Cancer (woman): characteristics of the sign, external features, career and family. The perfect match for cancer

If you met a mysterious woman, calm, dreamy, good-natured and open, but a little unpredictable - you have a Cancer woman in front of you.

Next to her

A gentle and non-conflict Cancer woman is very romantic. She lives for love and gives herself to feeling entirely. She knows how to love, be faithful and devoted, the Cancer woman is not jealous, does not fight for primacy or equality with men, does not press and is very comfortable in relationships, but only with those who understand and appreciate her.

In love, a Cancer woman needs a lot of attention and does not tolerate loneliness. She constantly needs proof that she is remembered and loved.

In bed, this modest and sweet girl can become a real lioness, who knows no boundaries and prohibitions. Representatives of this zodiac sign love sensual pleasures, relaxed and inventive.

The Cancer Woman is made for married life. She is an ideal hostess, wife and mother, her house is clean and comfortable, guests do not want to leave, and everyone is surprised how she manages to run the house so brilliantly, create incredible energy of warmth in the house and maintain harmony in marriage.

Who will she stay with?

Cancer Woman is very distrustful, in no hurry to become attached and open her soul. She will be able to be friends with representatives of all signs without exception, but she will build relationships only with the chosen ones.

1. so unlike her! Aries is a practical sign of the zodiac, self-confident and careless. Aries is looking for her own kind, and the Cancer woman is waiting for a completely different man. Compatibility is very low.

2. It's hard to find two signs as similar as Taurus and Cancer. Taurus is calm, respects and appreciates women, is set up for stable relationships and trust. They will be fine together both in bed and in communication. Compatibility is high.

5. According to the horoscope, Leo is a conqueror and leader, and at first it may seem like a Leo man is not suitable for her. But Leo will be a good match for Cancer. Leo is looking for just such a person, he will be able to conquer her and become her "soul mate". They are different, but the characterization of the couple is very promising.

6. Virgo is the perfect sign for Cancer. Virgo is the keeper of the hearth, he is romantic and calm, this is who she is looking for. These two signs have excellent compatibility.

7. Libra, like Cancer, is thoughtful, cautious and mysterious, does not rush into adventures. Libra is a good option for Cancer, there is compatibility between them, but there may be misunderstandings.

8. Scorpio is a fatal man for a romantic Cancer girl. Scorpio is bright, he is like a shake-up, he will conquer and tie her to him. This couple has a complex characteristic: she can become attached to him, but will he be interested in her?

9. Sagittarius seeks adventure and brightness, lives for emotions and impressions. Sagittarius is unrestrained and risky, he will not sit at home. These two signs have different values, their compatibility is unlikely.

10. If there is an ideal relationship between two signs, then this is about a couple of Cancer woman and. Excellent compatibility, ideal characteristics, harmony and happiness - two signs created to be together.

11. Aquarius is too unpredictable for a Cancer woman. Aquarius loves adventure, is fickle and freedom-loving, lives for today and promises nothing. And the Cancer woman needs reliability. A bad characteristic, such relationships are pleasant only in the first period.

12. Pisces, like Cancer, are dreamers, live in fantasy, they are romantic and creative. Partners will understand each other, and if Cancer and Pisces meet and fall in love, then forever.

What year was she born?

A broader description of this woman will be given by the eastern horoscope.

  • Rat-Cancer is a true friend, she will not betray, she is very honest and calls a spade a spade. Smart, reliable, does not tolerate loneliness, thoughtful and silent.
  • The bull is a firm but slow sign. She is reliable, but does not know how to cope with difficulties, does not take risks and avoids conflicts.
  • Tiger Cancer is a domestic cat. Soft, smart, loves pleasure and is very emotional. She cannot live without friends, she is modest, but resourceful, has a high creative potential and is very original. Can achieve a lot in life.
  • The cat is a real gem. This lady is soft, fluffy, gentle and relaxed, loves affection, care, just purrs. She does not strain, does not fight and does not compete, she is created for pleasure, does not like noise and screams.
  • The dragon is a dreamer. This woman builds castles in the air, an incredible dreamer and inventor. She loves to dream, but at the same time she knows how to achieve dreams, she is quite brave, although she is not inclined to risk and dangerous adventures.
  • Cancer is already a cautious sign, and the Snake enhances these qualities. Smart, prudent, looking for workarounds, very original and has a fantastic intuition. Silent, mysterious and attractive, like a witch.

  • The horse is an interesting and harmonious personality. Not an upstart, but always in the spotlight. Kind, brave, but calm and reasonable. Independent, learns a lot by herself and knows how to achieve goals.
  • The goat is contradictory itself. Coquettish and at the same time modest, resolute and timid, capricious and soft, everything in her combines in an amazing way. She is a mystery to men, it is difficult to understand her, but this woman captivates.
  • The monkey is smart, cunning and original. Knows how to come up with a cunning plan and get around everyone, an excellent entrepreneur, independent and capable.
  • Rooster is straightforwardness and courage. He says what he thinks, does not play and does not deceive, loves justice in everything.
  • The dog is a true friend, loyal, brave and very kind. Appreciates high ideals and qualities, always ready to help and protect, you can rely on her.
  • The pig is kindness and cordiality. This is a wonderful friend, wife and mistress, she knows how to forgive, reconcile enemies, anxiety goes away with her and her mood rises. He will find a common language even with very difficult people.
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    Almost everything is on point, but jealousy, I can’t say about it ... Married to a virgin, 17 years together, but since the horoscope describes it all differently, I have never been jealous, I don’t even know what it is ... Life is not easy, always I adapt to everyone and make it so easy and convenient for everyone, I easily forget insults no matter what happens, believe me it’s not easy and there is always an imprint on my soul, almost everything has gone from simple scolding, hand-to-hand combat and betrayal (on his part), and does not feel not even asking for forgiveness, he expects love and affection from me. But as they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger... Over time, I really became a bitch, I live for myself, I do as I please and take care of myself, but I don’t forget that I have a family and children and, of course, about my obligations! Of course, it’s all not in his nose now, but what should he do, he himself made me like that. Tired of crying and hoping for something better and everything will be fine TIRED!

    I myself am a Cancer, somehow it is very well written about us. I am jealous and uncompromising and touchy. But all this was pushed into the background when there were men in whom I fell in love, so to speak (from the bottom of my heart). And then I forgave them everything. And they twisted the ropes out of me, I'm ashamed to say. Years passed, I grew wiser, became a bitch. And I didn’t need anyone, because they are all in front of me, like an open book. Lost interest. And sex became just entertainment. And the men in whom you do not show interest, on the contrary, began to simply try to get my attention. And it was worth belittling yourself for the sake of "beloved", and everything would be, what did I achieve so much? Ah, youth! Girls, love yourself. Men are not worth our tears. Don't waste precious time like me to figure it out. And then they will be at your feet. Although, of course, there is love somewhere in the world, and mutual, and I wish the very best to such people. Cherish this feeling.


    I am a Cancer girl. 1. There was a scorpio man, very caring, financially generous, he gave flowers every week, took him to the cinema, there were no quarrels. I also responded with kindness. But over time, I broke up with him, because. We saw each other once a week, lived in different cities and studied in different cities. Over time, he began to meet with my girlfriend Capricorn, with her he opened up on the other side, there was no such awe as for me, and I realized that he was still a liar ... During sex, I always cried, why I don’t know ... 2. There was Aquarius, they were together for 3 years, for 3 years constant discontent, nervousness on his part, 1.5 years of relationship during quarrels, he constantly raised his hand, and insults always flew at me during quarrels. Reconciliation has always been sex. Very passionate and bright. for the first year and a half, I treated him with trepidation, even went to reconciliation, came. Then my patience began to wane. And the rest of the year we switched places. I was indifferent to everything, I thought, "When we part." On the contrary, he became calmer and more reserved. Then my vessel of patience just burst. I left for a month in another city, just not to put up with him. I am a very resourceful person, and I quickly forget everything ... But after half a year I began to understand its advantages. He is reliable, stable, she was behind him like behind a stone wall, they were always together, they did everything together. 3. There was a fish guy, very kind, never allowed me to say a bad word about me, but was very unstable. For 3 months, since they lived with him, he did not work, lived in dreams, waited for some kind of mega cool fort option with a job, lost in tanks. Separated due to financial situation. I wanted an excellent independent life, but I myself sat on the couch and at the computer. After we parted ways, we didn't see each other for 2 weeks. Allegedly, he worked somewhere, but I don’t even know ... There wasn’t even an initiative to meet. To my question “Are you not even bored?” He replied "I have no time to be bored, I'm at work all day." Hmm ... In the end, the end of everything was that he had a day off and he met with some friends, instead of me. + After some time there was reconciliation. And here again, the jamb. The man does not keep his promises. And very uninitiative. With him, I was not behind a stone wall. I understood in advance that I would have to drag my family with him. But, he would be a good and kind father. In general, in every person there is + and -.

Vika Dee

The characteristic of the Cancer woman according to the sign of the zodiac is able to most fully reveal the features of her ambiguous personality. Her essence lies in emotionality and sensitivity, romance and vulnerability, which she knows how to hide well and pretend that everything is in order, even if her heart is broken.

The appearance of the Cancer girl is very feminine, besides, nature endowed her with incredible charm, which always attracts men.

Cancer girl always attracts men with her charm and femininity

It is pleasant to communicate with her, because she does not like quarrels and scandals and is always responsive

The character of the Cancer girl is soft, balanced, she is committed to family values ​​and traditions, the family always comes first for her.

Compatibility of Cancer women with other zodiac signs: the best options for marriage

The Cancer woman has a tender and vulnerable soul, she takes criticism resentfully. But at the same time she is very devoted, love is important to her , marriage and family. She has the best relationship with representatives of her own water element - Pisces and Scorpios, she has the best compatibility with them. Although the ideal man for marriage, especially at a more mature age, may be a representative of the signs of Taurus or Virgo.

The Pisces man is best for a Cancer woman.

The representative of the Pisces sign is most suitable for a Cancer woman for marriage - they are compatible almost perfectly. Everyone will find in the other what he has been looking for for so long, and thanks to a well-developed intuition, he and without words will understand each other.

Well suited to her and Taurus, able to balance her mood swings, and Scorpio, who gives her self-confidence and understands her perfectly

Relations with Virgo will be favorable: the Cancer woman is attracted by the practicality of the Virgin, and the Virgin by her caring and tender soul.

Partners by zodiac signCancer Woman
AriesCompatibility 43%

Aries has a too domineering nature for the relationship to reach marriage, the maximum is romantic relationships and passionate dates.

TaurusCompatibility 76%

This couple will make good friends, but a successful union is also possible if they make every effort for this. True, Cancer will have to be responsible for everything related to the family: financial security, children, etc.

TwinsCompatibility 40%

The signs are completely opposite in relation to life, and they will not have a successful union either in love or in marriage.

CrayfishCompatibility 33%

Their relationship will not stand the test of time, as they are too similar and require the same from the partner - attention, care, support and cannot receive them in full.

a lionCompatibility 28%

They do not suit each other either in temperament or in life aspirations, and although it is interesting for them to communicate, the marriage will not be strong.

ScalesCompatibility 19%

Although they are interested in each other, too different characters and temperaments will not become the basis of true intimacy and harmonious marriage.

CapricornCompatibility 23%

Despite the strong physical attraction, they differ too much in interests and needs to form a stable alliance.

ScorpionCompatibility 74%

In this union, Cancer will have to give more than receive, as the partner needs constant support. But they are very attracted to each other, so there are chances for a strong union.

AquariusCompatibility 40%

The unpredictability of Aquarius and the vulnerability of Cancer will not allow them to create a harmonious union.

FishCompatibility 86%

Both are signs of Water, they understand well, complement and support each other, they are not capable of long-term conflicts.

VirgoCompatibility 82%

Well complement each other in many ways, take care of the partner and understand him. A harmonious union is quite real.

SagittariusCompatibility 51%

They attract each other with their opposites, but have little in common, since their goals and desires in love and life are different, so there are no grounds for a strong union.

Cancer woman in bed: what she needs to be completely satisfied

Cancer Woman is a wonderful lover, sensual, sincere and tender. However, her desire for reliability and safety is also manifested here: she prefers sex in a comfortable home environment, and not in unexpected places, such as in the woods or on an airplane.

And it is also important for her to feel not like an accidental partner, but a woman for whom she has deep feelings.

At first, she may be stiff, but if the partner wins her trust, then she will be liberated and give him great sex. She is very afraid of rudeness in sexual relations, so her partner need to be more gentle, be sure to use foreplay to relieve her of stiffness. She enjoys tactile sensations, she herself loves to stroke and caress her partner.

Although the Cancer woman is not particularly prone to experimentation, she is inventive in bed, and even in traditional caresses she is able to bring so much spark that her partner will be delighted. And another important feature of Cancer women is in sex. they will never mimic the sensations so that her partner can always be sure that he has proven himself to be a truly wonderful lover.

Cancer woman's partner should show more tenderness

How to Win a Cancer Girl for a Lasting Relationship

To conquer means not just to seduce, but to fall in love with yourself and fall in love with her yourself. Romanticism and other properties of the nature of the Cancer girl make her seem to be made for love. Love for her is everything, she gives herself entirely to her, but only next to someone who will be able to please her and win her heart.

Loyal, devoted, caring, gentle, she strives for such relationships where there will be long romantic courtship.

She likes constant displays of attention and love. At first, she can be very sweet flirting, but when it comes to a serious relationship, she can be careful and even timidly.

To win a Cancer girl, you need to do romantic things.

Sex is important to her, but it is far from being in the first place. She needs a man who can give her a sense of security, warmth and affection, who would patiently react to the manifestations of her bashfulness and constantly demonstrate her feelings, only then will she get rid of her restraint, which is often caused by fear of criticism.

The best way to win a Cancer girl is to arrange a romantic evening for her with all the necessary attributes: candles, champagne, music that she likes, and most importantly, signs of attention, thanks to which she will feel understanding of her tender and vulnerable soul.

It should be remembered that in most cases, relationships for a Cancer girl are not just sex, but a prelude to marriage and creating a family.

One of her many virtues is not only family orientation, but also the fact that she will not fight with her husband for leadership, and their relationship will be very comfortable, especially if he understands and appreciates her.

How to understand that a Cancer girl is in love, and how to get her to open it

The mysterious and changeable Cancer girl is prone to mood swings, but hardly admits someone into her soul. Her romantic nature requires reciprocal love for this and confidence that her feelings will be treated with care, so at first she may seem secretive, not revealing her true emotions.

It is necessary to tune in with her on the same wavelength so that she feels spiritual intimacy and psychological comfort, only then the Cancer girl in love will open her feelings

However, any rudeness and even just a tactless criticism can break this fragile bond, and then she will hide in her shell again, and it will be very difficult to regain her trust.

All these psychological difficulties in relations with a Cancer girl sometimes scare away men, but they lose a lot, because a sincere and devoted representative of this sign can become an excellent wife, but only for someone who will understand and appreciate her. Therefore, from someone who wants to win her love, a lot of patience will be required before she begins to speak frankly about her feelings. But don't put pressure on her, if you want to continue the relationship, over time, albeit not soon, she herself will open her soul.

The main thing for a Cancer girl felt spiritual intimacy

A gift for a Cancer woman that will surprise and delight her

Whatever gift you choose for a Cancer woman, be sure to give her flowers, but not a bouquet, but a live flower or plant in a pot. Especially they like flowers with velvet petals, for example, violets or gloxinia; A great gift would be a ficus growing in a pot, a Chinese rose or a palm tree.

Unusual souvenirs or beautiful trinkets for home decoration will be a wonderful gift. According to the horoscope, Cancer women are mystical, which means that they will certainly like gifts in the spirit of feng shui: a money tree, an indoor fountain, figurines of gods or animals that bring prosperity to the family and business.

Cancer Woman is an excellent hostess, and therefore replenishment of kitchen equipment will pleasantly please her.

You just need to find out in advance whether there is already in her arsenal what you were going to give (blender, mixer and similar devices) so that an awkward situation does not arise. As a last resort, donate a Teflon frying pan or an openwork tablecloth, such things will always come in handy in the household.

An indoor fountain would be a great gift.

Cancer Women very much appreciate the comfort of home, so a terry bathrobe, a cozy blanket or fluffy animal slippers, as well as items related to her hobby: a sewing box, a wicker basket for needlework, etc. will be a good gift for them.

A picture with a romantic landscape or a colorful still life can touch the most sensitive strings of the soul of a Cancer woman. It does not have to be painted in oils, it can be watercolor, gouache, and even a beaded or cross-stitched picture.

February 10, 2018, 20:21

They themselves know very well what they want, and why they do it this way and not otherwise. These are very emotional women, with a rich inner world, but often they hide their feelings even from loved ones. A man who has chosen a Cancer Woman should know that she is very jealous, quite vulnerable and does not forget the offense for a long time. But, precisely, the insult inflicted on purpose, she does not focus her attention on minor troubles and quarrels. Mood swings sometimes make it difficult for a Cancer woman to objectively look at some events or relationships. When she is in a good mood, she is friendly, helpful and generous. In a bad mood, Cancer women are closed, unsociable and can even offend with a word.

Quite the contrary, Libra women behave.

And yet, they are rarely alone. Men are attracted to a Cancer woman, her unusualness, emotionality, dissimilarity to others. But she chooses a man for life carefully and carefully, because a strong-willed, authoritarian man does not suit her, he can simply morally suppress her, not understanding her originality, and not taking into account her vulnerability. The Cancer woman is a faithful wife, she will keep her love for her husband (if she married for love) for life, she is a good mother, she loves her children very much.

But, educating, he does not lisp with them and does not spoil them. The Cancer woman is a good hostess, and, in addition, her eccentricity is perfectly manifested in family life: she can surprise her family, either with a new original dish, or with unusual family entertainment.

The Cancer woman does not like quarrels, disputes, long-term showdowns and will never “clean linen in public”. But if there is still a quarrel, unpleasant thoughts or just a bad mood, she has a sure way to deal with it all. Simple and familiar household chores will serve as an excellent counterbalance to stress and create order and harmony in the soul.

In any non-standard situations that arise in the personal world of a Cancer woman, when the arguments of reason turn out to be useless, she relies on her intuition, which helps her navigate the worldly sea and saves her from many mistakes.

Cancer woman in love

The Cancer woman is a water sign, so outwardly she seems cold and impassive. But love is the most important thing in her life. She never fusses, does not look for her, she just waits and chooses, knowing that fate will surely bring her to her beloved. Cancer Woman accurately guesses her man, the one with whom they will become an inseparable couple. Her love is deep and long, can last a lifetime.

From a loved one, she expects reciprocal love and complete trust. She longs for close relationships and hates separation. She rarely initiates a breakup, it is difficult for her to leave, even if love has already lost its novelty. Can forgive light flirting, but will never forgive betrayal. Even the most ardent love will not make her stay close to the man who cheated on her seriously.

What interior suits a Cancer woman.
The Cancer woman is a very homely person, most of all appreciates comfort and solitude. She will carefully choose wallpaper, furniture, curtains. Preference is given to calm, dark shades (brick, gray, purple). Or cheerful light colors (blue, green, peach), but never bright, flashy tones. Cancer women love antiques, fluffy carpets, figurines, frames with family photos. The style in the setting of a Cancer woman is a retro style.

What scent does a Cancer woman prefer?

For a sensitive and gentle Cancer woman, a state of calm and harmony is very important. The Cancer Woman is a water sign, so she feels best while relaxing near the water: seas, rivers, lakes. The humid atmosphere of the water, the gentle smell of flowers soothe and at the same time inspire her. Her favorite scents are floral and fruity. A more conservative Cancer woman likes classic perfume compositions. She prefers everything that is time-tested and does not chase fickle fashion. She likes to choose her own perfume, but if you want to give a Cancer woman a gift, give a delicate floral perfume in a rounded bottle with dark yellow or white packaging.
Recommended perfumes for Cancer woman: Aqua Digio, Escape, L "Eua, D'Issey, Magnetic. Despondency and sadness will help dispel the optimistic Flower by Kenzo fragrance from Kenzo.

Talismans of Cancer woman

The talismans of the Cancer woman, in addition to crayfish and crabs, are also small fluffy animals, including in the form of soft toys. The hare will attract success in love, the ermine will protect the Cancer woman from the harassment of dangerous men, the rabbit will protect from all dangers, and the cat will relieve bad mood and bring peace and good luck to life. Jewelry-talismans of the Cancer woman are silver items in the shape of a heart, circle or crescent. In the picture-mascot - nature and always water: a river, a sea, a stream, a pond overgrown with water lilies.

Cancer woman and alcohol

It is enough for a Cancer woman, as they say, to sniff a cork to feel intoxicated. These are women with a sensitive and emotional nature. Their stomach reacts very negatively to alcohol. After drinking even a little, they fall into a lyrical mood and can open up with a completely inappropriate person.

And in the morning they feel bad both mentally and physically. An alcohol horoscope warns a Cancer woman - this sign is more prone to alcohol addiction than others. Best of all, at any party or celebration, limit yourself to one glass of martini or champagne.

Cancer woman daughter-in-law

With her mother-in-law, the Cancer-daughter-in-law is secretive, cautious, does not express obvious hostility, but does not frankly, in a word, “a thing in itself.” She will never conflict with her mother-in-law, even if she does not like something in the behavior or words of her mother-in-law, she will simply remain silent. A Cancer woman as a daughter-in-law in a new family will maintain an even but neutral relationship. She will never be the daughter of her husband's parents. But he will not try to set her husband against his parents either. But if the mother-in-law tries to open “military operations” against the Cancer woman, she will receive a fitting rebuff from the latter.

Mother-in-law cancer woman

The Cancer woman is a very caring mother, she tries to take care of even an adult son. She will apply the same policy to her daughter-in-law: to patronize and teach. A daughter-in-law can win her favor only by endlessly praising her son, admiring him. But, you need to do this subtly and unobtrusively, it is important to observe the measure. Cancer-mother-in-law is a smart woman and will immediately feel false if she sounds. Cancer mother-in-law is a kind of barometer for a young son's family. When young people quarrel, pout, the mother-in-law immediately forms a mass of important and urgent matters at each other, which do not allow her to visit her son's family. After all “thunderstorms have died down and the storms have subsided”, the mother-in-law is right there. But we must pay tribute to her, the Cancer woman is a wonderful grandmother, she loves her grandchildren equally, both the children of her daughter and the children of her daughter-in-law. Happy to babysit and take care of them.

Along the way, she will give you fragrant tea with home-made buns and offer you several types of this year's jam. And she will also briefly put a pillow under your elbow so that you can sit comfortably, and move a stool for your feet so that they can rest from the paths and roads. And you will almost immediately want to stay here for a couple of months to take a breath. Or maybe even a couple of decades...

But Cancer women are attractive not only because of their outstanding spiritual qualities. They also look very seductive: as a rule, they have typical female figures with large breasts, wide hips and a thin waist, beautiful eyes, good skin.

general characteristics

Their way of life is the most properly organized so that they can do everything, and not overdo it, and do not harm their health. Briefly, it can be characterized by the saying "time for business - hour for fun." This is a vital necessity for women of the Cancer sign - they are emotional and receptive, reacting to everything and everyone, so they need to live in a harmonious world. And they are trying to create it for themselves.

Often they are prone to overeating - this is a kind of compensatory mechanism that protects a person with low self-esteem and a lack of positive emotions. Cancer women should not eat rarely, as their stomach is vulnerable.

When they try to talk about a Cancer woman, the word “warm” very often pops up: “it’s warm with her,” “she looked warm,” “she said warm words.” Because such women are very receptive and can understand another person. As for love, if a Cancer woman falls in love, elements, passion rage in her heart, and not a quiet, bright feeling that can be analyzed. Although these deep-sea storms are not visible on the surface for the time being. She will use all possible means to achieve the one who causes such feelings in him. Including trying to bind a partner with sex, as well as with the help of psychological manipulation - and in this art she has no equal. Having achieved reciprocity, it can become very demanding of a partner, which is hard to endure, since exactingness sometimes develops into tyranny.

The ruler of the sign Cancer, the Moon symbolizes, in particular, home, homeland, mother - all those concepts that are cornerstone for a Cancer woman.

home and family

Home for her is not only a home, but above all a place where she feels completely safe. As for the dwelling itself, the Cancer woman equips it with great taste, fills it with beautiful things. She knows how to create her own corner in any, the smallest dwelling, where you can be alone, restore mental and physical strength.

A woman born under the sign of Cancer dreams of living in a family where harmony and mutual understanding reign between household members. And with all her might, she will try to create such a microclimate. That is the relationship she has with her parents.

With children, a Cancer woman has complex, confusing relationships. Attachment to children is very strong, but manifestations of despotism also occur frequently. You live in constant fear for your children. And even adult children are afraid to let go of yourself, it seems to you that they are helpless and they are in danger, so you try to control and guide them. Naturally, therefore, conflicts between you are not uncommon.

As for the spouse, Cancer women, as a rule, prefer older and more experienced partners, strive for strong, “eternal” relationships. Surprisingly, they often manage to build just such relationships. Most Cancers are introverts. Therefore, the quality of contacts is more important to them than their quantity. In addition, you need food not only for the mind, but also for the soul. So, if you have a choice, you will prefer communication with like-minded people. It is worth considering the desire for security. Thus, the image of the ideal spouse is formed - understanding, compassionate, having similar interests (often in the field of economy or art).

Through marriage, such women seek to obtain a strong social position. They may well achieve it if they engage in activities in which they will be in sight, which will be associated with working with people.


As for the career, other representatives of the Cancer sign are very successfully moving up, from position to position. But they often go the distance, carried away by some other activity that seemed to them more interesting.

Relationship with a Cancer woman.

In this article, you will find a lot of useful information on how to strike on the spot and fall in love forever with a Cancer woman. This sign is quite difficult, and the woman is a real mystery. Let's try to unravel the path to her heart.

Cancer girl, woman: what is she, what character?

One of the most unusual and mysterious signs of the zodiac, according to astrologers, is Cancer. It includes ladies born between June 21 (22) and July 21 (22) (depending on the year of birth). These are the true children of the Moon, which patronizes them and has a powerful influence on their temperament and mood.

Lady Cancer has a special character, unlike any other zodiac sign. In most cases, it has:

  • Mystery- perhaps this is the most important feature of the representatives of the sign. This girl is a puzzle, as if surrounded by an atmosphere of mystery. Moreover, Rakinha does nothing specifically for this. Just by nature, she is extremely secretive and absolutely closed to others. You will never know what this woman really thinks, as she prefers to keep her opinion to herself.
  • Femininity- like all representatives of the water element, the lady Cancer is endowed with extraordinary feminine charm and attractiveness. As a rule, she also has a beautiful figure with ample breasts.
  • Closure- for all her friendliness, this person practically does not let anyone into her world. It happens because of Cancer's self-doubt. But at the same time they are very afraid that others will find out about it. So you have to hide in your "shell".
  • Modesty, shyness– Cancer girls never show off. They are not inclined to demonstrate their abilities.
Cancer girl
  • Devotion- this woman is always faithful to her friends, relatives and beloved man. She is absolutely incapable of betrayal and will never leave loved ones in difficult times. And if someone dares to offend them, Cancer will rush to the defense and, believe me, will fight like a lion.
  • Thrift- Lady Cancer has a need to definitely save money for the future. She rarely throws away old things, putting them away "just in case." For her own safety, she just needs to be confident in the future. Often, in the chests of elderly grandmothers of this sign, you can find many valuable antique gizmos. But Rakov cannot be called a miser. She parted with money quite easily. This person just knows how to save money.
  • Diligence and diligence- representatives of this zodiac are very responsible for any work. They cannot be called careerists. But if the opportunity to move up the career ladder presents itself, they will definitely take advantage of this chance. But not in order to rule, but to improve the financial situation of his and his family.
  • family– Cancer girl is always very attached to her family. She is extremely kind and considerate towards her parents. For this reason, she often marries at a fairly mature age, not daring to leave her father's house. And having created a family, she becomes a very caring wife and mother. The head of the family in the view of the Cancer woman is, of course, the husband. Therefore, she supports him in everything and takes care of him like a small child. Over time, such excessive guardianship begins to annoy some men, while others, on the contrary, encourages them to sit on her head.
  • Extremely strong love for your children- this woman can be called Mother with a capital letter. Children are the main thing in her life, for them she is ready for anything and sacrifices a lot. Cancer literally blows dust off its children, helps and supports them in all their undertakings and deeds. Often this even goes to the detriment of the children themselves, because due to the excessive care of the mother, they are unsuitable for independent living. In addition, the Cancer mother reluctantly gives her daughters in marriage and marries her sons, because it is very difficult for her to part with them.
  • The ability to love- if a Cancer woman decides on a relationship, then, as a rule, this is very serious. Her love is simply blind, she forgives her husband a lot and does not dare to leave him even when living with him becomes unbearable. Behind this lies her pathological fear of loneliness. And also a sense of possessiveness: it is difficult for her to accept that she can lose something or someone.

  • Tenderness, sentimentality- behind the seeming coldness of the girl lies an unusually sensitive and tender soul, able to give a sea of ​​\u200b\u200blove and affection.
  • Emotionality- outwardly calm Cancers are actually prone to unexpected and very sharp mood swings. This is known only to their close people, before whom the girl can open up. Within an hour, she may cry, get angry or cheer. In addition, she has the ability to transfer her state to others.
  • Vulnerability- these girls tend to exaggerate the meaning of the words they said or the looks thrown at them. And since Cancers are not confident in themselves, they give everything an exclusively negative connotation. Therefore, they really need the support of loved ones.
  • Thrift- the ladies of this sign are wonderful keepers of the hearth. Crayfish love their home, this is a real protective fortress for them. Therefore, although they do not really like to clean, they are happy to take care of their home, constantly ennobling it. In addition, such women cook excellently, their refrigerator is always full of food, and the menu is varied.
  • The ability to keep other people's secrets- these girls can be trusted with any secrets, they will never, under any circumstances, blurt them out.
  • romanticism- the girl Cancer is sure that in life there is nothing more important than Love, which should be for life. That is why she dreams of meeting the only man with whom she will go hand in hand. In this she is somewhat old-fashioned, but it is precisely this quality that gives the woman charm and touchingness.
  • Tact- these persons have an innate sense of tact, they try not to offend anyone, act ethically and in accordance with high moral principles. They suffer greatly from the fact that someone was offended or criticized.

Like any other sign, Lady Cancer also has shortcomings, which include:

  • Absolute intolerance of criticism- for these young ladies there is nothing worse than criticism or ridicule. They react very painfully to this, suffer and can fall into depression.
  • Tendency to depression- Cancer ladies are constantly in a state of anxiety: they are sad about past mistakes, dissatisfied with the present and afraid of the future. They themselves cannot explain why they are worried and tormented.

Cancer also has disadvantages.
  • Touchiness- even if outwardly the girl of this sign does not show her mind that something hurt her, in her soul she will suffer. Such a lady remembers the offense not just for a long time, but always. And if necessary, he will definitely take revenge. At the same time, the offender himself may forget, or even not know at all, that he inflicted a spiritual wound on the young lady.
  • Unable to let go of the past- Cancers constantly remember and analyze the events of bygone days, go through old letters and photographs, and then return to words once said and actions done.
  • Maximalism- often such a girl sincerely believes that everyone around her has the same views on life as she herself. And sometimes this leads to strong disappointments and resentment.

How to attract the attention of girls and women of Cancer?

The mystery and mystery surrounding the Cancer woman always attract individuals of the opposite sex to her. However, not all of them are worthy of her glance. How to attract her attention and achieve location?

  • cast admiring glances at her more often and smile. All girls are flattered by such attention, and especially Cancers.
  • be a little mysterious. Although Cancers are not curious, a little mystery will surely intrigue them.
  • create an aura of light sadness around you. You can complain about your broken heart or complain about how much ingratitude and injustice there is in the world. But in no case do not give the impression that you are a loser. No, you're just out of luck. And you hope to meet your true love. These romantic girls will definitely try to comfort you.

Attract a Cancer woman
  • Show that you love animals: install a bird feeder, feed a homeless kitten. This will melt the good heart of Cancer, who loves nature and all living things.
  • position yourself as a successful and wealthy person. If your friends or buddies include famous and famous people, be sure to mention this. Cancer girls will take it very positively.
  • since these young ladies are very shy, create a situation in which they will be in the center of everyone's attention and will be able to show their best qualities. They will definitely appreciate this attitude.
  • always dress stylishly and neatly. A good haircut and an elegant suit make a good impression on all women.

How will a girl or woman like Cancer?

This young lady needs the confidence that you are looking for a long-term stable relationship. This is the only way you can please the girl Cancer. So if your intentions are serious, follow the recommendations of astrologers:

  • Get ready for the fact that the courtship period will be quite long. Rakinya needs time to learn to trust you and open up completely. They are very cautious in their sympathies, and prefer to have enough time to study a potential contender for a hand and heart.
  • Take care of such a girl, as in romance novels: arrange a candlelit dinner, read lyrical poems, give bouquets and cute souvenir trinkets, admire the night stars.
  • Always give the Cancer woman as many compliments as possible.
  • Let your lady of the heart feel that she will be behind you, like behind a stone wall. She really needs protection and will appreciate such a gentleman.
  • At times, treat her like a small child: indulge, indulge in whims, comfort her in a paternal way during a period of sadness. Deep down, Cancerians always dream of that kind of relationship.

Like Cancer
  • Show Cancer that you need her, like air or water, that without her your life is simply unthinkable. This is exactly what a girl born under this zodiac dreams of.
  • Take care of her by meeting her from work, seeing her home, throwing your jacket over her shoulders on cold evenings. Remember that your attention and protection are more valuable than any gifts to this girl. However, obsession is also unlikely to please this fragile person.
  • Don't be too pushy, this will surely scare the Cancer woman away. Although she needs a strong protector, she does not like pressure and pressure.
  • It is interesting that, being rather closed and cautious, the lady of this sign prefers open, quite predictable men.
  • Learn to talk interestingly and listen carefully. Raquinhas love heartfelt conversations and lively conversations. Get ready for the fact that on the first date she can enthusiastically discuss the movie or novel she likes.
  • Remember that money is not the main thing for a Cancer woman. She will not meet with a rich, but ill-mannered and rude gentleman.
  • Be honest and don't play any roles. Don't pretend to be someone you really aren't. These ladies feel false immediately.

How to fall in love with yourself, conquer, conquer a girl or a Cancer woman to a man and a guy according to the signs of the zodiac?

Changeable Cancer women live according to their own special and only understandable laws, which are not always amenable to logical analysis. Therefore, in order to conquer such a personality, a man needs to make a lot of efforts and show great patience, which some signs of the zodiac simply cannot do.

In order to conquer this mysterious and unpredictable nature, a man needs to take into account the peculiarities of her subtle soul:

  • Aries- Your strong temperament will always attract weak Raki. Your brightness and ability to beautifully care will conquer a timid girl. However, the pressure and "great passions" inherent in you can also scare her. Show prudence, be more condescending and restrained.
  • Taurus- You have a lot in common with the girl of the Cancer sign: the desire to create a cozy home, family values ​​​​and a sense of duty. Therefore, it will be quite easy to achieve love from this lady. Create her material well-being and provide maximum comfort. But you should overcome your temper and not be such an "autocrat" in everyday life.
  • Twins- between you it is possible, rather, a strong friendship than passionate love. Your opinions and beliefs are too different, and even the reaction to the same events. And your fickleness and love for the "distant expanses" greatly injures such girls and encourages them to get into their "shell".
  • Crayfish- You have a good chance of reciprocity. However, just like her, you are insecure and somewhat infantile. And this lady needs a strong support and a firm hand that will guide her in the right direction. Try to convince her of your firmness and strong character. And do not fall into sadness and despondency, to which you are so prone.
  • a lion- do not be too assertive, it can repel a shy young lady. Show your best qualities: generosity, reliability, the ability to care and protect. And do not forget that compliments are loved not only by you, but also by your chosen one. Therefore, praise her more often.
  • Virgo- Cancer is a lucky find for you. She will be able to appreciate your prudence, calmness, accuracy and ability to accumulate savings. To make her fall in love with you, refrain from criticizing her, so as not to hurt this sensitive nature. In addition, you will have to perform romantic deeds that are difficult for you.
  • Scales“Your courtesy, courtesy and ability to be pleasant will surely charm this lady. However, in order to keep your "Rachka", you need to be at home more often and give up the secular parties that you love so much.
  • Scorpion- the stars say that you can easily conquer Lady Cancer. After all, you have common views and principles with her. Guard her from the bouts of depression to which she is so prone, and her gratitude will know no bounds. But you need to curb your jealousy, because a woman of this sign will always be faithful.

  • Sagittarius- inherent in you vitality and indefatigable energy at first will attract Cancer like a magnet. But soon the dissimilarity of views and worldview can disappoint the girl. In order to save a relationship, you need to be more empathetic and curb your freedom-loving nature.
  • Capricorn- show Cancer your willingness to take care of her and provide a calm and comfortable life. In return, you will receive all the sincerity, tenderness and devotion that a Cancer woman is capable of. Just try to compromise more often and do not forget to say words of love, without which this lady simply cannot feel happy.
  • Aquarius- unfortunately, the stars do not believe in your success with a Cancer woman. You are too different from her. And you will have to give up almost all your habits and views in order to win the heart of this woman.
  • Fish- to conquer the Cancer girl, you don’t need to do anything special. Just be yourself. Your inherent sense of duty and responsibility, tenderness and ability to comfort in difficult times will bind this girl forever. And your need for a reverent attitude towards yourself will resonate with super-caring Cancers.

Woman and girl Cancer: how to understand that she is in love, that she likes you?

It is almost impossible to guess the true attitude of a Cancer woman towards you because of her secrecy and silence. In addition, the representative of this sign does not recognize relationships in public. It is extremely difficult to wait for a demonstration of feelings from her.

In addition, you need to understand that the Cancer girl is a very weak, vulnerable, sensitive nature. But at the same time, with all her appearance, she tries to demonstrate completely opposite qualities - independence and strong character. Therefore, she will not call first or take any other steps towards rapprochement. The initiative should come only from you.

To understand whether this mysterious young lady likes you, use the advice of experienced astrologers:

  • When talking with a girl, turn the conversation to the topic of her personal life or family. If she does not shut up, but willingly tells about it, you can be sure that you are not indifferent to her. After all, this sign is very secretive, and it is not revealed to just anyone.
  • With people who are indifferent to her, the Cancer girl behaves coldly, and even arrogantly. She won't waste her charm. Such a person flirts only with those who are truly interested in her. At the same time, be careful: these ladies flirt very subtly and unobtrusively, and you may not even understand it.

Consider the fact that Cancers are very shy people and may even refuse to go on a date, even though the gentleman is, in principle, pleasant to her. Do not give up, be more persistent, but not intrusive.

How to seduce a Cancer girl or woman?

Seducing this woman of the water element is not easy. After all, for her, sex and love are equivalent concepts. And love, in turn, flows smoothly into marriage and family. Therefore, short-term passionate romances are unacceptable for a serious Cancer woman. And if suddenly, unexpectedly for herself, this lady admits a casual relationship with a man, she will prefer never to meet him again, as she will consider that she has opened up to him too much and has become too vulnerable.

So if you want to seduce this girl, get ready for a long and hard courtship:

  • for starters, just become her friend, whom she can trust
  • take your time and find the right time and place for the first sexual date
  • make sure that the "tent of love" is comfortable and beautiful
  • create a romantic atmosphere: candles, champagne, aromatic oils. A moonlit beach at night is even better

Seduce Cancer
  • show that you are completely fascinated by her and do not notice anyone around, that you want to be only with her
  • shower her with compliments all the time and admire her beauty
  • appeal to the sentimentality and hyper-maternal feelings of the Cancer girl
  • be gentle, affectionate and in no case be rude, even as a joke

When seeking the location of a Cancer girl, keep in mind that she rushes into love, like into a pool, and gives her beloved all of herself. Therefore, if your plans do not include marriage or a long-term relationship, you should not enter into a relationship with her so as not to cause suffering to Cancer.

What do Cancer women and girls like in bed?

Behind the shy nature of the Cancer woman hides sensuality and natural eroticism. However, only sensitive and patient men who are sympathetic to the subtle mental organization of their partner can awaken these qualities.

  • For many representatives of this zodiac, sex in a relationship is of a secondary nature, and feelings and tender confessions come first. Therefore, in bed, Cancers are quite passive and rarely take the first step.
  • As a rule, these ladies are embarrassed by their own love for sex and carnal pleasures. And therefore, at the beginning of a relationship, they can be slightly clamped, preferring to make love in the dark or in such positions when the partner is behind and does not see the expression on the partner's face.
  • Quick sex Cancer women do not like. They prefer unhurried caresses, without fuss and haste.
  • The environment in which the act of love takes place should be as comfortable as possible and create an atmosphere of security. Therefore, representatives of this sign often prefer to have sex in their own home, where they feel more confident and free.

Cancer preferences in bed
  • Cancerians very subtly feel the mood of their partner and try to make every effort to make him feel like a king in bed.
  • At the moment of taking off her clothes, it is very important for this shy young lady to hear compliments from her man about how beautiful she is. This gives her confidence and allows her to be liberated.
  • Cancers are very gentle with a partner, they touch him with pleasure, stroke him, kiss him. They themselves also enjoy receiving reciprocal caresses of a loved one.
  • Be prepared for the fact that Cancer will not talk about his desires directly. She sincerely believes that a man should intuitively feel what exactly she expects from him.

How to keep a Cancer girl or woman?

A man will have to solve the puzzle of the soul of a Cancer woman all his life. And even having lived with her for many years, he will not be able to fully understand her to the end. Next to such a girl, any young man will feel himself the strongest and capable of great feats. Raquini can wait for their only betrothed all their lives. And even being married, the soul of a woman will be full of doubts about the correctness of her choice and about whether she missed her true love in the past.

Therefore, constantly, all your life, prove to your chosen one that you appreciate and adore her:

  • If possible, always stay close to her. In your absence, be with her invisibly, with the help of SMS or cute notes left on the table in the morning
  • do not stop admiring her beauty, youth, intelligence, ability to manage the household. Remember to praise her often
  • take care of everything: meet you from work, carry bags, take an interest in her affairs, the health of your parents
  • be gentle and gentle with this sensitive young lady. It must be treated like a fragile porcelain vase, trying not to hurt or injure
  • for the sake of her family, this woman is ready to sacrifice her career, dreams and ambitions. So don't disappoint her. Prove that she was not deceived in her hopes for happiness with you.

Hold onto a Cancer woman
  • never criticize her parents. For her, the family is the foundation of all foundations. And you are required to show respect to her relatives.
  • Do not bring discomfort and confusion into her life. This woman is rational and loves order in everything.
  • Lady Cancer catastrophically does not tolerate conflicts and showdowns. She is very worried about them and can not calm down for a long time. Therefore, try to avoid quarrels and disputes.
  • do everything possible to make your chosen one believe that her world excites you more than anything in the world, and her thoughts and feelings are important to you, that you will never leave her alone with difficulties and will always accept her as she is
  • since the young woman of Cancer is always overcome by doubts and she hesitates in her relationship, be a strong and confident partner who can take responsibility for your joint future

What compliments do Cancer girls and women like?

A Cancer woman, like no other, needs compliments. This person is constantly insecure. It seems to her that she is not young and beautiful enough, that she undeservedly offended someone, that she cooked tasteless or little, that there are insufficiently well-groomed plants in her garden. So don't be stingy with praise.

In the case of Cancer, it is impossible to overdo it. The main thing is that your words sound sincere and do not look like rude flattery. Compliments can be different, and there should be a huge number of them.

There are many things to admire about this girl:

  • beauty and grace
  • intellect and broad-mindedness
  • the ability to cook amazingly and create comfort in the house
  • respect for family and friends
  • kind heart and kindness

What kind of guys and men do Cancer girls like?

A girl born under this sensitive and romantic sign needs, first of all, spiritual comfort and complete security.

And she likes men who can provide these conditions for her:

  • restrained, but with a romantic character
  • independent and motivated
  • wealthy, strong on their feet
  • gallant, with good manners and knowledge of etiquette
  • moderately energetic
  • those who love a relaxing holiday
  • caring towards their parents
  • sensitive and tender
  • self-confident
  • greedy, but not spenders
  • endowed with a natural sense of tact
  • wishing to have children

Guys for Cancer woman

And these young ladies will try to avoid such gentlemen:

  • having too hot and passionate temperament
  • restless and restless
  • overly assertive and brutal
  • with pronounced sexuality

What to give a Cancer girl for her birthday, New Year?

A lady who is under the influence of the Moon and has such a controversial character is both easy and difficult to please with a gift. Indeed, Cancer is usually silent about his desires, and it is difficult to understand what exactly can please her.

Therefore, when choosing a gift for such a person, consider the features of her character:

  • for a girl born under the constellation Cancer, the value of the gift is not important. The main thing is that it should be given from the heart and be proof of your special attitude towards her.
  • these young ladies are sure that you yourself, on an intuitive level, must guess what to give her. So be careful and pay attention to her subtle hints.
  • Cancer women can safely give cute souvenirs and trinkets as long as they are sentimental and romantic
  • surprises and extravagant gifts are unlikely to please such a lady. It’s better to give something that made her happy last time (one more jewelry, one more perfume)
  • it is preferable to choose tender flowers: lilies, irises, orchids
  • an offering for such a girl may not be material. She will be delighted with romantic gifts in the form of a flight in a hot air balloon, a star named after her, a chic candlelit dinner or on the sea coast.
  • the gift should be nicely packaged. Aesthetic Cancers will be offended if it is prepared "in haste"

Gift for Cancer

Surely Lady Cancer will be pleased with the following:

  • since this woman spends all her energy on loved ones and for their sake indulges herself in many ways, treat her paid procedures in the SPA- salon, silk pajamas, exquisite perfumes, exclusive cosmetics.
  • Cancer is very fond of water and everything connected with it. Therefore, he devotes a lot of time to decorating the bathroom and bringing comfort there. You can donate something related to water treatments: a sauna kit, handmade soap, beautiful towels, exquisite shower gels, bath oils.
  • these women adore their home and constantly decorate and improve it. Present beautiful furniture, lamps or elegant decor elements.
  • girls of this sign are kind to the past. They love to go through old photographs, touch old things. Feel free to give a digital photo frame, camera, antiques.
  • a sense of security and comfort is what the lady Cancer strives for. She will surely be pleased a warm bathrobe, unusual cozy slippers, a woolen blanket.
  • All women love jewelry, and this sign is no exception. Give preference to white gold or silver, as well as stones of light shades (pearl, topaz, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, moonstone).
  • For Cancers, family traditions are very important. They are very fond of home holidays, when everyone gathers at a large dining table. Beautiful dishes, silverware, a large festive service will come in handy.
  • representatives of this sign are easy-going. Therefore, they will be happy to receive a tourist voucher as a gift, preferably to the sea.
  • Given that Cancer women are excellent cooks, donate sushi sets, an illustrated recipe book, pay for a master class in cooking unusual dishes.

Take your choice seriously. After all, by pleasing Cancer with your gift, you will prove your attentiveness to her. And the girl will definitely appreciate it.

Video: Psychological portrait of the zodiac sign Cancer

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