After the injection of Botox, swelling appeared under the eyes. Edema after Botox (my bad experience). How to get rid of edema

Botulinum toxin injections for smoothing wrinkles from year to year remain the most popular service in aesthetic cosmetology, not only among women, but also among men. That is why all their side effects deserve special attention.

Edema after Botox, Dysport or another similar drug can nullify the entire positive effect of the procedure and for a long time will be reminded of a failed attempt to erase the first age-related changes from the face.

Why do they occur, how long do they go through, and in what cases is it worth sounding the alarm? What to do with "swollen" upper eyelids and eyes? the site understands all the nuances of the problem, and eminent metropolitan cosmetologists share their own experience:

Risk factors: what you should warn the doctor about already at the first consultation

Far from any puffiness is considered a complication / side effect of Botox or Dysport injections. In the simplest case, this is a completely normal reaction of the body to injuries received from the introduction of a needle. Already on the first day, it begins to subside and disappears without a trace within 2-3 days after the procedure.

More serious lymphostatic (caused by impaired circulation of lymph and venous blood) edema appears on the 7-10th day - at the time when the drug "gets up", i.e., begins to immobilize the muscles. They can last from 1-2 weeks to two or more months and require special procedures in order to quickly restore a healthy look to the face. The main diseases and conditions of the patient's body, which are very likely to provoke the formation of problematic swelling after botulinum toxin injections:

  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system;
  • early recovery period after plastic or other surgery;
  • individual predisposition;

You should definitely inform your cosmetologist about all these nuances, who will advise the necessary preventive measures or offer to refrain from the procedure for a certain time.

Mechanisms of edema formation after "beauty shots"

For the normal supply of tissues with nutrients and oxygen, the timely removal of metabolic products of cells, it is necessary that the blood supply, outflow of venous blood and lymph flow be balanced. The flow of arterial blood is carried out due to the work of the heart. The outflow of venous blood, as well as lymphatic drainage, is stimulated by the following actions:

  • when inhaling, a negative pressure is created in the chest cavity, due to which air enters the lungs, venous blood and lymph enter the heart;
  • during muscle contractions, venous blood and lymph are "pushed" through the vessels to the heart.

The balance between fluid entry into the tissue and its excretion can be disturbed:

  • decreased muscle tone and contractility;
  • the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body, etc.

In each of these cases, the development of problematic swelling is very likely. Let's take a closer look at why this happens and what is the role of botulinum toxin:

  • Effect of muscle tone on the development of edema

With the introduction of Botox or Dysport, paralyzed muscles in the target subcutaneous areas stop contracting, which in some cases can lead to stagnation of venous blood and lymph in the tissues. Edema in this case is most often formed around the eyes, most often on the upper eyelids. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the skin - here it is thinner than in other parts of the face, does not have a supporting bone frame, lies on a layer of loose fatty tissue. And small venous vessels, which are located in the eyelid area, are easily pinched by edematous tissues.

As a result, a "vicious circle" is formed: the greater the swelling, the worse the further outflow of venous blood and lymph. In especially difficult cases, the described mechanism can lead to the formation of persistent or persistent (occurring from time to time) edema of the upper and/or lower eyelids, and sometimes of the entire face.

  • Influence of diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems

The development of heart failure leads to a decrease in the ability of the heart to pump blood through the vessels. This leads to overflow of the venous bed. Part of the blood in this case seeps into the tissues and accumulates there. Edema is formed, which appear from time to time, but may be permanent.

They appear on the legs and rise higher as heart problems develop. What does this have to do with the face? It turns out that it is direct. Any exposure that does not cause adverse changes in a healthy person can lead to complications in a patient with heart failure. If the outflow of venous blood is already weakened, after injections of Botox, Dysport or another similar drug, muscle inactivity can lead to swelling of the upper eyelids and the face as a whole.

In most diseases of the urinary system, the ability of the kidneys to remove excess fluid and mineral salts is reduced to some extent. The latter "settle" in the tissues, which also leads to the formation of edema. With renal failure, edema most often appears in the face. If you “turn off” the auxiliary influence of muscle contractions on the outflow of venous blood and lymph, they become stronger and more noticeable.

  • Impact of hormonal imbalance

The ability of tissues to retain fluid is affected by female sex hormones. For many, mild swelling of the face may appear on certain days of the menstrual cycle. Edema is seen in almost all pregnant women. If before the onset of menstruation the face becomes puffy, then the risk of similar problems after anti-aging injections is also very high.

Where should and should not inject Botox and Dysport?

There are certain areas of the face where edema is more likely to develop when botulinum toxin is injected: the forehead, with the exception of the bridge of the nose, and the crow's feet area. This does not mean that you need to give up injections. It is necessary to choose the right injection points for the drug, since turning off some muscles will lead to the elimination of wrinkles and a change in the position of the eyebrows, while others will lead to the development of edema:

  • So, for example, immobilization of the upper part of the circular muscle of the eye gives a good effect. This allows the frontalis muscle to lift the eyebrow up and make the facial expression generally more cheerful and open.
  • In the area of ​​the lower eyelid, the administration of the drug is possible only subcutaneously and in no case intramuscularly, using the minimum dose. With the intramuscular variant, the appearance of puffiness around the eyes cannot be avoided.
  • In some cases, it is necessary to completely abandon injections in the forehead area so as not to provoke the formation of edema, limiting ourselves only to turning off the facial muscles associated with the bridge of the nose. This is usually more than enough to smooth out wrinkles in the upper part of the face.

Knowledge of all these nuances is the basis for the qualification of a cosmetologist, so the result of the procedure will largely depend on the correct choice of a doctor. Now botulinum toxin preparations are administered by specialists with many years of experience who are well aware of the structure and location of facial muscles under the skin, and girls with no medical education at all (sometimes even at home), who were given a diagram of the approximate location of injection points at seminars to obtain certain changes. Of course, the likelihood of getting certain complications, including edema, is much higher in the second case. Risk factors also include:

  • improper preparation of the face for the procedure and non-compliance with recommendations for skin care during the recovery period;
  • wrong choice of dosage (see also the article ""). A competent cosmetologist starts working with a new patient with a minimum amount of the injected drug: after evaluating the result and the individual reaction of the body, you can always inject a few more units, but if you get an overdose, nothing can be done, you have to wait several months until the effect of the already injected botulinum toxin weakens.

How can non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations affect the development of edema?

At least one day before the scheduled procedure, it will be necessary to refuse:

  • physical exertion and a long stay in an inclined position;
  • massage and other procedures in which you have to lie face down;
  • alcohol.

After the procedure, the doctor gives each patient an additional list of recommendations that must be followed. Very often, edema can appear precisely because of an underestimation of their importance or a misunderstanding between the doctor and the patient. For example, the ban on bending over extends not only to heavy physical labor, such as weeding garden beds, but also to simple activities such as trying on several pairs of shoes in a row, caring for pets when they are on the floor, etc. It would seem , an insignificant trifle, but it is precisely this that can cause problematic “side effects”, which you will then have to spend your time and money on fighting.

How to remove swelling after botulinum toxin injections?

Depending on whether swelling is the only complication in the patient or whether there are other adverse consequences, two options can be chosen:

  • purposefully eliminate the stagnation of lymph and blood;
  • develop a comprehensive program for the speedy restoration of normal muscle activity.

In the first case, diuretics and cosmetic procedures with a lymphatic drainage effect (both manual massage and hardware effects) are most effective. At the same time, in some patients, due to individual characteristics and body reactions to botulinum toxin, it is not possible to achieve complete muscle relaxation and eliminate wrinkles without causing edema. Such “lucky ones” will either have to stop using Botox, or sign up for a course of lymphatic drainage procedures immediately after the injections.

If, in addition to swelling, other side effects appear, such as ptosis of the upper eyelid, strabismus, drooping corners of the mouth, etc., it is necessary to block the activity of the drug by all available means and restore the mobility of facial muscles. For this, the best fit:

  • manual and hardware lymphatic drainage massage;
  • the use of succinic acid inside and in the form of injections into the problem area;
  • hot compresses and masks;
  • mesotherapy using drugs such as DMAE, rutin, artichoke, gibilan, green tea,;
  • the use of neuromedin and prozerin micropapularly at the injection points of Botox or Dysport;

Some forums recommend drinking alcohol when complications appear after Botox, supposedly it contributes to the rapid removal of the toxin. In fact, such a “method” only provokes the formation of new edema on the face, which can seriously aggravate the problem.

Expert opinion

cosmetologist-dermatologist, doctor of the highest category, DoctorPlastic clinic:

Edema after botulinum therapy does happen, although very rarely, mainly in people prone to this according to the structure of the face. However, when the procedure is performed by an experienced certified specialist in a good clinic, using proven products, this risk is reduced to almost zero.

If puffiness is concentrated between the eyebrows and / or a little on the upper eyelid, then this can be considered as a variant of the norm. With a high probability, everything will pass within 2 weeks without additional intervention. More difficult is the area around the eyes, where problems often arise due to an excess amount of the drug or incorrectly selected injection points. First of all, this is due to the peculiarity of retrobulbar fiber to attract water. With excessive relaxation of a certain portion of the circular muscle of the eye, hernias of the lower eyelids may appear more clearly, which visually looks like edema.

The fact is that before the procedure, the doctor must evaluate not only the depth of wrinkles, but also the presence of hernias, the severity of subcutaneous tissue, the activity of mimic muscles and other individual factors. And it happens that illiterate specialists carry out such an assessment incompletely or incorrectly, as a result, the patient does not get the result that he expected at all. In this case, you should not panic, as the restoration of muscle activity, the face will return to normal. If the patient is dissatisfied and does not want to wait for a gradual natural decrease in this effect, procedures can be performed that improve lymph flow and stimulate muscle activation, in this way the problem is usually solved very quickly.

What to do if there is a real swelling, and not the visual effect that we talked about above? Our body is designed in such a way that the lymph flow is activated when the muscles work. And when the muscle does not work, the lymph circulation also deteriorates. As I mentioned, this may be a variant of the norm, but if the swelling does not go away for a long time, then there are physiotherapy procedures that improve lymph flow and stimulate muscle activity.

In general, the botulinum toxin therapy procedure looks quite simple and less traumatic for the patient, however, it requires a serious knowledge of anatomy and physiology from the doctor. Therefore, we always urge women to turn to professionals, and not to trust "kitchen masters". In a decent clinic, the patient must at least sign an informed consent to the procedure, where the specialist also signs, and in addition, the injection points and dosage are marked on a special picture form.

We at DoctorPlastic are sometimes approached by patients who have had injections “in the apartment, at a private master” and have received some undesirable effect. To prescribe adequate physiotherapy, you need to know what and how exactly was done. Therefore, I advise patients to keep their own "diary", where they would write down when, where, in what quantity and what drugs were administered to them. In the event of unwanted side effects or, God forbid, complications, it will be much easier for us to prescribe treatment if we know the anamnesis (history) of the patient.

Dysport injections - reviews. We have collected the maximum selection of reviews on the drug Dysport. To leave your feedback, please use the comment form below.

Dysport professional preparation for the correction of mimic wrinkles. An analogue of the famous Botox, which was approved for use in the USA in 1989. Developed by the famous French pharmaceutical company Ipsen. It has been successfully used in Europe since the mid-90s, it was registered in Russia in 1999 and approved for use in cosmetology clinics to correct mimic wrinkles.

Masha. I have had both Botox injections and Dysport injections. There is no result at all. Cosmetologists told me that I fell into a rare category of people who are not affected by these drugs.

Angelina. I had a Dysport injection. The muscles of the forehead are frozen, a week after the procedure it looked like a person with down syndrome, my forehead slid down into my eyes, and I practically did not feel it. But then, within 6 months, absolute beauty. As a result, I am satisfied, if even the first week was normal, then this drug in the eyes of a woman after 30 would not have a price.

Irina. I had a Dysport injection in my forehead. The result is ambiguous. Even the smallest wrinkles disappeared on my face, but at the same time my friends told me that I became like a doll and my facial expressions almost disappeared. Girls, it's up to you to do it or not. I am personally satisfied.

Tamara. I did injections of Dysport three times, between the eyebrows and crow's feet near the eyes. The result is excellent, the facial expressions remained almost the same, although this scared me at first. The result of the first two injections lasted an average of 5 months. After the third, I do not reach 4 months. Perhaps the alcohol taken the day before affected.

Katia. I’ll make a reservation right away that I didn’t inject myself with Dysport, since I don’t have any noticeable problem areas on my face yet. But here I can tell you about two of my friends who experienced its effect on themselves. The result after is amazing, they looked younger at once for several years and without any side effects. With further need in the future, I will definitely make myself this "beauty injection".

Sergey. We have to inject this drug to our son, who has cerebral palsy. We are pleased with the results, the son began to straighten his leg at the knee, and also put it completely on the entire foot. The muscles relax well, although these injections are enough for less than half a year, I have to go to the clinic again.

Anna. I have been using Dysport and Botox for almost 10 years with short breaks. I tried it for the first time in 1999 (this year Dysport was certified in Russia). I can note a very good result of both drugs on me. Of course, during this long time there were several side effects. For example, in the second year, there were prolonged headaches after injections. A couple of times it happened that the drug did not give any effect at all. But as you probably understood, everything suits me.

Mila I made myself an injection of dysport in my forehead at the age of 27, a good result lasted about 4 months, but most importantly, during this time I learned not to frown, I don’t plan to do new injections in the near future, I hope my review helped someone.

Place on your resource or in LiveJournal:

On any forum in your message:

I’ve been doing dysport for the third year (I’m 54), I’m very satisfied, I have a doctor from God, a little expensive, but.

Good afternoon. Please tell me who and where in Kazan did this procedure.

Good evening. I did a dysport and a gel in the upper lip with a tattoo (I'm 41 years old). There are no wrinkles, but there are no eyes either (they have become terribly small, I don't like myself). The second month has gone. If it were fashionable to change everything, I would never do anything with my face except for a massage. My friends say that I was beautiful with wrinkles, but now you don’t understand what. It's embarrassing to go out in front of people, but it's necessary. I overpower my shame and once every other time I hear from people - what is the matter with me, am I sick, why is it so swollen that with my eyes. I laugh it off, but in general - flour. Think a hundred times before doing anything.

My Botox on my forehead is two weeks old. I observe very unpleasant sensations of tightness and numbness of the face, heavy eyelids. Outwardly, the forehead smoothed out, but the expression on the face is gloomy. I'm upset. The doctor says that soon the discomfort will pass and everything will be fine. Oh, I'm waiting.

Did Dysport between the eyebrows and forehead! I do not like it, the upper eyelids have become heavy. When you smile, your cheeks get bigger! Puffy eyes in the morning

I did Dysport exactly a week ago. I was satisfied with the result. One thing, but, all week I have been walking with bruises on one side of the nasolabial fold. Apparently asymmetric folds and one of them is deeper. health and skin. My skin is good, but dry. It is excellent for my age. But I have been doing it for 25 years. And if there was no care, then I think the result will not be very good.

I injected Dysport for the first time after much persuasion from a cosmetologist friend. The forehead is even and very heavy, sand in the eyes, she suffered from ptosis, now I can’t lift my eyelids at all - 10 days have passed. Said to drink decongestant, nekuzheli nothing will change? She said after 14 days you will be a beauty))) I will not inject anymore - I will become a freak of my own free will.

Who has problems after injections, running to the sauna, after high temperatures everything quickly resolves, tested on myself.

I did dysport 85 units 6 days ago. I got to the master class and did it for 5,400, the doctor from God explained to me where and how to inject correctly. there was not a single bruise, that day I got to my birthday and I had to drink a lot, dysport got up as usual. today is the 6th day of not a single wrinkle, my forehead is smooth, although I did it on my forehead for the first time, one wrinkle was very deep now it is gone, nothing swelled up and did not fall on my eyes, an excellent result.

I am 50. I did Dysport between the eyebrows, “crow's feet”. I regretted it very much - I had terrible bags under my eyes. I thought I would be younger, I have grown old by 10 years. Neither lymphatic drainage nor hyaluronic acid help! Be very careful

Good day. I am 29 years old, facial expressions are average. I injected dysport 65 units on March 7, today is 11, the result is already noticeable. The facial expressions have not completely disappeared, but I feel that the frown has ceased, and the wrinkles on the forehead have smoothed out a little. Satisfied with the result.

I am 30. Did 119 units of dysport. Of all the procedures that I did (meso, idebae, massages, biorevitalization) - this is the most effective. Small first wrinkles on the forehead, creases on the bridge of the nose were smoothed out, facial expressions remained alive, eyebrows rose slightly. In general, I'm satisfied.

I'm 40 years old. I did Dysport for the first time this year. They filled deep creases on the forehead and between the eyebrows - they took it very well. There were also eyes - here is an annoyance, it's been a month now, and the swelling under one eye does not subside. And the trammel does not help. Previously, there was only nasolabial hyaluronic acid and meso. Apparently, an individual reaction is not excluded, now I'm waiting for my eyes to resolve (action), next time I'll do only the forehead and between the eyebrows. With eyes probably only blepharoplasty - and how lucky.

I will never do dysport again in my life, a friend advised. The look has changed, swelling under the eyes, I can’t go outside, I wanted to look younger, I’m 10 years older. I’m waiting for it to pass, a month has passed, I’m treating with microcurrents so that it resolves faster. Think a thousand times before doing this procedure and then walking around as a “beauty” with crooked eyes.

And I was in the Dolce Estate at the Park of Culture. The same "parsley". Dysport did not "take". Made 180 units. I waited 2 weeks - the result is zero. Came with a claim, I was offered to add 100 units. Not free, of course. Fine? From now on, I will only follow recommendations.

Girls, I specifically go only to famous doctors. I like it a lot in Dressing Room. There, a doctor, really from God, works with actresses. which is very important. will not sculpt hack-work. The prices on their website are inflated, but very often promotions are held. I did a month ago for 84 rubles. There is also an excellent doctor in Krylatsky, a guy. Who cares - I'll write.

Week later. The muscles on the forehead hurt, which now have to work, the feeling of a plate under the skin. The face is alien, it is impossible to express normal human emotions. Tired for a week, all irritated. Let natural wrinkles adorn my face, I won’t go to the clinic anymore.

I was a month ago at the Este clinic on Taganka. Money down the drain. They did Dysport on the forehead, eyes, between the eyebrows 230 units, after 2 weeks I made a correction. Another 40 units. A month has passed - the dysport has evaporated. I don’t know from which “G” that dysport was made: (((((

I gave Dysport injections a little over a week ago, a day later my eyelids and forehead swelled up, my eyes failed, now I am undergoing a course of lymphatic drainage massage. The look is dull, there is no spark in the eyes. I don’t dissuade anyone and I don’t call anyone, everything is very individual. But, I will never do it myself, I count the days when the action will pass. Here, someone wants it to last longer, but I dream that it will go away as soon as possible. I'm sorry. Itself same for their money has made ugliness!

Dysport is injected into the upper lip to remove purse-string wrinkles. True, at first tea will pour out of the mouth, then nothing. Eyes swell after Dysport because it collects water on itself - drink less at night. Eyebrows, on the contrary, should rise - if they lowered, then they pricked in the wrong place. Horizontal wrinkles under the eyes - talk to the doctor, in this case they inject a little differently - I don’t remember whether the dose is reduced, or not all the points. It was like that for me too. And it was that he did not get up. I have been Kolya for at least 5 years, 2 times a year, and I am not going to refuse, I started with microdoses. I'm not going to refuse, only if I change the drug.

The most common occurrence after cosmetic procedures on the face is considered swelling of the eyelids. Sometimes this can be a sign of the norm.

But if swelling does not subside for a long time after the procedures and brings significant discomfort, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist.

Eyelid swelling symptoms

  1. Swelling and enlargement century in volume.
  2. Upper eyelid hanging over the eye, lower - forms a visually noticeable "bag" under the eye.
  3. The skin of the eyelid is stretched but there is no pain on palpation.
  4. Allergic edema may be accompanied by severe itching, burning, tingling in the eyes.
  5. Place of edema changes its color from pronounced red to bluish hue, pallor of the skin is rarely observed.
  6. With severe swelling ocular slit shrinks, sometimes it closes completely and the person loses the ability to see.

Why is the upper or lower eyelid swollen after cosmetic procedures

The thinnest and most sensitive skin on the face is the area around the eye. Exposure to this area can lead to swelling. In order not to get a side effect in the form of eyelid edema instead of the desired beauty, you need to know about the consequences of certain cosmetic manipulations.

Botox injections

The essence of the procedure - with the help of a syringe and a very thin needle, a certain amount of the drug is injected into the forehead, bridge of the nose and corners of the eyes, which immobilizes muscles, thereby eliminating wrinkles.

Before the injection, the skin is locally anesthetized with a gel, after the injection, the specialist evenly distributes Botox under the skin with light massaging movements.

Causes of edema

Norm- this is when swelling occurs immediately after the procedure. Decreases during the first day and Two days later disappears completely. This is how the body reacts to mechanical impact (injection) and a foreign body (Botox) under the skin.

Pathology- this is when the swelling persists more than two days and does not decrease, or when it occurs on day 5-6, after the procedure. This condition indicates:

  • on the physiological tendency to edema;
  • for the presence of certain diseases (liver, kidneys, blood vessels, heart, and so on);
  • to failure of blood and lymph circulation;
  • on weak skin turgor and low elasticity;
  • to the wrong place, depth of administration and dosage of the drug, its uneven distribution under the skin (low professionalism of the specialist);
  • to an allergic reaction of the body to the protein.

Important! The cause of severe swelling of the eyelids after Botox injections can be the intake of alcoholic beverages of any strength. 5 days before and 7 days after the procedure.

Methods of treatment

If edema occurs, you should consult a specialist who performed a cosmetic procedure, or consult a doctor at a medical institution.

If puffiness is recognized as pathological and the cause of this phenomenon is established, Your doctor may recommend the following procedures:

  1. Manual or machine lymphatic drainage.
  2. Infusions and decoctions of diuretic herbs for oral administration (lingonberry, mint, nettle, hops, saffron, and so on).
  3. Medicines that accelerate the breakdown of Botox and remove excess fluid from the body.
  4. Warm compresses that relieve swelling (potatoes, parsley, and so on).

eyelash extension

The essence of the procedure - with the help of special tools, a small amount of glue is applied to the eyelid, between the eyelashes and an artificial eyelash is fixed. This increases the volume and length of your own eyelashes.

Causes of edema

Norm light, slight redness and swelling, more like the effect of tearful eyes, occurs immediately after the procedure and disappears completely during the first days. This is the body's reaction to the master's manipulations and getting used to a foreign body (artificial eyelashes and glue).

Photo 1. Edema of the eyes after eyelash extensions. There is severe redness of the upper eyelids.

Pathology- severe swelling, redness, burning sensation, itching and sensation of a foreign body in the eyes, indicates things like:

  • allergic reaction to glue and material of artificial eyelashes;
  • mechanical damage to the skin with infection.

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Methods of treatment

Ways to eliminate puffiness:

  1. Urgently contact an ophthalmologist.
  2. Remove glue and artificial eyelashes.
  3. Take antihistamines ( Suprastin, Zodak etc.), which relieve allergic manifestations.
  4. Do cold compresses(decoction of chamomile, mint and lemon balm, gruel from parsley root or raw potatoes).

Attention! With improper treatment, allergic edema can provoke partial loss of vision. Do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor immediately. All measures to eliminate edema must be agreed with the ophthalmologist without fail.


The essence of the operation is under anesthesia, the surgeon makes thin slits on the eyelids(upper, lower or simultaneously on both), removes excess skin, part of the circular muscle and subcutaneous tissue, then gently stitches the wound. This is how age-related changes are removed: wrinkles, drooping eyelids, and the face is rejuvenated.

Photo 2. Condition of the eyelids after blepharoplasty: there is severe swelling and redness in the area of ​​the sutures.

Causes of edema

Norm- after surgery in 95% cases, swelling immediately occurs, which lasts 3-4 days and then starts to drop. Complete healing of wounds and disappearance of edema continues 7 to 14 days.

Pathology it's the puffiness that lasts over 14 days. In this case, you should consult a doctor to find out the sources of prolonged swelling and recommendations for treatment.

The reasons pathological swelling:

  • Hematoma- during the operation, a vessel was damaged, and blood accumulated under the skin.
  • Wound infection. Painful sensations appear, the skin acquires a pronounced red tint and “burns”, the clarity of vision is disturbed, the picture is blurry, sometimes it doubles.
  • Cyst formation. Hollow formations appear along the seam lines, which are gradually filled with liquid, the eyelid increases, persistent swelling appears.

Methods of treatment period from 4 to 14 days after surgery

All methods of elimination of puffiness after blepharoplasty are applied strictly in consultation with the surgeon supervising the procedure itself and the rehabilitation period.

  1. Medications- These are ointments and creams, the action of which is aimed at eliminating edema ( Locoid, Lyoton and so on).
  2. Cosmetics improve metabolic processes in the skin, promote the speedy healing of wounds (retinol cream, caffeine gel, and so on).
  3. Folk methods- compresses and decoctions reduce swelling (decoction of chamomile and mint, gruel from fresh potatoes and parsley root, and so on).

What to do to reduce puffiness

Edema of the eyelids is a normal physiological reaction of the body to external influences. In order to reduce tissue swelling after any cosmetic manipulation

Botulinum toxin injections are already a common procedure, but they are not as harmless as many people think. Do not forget that this is a toxic substance that paralyzes the muscles, thus preventing the appearance or intensification of wrinkles. Sometimes its action can negatively affect the injection site or even beyond. However, clients of beauty salons are not always aware of the consequences of Botox injections.

Read in this article

Complications due to doctors

Side effects from the administration of the drug occur due to incorrect actions of the cosmetologist, the client himself, and sometimes due to the individual characteristics of the body.

To date, world leaders in the production of botulinum toxin-based products, such as Allergan and Ipsen, keep a statistical record of the likelihood and severity of negative consequences in patients.

Where is Botox injected and how many units are needed

As a result, no really terrible complications have been identified so far that could threaten the life and health of clients. But, at the same time, even some problems after the procedure can overshadow the expectations of the transformation and the appearance of a woman for three to five months.

Most often, there are complications from Botox injections due to the fault of the doctor, so the choice of a highly qualified specialist is very important. Less problematic side effects include the following:

  • swelling,
  • bruises,
  • redness,
  • bruising.

As a rule, they are caused by unprofessional actions of the doctor, are considered a temporary phenomenon and disappear within a few days on their own.

In addition, errors occur in the implementation of Botox and Dysport injections, which have more unpleasant and serious consequences. If the proportions of the drug are not observed in the client, the effect of the procedure may be weakly expressed, that is, the muscles continue to work. Otherwise, they are blocked too much, so that facial expressions are completely absent, a so-called "mask" appears.

With an incorrectly selected dose for a specific zone, muscle relaxation may not occur., and wrinkles remain in place, and their complete paralysis happens, which leads to:

  • facial asymmetry;
  • drooping of the forehead and brow arches (a sad and tired grimace appears).

Erroneous actions on the part of the doctor when Botox is injected into an area not intended for these procedures manifest themselves in the following problems:

  • swelling in the upper part of the face;
  • difficulty in articulation and speech impairment;
  • difficulty in eating and controlling the muscles of the mouth (if the drug was administered to eliminate nasolabial folds).

But do not be afraid and finally refuse Botox injections. All of the above complications occur no more than 2 - 10% of all procedures. In addition, preparations based on this substance have been used in medicine and cosmetology for more than 60 years. And there were no life-threatening complications.

Therefore, in order to avoid these troubles, it is necessary to approach the choice of a specialist and a clinic seriously and thoroughly. Botulinum toxin injections are not a cosmetic procedure, but a medical one. The doctor must have the appropriate education, have certificates and permits for the right to engage in this activity.

Patient errors

Sometimes the client is to blame for the complications. A person may be inattentive and frivolous about the recommendations for rehabilitation after the procedure. Such factors lead to the diffusion of Botox:

  • heating of injection sites;
  • friction and massage;
  • parallel intake of alcoholic beverages;
  • taking various antibiotics (macrolytes), some other drugs (relaxing for the central and peripheral systems, aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, polymexins);
  • wrong position of the face.

It spreads beyond the treated muscles, causing asymmetry, ptosis, edema, partial paralysis. In addition, in this case, the effect of the procedure lasts much less.

To reduce the risk of complications after Botox, it is important to be as frank as possible with a cosmetic doctor. At the preliminary consultation, the patient must inform about the medications that he is currently taking, about the day of the menstrual cycle, and allergies to various medications.

As a rule, doctors warn that immediately after the Botox procedure, one should not take a horizontal position, engage in active physical activity, rub, massage, and generally once again touch the face and injection sites.

After Botox injection site hurts

If, after the introduction of Botox, the injection site hurts in the first 1-2 days after the procedure, then this is just a natural reaction of the body to outside interference. Pain at the injection site is present in those people whose skin is overly sensitive.

The pain resolves on its own, but a doctor may recommend a short-term pain reliever such as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen.

Sore forehead after Botox

The forehead after Botox injections can hurt for several days, and if you are not additionally disturbed by fever, reddening of the skin, itching, then you do not need to see a doctor. Most likely, muscles react to temporary paralysis with such unpleasant sensations.

The pain may be accompanied by a feeling of aches, heaviness in the region of the bridge of the nose and "in the depths" of the skull. Discomfort can disturb for 1-2 days or for 10 days - it all depends on the correctness of the manipulation, the amount of botulinum toxin injected, the level of the immune system.

headache after botox

After Botox injections, complaints of a steady, dull headache are often received.- cosmetologists consider this a normal phenomenon and explain it as follows:

  • The reaction of the body to injections. Damage to the skin with a high probability of involving nerve endings and walls of blood vessels in injury is the reason for the occurrence of local and not too intense headaches. They pass on their own after 3 days maximum.
  • Botox intolerance. This is recorded very rarely, more often an inadequate reaction of the body occurs to the anesthetic cream, which is used to treat the face before injections. Headache in this case is accompanied by fluctuations in blood pressure (often it rises), general weakness. Medical assistance is required because prescriptions for antihistamines and duration of therapy will need to be obtained.
  • Too much muscle tension. Occurs when a large dose of botulinum toxin is injected - muscle fibers have to be strained more than usual. This leads to a severe headache that "gives" to the eyes. The discomfort lasts for several days or weeks until the muscles get used to the new working conditions.

Mechanism of action of Botox

A headache after Botox may appear against the background of an incorrect rehabilitation period - for example, the patient drank alcoholic beverages immediately after injections, or there were other violations.

Bruises after Botox under the eyes

Bruising under the eyes after Botox is considered a side effect of injections, but its appearance can be prevented:

  • 5 days before the scheduled date of the procedure, you need to stop taking any medications that thin the blood. These include Ibuprofen, Aspirin.
  • Bruising can occur when taking vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, and eating garlic in large quantities. These products are excluded from the diet at least 10 days before the introduction of Botox.
  • Immediately before the procedure, it is worth cooling the face as much as possible. To do this, 10 minutes before the start of the manipulation, cold is applied to it - ice, compresses.
  • Immediately after the injection, you need to strongly press your finger in this place, press it on the skin. But this method will "work" as a prophylaxis of bruises only in the first 1-2 minutes after the injection, later this is unacceptable.

Formed bruises under the eyes can last up to 3-5 days, after which they disappear on their own. You can speed up this process by applying creams, ointments with badyaga in the composition to problem areas.

Eye twitching after botox

If the eye twitches after Botox, then damage to the nerve ending may be the reason for this. This happens with experienced doctors, because the manipulation is performed blindly. The victim needs to contact a neurologist or an ophthalmologist with a problem, who will prescribe therapy - taking vitamins, potassium and magnesium in combination.

Often, eyelid twitching disappears after a 2-3 day recovery period, but if it persists for 5 or more days, then medical attention will be needed.

Consequences of Botox injections between the eyebrows

Botox injections between the eyebrows are considered the most popular in aesthetic cosmetology, but their consequences can be unpleasant and serious:

  • violation of facial asymmetry;
  • omission of low-set eyebrows;
  • a sharp rise in the "tail" of the eyebrow.

If the patient has previously had an eyebrow tattoo, then after injections into the indicated area, you can see a discrepancy between the normal location of the eyebrows and their drawn analogues.

If Botox injections hit a nerve

If Botox injections hit a nerve, the consequences may be as follows:

  • the eye begins to twitch, namely the upper or lower eyelid - it depends on which nerve the doctor got into;
  • the face becomes distorted.

The problem is solved by visiting a neurologist, who will determine the degree of nerve damage and prescribe adequate therapy to restore health.

If the procedure was performed correctly, then this is simply impossible - the doctor must perfectly know the human anatomy and understand where the nerves pass. Injections can only affect those nerves that are located close to the dermis - facial, trigeminal. The optic is located very deep, so it is not damaged.

Swelling of the bridge of the nose after Botox

Swelling of the bridge of the nose after Botox is a guaranteed side effect if the drug is injected between the eyebrows or forehead. It is considered normal if it persists for 3 days and then gradually fades away. You can speed up the process of getting rid of puffiness in the nose area by the following actions:

  • drink a lot of liquid such as a decoction of rose hips or hawthorn;
  • use Furosemide - 1 tablet 2 times a day for three days;
  • apply warm compresses to the problem area - they are made on a decoction of chamomile flowers.

Bumps after Botox injections

The resulting bump after Botox injections disappears in just a few minutes, it lasts a maximum of 24 hours. The reasons are as follows:

  • incorrectly chosen injection depth - Botox is injected superficially or too deeply;
  • the dose for one injection is too low;
  • the drug is of low quality.

Doctors often specifically take a low dosage of Botox for injection, because they cannot predict the reaction of the patient's body to the drug.

If the formation of a bump is associated with a low-quality drug, then the formation will not disappear on its own - you will either need to wait for the expiration of Botox (6-7 months), or conduct a course of drug therapy with succinic acid.

It is strictly forbidden to independently carry out massage or some other procedures to eliminate the side effect in question. This can provoke an uneven distribution of the drug and the appearance of drooping parts of the face.

Itchy forehead after botox

If the forehead itches after Botox, then this is an allergic reaction to the injection. We are talking about damage to the skin and healing of the wound - itching can persist for 1-2 days, after which it disappears without the use of drugs.

Itching with burning, small rashes, redness of the skin on the forehead is a sign of a general allergic reaction to the drug or an inflammatory process. Only a doctor can solve such problems, because it will be necessary to undergo a course of drug therapy.

Eyebrow asymmetry after Botox

Eyebrow asymmetry after Botox can occur due to the wrong dose of botulinum toxin, the wrong choice of injection site, and the use of a low-quality drug. The problem is solved with the help of special eye drops or additional injections with the same drug that was used for the first time. Such injections are made in the area of ​​the upper eyelid, which ensures the full opening of the eye and the alignment of the eyebrow in relation to the other.

You can avoid the development of such a side effect by strictly observing the rules of the recovery period, if it is not related to the quality of the drug and the experience of the cosmetologist.

dent after botox

The formation of a dent after Botox is the result of an unsuccessful procedure. The reasons for this effect may be:

  • incorrectly chosen injection site - Botox paralyzes one muscle, and the one next to it simply relaxes as much as possible;
  • the introduction of too much drug;
  • violation of the rules of the rehabilitation period - sleeping with your face in a pillow, massage, exposure to the body with high air temperatures.

Often, a dent is the result of increased work of facial muscles, which were practically not involved before the injections. After the injection, it is difficult for a person to frown, smile, frown due to paralysis of the main motor muscles. Other, less active fibers begin to be involved, and when they come to the right tone, dents can form.

Nausea after Botox

Nausea, headache, weakness and fever are side effects after Botox injections, which are considered normal and are recorded in 10% of all manipulations. Thus, the body reacts to the introduction of a toxin into it, but within a maximum of 48 hours the patient's well-being is restored.

If nausea is of great concern, then these days you can abandon your usual diet and drinks, giving preference to natural fermented milk products (sour cream, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese) and clean water with lemon juice added to it.

Reaction to Botox

In most cases, the body's response to Botox is assessed as adequate, but in some cases, the appearance of:

  • Swelling of the tongue, throat, small red rashes on the face, breathing problems - this is an allergy. It is required to immediately take an antihistamine drug (anti-allergic Tavegil, Suprastin, Zodak and the like) and call an ambulance team - cases of rapid development of anaphylactic shock to botulinum toxin have been recorded.
  • Symptoms identical to the flu - fever, aches and weakness, pain when touching the injection site. They are considered normal safe side effects that disappear on their own 2-3 days after the manipulation.
  • Signs of exacerbation of infectious diseases occurring in a chronic form. An “outbreak” of herpes is especially often noted, and if, with a history of such a disease, after Botox, acne and ulcers appear at the injection sites, then you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

Watch this video about the effects of Botox:

Side effects after injections in the forehead, eyes

Especially negative complications occur with Botox injections in the upper part of the face. If in some cases the asymmetry and the “mask” are not so noticeable, then the side effects in the eyes and forehead can cause serious problems and difficulties in daily activities. Aesthetic complications are as follows:

  • Upper eyelid drooping or ptosis. If the dose of the drug was exceeded in this area, the muscles will be so relaxed that it will be impossible to open the eye. This side effect occurs in no more than 1% of cases. The degree of severity depends on how inaccurately the drug was administered, as well as how the muscles of the left and right half of the face are developed.

Drooping of the upper eyelid leading to facial asymmetry
  • Double vision in the eyes. It happens that Botox penetrates deeper than the muscles, and paralyzes the oculomotor muscles. The image is not synced. But this effect is extremely rare. It is caused by too much dose or proximity to the border of the orbit of the eye.
  • Omission of the eyebrows. An excessive amount of Botox causes a strong relaxation of the muscles of the forehead, so that it seems to “crawl” over the eyes.

About the complications after Botox injections and how to solve them, see this video:

Treatment of possible complications

However, all of the above side effects are temporary, as the action of botulinum toxin is limited. As a rule, injections are repeated after six months. Accordingly, all complications disappear after 4-6 months, when the effect weakens.

When bruising, bruising, there is no special treatment, but in order to prevent their occurrence, a couple of weeks before botulinum therapy, you should drink a course of drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Sometimes, even with the professional actions of a doctor, botulinum toxin can enter the body and cause such troubles as:

  • slight headaches or dizziness;
  • symptoms like flu or SARS;
  • temperature rise;
  • nausea;
  • general lethargy and weakness;
  • gastrointestinal disorder.

As a rule, all these phenomena pass on their own, but with especially unpleasant sensations, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Often during the first seven days, various viral and bacterial infections, such as herpes, can worsen. In this case, it is worth informing the cosmetologist who performed the procedure about this and undergoing conventional therapy, that is, treating the affected area with special means.

There are also cases when, with subsequent injections of Botox, the body does not react, and muscle relaxation does not occur. The fact is that immunity against this toxin can be produced. Then you need to look for other ways to deal with wrinkles. Increasing the dose can provoke a general intoxication of the body.

Side effects such as swelling, strabismus, droopy eyelids and corners of the mouth are treated with a series of procedures. Namely:

    massage of problem areas;

    taking diuretics;

    succinic acid injections;

    hot compresses and masks.

All of them are aimed at neutralizing and reducing the effect of Botox.

In the event of a severe allergic reaction (itching, redness, difficulty breathing), you should immediately take an antihistamine and call an ambulance. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock can occur.

When does the swelling go away after Botox?

If swelling after Botox is a natural reaction of the body to the drug, then it will last only the first 24 hours, and on the second day it will become less pronounced and will completely disappear by the end of 3 days. The problem should begin to bother if:

  • swelling does not become less intense for 4 and subsequent days;
  • swelling appears a week after the manipulation;
  • in addition, drooping of the eyelids (ptosis) is observed, complaints of pain at the injection sites are received.

Watch this video on how to get rid of swelling after Botox:

Botox Antidote

The only direct antidote to Botox is dimethylethanolamine (DMAE). This substance has the opposite effect, provides increased production of acetylcholine in muscle fibers, due to which the latter begin to actively contract.

Dimethylethanolamine is often included in meso-cocktails, which are injected directly into the muscles, tone them. If patients underwent a rejuvenation procedure with DMAE 6-8 months before Botox injections, then the result of a new manipulation may either be completely absent or unpredictable.

Dimethylethanolamine (DMAE)

Apraclonidine after Botox

Apraclonidine are eye drops that are used to combat side effects after Botox injections. We are talking about the omission of the eyelid, which is often observed when performing injections in the eyes and forehead. The reason for this effect is most often improper manipulation - the doctor incorrectly calculated the dosage, injected the drug too deeply, and nerve endings were damaged during the injection.

Drops are applied daily 2 times, in addition, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy, meso-cocktails with Botox antidote. Such an integrated approach allows you to raise the lowered eyelid by at least 2 mm.

How to Neutralize Botox

Botox cannot be removed from the body, pumped out or dissolved, but it is quite possible to neutralize its effect with medication using dimethylethanolamine (DMAE) or using methods “forbidden” after the procedure: visit a bathhouse, sauna, actively play sports, perform daily facial massage.

If the changes in appearance are cardinal (drooping of the eyelid, displacement of part of the face down or to the side), then you should consult a doctor - he will select a drug therapy that will restore the appearance of a person in a short time.

How to Fix Bad Botox

It is possible to correct unsuccessful Botox only in clinical conditions - doctors will inject an antidote, which contributes to the rapid removal of botulinum toxin from the body. But most often, after an unsuccessful procedure, patients just have to wait - the effect of the drug persists for up to 6 months.

  • relaxes muscle fibers;
  • restores the ability of muscles to contract.
  • What does it feel like after Botox?

    Immediately after the introduction of Botox, patients describe their sensations in almost the same way:

    • there is a feeling of stiffness of the face - as if it is very cold;
    • it is problematic to perform the simplest movement of facial muscles - smile, frown;
    • there is a feeling of "bloatness" of the face.

    These sensations do not pose a danger to health and appearance, they disappear as the body gets used to new working conditions - the muscles become more mobile, the tension in the skin subsides.

    What happens if Botox gets into the blood

    If Botox gets into the blood, then nothing terrible or critical will happen. Yes, the drug contains a toxin, a poison, but to kill a person, it must be injected directly into the bloodstream (into a vein) in the amount of several hundred vials at once. This amount of Botox is not stored in any clinic, and the drug is not administered intravenously under any circumstances.

    When a minimal amount of Botox enters the bloodstream, the maximum that can happen is the formation of a bruise, which is associated only with damage to the vessel wall.

    Complications caused by Botox injections are temporary and do not cause serious harm to health. Many side effects disappear in the first days, and more pronounced - along with the cessation of the action of the toxin. But all of them can significantly affect the appearance immediately after the procedure and for almost six months. To avoid such troubles, it is important to carefully choose a specialist and follow all the rules of rehabilitation.

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