep in a cool place. Bathing in hot weather will act as a freshener.

Infection protection is the principle of prevention against pathological conditions associated with respiratory failure. Gotta go through preventive examinations, treat for worms, fleas and ticks.

Dogs prone to allergies, solder antihistamines the day before spring flowering plants to alleviate the condition.

In the cold season, keep animals warm, away from drafts, give several times warm drink. It concerns guard dogs. Get vaccinated on time increased immunity protect against diseases.

By breathing a dog, you can determine its condition and suspect a particular disease. Find out why your dog is panting and what you can do to help your four-legged friend.

A dog's breathing can change throughout the day. So, a calm and healthy dog ​​breathes through the nose. The dog after running and in the heat breathes through the mouth and throws out the tongue, which allows it to increase the body's heat transfer. In a dream, one can observe such a situation that the dog is hoarse and sighs heavily. You should not run to the doctor, as in this case the animal is just dreaming of something.

But it is necessary to suspect something is wrong if hard breath the dog appeared suddenly or is already frequent, but noticeable only after physical activity. It does not hurt to follow the dog's breathing rate. The respiratory rate for puppies is on average 15-35 breaths per minute, for adult dogs - 10-30 breaths per minute, for older dogs - 14-16 breaths per minute. The number of breaths that a dog takes directly depends not only on its condition, but also on its size. Large dog breeds take fewer breaths than small ones.

Heavy breathing in a dog can occur for a variety of reasons:

  • She could overheat and even get heatstroke.
  • The dog may be in nervous excitement, for example, in an unfamiliar place, in transport, at a veterinary clinic.
  • Also possible mechanical damage: Injury or contusion of the chest in an accident, fall, or fight.
  • With overheating or in an old animal, panting may be associated with an incipient heart attack.
  • A pregnant bitch may begin to breathe heavily and frequently before the onset of labor. This can also happen during lactation, when the mother suckles heavily from the puppies.
  • Heavy breathing can also be associated with such critical situations:

Pregnant bitches breathe heavily if the onset of labor is close. The health of the dog this moment nothing threatens, as heavy breathing is the norm. Heavy breathing after childbirth, especially if the puppies were stillborn, may indicate that there are still puppies left in the dog's womb. Take your dog to the vet immediately as the animal needs surgery.

Heavy breathing in a dog during lactation, which is accompanied by convulsions and clumsiness of movements, speaks of eclampsia. With eclampsia, the level of calcium and glucose in the blood is greatly reduced, and if the animal is not treated urgently, a collapse can occur that will lead to the death of your pet. Regardless of the time of day, when you notice changes in your dog's behavior, take him to veterinary clinic.

In the summer, dogs are often exposed to heatstroke, which causes heavy breathing. If the dog is overheated in the sun, then she is looking for a cool place, drinks a lot and refuses to eat. In the case of heat stroke, the animal is disoriented. To save the dog, it must be wiped cold water and put a cold towel on your head. Give your dog water and then go to the vet.

Heavy breathing accompanied by shortness of breath, dry and wheezing cough, and normal temperature body indicates that your dog has asthma. This disease is seasonal and may appear as a reaction to the flowering of certain plants. Only a doctor can treat asthma in dogs.

In cases where heavy breathing is accompanied by an increase in body temperature (the norm is up to 38.5 ° C), we can talk about respiratory diseases, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy.

Heart failure and heart attack is another cause of heavy breathing in a dog. In addition, the main sign of heart problems in a dog is a blue tongue and fainting. If the dog has a seizure, do not take it to the clinic, but call the doctor at home. Until the doctor arrives, put heating pads or bottles of water on the dog's paws. warm water and cover the animal. In addition, it is necessary to give the dog an intramuscular injection of cordiamine every 4-6 hours, and an additional cocarboxylase for the old animal.

Pain in the abdominal region causes the dog to start breathing heavily. And the cause is torsion and expansion of the stomach. Another characteristic symptom of torsion and dilatation of the stomach is abdominal pain.

Tumors and polyps in the nasopharynx also lead to heavy breathing in the dog. Usually the disease develops gradually, and from time to time you can notice that the dog "grunts", snores in his sleep, and then his breathing becomes more and more difficult.

  • If the dog had a difficult birth, and even more so were born dead puppies, the reason for the deterioration of her condition may be that she did not give birth to all the puppies. Required urgent operation to save the bitch from intoxication of the body. In many cases, delay can cause a collapse that will lead to the death of the dog.
  • If there are no other symptoms, but the dog is breathing heavily in situations that are unnatural for her, a cardio examination should be performed (ECG for a large breed and ECHO of the heart for a small one). This will help rule out or identify heart problems that could be causing shortness of breath.
  • It is also desirable to make an x-ray in frontal and lateral projection in order to exclude or identify problems of metastasis, respiratory nature and, additionally, the heart.
  • O serious problems health is indicated by shortness of breath in a dog that occurs with little physical exertion or at rest. If your breathing becomes faster after a long run or weight training, you should not worry. Difficulty breathing is characterized by a lack of air, a violation of the rhythm and intensity respiratory movements. Often shortness of breath is a sign of disease. With the help of shortness of breath, the lack of oxygen is replenished and the accumulated excess of carbon dioxide is released. With difficulty breathing, there is a change in its frequency and depth.

    Causes of pathology

    The sources of pathology are diverse, they can directly indicate a disease of the respiratory system or indirectly affect its development. Let's take an example:

    In all of these cases, the dog is breathing heavily and shaking. The owner should immediately contact the veterinarian, excluding the postoperative period.

    Shortness of breath in puppies

    Owners of puppies keep a close eye on them. From inexperience in cynology, the behavior of the baby provokes the owner to feelings and can cause confusion because the puppy breathes often. The reason for the puppy's rapid breathing can be overwhelmed by his emotions or overexcitation. It is not uncommon to see a puppy's rapid breathing during sleep. In most cases this is normal physiological state baby. If he behaves cheerfully, cheerfully and has a good appetite, then you should not worry about resorting to a full diagnosis.

    Brachycephalic breeds

    Among the wide variety of dog breeds, there are species that have specific shortness of breath. They are called brachycephalic breeds. Animals in this category are predisposed to convulsive breathing, which can last from 15 minutes to one hour. Having narrowed nostrils and an elongated tender palate, breathing is difficult and may not be physically normal.

    Another reason for rapid breathing is stress, anxiety, fever body. Boxers are prone to pericardial tumors and lung cancer. Large breeds, Dobermans and Great Danes can suffer from cardiomyopathy and heart failure associated with blood stasis. Small breeds of Pekingese and Pugs can be at risk of suffering bronchitis and trocheal collapse, which is able to acquire chronic forms. Frequent histories of diagnosis in small group vice mitral valve. More resistant to the listed diseases are medium breeds, these are bulldogs and bullmastiffs.

    Rapid breathing of a dog on the eve of childbirth is not associated with diseases, but is physiological norm. This behavior is common to all mammals and primates. After giving birth, the dog still breathes very often long time recovering from the shock. Transferring the operation to general anesthesia, the animal greatly accelerates the respiratory rhythm. This is also a normal instinctive behavior that will accompany the dog until full recovery from the action of the drug.

    Diagnosis and symptoms

    When you observe an unhealthy appearance and lethargic behavior in your pet when rapid breathing, which is accompanied by additional pathological factors:

    • cough;
    • fatigue;
    • weight loss;
    • elevated temperature.

    It is worth immediately calling a veterinarian at home or going with a four-legged friend to a veterinary clinic. Any delay can lead to complications of the disease with serious consequences. Veterinarians often practice diagnosis to identify the causes of shortness of breath.

    Will be a good addition full story dog illness for medical examination. First of all do visual inspection. Measure blood pressure. Then the heart and lungs of the animal are carefully listened to with a lightoscope. A chest x-ray is also needed. For more accurate diagnosis perform an electrocardiogram and ultrasound procedure hearts. Finally take biochemical analysis blood.

    Therapy Methods

    Wearing an oxygen mask will help to avoid the excitement of the dog. It is much more relaxed for a veterinarian to work with a calm animal. If the patient begins to choke, tracheal intubation will follow. With increased stressful condition The doctor will prescribe drugs to reduce it. When diagnosing fluid in the chest- thoracentesis, a special needle is used to remove the effusion.

    The diuretic drug furosemide is suitable for reducing pulmonary edema. He can help with severe edema respiratory organs. In the course are drugs that support cardiac activity, when the dog experiences suffocation and emits strong wheezing in a dream. When identifying bad case an operation can be performed.

    home care

    Hospitalization is necessary when the life of the dog is threatened. home care contributes to the recovery of a four-legged friend in the apartment with proper treatment by the owner after consultation with the veterinarian. Which advises not to limit the dog's access to water, especially when prescribing diuretics. They can cause dehydration in the animal. Don't miss appointments medical examinations at the treating doctor. Strictly follow the instructions of the veterinary clinic and do not treat with unknown drugs. All medicines are prescribed only by the attending physician. Careless attitude can lead to the death of a beloved pet.

    The dog needs to ensure complete rest and the right diet. Food should contain a lot useful substances and vitamins. If the dog is having a hard time eating you can drink it meat broth. There should be no drafts in the room, it is better if it is quite warm and comfortable. When chilly, it is useful to cover the dog with a blanket or put a heating pad next to it. Walking time should be limited, based on the condition of the patient. Water procedures during this period are very undesirable, especially if it is a cold season.

    Attention, only TODAY!

    The heart is the pump that pumps blood around the body. Blood contains vital nutrients, including oxygen and hormones that regulate body functions. Proper circulation is also necessary to remove metabolic products, including carbon dioxide. Poor heart function compromises the function of all other organs.

    The following signs may indicate heart disease:

    - cough and shortness of breath;

    - drowsiness and weakness;

    - fainting;

    - weight loss;

    - growth retardation;

    - bluish gums;

    distended abdomen and swollen joints;

    - Irregular and / or constantly rapid pulse;

    - palpable vibrations of the heart.

    Congestive heart failure. Heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to carry enough oxygenated blood to meet the body's needs. The term "congestive" is used when fluid from the normal compensatory mechanisms that support the cardiovascular system accumulates outside the vessels. If it collects in the lungs, then there is a cough and shortness of breath. Dogs with congestive heart failure are less able to tolerate exercise. and in some cases the abdomen may be distended with fluid. Sometimes limbs swell. A veterinarian listening to the heart can detect abnormal sounds and fluid in the lungs. A complete diagnosis may require x-ray analysis and an electrocardiogram. Medicines can make the heart beat harder and help the body flush out accumulated fluids. A salt-free diet also helps to reduce the accumulation of fluids, and limiting physical activity reduces the workload on the heart.

    Acquired heart disease

    cardiomyopathy. Dilated (congestive) cardiomyopathy is a disease that particularly affects large and very large breeds and usually develops between the first and sixth year. The heart muscle weakens and atrophies, and therefore the blood flows slowly, resulting in generalized congestive heart failure. The heart itself greatly enlarges and becomes predisposed to arrhythmias. In such cases, some heart beats may not eject blood or create pulsations. To signs of cardiomyopathy include fatigue, cough, distended abdomen, weight loss, sometimes swollen limbs, and fainting. Medications can help prolong a dog's life, but not for long, because they cannot reverse the changes in the heart itself.

    Chronic valve disease is one of the most common forms of heart disease in dogs. For some unknown reason, the valves between the pumping chambers thicken and cannot fit snugly. allowing blood to seep back. Little by little, the heart loses its ability to properly pump blood around the body, and heart failure gradually develops. The signs of this are. cough, difficult or noisy breathing, restlessness at night. Heart murmurs can usually be detected. dog with chronic disease valves, which show Clinical signs should be taken to the veterinarian immediately.

    congenital heart disease

    Defect interventricular septum - this is an opening in the muscular wall that separates the two main cavities of the heart that pump blood. This opening is usually small and does not great influence on the general circulation, but it can extend almost the entire length of the interventricular septum and cause signs of heart failure. The abnormal blood flow caused by this defect creates heart murmurs. Some institutes are trying to eliminate this defect surgically.

    Uninfected ductus arteriosus. The fetus has a short wide arterial vessel that connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta and carries the main blood flow from the right ventricle directly to the aorta, bypassing the lungs. Shortly after birth, this vessel closes. naturally. If this does not happen, then they say that there is an uninfected ductus arteriosus. This is one of the most frequent birth defects dog hearts. This anomaly is indicated by characteristic heart murmurs. the only effective treatment is the surgical closure of this duct.

    Stenosis (narrowing) of the pulmonary artery. This defect occurs when the blood flow between the right ventricle and pulmonary artery impaired, which increases the workload on the heart and can lead to heart failure. Heart murmurs are heard in dogs with stenosis. Some types of stenosis can be partially eliminated by surgery.

    Heart cough in a dog: what is it?

    A cough in a dog is not a disease, but a symptom indicating that it is time to pay attention to the health of the pet. It is especially important to respond in time to the appearance of a dog heart cough. To learn how to recognize this type of cough in a dog and alleviate its manifestations, read our article.

    Cough, regardless of its etiology, is defensive reflex . arising in the body as a reaction to irritation of specific cough zones of the trachea and bronchi.

    Not in all cases, coughing is a symptom of a respiratory disease. Its appearance may be due to internal cause- that is, diseases bordering on respiratory system organs. So, characteristic symptom cardiac diseases is a characteristic cardiac cough in dogs.

    Causes of a heart cough

    A heart cough in a dog is a symptom of heart disease, most often heart failure. In this and some other diseases, the heart increases in size and compresses the trachea. Cough receptors located on the trachea send a signal to the dog's brain, and the animal coughs, despite the fact that there is a real need to clear the respiratory organs of mucus and foreign bodies he doesn't have.

    A harbinger of the appearance of a heart cough in a dog is most often shortness of breath, occurring during physical exertion. Animals older than six years and dogs of large fighting breeds are most susceptible to pathological changes in the heart and the resulting cough. Treatment of cardiac cough in dogs is aimed at relieving or alleviating this symptom and is usually difficult due to its chronic nature.

    How to recognize a heart cough in a dog

    Any kind of cough is an alarming symptom and requires consultation with a specialist. However, even before contacting a veterinary clinic, certain assumptions can be made regarding the etiology of cough. A heart cough in a dog is characterized by:

    deaf, "uterine" sound;

    a gradual increase in intensity as the heart disease progresses;

    lack of discharge (sputum) or spotting(in advanced cases);

    excruciating attacks for the animal, in which it seems that the dog is choking and cannot cough up.


    By external manifestations only a preliminary conclusion can be drawn true reason dog cough. If you suspect a heart cough, the dog is assigned an ultrasound. The most accurate data is provided by an ultrasound examination of the heart using a Doppler effect device. Dopleography will allow you to assess the nature of the movement of blood along blood vessels and detect pathology.

    Treatment for heart cough in dogs

    It is important to start the treatment of cardiac cough on time, since this symptom only aggravates the course of the underlying disease, provokes further development pathology. This type of cough is treated with specific therapy aimed at stopping the symptom or reducing the intensity of its manifestation.

    Comprehensive treatment of heart failure and its accompanying cough is carried out with the help of drugs (riboxin, corvaldin, cratal, antitussive children's mixtures), vitamin therapy, diet and dosing of physical activity. A qualified specialist must select the treatment for the dog.

    Heart failure in older dogs. Worried about the heart?

    Worried about the heart?


    Heart failure in dogs.

    Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome arising from any structural or functional disorders, which impair the ability of the heart's ventricles to fill or eject blood.

    Heart failure most often develops under the influence of adverse impact environment, serious illnesses various systems organs, stress, as well as congenital heart defects or as a result of infection with heartworms.

    Heart failure is conventionally divided into three categories:

    1. Acute heart failure

    2. Age-related heart failure

    3. Chronic heart failure.

    Acute heart failure (collapse).

    Occurs and develops in dogs:

    - after a large blood loss,

    - in case of poisoning and infectious diseases,

    - in elderly and old dogs suffering from heart disease.


    the dog is lethargic,

    - lies without making an attempt to get up,

    - shallow and frequent breathing

    - mucous membranes of the lips, eyelids are very pale,

    - The pulse is not palpable.

    Do not forget that when the first signs of the disease appear, you do not need to postpone a visit to veterinary clinic .

    First veterinary care pet, which can be provided by the owner of the dog:

    Urgently apply heating pads or bottles of warm water to the dog’s limbs, cover the dog, inject cordiamine intramuscularly every 4-6 hours,

    - if the animal is old, then it is necessary to additionally introduce cocarboxylase,

    - contact your veterinarian immediately for further treatment.

    Age-related heart failure (senile heart).

    Age-related changes in dogs occur gradually and do not make themselves felt until the first serious attack or breakdown, this fully applies to the development of age-related heart failure - senile heart. Therefore, such a diagnosis is quite unexpected for the owner of the dog and is often made in cases when he goes to the veterinary clinic for a completely different reason.

    And although the senile heart is translated as the senile heart, the first signs of the disease in a dog may appear as early as 5-6 years old and, on the contrary, be absent even at an older age.

    The first signs of heart failure are not always pronounced and specific, so it is important for the dog owner to pay attention to the symptoms of this disease, especially its earliest manifestations.

    It starts with a decrease in stamina. those. rapid breathing appears with a less than usual load, it takes more time to recover from the usual exercise. Such state changes usually appear episodically. and written off by the owner in the heat. change in pressure or any other external cause.

    At this stage of the disease, veterinarian and the owner of the dog is good opportunity for a long time and effectively maintain the work of the heart, preventing the disease from developing. This requires diet, regulation of physical activity and the appointment of gentle biotherapy. As a rule, it is a combination of one or two complex homeopathic medicines and one isopathic agent. which are appointed monthly course, which is repeated 2 - 3 times a year.

    Shortness of breath after a normal walk becomes too long, and after eating or drinking, coughing is sometimes noted. These symptoms may spontaneously and unpredictably disappear and reappear, because at this stage of the disease the dog's body is still able to compensate (albeit temporarily) for developing cardiac weakness.

    Treatment of the second stage of heart failure has the same basis. as in the first stage. but the duration of each course increases to 1.5 - 2 months. In addition to this course, one or more fetal cardiac drugs are included in the form of injections or tablets (this depends on the individual sensitivity of the dog).

    After a normal exercise and even after short walks, shortness of breath in a dog does not go away for a long time, and in dogs dwarf breeds Any emotion causes coughing fits. This stage indicates advanced heart disease, and in this case it is no longer necessary to hope for spontaneous compensation. At this stage, heart failure primarily affects those organs that need a stable and complete blood supply - the brain, kidneys and lungs. And as a consequence, with severe cardiac weakness, cerebral, renal or pulmonary insufficiency often develops.

    This stage of the disease requires careful and comprehensive examination dogs revealing all pathological changes caused by chronic heart failure and the appointment of active therapy. The duration of treatment is most often not limited in time, but is carried out as long as it is possible to maintain relatively normal work hearts. The course of treatment includes fetal polyvalent drugs, cardiac and complex homeopathic remedies With a wide range actions being carried out full course symbiotic therapy. Such complex treatment gives a pronounced synergistic (total) effect and allows the dog to feel comfortable for a long time.

    The pet hardly moves, shortness of breath does not go away even at rest, and the visible mucous membranes acquire a persistent pale or bluish tint. These symptoms are extremely serious condition pet. in which even the most modern and carefully selected treatment can only lead to minor and temporary relief.

    The course and principle of treatment is similar to the 3rd stage of heart failure. however, a noticeable improvement is rarely achieved, the pet may feel better, but these changes are short-term and unstable, because. in such extreme cases conservative treatment no longer gives the desired effect and is unable to influence the process, which is considered irreversible.

    Chronic heart failure in domestic animals.

    Chronic heart failure is usually not considered as a separate disease, but is diagnosed as a syndrome that develops as a result of various diseases of cardio-vascular system(manifested by shortness of breath, cough, palpitations, physical activity and retention of sodium and water in the body), as a complication of any heart disease (myocardial ischemia, arterial hypertension, heart defects, etc.), as well as lungs, liver, kidneys, a number of endocrine diseases: diabetes, diseases thyroid gland, obesity, etc.

    Chronic heart failure develops long before the onset clinical symptoms. This process is in most cases irreversible, and it is very important to know about this when predicting the course of the disease.

    Therefore, information on chronic heart failure in pets will be presented in more detail in a separate topic.

    Victoria Kozlova.

    The placement of the material was approved by the experts of the veterinary clinic "Best Friend"

    Surely you want to see your four-legged friend cheerful and healthy. But what if the dog is breathing heavily? This symptom is often worrisome. Let's discuss what can cause heavy breathing in dogs and what to do in such cases.

    The first important question Is it worth worrying at all? Here you need to know a couple of simple secrets.

    If you put your hand on the chest of a dog, you can calculate the frequency of his breathing.

    For adults, the norm is 10-30 breaths per minute, for puppies - 15-35, and aged dogs breathe 10-16 times per minute. It should also be taken into account that in adult bitches, in comparison with males, breathing is quickened.

    And one more thing: pregnant and lactating bitches, as well as dogs of small breeds, breathe more often.

    In a healthy dog, breathing changes throughout the day.

    It is possible that in a dream the animal sighs heavily and wheezes in some strange way - most likely, he is just dreaming of something. There is no serious cause for concern here.

    × But if your four-legged friend suddenly began to breathe heavily or rapidly, and he did not have physical exertion and stress, you should not hesitate or try to diagnose the dog yourself. This may be a signal of the presence of a disease, and a consultation with a specialist veterinarian is needed.

    Why is the dog breathing heavily?

    We tend to pay attention to the symptoms, while the most important thing is to eliminate the causes. It is at the causes that a competent veterinarian looks. Here is a list of the most common ones:

    • The dog has overheated or suffered from heat stroke.

    • arose nervous excitement as a result of being in an unfamiliar place (for example, I got into a crowded place for the first time or rode in one of the modes of transport).

    • A heart attack is planned (especially often this happens in old animals).

    • Childbirth has begun, or lactation has begun, when the puppies strongly suck milk from their mother.

    • Difficult birth plus a large number of puppies.

    • Problems with the respiratory tract (obstruction occurred at the level of the main bronchi or higher).

    • Expansion and volvulus of the stomach

    • The dog was injured or injured in the chest due to a fight, a fall, or a collision with a car.

    • A foreign body has entered the trachea.

    What should I do if my dog ​​is breathing heavily?

    The owner rarely can cure the dog himself - unless he is a veterinarian. At the same time, there are several points that he can take into account while waiting for the doctor or on the way to the clinic.

    • If, in addition to heavy breathing, you observe other anxiety symptoms- lethargy, restlessness, whining in pain - urgently call the veterinarian at home or take the dog very carefully to the clinic. Ideally, it should be around the clock - then there will be no risk of meeting a closed door.

    • At the beginning of labor in a dog, heavy breathing is the norm, but after them, especially if miscarriages were born, this may mean that not all puppies were born. She needs urgent surgery to rid her body of intoxication and prevent collapse. Sharp drop blood pressure can lead to death.

    • During lactation, heavy breathing, combined with convulsions and clumsiness of movements, is very dangerous. These may be signs of eclampsia (a strong decrease in the level of calcium and glucose in the blood). If you do not urgently seek help, this can also lead to collapse and death.

    • With overheating and heatstroke - in addition to your dog breathing heavily - he may seek a cool place, drink a lot and refuse food. There may also be signs of disorientation. If this is the case, wipe the animal with cold water, give it a drink, and place a wet towel over its head.

    • Blue tongue and fainting may be the main symptoms of heart problems. At heart attack do not take the dog to the clinic, but call the doctor at home. While waiting for the doctor, place heating pads or bottles of warm water on your dog's paws and cover him. Do every 4-6 hours intramuscular injection cordiamine, and in the case of an old animal, add more cocarboxylase.

    • If the dog is breathing heavily, but there are no other symptoms, a cardiac examination should be performed (ECG for large dog breeds, ECHO for small ones). So you can exclude or identify problems with the heart

    • Gastric dilatation and torsion (torsion) is most common in large breed dogs and is accompanied by rapid (within a few hours) abdominal enlargement. The dog is in pain abdominal cavity and begins to behave restlessly, groans. The result is heavy breathing, sometimes accompanied by salivation, and unsuccessful attempts to vomit. Dog needs emergency surgical intervention(within 4-6 hours), otherwise it will die.

    • In case of a chest injury, the animal must be carefully transported to a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home.

    • To exclude or identify metastases, respiratory problems and heart disease, it is advisable to take an x-ray in frontal and lateral projection.

    Be aware that heavy breathing can be a symptom dangerous diseases. Here you should not rely on your understanding of the situation, and you should not delay contacting a specialist. Your efficiency will help your beloved pet to be healthy, and probably even save his life.

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