Postpartum depression symptoms and signs. Postpartum depression: risk factors, symptoms and ways out. Varieties of postpartum depressive disorders

The waiting time for a baby is full of worries. Becoming a mother, not all women find peace of mind. Increased responsibility and care for the baby, a change in social status - all this does not allow the young mother to enjoy motherhood. Anxiety and tension gradually increase, developing into depression. The problem is complicated by the fact that many of the people around, and the women in labor themselves, do not perceive given state like a disease. However, postpartum depression is a disease that should not be left to chance, otherwise it can lead to very serious consequences for both the mother and the newborn.


Causes of depression after childbirth

According to statistics, every fifth woman is more or less prone to postpartum depression, and this applies even to those women for whom the baby was desired and long-awaited. Most often, there is no clear cause for this condition. As a rule, this is a complex of factors, physical and mental, leading to an exacerbation negative feelings and emotions.

Physiological causes

Childbirth is a serious stress for the body. In addition to the pain that a woman experiences, the hormonal background changes dramatically, which affects the work of all organs and systems, leads to physical ailments, dizziness, and causes a feeling of constant fatigue. Not every woman is able to combine this condition with caring for a child, performing daily household chores.

postpartum depression in women who have undergone a caesarean section, it develops more often than in women whose delivery occurred naturally. During natural childbirth, the hormonal background of a woman changes gradually. The main hormone here is oxytocin, one of the abilities of which is to dull the feeling of pain, the speedy formation of lactation. That is, some problems leading to depressive states, with natural childbirth are eliminated. With a caesarean section, the body does not have time to rebuild, an imbalance of hormones occurs.

Many women experience initial stage problems with breastfeeding, manifested in the formation of cracked nipples, lack of enough milk, mastitis. In an effort to give the child only the best, many mothers are painfully experiencing difficulties in the development of lactation.

Psychological reasons

A frequent psychological companion of postpartum depression is the feeling of guilt that arises due to inconsistency with the image of the “ideal parent”. For all, newly-made parents are full of happiness, easily cope with problems, love each other and their baby. Before childbirth, the expectant mother herself draws a picture for herself ideal family. In fact, often a woman does not even have time for physical recovery, not to mention moral and emotional.

Feelings of guilt, dissatisfaction with others arise for other reasons:

  1. Uncertainty and fear of simple actions. Often, even the inability to properly swaddle a baby, wash it, and clean its nose causes concern. What can we say about when a newborn has a fever, he is disturbed by colic, he screams in pain during teething, and the mother does not know how to calm the baby and how to help him. Such powerlessness plunges into despondency.
  2. Changing the usual daily routine. At first, it is difficult to adapt to the child's regimen, because even at night he often wakes up. Not every person manages to relax and sleep with intermittent sleep, especially a woman who has recently given birth and has not yet had time to recover.
  3. Constant lack of time. Childcare must be combined with housework. If at the same time a woman does not feel support from relatives, but, on the contrary, feels pressure about an unprepared dinner or unironed linen, then tension mixed with fatigue soon threatens to turn into postpartum depression.
  4. Changes in appearance. Pregnancy and childbirth cannot but leave a mark on a woman's body. A figure that has changed not for the better, stretch marks, kilograms gained during pregnancy, do not leave everyone indifferent. Sometimes this is what plays a decisive role in the development of a depressive state.
  5. Changes in relationship with husband. Priorities change, and the woman pays all her attention to the child. Leaves an imprint and a decrease in sexual desire, natural due to hormonal changes in the body and fatigue. Worries about the reproaches of the spouse, attempts not to deprive anyone from the family of care are emotionally draining.
  6. social status, material and marital status women. Single mothers, women with housing problems or those who have recently lost their jobs are more prone to postpartum depression, because now they will have to take care not only of themselves, but also of the well-being of the child.

Often, depression appears from the fact that the newborn is sick, the presence of congenital pathologies has been confirmed. Feelings of guilt towards relatives are exacerbated by concern for the health and development of the child, his future.

Video: Psychotherapist on the causes and consequences of postpartum depression

Types of depressive states

Not every psychological state of a woman after childbirth can be called depressive. Melancholy and apathy, which visit every person from time to time, do not require urgent medical attention. On the other hand, there are conditions that require not only consultation with a specialist, but also inpatient treatment.

"Maternal Melancholy"

In another way, this condition is called postpartum blues, it should not be confused with postpartum depression. Spleen is a condition that manifests itself against the background of a sharp hormonal change in the body. Tearfulness prevails, there is a feeling of fear for their health and the health of the baby, loss of strength, nervous tension. It is characterized by mild irritability, which does not develop into aggression. Lasts from 2-3 days to a week. It differs from depression in that the mother does not withdraw from caring for the child and communicating with him. If you do not take action in time, melancholy threatens to develop into depression.

neurotic depression

Develops in women with pre-existing neurotic disorders and is characterized by their exacerbation. In addition to frequent mood swings, irritability, there is a heightened sense of hostility towards others. Some women are prone to panic attacks, accompanied by increased pressure, tachycardia, profuse sweating. Often, patients experience short-term memory loss when they do not remember recent events (possibly related to pregnancy) or do not recognize loved ones.

postpartum psychosis

AT severe cases hallucinations occur, which are subsequently embodied in delusional ideas, often directed at the child. Doctors define this condition as postpartum psychosis. It occurs rarely, no more than 4 cases per 1000 women in labor, mainly in patients with bipolar disorder. postpartum psychosis treated under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital setting.

Protracted postpartum depression

The most common form of depression after childbirth. It starts as a normal blues, associated with the difficulties that have arisen regarding the upbringing and care of the child. A woman tries her best to be a good mother, to cope with her duties, but any difficulty leads to despair and panic. A young mother reproaches herself for her inability to cope with the situation, for her irritability. From this, the condition only worsens, and the blues develops into depression.

Common Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

Deterioration is noted immediately after the birth of the child or after 3-9 months, when the fatigue of the mother reaches highest point. If immediately after birth, the baby sleeps a lot, growing up, he requires more attention, which is to the detriment of other things. A woman feels the impossibility of coping with the duties that have fallen on her, feels tired, the future looks gloomy.

The main symptom of postpartum depression is an almost constant state of depression, the aggravation of which most often occurs in the mornings and evenings, during periods of greatest fatigue. The rest of the symptoms are the result of depression:

  • drowsiness, irritability, tearfulness, frequent mood swings;
  • insomnia, loss of appetite (or excessive appetite);
  • lack of a sense of joy and satisfaction with what is happening;
  • lethargy, apathy, lack of interest in any events and affairs, including those that were once considered favorite pastimes, hobbies;
  • presence constant fear for their actions that could harm the child;
  • feeling of failure, inability to make decisions;
  • lack of interest and attachment to the child;
  • manifestation of irritability, even aggression towards others (husband, older children);
  • hypochondria, the search for non-existent diseases, constant concern about one's health;
  • inability to focus on simple things, memory impairment;
  • disorders in the work of the intestines, headaches and joint pains.

If a woman has most of the above, then she needs to see a specialist before depression develops into psychosis. At the same time, when one or more signs appear, it is situationally impossible to speak of postpartum depression. This condition is characterized by duration, intensification of symptoms.

Video: Symptoms of depression. How to help yourself: the experience of mom.

When to visit a doctor

It is the woman herself who decides whether to see a doctor or not, as she feels an increase in symptoms that prevent her from fully caring for her child. Close people should also be wary if a number of signs are found:

  • apathy and depression do not go away for a long time;
  • depression interferes with a full life, affects relationships in the family, caring for a child;
  • obsessive thoughts and ideas appear;
  • there is a violation of memory, attention, other mental processes.

Suffer in the first place emotional sphere a child, because from the first days of life he is attached to his mother, he needs not only care, but also communication, bodily and emotional contact. Many women refuse breastfeeding, which is important in the development of the baby's digestive system and its immunity. That is why it is necessary to notice the symptoms of developing postpartum depression in time, to prevent it from flowing into a more serious form.

Preventive measures to prevent depression

It is important to learn to control your own emotions, to avoid negative thoughts. It is also important here to increase self-esteem and the ability to understand any problem that has arisen, and not let it take its course. Self-analysis will help to understand the root cause of your condition.

If possible, take the weekend off for yourself. A visit to the salon, a swimming pool, a walk or just a gathering with friends will perfectly cheer you up, relax and give you rest from everyday worries. If there is no one to leave the child with, it is quite possible to take him with you to nature or walk with him through children's shops. Psychologists note that buying children's clothes and toys helps to overcome dislike for the baby.

Nature took care of the woman. The first 2-3 months after birth, the baby sleeps for a long time, and the main concern for him comes down to hygiene and feeding. If you correctly allocate time, not devote it only to doing everyday work, but leave a little for yourself, then postpartum depression is unlikely to make itself felt.

Contact with the child "skin to skin", constant communication with him will gradually overcome the feeling of alienation, if any. In addition to taking care of health, performing hygiene procedures and daily duties, you need to play with the baby, just hug him, cuddle him, breastfeed. it The best way speed up bonding.

You should definitely reconsider your diet, enrich it with all the necessary trace elements. The lack of substances negatively affects well-being, including contributing to the development of depression. Special attention is given to the presence in food of a sufficient amount of vitamin C and calcium, which the body most needs in postpartum period.

You need to walk more. This is good for both mom and baby. Calm walks help to relax, in addition, this is a good exercise that will put the figure in order.

If, nevertheless, the symptoms increase, you should not postpone a visit to a specialist. It is important to realize that postpartum depression is a disease and, like other diseases, it must be treated.

Treatment for postpartum depression

The first thing to do when you find signs of a depressive state is to visit a doctor, psychologist or psychotherapist. Based on these symptoms, he will give recommendations for correcting behavior. For some women, it is the doctor who becomes the person to whom one can speak out, because often depression is not perceived as a disease, but only as a whim of a woman who has recently given birth. It is even better to come to a consultation with a specialist with your spouse. He will explain the seriousness of the problem, help to improve relations in the family.

Medical treatment

Assigned if necessary drug treatment postpartum depression, which involves taking antidepressants and adjusting hormonal background by using hormonal drugs. As a drug therapy, as a rule, third-generation antidepressants are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at maintaining the balance of hormones. Many women are afraid of taking antidepressants, associating it with addiction, refusal of lactation and other problems. But it should be remembered that a tense, irritable, poorly controlled mother is much worse. In addition, strict adherence to the recommendations of the doctor will allow you to maintain lactation and avoid addiction.

It is necessary to pass tests for hormones. The study of the hormonal background is carried out in order to confirm the diagnosis. The fact is that an insufficient level, for example, of thyroid hormone is also capable of provoking depressive states, but they will be of a different kind. But with a low content of estrogens, their replenishment can somewhat alleviate the symptoms of postpartum depression.

The drug and dosage are prescribed by the doctor, taking into account individual characteristics and adjusted as results are achieved.

Folk methods of stress relief

At the initial stage, you can cope with apathy with the help of recipes from traditional healers. Of course, our grandmothers did not know the concept of postpartum depression, but they also felt depressed and tired, which herbal sedative preparations helped them to remove. Before using these formulations, it is advisable to consult a doctor, especially if a woman is breastfeeding.

2 tsp herbs mountaineer pour a glass of water. Leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Take ½ cup 2 times a day for 2 weeks. After a week break, repeat the course if necessary.

1 tsp peppermint pour a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos. Drink as tea 1-2 times a day.

Motherwort infusion helps relieve irritation and tearfulness. 1 tsp dry herbs pour a glass of boiling water. Take several sips throughout the day.

Brew 100 g of black poplar leaves in 1 liter of water, leave for half an hour, strain. Pour the resulting infusion into the bath. Take a warm bath for 15-20 minutes.

Postpartum depression lasts from a few weeks to several years. It depends on how a woman adapts to the role of a mother and knows how to control her emotions, how soon attachment to a child arises, on social adaptation after childbirth, and many other factors. During this period, a young mother needs support and attention. It is important that close people take over part of the care of the child, allowing them to get used to the new role. It should be remembered that the well-being of the mother largely depends on the health and proper development baby.

Video: Yoga as the best means of getting out of a depressive state

Most women in the last stages of pregnancy experience a feeling of anxiety. Unstable mood intensifies on the eve of childbirth and after the birth of a child. Nervous state often develops into prolonged depression varying degrees expression and may be big problem not only for the mother and her child, but also for the environment.

What is postpartum depression

Many mothers after childbirth experience fear of the first feeding of the baby, they are worried about whether they will be able to care for the baby. Often a woman has a fear for the health of the child, but very soon the fears are left behind. Unfortunately, not all of this period ends quickly and safely. Some women do not stop experiencing fears even a few months after the birth of a child. In medicine disease state anxiety that is unfounded objective reasons is called depression.

This is a serious mental pathology, which is formed only in the postpartum period. Depression after childbirth is distinguished by the loss of former interests, a depressed mood that occurs already in the first week after childbirth, and only grows over time. This disease has a direct relationship with the psychological, social and hormonal changes in the life of a lady.

The reasons

Postpartum depression occurs in women different reasons. To date, doctors do not have a unified theory on this matter. All available causes are divided into two groups: socio-psychological and biological. The most proven is hereditary predisposition. If one of the woman's genetic relatives had depressive disorders, then the pathology can be inherited and manifest itself when certain life circumstances coincide.

The socio-psychological group explains the postpartum anxiety of a woman by a feature of her personality, communication problems during adult life, the psychology of growing up, the level of stress resistance. Psychotherapists distinguish two bases of a person's well-being: physiological and psychological. The first ones are the following reasons depression:

More often, psychosis occurs due to psychosomatic disorders. The main psychological causes of postpartum depression in women:

  • problems with breastfeeding;
  • fatigue from lack of sleep;
  • pain after difficult childbirth;
  • increased degree of responsibility;
  • changes in the figure;
  • lack of finance;
  • partner problems.


Specialists divide postpartum mental disorders into three forms. They are formed only after the birth of a newborn baby. Among them:

  • Neurotic. It is manifested by irritability, frequent mood swings. The woman has a heightened dislike for the people around her. Sometimes she undergoes panic attacks, which are accompanied by profuse sweating, tachycardia, high blood pressure.
  • postpartum psychosis. Severe form of depression. Manifested by delirium, hallucinations, which are embodied in aggression directed at the child. It is more common in women in labor with bipolar disorder (manic-depressive psychosis). This pathology is treated in a hospital under the supervision of a psychiatrist.
  • Protracted postnatal depression. The disease begins as a spleen associated with postpartum difficulties. A woman tries to be a good mother, but any problem (for example, the inability to swaddle a baby) leads to panic. Over time, the condition worsens, the blues develops into despair, prolonged depression.


The first signs of postpartum depression are emotional exhaustion and loss of strength. A woman feels an enduring depression that intensifies in the morning and evening time. Thoughts about the absence of the meaning of life increasingly arise in the head, a guilt complex develops in front of the child, especially if he has health problems. The woman in labor increases emotional sensitivity, expressed in excessive tearfulness with or without it. This condition begins immediately after childbirth and can last from several weeks to several months..

You should not run these symptoms, as they can very quickly turn into serious psycho-emotional problems. Conditions in which a woman needs to see a doctor:

  • changeable mood;
  • short-term memory loss;
  • constant fatigue;
  • tearfulness;
  • increase or decrease in appetite;
  • sleep disorders;
  • constant feeling of guilt;
  • apathy;
  • indifference;
  • migraine;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • hypochondria.


Postpartum syndrome, like any other disease, does not always pass without a trace. A long-term depressed state of a woman in labor adversely affects the baby and spouse. Children who are fed by mothers who are in melancholy are prone to increased excitability or abnormal passivity. During the first year of life, a child may not show bright, intense emotions at all. Such babies have inactivity, insufficient concentration of attention, and a late onset of the formation of speech skills.

Men are unhappy too depressive behavior spouses, and some even consider this pathological condition a whim. They try to restore sex life, which cannot be achieved. Ignoring this issue introduces men into a depressive disorder, which poses a threat to the partnership as a whole. Postpartum depression can have dire consequences for a woman and her family:

  • suicide attempts;
  • exacerbation of depression requiring hospitalization;
  • attempted infanticide;
  • inability to restore relations between spouses.

How to deal with postpartum depression on your own

With mild degree postpartum disorder you can get rid of it yourself. The main thing for a woman is to realize that this is a temporary state, and a positive self-adjustment will give quick deliverance from depression:

  1. Remember more often that a miracle happened in your life. Feel the peculiarity of the situation, then the household routine will cease to cause negative emotions.
  2. Consider that your child is helpless in this world, and most of all needs your love. Breastfeeding, tactile contact contributes to the production of hormones of happiness, so take your baby in your arms, gently talk to him as often as possible.
  3. Be sure to take time to be alone with yourself. Each person must have personal time, otherwise he loses his individuality. Take a day off, go to the hairdresser, go shopping or go to the movies. Even the period of lactation should not prevent a woman from living a full life.
  4. Don't be ashamed extra pounds is a temporary phenomenon. Do not listen to those who will give advice to go on a diet or eliminate any favorite foods from the diet. In times of stress, you need to fully eat, gain strength.
  5. Engage in relaxing, meditative techniques. Take time to relax (bath, massage, aromatherapy).


If you cannot cope with the disease on your own, then with further development signs of a depressive state, you need to visit a psychologist or psychotherapist. The specialist will give recommendations for correcting behavior. Methods for treating depression are prescribed individually. Most Effective therapeutic methods:

  • NLP. Neurolinguistic programming techniques allow you to unlock the reserves of human strength. An NLP specialist will help a woman in labor to realize true values and needs, formulate desired goals and show the way how to achieve them. If the treatment is based on experiencing a negative experience, then the doctor does not tease the woman's psyche, but teaches new behavior, forms positive attitudes.
  • psychoanalytic techniques. Doctors work through childhood memories. If the patient's mother had depression after her birth, then the woman's need for emotional contact was not fulfilled, so she repeats her negative experience in adulthood.
  • hypnotic method. Hypnotherapy is effective in the early stages pathological condition. Hypnosis will quickly get rid of depressive symptoms. As a rule, a woman's well-being improves after 2-3 sessions. After the course of treatment, she experiences the whole gamut of positive emotions.

Drug treatment is prescribed for a severe form of the disease, when the above methods do not help get out of a depressive state. The following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • Antidepressants. Correct the work of the brain disturbed by depression (Imipramine, Pirlindol).
  • Tranquilizers. Reduce the speed of mental reactions, have a sedative, hypnotic effect(Nitrazepam, Tofisopam).
  • Antipsychotics. Strong psychotropic drugs, the action of which is aimed at treatment bipolar disorder(Aminazine, Haloperidol).

The most common treatment for postpartum psychiatric disorders is complex therapy antidepressants, psychotherapy sessions and folk recipes. Medications administered in the form of tablets oral administration) or as a solution for injection (intramuscular or intravenous administration). Effective sedative medicines that can be bought at a pharmacy (in consultation with a doctor):

  • Nervochel. Homeopathic remedy with a sedative effect. With increased nervous excitability, you need to dissolve 1 tablet 3 times / day for 2-3 weeks. Contraindications for admission: children under 3 years of age, hypersensitivity to the components.
  • Alora. Combination medicine plant origin, non-addictive. It has a sedative, anticonvulsant, analgesic effect. To reduce mental stress, take 1 tablet 3 times / day for 10-14 days (if there is no individual dosage). Caution should be exercised in taking the drug to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to avoid postpartum depression

If you know about the possibility of postpartum mental disorder then you can prepare for it. Prevention should begin during pregnancy. To prevent depression, you need to:

  • create a warm microclimate in the family;
  • visit a family psychologist;
  • strengthen immunity through proper nutrition, affordable exercise, daily walks in the fresh air;
  • avoid overwork;
  • learn to increase stress resistance (positive attitude, self-control, emotion management).


Postpartum blues or postpartum depression- this is a state of depression, depression, which occurs in some women about 3-4 days after childbirth. As a rule, after 2 days it passes without a trace, but there are cases when such a painful condition torments a woman for quite a long time, up to several months. At primiparous it is quite rare, more often depression occurs in mothers who already have one or more children. How does this oppressive state manifest itself? A woman suddenly notices that she does not feel any joy about the birth own child, and the child himself is not perceived by her as a close and dear little man. She begins to worry, because she believes that such a feeling is not normal, and the mother is obliged to love her child.

In an effort to atone for her imaginary guilt before the baby, the woman begins to take care of him exaggeratedly, not noticing in the meantime how her own mental state is getting worse day by day. Suddenly, increased tearfulness appears, which previously could not have been characteristic of her. Tears begin to flow for any, the most insignificant reason, and most often for no reason at all. At the same time, the woman herself cannot explain the reason for her tears. Relatives irritate her with their excessive, as it seems to her, guardianship over her and the baby, with their remarks that she does everything wrong and does not know how to properly care for the child. The husband, on the other hand, causes her resentment and irritation by the fact that he does not help enough in caring for the child. Young mother experiences permanent decline strength, weakness, apathy, drowsiness. She has difficulty doing housework. Periodically, she has a feeling of fear for herself and her baby, she is not sure about the future. Despite daytime sleepiness, he can’t sleep at night, nightmares haunt him, and the child also does not contribute deep sleep. All this brings the woman's psyche to exhaustion. She may refuse to breastfeed her baby. Mental problems are soon joined by purely physiological ones - constipation may occur or noses

Why does postpartum depression occur? Most doctors tend to attribute to the causes of depression a deficiency of female sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone, which occurs immediately after childbirth. This state mimics premenstrual syndrome with his tearfulness, irritability and touchiness. There are also psychological reasons for this. So, after giving birth, a woman could have a feeling of dissatisfaction with her own child, because in her dreams she imagined him completely different. It's no secret that newly born babies are not very attractive. If a young mother before pregnancy, and especially during it, was pampered in the family, and she was in the center of attention, then after childbirth, the focus of attention of loved ones shifts sharply to the baby. This cannot please a woman who is used to the fact that the love and care of her relatives is addressed to her. At the same time, the child is perceived as the cause of this inattention, and, accordingly, a hindrance. In this case, the young mother does not have any feelings, except for irritation towards her child, for some time. When a woman is in the hospital, the reason for the appearance of irritability may be the unfavorable situation in the house, the uncertainty that the husband will be able to take care of the remaining children. These thoughts are constantly present in the head, further increasing the nervousness. In addition, some ladies simply do not like hospitals and do not feel well in the maternity hospital, they strive to be discharged home with the child as soon as possible. Many women, on the contrary, imagine their return to the bosom of the family with horror, because they think that they will not be able to combine everyday worries, ironing, washing with caring for a child. This usually happens in those families in which the husband has completely withdrawn from household duties and does not consider it necessary to help his wife.

Currently, a fairly large number of births out of their total number proceed with complications, ruptures, and perineal dissections. After a difficult birth, a woman feels even more tired and irritable, which result not only from blood loss during possible operation, but also from constant pain in the seam area. Of course, such a painful stimulus leads to a change in mental state women. She becomes more whiny, irritated at the slightest provocation. The source of pain is not only stitches, but also cracks in the nipples, which often occur, especially in nulliparous mothers, during the first feedings. The skin on the nipple is very delicate, and the baby can injure it very easily. This crack during subsequent feedings gives the mother great torment, breastfeeding becomes almost impossible. A hungry baby cries, which further inflames the emotional situation.

Postpartum depression is also facilitated by the feeling of uselessness of the child, which sometimes occurs in young mothers. After childbirth, it sometimes seems that it was not necessary to take this step, that the child was born at the wrong time and all life prospects are lost. Of course, this is absolutely not the case, and after a while a woman will understand this and love her baby with all her heart. But such thoughts can come to her mind precisely on the 3-4th day after childbirth. Almost all expectant mothers think that after the birth of a child they will immediately become much slimmer and more beautiful than during pregnancy, and they are very disappointed by the fact that their figure after childbirth has not changed much. This can also contribute to the postpartum blues.

How to cope with this condition, which, without help, can become quite serious, and even cause a suicide attempt, not to mention problems in the psychological climate of the family? Of course, ideally, it is better for a woman to seek the help of a specialist psychologist. He can solve everything psychological problems. However, such help is usually required only in very severe cases, when the woman’s condition threatens her life, thoughts of suicide appear, etc. In other cases, close people may well help you. First of all, of course, the husband. He must understand your condition and try with all his might to make you feel that for him there is no one more important than you and the child. It is in his power to arrange a candlelit dinner for you, to make a gift. If you are depressed by the hospital environment, at the same time you feel fine and everything is fine with the child, then the doctor may well discharge you home earlier than usual. The family where the child was born is often visited by numerous relatives. This can be very annoying for the mother of the baby, because at this moment she most often wants to be alone with her child and her husband. For her good young father it is better to talk to relatives and ask them to postpone their congratulatory visits until a later date, when the period of depression has passed. A constant companion of postpartum depression is fatigue, which, at first glance, seems impossible to fight. Actually, it is not. You just need to give yourself a rest every time you feel the first signs of fatigue. Do not try to redo all the affairs in the house, then collapsed from exhaustion on the bed. It is better to do things gradually, watching your own condition. As soon as you feel weak, immediately lie down, at least for 15-20 minutes. This time will be enough for you to restore your strength. Get plenty of rest, especially when your baby is sleeping.

It should be remembered that some household chores can and should be taken over by other family members. They must understand that a young mother, despite the fact that she does not work, but sits with her child, is physically unable to do all the household chores and needs their help. They have a very beneficial effect on the state of walking with a child. It is better that they take place in nature - in a park or square. While the baby is sleeping in the stroller, look around, admire the surrounding nature, feel peace. Many women are initially very annoyed by the crying of their own baby. You need to get used to it, because it will continue for quite some time. long period time while the child is still small, and your nervous system will not be able to constantly respond to such stress. Try to convince yourself that the cry of a child is normal, you can always calm him down, you should not be nervous about this.

Proper nutrition can be of great help in the treatment of postpartum depression. Special studies have been conducted that have revealed a higher incidence of this condition in women who have eaten large amounts of sugar and chocolate, so try to eliminate this product from your diet.

Some ladies do not like their appearance after childbirth. The only difference is that some of them continue to take care of themselves, comb their hair, do makeup, and dress beautifully. The other part prefers to give up on its appearance. In the latter group of women, the percentage of postpartum depression is disproportionately higher than in the first. After all, for any of us has great importance how we look. If the appearance suits us, then the mood automatically rises. After childbirth, you can’t take care of yourself, but you need to. Do not forget that your husband is not at all indifferent to how you look. There are also cases when a young mother feels great, happily takes care of the child, but at the same time pays little attention to her husband. This is the cause of his depression. Of course, this does not improve the psychological atmosphere in the family and can adversely affect both the woman and the child. And therefore, try to pay enough attention to your husband after childbirth, to involve him in taking care of your common baby. In this case, you will not only maintain harmony in the family, but also give your child the opportunity to develop in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding.

You will greatly improve your condition when you become more calm. And you will fulfill these simple exercises at least several times a day, or when you feel the need to calm down and pull yourself together: take a position, sitting or lying down, as you like, watch your breathing - it should be slow and deep, take 10 deep breaths and exhalations. Try to relax the muscles of the face from top to bottom, i.e., first, by an effort of will, relax the muscles of the forehead, then the eyelids, etc. Then, in the same way, relax the neck, right hand, left hand, back, belly, right leg, left leg. Then lean forward, lower your arms down and freeze in this position for 1 minute. The next part of our exercise: imagine yourself in a place where you have always dreamed of visiting or where you have been happy in the past. Maybe it will be a sea coast or a mountain landscape. The sun's rays penetrate your body and warm it. Gradually it turns out to be penetrated by the sun's rays, amazing lightness embraces you, all worries and sorrows go away, you are happy! After such an auto-training, try to remember this state and remember it every time you are seized by an attack of irritation.

Perhaps when you first start raising a child, you will experience despair. This is very common, especially with the first child. You won't be able to tell for sure what's wrong. You just start crying for any reason. Or you feel really bad about certain things. One woman, whose child was crying a lot, decided that he was seriously ill, another thought that her husband had lost interest in her, a third thought that she had lost all her beauty.

Depression can set in a few days or weeks after the baby is born. The most usual time is when the mother is discharged from the hospital, where she was ready for everything, and suddenly all the worries about the child and household. It's not her job that bothers her. Perhaps, temporarily, she will even have an assistant. Depressing is the return of responsibility for the whole family, plus a new responsibility for the child and his health and safety. In addition, after childbirth, certain physical and hormonal changes, which can also cause frustration.

Most mothers experience a disorder that is not severe enough to be called depression. Perhaps you think that there is no need to discuss troubles that may never happen. I mention this because many mothers have told me: “I am sure that I would not be so depressed and discouraged if I knew how common this condition is. After all, I thought that my worldview had changed once and for all. You will endure the test much easier if you know that so many people have endured it and that this condition is only temporary.

If you start to feel depressed in the first two months, try to get rid of worry about the baby for a while, especially if he constantly cries. Go to the movies, or to the beauty parlor, or buy yourself a new dress or hat. Visit your friends occasionally. Take your child with you if there is no one to leave him with. Or invite your friends to visit you. All this has a tonic effect. If you are oppressed, you may not want all this. But push yourself and you will feel much better. And this is very important not only for you, but also for your child and husband. If depression does not go away after a few days or even gets worse, see a psychiatrist immediately through your doctor. At such a time, a psychiatrist is very much needed and will bring great benefit and relief.

When a mother is depressed and it seems to her that her husband is indifferent to her, one should try to consider the problem comprehensively. On the one hand, it is natural for a depressed person to feel that others are less friendly and loving. But on the other hand, the father of the child, being a man, cannot remain indifferent to the fact that the wife and the whole house are occupied only by the child. A kind of vicious circle is created. The mother (as if she had nothing else to do!) must constantly remember about her husband. And should give him every opportunity to participate in the care of the child.

Most women find themselves more anxious than usual in their first weeks at home.

They are worried that the baby is crying and they are afraid that something is wrong with him. Every sneeze and every speck makes them anxious. They tiptoe into the child's room to check if he is breathing. Probably, the mother's overprotectiveness during this period is instinctive. Thus, Nature herself instills in millions of mothers around the world, among whom there are immature and carefree, a sense of responsibility towards children. For an irresponsible woman, excessive anxiety can turn into a boon. But, of course, conscientious mothers, who do not need it at all, experience it hard. Fortunately, it passes.

Sometimes there is another change in mood. Initially, in the hospital, the woman relies entirely on the nurses and is grateful to them for taking care of her child. But then suddenly everything changes at once: the woman believes that only she should take care of the child, and deep down she is indignant at the nurses who do not allow her to do so. If there is a visiting sister in the house, the mother may again go through these two stages. It is absolutely normal if a mother wants to take care of her child herself. The main reason she doesn't feel that way from the start is because she doesn't think she's ready. The stronger the consciousness of her unpreparedness, the stronger the desire to take care of everything herself when she gains courage.

How to prevent and overcome postpartum depression

You have been preparing for the great event for nine months. You come to the finish line and win a prize. The medical staff in the maternity hospital caters to your slightest desire at the first push of a button. You are a star. You deserve attention and strong feelings attached to it. After the incredible rise of giving birth, you, like most mothers, experience sadness, a temporary slump, about three days after giving birth. Hormonal changes are partly to blame, as well as the perfectly normal decline that your emotions go through after any ecstasy. This explains why, sitting with a child in your arms, you suddenly find yourself in tears.

After a few weeks of worries, things take a different turn. The child does not distinguish between day and night, and you have to too; you may not have enough milk (or someone can help you get the idea in your head). As soon as you fall on the bed to finally take a nap, a baby screams invitingly. Your energy drains faster than it is replenished. Add to this physical fatigue, healing of birth wounds (after an episiotomy or caesarean section), and perhaps memories of childbirth that provided less satisfaction than you expected, as well as a child who does not behave as written in books, and a husband, which behaves the same way. Put all these daily scenes together, and after two weeks you might have something worse than blues.

In the first month after childbirth, more changes occur in a woman's life than at any other time. Not surprisingly, 50-75 percent of all mothers experience some degree of blues after giving birth (the incidence would be as high as 100 percent if men gave birth and breastfed). In addition to simply depressed mood, approximately 10-20 percent of mothers suffer from postpartum depression, manifested by disabling anxiety, insomnia, fears, bouts of crying, exaggeration of dangers and misfortunes, confusion in thoughts, inertia, lack of interest in self-care and physical attractiveness, as well as a negative attitude towards her husband - and sometimes to a child.

The feelings that come with postpartum depression are your body's signals that you've overused your physical, mental, and emotional resources to accommodate all the recent changes and energy costs that have come crashing down on you. This does not mean weakness on your part, but only that you have exhausted the possibilities of your body, adjusting to these changes. In addition to energy-draining events such as childbirth and caring for a newborn, hormonal fluctuations can also lead to postpartum depression. Although postpartum blues and depression are common, there are ways to avoid or at least minimize these difficult feelings.

Respect the period of rest and comfort

Don't try to be everything to everyone. Having a baby is your license to receive care from others. You need time to learn how to manage your child. You can't cook dazzling restaurant meals (or even just appetizers), host lavish parties, clean the house, and babysit at the same time. You do not have enough energy for everything, and no one expects this from you.

Hold on to what matters most. There will be days when you will feel, "I can't do anything." You are doing the most important thing in the world - take care of the new human being. Especially if you have a very demanding child, temporarily put on the shelf all your duties that drain energy from you and your child. The stage of ongoing care for a child does not last forever.

Get out of the housedon't sit still. AT There is not a single line in the mother's contract with the newborn that obliges her to stay at home. "Home" for your crumbs wherever you are. Carry your baby in your bag and go on long walks in the parks, stopping from time to time to listen to the soothing voice of nature. Since inertia is part of depression, set aside part of the day for living outside the walls of your home and stick to this routine.

Try group therapy.

You are not alone in your depression. Virtually all new mothers have their down days, some more than others. The traditional model of mother and child has never been like this: a mother alone at home with a child. It has always been like this: mothers with children sharing their joys and sorrows. Your birth school friends, family, or local support group will help you get through this period. You may also need to consult a postpartum depression specialist. More mothers are now realizing the value of counseling during this transitional period in their lives. Group counseling is offered in many areas, where women come together to receive support.

eat well. Depression causes a decrease in appetite, and malnutrition leads to worse depression. Your daily menu should include at least some forcibly balanced food.

Start taking care of yourself. “I don’t have the strength to even run a comb through my hair” is a common occurrence in depression. Like malnutrition, inadequate self-care closes the cycle of depression. If you look good, you are more likely to good mood. Choose a simple, easy-to-care haircut to get you through the first few months.

Pamper yourself. Today you deserve a rest - and every day. Visits to the hairdresser, a visit to a beautician, massage, an hour of hydromassage combined with a daily shower and relaxation or bathing - good therapy and that's exactly what your doctor would have ordered.

“But I don’t have time: the child needs me,” you might object. You there is time, and your child needs a healthy mother.

How to fix a bad start

Difficult delivery is one of the main causes of postpartum depression. If you can't get over it because of this, here's how to help yourself fix a bad start.

Take the first steps. First of all, the most important step on the way to making up for a bad beginning is to understand that such a beginning happened to you and that to grieve over this misfortune is only to create a distance between you and your child. Then invite your husband to a family council and share your feelings with him. Tell him specifically about the help that you need - for example, doing homework, holding a baby from time to time, and so on. Let your husband know that you need some time to connect with the child. Temporarily put aside all the activities around the house and outside the home that take away your energy, leaving no time to be with your child. Clearly tell your husband that you need time to form an attachment to your child and explain why. You need to go back to day one. Remember how you felt on the day of the birth, and relive those days now that you are able to concentrate on the baby. You need to make contact, and that takes time and energy. You should do it now, because it will be more difficult to do it later.

Let your child be your therapist. Newborns know how to make their mother better, if only she creates a child-centered environment that allows this to happen. For a period of at least two weeks—or longer if needed—stay glued to your baby. If you are having trouble breastfeeding, seek help from a professional lactation consultant. It's not just that your baby needs your milk, it's also that you need the hormonal stimulation that breastfeeding provides. Breastfeeding causes an influx of motherhood. If you are bottle-feeding, touch and pet your baby as you breastfeed.

Try daily touches. To experience greater intimacy with your baby, give your newborn a daily massage. Let the baby fall asleep on your chest, skin to skin. In addition, carry a baby in a special bag for many hours a day. Go on long walks together - like a couple in love.

Think about a child. In addition to physical contact, be constantly close to the child with thoughts. While the baby sleeps - it's better if you sleep with the baby together, snuggling close to each other - allow yourself the luxury of giving free rein to the mother's thoughts. All the interrupting worries and worries associated with work can be put aside in favor of this important work that can only be done by you.

Keep a diary. Write down how the baby was born, emphasizing how it made you feel and how you feel now. Write both about your feelings and about the daily changes that you notice in your developing child. It's easy to get caught up in your own gloomy thoughts and forget the precious moments you actually have with your child. If you capture those precious moments on paper, you won't feel robbed. Record keeping provides therapeutic effect and can help you focus on enjoyable moments with your child.

Postpartum depression in fathers

Although fathers, unlike mothers, do not undergo hormonal and physiological changes, some degree of emotional decline is common for new fathers. Most of the postpartum worries of fathers are associated with increased responsibility (one more mouth to feed), a dramatic change in lifestyle and relationship with his wife, which they did not expect. The emotional, financial, and sexual changes that take place in the postpartum period open up a new season in marriage—a season in which one must adjust to more difficulties than in any other period life together. In the same way that unsettling stages in the growth and development of a child pass over time, so does the postpartum blues in mothers and fathers.

Large doses touching a child, taken as prescribed above, is the best treatment from a bad start. If this drug does not work, seek professional help from a psychotherapist who specializes in mother-child relationship disorders.

Tips for dads

All of these ways to beat depression seem easy, but in fact your wife won't do them without a push. Here is a recipe for a cure that is much quicker and easier than an hour-long visit to the doctor: “I booked an hour of hydromassage for you and I will drive you there. I'll pick you up at six o'clock, and on the way back we'll stop by a pizzeria. In addition, I myself want to walk for an hour in the park with the baby.

To determine when it is still advisable to visit a doctor, be sensitive to symptoms of severe depression that require the attention of a professional. If the above symptoms do not disappear after you and your wife have followed everything recommended here, seek the advice of your doctor. Today, new approaches are available for the treatment of postpartum depression, including hormone therapy. Just one word of caution: if doctors recommend a treatment that requires separation of mother and child, think twice. Separation, as our experience shows, only exacerbates the problem.

No matter how long they waited and how much they wanted a baby, couples are usually caught off guard by how this demanding little man challenges the relationship between wife and husband. It's part of the parent package! But being aware of what to expect may help you get through this new season in your marriage.

For fathers only

Here are some very ordinary feelings that new fathers express: “I feel abandoned”, “She does nothing but babysit”, “She loves our child too much”, “We haven’t made love in weeks”, “We need to get out of here - together.

New season in your marriage

Both your feelings and your wife's affection for the child are equally normal. It is natural to conclude that your wife is less interested in you. If you first understand what are completely normal changes that occur with a woman in the postpartum period, it will be easier for you to understand why you experience such feelings and why your wife behaves this way.

A woman has two sets of hormones: sex hormones and maternal hormones. Before giving birth, the level of sexual hormones is higher than that of a mother, and her desire to be your friend may have been higher than her desire to be a mother. After childbirth, a hormonal upheaval occurs. Her maternal hormones override her sexual desire hormones. This transition from love directed to the husband to love directed to the child is something like a gift from nature. insurance policy providing care and attention to the offspring of this species.

In addition to these biological changes, another reason for your wife's apparent lack of sexual interest is that she is simply too tired. This new little creature makes big demands, and the woman has just enough energy to keep up with them. By the end of the day, most mothers feel so exhausted by the never-ending demands of a newborn baby that all they want is sleep. Mothers describe their feelings at the end of the working day as follows: “I no longer feel any desires or emotions in myself,” “I feel completely worn out.” These feelings are only intensified if you have a very demanding child and a large household, as well as a busy lifestyle.

In the first weeks, mothers also realize that there are limits to their energy, and try to use it economically, doing only what is necessary, and not what they want. One weary mother told us, “My baby needs to be nursed; my husband wants sex. I don't have enough energy for both." For three to four months after giving birth (and sometimes really only until weaning), most women do not have enough strength to high level intimacy, whether as mother or wife. It's okay to feel left out of the close mother-child relationship and come to the conclusion that your wife has lost interest in you. But these conclusions are not true.

Fathers, show understanding that a mother is biologically programmed to nurse her child. The child has not displaced you, it's just that part of your wife's energy, previously directed to you, is temporarily redirected to the child. This is the time when, first of all, you need to take care of the child and only secondly think about sex, and ideally, the time to find the opportunity and strength for both.

Every woman after the birth of a child changes the usual rhythm of life, daily routine, nutrition, and so on. This causes a storm of emotions that a young mother cannot always cope with. Against the background of all these changes, many women can develop postpartum depression, so the symptoms and treatment of this ailment should be studied in detail.

Causes of Postpartum Depression

Childbirth-related depression gradually develops in a woman for a variety of reasons. Usually this condition progresses in an unfavorable family atmosphere. The prerequisites for the development of this disease can be divided into several groups.

Hormonal changes - main reason development of depression. Changes in the endocrine system are usually observed in a young mother within a week after childbirth. During this period, the initial stage of postpartum depression begins.

Physical disorders

The following disorders can worsen mood:

The woman ceases to feel attractive. Her physical condition worsens, causing psychological disorders.

Psychological reasons

These include:

  • an unexpectedly difficult process of childbirth, for which the woman in labor was not ready;
  • fear of not coping with the role of mother;
  • fear of difficulties in the financial support of the baby, usually this factor is groundless;
  • the appearance of an unplanned child;
  • fear of the birth process;
  • previous unsuccessful experience bearing or giving birth to an unhealthy baby.

These are the most common reasons why a woman develops depression.

Important! Women who have had cases of depression in their relatives are prone to this disease. Also at risk are young mothers with mental disorders or diseases.

Social background

These reasons include the following factors:

  • lack of support from loved ones after the birth of a child;
  • insufficient experience in caring for a baby;
  • poor relations between the parents of the born child;
  • tense situation in the family.

Also this pathology may develop as a result of such factors:

  1. Features of the character of a woman. If she was characterized by selfishness, then sharing time for herself with a child would be quite difficult.
  2. period of lactation. Painful sensations that are caused by this process can cause a woman stressful condition.
  3. Absence of sexual life. At first, sexual relations are contraindicated for a woman, and constant fatigue just pushes the thought of them out. Problems begin with a partner, which negatively affects the emotional state of the young mother.

Some of these factors cause the gradual development of depression after childbirth. A woman is frightened by the fact that she already has to be responsible not only for her life, but also for the life of the baby.

Important to remember! The entire period of bearing a child and the postpartum period is required to provide the expectant mother with care and confidence in the future!

Symptoms of depression

How does depression manifest itself in new mothers? This pathology in women causes sudden and unreasonable mood changes from joy to sadness, from sadness and anxiety to anger. The most pronounced depression manifests itself 3 months after birth. A young mother has the following signs of pathology:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • any pleasant moments cease to cause joy;
  • complete loss of strength;
  • refusal to communicate with loved ones, friends, acquaintances;
  • loss of interest in their appearance and development, as well as in the baby;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • inattention;
  • loss of sexual desire and arousal;
  • loss of appetite.

In especially severe cases, a woman may even have thoughts of suicide. Protracted postpartum depression resolves a year after childbirth with the right complex treatment.

Diagnosis of pathology after childbirth

Clinical diagnosis presents difficulties in identifying the disease. This is due to the fact that the doctor attributes the signs of postpartum depression to the character traits and whims of a woman. Which doctor should I contact with a problem? Specialists in this matter are a pediatrician who regularly examines a baby from the first days of life, or a gynecologist. If they reveal a suspicion of the development of pathology, then they are sent for consultations to a psychologist or psychiatrist. These specialists diagnose postpartum depression by testing the new mother. This testing should be done every week. If positive dynamics is not observed, then complex therapy is prescribed.

How to deal with postpartum depression? Recovery and treatment of a woman after childbirth in psychological terms is carried out, taking into account the severity of the condition, and also depending on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease. Typically, complex therapy includes the following activities:

  1. Visiting a psychologist This is one of the most effective ways overcome depression. A psychologist helps to solve worrisome problems, give advice or recommendations on many issues. The woman will feel relief after each consultation.
  2. Antidepressants. This is enough effective group drugs, but these pills have many side effects. Therefore, their use is contraindicated during breastfeeding. But you can consult with your doctor, who will select the most effective and safe antidepressants.
  3. Normalization of hormonal background. The use of hormonal drugs is required only in cases where depression is caused by changes in the endocrine system.

Also, doctors advise to adhere to such rules during the treatment period:

  • we should not forget that postpartum depression is a temporary phenomenon, with correct therapy, the depressed state passes quickly enough;
  • no need to strive to become the best mom, because for a child this moment does not need proof;
  • more rest and sleep, the baby needs a rested and happy mother;
  • involve relatives and friends in the process of caring for a newborn;
  • take time for yourself, 30 minutes a day is enough to balance the mental state;
  • spend as much time outdoors as possible. This is useful for both the baby and the mother, especially since he will sleep all this time;
  • to receive positive emotions - to do what brought pleasure before the birth of a child;
  • allocate time to communicate with a partner in private;
  • eat right and regularly.

Compliance with the above rules during the treatment period will allow you to get rid of postpartum depression in a short time.

Important to remember! If a woman failed to avoid this pathology, this does not mean that she bad mom!

Treatment with folk remedies

How to cope with this pathology on your own? Treatments for postpartum depression can be used alternative medicine. They can replace the use of antidepressants, which negatively affect the development of the baby during breastfeeding. There are many recipes for the preparation of such funds. Most effective methods impact should be considered in more detail.

St. John's wort

To prepare a decoction, you need 2 tsp. dried St. John's wort, which should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Take this medicine 3 times a day.

Schisandra chinensis

You should take 20 g of crushed berries of this plant, add 100 ml of medical alcohol. Infuse the medicine for 10 days in a dark place. After the time has elapsed, open the container, squeeze and remove the berries. Leave to brew for 3 more days. Then strain the tincture again and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Also, don't forget to use complex vitamins for normalization physical condition women.

It's important to know! Traditional medicine should never be taken together with antidepressants! This can have the opposite effect, that is, the woman's condition will worsen.

Prevention of pathology

How to avoid postpartum depression? To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

Important to remember! Pathology should not be ignored, as it can lead to unpleasant consequences!

Consequences of postpartum depression

Why is this pathology dangerous? It can lead to unpleasant consequences for the child. The baby may develop insomnia and emotional disturbances in the future. Also, against the background of the disease in women, postpartum depression in men can develop. Therefore, in order to protect your replenished family from negative impacts, you need to competently prepare for the process of childbirth and the postpartum period.

The joy of motherhood is not always fully felt by women. This joy is overshadowed by postpartum depression. This disease is often underestimated and not taken seriously enough by women in labor and their relatives, but in vain. Knowing the signs and treatment options can help you avoid or get rid of postpartum depression more quickly.

What is postpartum depression

A wonderful, joyful time after the birth of a baby is not for everyone. And the reason for this is the postpartum depression of the newly-made mother, which, according to statistics, occurs in 12%.

Postpartum depression occurs in 12% of women who give birth

Postpartum depression is a disease nervous system, the altered "chemistry" of the brain, in which a woman cannot experience joy, is constantly in a depressed mood, sees only negative in everything, loses interest in any activity. The disease can be expressed in increased care for the child or in the absence of maternal feelings and indifference.

What are the causes of postpartum depression

Depression after childbirth occurs due to physiological, psycho-emotional changes in the body.

The causes of depression after the birth of a child are:

  • unstable hormonal background;
  • changes in the physiological nature are expressed in a slowdown in metabolism, a change in the work of the "thyroid gland" after the birth of a baby and a constant feeling of fatigue;
  • congestion with household chores, as a result of which there is a lack of free time;
  • financial difficulties, forced saving money;
  • for primiparous women - the discrepancy between understanding and seeing oneself in the new social role of a parent;
  • unconscious feeling of fear of change in appearance, for example, weight gain, the appearance of stretch marks on the skin;
  • constant lack of sleep;
  • lack of breast milk in some cases can also be a provoking factor. After all, breastfeeding is very important for the health and formation of the baby’s immunity, which makes the mother worry;
  • constant disappointment from the discrepancy between reality and expectations. For example, with a lack of help and attention from a partner, with long rehabilitation body after a difficult birth;
  • fear of inconsistency with the title of "mother". A woman keeps a certain image of a good mother in her head, but after giving birth, her behavior does not fit into the invented image, which causes some complexes;
  • heightened responsibility for the newborn, husband and older children.

The provoking factors are the low standard of living of a woman, hereditary predisposition. In women in labor whose mothers experienced depression after childbirth, the disease is more common. A woman tries to maintain a habitual way of life with daily activities, but a lot of effort is spent on a child, and everything else is given with great effort. The husband takes all efforts for granted. Therefore, it is important not to be silent: to ask somewhere for help, to voice your feelings and desires.

How is postpartum depression formed?

Postpartum depression has not yet been sufficiently studied by specialists, so it is often not taken seriously, but this is a disease that sometimes requires medical treatment.

A certain area of ​​the brain regulates the unity of the nervous and hormonal systems, it is also activated under the influence of stress. While carrying a child, her reactions are weakened so that the stressful condition does not harm physiological development fetus. In some women, there is a malfunction in the functioning of this area of ​​​​the brain, provoking factors join, and as a result, the mechanism for the development of postpartum depression is triggered. Hormone surges after childbirth, in particular, a decrease in serotonin, a lack of vitamin D, exhaustion of the body, occupy an important place in the occurrence depressive disorders.

Symptoms of postpartum depression

Change internal state a young mother is easy to recognize by the signs of postpartum depression.

Postpartum depression is a violation of the psycho-emotional calm of a woman, manifested in the following symptoms:

  • unpredictable, causeless bouts of tantrums and anger that are not amenable to internal control;
  • depressed mood, tearfulness, loss of ability to rejoice;
  • poor sleep, difficulty falling asleep, for example, due to anxiety about the child;
  • expectation of misfortune, something bad, excessive anxiety;
  • lack of interest and desire to do anything, including doing your favorite hobby, meeting friends;
  • bouts of overeating or lack of appetite;
  • unnatural indifference or guardianship of the child;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • constant guilt for their behavior.

Each woman has a different course of depression, but the main symptoms, or at least a few of them, are common to all. The severity of signs of depression depends on the number of causes that caused it, the attention of parents and spouse, as well as the woman herself to her condition.

Duration and treatment of postpartum depression

Postpartum depression does not always occur immediately after childbirth, it can manifest itself within a year. It lasts differently for everyone. The average time is two to three months timely treatment. AT running case sluggish illness can last up to a year or two years.

According to statistics, women are more likely to be depressed between three and eight months after giving birth.

It is important to understand that postpartum depression is a disease that needs to be treated. In our society, unfortunately, depression is considered by most to be something insignificant, like being spoiled. Or there is an opinion that such a state will pass with time. But depression is terrible for its complications - suicidal attempts. There are cases in Russia when mothers, along with babies, were thrown out of the window. But this could have been prevented by recognizing and starting the treatment of the disease in time.

  1. Contact a psychiatrist who will prescribe therapy, if necessary, with the help of medications.
  2. Calmly accept the help of loved ones: husband, parents. There is nothing terrible in this, it does not at all mean the failure of a woman as a mother.
  3. Love and accept yourself in any way. If there is excess weight, then you need to understand that this is temporary, it will not be possible to lose weight quickly anyway. You need to concentrate on inner feelings, love for your child.
  4. Communicate with women who have experienced similar condition talk about your feelings and fears. Communication can be both live and virtual, for example, on forums.
  5. It is sometimes necessary to arrange short periods of rest with a change of scenery. A visit to a cafe, shopping or just a solitary walk will help you escape from everyday troubles and negative thoughts, and dad or grandmother can sit with the child.
  6. Less time to spend on household chores, cooking. Of course, you want to eat tasty and varied, as before pregnancy, but mental health is more important. You can ask your spouse to replace yourself in the kitchen or cook simpler meals.
  7. Try to improve the sexual side of family life, explain to your partner that difficulties postpartum recovery temporary. This is not a whim of a woman, but a physiological need, so as not to cause even more harm to the body.
  8. Develop the habit of daytime sleep. Even a short sleep during the day will help to calm down, restore strength and energy.
  9. Eat more food rich in calcium, vitamin C. The lack of these substances contributes to depressive disorders. It will be useful to take vitamin preparations.

Postpartum depression is treated with antidepressants or hormonal drugs

Treatment for postpartum depression is prescribed by a doctor. This may be taking medication: antidepressants or hormonal drugs. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers antidepressants approved for breastfeeding. They raise the level of the hormone of joy in the body, so they do not affect the internal organs in any way.

Non-drug treatment of the disease includes:

  • consultations with a psychotherapist;
  • hypnotherapy allows you to uncover the psychological problems that provoke postnatal depression, even if they come from the past. Hypnosis helps to get rid of constant feeling guilt, causeless fears, increase self-esteem;
  • NLP, which is aimed at setting specific goals in life and achieving them. As a result of neurolinguistic programming, a woman learns new behavior, positive attitudes are formed;
  • massage sessions help, together with the muscles, “relax” thinking, get rid of bad thoughts;
  • acupuncture relieves anxiety and calms;
  • electric sleep helps with chronic sleep deprivation.

Each case of depression has its own specifics, so treatment methods are used in different combinations.

It is very important for the speedy recovery of a woman to involve loved ones and relatives in help. The psychologist should explain how dangerous postpartum depression is, how to create an atmosphere of love and mutual support at home, and eliminate conflicts and quarrels from the life of a woman in labor.

In an atmosphere of understanding and attention, a woman who has given birth quickly restores interest in life, returns to her favorite activities and, as a result, recovers.

Disease prevention

by the most in a reliable way getting rid of the disease is its timely prevention. Nowadays, a lot of information is available in magazines, the Internet, which you need to study in order to know about all the nuances of the manifestation of the disease.

During pregnancy, you can attend childbirth preparation courses, which are usually held in women's consultations. These classes will talk about all the changes in women after childbirth, so they will not be an unpleasant surprise.

At specialized courses, they will tell the future father and mother in detail how the birth goes, how to take care of the baby.

It is necessary to discuss with the spouse in advance the distribution of classes, household chores, what kind of assistance he will provide after childbirth. It is impossible for a woman to immediately take on all the responsibilities in order to avoid overstrain and resentment for misunderstanding.

To prevent postpartum depression, it is useful for a pregnant woman to talk with her mother about how her birth went.

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