What to do if you hit your head. The child fell and hit his head, but there are no injuries - we monitor the general condition of the baby. The child hit his head. The consequences of a blow: what they can be

Head contusions are mechanical injuries that lead to internal damage to the brain while maintaining the integrity of external tissues. The main cause of a head injury stems from the consequences of blows or falls, which are dangerous for human life and lead to various injuries of the craniocerebral region.

What Happens During an Injury

The trauma that has occurred changes the functioning of the brain, its membranes, all surrounding soft and hard tissues. Individual lobes and sections of the brain may also suffer.

The likelihood of complications after injury is due to the intensity of the damage - the stronger the blow, the stronger the bruise of the soft tissues of the head and the deeper the penetration factors into the inner layers.

Frequent complications are hemorrhage in the brain tissue, under the shell, skull fracture, which aggravate general well-being.

All changes that occur to the brain after injury are divided into:

  • primary, which depend on traumatic agents;
  • secondary, which are caused by disturbances in the nutrition of tissues, their damaging effects.

As a result of a blow, the brain is damaged not only at the site of injury, but also on the opposite side of the head, against which it beats, touching the internal tissues. From this, the vessels spasm, some of which are torn, ischemia occurs, swelling of the tissues and, as a result, internal hemorrhage.

A severe head injury provokes, among other things, oxygen starvation, the lack of which leads to disruption of energy processes and the accumulation of acidic metabolic products, which leads to the development of edema, an increase in intracranial pressure and the onset of hypoxia.

If the injury is accompanied, then this further aggravates the overall picture - it increases swelling and increases the risk of infection entering the brain.


Head injuries are classified according to their severity:

  • Easy degree. The recovery period takes no more than three weeks without any changes. It is marked by: short-term loss of consciousness with loss of memory of events preceding the trauma: rapid recovery; reflex eye movements; decrease in sensitivity.
  • Medium degree. When it is noted: a particularly pronounced violation of the state of the whole organism; a longer loss of consciousness, after which the victim can stay in a state of incomplete sanity for up to 2 days with a violation of the motor function of the whole organism; nystagmus; signs of retrograde amnesia.
  • A severe degree requires immediate hardware assistance. It manifests itself: in a prolonged loss of consciousness or coma; in visual disturbances; in increased mental excitability; in violations of swallowing, speech, eye, respiratory functions, inhibition of normal reflexes.


Everyone knows, even kids, that if you hit your forehead or the back of your head lightly, you can get a bump, and your head will hurt from this, though not for long.

A bruise of the soft tissues of the head is accompanied by pain, but also not for long and not strong.

But in the case of a headache in places not related to a bruise, which does not go away for a long time or occurs after a certain time after the injury, symptoms of a concussion or damage to the skull can be assumed.

If the pain is throbbing, then there may be problems with blood circulation or vasospasm.

The degree of manifestation of symptoms is determined by the severity of the injury and the extent of its distribution. The symptoms of a head injury are:

  • due to vasospasm, pain occurs;
  • a bump, hematoma or tumor may be observed at the site of injury;
  • the body temperature rises immediately after the bruise;
  • nosebleed occurs;
  • a contusion of the occipital part of the head can provoke visual impairment due to injury to the nerve endings responsible for visual function;
  • there is general weakness and asthenia of the extremities;
  • the occurrence of fainting, nausea, vomiting.

The symptoms of a bruise can be decomposed into three syndromes:

  1. Cerebral, which is associated with a reflex response of the brain to damage. It happens with an injury of any severity.
  2. Local, which depends on the place of injury. It makes it possible to perform topical diagnostics. So, for example, with an injury to the frontal part, having left the unconscious state, a person falls into mental and motor excitement with aggression, confusion.
  3. Meningeal, which is due to the excitation of the meninges.

Symptoms are considered dangerous when the victim "slows down", he has increased drowsiness, his eyes literally part or simply mow, and the pupils differ in size. There is a syndrome of "glasses" - hematomas blur around both eyes, fluid flows from the eyes and nose due to a rupture of the hard shell of the brain. These symptoms are indicators of urgent hospitalization of the victim.

First aid

First aid for a head injury is responsible for the effectiveness of the subsequent treatment of head injuries. It can be provided by anyone who is close to the victim.

Until medical assistance arrives, the victim must be laid down, turn his head to one side to prevent vomiting from entering the body, and fix the cervical region with any materials at hand.

If the victim has false dentures or other foreign bodies in the oral cavity, everything must be removed.

What to do with a head injury to reduce pain, reduce hemorrhage, relieve swelling? It is necessary to apply a cold bandage or an ice bag to the injured area, which can be made from a plastic bag, pouring water into it and placing a piece of ice. Such procedures can be done until the ambulance arrives.


The diagnosis is made after the delivery of the victim to a medical institution, external examination, palpation, history taking.

When diagnosing, an important component is the ability not to miss not only hematomas and bumps, but also possible side, even more complex, injuries.

The task of the neurologist is to check the neurological status for the level of consciousness, contact, orientation, muscle tone, balance, memory and tendon reflexes.

The traumatologist prescribes:

  • x-ray of the skull to rule out a bone fracture;
  • spinal puncture to determine an increased number of red blood cells;
  • computed tomography to determine the exact location of the injury, the size of the edema and ischemia.

Only on the basis of a complete examination can specialized treatment be prescribed.

Treatment and rehabilitation

Whether the victim remained in the hospital or was sent home, strict bed rest is a prerequisite for treatment and the entire recovery period.

To cure the victim well, doctors use two methods of treating a head injury in a fall:

  • conservative;
  • operational.

The surgical type of treatment is indicated for hematomas with an internal diameter of more than 4 centimeters, a displacement of the brain structures by more than 5 mm, and severe intracranial hypertension that cannot be eliminated by medical methods. Conservative treatment is not complete without diuretics, anticonvulsants, oxygen, infusion therapy and antihypoxants.

Treatment of severe degrees is taken under special control in the intensive care unit, with continuous monitoring of the patient's condition - his respiratory function, blood pressure and heart activity.

During the rehabilitation period you need:

  • to walk outside;
  • observe the sleep and rest regimen;
  • eat high-calorie fortified food;
  • limit physical activity;
  • stop working at the computer and watching TV.

After a head injury, the bump that appears needs treatment, which consists of several well-known steps. First, we apply cold for 20 minutes, then we lubricate the swollen area with anesthetic absorbable ointments like Dolobene or Rescuer. A day later, it is necessary to apply warming compresses (heated salt in a bag, a warm egg in the shell, or gauze soaked in sunflower oil).


Most often, the consequences of a head injury end safely.

It happens that the body responds to head injuries after a certain period, even several years. So, if you hurt yourself at an early age, the injury can manifest itself even at 40 with unpredictable consequences.

It all depends on:

  • the severity of the injury;
  • age;
  • quality and speed rendered ;
  • compliance with the doctor's instructions.

Each person needs to be careful, try to avoid traumatic situations that endanger his health.

Even the most minor head injuries can lead to irreversible consequences. Head contusion is the most common type of injury to this area of ​​the body. It is characterized by damage to tissues that, as a result of a fall, are pressed against the bones.

Head injury - symptoms

The manifestation of injury will depend on the extent and location of the injury:

  1. A slight bruise of the soft tissues of the head proceeds with internal hemorrhage and pain syndrome. After a couple of hours, the pain subsides, and a hematoma forms on the affected area. The patient feels drowsiness, double vision sometimes loses consciousness.
  2. If the bruise caused damage to the bones of the skull, then the patient may be disturbed by vomiting, dizziness, nosebleeds. These signs indicate the severity of the bruise, but do not allow a definitive diagnosis.
  3. If as a result of a blow the occipital part was damaged, then the visual acuity may deteriorate in the victim. Symptoms of such a bruise include loss of consciousness and weakness in the legs and arms, indicating a concussion.

Contusion of the occipital part of the head - consequences

Injury to this area of ​​the head can lead to negative consequences. It is necessary for any minor fall to consult a doctor and undergo an appropriate examination. In the absence of treatment, the patient suffers from the following consequences:

  • traumatic asthenia, characterized by deterioration in performance, difficulty in concentrating;
  • depression, memory impairment, irritability;
  • clouding of consciousness, the occurrence of hallucinations;
  • dizziness,
  • weather dependence.

What to do with a head injury?

Any person who happened to be nearby can help the victim. Help may include:

  1. With a mild degree of bruising, a cold compress is applied to the patient. However, you should not keep ice for more than fifteen minutes on one part of the head, you need to take breaks.
  2. The victim must be taken home, ensured his peace and monitor his condition. Since dizziness and muscle weakness are possible, it is better not to go outside.
  3. Analgesics should be avoided as they may further complicate the diagnosis of the injury.
  4. If the victim has experienced a severe bruise, then the first thing to do is to contact a traumatologist, since the possibility of a skull fracture is not excluded.

Head injury from a fall - treatment

For minor injuries that did not cause a concussion, you can lubricate the affected area with such drugs:

On impact, especially with the head, a bump may appear. What to do in this case and when you need to go to the hospital.

Hitting his head hard on a hard surface, a person feels a sudden pain. It may not be felt for so long, but after the impact it can cause serious discomfort for much longer. Proven methods of traditional medicine and effective medications will help relieve puffiness and quickly get rid of unpleasant manifestations.

Symptoms of a bruise on different parts of the body can be qualitatively different. If the blow fell not on the head, but on another place, a bruise, a hematoma will appear, but the skin surface itself will remain even. A lump is formed on the head.

In general, when bruised, blood vessels are damaged and burst. Blood flows out of them. On all parts of the body, except for the head, it is absorbed into the subcutaneous layer of fiber, which leads to a characteristic change in the color of the skin in the bruised area, the appearance of a bruise. On the head, this layer of fiber is almost absent. There is nowhere for blood from burst vessels to be absorbed. It flows directly into the space between the scalp and the bones of the skull. A bump appears on the head. The more blood accumulated at the site of injury, the larger the size of the bump.

Actions to reduce and remove the consequences of an impact

The first necessary actions after a bruise, preventing the growth of the bump. At the first stage, it is important to stop the flow of blood from the vessels. To do this, it is necessary to achieve their narrowing. And you need to do this as quickly as possible. Therefore, first aid is to provide exposure to cold at the site of impact.

A rag soaked in cold water can be a suitable object. It should be applied for a few minutes before it warms up. As needed, it is necessary to replace the warm lotion with a cold one.

You can use what's in the fridge. It could be ice. You can put it in a plastic bag. The bag should be wrapped in a cloth and applied to the bruise. In order to avoid hypothermia, as a result of which complications and illness may occur, it is necessary to make applications at time intervals.

In addition to ice, there may be some frozen food in the refrigerator, such as meat. It can also be put in a bag, wrapped in a cloth or towel, and applied to the bump. If you have a cold drink bottle, that might also come in handy.

However, cold objects may not be nearby. For example, the following situation may happen: a man hit his head, a bump appeared, what to do if there is no way to apply cold?

In this case, vegetable oil can be of great help. It is necessary to carefully soak a piece of gauze or cotton wool with it and cover the bruised place for 30-35 minutes. The redness that appears after such a compress should pass, and the bump may not appear at all.

Next steps for injury

If for the first time in a day the most correct and effective method is exposure to cold, then after this time the actions should be aimed at gently warming up the impact site. Heat will help get rid of swelling, relieve swelling, as a result of which the bump will resolve and disappear.

Salt keeps warm for a long time. Wrapping it in a not very dense fabric, you need to keep the compress on the sore spot. A boiled egg will also stay warm for a long time and can be used for application.

Plants that help with bruises


It is an excellent remedy to help with swelling and bloating after an impact. First, its fresh leaves should be crushed. It is best to use a meat grinder for this. The resulting mass must be placed in a small amount of milk and boiled a little. Then, you should take out the cabbage on a napkin and apply the resulting warm healing compress to the bump for 1 hour. Then the damaged area must be washed.


This plant has healing and decongestant properties. Its other name is creeping thyme. Its leaves should be applied fresh to the place where the bump on the head is located after the blow. It is believed that the medicinal plant even helps to restore memory, if its decoction is used to wipe the head.


In a situation of bruising, the juice of the plant effectively helps. To obtain it, the grass should be thoroughly rubbed. The released juice must then be carefully applied to the bruised area.

Oak bark and daisy flowers

From these components you need to make a powder. Its amount should be equal to one tablespoon. Then you need to prepare a rich composition by pouring the powder with a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to infuse the solution for half an hour. A piece of tissue soaked in the resulting liquid is applied to the site of injury and the effects of the blow disappear faster.

Medications to get rid of bumps

Gel "Troxevasin"

The remedy strengthens capillaries and vascular walls, has an effect against edema and inflammation that has appeared. The bump on the head is lubricated with gel in the morning and evening. In this case, the therapeutic agent is gently rubbed into the skin until absorbed.

Gel "Troxerutin"

Used to relieve swelling. Well absorbed through the top layer of the skin. The agent can be applied only in the absence of open damage and wounds. Gel-treated areas should be protected from direct sunlight.

Ointment "Heparin"

The tool promotes the resorption of blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones. Reduces pain. The ointment is applied in a thin layer in the morning, afternoon and evening until the symptoms of bruising disappear.

Gel "Rescuer"

Promotes active cell growth and rapid recovery of injured skin. Has antimicrobial activity. Absorbs quickly. It is applied during the day 1-2 times. Apply in a thin layer.

When to See a Doctor for a Head Bruise

If, with a bruise, the symptoms are only swelling of the bump and pain at the site of impact, which gradually subsides, then it is not necessary to go to the hospital, it is enough to use the remedies described above. But sometimes the situation can be much more serious. The affected person may not only have a bump on the head from a blow, but also signs of a sharp deterioration in the condition as a result of a concussion, intracerebral bleeding, or a skull fracture. Immediate medical attention is absolutely essential.

Signs of such especially serious conditions of the affected person are

  1. The appearance of open wounds and bleeding from them, which does not stop for more than 10 minutes.
  2. Sensation of severe pain in the head and neck.
  3. Increasing character of pain.
  4. Simultaneously with severe pain, bouts of nausea are observed.
  5. Blood or other fluid flows from the ears and nose.
  6. An increase in body temperature to a value greater than 38 degrees.
  7. Speech disorder.
  8. Sensation of "floating" in the eyes, pupils of different sizes.
  9. Confused consciousness.

With these signs, the victim must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible, and before the arrival of the ambulance, the person should be completely calm and carefully monitor his breathing and consciousness.

A bump from a blow to the head may appear to a lesser extent or not appear at all. It all depends on how quickly the situation is assessed and the necessary actions are taken to improve the condition of the injured person.

A head injury is a common occurrence that can lead to dangerous consequences..

Most often, this injury is caused by a fall or as a result of a blow with a hard blunt object.

Treatment of a head injury at home involves the use of medications and folk recipes.

The essence of pathology

A head injury is an injury to the soft tissues of the skull.. In most cases, this injury is closed. ICD-10 code - S00. Superficial head injury.

Damage is of the following types:

  • light bruises;
  • injuries with damage to the skin;
  • jaw damage;
  • traumatic brain injury.

Depending on the severity of the injury, various symptoms may occur:

Such manifestations should be the basis for a visit to the doctor, as they indicate serious damage.

If the state of health remains within the normal range, a cool compress and special ointments will help to cope with the symptoms of a bruise.

Many people are interested in why a lump appears with head bruises.. When damaged, the leaked blood accumulates between the tissues of the head and the bone tissue of the skull.

As a result, a swelling is formed, which is called a bump. Its size depends on the volume of the leaked blood.

A head injury in a child requires special attention.

The risk of negative consequences in children is much higher than in adults..

Such injuries are especially dangerous for children under one year old, since they have an incompletely formed skull.

If the baby is injured, you need to give him first aid and, having ensured complete rest, take him to the trauma center. In difficult cases, an ambulance should be called.

Head injury in a child, "concussion" - Dr. Komarovsky

First aid

First aid for a head injury is to do the following:

If soft tissues were injured during an injury, which led to the formation of abrasions and bruises, the following can be done:

  • apply a pressure bandage;
  • use ice compresses during the first day after injury;
  • on the second day, you can apply thermal procedures and alcohol compresses - this will help to cope with the hematoma.

If a concussion or bleeding is suspected, no self-treatment options are allowed. In case of a head injury, various medicines are used. What to take in case of injury?

Treatment of hematoma includes the use of local drugs. These include the following:

  1. Troxevasin- with the help of the gel it is possible to strengthen the capillaries and walls of blood vessels. In addition, the drug perfectly copes with swelling and inflammation. To solve these problems, the affected areas should be treated twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  2. Troxerutin- This remedy copes well with edema and is quickly absorbed. The gel should not be used in the presence of open lesions. It is important to consider that the treated surfaces should be protected from ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Heparin ointment- helps to dissolve blood clots and eliminates pain. This drug should treat the affected areas three times a day.
  4. Rescuer- This gel provides rapid tissue repair and copes with microbes. The substance is absorbed very quickly. It should be applied in a thin layer several times a day.

Many people are interested in what to drink with a bruised head. Many experts advise taking tonics. These include tinctures of ginseng, lemongrass, eleutherococcus.

Answering the question of what to do with a severe head injury, one cannot but mention effective folk remedies. However, they can be used only after consulting a specialist.

Treatment with folk remedies involves the use of such recipes:

The consequences of a traumatic head injury depend on the severity of the injury..

After severe injuries, recovery is very slow. In some cases, this takes up to 5 years. The prognosis largely depends on age. It is much more difficult for older people to recover.

When receiving minor bruises or injuries of moderate severity, rehabilitation takes several months. In some cases, recovery takes several years.

Post-traumatic syndrome is characterized by headaches of varying degrees, dizziness. Some people experience high fatigue, memory impairment, depression.

A bruise to the head can be serious enough to lead to dangerous consequences. Therefore, it is so important to provide the victim with adequate assistance and show him to the doctor.

In simple cases, treatment at home is sufficient - for this, medications and folk recipes are used.

A head injury is a closed mechanical injury without any obvious violation of the integrity of the skin. The most common cause of bruises is trauma due to a fall or impact with a hard blunt object.

The main symptoms of a head injury

Symptoms depend on the location and severity of the injury. Damage to the tissues of the head causes pain, a lump or swelling appears, hemorrhage is possible, and fever after a bruise.

When a head injury is accompanied by injuries to the bones of the skull or even the brain, headaches are accompanied by nausea and vomiting, nosebleeds. Sometimes vision may be impaired for some time, the patient feels weakness in the limbs, there is a loss or confusion.

What should be of concern?

  • Growing pain;
  • General weakness with nausea, dizziness and vomiting;
  • weakness in arms and legs;
  • visual impairment;
  • loss of consciousness.

In all of the above cases, be sure to call an ambulance or contact the nearest medical facility.

Any bruises of the head, regardless of visible manifestations and symptoms, their severity should be examined by a doctor. This is done to exclude possible damage to the bones, to prevent the manifestation of the consequences of injury.

Head injury: consequences

The outcomes of a head injury can be different, just as the reaction in response to a bruise is not the same for each person. Some head injuries eventually end in a complete recovery of the patient, and on the contrary, some relatively minor injuries sometimes have the most serious consequences.

Recovery after a severe head injury in some cases is very slow. Sometimes the improvement of the condition can last even 5 years.

Outcomes of bruises are determined largely by the age of the affected people. In old age, it is much more difficult to recover from an injury. The consequences after light bruises and bruises of moderate severity make themselves felt for months and even years.

Post-traumatic syndrome is characterized by headaches of varying intensity, dizziness, as well as decreased mood, increased fatigue and memory impairment. Such disorders, especially in older people, sometimes lead to disability and family quarrels.

Severe head injury

Severe head bruises are often accompanied by instant loss of consciousness, vomiting, nausea. This can also damage the brain. In such severe cases, the victim is immediately provided with peace, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. You can't get up, you can't walk.

In the absence of open wounds and obvious damage to the skin with severe bruises of the head, fractures of the cranial vault may occur. It can be quite difficult to determine whether there is a fracture or just a bruise of the tissues. Only a doctor can do this accurately enough with the help of an x-ray.

Even the slightest suspicion of a fracture should be a signal for assistance, as with a clear fracture of the cranial bones. The victim is placed on a stretcher (without a pillow), put a cold on his head and transported to the hospital.

Soft tissue injury of the head

When soft tissues are bruised as a result of damage to blood vessels, superficial abrasions are formed, there is a violation of the functioning of the dentoalveolar system, and subcutaneous hematomas occur. These hematomas rise above the surrounding scalp, clearly demarcated from other tissues.

First aid:

  • Pressure bandage;
  • On the first day after the incident, a cold is shown;
  • A day later, to accelerate resorption, alcohol lotions are shown (2-3 times a day for 15 minutes) and heat.

In case of soft tissue injury, as a rule, conservative treatment is used. From the second day after the bruise, thermal procedures are shown. If the hematoma is too large, puncture with a thick needle and suck the blood. After the procedure, a sterile pressure bandage is required.

When making a diagnosis, an examination, palpation of the skull and facial skeleton, and an X-ray examination in two projections are always carried out.

Head injury: help to the victim

  1. Apply ice to the injury site. Cooling will help reduce pain, swelling, and bleeding. You can use ice for these purposes, wrapping it in a plastic bag, a heating pad filled with cold water, a cold compress. A couple of hours of cold at the site of injury is usually sufficient.
  2. Lay down the victim. Let him spend one or two hours in bed. Bruises are often accompanied by weakness and dizziness, sometimes loss of consciousness. If a person falls, he will receive additional bruises, bruises and fractures.
  3. Go to the emergency room for an urgent examination by a doctor. Brain hematomas, which are sometimes accompanied by bruises of the head, lead to serious consequences in the future.
  4. For about two hours after the injury, the patient should not be given water, food, or any medicine. This is strictly prohibited.
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