What is mastitis and how is it treated. How to recognize mastitis: the clinical picture of the disease

The value of breastfeeding for both the health of the child and the young mother is undeniable. However, quite often the process is in danger of being interrupted due to the development of inflammatory processes in the mammary glands of a nursing woman.

The specifics of development and general symptoms of the disease

Mastitis is often a complicated lactostasis that develops in the mammary gland. It is characterized by an active inflammatory process that occurs for various reasons, most often these are infectious processes. If a disease occurs during breastfeeding, the cause may also be an excess amount of milk that lingers in the mammary glands and forms seals.

Breastfeeding mothers are at risk. Mastitis can also develop when a crack or other sore appears on the areola of the nipple, through which the infection penetrates. The period of menopause, when hormonal failure occurs, is also considered a negative factor. In women of the prenatal period, mastitis develops extremely rarely.

Based on the causes of the disease, mastitis is divided into two main types: lactational (occurring during breastfeeding) and non-lactational (developing at a different time, independent of childbirth). The pathological process proceeds almost the same, regardless of its type.

There are the following types of mastitis:

Each type of pathology has characteristic signs of mastitis, which distinguishes them from other inflammatory processes in the mammary gland. You can determine the inflammation yourself at the initial stage, however, only a doctor can establish an accurate diagnosis.

The first signs of the disease occur, as a rule, almost immediately after the onset of the inflammatory process. The very first symptom that helps determine the presence of abnormalities is a seal in the chest.

The following visual symptoms of mastitis are also noted:

  • redness of the skin of the breast;
  • temperature up to 40 degrees;

In the absence of timely diagnosis and therapy in a patient:

When breastfeeding, there may be a discharge of milk mixed with blood or pus. The cause of such discharge is an abscess, which indicates the development of an acute form of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease depending on its form

Mastitis is an inflammatory process that can proceed in different forms, depending on the reasons that prompted it and the factors contributing to its progression.

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In medicine, there are six stages of the disease:

It is very difficult to determine the form of pathology without the help of a doctor and a special examination. Each type of disease is manifested by special signs characteristic of it. At the same time, the patient also has the above general symptoms of mastitis.

serous stage

It is very difficult to diagnose the pathology of the serous form without medical help, since the symptoms are similar to lactostasis. Only a specialist can establish an accurate diagnosis. However, the signs of mastitis of the serous stage are clearly pronounced.

Symptoms include:

The serous form develops within two to three days. If the pathology is not diagnosed at this stage, then the disease quickly flows into the next form.

Infiltrative form

The most commonly diagnosed type of mastitis. With timely therapy, it does not go into other stages. The infiltrative form is characterized by the formation of a purulent focus of inflammation, which in most cases is formed on the surface of the skin of the chest (mainly in its upper area).

Signs of an infiltrative form are:

With the development of pathology during lactation, milk production does not stop, but it flows out with difficulty. In this regard, there is an additional negative effect on the chest, which aggravates the situation.

Purulent form

The development of the purulent form most often occurs gradually. In rare cases, mastitis progresses acutely. The symptomatology of the disease is characterized by a gradual increase in the intensity of symptoms. The purulent type of the disease is preceded by the rapid development of the first two forms.

Purulent inflammation is accompanied by:

On palpation, a mobile neoplasm with a dense consistency can be detected. Palpation is accompanied by pain. At the purulent stage, the infiltrate no longer has a clear outline.

Abscessing stage

An abscessing form of the disease develops in the absence of treatment with purulent inflammation. All the symptoms of the previous stages are significantly exacerbated and supplemented by other signs.

The abscessing stage is characterized by:

The infiltrate in an abscess is strictly localized. Its boundaries are clear. In the absence of medical therapy or other methods of exposure, pus begins to spread.

Phlegmonous mastitis

Exacerbation of an abscess is a phlegmonous stage. At this stage, mastitis affects the entire mammary gland. The general condition of the woman sharply and strongly worsens. Symptoms are of high intensity, which leads to severe pain and other signs of the inflammatory process.

The signs of mastitis at the phlegmonous stage are as follows:

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When diagnosing, changes are also noted in laboratory tests: very low hemoglobin, an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood and the appearance of protein in the urine.

Gangrenous mastitis

Lack of treatment for the phlegmonous form or a violation of the immune system leads to the development of the most dangerous type of mastitis - the gangrenous stage. At this stage, breast tissue is capable of necrosis. Gangrenous mastitis is nothing more than the formation of gangrene, which is characterized by complete decomposition of tissues, accompanied by purulent processes.

Symptoms of gangrenous mastitis are acute:

On the skin of the mammary glands in advanced cases there is an open gangrene, which gradually increases the area of ​​the lesion. In this case, treatment can only be carried out surgically by partial or complete removal of the mammary gland. Breastfeeding in case of gangrene is not possible.


Self-diagnosis of mastitis can be dangerous. Examine the chest yourself should be very careful. At the first stage, it is possible to determine only the presence of deviations; it is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own.

It is also impossible to identify pathology without the help of a specialist in acute forms of the disease, however, with palpation of the chest and assessment of symptoms, a diagnosis can be assumed. It is possible to accurately determine the type of disease only after a visit to the doctor (surgeon or mammologist) and passing a full examination.

The specialist examines the tissues of the mammary gland and performs probing to identify foci of inflammation. Also, a woman will need to pass laboratory tests and undergo a mammogram. The specialist may prescribe an ultrasound scan to accurately identify the location of the neoplasms. At the acute purulent stage, a puncture is performed.

To exclude the progression of dangerous types of mastitis, you should contact specialists when the first signs of a pathological process are detected. We should not forget that the initial stages of the disease proceed very quickly.

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  • aching or drawing pains in the chest before menstruation ...
  • sensations of swelling and swelling of the mammary glands. It's like your breasts are getting bigger...
  • tension, seals and nodules. Feel the lymph nodes under the arm...
  • nipple discharge...
  • change in the shape of the breast, the skin on the nipples retracted and cracks appeared ...
  • weight change...

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In the amazing period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman should be especially attentive to her health. When a child is born, the mother's body, driven by care for offspring, changes, the mammary glands begin to actively produce a nutrient secret. If feeding hygiene is violated, milk stagnates in the gland, creating favorable conditions for the development of the infectious process. There are signs of mastitis - inflammation of the mammary gland.

Causes and types of mastitis

Being mainly a misfortune of young nursing mothers, insidious mastitis may not be tied to the performance of reproductive function. It affects mature women who are neither pregnant nor lactating, newborn babies of both sexes, and even adult men. The disease is acute, with pronounced symptoms, rarely chronic.

lactation mastitis

The most famous is lactational mastitis, which torments about 5% of all lactating women. Most of the sick are young inexperienced mothers. They still have little idea how to properly feed the baby and take care of their own breasts.

Inept attachment of the baby to the breast and expression of milk lead to stagnation of the remnants of the secret in the gland and damage to the delicate tissue of the nipples. Through cracks and abrasions, an infection enters the body, revealing surprisingly convenient conditions for stagnation. Active reproduction of pathogenic organisms begins, turning into tissue inflammation.

Infection is promoted by non-compliance with hygiene rules when breastfeeding a baby. Sources of infection more than enough:

  • soiled linen;
  • dirty hands and breast skin of mother;
  • child's mouth
  • foci of inflammatory diseases somewhere in the body of a woman (the cause of mastitis can be the usual untreated caries if the disease-causing agents reach the mammary gland with blood flow).

Streptococci, staphylococci and their pathogenic relatives immediately begin their dirty work, finding suitable conditions for this.

Stagnation of milk in the breast is called lactostasis. This is a typical situation for the first postpartum days, when milk is actively arriving, and the baby is still not able to eat much. The less time a child spends at his mother's breast, the higher the likelihood of lactostasis, which becomes the first step on the way to mastitis. Prolonged stagnation of the secret causes inflammation of the tissues of the gland, when a bacterial infection is added to it, a purulent pathology develops.

Fibrocystic mastitis

This disease is not tied to lactation, it affects women and even men of any age. The cause of non-lactational mastitis is an acute inflammatory process in the mammary gland, usually caused by a bacterial infection against the background of hormonal imbalance or mechanical injury. Provoking factors are often metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus), sudden climate changes, and the use of hormonal medications. Girls who are in puberty and experience powerful hormonal changes sometimes suffer from non-lactational inflammation of the mammary glands.

Breast of newborn babies

Pathology develops in the first weeks of a baby's life, affects boys and girls with the same frequency. It may be associated with the transition of lactogenic maternal hormones into the child's body, under the influence of which the mammary glands become engorged.

Newborns may develop acute infectious mastitis, manifested by a strong inflammatory process. The mammary gland swells, turns red, becomes painful, the temperature rises sharply. The disease requires urgent treatment with antibacterial drugs and general strengthening vitamin therapy under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital.

Symptoms of inflammation of the mammary glands

The signs of mastitis in women are so characteristic that it is almost impossible not to recognize the disease. The affected glands change, a widespread inflammatory process develops. The main symptoms are as follows:

  • the chest is significantly compacted (roughens);
  • the skin of the nipples becomes cracked, with small wounds and abrasions;
  • the disease is accompanied by severe arching pain, which does not allow touching the chest;
  • inflammation causes an increase in body temperature to febrile levels, chills appear, the patient's health worsens, symptoms resemble acute flu;
  • the skin turns red, with progression it becomes hot, tense;
  • feeding becomes sharply painful.

In the absence of timely and adequate treatment of the disease, as well as with reduced resistance of the patient's body, mastitis progresses, becoming infiltrative and then purulent. In the structure of the gland, a zone of softening of the compacted tissue is formed - an abscess, an accumulation of infiltrate. There are sharp jumps in temperature (up to 40 degrees), accompanied by profuse sweating and severe chills. There is a powerful intoxication of the body. In severe cases, a gangrenous process develops.

In young mothers, inflammation most often affects one gland and develops in the first weeks after childbirth. Six months after the start of lactation, mastitis in women is extremely rare. The disease begins with lactostasis; if no action is taken at this stage, stagnation will lead to the development of inflammation. Mastitis tends to recur.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a clinical blood test that shows leukocytosis and an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, characteristic of the inflammatory process. In addition, a blood test allows you to identify a specific infectious agent and prescribe the most effective drugs.

Mastitis treatment

Uncomplicated inflammation of the mammary glands in women is treated mainly conservatively, with the help of drugs. Critical cases (purulent abscess) require surgical intervention.

Therapy is aimed at eliminating the factors that contribute to the stagnation of milk, and to combat bacterial infection.

  1. Despite the extremely painful secretion, the mammary gland with mastitis must be completely emptied. The child should be applied frequently and correctly to the sore breast, the remaining milk should be completely expressed.
  2. A special massage of the sore breast is carried out, which a woman can do on her own.
  3. To fight the infection, if necessary, use antibacterial drugs (Clindamycin, Amoxiclav).
  4. Inflammation can be reduced by cold exposure, for example, by applying an ice pack to the breast between feedings.
  5. At high temperatures, antipyretics are taken.
  6. Severe pain is relieved with analgesics, if necessary, novocaine blockade is performed.
  7. Immunostimulation, physiotherapy procedures are used for general strengthening of the body.
  8. It is extremely important to carefully observe personal hygiene.

Antibiotic therapy for mastitis lasts two weeks. It is unacceptable to interrupt it ahead of time due to the disappearance of pain. Untreated mastitis will definitely return.

If the process has passed into the purulent stage, the abscess is opened. Feeding with a sick breast is suspended by decanting milk with pus with a breast pump. Purulent mastitis is a serious condition, fraught with dangerous consequences for women's health. His treatment should take place strictly under the supervision of a physician in a hospital setting. Spontaneous opening of a purulent abscess leads to sepsis, infection of the milk ducts. A surgical opening is required. Sometimes the damaged segment of the mammary gland is removed. The operation takes place under general anesthesia.

Treatment of young mothers is necessarily carried out under the supervision and prescription of a doctor. Any drug can harm the baby, getting into his body through breast milk, so careful selection of medicines is necessary. Modern antibiotics are safe enough for the baby and are able to concentrate as much as possible in the breast tissue. When the blood culture result is known, the antibiotic can be changed to a more specific one. In some cases, it is recommended to temporarily stop feeding the baby.

The breast of hormonal etiology in infants goes away on its own after a few weeks. In no case should you squeeze fluid out of swollen glands. The strictest cleanliness is required.

Prevention of inflammation of the mammary glands

Lactational mastitis in women, caused by stagnation of the secret of the mammary gland, is much easier to prevent than to treat. To do this, a young mother should carefully monitor the condition of her breasts. At the first signs of lactostasis, urgent measures must be taken to improve the drainage of milk and prevent bacterial infection. It is important to follow the rules of feeding, to empty the breast completely.

When the temperature rises against the background of lactostasis, you should immediately consult a doctor.

There is no need to express milk after feedings if the baby is healthy and eating well. This can cause excessive milk production in women, which will lead to lactostasis. Such a measure is justified in the first postpartum days, but then the mother's body quickly adapts to the child's appetite.

A young mother must carefully observe hygiene and properly apply the baby to the breast.

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Mastitis or breasts is an infectious and inflammatory process that occurs in the mammary gland. As a rule, it develops in nulliparous women during the initial period of breastfeeding. This type of mastitis is called lactational (postpartum). It is the most common, and it is about him that we will talk in the article.

The reasons

Mastitis- inflammatory disease of breast tissue (mainly one). The term is of Latin origin (“mast” - mammary gland; “it” - an inflammatory disease). This type of pathology occurs mainly in women during breastfeeding. This is where the name of the disease came from - lactation (or postpartum) mastitis.

It occurs more often in women who have given birth for the first time. With the fibrocystic form of mastitis, which is not associated with either the period of pregnancy or lactation, specialists have to deal less often. Mastitis in the form of engorgement of the glands can also be diagnosed in children in the first days of life. Its occurrence is associated with temporary exposure to maternal hormones.

The main cause of mastitis in lactating women is poor emptying of milk from the ducts of the glands. In addition, the feeding process is often accompanied by the formation of cracks on the nipple and areola, which is a favorable condition for the penetration of microorganisms (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.) into the ducts, which cause an inflammatory reaction. Much less often, the infection penetrates through the blood vessels from distant organs. The following factors contribute to the disease:

  • improper breastfeeding technique;
  • soiled underwear that comes into contact with the skin of the chest;
  • insufficient compliance with hygiene rules that allow you to keep the skin of the chest clean.

Fibrocystic mastitis occurs against the background of an already existing pathology in the form of benign changes (mastopathy) occurring in the tissues of the gland. By itself, mastopathy is a non-infectious disease. With it, seals and small cysts (cavities) appear in the tissues. But due to the following reasons and in the presence of characteristic symptoms of inflammation, specialists can diagnose mastitis.

The causes of this form of the disease outside the period of breastfeeding:

  • mechanical injuries of the mammary gland (bites, cracks, scratches);
  • hormonal changes, accompanied by a weakening of the immune system;
  • the presence of foci of infection, from which microorganisms can get into the tissues of the gland in various ways.

Fibrocystic lactational mastitis is diagnosed in a woman during breastfeeding, if she was previously diagnosed in her history.

A very important point to pay attention to is improper feeding and pumping milk. Sore nipples and stagnant milk often occur precisely because of a lack of experience in these matters. Weakened immunity due to colds, sore throats, chronic diseases (tonsillitis, pulpitis,) can also lead to the infection spreading to the chest. In addition, the female body in the first time after childbirth is generally weakened.

Symptoms and signs of mastitis

Signs of the disease are closely related to the symptoms of inflammation, which include:

  • hyperemia (noticeable redness) of the skin over the pathological focus. In advanced cases, redness extends to the entire mammary gland and may have a bluish-purple hue;
  • hyperthermia (fever) of both breast tissue and general. An increase in body temperature is observed mainly in the absence or delay of adequate treatment;
  • bursting pain, which is more felt at the time of feeding;
  • swelling (edema) of gland tissues;
  • in some forms of the disease, blisters are noticeable.

Contributes to the disease lactostasis - this is the stagnation of the secretion of glands in the ducts. It occurs if you breastfeed for long periods of time or if you do not express milk. In such a case, it stagnates and is a good breeding ground for microorganisms.

Stages of mastitis

The complex of symptoms largely depends on the neglect of the pathological process. During the period of exacerbation, the symptoms of serous mastitis are pronounced (pain, swelling, slight swelling, redness, slight increase in temperature). In this case, the disease is easily treated with conservative methods.

If competent treatment is not started in time, the disease acquires an infiltrative form, in which the symptoms become more distinct, the mammary gland increases significantly in size, and general well-being suffers.

If you do not take any correct therapeutic measures, then the disease can be complicated by an abscess (or abscesses), which is a limited cavity with pus accumulated in it. They can be located closer to the skin (superficial), and in the thickness of the gland. During feeding, the abscess can open, and if its cavity communicates with the duct, the pus is mixed with milk. In a woman at this time, the general state of health deteriorates sharply, the lymph nodes increase.

Exacerbation symptoms and complications

The most severe form (complication) is gangrenous mastitis, in which certain areas of the skin of the mammary gland acquire a black tint (areas of necrosis) and small blisters appear on the surface, resembling a burn. A dangerous complication for life is sepsis (blood poisoning), which can occur against the background of the latest forms of the disease.

The method of treatment (conservative or surgical) depends on the form of the disease. Mastitis complicated by an abscess, necrosis of the gland sites can be treated with surgical methods.

Treatment for breast mastitis

Treatment of mastitis should begin with a diagnosis, so at the first manifestations of the disease, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will examine the patient and if he finds signs of the disease, he will send for a blood test. Antibiotics are prescribed to treat mastitis. Their choice, of course, is related to the tolerance of the newborn.

  1. When breastfeeding, the choice of antibiotics is, of course, a very exciting issue. Further. The milk is carefully expressed. At this stage, deep warming of the breast is not recommended. On the contrary, the mammary gland should be cooled. In some cases, a temporary cessation of feeding may be required.
  2. Another nuisance that can happen after childbirth is lactostasis. It is associated with blockage of the milk duct. It also causes pain in the mammary gland, there is redness. The chest becomes bumpy - dense lumps are felt in some places. A certain part of the nipple does not pass (or does not pass well) milk. In this case, the temperature does not rise. With lactostasis, feeding should be carried out more often (at least once every 2 hours, preferably more often). You need to position the child so that his chin is directed towards the seal.
  3. If you have mastitis on one breast, do not forget about a healthy breast, regularly changing positions when feeding. Heating is prohibited. However, before expressing, it is good to attach a cloth soaked in warm water to the chest. And very gently and smoothly massage the chest, including stagnant seals, in a circular motion. When decanting, it is necessary to slightly stimulate the stagnant area. After pumping, it does not hurt to attach the child to this place, he may be able to suck out the problem lump. After all, only a child can do it right. Therefore, it is better not to call your husband for help, there is a risk of injuring the nipple. After feeding, the cold on the chest for 15 minutes will not interfere. When the temperature rises to 38 degrees, it is recommended to consult a specialist.
  4. In case of failure in treatment, lactostasis and hardening of the mammary glands often turns into uninfected mastitis. Here, the symptoms are about the same as in lactostasis, but the intensity increases. The temperature reappears, the state of health worsens, pain in the seal is felt while walking, changing the position of the body. The difference in temperature in the armpit near the inflamed chest is not as pronounced as with engorgement of the mammary glands.
  5. The cure for mastitis is still meticulous pumping. Here, of course, the help of a specialist is required, better than a breastfeeding consultant.

Infected mastitis- an infection enters the body, and milk residues in the breast are still good soil for harmful microbes. This diagnosis can be suspected if the high temperature lasts more than 2 days, a more pronounced red spot appears, painful seals in the thickness of the mammary gland and are hot to the touch, up to 3 cm in diameter. If treatment is not started on time, then pus may begin to be released with milk. The general condition is deteriorating. Pumping should not be done by hand, as there is a risk of spreading the infection to other areas. In this situation, you can use an electric breast pump.

At the purulent stage the mammary gland increases, the pain intensifies. The temperature is very high. It may go down, but then it goes up again. If treatment is not started on time, then mastitis is accompanied by severe chills, nausea and vomiting.

At the abscess stage seals in the inflamed area soften. A cavity filled with pus is formed. The process can turn into phlegmon or gangrene.

Treatment of mastitis with the use of traditional medicine is fraught with complications for the female body. The fact is that folk remedies are not always able to suppress the infection inside the body, therefore this is fraught with consequences. Mastitis in its complete state, of course, is a terrifying picture. However, we recall that many of the relatively harmless ailments, with a conniving attitude, will easily lead to a similar result. Diseases need to be treated. So mastitis should be considered from the same position.


To prevent mastitis or quickly deal with it, a few simple rules will help:

  1. When the child is properly attached to the chest, his lower lip should be turned out, his cheeks should not be pulled in, the tongue should make rhythmic wave-like movements, there should be no pain in the chest, the nipple should be completely in the mouth;
  2. To prevent the development of mastitis, you need to monitor hygiene, but do not overdo it, especially with cleansing the chest;
  3. In the very first days of feeding, a bottle is highly discouraged;
  4. It should be very careful to introduce complementary foods, because. the breast does not have time to switch to a new mode of milk production;
  5. A positive attitude and pleasure from the process is always welcome, including when breastfeeding.

From which young mothers suffer during breastfeeding. In fact, mastitis can develop in a woman who has never given birth, and even in a man.

Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast. Painful seals appear in the chest, they feel like dense lumps to the touch. If you do not pay attention to them in time, then the outcome of the disease can be surgery. Stereotypes with mastitis are quite justified, because in 90% of cases it develops in a nursing mother.

Mastitis occurs when pathogenic microorganisms enter the breast tissue. About 95% of mastitis cases are due to Staphylococcus aureus. It penetrates into the breast tissue through cracks in the nipples, and also if there are foci of infection in the body. These include pyelonephritis and tonsillitis in the chronic stage.

If the immune system is working normally, it is able to cope with a minor infection that enters the mammary gland. However, in the event of any weakening of the body and a decrease in immunity, there are not sufficient forces to fight the infection. Immunity can be greatly reduced, including due to pregnancy and childbirth. The fact is that childbirth is perceived by the body as a strong stress, and therefore it cannot expend energy on fighting the infection. It is for this reason that three to four weeks after childbirth, a woman develops mastitis.

In addition, mastitis can occur with lactostasis. This happens if a woman does not feed her baby often enough, or if she does not fully express milk. Therefore, milk stagnates in the ducts of the breast, and becomes a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria, since it contains many nutrients.

Mastitis often affects women whose nipples are irregularly shaped, and also if the mother does not follow all the rules of hygiene while feeding the child.

Types of mastitis

The disease can be divided into two main types: lactational and non-lactational.

lactation mastitis

lactation mastitis, or postpartum mastitis occurs in nursing mothers, and proceeds in several stages.

First stage lactational mastitis called serous. The temperature of a young mother rises sharply, and the breasts increase in size and swell. Any touch of the breast causes pain. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms in time and do not start treatment, then the serous stage will turn into an acute form. The temperature will rise to 39 ° C and the woman will feel a strong chill. In addition, there will be signs of intoxication of the body. These include a severe headache, a feeling of general malaise. The mammary gland becomes heavy, there is constant pain in it, and the skin on the chest turns noticeably red. Attempts to express milk will be very painful, besides its absence in the ducts will not bring the desired relief.

If a woman is inactive, or starts treatment late, the form of mastitis changes: from serous, it flows into infiltrative. At this stage, the woman may develop a fever, and the breast swelling will become even larger. In addition, the pain will only intensify, and the chest will hurt, regardless of whether you touch it or not. The general condition of the body is also deteriorating. The woman will complain of lack of appetite and insomnia, weakness will appear, and the headache will become stronger. The volume of the mammary gland will increase even more, and the skin on it will become red. In addition, pain will appear in those lymph nodes that are under the armpits. If you do a clinical blood test, you can find that the level of leukocytes has increased significantly. If the disease has passed into the infiltrative stage, feeding the child must be stopped immediately. The fact is that a small amount of pus can accumulate in the milk.

If you do not start treatment, the disease will go into its third stage - purulent. The temperature of the patient at this time can reach up to 40 - 41 ° C. The general condition of the body will worsen even more. General weakness will only increase, sweating will appear, the woman will refuse to eat. The skin will turn pale, and the chest will still hurt and swell. Expressing milk will be very difficult. At this stage, it comes out only in small portions, moreover, with a large admixture of pus.

The condition of a woman during purulent mastitis can be worse only during abscessing. At this stage, furunculosis appears, as well as an abscess of the halo. Purulent cavities appear on the chest, which are limited to the connective tissue capsule.

Another stage in which mastitis can go is phlegmonous. Most of the mammary gland suffers from it, its tissues melt, and the disease passes to neighboring tissues and cells. This stage of mastitis is very difficult for a woman to tolerate. She constantly feels chills and pain in her chest, while the temperature remains high. Often such type of mastitis accompanied by septic shock.

Non-lactating mastitis

Non-lactating mastitis occurs very rarely, only in 5% of cases. Most often the reasons non-lactational mastitis become trauma or compression of the mammary gland. It can also happen due to hormonal failure that occurred in the body.

Among this type of mastitis secrete plasma cell, fibrocystic, and acute non-latent.

Plasma cell mastitis

Plasma cell mastitis is a fairly rare occurrence. Most often it occurs in those women who have given birth many times. This type of mastitis is characterized by the absence of suppuration, while its general symptoms are similar to those observed during breast cancer.

Second view non-lactational mastitis develops in women over 30. Women under 60 are at risk. The main reason for the appearance of fibrocystic mastitis is considered to be a failure in the endocrine system of the body. Pain will be felt in both mammary glands, and inflammation is quite rare.

An acute form of non-lactational mastitis can develop if the fatty tissue of the breast has been damaged. In some cases, such mastitis can develop in women who have dramatically changed climatic conditions.

Medical treatment of mastitis

Despite the fact that the disease with mastitis is quite serious and painful, its treatment brings successful and quick results, but only if it is started on time. At the first sign of the appearance of mastitis, it is necessary to contact, who will decide on the method of its treatment.

The diagnosis of the disease includes a general blood test and culture of milk for sterility. It is better to start treatment immediately, without waiting for the results of the tests, however, they will greatly help with further treatment.

Breastfeeding a child during an illness can cause him serious harm, because infectious agents will enter the baby's body, as well as not the drugs that the mother takes to cure mastitis. Therefore, breastfeeding should be abandoned for the period of treatment, that is, until the woman has completely recovered. Most often, the child is transferred to artificial feeding, but to make such a decision, the attending gynecologist is needed.

Mastitis treatment

Basis for mastitis treatment at any stage is antibiotic therapy. Among all their diversity, the doctor chooses those that have the most influence on the causative agent of the disease. Thus, the concentration of the antibiotic in the breast tissue will be the highest, and its action the most effective.

It is possible to use drugs in tablets, although quite often they are administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Depending on the stage of the disease and the effectiveness of the treatment, its course can be calculated from 5 to 14 days. The fact that the pain symptoms have disappeared should not be taken as a signal to stop the drug. Otherwise, mastitis may return.

In addition, actions that are aimed at reducing lactation are considered necessary. Milk must be constantly expressed, using the same frequency as with breastfeeding, that is, every three hours. You can use that will improve the outflow of milk, or reduce its production. With the help of pumping, you can improve the condition of the inflamed gland and eliminate milk stagnation.

If the therapy does not bring the desired results, and the disease has passed into the purulent stage, it is necessary to open the abscess surgically.

Traditional methods of treating mastitis

Traditional medicine suggests making compresses on the chest with mastitis.

  1. It is recommended to apply kombucha to the sore spot, and parchment or paper on top of it. The material must be breathable, so polyethylene or film cannot be used. Such a compress should be done for 5-7 days before bedtime.
  2. Fresh leaves of burdock and coltsfoot must be doused with boiling water and applied to a sore chest.
  3. As a compress, you can apply baked onions with honey.
  4. Figs must be steamed in milk and also applied to a sore spot.
  5. The chest can be wiped with a tincture of Sophora japonica. Sophora beans are poured with vodka in a ratio of 1: 2 and left in a dark place for 3 days. After that, it must be filtered, and the tincture is ready for use.

Prevention of mastitis

As with any disease, it is easier to prevent a disease from being cured than to treat it. When feeding a child, you must follow a few simple rules. Before each feeding and after it, the breast must be washed and treated with a disinfectant solution. The position of the child during feeding is desirable to change. If cracks appear on the nipples, they must be immediately lubricated with a solution of brilliant green. If cracks form during feeding, the skin must be lubricated with vegetable oil so that it becomes softer.

The health of the mammary glands must be monitored regularly. This is especially true for teenagers. The chest should not be supercooled. In addition, you can not engage in traumatic sports.

If mastitis is detected, then treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Mastitis is an inflammation of the female breast. Why is mastitis dangerous? It often appears during lactation, in the first months after childbirth as a complication of the postpartum period. Pathology is provoked by bacteria and stagnation of milk in the mammary gland. The disease is rare in nulliparous women, the elderly, men and infants.

Treatment for mastitis depends on its stage:

  1. Early period - serous mastitis. It is characterized by the first, often non-specific manifestations of the disease. Symptoms include general weakness, fever, drowsiness. The affected gland is painful, swollen, enlarged, hot to the touch.
  2. Infiltrative mastitis occurs in case of progression of the disease. The symptoms are aggravated, an increase in fever is noted, a painful induration appears in the gland.
  3. Purulent mastitis is the terminal stage of pathology development. Such mastitis in women is manifested by suppuration of the chest area.

For the treatment of mastitis in women, you will need to pass laboratory tests, undergo instrumental diagnostics.

Experts research:

  • blood - complete blood count
  • milk - sow it for sterility, determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics

The first symptoms of the disease (malaise, fever, inflamed nipple cracks, poor outflow of milk from the gland) should force a woman to go to a gynecologist. This will prevent the rapid progression of the process, preventing the symptoms of complications. Therapy is prescribed individually, analyzing the symptoms, complexity, prevalence of the process, the patient's well-being.

Taking antibiotics

With mastitis, treatment is prescribed until the results of the examination are received. After deciphering the data, the therapy scheme is adjusted. For the period of treatment, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding. This is necessary for the health of the baby (causative agents of ailments, medications included in the treatment of mastitis can enter the body with milk). Therefore, the child is transferred to artificial feeding.

Mastitis is treated with antibiotics. The choice of drug is based on its ability to penetrate into the tissue of the gland and its spectrum of action. The treatment of mastitis includes agents that can create a large concentration of a substance in the gland, quickly destroying the pathogen.

The parenteral route of administration is most often prescribed - intramuscularly or intravenously. Sometimes tablets are chosen. The duration of the chosen therapy is at least 7 days (it all depends on the form of the disease and the response to medications).

Medicines of other groups

An important aspect of the effective fight against the disease is the regular emptying of the breasts, and as a result, a decrease in lactation.

For this purpose, use:

  • Hormonal medicines (Oxytocin) - to improve the outflow of milk.
  • Parlodel - to reduce milk production.

A woman needs to express, avoiding the stagnation of milk. This will improve the general well-being of the patient, the condition of the inflamed gland. At the same time, lactation is preserved (for further breastfeeding after recovery), the opening of the glands is prevented. Expressed while breastfeeding - every 3-4 hours.

When mastitis passes into a purulent or abscessing phase, surgical therapy is mandatory. It is recommended to open a purulent abscess. This prevents formidable complications of the disease. With complex mastitis, experts recommend making incisions. The procedure relieves the feeling of fullness in the chest, improving the outflow of pus. The next component of complex treatment is powerful infusion therapy.

Parenterally drip administered:

  • glucose
  • saline solutions
  • immunoglobulins

Each drug of these groups reduces the signs of intoxication of the body (binds bacterial toxins), improves tissue metabolism, increases the protective capabilities of a weakened body. After normalization of the general condition of patients, the disappearance of local signs of inflammation, a second examination is carried out. In the absence of signs of the pathogen, you can return to breastfeeding. Feeding mode - at the first request of the baby. The number of feedings should be limited only by the needs of the child.

Alternative therapy

How to get rid of mastitis with alternative medicine? Such treatment is combined with traditional medicine. Expert advice is required first. Physiotherapy is an important component of the complex treatment of mastitis. Experts advise visiting physiotherapy rooms. As an alternative, you can use affordable and effective methods to perform at home.

A prerequisite for successful treatment is the personal hygiene of the patient. Skin secretions, sweat - a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms. During the shower, it is recommended to direct a stream of warm water to the glands, alternating with a stream of cool water (contrast method). This improves microcirculation, enhances cell metabolism.

Such a massage solves the issue of how to treat mastitis in nursing: the technique expands the ducts, helping to improve the outflow of milk, restoring its production. It is strictly forbidden to use hot liquid: it provokes the spread of pathology, enhancing its manifestation.

Physical activity

Simple sports loads at home have helped save many women from mastitis. Such activity is a great way to cure mastitis, since it is aimed at increasing blood flow, lymph outflow in the affected gland. Due to this, all stagnation phenomena are quickly and effectively eliminated. The advantage of the method: it is suitable for all patients, regardless of gender, age and level of physical fitness.

The complex consists of several exercises that successfully treat the disease:

  • Squeezing a small ball between the palms, while the arms are straight, in front of the chest.
  • Several push-ups, depending on the preparation - from the floor, bench, or sofa.
  • To prevent incisions with mastitis, salt intake is limited. It has been proven that it provokes swelling, increases pain, delaying recovery. Salt is applied externally. Compresses are made from it (using sea or ordinary salt).

Hypothermia can act as an etiological factor in the disease. But cold can be used for medicinal purposes. With mastitis, what should be done? To strengthen the capillaries, wipe the gland with frozen water or decoctions of medicinal plants. Cold compresses are often used. This treatment should only be used in non-breastfeeding women, as the cold can slow down milk production.

Healing herbs in the fight against disease

Some herbs have a bactericidal effect, which alleviates the symptoms of the disease. Herbs have a resolving effect, relieve pain. Most plants are used externally, some of them are intended for internal use. They work better than the mastitis pill.

  1. Sage is an important plant used to prevent lactation during the treatment of mastitis. In addition, it contains tannins, acids, coumarin. This achieves anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial action. Flowers, leaves, stems of sage are used, from which an infusion is prepared for internal use.
  2. Sweet clover contains essential oils, tannins, flavonoids. Due to this, it is possible to overcome puffiness, to establish the function of the lymphatic system. The plant is indispensable in case of illness: an ointment for mastitis with sweet clover relieves soreness, bursting in the gland. Successfully apply compresses from sweet clover. For this, an infusion is prepared: the raw material is poured with boiling water, insisted for 10 minutes. The fabric is impregnated with liquid, fixing it on the chest for several hours. After 2-3 procedures, the symptoms of the disease subside.
  3. Alder is a healing tree. Black alder leaves are of particular value, they are used to prepare an ointment. Applying it, the baby and its signs will disappear in a matter of days. For its preparation, you need the leaves of the plant and melted butter. They are mixed and kept in a dark cool place. With mastitis, you can use an infusion of alder leaves. Crushed fresh leaves are poured with boiling water, insist 20 minutes. In this solution, the tissue is moistened, applying it to the mammary gland several times a day for 10 minutes.
  4. Chamomile has a strong antibacterial effect. Therefore, it is always used for infections. To relieve soreness and reduce swelling, an infusion of the plant is used. To prepare it, dry flowers are poured with boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. With this infusion, the tissue is moistened, applied to the chest several times a day.


Cabbage is a powerful remedy for fighting the disease. Vegetable juice has unique properties. Healing compresses are prepared from it. You can also use fresh cabbage leaves. To obtain juice, the leaf is beaten off with a wooden mallet. The tool dissolves seals, reduces the soreness of the gland.

In lactating women, mastitis often occurs against the background of stagnation of milk, cabbage perfectly copes with this ailment. It is considered effective to apply a cabbage leaf scalded in boiling water. The softened sheet is applied to the chest until it cools. The method perfectly reduces puffiness, eliminates soreness.

In the elderly, the disease is treated with a cabbage leaf lubricated with oil. To enhance the effect, the leaf is sprinkled with salt and such a compress is fixed on the chest for the whole night. Doctors advise using cabbage gruel in the fight against the disease: cabbage is crushed, yogurt is added. The mixture is kept for several hours on the iron. To enhance the action, it is recommended to use dill decoction, dill seeds are poured with boiling milk, insisted for 30 minutes.

Application of honey and oils

Honey is often used for mastitis. There are several products that contain this substance:

  1. flower-honey ointment
  2. a mixture of baked onions and honey
  3. honey cake (a mixture of honey and flour to fix a dense pancake on the chest)

Camphor oil is an effective substance for mastitis. It is used for adjunctive therapy.

Popular recipes:

  • mixture of vodka and oil for compress
  • ointment of oil and baby cream
  • combination of cabbage juice and camphor oil
  • cream of honey, butter, camphor
  • combination of camphor and sea buckthorn oils
  • combination of camphor oil and baked onion

Peppermint oil has a beneficial effect on blood flow, increases oxygen supply. Due to this, the metabolic processes of the damaged areas of the gland are normalized. This substance is mixed with olive or sunflower oil and rubbed into the chest. It is especially effective for mastitis of hormonal etiology. The remedy is used daily until the symptoms of the pathology disappear completely. It is used to prevent disease.

It is useful to use mint for fragrant tea. Such a medicine soothes, relieves pain during mastitis, increases the tone of the body. To prepare it, fresh or dry leaves are poured with boiling water, insisted for 5 minutes. Consume warm several times a day.

Mastitis is a serious pathology, but with proper and timely therapy, it responds well to treatment.

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