Postpartum mental disorders. Symptoms and causes. The main symptoms of postpartum psychosis

In the first days after childbirth, some women may experience a rare mental disorder - postpartum psychosis. The disease is severe, but treatable. It is important to recognize the signs of an incipient disorder in time. Moreover, it can be a big surprise for relatives, appearing suddenly. Although gradually developing psychosis is difficult to recognize immediately.

Postpartum psychosis is a rare mental disorder that usually occurs in the first 2-4 weeks after childbirth. At timely diagnosis and rapid initiation of therapy a woman can come out of this quickly developing state after a few weeks, and with a belated diagnosis, recovery can be delayed for months. Often a woman suffering from postpartum psychosis is not aware of his disease state. Source: Wikipedia

Causes of the disease

Little is known about the causes of the disease. Doctors are inclined to believe that a sharp hormonal change female body V postpartum period can provoke the development of psychosis, complications during childbirth, emotional stress from the birth of a child. The impetus can also constant lack of sleep, severe fatigue mother.

Women whose relatives suffered from postpartum psychosis, as well as women with a history of bipolar depression or schizophrenia, are more at risk of getting sick. If a woman has already been diagnosed with postpartum psychosis after the first birth, it is likely that it will recur after the second pregnancy.

The use of drugs before pregnancy can provoke the development of psychosis.

Everyone who has a high risk of getting sick should definitely consult a psychiatrist in order to minimize the likelihood of the onset of the disease.

Fortunately, postpartum psychosis is much less common than postpartum depression - it develops in approximately 0.1% of women in labor.

Signs of postpartum psychosis

Contact a psychiatrist immediately if you notice the following symptoms in a woman who has recently given birth (literally in the first days after childbirth):

  • The woman becomes distracted, cannot express her thoughts clearly. Periods of talkativeness are replaced by unwillingness to communicate;
  • Aggression or euphoria alternate with depression, and mood changes occur quite abruptly;
  • Changes in the perception of taste and smell. It is even possible to refuse food;
  • Insomnia. If a woman's sleep is disturbed, she does not want to go to bed, this should also alert loved ones. She may develop delusions and visions, auditory hallucinations;
  • A woman has obsessive ideas, it seems to her that the baby is in danger, they want to take his life, kidnap him. She does not let anyone near the child, refuses to talk to people, is afraid to go outside;
  • Or vice versa, the child becomes hated by the mother, she can even try to kill him. And can show him complete indifference. The same attitude can be towards people close to her.

The woman herself does not understand that she is sick, completely inadequate, so her relatives should take care of her and show her to a psychiatrist.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

This disease needs to be taken seriously. After all, a sick person, not receiving the right treatment, can not only harm yourself and the child, but also deprive yourself and his life.


At the first suspicion of a disease be sure to consult a psychiatrist. He will examine the patient, prescribe the necessary treatment for her.

Most often, a sick woman is admitted to the hospital. If the clinic has conditions, then the baby is next to the mother. Basically, there are no such wards in the hospital, so the baby is at home with one of his relatives. If the child is with his mother, then it is forbidden to breastfeed the baby during treatment, because his mother receives strong antipsychotic medications, various mood stabilizers (normothymics).

Usually the patient's condition after a couple of weeks improves so much that she can be discharged home for aftercare. A full course of treatment can last from six months to a year.

A lot of strength and patience will be required from relatives and friends:

  • It is necessary to provide for a sick mother comfortable conditions conducive to recovery: peace, the opportunity to rest more;
  • Most household chores will have to be taken over by the husband and other family members;
  • During the course of treatment, one of the relatives should take care of the baby, while the mother herself cannot do this yet;
  • Temporarily limit meetings at your home with friends - it's not the time for guests yet.
  • Try to morally support the woman, talk to her calmly, kindly, without blaming her for what happened. After all, what happened is not the fault of the woman herself;
  • If possible, do not leave her alone;
  • Control reception medicines, dosage and timing;
  • Get a full 8 hours of sleep.


If you do not start treatment on time, the consequences of a formidable disease can be deplorable. Being in a state of psychosis, a woman does not control her actions, is in captivity obsessions. There are cases when a mother who has just given birth, without receiving timely treatment and being in a manic - depressed state made suicide attempts. And not all of them, unfortunately, were prevented.

A friend of mine who has had postpartum psychosis recalls that time as nightmare. She had a premature, difficult birth, obviously, this contributed to the development of the disease.

She says that she suddenly became irritable, shouted at everyone, everyone suddenly became enemies. I even got into a fight with my mother-in-law. She wrote some slurred, incomprehensible notes. Everything around him became alien, life seemed over. It seemed to her that vitality left her. Completely gone taste sensations. Because of this, she refused to eat in the hospital. She was force-fed with a spoon. She doesn't remember how she ended up in the hospital. The treatment was delayed for six months.

Three years have passed, and she and her husband want a second child. That's just a friend is afraid of a recurrence of the disease. Therefore, she and her husband turned to a psychiatrist who treated her. Now the woman is following all the recommendations of the doctor and hopes that terrible disease will not be repeated.

If it was not possible to avoid the disease, and postpartum psychosis nevertheless manifested itself, do not despair. Remember - life goes on. It is very important to be attentive to a woman who has recently given birth. Take care of her, help with household chores. Surround her with love. To give mommy the opportunity not to be overloaded, to rest more often. And then the formidable illness will recede and will be remembered simply as a severe nightmare.

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes. fat people. I hope the information is useful to you!

Postpartum psychosis occurs in women in the first days after childbirth. This is a rather serious illness, as it is a rare mental disorder, but it is curable. Psychosis occurs suddenly, the main thing is to recognize its symptoms in time and start treatment. The sooner therapy begins, the faster woman be cured. Usually recognized as postpartum psychosis appear in the second to fourth week. If you do not start treatment once, then it can drag on for a long time. With timely therapy, postpartum psychosis can pass in 2-3 weeks.

Causes of the disease

Very little is known about the causes of psychosis. There are suggestions that psychosis appears due to hormonal adjustment the female body after childbirth, complications during childbirth and emotional stress from the birth of a baby. The appearance of the disease can be affected by a regular lack of sleep and the fatigue of a young mother.

Greater risk of postpartum psychosis in women whose relatives were ill with this disease or women who were ill bipolar depression or schizophrenia. Women who, after the first birth, already had such a disease, are also very susceptible, after all subsequent births there is Great chance that postpartum psychosis will recur.

A strong provoking factor in the appearance of postpartum psychosis is the use of drugs by the mother before pregnancy or during drug use. For those who are at risk, it is best to consult a psychiatrist, this will avoid the onset of the disease. postpartum psychosis more rare disease than depression after childbirth, it develops in parturient women quite rarely.

Signs of postpartum psychosis

If at least one of the following symptoms is noticed in a woman who has recently given birth, then it is necessary to urgently see a doctor.

  • A woman who has given birth appears distracted, she cannot express her thoughts normally. Talkativeness is abruptly replaced by an aversion to communication.
  • Aggressive mood is abruptly replaced by euphoria, alternating with depression.
  • Changes in tastes and smells. A woman may begin to refuse food.
  • Sleep disturbance, insomnia. The woman does not want to sleep, crazy ideas appear in her head one after another. Auditory hallucinations may occur.
  • The woman is too protective of the child. It seems to her that everyone around wants to harm him, steal, cripple him. Because of this, the mother does not leave the house, does not leave the child and tries to hide him from everyone.
  • It happens that some mothers, on the contrary, lose interest in their child. Sometimes they even try to get rid of the children. They can hurt, hurt. The same attitude is manifested towards other relatives and relatives.

A woman suffering from postpartum psychosis may not recognize the illness, and may not accept the help and advice of others. Therefore, her relatives should take care of her and be sure to take her to a psychiatrist. Such a disease cannot be ignored, since a mental disorder can be so severe that a mother can harm not only herself, but also her own child, and may even try to take his life.

When signs of postpartum psychosis appear, a woman must be brought to a psychiatrist in order for him to determine the severity of the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment. Psychiatrists with such a disease most often recommend that a sick woman stay in the hospital. Contact between mother and child during this time should be kept to a minimum. It is best if the baby does not stay with his mother at all, but stays at home with relatives. From breastfeeding will definitely have to refuse, since mom will take very strong drugs which will cause great damage to the health of the child.

With timely and proper treatment the woman gets better after 2 weeks and she can be allowed to go home to recover, but full course treatment lasts up to one year. The help of relatives at such a time is simply needed. They should worry the patient less, and for the period of treatment create comfortable conditions and complete rest for her. It is better to do all household chores yourself so as not to strain a sick woman.

Contact between the child and the mother should be minimal or completely excluded. At this time, relatives should take care of the child. It is categorically impossible to leave a mother with a baby alone, in such a state, without realizing it, a woman can cause great harm to a child or even take his life.

During treatment, no guests - no noisy companies are out of the question. For recovery, absolute rest is needed, and noisy companies will create unnecessary tension. Only the closest and dearest people should come to the house.

There should be no quarrels and scandalous scenes in the house. Emotional shaking of the patient during treatment is absolutely useless. They can lead not to an improvement in the condition, but to its deterioration. stressful state can lead to an even more serious mental disorder in a woman who has recently given birth.

Full communication with loved ones is necessary. Don't leave a woman alone. Relatives and close people should communicate daily with a sick woman. And to do it in such a way that she does not feel like some kind of mentally ill or one that causes pity for herself.

It is necessary to control the intake of all drugs prescribed by the doctor. Pass essential medicines or, conversely, taking them too often can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition.

Required good sleep for a sick woman - at least 8 hours a day. It is also desirable that she rest not only at night, but also in the daytime.

Consequences of the disease

If left untreated, the consequences of postpartum psychosis can be very bad. For example, obsessions take over the head of a sick woman, she is unable to control herself, she is in their captivity. There are cases when women in labor who have not received necessary treatment tried to take their own lives. Therefore, if the first signs of the disease are noticed, it is imperative to visit a psychiatrist and determine the presence of postpartum psychosis. If its presence is confirmed, then treatment should begin immediately, until the disease worsens.

To prevent the development of postpartum psychosis, it is necessary to be more attentive to a woman who has recently given birth. Help, support and care. But if the disease nevertheless manifested itself, then you need to fight it with all your might, and when it leaves, the woman will be able to become a real loving mother for her child.

Video: psychosis after childbirth is the norm

This is a psychotic condition caused by complications during childbirth. It is very important that a woman suffering from postpartum psychosis receive qualified medical care as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, this is far from always possible, since many new mothers are unaware of their condition, and their relatives cannot always recognize symptoms of postpartum psychosis. Although this condition is much less common than postpartum depression, you need to be able to identify it and seek help in a timely manner.

Symptoms of postpartum psychosis

Postpartum psychosis is a mental disorder, a violation of higher nervous activity that has arisen in connection with childbirth. Postpartum psychosis is often referred to as "out of touch with reality". If the first episode of psychosis occurs shortly after childbirth, it is called postpartum. Psychosis can be mild or severe, and it can completely deprive a woman of the ability to take care of herself and the child. Here are the main symptoms of postpartum symptom:

  • manic manifestations. Mania is a painful state increased arousal, characterized by the presence of obsessive ideas and ideas, which, as a rule, do not have real grounds. The mania can be paranoid, or it can take on the character of megalomania (when the mother is confident in her extraordinary abilities or considers herself a superhuman);
  • hallucinations. One of the common symptoms of postpartum psychosis is auditory hallucinations;
  • Personality changes and abnormal thinking. Women suffering from postpartum depression are unable to organize their thoughts and formulate an opinion. Their conversation is often incoherent and vacuous;
  • Lack of adequate self-esteem. Often patients are unable to adequately assess their condition. Therefore, it is so difficult for relatives and friends to convince a woman that she is sick and needs medical attention. In some cases, quarrels and scandals cannot be avoided, but after treatment, women are able to admit their illness and guilt before their loved ones;
  • Disorder of appetite;
  • Thoughts of murder or suicide. Such thoughts are far from uncommon, they emphasize the severity of the woman's condition and indicate that the patient needs immediate medical intervention.

Causes of postpartum psychosis

Doctors find it difficult to identify a single cause. Some experts associate the beginning postpartum depression and psychosis with change hormonal levels in a woman's body. increased risk women suffering from mental illnesses and disorders, such as bipolar affective disorder or schizophrenia. Also, postpartum psychosis threatens women who abuse drugs(hashish, hemp, marijuana). Another factor contributing to the development of this condition, doctors consider the stress associated with the birth of a child.

What is the difference between postpartum psychosis and postpartum blues?

Afterbirth spleen (baby blues) is a common condition that develops in new mothers in the first two weeks after childbirth and safely passes without medical intervention. However x chronic persistent postpartum blues may progress to postpartum depression. Both postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis are severe psychotic conditions requiring immediate medical intervention. If antidepressants are commonly used to treat postpartum depression (usually selective inhibitors serotonin reuptake), then postpartum psychosis is treated with antipsychotics.

Are there effective treatments for postpartum psychosis?

Yes, there are. Treatments for psychosis known since the late 1960s. However, since that time they have been significantly improved. Most women with postpartum psychosis are treated with oral medications, although some patients refuse to take pills, so the medication is given intravenously or intramuscularly. The most commonly used are Risperidone and Olanzapine. It is very important to start treatment as soon as possible. As with diabetes and hypertension, early treatment psychosis avoids the development of complications. The later treatment begins, the less effective it is.

Before starting treatment, the doctor conducts a complete medical examination and prescribes a series of tests (blood tests, checking for organic diseases) that will help clarify the causes of psychosis. For example, to make a diagnosis, a physician must rule out systemic infection, acute kidney failure or advanced disease thyroid gland. Patients also undergo a complete neurological examination, including computed tomography, to detect brain tumors or abnormal brain masses.

The birth of a child is always a joy for the family. But sometimes this joy can be overshadowed serious condition young mother. And not only physical, but also mental ... If after a few days or weeks a woman began to behave somehow strangely, for example, she does not want to go out, she experiences causeless fear for the child, does not let anyone near him, then it seems that she has serious problem postpartum psychosis...

More recently, Natalya was a cheerful, cheerful young woman expecting a child from her beloved husband. But long-awaited birth passed very hard: massive bleeding undermined the strength of the woman. After lying in the hospital for a month, she returned home a different person: Victor hardly recognized his wife in this haggard, tired woman.

She spent most of her time near the child. When Natasha's mother offered to replace her at the "combat post", she refused, made noise, shouted at everyone: "Leave us, you won't be able to take care of him. Don't come near him!" And a few days later, she suddenly announced that the child was sick, that he was dying, and began to give him some medicine, although the doctors considered the baby to be completely healthy. With great difficulty, Natasha's mother took the child from her and, together with her son-in-law, called a doctor for her daughter ...

If this had not been done, the consequences could have been sad both for Natasha herself and for her baby. After difficult childbirth and related experiences, the woman developed postpartum psychosis. But thanks to timely treatment, the mother's condition stabilized, and neither she nor the child was in danger anymore.

What is postpartum psychosis?

Postpartum psychosis is one of the rare, but, unfortunately, severe complications, which occurs in about one new mother out of a thousand. It can manifest itself in a variety of ways.

Before giving birth, these mothers are sometimes no different from others: well, which of the women who are going to give birth in the very near future did not experience feelings of anxiety, fear, or even suffered from insomnia?

The main problems begin later - usually during childbirth. And childbirth is often very difficult - for example, long-term or through ... Sometimes a woman loses a lot of blood or she develops postpartum sepsis (blood poisoning). In the occurrence of postpartum psychosis, the factor of heredity also plays a significant role (if the mother had postpartum psychosis, then it is likely that her daughter will also have it). The following pattern was also noted: complications of pregnancy and childbirth, which subsequently predispose to the development of postpartum psychosis, are more common in certain psychological structures of the personality. Thus, such complications are more common in women with hypochondriacal, astheno-depressive and hysteroid characteristics.

Postpartum psychosis is more often associated precisely with the difficult state of health of a woman after childbirth. Mental changes, as a rule, do not occur immediately, but after some time - after a few days or even weeks.

Usually, after being discharged from the hospital, a young mother returns home somewhat depressed. Instead of joy at the appearance of a child, she may experience others, and a variety of emotions - from rejection of the child and anger towards him to complete indifference. Attitudes towards other relatives can also change constantly.

If, despite the fatigue associated with the tireless care of the baby, a young mother cannot fall asleep, this can already be considered a cause for concern.

In the future, the behavior of a sick woman, especially in relation to a child, continues to be unusual. She may either not approach the baby at all, or, on the contrary, not leave him a single step and not let anyone near him. Sometimes, for no reason, she begins to think that someone (including other members of her family) wants to harm her child, kill him or steal him - this is what psychiatrists call delusions. A woman may decide that the child is sick, and for this reason without reason to give him various medicines, including quite serious ones. In addition to delusions, she may develop hallucinations, as a result of which the mother may not be completely responsible for her actions. She can jump out of the window, and together with the child, attack relatives who, as it seems to her, want to harm the baby, and so on.

Without medical intervention, these changes can progress and lead to the most unpredictable consequences. In such a situation, a woman needs treatment and care under the supervision of a doctor, and, as a rule, with hospitalization.

What to do?

If one of your relatives or friends has such a situation in the family, you need to start acting as soon as possible. Only with the help of drastic measures can a young mother and her family return to normal life. What needs to be done in order for a woman to get out of this state with minimal losses for yourself and those around you, including your child?

Contact a doctor

This must be done first. Very often, the onset of psychosis is associated precisely with the state physical health women. Therefore, the earlier treatment is started, the higher the likelihood that the mother will return to normal, full life.

So, the first thing you need to see a psychiatrist. The doctor will prescribe the treatment, and together with the therapist will monitor its progress. If necessary, he will prescribe anti-psychotic drugs and, if necessary, drugs to help the woman make her behavior more orderly and less dangerous to her and others.

Postpartum psychosis occurs on average in 0.1-1.2% of women who have given birth. In 40-45% of cases, this is due to mental illness mother, but more often the cause is associated with unfavorable childbirth, severe physical and psychological state women.
One of the most common variants of postpartum psychosis is.

If it turns out that physical state women is under threat, then the efforts of doctors will be directed to its improvement. If physical or mental condition women will be severe, hospitalization may be required. Since a woman may not be aware of her problem, she cannot be expected to go to the doctor herself. Her relatives should contact a specialist by inviting a doctor home or convincing a woman of the need for a consultation in a hospital. At the same time, it is possible that for the benefit of the young mother, it will be necessary to come up with some plausible reason for communicating with a psychiatrist.

Special mention should be made of the attitude towards psychiatrists. It is only in our country that a visit to this doctor is considered an indelible stain for life; in all civilized countries, visiting any doctor, including a psychiatrist, is normal phenomenon. If a person is sick, then he needs to seek help, and it is to the appropriate specialist. Therefore, it is not worth risking the health and future of a young mother because of the prejudices of past decades.

Provide care for mother and child

If a young mother behaves inappropriately with a child, it is very important to isolate her from him first. It is necessary, for example, to hire an experienced nanny or leave the child in the care of a grandmother. In other words, there should be a person with the child who can provide him with proper care.

One of the family members should spend considerable time with the mother: communicate with her, support her, distract her from painful thoughts, or, if she thinks of something bad, prevent her from committing violence against herself. If at least once there was such an attempt, you should immediately consult a doctor - call an ambulance psychiatric care. In this state, it is very dangerous for a woman to be at home, especially with a child.

If the mother is receiving antipsychotics (drugs that remove psychosis), then at this time it is impossible to breastfeed the baby. The drug accumulates in breast milk in dangerous doses and can adversely affect the health of the baby.

Support of loved ones

In any case, wherever a woman is - at home or in the hospital - these days she especially needs the support of people close to her. It has been proven that in the presence of close people who, during the "acute" period, took care of the young mother and psychologically supported her, women got out of psychosis faster and easier than those who had no one to support them.

The risk of postpartum psychosis is highest after the first birth, with subsequent pregnancies the risk of this complication is reduced.

Therefore, support her, console her when she cries, talk to her about the future, about how good it will be when she feels better. If it seems to you that she is talking about something that is not really there (for example, if she believes that they want to poison her child, take it away from her), do not try to dissuade her from this. Otherwise, a woman can only assert herself in her opinion and such statements will last longer.


Very useful for these women and psychotherapy, work with a psychologist. The only condition: in order for this to benefit the young mother, it is necessary to connect a psychotherapist only after the "acute" condition has passed and the doctor believes that the time for such work has already come.

For the prevention of postpartum psychosis, physical and psychological preparation women for childbirth. Doctors' studies have shown that in cases where such preparation for motherhood was carried out during pregnancy, any mental disorders occurred much less frequently than in those cases where it was not carried out.

Sometimes it is useful to combine the work of a specialist who will work individually with the mother, and a family therapist who "works" with the whole family. This can help other family members understand what is happening with the new mother and learn how to communicate with each other and with her so that her condition does not worsen in the future.

For a woman herself, working with a psychologist is really very important. Indeed, as she begins to recover, "come to her senses", she develops a feeling of guilt towards her child: because of her illness, she could not be with him at a time when he needed it most. A psychotherapist can help a young mother sort out her feelings, direct them in a positive direction, help a woman get used to her new role - the role of a mother and become a really good mother for her baby.

What's next?

As a rule, in most cases, postpartum psychosis ends in recovery. But for this it is very important to observe all the terms of taking medications - not to stop treatment when it "becomes better." Treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

If a woman had episodic mood swings before giving birth, they will not disappear. But, in any case, with the help of medicines, a young mother will get out of an "acute" state, when something really serious can happen to her. After all, at timely handling to the doctor and adequate treatment this disorder may disappear without a trace.

In order for the recovery process to take place as quickly and efficiently as possible, it is necessary to provide the young mother with all the conditions for this: good rest, healthy sleep, communication with loved ones, .. Some time after leaving this state, a woman needs to take drugs that will help her body cope with the disease faster and more fully and return to a full life: vitamins, nootropic drugs("supporting" nervous system), other medicines.

And then - of course, not immediately, but in a few weeks - the young mother will finally be able to do what she could not do immediately after the birth of the child - to give him as much attention as he needs, and give him the love that he is now so need...


Hello. I have the same tragedy with my daughter. This is already a year. She gave birth and changed. He does not want to be treated. She had mental problems before giving birth, and now she is simply impossible. She has suspicions, she does not talk to me, she is on the side of her husband and his family, she does not let her grandson leave. Became cruel. I'm on nervous ground got sick. She tells me that I'm not normal

09/27/2017 06:13:43, Ella

before the birth of the child, the relationship was just excellent, they wanted the child together and were waiting for it, after the birth (they were difficult) the person seemed to have been replaced, reproaches began that I didn’t want to take care of the baby, that I didn’t get enough sleep, a mania of cleanliness began, reaching the point of absurdity, there is little in life , quarrels, etc., eventually divorced, at first she said (something is being done with me, I will drink a sedative), and then she said that
I'm to blame

23.12.2008 13:40:47, Peter

I have a problem similar to the response of the girl from the second message. I got sick right after giving birth, a few days later. When the baby was 10 days old, he was weaned, and I was hospitalized. Now I don't know if I'm healthy or not. Five months have passed. I still don’t know if I love the child or not, although immediately after the birth I was very strong affection. I’m very afraid that it will be hard for my child from such dislike, and it’s hard for me to take care of him without love. It's easier because my problem is not unique. The hospital told me that I was not ready to have a baby. The thought of this incinerates the mind. I don’t know whether to believe it or not, but in combination with a lack of love, such thoughts exacerbate the condition. I have not used the mail for a long time, it may have been blocked. I really want to get help, support, understanding.

My niece's baby is 9 months old. And before the birth, she had a difficult character, she screamed at her mother, was rude (although the family is intelligent, no one swears), but after the birth she does not give the mother a child, if they stay with their mother together for a few days, the case necessarily ends in a scandal. It came almost to the point of assault. All mother's attempts to improve relations end in failure and another quarrel. The niece claims that the mother wants to take the child. I suspect there is some postpartum complication to the psyche. What to do? How to prove to her that she has something wrong with her psyche? Moreover, the niece herself graduated from the medical institute.

08/02/2008 15:54:42, Natalia

My wife has postpartum psychosis. 10 days after the birth, they registered her in psychiatry, a gynecologist examines her there - they found the remains children's place from which inflammation has already begun. on this moment gynecology was cured (cleaned), but he is still coping with psychosis. the question is: can this psychosis be provoked by the remnants of the placenta, which remained there due to the negligence of doctors: it was discharged earlier than they wanted. - on the third day. but they wanted on the fifth, they made an incision to speed up the birth (3 more women in labor were on the way, like they accelerated it) and when removing, after a week, the sutures from the incision did not check anything, was everything okay. and pr discharge also did not do any analyzes. Is this psychosis a consequence of these actions?

02/05/2008 22:58:27, Dmitry

Hello. I also experienced a strong postpartum psychosis (such a diagnosis was made by doctors). Against the background of severe exhaustion, I once went to bed and could not fall asleep, my blood pressure was 140, my pulse went off scale. I didn’t eat, I didn’t sleep for 3 days, it seemed I was dying, and it seemed a lot of things ... I decided that shezephrine, I’m still afraid. then a month of hospital. It's scary that it could happen again. disgust from the child has never been, on the contrary, I do not get enough of him. take care of yourself and your baby, eat well and sleep well. do not hesitate to ask for help, during this period it is often needed.

09/08/2007 00:02:17, Mila

and it seemed to me that now I would knock the child on the corner of the table or window sill, and a sea of ​​blood. I was still at the maternity hospital then. didn't tell anyone. but even now some kind of indifference slips through, I reproach myself and speak inwardly. that this is my child, you need to feel sorry for him, to show some feelings. my daughter is 1 year and 5 months old, and when without her (she sleeps) I don’t feel like a mother at all. hard. I read and re-read articles about childbirth, as if I want to relive everything anew and for everything to go differently - the birth is very difficult, protracted (20 hours of strong contractions), then an emergency caesarean and barely forced the uterus to contract - blood loss is about 2 liters. I'm afraid myself to communicate with myself on this topic, if I confess to this problem. I won't be able to defeat her.

09.07.2007 00:27:42

I had a very acute psychosis, the doctors could not even understand what it was? Maybe schizophrenia? The final diagnosis is postpartum psychosis. There were hallucinations and delirium and insomnia - the whole bunch. It seemed that the expectation (birth) did not end, she was waiting for something, she even began to wait for the coming of God, who would have to give the child.
And the child was desired and now I adore him, only now it led me so much I don’t know why ...
So sleep well, eat well and don't lose your HEAD!

04.01.2007 17:08:15, Dasha

I had severe postpartum psychosis when my baby was 4 months old. For a long time she could not approach him, was afraid of him, looked for all sorts of shortcomings.
Now he is 2 years old. I still don't know if I love him or not. I make a lot of mistakes. There is no certainty. Eats guilt. He has very big problems due to this.
He and I really need help.

06/30/2006 03:35:58 PM, Oksana M.

I didn't have that. but there was something strange and sometimes repeated. I cry out loud. What is the reason - my husband has cooled down to me after the birth of the child, and the fact of psychological fatigue. Since I am raising a child and he is always with me. I tell my husband I was tired of the child, and he immediately had no need to give birth. He does not even understand that this is moral fatigue. When I came from the hospital, I cried for 3 days. I lost weight. Now my baby is 4 months old and everything is getting better.

23.11.2004 18:17:19, Svetlana

Comment on the article "Postpartum psychosis"

Conference "Pregnancy and childbirth" "Pregnancy and childbirth". palpitations then all night, the stomach simply turned to stone, the baby began to move about ten minutes later, after ...

preterm birth and depression. Mother's condition. A child from birth to one year. Preterm birth and depression. Girls, surely someone has similar stories.


If you want to keep the GV, then decant and decant. Hands, breast pump - what can you do. There is Cons on GW, ingenious! And also mom hurried. It will help to establish guards, calm ..
And if you feel that you can’t cope on your own, a psychologist. There is also contact. GW friendly.
And ask God for help...

Calm down, the family needs you in your mind, without hysteria ..
When the baby is discharged, nest, the kangaroo method (undress to a diaper and you have a naked body and endless hugs))). Yes, at this moment the whole family should stand shoulder to shoulder and take care of themselves .. and even you - a thermos with tea, broth, hot food ...

Everything will be fine! Pray you and many others will pray for Pavlusha!

exhale, you are not the first and, unfortunately, not the last.
Ask for help, allow yourself to be weak, try to sleep more, rest and do not reproach yourself for anything.
My twins were born at 36 weeks by emergency c-section. Sevushka - the eldest of the twins got my edema + Rh conflict. On the first day of IVL, urgent hospitalization in Filatovka. Then jaundice was added to the ventilator, bilirubin went off scale, they were preparing for a complete blood transfusion ... With all this, they did not let me out of the RD, because. I lost almost a liter of blood during ECS ​​and my kidneys worked very badly.
We sewed in several ways at once: 1 - doctors from Filatovka asked to bring the second twin, motivating them by the fact that more healthy baby will draw out the weaker one. Doctors in the Republic of Dagestan agreed to help, wrote Senechka some kind of diagnosis and transferred to Filatovka.
2) on the same day, the babies were christened in intensive care.
I don't know what exactly helped: our prayers, baptism, a twin brother nearby, BUT the next morning bilirubin began to fall and the question of a blood transfusion was dropped. Gradually, my children began to improve. Seva spent 12 days on a ventilator and was fed through a tube for a couple more days.
My Senechka was born very small, 46 cm tall and 2500 weight, Sevushka was larger, but not much.
My boyfriends quickly caught up with their peers, by six months they no longer differed from single-borns at term in anything, which wildly pleased and surprised both the pediatrician and the neurologist.

Calm down, you will need strength, and your son will definitely get better, he will grow up handsome, healthy and smart to the delight of dad and mom.

After that, she became pregnant again and gave birth to a strong, healthy girl. As for sedatives during pregnancy, my gynecologist prescribed valerian in ...

Postpartum psychosis is a condition that occurs quite often in women after the birth of a child. The disease is caused by complications arising during childbirth. In this regard, it is extremely important not to leave the signs of postpartum psychosis unattended. If a young mother is diagnosed psychosis after childbirth, then you should not postpone a visit to a specialist, because treatment is necessary, and you cannot cope with psychosis on your own. But there is some peculiarity here, because most women suffering from this disease simply do not notice that they have manifestations of postpartum psychosis. In addition, many relatives also do not take such a disease of a young mother seriously, believing that these are just whims.

It is necessary to separate such concepts as postpartum psychosis and depression after childbirth. Both one ailment and the other are quite severe, and it is required drug treatment. But in this case, applied various therapies. Depression after childbirth is treated with a series, while postpartum psychosis is treated with antipsychotics. In addition, it should be noted that cases of postpartum psychosis are less common, and should not be confused with postpartum blues, it is observed in the first weeks of almost every young mother. This state more often does not need treatment, goes away on its own. But in some prolonged cases, the blues can turn into depression. Here the action of a qualified specialist is already required.

Psychosis after childbirth should not be underestimated, this psychotic condition is quite serious. Interestingly, in women suffering from this disease during pregnancy, no deviations were noticed, suggesting the onset of psychosis in the future. According to the assumptions of doctors, the imbalance of hormones, which is always present after childbirth, is to blame for everything. In addition, postpartum psychosis is characteristic of women who have various disorders and a history of illness. More prone to this disease are young mothers suffering from bipolar disorder, schizophrenia. The risk group for this disease includes those who have previously used drugs.

Practice shows that the healthy women psychosis may develop if, in connection with the birth of a baby, they experienced severe emotional stress. But when does this disease manifest itself? Usually, the onset of postpartum psychosis is noticeable already three days after birth, sometimes a little later. The characteristics include such a feature as the loss of connection with reality. If psychosis after childbirth continues to progress, the higher nervous activity the patient is disturbed. Immediately after childbirth, psychosis manifests as mild form, and immediately in heavy. Sometimes the condition of a young mother is so difficult that she is absolutely deprived of the opportunity to take care of the baby on her own.

The development of psychosis is quite individual, and the symptoms are not always the same. For example, sometimes a woman has manic manifestations. They are expressed by the fact that the level of excitation is increased, various ideas arise that have no connection with reality. It can also be considered a fairly common occurrence in psychosis, and they are mostly auditory. Gradually, the young mother begins to suffer a personality change, acquires abnormal thinking. At the same time, with psychosis, a woman finds it difficult to formulate her thoughts, to make them more streamlined. And in such cases, her conversations become incoherent, and the expression of thoughts occurs without a clear content. Even relatives find it difficult to understand what her intentions are and what she is trying to achieve.

At the same time, the patient is not capable of adequate self-esteem, and she cannot correctly determine her own condition. It is very difficult to convince a young mother of what she needs. health care and, without delay. In any case, relatives should do everything possible to achieve the goal and convince the woman of the need for treatment. Later certain time after the start of treatment, the woman begins to understand how wrong her behavior was, as well as many beliefs. Symptoms of postpartum psychosis include an appetite disorder. Often proper nutrition for a young mother is simply not available, as she develops the wrong eating habits.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if the woman herself, or her relatives notice the listed symptoms. At the same time, the specialist conducts a full examination to reveal the real state of health. Perhaps organic ailments will be identified, and thanks to a blood test and other studies, the reason will be objectively clarified, due to which psychosis after childbirth. In addition, it is desirable to neurological examination, which is also able to find out what was the basis for the disease. It will not be superfluous to carry out computed tomography. Current treatment this disease is not new and has been practiced for a long time. The prescribed drugs are used both orally and intramuscularly.

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