Product costing document. Calculation of the cost of finished products: methods and recommendations

Calculation as an action is a process of calculating the cost of a manufactured product, i.e. calculation of all costs of an enterprise or organization for the production and sale of its products (work performed, services rendered). In many sectors of the national economy, calculation is carried out according to instructions or methodological recommendations that take into account industry specifics.

Scientifically based costing is necessary for the correct setting of prices for products, the calculation of profitability and production efficiency. The process of calculating the cost of production consists in compiling tables of a special form, which are commonly called cost estimates. Therefore, under costing (or costing) is understood, on the one hand, the action aimed at calculating the value of the cost of manufactured products, on the other hand, the table itself, with the help of which this calculation takes place.

Depending on the specifics of the technology and the nature of the manufactured products, the object of calculation may be individual products, groups of homogeneous products, parts of a product, individual orders, etc. As a rule, the costing objects correspond to the organizational structure of the enterprise.

The unit cost calculation is the final stage of the costing process. The cost of production represents the costs of its production and sale expressed in cash.

With this in mind, costing can be defined as the calculation of the unit cost of certain types of products or works and all marketable products. There is the following classification of calculations.

According to the time of compilation, estimates are distinguished:

  1. preliminary;
  2. provisional;
  3. reporting.

Preliminary cost estimates constitute before the start of production. They can be estimated, planned and normative.

Estimated costing- This is the calculation of the estimated unit cost of a new type of product. It is compiled on the basis of long-term cost standards or according to standards developed in the laboratory.

Standard cost estimate determines the average cost of production for the planning period (quarter, year). It is compiled on the basis of progressive norms for the consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, labor costs, the use of equipment and norms for the organization of maintenance of production. These expenditure rates are average for the planned period.

Normative costing make up on the basis of the current consumption rates of raw materials, materials and other costs (current cost rates). Current cost rates correspond to the production capabilities of the enterprise at this stage of its work. Current cost rates at the beginning of the year, as a rule, are higher than the average cost rates included in the standard cost estimate, and at the end of the year, on the contrary, lower.

Provisional costing is a calculation of the expected cost per unit of output. When compiling it, reporting data is partly used, and planned data is partly used.

Reporting, or actual, cost estimates are compiled according to accounting data on the actual costs of production and reflect the actual cost of manufactured products (work performed, services rendered). The actual cost of production includes non-planned unproductive costs.

Depending on the amount of costs included in the cost estimate, there are cost estimates for workshop, production and full cost.

Shop floor costing includes only workshop costs for basic materials, wages of production workers, payroll charges, general production costs, losses from marriage.

Production cost calculation includes all the costs of the enterprise for the production of products. It is compiled for all cost items. On its basis, the overall production result of the enterprise is revealed in comparison with the accepted cost standards.

Full cost calculation covers all costs for the production and sale of products: in addition to production costs, it includes non-production (commercial) expenses. It is used to identify the financial result from the sale of products.

According to the period covered, the calculation is divided into period, quarterly and annual. And, finally, according to the degree of detail of the data, calculations are distinguished by consolidated indicators and according to the established nomenclature articles in monetary terms, calculation data can also be detailed when, along with monetary meters, natural ones are also used. Most often, data on the costs of material resources, fuel, and various types of energy are detailed. The degree of detail of costings is set in the recommendations for costing, taking into account industry specifics of production.

Production costs, depending on the economic content of the costs, their intended purpose in the production process are divided into basic and overhead.

Main the costs associated directly with the technological process of manufacturing products are considered, i.e. costs without which the technological process cannot be carried out.

overhead called the costs associated with the organization, management and maintenance of production.

Depending on the method of attributing costs to the cost of production, all costs are divided into direct and indirect.

Direct costs associated with the manufacture of one specific type of product. Because of this, on the basis of primary documents, they can be directly attributed to the cost of the respective products.

Indirect costs associated with the manufacture of several types of products. These costs are taken into account, as a rule, at the place of their occurrence and are distributed among individual types of products in proportion to the base chosen by each organization.

In relation to the volume of production, the costs of enterprises are usually divided into variable and fixed.

variables call expenses, the value of which is more or less directly proportional to changes in the volume of production, for example, the consumption of raw materials and materials for the manufacture of products, the basic wages of production workers and similar expenses. In direct proportion to the volume of changes in the volume of production are all the main costs, and therefore they are variable items.

Permanent- These are those costs, the total amount of which does not change with a change in the volume of production. These are all overhead costs. Fixed costs may increase over time, for example due to inflation, but they do not change in direct proportion to changes in output.

According to the economic content, the costs of organizations are divided into economic elements and costing items.

economic element call the primary homogeneous type of costs for the production and sale of products (works, services), which at the enterprise level cannot be decomposed into its component parts.

Production costs that form the cost of production, consist of the following elements:

  • material costs (minus the cost of returnable waste);
  • labor costs;
  • deductions for social needs;
  • depreciation of fixed assets;
  • other costs.

Cost item or costing item- this is a certain type of cost that forms the cost of either individual types of products or the products of the enterprise as a whole.

Cost accounting for the purpose is carried out item by item; the list of articles is established for individual industries, based on the characteristics of technology and organization of production.

A typical nomenclature of costing items can be presented in the following form:

  1. Raw materials.
  2. Returnable waste (subtracted).
  3. Purchased products, semi-finished products and services of an industrial nature of third-party enterprises and organizations.
  4. Fuel and energy for technological needs.
  5. Wages of production workers.
  6. Deductions for social needs.
  7. Costs for preparation and development of production.
  8. General production expenses.
  9. General running costs.
  10. Marriage loss.
  11. Other production expenses.
  12. Business expenses.

The first eleven articles are included in the production cost of production. Production cost and selling expenses make up the total cost of production.

The complexity of the production process requires the use of a whole group of production accounts in accounting:

20 "Main production",

23 "Auxiliary production",

25 "General production costs",

26 "General business expenses",

28 "Marriage in production",

44 Selling costs,

96 "Reserves for future expenses",

97 "Deferred expenses".

Analytical accounting is carried out in the development of all synthetic accounts for accounting for production costs. The level of analyticity is determined by those indicators that are necessary for the enterprise to control and manage.

From this article you will learn:

  • What does the calculation of the actual cost of finished products include?

The calculation of the cost of finished products is necessary in various situations, including for pricing. This is an extremely important indicator. It reflects the total financial costs of manufacturing the product. On its basis, the optimal final price of the goods is calculated. Analysis of the costs of production is necessary so that the company does not suffer losses due to inflated prices. Consider the methods for calculating the cost and cost items that must be taken into account to obtain a realistic result.

At what stage to calculate the cost of finished products

To create a successful enterprise, it is not enough to choose a direction and come up with an idea. The main thing is to draw up a reasonable business plan with a calculation of all expenses and expected income. Once there is clarity on these indicators, we can move on to its implementation.

The main part of the costs is the cost of finished products, for the calculation of which you need to have special knowledge and skills. Cost calculation is also necessary for an existing business, especially when optimizing costs (after all, you need to know their composition and structure, understand what they affect). Different firms will have different costs. All costs are combined into articles, but not every type of them affects the cost of finished products, and this has to be determined individually in each case.

Depending on the nomenclature of expenses, three types of costs are distinguished: full, incomplete workshop and production. But it is not at all necessary that all of them will be involved in the calculations. Each businessman independently decides which costs and other indicators to include in his analysis. For example, the cost of finished products does not participate in the calculation of taxes, since they do not depend on it.

However, the cost of goods must necessarily be reflected in the accounting reports, therefore, all costs affecting it should be included in the accounting policy of the enterprise.

You can calculate both the total cost of production and the cost of one specific category of goods. In the second case, the resulting value will need to be divided by the number of finished product units to determine the cost per product.

How is the cost of finished products calculated?

To release one copy of the product, the company will have to spend some money on raw materials, equipment, consumables, fuel and other types of energy, taxes, pay for the labor of workers and incur some costs associated with the sale of finished products. The sum of these costs will be the unit cost of the product.

In accounting practice, two methods are accepted for calculating the cost of finished products for the purposes of production planning and calculating the finished commodity mass:

  1. Calculation of the cost of the entire mass of products for economic cost elements.
  2. Calculation of the cost of one unit of goods through cost items.

All the money spent by the firm on the production of products (up to the moment the batch of finished products is placed in the warehouse) is the net factory cost. However, it does not include the sale of goods, which should also be taken into account. Therefore, the total cost of finished products also includes the cost of loading and delivery to the customer - the salary of movers, crane rental, transportation costs.

The cost calculation shows how much money was spent directly on the manufacture of goods in the workshop, and how much was spent on its transportation after leaving the factory. The resulting cost values ​​will be useful in the future, at other stages of accounting and cost analysis.

In total, there are several types of production costs:

  • workshop;
  • production;
  • complete;
  • individual;
  • industry average.

After calculating each of them, we get material for analyzing all stages of the production cycle, which will help, for example, to find opportunities to reduce the cost of production without losing product quality.

To calculate the unit cost of finished products, all costs are combined into articles. The indicators for each commodity item are recorded in a table and summarized.

Calculation of the cost of finished products, taking into account costs

The industry specificity of production strongly influences the cost structure of the final product or service. Each industry has its own prevailing items of production costs. It is on them that you need to pay special attention when looking for ways to reduce costs and increase profitability.

Each type of cost present in the calculations has its own percentage, showing whether this type of cost is a priority or additional. All costs, grouped by items, form the cost structure, and their positions reflect the share in the total amount.

The share occupied by one or another type of cost in the total amount of expenses is affected by:

  • place of production;
  • application of innovations;
  • inflation rate in the country;
  • concentration of production;
  • change in the interest rate on loans;
  • other factors.

Obviously, the cost of finished products will constantly change, even if you produce the same product for many years in a row. This indicator must be carefully monitored, otherwise the company may go bankrupt. You can analyze the cost and quickly reduce production costs using the cost estimates listed in the costing items.

Typically, companies use a costing method for calculating the cost of finished products, semi-finished products or services. This is a calculation for a commodity unit manufactured at an industrial enterprise (for example, the cost of supplying one kW / h of electricity, one ton of rolled metal, one ton / km of cargo transportation). The standard unit of measurement in physical terms is taken as the calculation one.

To produce products, raw materials and additional materials, equipment, work of maintenance personnel, managers and other employees are needed. Therefore, various items of expenditure can be used in the calculations. For example, it is possible to calculate the shop cost of production on the basis of direct costs alone, other indicators will not be involved in the analysis.

To begin with, all available costs are grouped according to similar criteria, which makes it possible to accurately determine the amount of production costs for one economic component. You can group them according to the following parameters:

The purpose of classifying cost items on the basis of common characteristics is to identify specific objects or places where costs arise.

Grouping based on economic homogeneity is carried out in order to calculate the total costs per unit of output, which are made up of:

This list of economic elements is the same for all industries and is used everywhere, so we are able to compare the cost structure for the production of goods by various enterprises.

Calculation of the actual cost of finished products

In order to profitably sell your products, you need to accurately determine their cost. Finished products are goods that have passed all stages of technological processing and control checks (the rest are classified as work in progress).

There are two ways to calculate the actual cost of a product. In order to use the first, you must:

  • take into account all direct costs and other costs;
  • evaluate the product.

Instructions for the first method:

  1. Finished products are part of inventories intended for sale and are reflected in account 43 with a characteristic name. It can be estimated on the basis of the cost price - planned production or actual.

The costs included in the cost of finished products can be absolutely all costs that make up the production cost of goods, or only direct costs (this is true when indirect costs are debited from account 26 to account 90).

  1. In practice, few people form the price of a product based on its actual production cost. This method of calculation is practiced by small companies that produce a limited range of products. In other cases, it turns out to be too labor-intensive, because the actual cost of a consignment becomes known only at the end of the reporting month, and the sale of products continues during it. Therefore, a conditional valuation of products based on their selling price (excluding VAT) or the planned cost price is usually used.
  2. You can calculate based on the selling price, but only if it does not change during the reporting month. In other situations, accounting is carried out at the planned cost of finished products, which the planning department calculates on the basis of the actual cost for the previous month, adjusted in accordance with the forecast of price dynamics (a discount price is obtained).
  3. The goods produced are debited from the credit of account 23 to the debit of account 26, and the cost of products already shipped to the buyer is debited from credit 26 to debit 901. After the actual production cost is calculated at the end of the month, the difference between it and the discount price is calculated, and also deviations related to the sale of goods.

When calculating cash costs, various factors should be taken into account, primarily based on the cost (the sum of the enterprise's costs for the production of products), since the amount of profit and measures that should be taken to increase profitability directly depend on it.

The calculation of the cost of production in production is determined for different purposes, one of which is pricing. This value is very important for the enterprise, because accurately shows the total amount of cash costs for the production of the product. In the future, it is used to assign the most effective price for the sale of products. Thus, the analysis of the cost indicator will not allow the organization to become unprofitable and uncompetitive due to the high pricing policy. How to correctly determine the cost of a product (service) and what items of expenditure should be included in the calculations so that the result is true?

Essence and types of cost

For the manufacture of one unit of a product, an enterprise spends a certain amount of money on the purchase of material (raw materials), energy, machine tools, fuel, employees, taxes, sales, etc. All these costs ultimately give a general indicator of the funds spent, which is called the cost of 1 piece of production.

Each enterprise in practice calculates this value for planning production and accounting for the finished commodity mass two ways:

  • by economic elements of costs (the cost of all products);
  • calculate cost items per unit of product.

All funds that were spent on the manufacture of products before the delivery of finished products to the warehouse, as a result, show the net factory cost. But they still need to be implemented, which also requires costs. Therefore, in order to get full cost to them still need to add the cost of marketing. These can be, for example, transportation costs, the salary of movers or a crane who participated in the shipment and delivery of products to the customer.

Calculation methods production costs allow you to see how much money is spent directly in the shop and then at the exit of the product from the plant as a whole for delivery to the customer. Cost indicators are important for accounting and analysis at each stage.

Based on these requirements and ideas, there are such cost types:

  1. workshop;
  2. production;
  3. complete;
  4. individual;
  5. industry average.

Each cost estimate allows you to analyze all stages of production. Thus, it is possible to determine where it is possible to reduce costs, avoiding overspending unjustified funds for the production of marketable products.

When determining the cost units of goods costs are grouped into a common cost estimate from articles. The indicators for each position are summarized in a table for certain types of expenses and summarized.

Structure of this indicator

Industry production differ in their specific products (services), affecting the cost structure. Different directions are characterized by their special costs for the main production, which prevail over others. Therefore, first of all, they pay attention to them when they try to reduce the cost in order to increase.

Each indicator that is included in the calculations has its own percentage. All costs are grouped by item in the overall cost structure. The cost items show a percentage of the total. This clarifies which of them are priority or incremental production costs.

Per share cost influenced by a variety of factors:

  • location of production;
  • application of the achievements of the scientific and technical process;
  • inflation;
  • concentration of production;
  • change in the interest rate of a bank loan, etc.

Therefore, there is no constant cost value even for manufacturers of the same product. And you need to follow it very carefully, otherwise you can bankrupt the enterprise. Estimating the production costs indicated in the costing items will allow you to timely reduce the cost of manufacturing marketable products and get more profit.

In the calculations of enterprises, the calculation method for estimating the cost of products, semi-finished products, and services prevails. Calculations are carried out per unit of commercial mass, which is manufactured at an industrial facility. For example, 1 kWh of electricity supply, 1 ton of rolled metal, 1 ton-km of cargo transportation, etc. The calculation unit must necessarily comply with standard measurement standards in physical terms.

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Cost classification

The production of products consists in the use of raw materials, technical devices, the involvement of service personnel directly involved in production activities and additional materials, mechanisms and persons serving and managing the enterprise. Based on this, cost items are used in costings in different ways. Only direct costs can be included, for example, when calculating shop costs.

First, for convenience, expenses are classified according to similar criteria and combined into groups. This grouping allows you to accurately calculate the indicator of production costs related to one economic component of the cost.

That's why costs combine into separate classes according to such similar properties:

  • according to the principles of economic homogeneity;
  • type of products;
  • methods of adding individual goods to the cost price;
  • depending on the place of occurrence;
  • purpose;
  • quantitative component in production volumes;
  • etc.

Cost items are classified according to common features to identify a specific object or place of cost.

The classification is made according to economic signs of homogeneity for costing per unit of manufactured products:

This list of economic elements is the same for calculating the cost in all industries, which makes it possible to compare the structure of costs for the manufacture of goods.

Calculation example

To determine the funds spent on the manufacture of products, you need to use one of two methods:

  1. based on costing;
  2. using production cost estimates.

Usually the calculation is carried out for a quarter, half a year, a year.

The calculation of the costing of manufactured products for any period can be performed according to this instruction:

Calculation example the cost of plastic pipes at the manufacturer for 1000 m of products and determine the selling price for 1 m of goods:

  1. We determine how much money was spent according to paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 of the initial data:
    • 2000x40 / 100 \u003d 800 rubles - deducted to the funds, based on wages;
    • 2000x10/100 \u003d 200 r - overhead costs;
    • 2000x20/100 \u003d 400 r - general business expenses;
  2. The production cost for the manufacture of 1000 m of pipe consists of the sum of the cost indicators in paragraphs 1-6:
    3000+1500+2000+800+200+400= 7900 rubles
  3. Cost indicators for the sale of products
    7900x5/100 = 395 rubles
  4. So, the total cost of 1000 m of plastic pipes will be equal to the sum of the production cost and distribution costs
    7900 + 395 = 8295 r
    According to the amount received, the total cost of 1 m of plastic pipe will be equal to 8r. 30 kop.
  5. the sale price of a pipe for 1 m, taking into account the profitability of the enterprise, will be:
    8.3+ (8.3x15/100) = 9.5 p.
  6. The markup of the enterprise (profit from the sale of 1 m of pipe) is:
    8.3x15/100 = 1.2 p.

Formula and calculation procedure

Total cost calculation(PST) must be determined by the following formula:

PST \u003d MO + MV + PF + TR + A + E + ZO + ZD + OSS + CR + ZR + HP + RS,

Expenditure items are determined separately for each type of product, and then summarized. The resulting amount will show the costs that production incurs in the manufacture and sale of a certain product from the finished product warehouse. This indicator will be the total cost per unit of production, to which profit is then added and the selling price of the goods is obtained.

Balance calculation procedure

It is important for a company to get an indicator cost of goods sold to determine the profitability of manufactured products. To understand how much profit was received from each ruble invested in production, you can use the formula for calculating the balance of cost of sales.

There is two types of calculations, which uses:

  • Profit from the sale of sold products;

To calculate the profitability index, two cost parameters are also used: direct and general production (indirect). Direct costs include the costs of materials, equipment and wages of workers that are directly related to the manufacture of products. Indirect costs are money spent on the repair of equipment, fuel, salaries of management personnel, etc., but not directly involved in the creation of goods. For the analysis of net income from the sale of manufactured products, it is not necessary to take into account indirect costs.

In commercial enterprises, two main calculation options direct cost budget for raw materials:

  • normative;
  • analytical.

Where a cost estimate is made for the manufacture of products using the standard method, the cost indicator is calculated more accurately, but more time-consuming. For large volumes of output, it is more acceptable than for firms with small production. The analytical method allows you to determine the cost of production much faster, but the error will be greater. It is more commonly used in small businesses. Regardless of how direct production costs are calculated, they will be needed further to determine the amount of net profit.

So, when calculating the base cost, direct costs are taken and do not include additional ones, which makes it possible to more accurately assess the profitability of the manufactured goods separately. You will get the total amount of direct costs for the manufacture of products for a certain period. From this amount, you need to subtract the amount of unfinished semi-finished products. Thus, an indicator will be obtained that reflects how much money was invested in the manufacture of products for the billing period. This will be the cost of manufactured and delivered to the warehouse products.

To determine the cost of goods sold, you need to know the balance of finished products at the beginning and end of the month in the warehouse. Often, the cost of an individual product is calculated to determine how profitable it is to produce.

Cost formula products sold from stock per month as follows:

SRP \u003d OGPf at the beginning of the month + GGPf - OGPf at the end of the month,

  • OGPf at the beginning of the month - the balance of finished products in the warehouse at the beginning of the reporting month;
  • GWPf - manufactured products per month at actual cost;
  • OGPF at the end of the month - the balance at the end of the month.

The resulting cost of goods sold is used in profitability calculations. To do this, it is revealed as a percentage: the profit is divided by the cost of goods sold and multiplied by 100. Profitability indicators are compared for each item of the manufactured product and analyze what is profitable to produce further in production and what needs to be excluded from production.

The definition of the concept of production cost and methods for its calculation are discussed in the following video:

If the definition of cost itself seems intuitive, then the formulas for its calculation are already strict mathematical expressions. To understand them, it is necessary to study the analysis technique used in each specific case.

First step cost calculation always is the determination of the costs of producing a product or service. This process is denoted by the economic term: "calculation of the cost of production." Costing can be planned, normative or actual. The first and second expresses the idea of ​​how the economic process should be built. The actual calculation is based on real data.

Product costing in the Republic of Belarus is a process regulated by many legislative and industry standards. This is due to the practice of setting prices based on the value of the declared cost. In many cases, instead of market price changes, enterprises have to resort to regulation of the costing system through the redistribution of costs from one type of product to another in order to have a legal opportunity to raise / lower the price.

After finding out the amount of costs and their distribution by expenditure items, it is the turn to calculate their specific value. This is exactly what cost formulas are for.

Costing is a universal procedure for any economic process. Such calculations have the greatest complexity in the analysis of industrial production. It also uses the largest number of different types of formulas for calculating the cost. These formulas can be adapted for other economic processes as well.

Total cost formula

For a general assessment of the economic efficiency of an enterprise, the full cost formula is often used. In its simplest form, it looks like this:

Total cost = the sum of production costs + sales costs.

The full cost price shows the largest amount of planned or actual costs. The results of all other cost formulas are parts of this total.

For great importance is not just produced, but sold products. Therefore, the cost formula takes the following form:

Cost of goods sold = total cost - cost of unsold products.

An example of calculating the full cost in expanded form, i.e. with the selection of individual elements, it will look something like this:

Full cost = Raw material costs + Energy costs + Depreciation charges + Key personnel wages + Management and support staff wages + Deductions from wages + Sales and sales service costs + Transportation costs + Other costs.

Special costing formulas

Knowing the total amount of costs for the production and sale of a product or service does not provide sufficient information for understanding and evaluating the individual elements of this system. So from the total cost is not visible the amount of costs per unit of production. The cost of the individual process remains uncertain. For this, many specific cost formulas have been developed that calculate individual values.

Given the fact that some costs depend on the volume of production, and some do not, it is customary to distinguish between variable and fixed costs.

The amount of fixed costs is calculated by summing up the values ​​of some unavoidable costs of the enterprise. Calculation example:

Fixed costs \u003d Fixed part of the salary + Expenses for rent and maintenance of premises + Depreciation deductions + Property taxes + Advertising expenses.

The methodology for calculating variable costs in general can be represented by the following formula:

Variable costs \u003d Variable part of the salary + Cost of raw materials and materials + Cost of energy resources + Costs of transporting products + Variable part of commercial expenses.

The cost of a unit of production in general terms can be found by simply dividing the sum of costs by the volume of output in physical terms:

Unit cost = Total cost/Number of units.

For the realities of a commercial organization, a more complex version of the same formula is more suitable:

Unit Cost = Production Costs/Number of Units Produced + Sales Costs/Number of Units Sold.

There are many other formulas for calculating the cost. Their exact number is difficult to determine, because. each of them is formed according to the requirements of the accepted calculation methodology.

Product costing is a rather important and responsible process. The effectiveness of the company's activities will largely depend on how correctly the calculation is calculated, as well as how correctly the price is set.

How to make a calculation

Almost all economists are familiar with such a term as costing. All production costs are calculated through costing. This process is necessary for most economic plan calculations. Each company is characterized by its own characteristics, so the form of costing may differ from company to company. In order to understand the form in more detail, you can download a sample calculation of the cost of production. How to make a PCP?

Let's take a metalworking company as an example. Thanks to a special form, you can identify the cost estimate for the product that the company produces, as well as determine prices for the buyer, wholesale or retail. You can also calculate the maximum discount that the organization can provide. In the relevant sections of the form, you need to enter the name of those materials, as well as services that are used to manufacture products. For all types of costs, it is necessary to put down the consumption rates and price categories. The preparation of expenditure norms is usually carried out by employees of the technology department. Price data can be obtained from the accounting department if raw materials for products are constantly purchased. In the case of new items, data can be obtained from the purchasing department.

Sample cost estimate

Product costing is essential for many businesses. This process is often laborious, so help is indispensable. Special programs can help to cope with this task. Calculations can be made on paper, but it will take a lot of time. If it is not possible to use specialized programs, you can use a sample product costing in excel format. The calculation of the cost includes not only direct costs, but also indirect ones. Direct costs include salaries of employees, raw materials costs.

Indirect costs include payment for transport, planned profit, and others. Many people wonder how it is easier to learn how to determine the cost price? It is best to start with the trading area. In this area, the cost items are somewhat less. In the calculation table, you can notice the various sections. It is necessary to take any group of goods and calculate the cost price for each type of product. The last column in the form refers to the planned cost factor. With this ratio, you can determine the level of costs. It is about the costs that the company will incur for the delivery of goods.

Making a cost estimate

A special formula is used to calculate the cost. You will need to use data such as the purchase price, to which the amount of transport costs is added, and the fee in financial terms is also added. Each firm defines the planned cost differently. Much depends on what type of activity the organization is engaged in. This will also affect the costs incurred by the firm.

A product can be fully developed and in this case it remains to launch its sale. There is one important stage before the release of the goods. It is necessary to calculate the selling price of the goods as accurately as possible. It is extremely difficult to use one method of calculation, since many different theories and methods are used to form the price of goods. In order to identify the most competitive price, you will need to take into account all, even the most insignificant nuances. It is also necessary to set a price that will not frighten potential customers and buyers.

How to fill out a sample

The process of costing can cause certain difficulties. A sample of filling in the calculation of the cost of production will help you understand this process. This skill should be possessed by accountants, businessmen and people working in the economic or financial field. Costing skills will help determine the results of the economic functioning of the company. With regard to financial accounting, the cost of services rendered, as well as products sold or manufactured, is an integral and important part.

Before a product is developed, it must be planned for its creation. Before developing new products, it is necessary to calculate in advance the economics of the project. This process consists of calculating the cost price, setting the desired selling price, determining the approximate sales volume and determining the desired profit. The final cost of the product cannot be calculated in advance as accurately as possible. Even if a rather rough calculation is performed, a few useful steps can still be performed. First, it will be possible to identify sales expectations. Secondly, it will be possible to determine a price that will make the product competitive. Thirdly, it will be possible for yourself to answer the question of how much you want to earn per month from product sales.

It will also be possible to estimate the approximate level of costs at the idea stage. It will also be important to find out whether potential buyers are ready to give this or that amount for the goods. Each entrepreneur uses different methods for costing. Often, businessmen turn to professionals for help, who can be entrusted with this process for a fee.

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