What is the best dog to guard the apartment. Guard dogs for a private home: an overview of the main breeds with a photo. Belgian Shepherd Malinois

We continue the conversation about which four-legged pets will best protect your dacha. Furry, stubborn, playful, harsh ... the choice is great! One thing is invariable - we are always responsible for those we tame.

German Shepherd- a very common breed, which, nevertheless, causes controversy. Some consider her to be one of the most intelligent and courageous, versatile dogs, immensely devoted to her owner and his family, and easily trained.

Others warn: dogs of this breed are very jealous. If, having acquired a puppy, you play with him for a couple of months, and then leave him to himself, he will begin to attract your attention in every possible way. And everyone who he considers an obstacle to this will suffer: the cat that you stroked instead of him, things, plants, children.

They are ready to curry favor with the owner to the detriment of everything. It is said that the dog readily follows commands, but is easily lost in an unusual situation. It can rashly take risks and die, leaving the owners without protection. Moreover, some owners note that the German Shepherd itself is a threat to the household: for her to kill a chicken or a kitten is just a game. But playfulness makes the dog a good companion for children.

What most experienced owners agree on is that the dog needs constant training. Unlike, for example, from the Caucasian or Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, in which watchdog qualities are inherited, the “German” needs to be trained regularly and constantly communicate with him. At the same time, a German Shepherd puppy will be ready for service not earlier than a year. Whereas, for example, a "Caucasian" will show his qualities as a security guard as early as six months.

The German Shepherd is like a notebook with blank sheets. What you invest in this dog, you will get such qualities. Therefore, when buying a puppy, immediately look for an experienced trainer for him. For inept owners, this dog will create problems.

You can pick up a puppy on this forum: http://gsdog.borda.ru/?1-0-0-00003907-000-10001-0 and in kennels http://www.shepherd.ru/shep/famers.html

Watch dogs

Caucasian Shepherd considered the leader among guard breeds. These dogs have a pronounced sense of territory, they fearlessly protect the owner, are uncompromising and incorruptible. Outside the protected area, the dog is loyal to others. This dog is able to make decisions on its own, ready to fight to the death, but, having a pronounced instinct for self-preservation, it can retreat.

Distinctive features of the Caucasian are love of freedom and desire for leadership. This can be fraught for beginner dog breeders, Caucasians are difficult to learn. They are hardy, unpretentious in food, adapt to any conditions, but are more suitable for outdoor keeping - because of their difficult nature, large size and long hair.

Caucasians have no equal in friendliness to their own, but also in the complexity of character. The dog will be obedient, affectionate to the children of the owners, devoted, but only if you have shown yourself to be a leader and immediately stopped the willfulness of the pet. Raising a Caucasian puppy is a complex process.

The most important thing is to teach your dog not to trust strangers. At the same time, it is important to distinguish between open hostility (this is unacceptable!) and a sense of wariness. The breed does not accept pampering, effeminacy. Remember that the Caucasian is primarily a protector of the owner and his property, and not a dog for communication or games.

Caring for a Caucasian Shepherd Dog is also not easy. Long and thick hair is combed with a special brush at least three times a week.
It is good to use a special shampoo for shine and smoothness of the coat - this will make your task easier. In cold weather, the wool will have to be additionally dried with a hairdryer.

Another difficulty is that large breeds are prone to heart disease and hip dysplasia. Therefore, regularly monitor the health of your pet, properly feed it and provide it with physical activity. The disadvantages of the breed include myopia. Caucasians have good hearing, but even you are not immediately recognized, especially in other clothes. Therefore, make it a rule when approaching a dog to call out to him, and approaching him, to speak kindly to him.

All family members should regularly communicate with puppies of the Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs so that he understands who is in the family and who is not.
Pick him up, play with him. If the puppy is naughty, take him by the scruff of the neck with one hand, holding him under the butt with the other, and in a stern voice give a lecture on good behavior. This has a powerful psychological effect on the dog.

You can buy a Caucasian Shepherd puppy in one of the kennels: http://tskaroforum.forum24.ru/?0-1

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (SAO), alabai(Turkmen variety of CAO) has long been used to protect homes and livestock. Strong, fearless, huge, powerful, with the expressiveness of Asian wolfhounds, she commands respect and awe from outsiders. CAO is a powerful and invincible fighter against anyone who encroached on the object of protection.

Central Asians are good nannies for children, especially bitches. But there may be conflicts with cats and other dogs. Therefore, it is important for puppies to cultivate tolerance from the very beginning.

If a Caucasian is not suitable for keeping in a house or apartment, then the CAO feels good there. The fact is that this breed has an innate instinct to save energy. They were bred in a harsh climate and poor nutrition. Therefore, if there is no need to go somewhere or any danger, these dogs lie down and sleep - an hour, half a day, a day. They also eat relatively little.

Moscow watchdog- a fairly young breed obtained by crossing Caucasian Shepherd Dogs and St. Bernards. Distinctive features - calm, balanced, in comparison with Caucasians, hardy, but somewhat inhibited. They have less pronounced qualities of a shepherd and the skills of teamwork in a flock. Their service life is shorter than that of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. The Caucasian successfully fulfills his duties until the age of 10-12, the Moscow watchdog after 7 begins to be lazy.

If it is better to take a female from a Caucasian, then in the case of the Moscow watchdog, you can start both a female and a male - they are equally complaisant. But, like other large dog breeds, puppies need to be trained from a young age.

The owners note that this dog is an excellent guard for the house, and it is better - for free guarding, and not on a chain.

Similar in size and behavior to the Moscow watchdog spanish mastiffs. This is an ancient breed that served in the Roman Empire. In our climate, it lives quietly on the street all year round. Since these dogs are short-haired, they can be taken from the dacha to a city apartment.

You can buy a Spanish Mastiff puppy, for example, in this kennel http://zoosite.ru/v2/author/elcorte/

Popular with modern summer residents, especially elite villages, another breed of guard and shepherd dogs - Bernese Mountain Dog bred in rural areas of Switzerland. These dogs are not as huge as Caucasians, but they are calm, gentle, quiet. Cheerful, but unobtrusive, they get along excellently with all family members and children.

Sennehunds can live outside, but in cold weather they need a good booth or move to a house. Conclusion of experienced breeders: this breed with an elegant color is an excellent option for densely populated cottage villages and large families.

If for the street - with an undercoat, if in the house, then you can also have a smooth coat.

sharpei- one of the oldest breeds of guard, hunting, and in ancient times - also fighting dogs. Released in China. The breed is easily recognizable due to the characteristic skin folds and blue-black tongue. Loyal, independent, calm, devoted. An adult dog is distrustful of strangers.

The disadvantage of the breed can be called limited vision (due to deep-set eyes), because of which the dog can be afraid of sudden movements. Shar-Peis are often dominant, aggressive towards other dogs and impatient with children, so early socialization is important for them. When kept at home, sharpei need to provide good physical activity.

Shar-Peis need minimal care: you just need to regularly comb the dog, removing dead hair, bathe - about once a month, after which it is imperative to dry them. What should be given special attention is the ears - they have very thin auditory canals. Shar Pei should never wash their hair: water getting into the ears can cause serious problems that are not typical for other breeds of dogs. The head of these dogs is sensitive to overheating, in the heat it is better for them not to be on the street.

By the way, sharpei do not like to wash, teach them to this procedure from an early age.

When buying guard and guard breed puppies, consider where and in what climate you will keep the dog. If in your area the temperature drops below -20, stop at the Alabai, German, Caucasian or East European Shepherd, Russian Black Terrier. If the climate is mild, Mastiff, Rottweiler, Boerboel, Bullmastiff will do.

Experienced breeders note that it is better to buy a puppy at two months. Then you can raise him from scratch, and not re-educate.

It is bad if the puppy grew up in a confined space - an apartment, an aviary, and could not receive information about the environment and develop normally.
Puppies of large breeds require special attention and care. For them, physical activity, constant communication, early socialization, balanced nutrition, and training are important.

It is important to immediately show the new inhabitant who is the boss in the house. A simple technique: if your dog is “presumptuous”, lift it by the withers (while it weighs a little :) or press it down, pressing from above, to the floor. In dog language, this means one thing - "I'm in charge here, obey!" The first time a dog appears in your home, let him know that you, your property and your children are inviolable. But you should not scold the dog if it starts to gnaw on things in the house. You are to blame: you didn’t take into account that the puppy was teething, you didn’t find something to do for him, you didn’t provide proper physical activity.

And the last advice - when buying a dog, do not rush! Study the advantages and disadvantages of different breeds, weigh what conditions for living and development you can provide your pet. And, if you plan to get a reliable guard, be sure to buy a puppy from reputable kennels, and from working parents. This will give you confidence that you will get a healthy dog ​​with good heredity, which will do its job perfectly.

Guard dogs increasingly began to appear not only in private homes and enterprises, but also in city apartments. They are famous not only for suspicion of strangers, but also for devotion to the owner, physically developed body, good character, and obedience. Therefore, there will be no problems with their training and keeping at home with children. Guard dog breeds were created to protect the owner, at home, so they are able to fight not only with other animals, but also with people.

It is important that the dog clearly follows your commands and is manageable. Interestingly, shepherd dogs (German or Belgian) are considered the best guard dogs. They are medium in size, versatile, good with children and quick to learn.

Most watchdogs are known for their reserved, kind and peaceful nature. They are attached to the owner, but become aggressive and suspicious when in contact with the attacker.

Giant guard dogs


  • not whimsical in living conditions, easily tolerates cold;
  • not aggressive.


  • wool needs care.

  • Height - up to 70 cm
  • Weight - 50 kg

A dog in a private house and a dog in an apartment are two radically different choices. If for an apartment we try to find something gentle and calm, almost a homebody dog, then in a private house we need completely different qualities.

Which dog is best suited for a private home?

So, to begin with, let's touch on the question of what kind of dog to get in a private house, not the best idea:

  • all hunting breeds are inherently indifferent and at the same time friendly, therefore they are not suitable for protection, and they can become a threat to a yard with a bird;
  • fighting breeds are also not the best solution, since they often become a threat to all living things, except for the person himself (when training for protection, it is important to find a really good specialist so as not to break the psyche of the dog);
  • rescue dogs also, for all their intimidating appearance, turn out to be good-natured.

Now let's figure out which dog is better for guarding a private house, from the remaining list of breeds.

  1. Quite expectedly, in the first place among the list, which dog is better to have in a private house, was German Shepherd. Relatively unpretentious in content, the breed is suspicious and therefore it is very difficult to win her trust to a stranger.

  2. When looking for an answer, which breed of dog to choose for a private home, there are no less common Central Asian and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. Characteristic of this breed is a very pronounced territorial instinct, as well as a sense of being the owner.

  3. Unpretentious in care, incredibly strong and to the right extent vicious towards strangers Moscow watchdogs. But keeping them is allowed only without the use of a chain.

  4. If you are ready to let the dog into the house, then it will be a worthy option for you. rottweiler. The short coat is fully compensated by the thick undercoat. An important point in education is to make it clear to the dog that he is not a leader in the family, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.

  5. A worthy solution to the question of which dog is better for guarding a private home will be black terrier. With his protective qualities, he remains a family dog, it is not scary to leave children with him.

  6. A small area is quite able to protect giant schnauzer. With his modest size, he does not hold courage. The dog needs physical activity all the time, but protecting his territory is his favorite pastime.

  7. A very real answer, which breed of dog to choose for a private home, may turn out to be canne corso. But this dog must be allowed into the house to warm up, since he does not have a sufficiently warm undercoat. But for a strong-willed and strong person, such a dog will become a worthy friend. At the same time, he keeps his territory under total control.

  8. The right decision, which dog is better to have in a private house, will be the breed bullmastiff. The instincts of the dog are at the highest level, he will always distinguish his own from the stranger, while he fully claims to be a family dog. Very strong and mobile breed.

  9. Amstafa have a strong instinct to protect their family and property. In addition, they always try to please their master.

  10. For a person who needs to leave the house often, suitable bulgarian shepherd dog. She has a character that dictates her to vehemently protect property in the absence of the owner, while in his presence the dog is always friendly.

If you are looking for a four-legged friend who still has to become a guard, do not choose representatives of hunting breeds, as well as Newfoundlands and. The former are used to hunting, while the latter are engaged in saving people. So which breed to opt for?

1. German Shepherd. These dogs are famous for their protective qualities, and they can clean a house, apartment, garden, vegetable garden, etc. It is no coincidence that German Shepherds can often be found in the service of the army and the police. These are smart and cunning dogs, they are friendly and easy to train, able to withstand heavy physical exertion.

2. Caucasian Shepherd . This is an animal of huge size, it will definitely not be scary with her. The shepherd dog is insanely kind and affectionate with the owner and his family, especially with children, but will not leave a single chance to save his enemy. To make it manageable, you need to spend a lot of time on its upbringing.

3. Moscow watchdog. A strong animal that can become an ideal guard and a devoted friend, including children. The Moscow watchdog adores her family and is distrustful of strangers. The dog must be kept at home or in an aviary, but it is almost impossible to put it on a chain.

4. Giant Schnauzer unpretentious, devoted to the owner and brave. He loves children and is ready to endure their antics for a long time, is easy to train and is ready to do anything to protect the owner and his family, even to sacrifice his life. Giant Schnauzer, he does not sit still and requires long walks and outdoor games.

5. Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai) . A strong and large dog, its upbringing must be approached extremely responsibly. It is important to spend a lot of time to train so that the dog, even in a fit of rage, obeys its master. Alabai desperately needs long walks to spend excess energy. Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are stubborn and often strive to demonstrate this, therefore it is better to start such a breed for people who are determined, with experience in training similar breeds.

These five breeds of dogs are excellent guards of a private house, they can be kept in an aviary or booth. But it is important to remember that no animal should be chained. Such content will embitter the dog, worsen its health (both mental and physical).

If you live in an apartment, then pay attention to other breeds: Dobermans, Rottweilers, Staffordshire Terriers, Cane Corso, Boxers. They are brave, ready to protect property and the owner in any situation.

There are a number of requirements for guard dogs. Such dogs should be able to master the following disciplines: protective guard, guard, sentinel service, as well as escort and sentry. Naturally, only physically developed dogs with the necessary innate instincts and natural inclinations can cope with such volumes. People who are far from cynology and its features look at this issue more simply, not knowing about the nuances - a guard dog must be able to protect property, territory or owner. The breeds of this orientation are united by one thing - they are universal, but at the same time they have a number of serious differences.

What criterion is fundamental when choosing a four-legged guard? Should the dog be of impressive size, cause serious injury to the attacker, or be distrustful of strangers? In fact, many factors are taken into account, the wishes of the future owner and the conditions in which he will live.

Guard dog for home

People living in a private house need a four-legged friend who can protect them, property and protect the surrounding area. The dog must be suitable for outdoor keeping and freely enter the house or only move around the local area. Suitable enclosure or living in a booth. The main wishes in this case include the following:

  • It would be better if the dog belongs to a giant, large breed or, in extreme cases, to a medium one.
  • The dog should have a thick coat with a well-developed undercoat.
  • The pet must be able to make independent decisions and at the same time be devoted to his family.
  • Mandatory is the innate alertness to strangers.

It is not recommended to keep a watchdog constantly on a chain. In this case, the leash is only a temporary measure when you have to keep the gate open or the arrival of guests is expected. Representatives of guard dog breeds are distinguished by their activity and endurance, bestowed on them by nature, so if you limit their freedom, you can expect tragic consequences.

The dog will constantly feel stress, which will lead to a mental breakdown, and a large, aggressive, unbalanced pet is a real threat to others.

apartment security guard

Here, a more stringent selection is required, because the pet will live side by side with a person. Sometimes the main criterion is the size of the animal, especially when it comes to modest areas. But for fans of large and giant breeds, this factor is not decisive, and they give birth to a mastiff or dog while living in a small apartment.

If we talk about averages, then most future owners pay attention to the following:

  • the dog must be of medium or small size;
  • it is desirable that the animal molt little or not at all have this tendency and does not have the characteristic smell of a dog;
  • short coat;
  • the pet should not have profuse salivation;
  • the dog must be clean;
  • the animal should not be hyperactive and require a lot of space.

Of course, the owner himself determines what is important for him, and what he is able to “close his eyes to”.

The best protection for a person

Any dog ​​with a set of protective qualities can become a bodyguard, even if they are not bright, and the animal is not a working dog. Unlimited love for the owner and his relatives will help him protect the owner.

Of course, all dogs have teeth, but can they all use them if necessary? Hardly. Another important factor is the presence of a stable nervous system. For example, a tiny dog ​​who is shivering at loud noises can bite, but only if they are in danger.

But a good-natured, large dog will get involved in a fight if the threat looms over its owner. Certain conclusions can be drawn that, thanks to proper upbringing and a strong psyche, a dog can become an excellent bodyguard.

What breeds of dogs are not capable of being guards?

Considering dogs of various breeds as a pet and guard, some of them can be almost immediately crossed off the list. According to cynologists, the following do not have protective qualities:

  • Hunting dogs, other than those belonging to the universal breeds - huskies, schnauzers and some types of terriers. And one more nuance - dogs that have anger and aggression towards the beast at the gene level are not recommended to be kept in a private house. Moreover, not only a personal courtyard, but also a neighbor's one can suffer.
  • Fighting dogs - thanks to selection, modern representatives of these breeds have a good-natured disposition. But if such a pet is properly raised, in case of danger, he will definitely come to the rescue.
  • , guides, as family pets - even a large-sized dog, uncontrollably rejoicing at everyone who comes into the house, is unlikely to be able to instill fear in intruders.

Giant Guards

If there is a desire and an opportunity to get not just a four-legged comrade, but a giant-sized dog that can perfectly perform security service, you should take a closer look at the following breeds:

This animal at the withers can reach 75 cm, it is considered a rather serious, large dog. Fila needs respect, but at the same time you can’t give her slack - the pet must always remember who is in charge in the house.

A representative of this breed is suitable only for experienced dog breeders who know how to raise such giants. In addition to knowledge, the owner must be patient, have free time to work with a four-legged friend.

Fila makes an excellent guard - balanced, intelligent, who does not get confused, even in serious situations. These dogs are distinguished by a special behavior in case of danger - they attack quietly, without raising a voice, and even facial expressions do not betray their mood.

Already during the breeding of the breed, it was assumed that its representatives would become excellent guards and watchmen. agile, fast dogs that manage to keep the attacker without causing him serious injury until the owner arrives.

These dogs use a certain tactic when attacking - they do not make noise and even at night they do their job perfectly. But because of the short coat, they are not suitable for permanent outdoor maintenance.

- powerful and colorful, he is an excellent guard, but requires special training. The pet has innate protective qualities, however, these dogs also make excellent pets, lying on sofas.

A snow-white large dog with a smooth coat, which is a serious weapon in the strong, skillful hands of an experienced owner. Having attacked an intruder, he is able to tear him to pieces in seconds. In some countries, there is a ban on the purchase and breeding of dogs of this breed, as they require an exceptional approach to education and training, which not everyone can do.

An amazing breed, bred in the Soviet Union, was originally intended for military service. These are large, shaggy, black dogs that are able to protect the local area, but at the same time need to communicate with their owner.

The enraged one is a real storm, which can only be stopped by inflicting bodily harm on the animal itself! That is why cynologists warn future owners about the need for early socialization, education and further training of such a pet.

Another black big handsome man who can live on the street only in warm weather. Like all schnauzers, this strong man loves his family members, but if he does not show aggression, he treats guests with restraint and caution. In the event of an approaching danger, the pet will certainly show all its protective qualities, and it will protect both the household and property.

This dog can live quietly on the street, has endurance and temperament. Jokes with such an animal are bad - the dog will not just scare, and if it attacks, then with all the ensuing consequences. The watchdog is not recommended to be kept in an aviary, it must “patrol” the territory around the clock and be aware of all the events taking place on it.

A huge shaggy dog, reminiscent of a bear and already terrifying with its appearance alone. And indeed, penetrating into its territory, a person is extremely risky. Although, first of all, the dog is not aimed at killing, it is enough for him to drive out the stranger.

Must see the leader in the owner, otherwise one should not expect uncomplaining obedience. If the owner finds an approach to this difficult pet, then he will become a devoted, loyal friend, able to protect him to the last drop of blood.

Outwardly resembling a Caucasian, but with a greater attachment to his family. CAO gets along well with other animals, conflicts can only arise between Alabai and other large males.

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