Mango storage. How can you save mangoes at home. In the refrigerator

Mango is one of the oldest domesticated subtropical fruits. His appearance is somewhat reminiscent, although they have no family ties (the closest relatives are pistachios and cashews). Fruits can have different colors (green, yellow, red, etc.), shape and weight. Which variety is better to buy is up to you: there are no comrades for the taste and color. A lot of positive feedback about the fruits of yellow and green flowers. Naturally, they must be ripe and properly preserved.

It is almost impossible to buy a ripe mango ripened in the natural environment (on a tree) in supermarkets. They are sold either immature or artificially ripened. It is wrong to determine the degree of maturity by color. The task of the buyer is to choose fruits with good maturity. Then, importantly, to be able to properly store mangoes under the necessary conditions (more on this below).

One of the main indicators of mango quality is the density of the outer layer of the fruit. If it is soft, then it is stale, and if it is hard, it is unripe: it must have been removed from the tree ahead of schedule. The fruit should have a shiny and smooth peel and be slightly succumbing to pressure, be elastic.

A wrinkled skin may mean that the mango was removed from the tree before the deadline - it may not ripen on its own. Also, the fetus should not seem easy, because. in such a case, it will probably be withered.

When ripe, the mango becomes sweet and fragrant. Ripe fruit has a pronounced pleasant aroma. And, if some sourness is felt in the taste, then the process of spoiling the fruit has already begun.

Many people consume green, unripe mangoes for medicinal purposes. Here it is especially necessary to observe moderation, because. they can cause digestive upset. The skin and pit are removed when consumed.

Mangoes can ripen at room temperature in about a week. In the refrigerator, the ripening process stops.

Optimal Mango Storage

Mango is a relatively well stored food item. The denser it is, the longer it can last. The optimum storage temperature for unripe fruits is 13 degrees Celsius, for mature ones - 10. The shelf life can reach one month, depending on the degree of maturity.

It is supplied to Russia from different countries: Brazil, Guatemala, Bangladesh, India, Thailand. Mango is often referred to as the "Asian apple", and it is already common to see it on supermarket shelves. But does everyone know how to choose the right mango and how to eat it?

Basically, it is either green or yellow. Greens are recommended to be eaten salty, with meat and fish, for example, and yellow, sweeter fruits can be eaten as an independent dessert or as an addition to it.

How to determine the ripeness of a mango

It is important to determine whether the fruit has ripened, because it depends on whether it can be eaten or not. How do you know if it's mature enough? So, a ripe mango should have:
a smooth surface of the peel (but there are exceptions: the peel of some varieties of fruit is uneven, as if in folds, and this is the norm);

  • small dark specks on the peel;
  • weight more than two hundred grams (if the mass is less, then most likely the fruit will be tasteless and harsh);
  • soft, but not too, top layer (it should be easily squeezed to the touch);
  • optionally large fruit size (large fruits do not guarantee good taste);
  • a pleasant tangible aroma that intensifies towards the tail;
  • rather large stalk, flexible at the base.

It’s great if, when choosing a fruit, you can see it in a section. A ripe mango should be bright yellow-orange when cut.

Mango flavor

Shades of taste vary from variety to variety, it also depends on the country of origin. There are suggestions that the taste of mango resembles:

  • lemon-carrot flavor,
  • coniferous lemon;
  • bright exotic taste, similar to om;
  • strawberry-pineapple;
  • with juniper notes.

How to peel a mango

Before eating, the fruit must be peeled. The difficulty lies in the fact that the fruit without the skin is very slippery, and you can easily cut yourself with a knife blade. Let's take everything in order.

How to remove a bone

There are three ways to remove the nucleolus from a fruit while leaving the skin intact.

  • First way. You need to put the fruit on a cutting board, fix it with your hand so that there is a place with a tail on top. Then you need to draw a knife along barely noticeable lines from the top to the bottom of the fruit on both sides. How important are these lines? They will facilitate the process of removing the bone, and the fetus in this case will be minimally damaged. If you managed to find the lines, and the cuts went exactly along them, then the stone will be located along the halves of the fruit. And to get it, you just need to pull the halves in different directions. In this case, one half will be pitted, and a spoon will help to remove it easily from the second half. If the lines on the mango are invisible, you can make cuts anywhere, most importantly, from two opposite sides of the fruit. If at the same time the bone is located across the cuts or perpendicular to the halves, then you can twist the halves in different directions with both hands. Thus separate them from each other. And remove the bone again with a spoon.
  • The meaning of the second method is to remove the core and end up with almost a whole fruit. Here it will be possible to cut it into rings. So, you need a sharp knife. They make an incision along the fruit, small, in terms of the size of the kernel. Then the knife must be inserted into the slot and scrolled not to the end, but as if pushing the halves apart. Then take out the bone with a spoon. This case is suitable if only the fruit is ripe enough. Otherwise, you will have to work very hard.
  • And the third way. You can make a cut through the entire fruit so that it runs along the flat side of the stone. To do this, you need a sharp knife and skill. In this case, the core is also removed from the half of the fruit with a spoon.

In all three cases, you can remove the core of the fruit by peeling it first. It's just that after that the fruit will become slippery and it will not be very convenient to continue manipulations with it.

How to peel a mango

There are different cleaning methods. Knowing the following points will help to do this correctly.

  • Clean with a kitchen knife. Like potatoes, only make the skin thinner. Or make two cuts on the side of the mango opposite the tail. And then stretch the skin with your fingers to the other end, as they clean it.
  • Use a vegetable peeler as a knife. It will take more time, but there is a chance that the skin will be cut thinly and neatly.
  • Without using a knife. This can be done if the fruit is ripe and cut into two halves. Here you need a glass. You need to take half the fruit in one hand. Glass - in another. Place the mango, skin side up, on the glass and press lightly with your hand. The diameter of the glass is slightly smaller than the diameter of the mango, this will allow the pulp to be inside the glass when pressed, and the peel in the hand.

How to eat mango

Mango can be eaten fresh and after heat treatment - it all depends on the preferences of the person. This exotic fruit is easy to prepare at home.


Consider options for how to eat mango raw:

  1. It can be eaten simply with a spoon, eating out the juicy pulp from the halves.
  2. Add to smoothies. Or make a cocktail, for example, grind pieces of its pulp in a blender, then pour milk or yogurt into it, and add ice cubes. Mango tastes like a combination of strawberry and pineapple, so it is very suitable for liqueurs and rum.
  3. You can cook a kind of side dish from it. To do this, chopped fruit should be sprinkled with spices, salt.
  4. Fruit can be added to a salad, for example, to make a salad of mango and shrimp. Cook shrimp according to the classic method, then add arugula and mozzarella to them. This salad is dressed with olive oil, honey and mustard.
  5. Sorbet. Frozen sorbet can be served with mint sauce.

In cooked meals

Now let's look at how to eat mango after heat treatment.

  1. The fruit is added to yogurt, mousse cakes, jelly, and just to pastries.
  2. It is eaten with seafood. For example, to add this fruit to fish sauce, you first need to season it.
  3. Oven-cooked chicken or duck will become more unusual and refined in taste if the mango is baked with it.
  4. Pieces of pulp can be preserved for the winter, you get a wonderful dessert.
  5. You can put it in soup, for example, from shrimp.

Can you eat mango skins?

There is another important nuance: how to eat mango correctly: peeling or with it?

If the fruit is ripe, then the color and general appearance of the skin is not particularly suspicious, and it may seem to many that it can be consumed with the skin. In no case should this be done, because it contains a toxic resin called urushiol.
It can cause:

  • intoxication or poisoning;
  • allergy.

How to store mango

Mango comes to us in Russia from different countries, but fruits from Thailand are considered more appetizing. How to store the fruit and what is the shelf life, consider below.
If the fruit was chosen correctly, its peel is not damaged, it has a smooth and shiny surface, the shelf life of a mango at home is only one week.

You can store the fruit:

  • in a refrigerator;
  • at room temperature, on the table;
  • in a cellar or in a dark and cool place, wrapped in paper;
  • in the freezer;
  • after heat treatment.

It is advisable to store the fruit on a plate in the refrigerator on the middle shelf. The main thing is that if its surface began to turn black, then it is no longer worth using such a fruit. He messed up.
Mango storage temperature should be no higher than + 5C, relative humidity 90-95%.

How to store an unripe mango

Often in stores you can buy only unripe fruit. You can’t eat this, because there is a risk of indigestion, flatulence and vomiting. You can contribute to the ripening of the fruit at home.

An easy option is to store it on a windowsill. It will ripen in 3-5 days.

How to let the fruit ripen faster?

If you put a mango and a ripe one in one bag, then put it on the windowsill, where the sun's rays come in, then it will take 1-2 days for the fruit to ripen. This is due to the ethylene contained in the apple.

If an unripe fruit is stored in the refrigerator in the hope that it will ripen, then there is the possibility of its ripening. However, during such storage, sugar is not formed in the mango fruits, as a result of which the mango will be tasteless, as if insipid.

The fruit brought to the desired maturity is stored in the refrigerator.

Storing Mangoes in the Refrigerator

Of course, storing fruits in the refrigerator is the best option. But you need to do it right. For example, if a fruit lies in the refrigerator for a long time, then its taste will not get better from this, but rather, on the contrary. The flesh will also become tougher.

In order for the taste of mango to remain juicy and sweet for a long time, you need to follow some rules:

  • place the ripe fruit in a cool, but not cold place;
  • store unripe fruit on a windowsill.

You can store mangoes in the refrigerator.

The best option is in the “freshness zone” of the refrigerator. There is a constant ventilation of the air, which allows you to always keep the same temperature + 3C. The fruit is wrapped in paper, but not very tightly.

If the model of the refrigerator does not imply a "freshness zone", then the mango fruit is wrapped in a paper bag and stored on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. The temperature is from +3 to +5C.

How many days is the fruit stored in these cases?

  • In the "freshness zone" you can store fruit for up to 10 days;
  • On the middle shelf of the refrigerator 7 days.

If you need to preserve an exotic fruit for a long time, then, of course, you can freeze it in the freezer. But for this it needs to be peeled and cut into cubes. You need to freeze by first putting the pieces on a plate and wrapping it in cling film.

Frozen mango is simply transferred to a bag and sealed tightly, leaving it in the freezer, where the temperature should be from -24 to -18C, and it should be stored for no longer than three months.

How to store a cut mango

If the fruit was cut into pieces and it is necessary to save it, then they will have to be poured over with juice to avoid blackening. Then place on a plate and wrap in cling film. You need to store no more than 1 day on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. These are the storage conditions for this wonderful fruit.

Every year, more than 20 million tons of mangoes ripen in the world. This juicy fruit is loved by many for its pleasant sweet taste and tender flesh. However, in our latitudes this is a relatively new product, so not everyone knows how to eat mango correctly.

According to Hindu belief, the mango is not only delicious, but also sacred. It is hung at the entrance to the house on the eve of the New Year to attract prosperity and happiness. It is customary to use twigs on sacred and holidays instead of a toothbrush. The fruit is used as an antiseptic, contraceptive and aphrodisiac.

In contact with

Mango, the composition of which includes many useful substances, is very useful for the body. It contains many vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on humans.

Table 1. Composition (per 100 grams of product) and benefits of mango

NameEffectQuantity (mg)Daily Value (mg)
Vitamin CProvides skin elasticity, takes part in the synthesis of a number of hormones, promotes the removal of harmful substances, has an antioxidant effect, relieves inflammation, etc.27-30 60-100
Vitamin ANecessary for the formation of bone tissue, mucous membranes and bone integument. Necessary for the synthesis of a number of hormones, to maintain vision, improves immunity, etc.0,04 9-30
Folic acid (B2)Promotes energy production, is necessary for the production of red blood cells, is important for maintaining immunity, promotes skin elasticity, etc.0,06 3,8
Vitamin EIt slows down aging, has a protective effect, is necessary for the synthesis of hormones, etc.1,1 8-12
PotassiumIt maintains intracellular pressure, provides acid-base balance, is a catalyst for the most important chemical reactions, etc.156 1000
IronIt is an essential component for the synthesis of hemoglobin. Increases immunity, refers to sources of energy, stimulates efficiency0,13 10-16
CopperIt is a component for the synthesis of hemoglobin, provides oxygen supply to cells, has an anti-inflammatory effect, etc.0,11 1,5-3
CalciumNecessary for the formation of bones, cartilage, hair, nails. Promotes the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contractions, etc.10 1000-1200
MagnesiumIt is a participant in electrolyte metabolism, a source of energy, a conductor of impulses, promotes the absorption of calcium9 400-800

Of course, the table does not contain all the data. What vitamins do mangoes contain in addition to those listed: D, group BB and PP. The sweet pulp contains sodium, zinc, phosphorus, etc. In addition, glucose, fructose and sucrose are present.

The following useful properties of mango are distinguished:

  • pronounced immunomodulatory effect;
  • refers to antioxidants;
  • tones and strengthens the body as a whole.

Regular consumption of fruits will have a beneficial effect on health. How to eat mango - consider further.

What is useful for women?

The benefits of mango for the body are enormous. Separately, it should be noted the positive effect on the female body. It is due to a wide range of necessary elements. Benefits of mango for women:

  1. Warns anemia. The fruit contains copper, iron and potassium. These elements are necessary for the production of red blood cells and the synthesis of hemoglobin.
  2. Favorably affects the skin. Vitamins B, E and C support the elasticity and firmness of the skin. They are actively involved in the production of collagen. Consuming fruit regularly will keep you young for a long time.
  3. Fights stress. The pulp improves the quality of sleep, is an additional source of energy and contains substances necessary for the synthesis of endorphins.
  4. Increases immunity. Mango is a natural immunomodulator.
  5. Normalizes digestion. A large amount of fiber has a beneficial effect on regular stools, helps to eliminate harmful substances and cleanse the body.
  6. Invigorates. The tonic effect is especially relevant for women with low blood pressure.

The benefits of mango for women are complex. The inclusion of fruit in the diet provides the fair sex with beauty and health.

The sweet taste of mango involuntarily evokes thoughts about the calorie content of the fruit. However, fans of a slender body can be calm. 100 grams of fruit contains only 67 kcal. The value is an average. For comparison, in 100 grams of apples or pears there are only 47 kcal, in the same amount of peach - 45, and in a banana - 96.

Table 2. Nutritional value of mango

Where does it grow and when does it ripen?

The historical homeland of the fruit is the tropical Indian forest and the territory of the state of Myanmar. Where mango grows in our time - we will consider further.

Table 3. Main regions of fruit growth

On the shelves of Russian supermarkets you can find fruits grown in the Canary Islands or in Spain. The same product is shipped to European outlets. Indian and Thai mangoes are also available but are much more expensive. The fruit ripens twice a year, seasonality in different countries is different. Buying fruit imported from different countries is a great option, just like eating mango all year round.

How to choose?

When buying fruits, you must follow some rules. How to choose mango:

  1. Appearance. Before you eat a mango, you need to inspect it. The fruit must be whole, without obvious defects. The best fruits have a smooth, shiny skin. Damaged or crushed fruit will not last long and is not worth buying.
  2. The form. Baseball-shaped mangoes are rightfully considered the sweetest. They have more pulp, and she herself is juicier and more tender. Too flat fruits will be harsh.
  3. The weight. Fruit weight should not be less than 200 grams. It is from this number that the reference mass of the fetus starts. If it is smaller, then the fruit is likely to be tough and tasteless.

How to determine ripeness?

An unripe fruit does not have such a pronounced taste and aroma. How to choose a ripe mango:

  1. The size. Larger fruits come from Guatemala. Small fruits are brought from Brazil, Mexico, Bangladesh. Big size doesn't guarantee good taste. However, the weight should not be below the minimum (200 grams).
  2. Peel. The peel plays an important role in how a ripe mango looks. In mature fruit, it is smooth. The presence of wrinkles or folds is unacceptable. However, for some varieties, irregularities on the surface serve as a specific difference.
  3. Softness. The fruit will be soft to the touch, easily yielding to pressure.
  4. Smell. The fruit flavor is very complex. It resembles the smell of melon, pine needles, carrots, fresh apples. The lack of aroma should alert you when choosing.
  5. Peduncle. Should be large and springy at the base.

The tips listed contain information on how to determine the ripeness of a mango when buying. If it is possible to cut the fruit, then you should pay attention to its pulp. In a mature fruit, it is bright yellow-orange in color and has a fibrous structure.

The taste directly depends on the fruit itself. The fruits on the shelves of supermarkets are strikingly different from the harvest harvested in the place of growth. There are a lot of opinions about what a mango tastes like.

Most often mentioned:

  • a combination of lemon flavor and coniferous notes;
  • taste of carrots with lemon;
  • refreshing exotic with a touch of pineapple;
  • peach with juniper aftertaste;
  • pineapple and strawberries.

What is the difference between green mango and yellow mango?

There are many varieties that differ not only in appearance, but also in useful properties. Namely:

  1. Green mango. It has a pronounced green color and an elongated shape. The taste is sour, with hints of bitterness. More like a vegetable. How to eat green mango? It is used as an ingredient for salads, cold appetizers, hot dishes. It is rarely used separately. What green mango is useful for is vitamin C - one fruit contains a daily dose.
  2. Yellow mango. These fruits are the most delicious. Choosing large, smooth, yellow fruits, you can be sure of their sweet taste. Before eating a mango, make sure it is ripe.

It is worth trying both one and the second kind. How to eat mango:

  • green fruits are recommended to be consumed with salt, they are excellent in combination with meat or fish;
  • yellow fruits are an independent dessert or serve as the basis for sweet dishes.

How to clean it?

Before consumption, the peel must be removed from the fruit. There are several ways to properly peel a mango:

  1. Peel the fruit from the peel, cut it in half, remove the stone with a circular motion with a knife, cut into slices.
  2. Without removing the peel, make cuts throughout the fruit along the slices as close to the bone as possible. Cut each slice sequentially into rhombuses. Carefully turn the slice out, cut the rhombuses from the peel.
  3. Cut the fruit in half. Remove the bone in a circular motion, eat with a spoon. A great option on how to peel a mango at home for a ripe fruit.

Before peeling the mango, it must be washed and dried with a towel. If the fruit is ripe, then before eating the mango, it is better not to remove the peel with a knife - a large amount of juice will flow out.

Having figured out how to peel a mango, you need to decide on its cutting. It directly depends on how you plan to use the fruit. For example:

  • for raw consumption, you can not cut the fruit at all, but eat it with a spoon;
  • before eating a mango, which is distinguished by hardness, it is optimal to cut it into slices;
  • for salad, hard fruits are cut into strips, and soft ones - into cubes.

How to eat this fruit?

In Russia, not everyone knows how to eat mangoes. This fruit can be consumed raw or cooked. Its exotic taste will delight in any case.


Previously, the fruit does not require any processing, in advance it should only be washed. How to eat raw mango:

  1. As part of smoothies or cocktails. Fruits can be crushed in a blender by adding milk, yogurt, ice. The fruit goes well with liqueurs and rum.
  2. Like eating mango as a side dish. It is enough to cut the fruit into cubes and add spices.
  3. How to eat mango in a salad. Delicate taste will set off meat, chicken, goes well with avocado and pineapple.
  4. Make sorbet. How to eat raw mango correctly in the summer heat? Freeze as sorbet and serve with fruit or mint sauce. This way, how to eat mango, is quite laborious. You can make it easier with an ice cream maker.

In cooked meals

There are many ways to eat mango ready-made. It is used in:

  • desserts - the fruit is suitable for making yogurt and mousse cakes, sweet pilaf, jelly, pastries;
  • with seafood - stewed fruit will be a good basis for sauce for shrimp or fish;
  • how to eat mango with poultry - the fruit can be baked with chicken or duck.

A great option is baked goose liver on a mango pillow.

Can you eat the peel?

The first thing that stops attention when evaluating how a mango looks is the peel. In a ripe tasty fruit, it is shiny, smooth and painted in an appetizing color. The question involuntarily arises - is it possible to eat mango peel? Preparing the fruit for consumption necessarily includes cleaning. This is no accident: after all, how mangoes are eaten, with or without a peel, is affected by the inclusion of toxic resin in the composition of the skin. It is called urushiol.

The substance has an unpleasant taste and may cause:

  • food poisoning;
  • intoxication;
  • occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Fruit can significantly diversify the diet. Mango dishes are especially good in the summer heat. Refreshing, sweet and sour taste will give the finished meal lightness. Fruits can be baked, stewed, fried. They are great as a main dish or side dish. There is no single answer to the question of how to eat mango properly. This is a matter of taste and depends on the imagination.

In nature, this plant is widely distributed in tropical forests with high humidity. However, it successfully takes root in the room. It is necessary to plant a stone in moist soil immediately after extraction from the fruit. The fruit must be ripe. The container must be selected in impressive sizes - an adult tree reaches 10-45 meters in height.

How to store?

In the refrigerator, the fruit can lie for a long time and not deteriorate. However, in this case, the fruit will not be tasty enough. How to store mango so that its pulp is sweet and juicy:

  • do not store fruit in dark, cold places - it will be tough;
  • an unripe fruit in a refrigerator will not acquire maturity;
  • the fruit must be placed in a cool (not cold!) place if it is ripe;
  • unripe fruit can be stored on the windowsill.

How to store mango at home depends on how quickly you plan to eat it. If the goal is long-term storage, then a refrigerator will do. In other cases, it is better not to place the fetus in conditions of low temperature.

How to ripen at home?

It is problematic to buy ripe fruit in our latitudes. After buying, many are wondering how to ripen mangoes at home. This process does not require much effort. The easiest way is to put the fruit on the windowsill, it will ripen in 3-5 days.

There is a trick on how to ripen a mango quickly - put the fruit in a bag with a ripe apple or bananas, the fruit will ripen in a couple of days.

Can there be harm from eating this fruit?

Mango is a fruit whose benefits and harms are incomparable. Mostly the consumption of fruits is for the benefit of the body, but in some cases they should not be eaten. For example:

  1. Before eating a mango, it must be brought to a ripe state. Unripe fruit can lead to indigestion, flatulence, or vomiting.
  2. It is forbidden to eat a fruit with a peel. How to eat mango and how to clean it is discussed earlier.
  3. Prohibited in a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Among them are pancreatitis, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, ulcer.
  4. May lead to allergies. An exotic fruit can cause hives, eczema, anaphylactic shock, or Quincke's edema. Before you eat a mango for the first time, you need to try a small slice. If there is no reaction, then the product can be introduced into the diet.

The benefits and harms to the body of mango are very individual. The fruit is not suitable for allergy sufferers, moderate consumption is recommended for the rest.

Is it possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

During the period of bearing a child, a woman's body is in dire need of vitamins and minerals. The fruit is high in nutrients. When answering the question of whether pregnant women can have mangoes, one should take into account the individual characteristics of the woman. With a tendency to allergies, it is better to limit the consumption of the fetus. Unripe mango during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. It will harm the body of the expectant mother.

If the fruit has not been eaten before, then you should be careful. Mango for pregnant women is a new product, which means that you need to eat it carefully. It is recommended to start with a few slices, gradually increasing to a whole fruit. Mango during breastfeeding is allowed if the child does not have signs of individual intolerance. During pregnancy, it is possible to eat mango both raw and ready-made.

When a mango ripens, it is used not only for food, but also for making butter. Fruit pits are used as raw material for the product. It is widely used in cosmetology. The oil has an antiseptic, healing and softening effect on the skin. Used as part of masks or in its pure form for the treatment of hair. The product is also suitable for strengthening nails. The essential oil is used as a stress reliever in aromatherapy.


  1. Mango, the beneficial properties and contraindications to which were discussed above, is a unique fruit.
  2. It contains the most important elements necessary for maintaining health.
  3. In order for the fruit to bring maximum benefits, it is important to understand how to choose, how to eat mango and where to store it.
  4. You can use the product both raw and in the preparation of various dishes.

Mango is one of the oldest tropical fruits, which in India is called the divine fruit. Its flesh is different shades of yellow, very tender, juicy and sweet. The skin is dense, painted in various colors: green, yellow, red, sometimes almost black.

This fruit is not only delicious, but also healthy. It contains carotene, fiber, vitamins E, C and group B, which together prevent the occurrence of cancer, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and increase immunity.

Despite the unusualness of the fruit for our latitudes, it has recently become available to most Russians. However, not all housewives know how to choose and store this tropical exotic.

  • One of the main factors contributing to long-term storage is the right choice of fruit. The peel of the fruit should look healthy and shiny, and the fruit itself should respond to touch, but not form dents. Too soft specimens, like too hard ones, will not be good enough for consumption.. In addition, do not be afraid of the smell of turpentine, because it is this that distinguishes ripe mangoes. The normal size of the fetus is an average of 200-300 grams.
  • Fresh and absolutely ripe mangoes can be stored at room temperature for only 5 days, but at a temperature lowered to 10 ° C - for three whole weeks, and their taste will not be affected at all. If the ambient temperature drops to lower temperatures, from 0 ° C to 8 ° C, then the pulp of the fruit will turn into a sweet pulp, which will not make the fruit look appetizing.
  • As a rule, it is not always possible to buy fully ripe mangoes in our supermarkets. But on the other hand, these immature exotics will perfectly withstand a shelf life of up to 7 weeks, if they are provided with a temperature of 7–8 ° C and a humidity of about 90%. When you want to get a ripe fruit quickly, it is simply wrapped in thick paper or the access of light is excluded in another way, for example, by placing it in a dark place. Under such conditions at room temperature, you can get a delicious result in 2-3 days, and after a couple of weeks. The duration of the ripening process will depend on how ripe the fruit was originally.
  • Another universal way to preserve mango at home is to freeze it. You can do this by peeling and cutting the fruit into small pieces or grating it, putting it in a plastic container (bag) and putting it in the freezer. You can pour the diced pulp with pre-cooked and chilled sugar syrup before freezing. This preparation is well suited for making sauces. Frozen mango can be stored for up to 10 months.
  • Sun-dried mangoes can be stored for a long time until brown. To do this, the fruit must be cut into slices and spread out under hot rays in a well-ventilated place. To properly dry the exotic at home, it must be cut into cubes, blanched in sugar syrup, and then dried in the oven at a temperature of 40 ° C and a little ventilation until tender. As a result, you get a delicious treat that can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator or just in the closet. Shelf life will depend on the concentration of sugar in the syrup and the degree of dehydration of the finished product.
  • In the homeland of mango, more exotic ways of preserving it were invented. For example, fruits can be soaked in a salty aqueous solution until they are completely discolored and “crunchy” appears. Sweet syrup can also be used for exactly the same purposes.

The tropical mango tree is an ancient fruit crop that is widely distributed in India, the Philippines and Thailand. Often on the shelves of stores you can find unripe fruits. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to choose the right delicious fruit and where to store it so that it becomes ripe and juicy.

What are the benefits of tropical fruit

Mango is a leader in the content of vitamins A, E, C, and is also rich in potassium and folic acid. Its non-caloric fruits can satisfy hunger and thirst. Useful properties of mango:

  • Regulates blood pressure, as it contains potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system as a whole.
  • Supports immunity. It has a beneficial effect on inflammatory processes and allergic reactions of the body, facilitating their course.
  • Normalizes blood sugar levels. This is especially important for people with diabetes.
  • Lowers cholesterol.

How to choose a delicious fruit

The color of the fruit is not an indicator of its maturity, so you should not focus on it. Depending on the variety, the peel can be yellow-green, red and even almost black. It is better to opt for fruits with no damage and defects, they must have a dense skin. The freshness and quality of the fruit can be determined by pressing on the stem area. If you feel a sweet pleasant aroma, then this fruit can be taken. Conversely, the softness of the skin and the sour smell are signs of a spoiled fruit that is unsuitable for eating. Mango tends not to accumulate harmful substances, so its fruits are environmentally friendly and safe.

How and under what conditions to store mango

Ripe mangoes spoil quite quickly, so it is difficult to keep them perfectly at home for more than 3-4 days.

Ripe fruits can be refrigerated, but you should never put them in a plastic bag, as the fruits need air.

It is not recommended to keep unripe mangoes in the refrigerator so that they do not lose their taste properties. The fruits should ripen and pick up sweetness, and the low temperature of the refrigerator will interfere with this process. To speed up ripening, mangoes can be put in a paper bag. After a few days at room temperature, the fruit will fully ripen, and a pleasant aroma will come from them. After that, you can enjoy its taste and juiciness or put it in the refrigerator for further storage.

Mango is a very sweet fruit that contains a lot of sugars. A spoiled fruit can quickly ferment, because of which pathogenic bacteria will begin to multiply in it. Therefore, mangoes should not be stored longer than the allotted time. Ripe fruit must be consumed within 3 days of purchase.

Sunlight and storage with other fruits can speed up the rotting process.

Mangoes can be stored for up to a month at temperatures from +10 to +13 degrees, depending on the degree of maturity. The dense skin of the fetus is a guarantee of its safety. At room temperature, mango can lie and not deteriorate for a maximum of a week. Then the pulp becomes soft.

If the fruit is soaked in salt water for several hours, then the shelf life can be extended, and the fruit will become crispy. It will be possible to protect the fruit from the formation of wrinkles on the skin by smearing the peel with vegetable oil.

how to eat mango

Mostly these juicy fruits are consumed fresh. But sometimes mangoes are added to various dishes, sauces, snacks and desserts. Overeating and eating a lot of fruits at a time is not worth it, so as not to overload the stomach. It is important to observe the measure.

Rubber gloves can be used to peel the mango skin to avoid the irritation that it can cause to the skin of the hands.

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