Acute bronchitis is dangerous complications. Acute form in adults. Acute obstructive form

With organ damage respiratory system it is very important to carry out timely treatment to prevent the development of the disease and the appearance of complications. dangerous in that it can very quickly go into, which is fraught with serious health consequences.

Features of the course of bronchitis

The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the walls of the bronchi is called bronchitis. It is one of the most common diseases worldwide. As a result of this pathology, it is noted due to swelling of the bronchi and accumulation in them a large number mucus.

Bronchitis can be acute or chronic as well. Its development is due to a viral or bacterial infection, and the main symptom indicating damage to the respiratory organs is coughing, which at first may be dry, and after a day or two becomes wet, with.

The danger of advanced bronchitis

The disease itself is not dangerous. Big risk for health carry complications of bronchitis that develop against the background of ineffective or insufficient treatment. Other risk factors are misdiagnosis, untimely appeal to a doctor, non-compliance with medical prescriptions, weak immunity, smoking, both active and passive, as well as adverse climatic conditions or work in hazardous industries. The most common consequences of bronchitis are:

A complication of pneumonia

One of the most frequent complications acute bronchitis is a pneumonia diagnosed in most cases in young children and in the elderly. There are several risk factors in which the pathology in question progresses rapidly and becomes more complicated:

  • Belated or not completed treatment course.
  • Non-compliance with medical prescriptions.
  • Weakness of the body, immunodeficiency states.
  • Hereditary predisposition to diseases of the respiratory organs.
  • Tobacco smoking.
  • Accompanying illnesses.

Pathology poses a great danger to young children due to age features organism. With pneumonia, in many cases, hospitalization is required, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. An integrated approach to treatment is important, since others are likely, no less serious complications, for example, lung abscess, septic fever, or respiratory failure. You can recognize it by the following features:

Most often, pneumonia develops against the background bacterial infection. If the treatment of bronchitis for ten or more days does not bring relief, then most likely we are talking complication of pneumonia.

The appearance of asthmatic syndrome

Another complication of the pathology under consideration is asthmatic syndrome or. It is characterized by abundant sputum, spasm and swelling of the bronchi. This state often precedes asthma, and such a complication is due to an age factor, the presence of diseases allergic origin, staphylococcal infection of the respiratory tract. Symptoms of asthmatic bronchitis:

  • Abundant sputum discharge a day after the onset.

Frequent may indicate high probability development of bronchial asthma in the foreseeable future, therefore it is very important to stop the symptoms in time, as well as to influence the cause of the pathology.

Diagnostic measures include:

  • examination of the patient and an allergist-immunologist;
  • listening to the respiratory organs;
  • X-ray examination;
  • blood tests for immunoglobulins;
  • skin tests to identify the allergenic nature of the disease, etc.

Treatment this complication involves an individual and comprehensive approach to each patient.

Bronchial asthma

Insufficient treatment of bronchitis often leads to the development of bronchial asthma, which manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • Frequent respiratory illnesses accompanied by severe cough.
  • Regular exacerbations occurring with wheezing and coughing, runny nose, feelings of heaviness and congestion in the chest, but without hyperthermia.
  • Paroxysmal cough with choking. Often there is a threat to life, because conventional drugs it is not possible to stop the attack.

This complication occurs against the background of chronic bronchitis due to factors such as hypothermia, influenza epidemic, weakening immune system, active and second hand smoke, elderly or childhood and others. Many patients experience false attacks of bronchial asthma, especially in neurasthenics and people with an unbalanced psyche. To establish correct diagnosis a set of examinations is assigned - laboratory tests, spirometry, etc.

Another serious consequence of bronchitis is either a narrowing of the bronchi, accompanied by impaired respiratory function and coughing. This condition is characterized by rapid progression, deterioration of well-being.

Under the influence of provoking factors, there is a violation of the specific movements of the cilia lining the mucous membrane. As a result, the discharge of sputum is difficult, and the obstruction increases, the walls of the bronchi thicken. A person appears, especially during physical exertion, worries. Other symptoms:

  • Elevated temperature.
  • Expiratory dyspnea.
  • Weakness, lethargy.
  • Lachrymation.
  • Sore and sore throat.
  • Dry kind of cough.
  • Cyanosis.

Causes of complications:

  • Pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Accumulation of mucus in the bronchi.
  • Muscular spasm of the walls of the bronchi.
  • Congenital narrowing of the bronchi caused by smoking a woman during pregnancy, alcohol abuse.
  • Allergy.

At chronic course illnesses in acute stage required permanent use to expand the bronchi and to relax smooth muscle. These are drugs such as Fenoterol and others. And also with obstructive bronchitis requires the use of mucolytics,. Severe respiratory failure requires the use of hormonal drugs and oxygen therapy.

Prevention of complications of bronchitis

In order to avoid dangerous complications of bronchitis, it is required to start a treatment course as soon as possible. The principles of therapy are the improvement of bronchial motility, liquefaction of sputum and stimulation of its excretion. If bronchitis is provoked by a viral infection, then you should take antiviral drugs, and if the culprits are pathogenic bacteria, then, accordingly, antibiotics are indicated. Timely treatment is the main view. It is equally important to comply with the following recommendations:

  • Strengthening the immune system, hardening, herbal medicine, taking immunostimulants.
  • Saturated diet, the use of foods rich in vitamins.
  • Plentiful drink.
  • Complete cessation of smoking.
  • Timely application for medical care with various pathological symptoms.
  • Ensuring complete rest.
  • Regular sports training.
  • Reception of vitamin complexes.

The likelihood of getting sick with bronchitis, in which complications often occur that carry a serious risk to health, is reduced if right image life and the rejection of bad habits.

Prevention of bronchitis in adults can prevent the development of severe lung diseases.

Bronchitis in adults is a disease for which characteristic manifestation is the formation inflammatory response in the bronchial mucosa, as a result of infectious and non-infectious etiology.

With bronchitis in a sick person, gas exchange disorders occur, the body does not enter enough oxygen when running severe forms obstructive bronchitis.

This pathology can occur in the form of an acute or chronic inflammatory disease. It is also divided into a simple and obstructive form of the disease.

With any type of disease, an inflammatory reaction occurs in a person in the mucous layer of the bronchial wall, this causes swelling of the wall, with increased production of mucous discharge.

To clean the surface of the bronchial wall, patients develop a cough, it wears a protective mechanism.

But at the same time, the mucous discharge can be very viscous, and the work of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi can also be disrupted, which leads to the development of obstruction of the bronchial lumen.

With the development of obstruction, the course of bronchitis is more severe. It should also be noted that an adult develops most often obstructive forms of bronchitis, with a chronic course.

Acute forms of the inflammatory process in the bronchi most often develop as complications after suffering acute respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The spread of inflammation occurs from top to bottom. This is possible with a late start of therapy for acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, non-compliance with the home regimen.

This disease is very common among the causes of temporary disability in adult patients.

As already mentioned, non-infectious and infectious causes that can cause bronchitis in adults can be distinguished. To the reasons infectious genesis can include the following:

  • viral flora (rhinovirus, adenovirus, RS-virus infections);
  • bacterial flora (streptococcal, staphylococcal, pneumococcal, mycoplasmal, chlamydial infections);
  • fungal flora (candida).

Fungal infections occur only in the presence of persistent disorders in the patient's immunity. The causes of non-infectious genesis include the following:

  • smoking;
  • inhalation of industrial dust, toxic gases (industrial production);
  • allergic effects;
  • air pollution in large cities.

There are also a number of effects that help in the development of an inflammatory reaction in the bronchi:

  • frequent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • violations in the immune system;
  • severe concomitant pathologies of other organs;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • inflammatory processes of a chronic course in the organs of the upper respiratory tract, oral cavity(frontal sinusitis, tonsillitis, caries, pharyngitis, tracheitis);
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages.

It can also be noted that the development chronic inflammation possibly with untreated acute inflammation in the bronchi.

One can speak of a chronic inflammatory reaction in the bronchi only if this process continues for more than three months over the previous two years.

Cases with a duration of illness less than this period are acute forms of bronchitis.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the development of chronic bronchitis occurs with prolonged exposure to an etiological factor, if chronic bronchitis does not occur in time to eliminate it.

Chronic bronchitis are downstream more unfavorable, since they cause changes in the walls of the bronchi, which are persistent. These changes with the course of the disease only intensify and do not completely disappear.

Symptoms of the disease

Acute bronchitis in adults begins mainly with signs of viral infection, which causes an increase in intoxication manifestations in the first hours or days.

The manifestations of intoxication changes in the body of patients are characterized by the presence of symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • chills;
  • aches in the joints, muscles;
  • severe weakness;
  • general malaise;
  • fever;
  • appetite disorders.

The severity of intoxication changes depends directly on the level defensive forces organism (reactivity), so when they decrease, there is a slight increase in temperature or its absence.

Then the developed inflammation in the bronchial mucosa appears, it primarily includes the presence of a cough.

The maximum severity of cough is present in the first few days acute bronchitis. It can be frequent, paroxysmal, painful.

Causes sleep disorders of the patient, severely exhausting patients. In this case, patients may experience pain in the chest.

The cough is aggravated by being in rooms with dry air, in a cold room. Over time, patients develop a wet cough, in which sputum is discharged.

The nature of sputum depends directly on what factor is caused inflammatory process. For the infectious process of viral genesis, the presence of light or transparent sputum is characteristic.

And for the infectious process of bacterial genesis, one can note the presence of purulent signs in the separated sputum - a greenish hue, viscous in nature.
If during the illness the patient develops obturation of the lumen of the bronchi, then shortness of breath joins the cough. At the same time, there are violations of the respiratory function, expressed in difficulty in exhaling.

Signs of acute bronchitis are observed in patients in most cases up to 10-14 days, the symptoms of the disease are most pronounced in the first three to five days.

With proper treatment, after this period, a complete recovery occurs, but if the inflammation is not completely cured, it can turn into a chronic form of bronchitis.

The chronic form of the disease can develop as a result of incomplete treatment acute inflammation, or with prolonged exposure to provoking factors.

Chronic damage to the bronchial tree is manifested by periods of exacerbations and remissions of the disease.

Chronic bronchitis, like acute bronchitis, can be simple and obstructive.

A distinctive feature of simple chronic bronchitis is that during the remission phase, a person does not have any respiratory disorders.

And the exacerbation phase is characterized by the development of all signs of acute bronchitis.

Obstructive forms of bronchitis long time do not cause severe changes in patients, a person may complain only of a slight cough during the day.

But in the absence of proper therapy, and continued exposure to provoking factors, an increase in clinical manifestations occurs.

The main symptom of obstructive bronchitis is shortness of breath, but it is not pronounced at first, it occurs during heavy exertion. A person does not pay attention to this for a long time and does not receive treatment.

In severe stages, patients hear wheezing, which may be wheezing (due to obstruction). The severe stage of obstructive bronchitis can lead to permanent disability.

Obstructive bronchitis is dangerous because of the possibility of a person developing respiratory failure, which can be fatal.

A simple form of bronchitis is dangerous for the spread of an infectious process with the development of pneumonia, pleurisy, and sepsis. Frequent obstructive bronchitis can cause the formation of secondary asthma.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Diagnosis of this pathology does not cause difficulties for specialists, the main thing is to apply as soon as possible when the first signs of the disease appear.

During examinations, the form and stage of the inflammatory process in the bronchi are clarified, the cause that caused the inflammatory reaction in the bronchi is determined.

Possible complications are identified. Therapy should begin immediately after the diagnosis is made to the patient.

The therapy includes drugs aimed at removing the inflammatory reaction in the bronchi, for this the etiology of bronchitis is being clarified. The required amount of treatment for bronchitis is determined only by a doctor.

Antibacterial agents are used only if there is a bacterial infection. Treatment begins with the following drugs:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Flemoxin;
  • Hemomycin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Panceph.

Quite common and viral etiology acute bronchitis, then antiviral agents are prescribed:

  • Grippferon;
  • Genferon;
  • Kagocel;
  • Cycloferon.

The second main goal in the treatment of bronchitis is to remove mucus from the bronchi, for this, mucolytic agents are used:

  • Ambroxol;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Acetylcysteine.

Obstruction is relieved by means that expand the lumen of the bronchial tree:

  • Ipratropium bromide;
  • Ventolin;
  • Berodual.

Complex treatment is always prescribed for bronchitis, as additional therapy physiotherapy is also used. For physiotherapeutic treatment of bronchitis use:

  • electrophoresis;
  • Diadynamic currents;
  • Inhalations.

Inhalations can also be used in physiotherapy departments, or at home with the help of a nebulizer.

Only a doctor can prescribe any procedure, self-medication cannot be carried out.

Preventive measures

Prevention of bronchitis includes the elimination of all factors that can cause the development of an inflammatory reaction in the bronchi:

  • mandatory smoking cessation;
  • compliance with the rules of protection when working in hazardous industries;
  • elimination of allergic effects on the body;
  • dress strictly according to temperature conditions;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • eat rationally;
  • treat on time inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract and oral cavity;
  • avoid contact with patients with acute respiratory diseases.

Also, the prevention of bronchitis includes general recommendations which will help to avoid many inflammatory diseases:

  • regular wet cleaning of premises;
  • regular ventilation of the premises;
  • humidification of the inhaled air;
  • breathing exercises;
  • regular exercise.

In addition, the prevention of bronchitis includes vaccination:

  • influenza vaccine;
  • pneumococcal vaccines.

Now there are also courses of vaccination against pneumococcal infections with parenteral vaccines.

It is also possible to use products containing lysates of pneumococci. These funds include:

  • Broncho-munal;
  • Broncho wax.

They are used as a course in the autumn period. Before using them, you need to consult a specialist.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the prevention of the disease can prevent the development of acute forms and avoid the transition of bronchitis to a chronic form.

Any untreated disease is fraught with the development of complications, and bronchitis is no exception. But since it is considered not a very complex disease that responds well to treatment, many patients treat it lightly: they carry it on their feet or do not follow medical prescriptions. As a result, there are complications. Meanwhile, knowing how dangerous bronchitis is, how much it can negatively affect health, would help to avoid problems and prevent the occurrence of formidable pathologies.

Learn more about bronchitis

Reasons for the development of complications

To get out of the disease without loss, first of all, you need to see a doctor in time, and then strictly follow his instructions. But often, at the first signs of improvement in well-being, patients stop taking drugs or go to work / study. ahead of time. In this case, the acute stage of bronchitis is drowned out by pills, the symptoms subside, and the disease flows into a chronic form. This is the most common consequence of acute bronchitis. In other cases, the patient eventually reveals signs of other, more severe diseases. In addition to ignoring medical recommendations, the development of complications is affected by:

  • Misdiagnosed
  • Errors in treatment (late start, incorrect selection of drugs, non-compliance with the regimen)
  • genetic predisposition
  • Childhood or old age (due to physiological characteristics bronchitis is more severe, causes complications faster)
  • Increased immunity susceptibility
  • Active or passive smoking
  • Unfavorable climate
  • Harmful working conditions.

What causes acute bronchitis

The development of pathologies depends on the form and type of bronchitis - each has its own typical features.

Acute bronchitis occurs as a result of an infectious lesion of the respiratory organs as independent disease or as a complication of the primary. The trachea and bronchi are covered with an abundant layer of sputum, because of this, shortness of breath, shortness of breath and a strong cough develop. At timely handling to the doctor and adequate treatment, the prognosis is usually positive. But with an unfavorable course of the disease, irreversible expansion of the bronchi and alveoli may occur, which will entail new pathologies, or a chronic form of bronchitis may develop.

Usually, acute bronchitis causes complications in the form of pneumonia or bronchopneumonia.

  • When pneumonia occurs infection lung tissue, with increased release of exudate, impaired proper gas exchange. Symptoms of the disease are similar to those of bronchopneumonia, but the patient's condition is more severe. Diagnosis requires radiography and laboratory research blood and sputum to identify the pathogen.

The most dangerous bronchitis for young children and people over 60 years of age, during pregnancy, as well as for patients suffering from chronic diseases.

  • Due to the incomplete formation of the body, the disease in young patients is more severe and gives serious complications that can lead to disability.
  • Older people are more susceptible to disease due to natural aging organism and violations in connection with this work of the respiratory system. She becomes vulnerable to infection, and reduced immunity is not able to protect against complications.
  • In pregnant women, the inflammatory process in pneumonia can cause uterine hypertonicity, abortion, or fetal hypoxia. The impact of infection will also be detrimental to the fetus and medicines: will cause abnormalities and pathologies in the fetus.

In addition, pneumonia, which developed as a complication of acute bronchitis, itself can cause a subsequent deterioration in the condition: respiratory failure, heart disease, pleurisy, or lung abscess.

  • Bronchopneumonia - acute inflammation bronchial walls, focal character. Manifested by fever, weakness, headaches, dizziness. The patient first develops a dry cough, then as the infection joins, it becomes mucopurulent, sputum can be separated with streaks of blood.

The disease is quite rare in people with normal health, it mainly occurs in them with oncology, HIV infection, pathologies internal organs. Bronchopneumonia is dangerous for the elderly and young children. It is very difficult for them and can cause lethal outcome. In the treatment of bronchopneumonia, antibiotics cannot be dispensed with; in difficult cases, therapy is carried out in a hospital.

Complications of chronic bronchitis

If a person suffers from bronchitis 3-4 times a year or more often, the disease lasts at least 2-3 weeks, then they speak of a recurrent type. It often affects children, and in adults it is the cause of the development of the chronic form.

In this case, the patient has a change in the structure of organs, violations of the work become persistent, not amenable to treatment. The exacerbation of bronchitis can last for a long time (about three months). As a result, more and more new organs are involved in the inflammatory process, it proceeds more and more severely - obstructive conditions develop. This contributes to the development of pathologies:

  • Bronchial asthma is a severe chronic disease that cannot be treated, with difficulty breathing, asthma attacks. Leads to disability.
  • Obstructive bronchitis: develops in children after acute bronchitis, in adults - with chronic bronchitis.
  • Pulmonary emphysema is a change in the lung tissue, leading to the expansion of the alveoli and an increase in lung volume. It most often affects the elderly.
  • Bronchiolitis - more often occurs in adults due to diffuse lesions of the bronchioles.
  • Respiratory failure, complicated by a violation of the heart.

Although bronchitis is not deadly disease, which carries an immediate threat to life, it is dangerous with complications that cause more serious health consequences. Each violation of the respiratory system leads not only to the failure of the whole organism, but can also cause the death of the patient.

Bronchitis- an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, which in the vast majority occurs due to a viral or bacterial infection.

Bronchi- This is an extensive network of tubes of different diameters that carry the inhaled air from the larynx to the lungs.

Air enters the trachea from the larynx. The trachea is a wide tube consisting of half rings with a soft side facing the esophagus. Inside it is covered with ciliated epithelium and contributes to the process of self-purification of the lungs. The trachea branches into two main bronchi, which form bronchial tree and end in alveoli through which gas exchange occurs.

Bronchitis is divided into acute and chronic. This division largely depends on the duration of the disease.

Acute bronchitis in the vast majority of cases, it is a manifestation or complication of an acute viral infection (influenza, parainfluenza, measles, adenoviruses, etc.), and a feature of bronchial inflammation is the risk of bacterial infection (staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae, etc.). Predisposing factors for bronchitis include hypothermia, smoking, alcohol consumption, chronic focal infection in the nasopharyngeal region, and impaired nasal breathing.

In acute bronchitis, patients are concerned about weakness, chilling, fever up to 37-38 ° C, headache, muscle pain. The main symptom of bronchitis is coughing. It may be dry, i.e. without sputum and moist with sputum discharge.

When the cough is wet, it plays a protective role: removing sputum along with microorganisms that caused inflammation, cleansing the bronchi, providing air access.

Dry cough is due to the fact that the sputum is very thick and cannot go away or that it does not exist, but there is only a thickening of the bronchial mucosa and its irritation by the inflammatory process, which stimulates the cough reflex.

Chronical bronchitis. According to statistics in the Russian Federation, every third adult who applied to a medical institution is diagnosed with some kind of pulmonary disease, and in 70-75% of cases this Chronical bronchitis

Previously, the prevailing opinion was that chronic bronchitis is a consequence of undertreated acute bronchitis, i.e. has a viral nature ... In fact, the transition of acute bronchitis to a chronic form is observed only in 10-15% of cases. It has now been proven that the main cause of chronic bronchitis is a violation of the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, which occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  • Tobacco smoking. Under the influence of tobacco smoke, the protective mechanisms of the bronchi are inhibited, changes develop in the bronchial mucosa - proliferation of the mucous membrane, an inflammatory process in the small bronchi, increased mucus secretion.
  • Air pollution. Traffic fumes cars, waste of modern production and new types of fuel, etc. All this gives a higher incidence of chronic bronchitis in large industrial centers.
  • Occupational hazards: cotton, flour, asbestos, quartz, coal dust, toxic vapors and gases, high and low temperatures, drafts at work.
  • risk factors also heredity is the presence of similar diseases in the next of kin, frequent colds in childhood, chronic diseases ENT organs and organs of the oral cavity, allergic diseases.

Chronic bronchitis is characterized by the absence of an acute onset of the disease and its slow progression. The first sign of the disease is a cough in the morning, which is a mechanism for clearing the bronchi of the sputum that has accumulated in them during the night.

Chronic cough for at least 3 months a year and at least 2 years in a row is considered the main diagnostic symptom chronic bronchitis.

The cough is aggravated in the cold and damp season, weakens or stops completely in the summer. In the future, the cough is noted throughout the day, as well as at night. Gradually, signs of obstruction (reduced patency) of the airways and shortness of breath appear.

The exacerbation of the disease is manifested by malaise, sweating, especially at night, an increase in the amount and purulence of sputum, palpitations with normal or elevated temperature body, symptoms of heart failure. The exacerbation usually lasts 3-4 weeks or more ...

What is dangerous?

With the development of chronic bronchitis, over time, symptoms such as rapid breathing, shortness of breath appear. This is a direct indicator that chronic inflammation damages lung tissue… It looks like this: the bronchi are “overgrown” connective tissue, which reduces their internal cross section, and also reduces their elasticity. This leads to the development chronic obstructive bronchitis- a chronic progressive inflammatory disease with irreversible or partially reversible obstruction (reduced patency) of the airways.

Emphysema is also a direct result of the development of chronic bronchitis. This is a disease in which the alveoli that make up the lung tissue are overstretched and lose their ability to contract sufficiently, as a result of which oxygen supply to and removal from the blood is disrupted. carbon dioxide. This leads to respiratory failure.

Like chronic obstructive bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema develops gradually due to constant irritation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi by the inflammatory process. The first thing to pay attention to if you suspect this disease is shortness of breath, which occurs during physical work, excitement, as well as during coughing and a period of exacerbation of chronic bronchitis.

Chronic bronchitis often causes bronchial asthma. Since the mucous membrane of the inflamed bronchi becomes more sensitive to the effects harmful substances: tobacco smoke, car gases, dust, vapors ..., as a result of this, swelling of the bronchial mucosa occurs with the release of a large amount of mucus, and this is the main prerequisite for the development of bronchial asthma.

And this is only part of the number of consequences that chronic bronchitis can cause. Ailments such as bronchial pneumonia, bronchiectasis, pleurisy, pneumosclerosis, lung atelectasis, lung cancer can also be the result of the development of chronic bronchitis. Therefore, it is necessary to take this disease very seriously, especially in the early stages, when it is possible and necessary to take the necessary actions.

What is the danger of bronchitis

Bronchitis is dangerous for its complications, but not only - it can be threatening in itself. This is determined by what form of pathology has developed, what is accompanied by discharge from the bronchi and other features. In order to keep the critical health impact to a minimum, you should know everything exactly about the dangers of bronchitis.

general information

Bronchitis, which anyone can get sick, comes in 2 forms: acute and chronic. Each of the presented types can have complications that are difficult to treat. Bronchitis is a disease of the bronchial mucosa, provoked by a viral or bacterial infection. If adults and children are missing adequate treatment, then you can get sick with the following forms and pathologies:

These are not all complications of chronic bronchitis. The list includes: cor pulmonale, bronchial obstruction, pulmonary hypertension. All of them require competent and timely treatment, because they can significantly complicate the processes associated with life, as well as lead to death.

Chronic form of the disease

This is a long-term inflammatory process in the bronchi, which occurs in adults and children. Pathology is accompanied by cough urges, rapid formation of shortness of breath, sputum production. If the disease is aggravated or adequate treatment is not carried out, then hemoptysis, cyanosis and other critical symptoms are possible.

You can get sick with chronic bronchitis not only due to infection, but also due to frequent inhalation of smoke, genetic factor, "harmful" work (associated with chemical reagents). The presented condition is dangerous with permanently recurring attacks and deterioration of the body.

Treat chronic bronchitis with medications, inhalation, hardening.

Otherwise, the pathology will develop into pneumonia, emphysema and other forms, the treatment of which at home is possible under the constant supervision of a pulmonologist or infectious disease specialist.


Inflammation of the lungs is dangerous in itself, but if it is a complication of bronchitis, the danger to adults and children increases even more. This is manifested in the fact that a person at any time can get so sick that it will lead to death.

Complications of bronchitis in this situation are as follows:

  • painful coughing urge;
  • periodic exacerbations with an increase in temperature indicators;
  • significant deterioration in overall health.

The patient quickly loses weight, shortness of breath occurs with minimal physical exertion. Changes in the tissues of one or each lung that are clogged with mucus are identified. In this case, it is necessary to treat as soon as possible, until the pathology has spread to the entire body.

asthmatic syndrome

The consequences of bronchitis can also manifest themselves in asthmatic syndrome in adults and children. It is easy to get sick with them if the etiology of the primary disease was viral or allergic. Attacks of problematic breathing are transformed into attacks of suffocation, requiring emergency assistance. This nature of the changes is evidence of a pre-asthmatic condition. The asthmatic syndrome is defined by unstable changes that can be reversed.

This does not mean that the pathology does not need to be treated. After all, if it continues to develop, then the patient may simply die from prolonged suffocation or he will develop bronchial asthma. The danger of the pathology lies in the fact that the presented condition is usually mild and difficult to distinguish from minor asthma attacks of the bronchial type.

Diagnosis is particularly difficult in adults over 55 years of age.

In this case, the disease has gone too far, which affects the formation of bronchial insufficiency.

Bronchial asthma

Complications after bronchitis can lead to the formation of bronchial asthma. It is expressed in the following symptoms:

In order to treat bronchial asthma, it is necessary to resort to complex therapy. If the pathology is early stage(despite the aggravation of bronchitis) the treatment will be successful, but will take 4-5 months. A successful recovery cycle will help avoid other complications - emphysema, cor pulmonale, and others that occur in adults.


The main and most common cause of emphysema pulmonary system is chronic bronchitis. You can get sick with this due to the fact that exhalation is complicated in the chronic form of bronchitis.

During the formation of emphysema, the alveolus, in which gas exchange occurs, loses natural degree elasticity. Therefore, the air pressure in the alveolar region increases. The alveoli become much tighter and tighter, which impairs the respiratory process and causes the lung tissue to swell even more.

This leads to the fact that the lung tissue is not able to provide the necessary level of contraction and stretching during inhalation and exhalation. Gas exchange in the pulmonary region is destabilized, that is, there are problems with the entry of oxygen into the blood and the removal of carbon dioxide gas from it, which makes treatment at home impossible.

Pulmonary heart

When the medical treatment of bronchitis was carried out incorrectly, a pathology known as cor pulmonale is formed. Only adults can get sick with it, it is not peculiar to children. Most often affected Right side hearts. The manifestations in this case will be as follows:

  • aggravated shortness of breath, which becomes even stronger in the supine position;
  • permanent pain in the head area;
  • pain in the region of the heart, which does not depend on the load and is not relieved by drugs.

At any stage of cor pulmonale, symptoms such as sweating, an increase in the size of the veins in the neck, thickening of the nail plates, and fingertips appear. The neglected type of pathology presented provokes thickening of myocardial tissues, which aggravate the degree of heart failure.

All this leads to coronary disease heart muscle, myocardial infarction. You can cope with the pathology only by starting to treat bronchitis and its accompanying diseases in a timely manner.

Bronchial obstruction

get sick broncho-obstructive syndrome possible due to progressive changes in the area of ​​the bronchial tree. We are talking about dystrophic degenerative changes, which are provoked by inflammatory processes and other external causes. It is necessary to exclude them in a complex way.

The formation of bronchial obstruction is possible due to the functioning of complex mechanisms. In particular, hypertrophy of muscle tissues, dystonia, inflammatory infiltration. It can also be edema resulting from bronchitis, destabilizing processes associated with mucociliary clearance, changes in the mucous membranes. Least a rare cause is a change in the shape or compression of the bronchi.

Broncho-obstructive syndrome is extremely dangerous for adults and it is difficult to cope with it, because the rate of complications is high.

As part of the complication of untreated bronchitis by the presented pathology, the patient needs to surgical intervention treatment at home will be ineffective and even dangerous.

Pulmonary hypertension

Pathology, which is easy to get sick, is accompanied by a progressive narrowing of blood vessels, like untreated bronchitis. As a result:

The presented pathology is formed with a systematic increase systolic pressure in the artery pulmonary type. Indicators should reach more than 30 mm Hg. Art. (while averages are over 20 mmHg).

Pulmonary hypertension has additional symptoms, which is expressed in a rapid degree of fatigue, rapid breathing, diffuse cyanosis and congestive exhausting wheezing. A severe crisis can be triggered, which increases the likelihood of contracting viral and other diseases. How to avoid the presented complications and consequences of bronchitis?

How to avoid complications

Forms of bronchitis can be different, but regardless of them, complications can only be avoided if the primary disease is correctly treated. Pulmonologists insist on the need for a comprehensive recovery process, including: the use of medications, a special diet, a high degree physical activity, breathing exercises and much more.

The presented approach should be carried out on acute stage development of pathology and after successful testing - especially if it was running process. Prevention of bronchitis is no less milestone to prevent complications and the possibility of encountering something other than bronchitis.

The answer to the question of whether bronchitis is dangerous is unambiguous. Much more critical and threatening are its complications, which were described earlier. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a specialist in time and be aware of what the complications of bronchitis can be.

The danger of frequent complications of bronchitis

With lesions of the respiratory system, it is very important to carry out timely treatment in order to prevent the development of the disease and the occurrence of complications. Bronchitis is dangerous because it can very quickly become chronic, which is fraught with serious health consequences.

  • Features of the course of bronchitis
  • A complication of pneumonia
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Obstructive bronchitis

Features of the course of bronchitis

The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the walls of the bronchi is called bronchitis. It is one of the most common diseases worldwide. As a result of this pathology, there is a violation of the respiratory function due to swelling of the bronchi and the accumulation of a large amount of mucus in them.

Bronchitis can be acute or chronic, as well as obstructive. Its development is due to a viral or bacterial infection, and the main symptom indicating damage to the respiratory organs is a strong cough, which at first can be dry, and after a day or two becomes wet, with elevated office sputum.

The danger of advanced bronchitis

The disease itself is not dangerous. Complications of bronchitis that develop against the background of ineffective or insufficient treatment carry a great health risk. Other risk factors are misdiagnosis, untimely access to a doctor, non-compliance with medical prescriptions, weak immunity, smoking, both active and passive, as well as adverse climatic conditions or work in hazardous industries. The most common consequences of bronchitis are:

  • bronchopneumonia;
  • pneumosclerosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • emphysema;
  • bronchial obstruction;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • asthmatic syndrome;
  • pneumonia;
  • purulent bronchitis;
  • pulmonary heart.

A complication of pneumonia

One of the most common complications of acute bronchitis is pneumonia, which is diagnosed in most cases in young children and in the elderly. There are several risk factors in which the pathology in question progresses rapidly and becomes more complicated:

  • Late or not completed treatment course.
  • Non-compliance with medical prescriptions.
  • Weakness of the body, immunodeficiency states.
  • Hereditary predisposition to diseases of the respiratory organs.
  • Tobacco smoking.
  • Accompanying illnesses.

Pathology poses a great danger for young children due to the age characteristics of the body. With pneumonia, in many cases, hospitalization is required, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. An integrated approach to treatment is important, as other equally serious complications are likely, for example, lung abscess, septic fever, exudative pleurisy or respiratory failure. Pneumonia can be recognized by the following signs:

  • High temperature, not less than 38 degrees.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Vertigo.
  • Weakness.
  • Cough.
  • Pain in the chest.
  • Decrease in body weight.
  • Impurities of blood in sputum.
  • Lack of therapeutic effect after using folk remedies, cough medicines, etc.
  • Rapid pulse.

Most often, pneumonia develops against the background of a bacterial infection. If the treatment of bronchitis for ten or more days does not bring relief, then most likely we are talking about a complication in the form of pneumonia.

The appearance of asthmatic syndrome

Another complication of the pathology under consideration is asthmatic syndrome or asthmatic bronchitis. It is characterized by abundant sputum, spasm and swelling of the bronchi. This condition often precedes asthma, and such a complication is due to an age factor, the presence of diseases of an allergic origin, and staphylococcal infection of the respiratory tract. Symptoms of asthmatic bronchitis:

  • Attacks of coughing.
  • Runny nose.
  • Sore throat.
  • Slight rise in temperature.
  • Abundant sputum discharge a day after the onset of dry cough.
  • Difficulty in breathing.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Wheezing breath.
  • Weakness.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Irritability.

Frequent attacks of asthmatic syndrome may indicate a high likelihood of developing bronchial asthma in the foreseeable future, so it is very important to stop the symptoms in time, as well as to influence the cause of the pathology.

Diagnostic measures include:

  • examination of the patient by a pulmonologist and an allergist-immunologist;
  • listening to the respiratory organs;
  • X-ray examination;
  • blood tests for immunoglobulins;
  • laboratory examination of sputum;
  • skin tests to identify the allergenic nature of the disease, etc.

Treatment of this complication involves an individual and comprehensive approach to each patient.

Bronchial asthma

Insufficient treatment of bronchitis often leads to the development of bronchial asthma, which manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • Recurrent phenomena of non-infectious origin.
  • Wheezing on inspiration.
  • Fever.
  • Chills.
  • Weakness.
  • Frequent respiratory illnesses accompanied by severe cough.
  • Seasonal nature of relapses.
  • Regular exacerbations that occur with wheezing and cough, runny nose, sore throat, feelings of heaviness and congestion in the chest, but without hyperthermia.
  • Paroxysmal cough with choking. Often there is a threat to life, since conventional drugs fail to stop the attack.
  • Forced posture during an attack.

This complication occurs against the background of chronic bronchitis due to such factors as hypothermia, influenza epidemic, weakening of the immune system, active and passive smoking, advanced or childhood age, etc. Many patients experience false attacks of bronchial asthma, especially in neurasthenics and in people with unbalanced mind. To establish the correct diagnosis, a complex of examinations is prescribed - laboratory tests, x-rays, spirometry, etc.

Obstructive bronchitis

Another serious consequence of bronchitis is obstruction or narrowing of the bronchi, accompanied by impaired respiratory function and coughing. This condition is characterized by rapid progression, deterioration of well-being.

Under the influence of provoking factors, there is a violation of the specific movements of the cilia lining the mucous membrane. As a result, the discharge of sputum is difficult, and the obstruction increases, the walls of the bronchi thicken. A person has shortness of breath, especially during physical exertion, a strong cough worries. Other symptoms:

  • Elevated temperature.
  • Expiratory dyspnea.
  • Weakness, lethargy.
  • Runny nose.
  • Lachrymation.
  • Sore and sore throat.
  • Wheezing breath.
  • Dry kind of cough.
  • Cyanosis.

  • Pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Accumulation of mucus in the bronchi.
  • Muscular spasm of the walls of the bronchi.
  • Congenital narrowing of the bronchi caused by smoking a woman during pregnancy, alcohol abuse.
  • Allergy.

In the chronic course of the disease in the acute stage, the constant use of bronchodilators is required to expand the bronchi and to relax smooth muscles. These are drugs such as Berodual, Fenoterol, etc. And also with obstructive bronchitis, the use of antibiotics, mucolytics, expectorants is required. Severe respiratory failure requires the use of hormonal drugs, as well as oxygen therapy.

Prevention of complications of bronchitis

In order to avoid dangerous complications of bronchitis, it is required to start a treatment course as soon as possible. The principles of therapy are the improvement of bronchial motility, liquefaction of sputum and stimulation of its excretion. If bronchitis is provoked by a viral infection, then antiviral drugs should be taken, and if pathogenic bacteria are the culprits, then antibiotics are indicated accordingly. Timely treatment is the main type of prevention of bronchitis. It is equally important to comply with the following recommendations:

  • Strengthening the immune system, hardening, herbal medicine, taking immunostimulants.
  • Saturated diet, the use of foods rich in vitamins.
  • Plentiful drink.
  • Complete cessation of smoking.
  • Timely seeking medical help for various pathological symptoms.
  • Ensuring complete rest.
  • Regular sports training.
  • Reception of vitamin complexes.

The likelihood of getting sick with bronchitis, in which complications often occur that carry a serious risk to health, is reduced if the correct lifestyle is followed and bad habits are abandoned.

Consequences of bronchitis: what is dangerous neglected bronchitis

Bronchitis is dangerous with possible complications. If left untreated, chronic bronchitis can eventually develop into other, extremely dangerous diseases respiratory tract.

In order to minimize the effects of bronchitis, you need to know what complications the disease can lead to.

General information

There are two forms of bronchitis - chronic and acute. Each of the varieties of the disease has its own complications, which can be extremely difficult to treat.

Bronchitis is a disease of the bronchial mucosa, provoked by a bacterial or viral infection. In the event that adequate treatment is not carried out, the following pathologies may develop:

  • asthmatic syndrome;
  • Pneumonia;
  • emphysema;
  • Bronchial asthma.

It should be noted that these are far from all the complications that chronic bronchitis can cause. The list of diseases includes pulmonary hypertension, bronchial obstruction, cor pulmonale.

They all need timely and competent treatment, as they can significantly complicate the processes associated with life, and in some cases lead to death.

Chronic form of the disease

Chronic bronchitis is a long-term inflammatory process in the area of ​​the bronchi, which occurs in children and adults. Pathology is accompanied by sputum production, the formation of rapid shortness of breath, coughing.

In the event that a person does not receive timely treatment, then cyanosis, hemoptysis and other critical symptoms are possible.

Chronic bronchitis occurs not only as a result of infection, but also a genetic factor, frequent inhalation of smoke, "harmful" work (associated with chemical reagents). This condition is dangerous with frequent attacks, as well as a general deterioration in the state of the body as a whole.

This form of bronchitis should be treated with:

  • hardening,
  • inhalations,
  • medical means.

In the absence of therapy, pathology can lead to emphysema, pneumonia and other diseases, which can only be treated under the continuous supervision of an infectious disease specialist and a pulmonologist.


In itself, pneumonia is very dangerous, but if we add to it the complication of bronchitis, then the danger for children and adults is doubled. This leads to the fact that at any moment a person can get so sick that it will cause death. In this case, the complications of bronchitis can be as follows:

  1. Severe aggravation of the general state of health.
  2. Periodic exacerbations leading to an increase in body temperature.
  3. Painful urge to cough.

The patient begins to quickly lose weight, shortness of breath with bronchitis appears even with minimal physical exertion. There are changes in the tissues of one or both lungs, which in turn are completely clogged with mucus.

In this case, it must be assigned emergency treatment until the pathology developed and led to death.

asthmatic syndrome

The consequences of bronchitis can manifest themselves in the form of an asthmatic syndrome, which can be in children and adults. It is very easy for them to get sick if the etiology of the primary disease was allergic or viral.

Attacks of difficult breathing eventually turn into attacks of suffocation, which require the intervention of an ambulance.

It is this nature of the changes that indicates the presence of a pre-asthmatic condition. The asthmatic syndrome manifests itself in unstable changes that can be reversible.

This does not mean that the pathology should not be treated, because it will continue to develop, the patient may die from prolonged attacks of suffocation, or he will develop bronchial asthma.

The dangers of the pathology lie in the fact that this condition is often poorly expressed and difficult to distinguish from mild asthma attacks. light type. In adults over 55 years of age, diagnosis is often difficult.

In this case, the disease has gone too far, which affects the formation of bronchial insufficiency.

Bronchial asthma

Complications after bronchitis can cause bronchial asthma. It can be expressed by such symptoms:

  • Increased seizures up to heart problems and respiratory failure;
  • The predominance of nocturnal asphyxiation over daytime, thereby increasing the likelihood of death;
  • The presence of a large amount of sputum, which makes it difficult to breathe even when walking slowly.

For the treatment of bronchial asthma, it is required to resort to a whole complex of therapy. If the disease is in initial stage(despite the aggravation of bronchitis), the treatment will be effective, but its duration will be 4-5 months. Restoring health will avoid complications such as cor pulmonale and emphysema.

Pulmonary heart

In case of incorrect drug treatment with bronchitis, there is a pathology known as cor pulmonale. It affects only adults, it is not peculiar to children. The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Severe shortness of breath, which is worse when lying down.
  2. Frequent headaches that do not go away for a long time.
  3. Pain in the region of the heart, which does not depend on physical activity and disappear after taking the medicine.

At any stage of a disease such as cor pulmonale, the following symptoms: excessive sweating, thickening of the nail plate, an increase in the size of the veins in the region of the heart, thickening of the fingertips. At advanced stage This disease is observed thickening of myocardial tissue, thereby aggravating the degree of heart failure.

All this causes myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease. In order to cope with this pathology, it is recommended to carry out timely treatment of bronchitis, as well as any diseases associated with it.

How to avoid complications

Bronchitis can vary in its form, but regardless of them, complications can only be avoided if an effective primary treatment has been prescribed.

According to pulmonologists, it is necessary to carry out a complex recovery process, which includes: a special diet, the use of medicines, breathing exercises and physical activity.

It is necessary to carry out a consistent approach at the acute stage of the development of the pathology and after successfully passing all the tests prescribed by the doctor.

Answering the question whether bronchitis is so dangerous, you can give an unequivocal answer - it is dangerous and even very dangerous. But more threatening and critical are its complications, which were written about earlier. For this reason, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner and be aware of what serious complications can occur if bronchitis is not treated, preventing their occurrence, which is popularly described in the video in this article.

Why is acute bronchitis dangerous for a person?

How to treat acute bronchitis, what is the danger of such an ailment? These questions are of interest to many patients. Acute bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of all bronchial tubes in the human body, through which air from environment able to enter the human lungs. The occurrence of bronchitis is caused by the very pathogens that provoke the occurrence of colds and all kinds of infections of all respiratory tracts of the human body.

Acute bronchitis is the most common inflammatory disease all respiratory organs.

Etiology and pathogenesis of this disease

The occurrence of this disease can be caused by a large number of factors that, to some extent, can reduce both general and local resistance of the body.

Among them, of no small importance are:

  • weather and climate in which a person is located, his working conditions, partial hypothermia and dampness;
  • excessive use of nicotine;
  • some disorders associated with nasal breathing;
  • processes of development of heart failure;
  • all sorts of changes that occur in the lungs.

Considering etiological factors, the following can be taken into account:

  • all kinds of physical, which include very dry, cold or hot air;
  • various chemical, which include all kinds of chemical compounds;
  • various kinds infectious, which include bacteria, viruses and all kinds of microorganisms;
  • all kinds of allergic, which can easily be attributed to household and organic dust and much more.

All kinds of chemical and physical effects on the human body can irritate the entire bronchial mucosa, significantly reduce local resistance and can provoke the development of an inflammatory process that has an infectious nature.

Among viruses, with regard to the etiology of the development of this disease, the RS virus plays a very important role. The infectious process provoked by this virus is often accompanied by some lesions of the so-called bronchial tree, while with other acute respiratory infections, the frequency of inflammation of bronchitis is much less.

Unlike viral and bacterial-viral, viral bronchitis themselves are much less common. The etiology of acute bronchitis is affected by various pathogens of acute respiratory infections, this disease can also be caused by other acute infectious processes.

These include: all kinds of measles, whooping cough and many other viral diseases. In such cases, acute bronchitis is a complication of a particular disease, or just some of its manifestations.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis

Given all of the above factors, we can safely say that a disease such as acute bronchitis is initially presented as a common cold, and after a certain period of time it can be localized in the patient's chest.

In the process of inflammation in the cells that are in the bronchi, there is some increase in the secretion of the existing viscous mucus, which is able to block all kinds of Airways the human body, and this can significantly complicate the patient's breathing and provoke the appearance of some other less pleasant symptoms.

A person who has an acute form of bronchitis may develop a cough. In this case, it is some kind of protective reaction to the existing mucus in the human bronchi, which you just need to get rid of. In the process of developing a disease such as bronchitis, when coughing, light yellow or grayish sputum may be released.

In addition, bronchitis may be accompanied by some pains that appear exclusively in the upper half. chest. During coughing, these pains can increase significantly.

In addition to all of the above, in the process of developing acute bronchitis, the patient's body temperature can rise very much, and whistling will be observed during breathing.

Complications of acute bronchitis. This disease does not pose any danger to most people. However, it must be remembered that in smokers or in people suffering from bronchial asthma and other lung diseases, the risk of recurrence may increase slightly. In addition, the course of acute bronchitis will increase somewhat, due to which the chronic form of this unpleasant disease can develop.

If a person has acute heart failure, then frequent manifestations of bronchitis can be protracted. If the patient at the time of coughing produces sputum that has some streaks of blood, and its color is somewhat greenish, then at the same minute it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. Such symptoms indicate that a person has begun the process of pneumonia.

What is the risk of acute allergic bronchitis? Such unpleasant disease most often found in people with a congenital predisposition to various kinds of allergic reactions.

In development this disease the inflammatory process begins with a direct lesion of the nasopharynx, from where it already passes to the underlying respiratory tract, namely: the trochea, larynx, bronchi and bronchioles. A virus that quickly burst into the respiratory tract human body, with the same force and confidence is introduced into the cells of the epithelium, while it disrupts their metabolic process, and this, in turn, can provoke cell death.

How to treat the disease?

A sufficiently long course of a disease such as acute bronchitis is most often observed when this disease has a viral and bacterial nature. In the process of this disease, a violation of the patency of the bronchi can be observed. Bronchial complications most often occur with bacterial infection.

What can the patient do in case of this disease?

In the process of developing this disease, the patient is advised to stay at home, while observing bed rest and stay warm all the time. In addition, it is necessary to take various herbal decoctions and infusions, which contribute to the liquefaction and release of sputum accumulated in the body. In order to reduce general discomfort and lower the patient's body temperature, you need to take aspirin or paracetamol.

In addition, in the room in which the patient is located, the humidity of the air must be constantly maintained. This can be achieved through all sorts of stimuli. Moreover, it is necessary to make various beneficial inhalations and in large quantities to consume warm and even hot drinks. In order to slightly reduce paroxysmal cough, it is recommended to take a steam bath.

How can a doctor help in the fight against acute bronchitis?

If the patient has difficulty breathing, then the specialist may prescribe some bronchodilator drugs. Often, after the use of such funds, the patient is able to quickly recover breathing. If the infection is bacterial in nature, then you need to take a certain number of antibiotics.

If the doctor observes a suspicion of pneumonia, then he should prescribe x-ray examination chest. After that, he is already determined with the severity of the disease and can, if necessary, hospitalize the patient.

In the course of the outpatient treatment bronchitis can pass in 7-10 days.
Each person should remember that in order to avoid certain complications, when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.
Be healthy!

The inflammatory process in the bronchi is recognized as the most common form of complication of colds and viral diseases. In this regard, acute bronchitis "accompanies" cold, damp off-season periods. Active development disease is possible in case of untimely prevention in relation to the source of general malaise (cold, virus, infectious complications), as well as with insufficient or inappropriate drug therapy. In some cases, an erroneous treatment algorithm is formed on the basis of general ideas about the course of the disease. While recognizing the true source of the disease process is a matter of competent diagnostics.

Generally acute bronchitis develops in the course of increased mucus formation in the bronchial tract. The source of the appearance of a viscous secret is called a cold, hypothermia, a viral infection. Clean and healthy bronchi gradually fill with phlegm, and natural cleansing air entering the body is impossible. The smallest villi of the bronchi are "blocked" by mucus, become immobile. The more actively mucus is formed, the more pronounced main symptom bronchitis is a characteristic, suffocating cough.

Clinical picture

The active phase of the course of the disease is noted next to specific symptoms. These include:

heat body (38-39 degrees);

- swelling and redness of the throat;

- labored breathing.

In some cases, peculiar pulmonary "wheezes", "wheezes" and creaking sounds are clearly audible. Moreover, to detect a pathological condition respiratory organ possible without a special medical instrument (stethoscope).

Increased fatigue, drowsiness, thirst are no less characteristic disease symptoms. Acute bronchitis is developing rapidly. In the absence of special drug treatment, the inflammatory process covers the entire bronchial "tree" (bronchial system), taking shape in a more complex pathological condition - pneumonia.

How to treat acute bronchitis?

There is a general medical practice of influencing acute manifestation bronchitis. As a rule, after the recognition of the disease, the specialist prescribes complex procedures(inhalation using nebulizers), as well as taking a set of medications. With obvious, threatening signs of the disease, antibiotic drugs are prescribed (Flemoxin Solutab, Amoxiclav), sometimes in the form of injections (Cytofaxim). Choice medicinal product is based on the patient's age, weight, and prior experience with antibiotics.

Often this type of treatment of the disease involves the application of a number of similar drugs. The doctor may use different spectrum of antibiotics. The choice of complex treatment is determined by the impossibility early definition true causes of acute bronchitis whether it is the result of an infection (indicating the type of pathogen) or a general catarrhal condition.

An important additional point of treatment is abundant warm drink(rose hips, sea buckthorn, raspberries, cranberries), as well as the use antihistamines. With their help, painful "allergic" conditions are eliminated - swelling of the mucous membranes, shortness of breath, cough syndrome. If acute forms of bronchitis are detected, the specialist cancels the use of citrus fruits, products containing honey, absorbable lozenges with the inclusion of licorice. These components are a source of natural allergens.

Independent search for the answer to the question, how to treat acute bronchitis is fraught with serious complications.

The manifestation of acute bronchitis is an indicator of the activity of a viral infection or advanced forms colds. Inattention to one's own health can provoke the development pathological conditions bronchi and lungs. In some cases, acute bronchitis becomes a source of bronchial asthma. Treatment of this type of disease is characterized by constant control over the state of the respiratory system (throughout life). Elimination of the causes and symptoms of acute bronchitis requires immediate assistance from a competent specialist.

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