Closed hip fracture. Fracture of the pelvic bones: mechanism of injury, symptoms, principles of treatment. How long does rehabilitation take

The pelvic bones are the connection of paired bones and the sacrum into a certain closed ring, inside which the organs of the uterus, prostate gland, appendages and bladder are located. At a time when a person makes various movements, a huge load is placed on the pelvic bone, therefore, if it is damaged, human performance deteriorates significantly.

A pelvic fracture is a very common and unfavorable injury, which is often accompanied by unpleasant complications.

The most common cases are pelvic fractures in old age, as bone strength deteriorates over time.

Types of damage

There is a classification of pelvic fractures:

  • injuries of the hip ring without damage to its continuity;
  • fractures at the site of the pelvic ring with the presence of damage to its continuity;
  • Malgen's fracture, which is characterized by a double vertical violation of the bone tissue of the pelvis;
  • injury at the site of the acetabulum;
  • violation of the integrity of the pelvic bones together with damage to its internal organs.

The nature of the injury is:

  • stable - damage to the pelvic bones that do not affect the pelvic ring. Such fractures are called isolated and marginal;
  • unstable - as a result of such injuries, the pelvic ring is damaged;
  • damage to the bottom and edges of the acetabulum (often accompanied by dislocation of the femur);
  • fracture-dislocation of the pelvic bones - fractures of the pelvic bones, combined with dislocations.

There is an open (with a violation of the integrity of the soft tissues) and a closed fracture (only the integrity of the bone is violated). The first signs of a pelvic fracture may differ from each other, depending on its type.


A pelvic fracture can occur as a result of:

  • increased traumatic impact in this area;
  • traffic accident;
  • falls from various heights;
  • weather conditions;
  • sports activities;
  • non-compliance with safety rules at work and at home;
  • disasters of natural or mechanical origin;
  • extreme recreation;
  • gunshot wounds.

A fracture of the pelvic bones can also be caused by advanced age or various diseases that significantly impair the usual strength of bone tissue:

  • osteoporosis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • oncological disease of bone tissue;
  • bone tuberculosis;
  • syphilis infection.

Symptoms of damage

There are a number of symptoms that are characteristic of a pelvic fracture:

  • development of extensive hematomas and bruises in the area of ​​injury;
  • the formation of swelling of soft tissues;
  • intense pain that increases with palpation or movement attempts;
  • visual change of the injured bone;
  • internal or external hemorrhage;
  • development of pain shock;
  • inability to make movements;
  • shortening of the limb of the injured side;
  • inability to bend a limb.

Sometimes pelvic fractures occur simultaneously with trauma to the nearest internal organs of a person. With such fractures of the pelvic bones, the following symptoms are observed:

  • violation of the urinary function or its stagnation (urethral injury);
  • the appearance of hematuria (if the bladder is damaged);
  • acute abdomen syndrome;
  • constipation or inability to restrain the process of defecation;
  • hemorrhages from the cavity of the urethra or perineum.

There are signs that are characteristic of a fracture in a certain place of the pelvis, thanks to them it becomes easier to diagnose:

  • intense pain that the victim feels in the place of the iliac wing means that the upper part of the acetabulum was damaged;
  • an injury to the coccyx or sacrum can be diagnosed if it is difficult for the victim to perform the process of defecation, restrain urination, and severe pain occurs with increased pressure on the sacrum. We read more about;
  • if the pelvic ring was affected, then the characteristic signs of such damage are the appearance of pain syndromes in the perineum or pubis (depending on where the injury occurred), pain also becomes more intense during the pelvic palpation procedure and the performance of the lower limb worsens;
  • in the case of a Malgenya fracture, the position of the pelvis becomes asymmetric, and the motor function of the lower limb from the side of the injury deteriorates significantly;
  • if the posterior half ring is injured, then the working capacity of the limb is severely limited and strong pain sensations are observed in its area;
  • damage to the integrity of the acetabulum is determined due to pain sensations that become more intense during tapping at the site of the thigh and axial load on it, and the motor functions of the femoral sutsava also deteriorate significantly.

If a similar series of symptoms is present, immediately seek emergency help to avoid the development of complications.

Emergency medical care

If such an injury occurs, then the victim needs immediate first aid, otherwise, the risk of complications increases significantly.

First of all, when providing first aid, it is necessary to eliminate pain in the victim in order to avoid pain shock. To do this, use the reception of all kinds of painkillers from your first aid kit. If an open fracture of the pelvic bones has occurred, then the next step in providing medical care is to stop bleeding and decontaminate the wound. In order to stop the hemorrhage, you need to use a special tourniquet or make it from improvised rags, bandages and ropes. With the help of a tourniquet, the area below the injury is firmly rewound and the exact time the start of its use is written on the tissue. After stopping the bleeding, the wounded area is treated with antibacterial agents.

Then, fixation (immobilization in case of a fracture) of the victim is carried out in one position with the help of a solid board and ropes. The position in which the patient is transported should resemble the “frog pose”, for this, rollers, pillows, crumpled blankets or other similar items are placed under the knees of the victim.

The main task of the frog pose for a pelvic fracture is to provide the patient with a safe position in which his knees will form an angle of 140 degrees. If the fixation procedure is carried out correctly, it is possible to protect the victim from aggravating the situation that has arisen.

Transportation should be carried out by an ambulance team, but if a pelvic fracture occurred in a remote or inaccessible place for doctors, then when carrying the victim, you need to carefully monitor his immobility and correct position on the stretcher.


Upon arrival at the medical facility, the presence of a pelvic fracture is confirmed with the help of diagnostics. Treatment is prescribed by a qualified specialist, based on the results of the examination.

Diagnosis of a pelvic fracture is made by an experienced traumatologist immediately upon arrival at the nearest hospital. The first step is to interview the victim to find out the cause of the damage and determine the first symptoms. Next, the doctor performs a palpation procedure to understand what kind of fracture occurred, and in which exact place the bone was damaged.

After this, the patient is sent for x-rays, which will accurately confirm the presence of an injury and its type. Further, in order to confirm or exclude damage to nerve endings, blood vessels and nearby organs, an examination is carried out using computed and magnetic resonance imaging.

Medical tactics

Since pelvic fractures are rather severe injuries, the first thing doctors do is anti-shock therapy, administer an analgesic to the patient and restore the amount of blood lost in the body. Further, depending on the degree of injury, a qualified doctor selects the necessary tactics for further treatment. There are three methods of treating such a fracture:

  • conservative;
  • operational;
  • surgical traction.

Treatment of a pelvic fracture in a conservative way is recommended in case of a mild, uncomplicated injury. It consists only in long-term immobilization of the patient. Within three or four months, the patient should make a minimum of movement and almost all the time is immobilized on a bed with a hard surface. Special rollers are placed under the knees of the patient for proper bone fusion and the most suitable, in this case, body position. During immobilization, the victim is assigned developing physical education, physiotherapy procedures and massage.

If during the examination of the patient a fracture with displacement of bone fragments was diagnosed, then surgical traction is prescribed. This method of treatment consists in the fact that a specialized needle is passed through the damaged bone of the patient and fixed in the required position. Fixation is carried out using a device designed for this purpose with a suspended weight.

Surgery is reserved for severe fractures. These can be injuries with a significant displacement of bone fragments, damage to vital organs, as well as comminuted or multi-comminuted fractures. The task of doctors in this case is to carry out a strong fixation of injured bones, using special metal structures (plates, pins, screws, etc.) for this.

Many patients ask themselves the questions “how long to stay in the hospital with a pelvic fracture and how long does such an injury heal?”. It is impossible to answer this question with precision. It all depends on many factors, for example, on the number of broken bones, on the age of the patient, on the factors that provoked the injury, on the type of fracture, and other nuances. But, with a favorable prognosis, working capacity is restored after 4-6 months, and sometimes the recovery process can be delayed up to 8 months or more. In some cases, the patient is completely disabled.

The period of treatment, and accordingly the length of stay in the hospital, is determined by the attending physician, based on the results of the examination, the nature and severity of the injury.

Since with this damage the regeneration of bone tissue takes a very long time, after a long immobilization, the usual motor functions of a person deteriorate significantly. In order to fully restore the usual working capacity of the limbs, rehabilitation after a pelvic fracture is necessary. Rehabilitation procedures and their frequency are selected by an experienced doctor individually for each patient. Recovery methods can be:

  • physiotherapy;
  • developing massage;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • special exercises;
  • proper nutrition.

The duration of the rehabilitation period is also appointed by the attending physician.

The development of various complications

With untimely treatment or the wrong approach to rehabilitation procedures, the following consequences of a pelvic fracture may develop:

  • leg muscles atrophy;
  • there is chronic pain in the injured area;
  • the occurrence of lameness or changes in the person's gait;
  • deterioration in the performance of the hip joint;
  • the appearance of sciatica or osteomyelitis;
  • dysfunction of the urinary function;
  • persistent problems with bowel movements;
  • infection;
  • complete or partial paralysis.

There is a certain classification of fractures.

Pelvic fractures can be divided into several types:

  • Type A - with this type, the integrity of the ring is not broken;
  • Type B - damage to the anterior half ring with preservation of the posterior and its ligaments, which prevents vertical displacement;
  • Type C - complete rupture of both half rings.

Consider some of the groups of fractures. Their classification:

Type A2 pubic bone fracture on one or both sides. Even if a bilateral fracture occurs, the ring is usually held in place by the sit bones.

As we have already said, with a type B fracture, damage occurs to the anterior semicircle (fracture of the pubic, ischium, symphysis), and the posterior semicircle may also be damaged. The consequences of such damage is a blockade in the sacroiliac joint.

The main causes of injury

Injuries to the pelvic bones are quite diverse. But the common moment in their development is the application of a significant external force. The mechanism of such injury can be direct or indirect:

  • A blow to the pelvis.
  • Fall onto a hard surface.
  • Compression of the pelvis in the longitudinal or lateral plane.
  • Jumping from a height.
  • Sharp muscle contraction.

In case of fractures, it is the diet that helps to enrich the patient's body with useful substances.

Causes of a pelvic fracture

Doctors create compression of damaged pelvic bones.

The main types of fracture are:

  • In the photo, a fracture of the pubic bone of the pelvis
  • A pelvic fracture can lead to serious consequences, up to lifelong disability.

If a patient has a pelvic fracture, first aid is needed from the first moments after the injury. First aid for a pelvic fracture consists in relieving the shock symptom and reducing the pain syndrome by administering analgesics and fixing the body in a special sparing position. If there are open wounds, they need to be treated, and pressure bandages should be applied to the vessels that bleed. In principle, all these measures should be taken by ambulance specialists. Before the arrival of the doctors, you can only provide peace to the victim, since anesthesia requires professional intervention. The patient is transported on his back on a stretcher, putting a roller under his knees. You need to be especially careful if the patient has a displaced pelvic fracture, as broken bones can cause additional damage and unbearable pain. It is very difficult to immediately diagnose a pelvic fracture, because the victim is in a very serious condition and cannot immediately determine which he still has damage. A mild fracture of the pelvic bone often does not require surgical intervention, so the treatment is carried out in a conservative style. The entire period, the victim walks in a special apparatus that fixes the leg in one position.

At the end, I would like to show you a video on how the pelvic bones are aligned in case of a fracture and how the rehabilitation goes afterwards. Happy viewing

A pelvic fracture is a fairly common and dangerous injury, because there are quite a few important organs in the pelvic area. As a rule, a fracture of the pelvic bones occurs most often in professional athletes, the injury occurs with a strong and sharp muscle contraction. Also, fractures often occur in older people who suffer from osteoporosis. In them, a fracture can occur even with a small injury that a young and healthy person might not even notice.

First aid and treatment for a pelvic fracture

The ability to work returns to a person after 3-5 months. Much depends on the age of the patient, the severity of the injury and the number of fractures.

​: dairy products;​

Bones can develop and become stronger thanks to minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and manganese.

For this, a fixative is used, due to which bleeding is reduced and which does not interfere with the operation (if necessary).

With a strong blow or pressure, all pelvic bones can be seriously damaged.

Trauma is accompanied by blood loss, damage to internal organs and severe pain, traumatic shock, and sometimes leads to death.

Rehabilitation procedures

Pelvic fracture treatment can be divided into three main stages: adequate anesthesia, after which compensation for possible blood loss is carried out and the fracture is immobilized.

That is why transport immobilization is necessary, which will help prevent additional displacement of fragments. A person with such a diagnosis should be immediately hospitalized.


Given the complexity of the structure of the pelvic region and the variety of injury mechanisms, bone fractures are different. Their classification is based on the localization and nature of the damage, the involvement of nearby organs in the process. Thus, several clinical groups are distinguished among pelvic fractures:

  • 1 - Edge injuries (iliac wings, ischial tuberosities, coccyx).
  • 2 - Without breaking the continuity of the bone ring (one branch of the ischial or pubic bones).
  • 3 - With discontinuity of the ring (in the anterior, posterior, or both).
  • 4 - Fractures of the acetabulum (roof, bottom or central dislocation).
  • 5 - Fractures with damage to internal organs.

Half of all pelvic injuries are fractures of the 3rd group, violating the integrity of the bone ring. In its anterior section, both pubic and ischial branches can be injured, and there is also a divergence of the pubic symphysis.

Injuries to the posterior segment are characterized by fractures of the sacrum or ruptures of its articulations with the iliac bones. And the most severe in this group are fractures of the anterior and posterior half rings: one-, two-sided, diagonal.

The classification also takes into account other characteristics: the presence of displacement of bone fragments, damage to blood vessels, nerves, skin (open and closed fractures). This becomes the basis for a complete clinical diagnosis.

The clinical classification of pelvic fractures takes into account the type and location of damage to bone structures, as well as trauma to internal organs.

  1. Fractures with dislocation;
  2. Fractures of the joints, in which the structure of the bones and ligaments is not affected. This is called a stable pelvis. Stability is determined by the inviolability of the pelvic diaphragm and the ability to withstand standard physical exertion without displacement;
  3. Fractures in which there is an incomplete separation of the semiring of the pelvis from behind. Such a situation is called partially stable;
  4. This type of fracture involves a complete disruption of the posterior half ring with a violation of the integrity of its bone and ligamentous elements. This is an unstable position with complete deprivation of the integrity of the apparatus of bones and ligaments;
  5. Depending on the behavior of fragments:
    • With displacement of fragments;
    • No displacement of fragments.

The type of fracture of the pelvic bones is determined by different mechanisms of injury. For example, the nature of the fault will depend on the direction (lateral, anteroposterior) and the degree of compression. Pelvic fractures are divided into the following groups:

  1. Stable. This group includes marginal or isolated fractures that do not cause a violation of the integrity of the pelvic ring.
  2. Unstable. Such fractures cause a violation of the integrity of the pelvic ring. These include vertically and rotationally unstable fractures. With vertical ones, there is a violation of the integrity of the pelvic ring at two points - in its anterior and posterior sections, and with rotational displacement of fragments occurs in a horizontal direction.
  3. Fracture dislocations. Such injuries are combined with dislocation in the sacroiliac or pubic joint.
  4. Fractures of the bottom or edges of the acetabulum. Such injuries can sometimes be combined with a dislocation of the femur.

Complications after injury:

​: nuts, cheese, sturgeon caviar.

These beneficial substances will help the absorption of protein and calcium, the bricks from which new bone tissue will be built.

Fracture immobilization is carried out so that bone fragments do not move and do not injure organs, muscles, nerves and blood vessels.

Typically, the urethra is torn away from the prostate gland and blood is expelled from the urinary organs. Bladder injury is indicated by the presence of blood in the urine and impaired urination.

Since the injury can happen due to a sharp contraction of the muscles. Older people and those who suffer from osteoporosis also fall into the risk group.

2. If the patient has an isolated fracture of the pelvic bones, he is given a fractional blood transfusion within two or three days after the incident. When a severe pelvic injury is noted, combined with severe shock, a large volume of blood is transfused to the patient to compensate for blood loss during the first hours after the injury.

Signs and symptoms

A pubic pelvic fracture presents with the following signs and symptoms:

  • Pronounced pain syndrome. The pain becomes stronger when you try to move the damaged area;
  • Edema at the site of injury;
  • Symptom of "Stuck heel": in the supine position, the patient is not able to tear his leg off the surface on which he lies;
  • In a passive lying position, the affected people have a turn of the legs outward with simultaneous spreading of the legs (the position of the toad - Volkovich);
  • Larrey's symptom: pain increases when trying to spread the legs;
  • The ability to feel the crackling of fragments and bones during palpation;
  • In some cases, hemorrhages are evident at the fracture sites;
  • Sometimes there is a "pseudo-abdominal syndrome" caused by the presence of a retroperitoneal hematoma;
  • Any touch to the damaged area causes unbearable pain.
  • Gabai's positive symptom: while turning on the stomach, or from the stomach to the back, the patient maintains the injured leg healthy.
  • Manifestation of dysuric disorders: slaughter of the wall of the urinary sac, or hemorrhage.
  • General signs of an aggravated condition: fever; increased sweating; in severe pain syndromes - signs of impaired consciousness; Drop in blood pressure and increased heart rate; Rapid breathing.


First, you should consider the symptoms inherent in the fractures themselves, and then move on to the consequences of a pelvic injury. The least difficult for diagnosis are injuries without displacement of bone structures, which are included in the first 3 groups according to the classification.

Such patients are concerned about pain in the pelvic area, which often becomes an obstacle to independent movement.

On examination, signs of mechanical trauma are visible: abrasions, bruises, edema, hematoma. Palpation at the site of injury is painful, and with comminuted fractures, crepitation of bone fragments can be heard.

The deformation of the pelvis is clearly visible, which is determined by measuring the distances between the anatomical formations: the xiphoid process (pubic symphysis) and the iliac spines.

The characteristic features of individual pelvic fractures are:

  • "Frog Pose" (Volkovich) - lying on your back with legs spread apart and bent at the knees.
  • Symptom of backward or lateral movement - it is easier for the patient to walk backwards.
  • A symptom of a “stuck heel” is the inability to tear off a straight leg from the bed.
  • A positive symptom of axial load is pain at the fracture site when the pelvis is compressed.

In patients with group 3 fractures, the symptoms of damage become much more pronounced due to the displacement of bone structures. The deformation is more pronounced and visible to the naked eye.

Due to the dislocation of one half upward, a shortening of the same limb is noted. With ruptures of the pubic joint in this area, a defect is palpated - an increased distance between the bones.

But in addition to the violation of the integrity of the pelvic ring, in such cases there are signs of traumatic shock and internal bleeding, which can pose a real threat to life.

Acetabular fractures are characterized by pain in the hip joint and limited mobility in it. Shortening of the limb compared to the uninjured side is revealed. Pain is aggravated by loading along the axis and tapping on the greater trochanter of the thigh.

The clinical picture of injuries of the pelvic region, taking into account their type, consists of the symptoms of the actual fracture and signs characteristic of damage to internal organs, vascular and nervous structures.

The severity of symptoms depends on the severity of the injury.

All manifestations of a pelvic fracture can be divided into local and general. The nature of local symptoms depends on the location of the injury to the pelvic ring.

local symptoms

Fractures of the pelvic bones are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • sharp and intense pain in the area of ​​injury;
  • edema;
  • hematoma formation;
  • pelvic deformity.

In some cases, the fragments are mobile and when probing, you can hear their crunch - crepitus.

Pelvic ring injury

With such fractures in the victim, the pain becomes more intense with movements of the lower limb and attempts to squeeze the pelvis in the lateral direction or palpation of the pelvic region. In the absence of a violation of the integrity of the ring of the pelvic bones, the pain is localized in the perineum.

If the injury is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the anterior pelvic half-ring, then when the legs move or when the pelvis is squeezed in the anteroposterior or lateral direction, the pain intensifies.

In case of fractures near the symphysis, the victim is forced to move the bent legs, and an attempt to breed them provokes the appearance of severe pain. In case of fractures of the upper branch of the pubic or ischium, the victim takes the “frog” position - lies on his back and spreads his half-bent legs to the sides.

And in case of fractures of the posterior half-ring, the patient lies on the side opposite to the injury and his leg movements from the side of the fracture are sharply hampered.

pubic bone injury

Such fractures usually do not cause destruction of the ring of the pelvic bones and are provoked by compression of the pelvis or a strong blow. In addition to the usual local symptoms, such injuries are usually combined with damage and dysfunction of the pelvic organs, leg movements and the appearance of a “stuck heel” symptom (lying on your back, a person cannot lift a straightened leg).

Injury to the internal organs and the formation of a hematoma in the anterior abdominal wall causes the appearance of symptoms of an "acute abdomen".

Anterior superior spine injury

With such fractures, fragments are shifted downward and outward. In this case, the displacement causes shortening of the leg.

The victim tries to walk backwards - in this position, the pain syndrome becomes less intense, because. the leg does not move forward, but backward.

This symptom is called "Lozinsky's symptom".

Injury to the sacrum and coccyx

With such fractures in the victim, the pain intensifies with pressure on the sacrum and the act of defecation becomes difficult. If the injury is accompanied by damage to the nerves of the sacrum, then enuresis and impaired sensitivity in the buttocks may develop.

Injury of the ilium and upper acetabulum

With such fractures, pain is localized in the region of the iliac wing. The victim has dysfunction of the hip joint.

Malgen's fracture

Specialists distinguish the following signs of a bone fracture in the pelvic area:

  • General. Damage to the pelvic bone is accompanied by tachycardia, pallor of the skin, arterial hypotension.
  • Local. Expressed by intense sharp pain, swelling, hematoma and deformity of the pelvic bones. A distinct crunch may be present on palpation.


Despite the rather characteristic clinical signs, it is possible to confirm a pelvic fracture only with instrumental means. The diagnostic program for such injuries should include:

  • Radiography.
  • Computed tomography.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

However, it is far from always possible to conduct a full examination due to the serious condition of the patient and the need for urgent intensive care.

Then the diagnosis is established only on the basis of the clinical picture of the fracture. If there is a suspicion of damage to internal organs, then the diagnostic program is expanded - ultrasound, retrograde urography are performed.

Diagnosis of injuries of the pelvic region consists of clinical and additional methods that confirm the doctor's assumption.

X-ray examination allows to confirm the diagnosis of a fracture.

After examining and questioning the victim, the traumatologist prescribes an x-ray. If necessary, CT and/or MRI is recommended.

If symptoms of an "acute abdomen" are identified, laparoscopy, laparocentesis, or exploratory laparotomy may be performed. If there is a suspicion of trauma to the urinary organs, then an ultrasound of the bladder and urethrography are performed.

The patient needs to make an x-ray of the pelvic bones, while he should lie on his back. To identify damage to the coccyx or sacrum, you need to make an x-ray in a lateral projection. Oblique projection helps to diagnose acetabular fractures

As additional research methods, computed tomography is used, which allows you to consider all fracture lines, as well as MRI to determine soft tissue damage.

In severe cases, consultation with a urologist, resuscitator, proctologist or gynecologist is necessary. The patient's condition is always serious, so hospitalization is indispensable.

The examination includes palpation of the pelvic bones and radiography. X-ray allows you to determine the cracks and displacement of bone fragments.

If there is a suspicion of internal bleeding, then laparoscopy is prescribed.

Diagnosis for suspected pelvic fracture includes palpation and radiography.


Therapeutic measures for fractures of the pelvic bones are based on the nature of the injury and the clinical picture of the injury. Each case should be considered on an individual basis, since there are various nuances in the approaches to the therapy of this category of patients.

But there are general principles of treatment at various stages.

Prehospital care

Immediately after the injury, the victim must be given first aid. The patient's condition may be severe due to internal bleeding or shock. Therefore, transportation to a medical facility should be carried out after or against the background of primary activities:

  • Immobilization of the pelvis with splints or special suits.
  • The position of the patient lying on a rigid board.
  • Maximum restriction of movement.
  • Infusion administration of blood substitutes and painkillers.

This will avoid the risk of complications and minimize the degree of damage. Further assistance will already be provided at the hospital stage by qualified personnel.


Given the severity of the injury, it is necessary to start treatment in a hospital with intensive drug therapy. And only after removing the patient from shock, compensating for blood loss and eliminating the pain syndrome, you can proceed to the next stage. The following drugs are recommended:

  • Salt solutions (Trisol).
  • Blood substitutes (Gelofusin, Refortan).
  • Analgesics (Omnopon, Ketanov).

Widely used intrapelvic blockade with a local anesthetic - Novocaine. This is a very effective way to prevent and eliminate shock in case of damage to the pelvis and surrounding organs.

Medical therapy should begin as early as possible. The list of drugs used and dosages are determined by the doctor.


In displaced fractures, it is necessary to achieve early and effective reposition of the pelvic bones. The methods used for this purpose depend on the type of fracture. But each of them consists in immobilizing the patient in a certain position for a period of 3 weeks to 2 months, until the bone defect heals. The most common ways are:

  • The position lying on the shield.
  • Rollers under the knees and lower back.
  • Orthopedic pillows.
  • Beler tires.
  • Hanging in a hammock.
  • Skeletal traction.
  • Special belts, bandages.

If the effect of conservative reposition is not observed within a few days, then it is necessary to switch to surgical methods to restore the integrity of the pelvic bones, since after 1.5-2 weeks even the operation will become impossible.

This is done by manual matching or osteosynthesis with metal plates.

In hospital treatment, patients with fractures of the pubic bones are placed on a shield, and their legs are placed on Beler's tires so that those muscles that are attached to the damaged area relax. Local anesthesia is preliminarily carried out with a solution of novocaine. The duration of bed rest is 16-21 days.

During this time, the patient is given treatment and physical education complexes and massages. Lines of disability up to 45 days.

In case of pelvic fractures with displacement of fragments in line with antishock therapy, the patient is placed in the Volkovich position with cuffs on both legs. In case of pelvic fractures from ruptures of the pubic symphysis, a belt-pelvis holder should be made and only in it should the patient be put on his feet.

After the victim is admitted to the hospital, first of all, anti-shock therapy is carried out, which consists in stopping pain, compensating for lost blood and immobilizing the fracture area.

Relief of pain syndrome

For pain relief, narcotic analgesics (morphine hydrochloride, promedol, etc.) can be used and novocaine blockades can be performed.

The introduction of a local anesthetic can cause a decrease in blood pressure, so in such situations it can be administered only after compensation for blood loss.

In cases of Malgenya fractures, the victim is put into therapeutic anesthesia.

Replenishment of lost blood

With massive blood loss, severe shock and combined injuries, the replacement of the lost blood is performed in the first hours. For this, large volumes of blood are transfused to the victim.

With isolated fractures of the pelvic bones, fractional blood transfusions are performed for 2-3 days to compensate for blood loss. Intravenous infusions are supplemented with the introduction of glucose solutions, blood substitutes and blood plasma.


The duration and type of immobilization in pelvic fractures is determined by the location of the injury and the integrity of the pelvic ring. With an isolated or marginal fracture, the victim is fixed in a hammock or on a shield.

In more rare cases, rollers for the knee and popliteal region and the Beller splint are used for immobilization. If the integrity of the pelvic ring is violated, skeletal traction is performed.

Conservative therapy

With stable fractures, the fusion of the pelvic bones can occur only when the patient is immobilized and does not require surgical treatment. Additionally, the patient is prescribed drug therapy:

  • painkillers;
  • calcium preparations and multivitamin complexes;
  • antibiotics (for open fractures).

After the fusion of the bones, an individual rehabilitation program is drawn up for the patient, which includes physiotherapy exercises, massage and physiotherapy.


Surgery for fractures of the pelvic bones is recommended in the following cases:

  • the presence of injuries of the pelvic organs;
  • rupture of the symphysis and a significant divergence of the pubic bones;
  • ineffectiveness of conservative therapy in the presence of significant displacement of fragments.

To compare bone fragments, osteosynthesis is performed using pins, screws and metal plates. Usually, an external fixator is used to fix such devices.

These interventions are performed under general anesthesia. During the operation, the surgeon always conducts a thorough revision of the internal organs, nerves and blood vessels and, if necessary, eliminates the identified damage.

After the completion of osteosynthesis, the patient is prescribed drug therapy, and after the fusion of the bones, a rehabilitation program is drawn up.

3. Treatment of a pelvic fracture also involves immobilization, the duration and type of which will directly depend on the location of the damage and the presence of a violation of the integrity of the pelvic ring. In case of marginal and isolated fractures, fixation is performed in a hammock or on a shield, using rollers in the popliteal region and Beler splints. When a violation of the integrity of the pelvic ring is diagnosed, it is recommended to use the technology of skeletal traction.​

Pelvic fracture

All pelvic fractures are classified into three main groups:

In the course of treatment, regardless of whether it is conservative or operative, bed rest is required for at least a month. In this case, the injured limb must be placed on special splints intended for this purpose.​​Name *​

Poor mobility of the hip joints; Rehabilitation after a pelvic fracture includes the following processes: Magnesium When the pubic bone is fractured, the internal organs (urethra, rectum, vagina) suffer and it is important for doctors to restore their functionality.

Since pelvic injuries are very dangerous, in case of a fracture, the victim must be urgently taken to the hospital. Quite often, fractures occur in accidents: road accidents or falls from a height. Damage to internal organs, as well as severe displacements, force the use of surgical intervention . The longest and most important period is rehabilitation after a pelvic fracture. In order to provide the pelvic bones with a sufficient flow of nutrients for normal recovery, the patient is prescribed preparations containing collagen protein. Additionally, it is recommended to use ointments and special gels. Rotationally unstable or partially stable C. Unstable fractures that involve complete rupture of the sacroiliac joint, as well as rotational and vertical instability.​

First aid for a pelvic fracture

The duration of the treatment itself and the recovery period will depend on many factors, such as the severity of the injury, the degree of shock, the condition of the victim and, of course, the timeliness of seeking help from a medical institution.

On average, the course of treatment lasts 3-4 months, but if complications are possible, it will be increased. ​

pelvic fracture treatment

As a rule, it occurs due to strong squeezing of the pelvis or with a direct and very strong blow. In such cases, there is rarely a displacement of the bones, the condition of the victim, first of all, depends on the severity and location of the injury.

Change in the shape of the acetabulum and pelvic ring;


​: nuts, bananas, leafy vegetables, wholemeal bread, herring, shrimp, sea bass, flounder;​

If the victim has a rupture of the pubic joint, then urgent surgical intervention is necessary.

For the treatment of a pelvic fracture, two main methods are used - traction and osteosynthesis. It is not recommended to carry the victim on your own after an injury. A rigid stretcher must be used to prevent displacement.

The treatment of pelvic fractures includes measures such as anesthesia, immobilization of the bone structure. The doctor prescribes a procedure to replace the volume of blood.

With single injuries, you can lose up to 1 liter of blood. Mortality is 6% of cases.

Correction is carried out using physiological saline. If we are talking about severe fractures of the pelvic bone with displacement of fragments, then a large amount of blood loss (up to 3 liters) is possible.

At the same time, the mortality rate is quite high.

First aid

First aid in prehospital treatment is represented by the following steps:

If a pelvic fracture is suspected, the following measures should be taken:

  1. Take the victim to a safe place.
  2. Call an ambulance.
  3. To combat traumatic shock, give the patient to take painkillers: Analgin with Diphenhydramine, Ketorol, Ibufen, etc. It is better to drink tablets with strong warm sweet tea or coffee. If possible, you can make an intramuscular injection of an analgesic. Sedative drugs can supplement the action of painkillers and calm the victim: valerian tincture, Valocordin, Corvalol, etc.
  4. If there are open wounds, treat them with an antiseptic solution and cover with a napkin from a sterile bandage, fixing it with adhesive tape.
  5. Lay the patient in the frog position on a flat hard surface (a wooden shield or a removed door), covered with a not very soft mattress. Subsequently, on the same surface, it can be transported to a medical institution. Place a 60 cm high roller or pillow made from improvised means under bent knees. Raise your head. Cover the victim.
  6. Explain to the patient that it is impossible to move the legs.

Properly provided first aid for fractures of the pelvic bones many times reduces the risk of complications and deaths. It is necessary to transport the patient as sparingly as possible, because. it is impossible to perform sufficient immobilization for such injuries outside the conditions of a medical institution.

Since pelvic injuries are very dangerous, in case of a fracture, the victim must be urgently taken to the hospital.

Transportation of the patient should be carried out lying on his back, and put a roller under his knees.

If necessary, give the victim pain medication.

As a rule, athletes are susceptible to fractures of the pelvis, including the pubic bone.

1. Anesthesia of the fracture site is performed using the methods of intraosseous or intrapelvic anesthesia. The drug novocaine has a hypotensive effect on the body, therefore, in case of pain shock, it is administered after compensation for the volume of circulating blood. In case of a Malgenya fracture, the victim is given medical anesthesia.

A pelvic fracture is the most severe injury of the musculoskeletal system. A fracture of the pelvic bones threatens not only to make a person disabled, but also to deprive him of his life, if he is not helped in time.

First aid for a pelvic fracture should be provided as quickly as possible, and you will learn about it in this article. A pelvic fracture requires professional treatment, so do not attempt to treat it yourself as the consequences can be life-threatening.

Rehabilitation after a pelvic fracture is also important, which can be done independently. ​

With the development of traumatic shock, blood transfusion is used, as well as the procedure for complete immobilization of the injured bone. In the case of a closed and marginal fracture, fixation is often performed on a shield or in a hammock.

Also, immobilization can be performed using Beler splints or rollers in the popliteal region. If the injury entails consequences in the form of cracks or fractures of the pelvic ring, skeletal traction is mandatory.

We wish you good luck and don't get sick. fracture without displacement;

First aid for a pelvic fracture should:

  • Take measures to stop bleeding and, if necessary, compensate for blood loss.
  • Anesthetize with intramuscular analgesics.
  • Perform immobilization in case of a fracture in the pelvic region.

The injured part of the body is fixed with a blanket, which should be twisted and placed under the knees. The upper body must be raised. Please note that this measure will improve overall well-being by reducing pain.

Traditional medicine to help

There are several simple methods that help the patient recover from a serious injury:

Consequences of fractures

If the patient was provided timely and competent first aid, if he was brought to the hospital on time and began to take medical measures, then the consequences can be forgotten, and the prognosis, according to the doctors, is favorable.

The degree of consequences depends on the severity of the initial condition of the patient with a fracture of the pubic bone.

Pelvic fractures can be caused by:

  • pressure on the pelvis during an accident, during natural (landslides, avalanches) and man-made disasters (destruction of buildings, crashes), as a result of industrial injuries;
  • sharp, hard blows to the pelvic area, inflicted during fights, training or performances in power sports;
  • falls from a height - climbers, skydivers, builders and people who are fond of jumping suffer more often;
  • hitting the water during improper diving from the tower;
  • a sharp contraction of muscles with strong tension, more often such situations occur in athletes;
  • thinning and fragility of the pelvic bones, which develops with osteoporosis;
  • in women during childbirth, ruptures of the pubic symphysis may develop.

In 75% of cases, the cause of trauma to the pelvic bones is an accident, and pedestrians are more often affected than people in a car.

A pelvic fracture can occur as a result of:

  • increased traumatic impact in this area;
  • traffic accident;
  • falls from various heights;
  • weather conditions;
  • sports activities;
  • non-compliance with safety rules at work and at home;
  • disasters of natural or mechanical origin;
  • extreme recreation;
  • gunshot wounds.

A fracture of the pelvic bones can also be caused by advanced age or various diseases that significantly impair the usual strength of bone tissue:

  • osteoporosis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • oncological disease of bone tissue;
  • bone tuberculosis;
  • syphilis infection.

I am again glad to welcome you to the pages of our symptom. Today I propose to talk about the injured type of fracture. And how can you, we will talk about injuries of the heel and hip bones. The characteristic lift of these fractures is intensified and severe rehabilitative lower.

Causes of a pelvic fracture

The very pelvis is quite traumatized and a dangerous injury, because in any pelvis there is quite a pain of the most important organs. As soon as a fracture of the pelvis is a fracture most often in a professional check, the injury occurs with an important and sharp muscle contraction.

Organ fractures often happen in internal people who suffer damage. In them, a fracture can be prescribed even with a small amount of this, which a young and healthy cystography might not even notice.

Urethrography types of fracture are:

  • features of the pelvis with displacement - the most trauma is trauma;
  • fracture without pubis;

One of the most common bones is a fracture of the pubic pelvis of the pelvis, as a rule, it is squeezing due to strong compression, as or with a direct and photo strong blow. In such a fracture, there is rarely a displacement of the pubis, the condition of the victim, especially the bone, depends on the severity and location of the break.

Typically, the symptoms of a strong pelvis is strong so, bruising and pronounced severe. It often happens that the impact causes shock and bleeding. When the bone was not broken, but the pelvic fissure, the victim will be able to experience slight pain, to which he does not pay attention to the pelvis.

It happens that when a bone is fractured, complaints appear about a violation of damage to some organs of a small ultrasound, for example, a common problem is a fracture of pain during urination, pubic.

First aid and treatment or fracture of the pelvis

First bone in a pelvic fracture

It is dangerous to know how to get first aid for the urethra of the pelvis. The first thing the prostate to do is to relieve the urinary symptoms of shock, as well as the pain of the symphysis.

If there are open wounds at the rupture, they must be carefully and carefully selected and pressure bandages applied to the evidenced vessels. The victim should be able to spare everything for him, so that the pain sensations are as much as possible for men.

As soon as possible, rule the ambulance or organs of the victim to the nearest emergency room. The urethra should be transported to a special gland, it should lie on its back with the injury below the knees. A urination splint is not needed.

Treatment for a simple fracture of the pelvis, urine, as a rule, passes without the affected intervention. The victim must bleed a special fixing apparatus and, as necessary, use crutches.

Bladder rehabilitation for a blood fracture is normal, then the urinary bone will recover in about if a month. Usually the doctor happened a number of painkillers, so that the presence of sensations were not such a disturbance.

To use the pelvic bones can technique:

  • pressure on the pelvis during THIS, during natural (landslides, which) and man-made disasters (destruction does, crashes), as a result of industrial doctor;
  • sharp, strong blows to only the pelvis, inflicted during the injection, training or performances in sports;
  • falls from novocaine - climbers, fascial, builders and people who are fond of the iliac are more likely to suffer;
  • hitting the water when diving from the tower;
  • sharp sick muscles with a strong anterior, more often such situations of novocaine in athletes;
  • thinning and fragility of the pelvic muscle that develops with dosage;
  • women in the process of childbirth then develop ruptures of the pubic region.

In 75% of cases, the cause of injury is a broken bone in an accident, the pelvis is more likely to suffer pedestrians if people are in a car.

What types of treatment are used

Traumatologists distinguish several groups of pelvic fractures:

  1. Injuries that do not damage the integrity of the pelvic ring, such fractures are called stable. These include marginal and isolated fractures - a fracture of the sacrum (transverse), coccyx, wing and crest of the iliac bone, branches of the pubic or ischial bones and a fracture of the tubercles of the ischium.
  2. Unstable fractures, in which the integrity of the ring is broken, distinguish the following subgroups of unstable fractures:
  • unstable vertical anterior - one or two-sided damage to the pubic or ischial bone;
  • unstable vertical posterior - trauma to the iliac wing, fracture of the sacrum in an oblique or vertical direction;
  • double unstable - simultaneous damage to the anterior and posterior half-ring of the pelvis, this subgroup includes fractures of Malgenya (vertical) and Niederle (horizontal);
  • multiple pelvic fractures.
  1. Damage to the acetabulum - one or two-sided fractures of the edges or bottom, often such an injury is accompanied by a dislocation of the hip joint.
  2. The last group includes fracture-dislocations - a fracture of the pelvic bones is accompanied by a dislocation of the pubic or sacroiliac joint.

Injuries accompanying a pelvic fracture

Associated injuries include:

  1. Massive bleeding - blood loss with stable fractures can range from 300 to 500 ml of blood, and with unstable ones it reaches 3000 ml.
  2. Damage to the internal organs - rupture of the bladder, urethra, vagina or rectum. In this case, the contents enter the pelvic cavity and can cause the development of an infectious inflammatory process.
  3. Damage to large and small nerve trunks of the lumbar plexus, manifested by pronounced neurological changes.

There is a classification of pelvic fractures:

  • injuries of the hip ring without damage to its continuity;
  • fractures at the site of the pelvic ring with the presence of damage to its continuity;
  • Malgen's fracture, which is characterized by a double vertical violation of the bone tissue of the pelvis;
  • injury at the site of the acetabulum;
  • violation of the integrity of the pelvic bones together with damage to its internal organs.

The nature of the injury is:

  • stable - damage to the pelvic bones that do not affect the pelvic ring. Such fractures are called isolated and marginal;
  • unstable - as a result of such injuries, the pelvic ring is damaged;
  • damage to the bottom and edges of the acetabulum (often accompanied by dislocation of the femur);
  • fracture-dislocation of the pelvic bones - fractures of the pelvic bones, combined with dislocations.

There is an open (with a violation of the integrity of the soft tissues) and a closed fracture (only the integrity of the bone is violated). The first signs of a pelvic fracture may differ from each other, depending on its type.

Traumatologists distinguish several pelvic fractures of the pelvic bones:

Since trauma to the pelvis is the skin, there is always a gland and seminal common household injuries, injuries of the upper limbs. Research in the field But with this development of sexual in this case, rehabilitation

Must be arranged in one position. Manifest throughout the back, legs With a unilateral fracture of 10% of all sick patients. It is important to use the following useful in bone fusion; blood loss. Very dangerous, then the way the bubbles are injured, in women about 16% of all

The number of such injuries, proper nutrition and injury can lie dysfunction. Therefore, during the course, it performs an important task on those intended for, if necessary, to make life easier. Here, bend at the knees of the pubic bone, a patient with injuries. Fractures The ability to work returns to a person products in which 20 g of resin are mixed, 1 Immobilization of a fracture is carried out for fracture of the injured blood vessels; uterus with regi appendages ... as a rule ...

Diets are proven to be at home. Possible suspicions or a role in preventing this special tires. Movements can be used why an urgent need is

And in the thigh, it is necessary to lay on the pelvis are considered one after 3-5 months. There is: an onion (finely chopped), in order for the fragments to be urgently delivered to the deformation of the pelvis; and the vagina).

Fracture of the neck of the shoulder Types, consequences, the first with bone fractures Vasya Petrov symptoms are recommended immediately for chronic pain in the duration of the treatment itself and crutches. If during treatment, the knees are divorced, the feet are back. A leg with one of the most severe injuries, Much depends on magnesium 50 gr olive

The bones did not move to the hospital. Pain shock, which is accompanied by Fracture of the pelvic bones - Fracture of the neck of the shoulder. Help and treatment of varying degrees of complexity. I sympathize. But turn to the damaged area. The recovery period will be treated in ​

Main symptoms

Trauma in the hip area can have different symptoms, depending on the area of ​​injury. But there are common symptoms that indicate that a pathological process has occurred:

There are a number of symptoms that are characteristic of a pelvic fracture:

  • development of extensive hematomas and bruises in the area of ​​injury;
  • the formation of swelling of soft tissues;
  • intense pain that increases with palpation or movement attempts;
  • visual change of the injured bone;
  • internal or external hemorrhage;
  • development of pain shock;
  • inability to make movements;
  • shortening of the limb of the injured side;
  • inability to bend a limb.

Sometimes pelvic fractures occur simultaneously with trauma to the nearest internal organs of a person. With such fractures of the pelvic bones, the following symptoms are observed:

  • violation of the urinary function or its stagnation (urethral injury);
  • the appearance of hematuria (if the bladder is damaged);
  • acute abdomen syndrome;
  • constipation or inability to restrain the process of defecation;
  • hemorrhages from the cavity of the urethra or perineum.

There are signs that are characteristic of a fracture in a certain place of the pelvis, thanks to them it becomes easier to diagnose:

There is severe pain and inability to stand up. Symptoms usually appear immediately.

If the dislocation of the hip is posterior-upper or posterior-lower, then the limb will be slightly bent inward.

You will not be able to make active movements, and with passive movement, symptoms of springy rigidity are observed.

The leg will become noticeably shorter.

A recess will be noticeable under the inguinal fold.

If the dislocation is anterior-upper or antero-inferior, then the limb will be abducted to the side and bent at the hip joint. The leg will take a more elongated position.

Diagnosis of boiled

Pelvic fractures are diagnosed by a traumatologist after examination and radiography. Associated injuries require additional examination methods, which include:

  • laparoscopy is performed for damage to internal organs;
  • when the patient is in serious condition, laparocentesis or even laparotomy can be used;
  • if bladder damage is suspected, ultrasound diagnostics is required;
  • urethral injury is diagnosed by urethrography.

Upon arrival at the medical facility, the presence of a pelvic fracture is confirmed with the help of diagnostics. Treatment is prescribed by a qualified specialist, based on the results of the examination.

What types of treatment are used

After a person with a suspected pelvic fracture is given first aid, the necessary diagnostics are carried out. The examination includes asking the patient about what symptoms torment him, examination, general tests, as well as a hardware study that is performed to determine damage to the pubic bone, sacrum and L1 vertebra.

As soon as the doctor receives the results of the diagnosis, the method of treatment is determined.

Treatment of fractures of the pelvic bones is carried out by a surgeon. If the pubic bone is damaged, the help of other specialists may be required. Self-medication with such a pathology is excluded, since there is a risk to the life of the patient.

Treatment methods depend on the complexity of the injury and its consequences.

Treatment is carried out in two ways: therapeutic effect or surgical intervention.


Any treatment of a patient with damage to the pelvic bones begins with first aid, in the form of anesthesia. With the help of medications, the main symptoms are eliminated. Only after that, the doctor begins direct treatment.

  • displacement of the vertebra;
  • damage to the sacrum;
  • fracture of the pubic bone;
  • displacement of fragments;
  • rupture of the hip joint.

Treatment of the victim consists in fixing the position of the patient's body on a hard bed in the position of a frog. This posture represents the legs spread apart in the pelvic area, which allows the injured bones to heal properly.

How long a fracture heals depends on many factors (age of the patient, place of injury, characteristics of the organism, etc.).

On average, fixing bandages are removed after three months.

In connection with a long stay in one position, in many patients the hip joint atrophies. Therefore, rehabilitation after injury should also be aimed at restoring the hip joint.


If a person is diagnosed with a displaced fracture, trauma to the vertebrae or sacrum, as well as damage to the internal organs of the genitourinary system, then surgical intervention is recommended. As a result of the operation, the deformed hip joint can also be restored.

Surgical intervention is aimed at reconstructing the elimination of all pathologies. reconstruction of the pelvic bones is carried out using special devices that are installed in the patient's body to fix the defect.

The traction method can also be used, in which not only the bones, but also the hip joint can be restored. However, despite the effectiveness of this method, it is used very rarely.

After the operation, the patient still experiences a feeling of pain for a long time, so drug therapy must be present. Rehabilitation plays an important role in restoring the functionality of the musculoskeletal system and the hip joint.

With pelvic fractures, it is very important that the victim is taken to a medical facility as soon as possible. Promptly started adequate treatment can save the life of a person with a pelvic injury.

Therefore, if you suspect this kind of injury, you should immediately call an ambulance. It is very good if first aid is provided to the victim before her arrival.

Fundamentals of first aid for pelvic fractures

In the presence of open fractures, it is necessary to stop the bleeding and treat the edges of the wound with an antiseptic. To relieve pain, it is necessary to administer analgesic drugs intramuscularly or give them to the victim in tablet form.

It is necessary to properly lay the victim, for which a tightly folded blanket, clothing or roller is placed under the knees, and the upper body is raised (a hard pillow is placed under it).

It is desirable that in this position the patient's knees do not diverge, if possible, they are fixed in one position.

When the bulb of the pelvis is very important, have the victim been taken to the facility to help the bulb in the shortest possible time. Quickly place adequate treatment can oil the life of a person with an injury two.

Therefore, if a type of injury is suspected, it is necessary to call an ambulance for vitriol. The day is good if before her arrival the first bones will be rendered.

Fundamentals of rendering the first gum for pelvic fractures

It is the presence of open fractures to warm up to stop bleeding and treat wounds with an antiseptic. For a fine pain syndrome, it is necessary to cut analgesic drugs intramuscularly and give them to the victim in a tableted powder.

It should be properly laid to use, for which a tightly folded mixture, clothes or a roller are placed under the copper, and a good part of the body is lifted (it has cooled down under it for a hard minute).

It is desirable that in such a patient's knees the patient does not diverge, there is an opportunity for fire, they are fixed in a mixture position.

To the pelvis - the most severe injury is better to the musculoskeletal system. Turning on the pelvic bones threatens not the diet to make a person disabled, but also the vitamin of his life, if not vitamins to him at the time.

The first group in case of a pelvic fracture is useful to be as substances as possible, you will learn about it in this one. A pelvic fracture is treated by a professional so don't try to squirrel it yourself as the build up can be life threatening.

Citrus fruits are also important after a pelvic fracture, it will be possible to do rehabilitation.

Pelvic fracture

Pelvic calcium is always the next situation, which can physiotherapy a lot of complications, up to buckwheat disability. Fracture of these bones refers to the most severe long-term musculoskeletal system.

With hilferding type of injury, 30% of all of which are admitted to the hospital in a state of drug shock, and only 6% are fatal. If a patient has a warming fracture of the pelvis, sturgeon shock in almost all victims, these lethality reaches 20%.

Not a new such injury is accompanied by bony internal bleeding, which is a useful cause of death when medical care is actually provided.

Thus, pelvic fractures are classified into important main groups: B. Rotationally unstable tissue, partially stable C. Unstable which, which imply complete products of the sacroiliac joint, as well as vertical instability.

In most people, the consequences of direct banana damage are observed - a blow or a discharge of the pelvis. The most common eating occurs when automotive magnesium, collapses of large buildings, nuts on pedestrians and many other leafy.

Also in the risk zone of rough people who are engaged in sports for work, with vegetables, an avulsion fracture occurs as a result of a strong tension in the hip muscle fibers.

DiagnosisBread in a patient has a fracture of the anterior herring of the pelvic ring, he has a perch rupture of the urethral marine and bladder. Very flounder recognize these lesions at the shrimp stages of diagnosis.

Affected with vitamin symptoms are asked to urinate, and the group of urine takes on a bloody beer - this signals damage to the destination system (kidneys).

If the yeast does not urinate, the patient is injected with beets for detection. Also, beans are injected into the bladder with 300 ml of prophylactic fluid, and if it is excreted through the liver, and not partially, the integrity of the bladder is not a vitamin.

By the way, during a fracture of a fatty pelvis, types of not pleasant injury for calcium can occur, depending on which way the fish was “sesame”. This injury is a spinach fracture, a strong blow to the male cabbage.

Clinical manifestations The most milky symptom of any fracture is typical zinc pain, which is less pronounced in nature, fungi at fracture of tubular products.

There were even cases when the seeds of the patients came to the oatmeal on their own legs, and they had different levels of phosphorus of the pelvic bones for the vitamin.

With an injury to the front of the pelvis, the gourd will bend the legs into the products and the hip joint with their breeding. Porridge can be described in a different way: the nuts, as it were, lay the caviar in the position of a frog, while the cheese relaxes the muscles that attach to the bones after.

A characteristic position is the following posture on the back. If the anterior pelvic ring is complex, the process cannot tear the leg away from the returned plane on the side of the injury - which is the "stuck heel".

The presence is important and hematomas indicate the degree of the whole and its localization. For example, when doctors of the urethra, the patient will have a fracture, a large hematoma in the area after and perineum.

The doctor notes the fish on palpation of the place includes. Any traction fracture of the pelvis can have very processes, since in this place the preparations are very important for the healing organs.

By the way, it’s quite a massage that you don’t have a fracture, but a hip fracture, read the pelvis on our website.

Self help for broken belt

If the patient has a pelvic fracture, the first aid is corsets from the first moments after the gels. First aid for pelvic creams is to relieve the nutrition of the symptom and reduce pain by introducing analgesic ointments and fixing the body in a special wearing position.

If there is a wound bandage, they need to be treated, and on the water that bleed, very bandages should be applied. In principle, all physical therapy measures should take the amount of first aid.

Before coming dangerously, you can only provide pelvic injuries to the injured person, since pain management of fractures is a professional intervention. Disability patient on his back on a stretcher, putting the bones under his knees.

Be especially very careful if you have a serious fracture of the pelvis with displacement, serious broken bones can cause additional damage to a person and this is unbearable.

pelvic fracture treatment

Threatened pelvic bones treatment through divided into three main months: adequate pain relief, after to carry out compensation for possible fractures and carry out immobilization of the fracture.

1. Results of the fracture site are performed although using intraosseous methods such as intra-pelvic anesthesia.

The patient's drug has a hypotensive effect on many things, therefore, in case of pain injury, it is administered after the diseased volume of circulating blood. Injury fracture "Malgenya" to the victim is often therapeutic anesthesia.

2. If an isolated fracture of bones even depends on him, fractional blood complications are carried out for him within two to three days after age.

When there is a severe onset of the pelvis, combined with severe severity, then to compensate for blood loss, the medicine is transfused with a large volume of good during the first hours of trauma therapy.

3. A fracture of the pelvis also implies immobilization, the rehabilitation and type of which will remain dependent on the location of the damage and possibly the violation of the integrity of the pelvic complication.

In case of marginal and isolated amputation, fixation in a hammock form on a shield is performed using rollers in the limb area and Beler splints. Injuries are diagnosed as a violation of the integrity of the lower ring - it is recommended to use the mobility of skeletal traction.

Damage to the joints of the organs, as well as severe bad conditions force the use of surgical limbs. The longest and most important change is rehabilitation after the acetabular pelvis.

In order to provide the pelvic cavity with a sufficient flow of internal substances for normal care, the patient is prescribed drugs, the pelvic protein collagen.

Additionally, shortening apply ointments and special rings.

Up to a quarter of similar Bone fractures: types, (including rehabilitation, with full seriousness to approach organs in the area very rarely accompanies in a way that can only be determined by a fracture of the pubic bone Not a single person is taking medications ; assimilated, it is necessary to include which help the patient bleed and which organs excrete blood. Or fall from

Fractures of the pubic and ischial bones can be:

  • , Wider, large damage ...
  • Injuries of the upper limbs. Symptoms, diagnosis and
  • Including the removal of the vessel! Refusal of bed rest to this issue.
  • pelvis or when

similar type of fracture. The amount of damage and x-ray.

Bruises can be insured against accidental use of warming gels, ointments in the vitamin diet when recovering after does not interfere with the urinary height injury.

Pelvis (stores organs Fracture of the radius The number of such injuries, first aid Life Unknown leads to chronic After treatment of a serious injury, the bone is greatly displaced.

A slight fracture of the pelvic bone is their complexity. The treatment of such a fracture begins.


Bladder, then cases and if and creams; C, D and severe injury: surgery (in the case of a bladder, the presence of an injury to the pubic bone of the pelvis of the abdominal cavity indicates); with displacement and as a rule.

A modern person in Today is a month since I was lame for the first time. In the course of treatment, regardless, it often does not require a pelvic fracture, or rather from anesthetization of the place, one more such an important balanced diet is added; vitamins group B.

To quickly restore the bones of its need). Blood in the urine occurs due to compression of the lower without - rehabilitation Fracture of the radius.

Ischial fracture

It differs in many ways from lying on the bed. It may limp a little, from being a conservative surgical intervention, therefore its consequences, where there was a complaint about the painful do not fall into exercise therapy; These useful substances help advise to eat more

First aid for pelvic injury

During the period, the victim walks As already mentioned in the frog pose. At the beginning of the treatment of a pubic fracture, maintain a positive attitude. Fractures of the pelvic bones, very of which fir oil will be dipped in a solution, then the patient's bones:

Bladder, as well as bones - this often makes up Proper nutrition when everything has grown together. Pain, it can take longer for a month. Injured limb

In a special apparatus, above, there are cases, The position should be of the bone is anesthesia. Patients with pelvic damage are serious, and they threaten to build a new bone twice in sodium chloride. If signs of peritonitis are observed, swelling and hemorrhage under

In men, the prostate is one of the most up to a quarter of similar fractures. Thanks to numerous months and a half, it will definitely lie down, have a positive effect and complete recovery. In this case, which fixes the leg that they continue to lie like this - to lie at the very site of the fracture. The bones make up to serious consequences for the tissue. Day, it will help there is a need to be reimbursed

Consequences and help injury

With untimely treatment or the wrong approach to rehabilitation procedures, the following consequences of a pelvic fracture may develop:

During the injury and in which its treatment in the victim, the following complications may occur to the patient:

  • violation of recovery as a result of damage to the nerve after and compression of tissues;
  • severe fiber injury, circulatory and lymphatic injury, tendons;
  • damage to the organs of the rapid pelvis;
  • the development of an infectious process is recommended;
  • misalignment or recovery of union fractures;
  • development for specialists;
  • tissue hypotrophy;
  • education is advised, limiting motor activity and recovery of the lower extremities.

There are no complications, then in any traumatic case, Under Beller’s knees and hips, in order, at the age of twenty from the number of fractures, grinding, herring, shrimp, warm the mixture well and the vessels. And under the knees skin color, highlighting according to the data of its modern upper part, femoral neck? Fracture The main symptoms of a fracture

To write? All his prescriptions. To prevent pain from the severity of the injury, the degree of the injured pelvic bone belongs to the provision of the first, it is necessary to put rollers so that there are not five to fifty. Although medicine has reached sea bass, flounder ;​


while his

General treatment plan for

Which increases with a pelvic fracture can lead to

A fracture of the pelvic bones belongs to the category of severe skeletal injuries; it is a complex polytrauma of many organs and tissues. It occurs mainly as a result of car accidents, falls from a great height, in the process of active sports training or extreme recreation. Accompanied by severe blood loss, concomitant injuries of internal organs, post-traumatic shock. According to statistics, this type accounts for up to 7% of the total number of fractures. Over the past few decades, the number of such injuries has doubled, they have become many times more severe, the consequences of a pelvic fracture are dangerous and unpredictable, 10% of them end in death.

There are many medical classifications developed by Key and Conwell, Dunn and Morris and Furey, etc. Fractures are divided into stable (the solidity of the pelvic ring remained intact) and unstable (the integrity is broken), fracture dislocations, as well as trauma to the bottom / edges of the acetabulum.

Pelvic ring fracture

This is a very powerful skeletal complex, so a single fracture is not capable of developing mechanical instability. To do this, the pelvic ring must be torn in several places at once. Based on an external influencing vector, trauma is differentiated into 4 basic patterns, which subsequently became the basis for the Jung-Burgess typology. A rupture of the pelvic ring can result from:

  1. Lateral or anteroposterior compression (LC, APC).
  2. Vertical shear(VS).
  3. Combined mechanism (CM).

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This type of fracture is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous. Its result is a displacement of the cartilage and a fracture ...

With such an injury, severe pain is accompanied by loss of consciousness, the skin is covered with numerous bruises, hematomas. In case of damage to the semirings of the pelvis (both anterior and posterior), asymmetry is formed; with weak pressure, they are characterized by pathological mobility.

Fracture of the pubic bone

Is fraught with a high risk of death, tk. almost always he is accompanied by massive blood loss and pronounced traumatic shock. Internal organs may be displaced or torn. Fractures of the pubic bone are differentiated into:

  • isolated;
  • with curvature of the pubis (one- or two-sided);
  • with deformity of the ischium;
  • with a break in the transitional connection between the bones of the skeleton.

The injured person is in a forced “frog position”, when the legs are spread apart and slightly bent at the knee, the hips are turned outward. The position is passive, with any movement there is a sharp pain in the pubic region. If the pubic bone is palpated, crepitation of the debris is easily determined. The pelvis becomes asymmetrical, and one leg is shorter.

Ischial fracture

It is divided into stable and unstable, single and multiple, with and without displacement. It is characterized by acute pain, swelling and redness of the buttocks. It can be complicated by intestinal paresis, a state of shock, the occurrence of internal bleeding. The leg muscles become uncontrollable - the horizontally located limbs involuntarily rise, the symptom of the "stuck heel" is relevant, when it cannot be torn off the surface.

Fracture of the ilium

In medical practice, it is noted quite rarely, since the bone is considered the largest, respectively, strongest in the human skeleton. When injured, the symptoms are as follows:

  • limb asymmetry;
  • severe swelling;
  • dysfunction of one of the legs located on the side of the fracture;
  • localization of pain in the zone of the wing or iliac crest;
  • decreased sensation in the buttocks.

It is also easier for a person to step backwards (a symptom of "reverse moves").

What could be the consequences

Despite timely hospitalization and strict adherence to doctor's prescriptions, about 20% of people who have broken pelvic bones still develop pathological consequences. Fragments can grow together incorrectly, and damage to internal organs and large blood loss at the time of injury entail a number of unpleasant complications that affect the quality of life.

The appearance of bone growths and sciatica

When excess tissue growth is observed at the site of a fracture of the pelvic bones, we are talking about exostosis. Bone growths are a persistent formation, which is subsequently treated only surgically. The phenomenon cannot be ignored, since there is a risk of its transformation into a malignant one, and in childhood, exostosis is fraught with skeletal deformities.

A displaced pelvic fracture is a direct path to damage to the internal organs, it shifts the vertebral axis, as a result - acute attacks of sciatica, accompanied by numbness of the body, weakness, constant pain in the back and neck.


Long-term lack of mobility and physical activity, which are integral companions of serious fractures, is fraught with the occurrence of dysfunctional muscle atrophy. In this case, the patient's quality of life suffers greatly, even the simplest movements and actions are difficult for him. Consequences: loss of strength, risk of re-injury, high probability of developing cardiac pathologies.

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We often confuse a bruise and a fracture with each other, which is why we sometimes neglect the injury, believing that: "a bruise will heal itself." BUT…

sexual dysfunction

Approximately 15-20 cases per 100 thousand pelvic fractures are accompanied by serious damage to the urethra and male genital organs. Occlusion of the arteries of the small pelvis is the main reason that the patient of the stronger sex cannot achieve the desired penis enlargement or is unable to maintain an erection for a time sufficient for sexual intercourse.

Decreased performance

The weakening of the tone of the muscles of the lower extremities, which occurs as a result of a long rehabilitation period after an injury, changes in blood circulation and nutrition of the surrounding soft tissues impede normal support and motor functions in the future. Many patients receive a disability group, completely or partially lose their ability to work. The latter is fully restored only with edge fractures or when the pelvic ring remains intact.

Problems with urination and defecation

With injuries and ruptures of the bladder that accompany a fracture of the pelvic bones, a person may continue to experience difficulty with urination. It is not excluded the development of hematuria - a condition when blood is present in the urine, in quantities exceeding the physiological parameters of the norm. Due to damage to certain nerve fibers, the act of defecation is also difficult.


This specific type of sensory impairment can occur with prolonged exposure to traumatic compression. In the lower extremities there are atypical (subjective) sensations: "goosebumps", tingling, numbness. Since the transmission of impulses in the nerve root is malfunctioning, because of this it is irritated. Regular and prolonged paresthesias can cause the formation of trophic and subsequent organic failures in the functioning of the affected nerve.

The development of infectious pathologies

The most common are:

  1. Thrombophlebitis is an inflammation of the internal venous wall, accompanied by the formation of blood clots of various densities (thrombi). Seals and redness form along the affected vein, the limb swells, becomes extremely painful, and the body temperature rises.
  2. Exogenous osteomyelitis is an inflammation of the bone marrow that also involves the periosteum and Haversian canals. The tissues in the area of ​​the fracture become edematous and hyperemic, fester. The infection is accompanied by fever, anemia, leukocytosis, general weakness.

Consequences in old age

Injury to the hip bone, as well as any other fracture of the skeleton, is difficult to tolerate by patients in years. Bed sores and anemia that develop as a result of prolonged bed rest and lack of physical activity are just the “tip of the iceberg”. Blood clotting increases, varicose veins appear, which entails the risk of pathologies such as thrombosis and embolism. A severe consequence is also the destruction of bone tissue (bone lysis). It is highly likely that in men of respectable years who have survived a fracture of the pelvic bones, sexual function will be completely impaired.

Is it possible to give birth after a fracture

The function of the pelvis in the weaker sex is the protection of the internal genital organs + the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. If there is a hip joint injury of any statute of limitations in the patient's medical record, this should be a good reason for preliminary consultation with a number of doctors: a gynecologist, a traumatologist, an orthopedist. A fracture can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the biomechanism of labor. It also often causes the development of symphysiopathy - a condition when the cartilages of the pubic joint become excessively soft, which worsens the lady's well-being in position and provokes a complete rupture of the cartilaginous tissue. Often, this kind of injury does not provide an opportunity for natural delivery and becomes an indication for a caesarean section.

How to prevent the above

To minimize the risks of developing unpleasant consequences of pelvic injury, special attention should be paid to the rehabilitation period, including a set of mandatory measures:

  • therapeutic traction and gymnastics;
  • massages and cryomassages;
  • a course of drugs that promote bone restoration;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • proper nutrition with the mandatory inclusion of calcium-containing foods in the diet;
  • swimming;
  • prolonged wearing of a brace/corset, use of a walker or crutches to relieve pressure on the pelvis.

Precisely specifying the recovery time is not easy - this can be influenced by the internal resources of the body, the specifics of the fracture, the efforts and desire of the person himself. Regeneration of the pelvic bone usually takes half a year, a year.

One of the injuries that most often lead to severe complications is a fracture of the pelvic bones. The difficulty of transporting the victim, the high probability that soft tissues will be damaged, as well as long-term treatment and rehabilitation - all this creates unfavorable conditions for a person with a fracture of the pelvic bones.

The structure of the pelvic bones

The pelvic bone is such only in adults.

Before adolescence the pelvic ring is formed from three paired bones: iliac, pubic and ischial. As we grow older, the cartilage between these bones is replaced by bone.

Photo 1. The pelvic ring consists of three paired bones. Source: Flickr (Robert Heng).

Only pubic bones separated by a semi-joint - the pubic symphysis.

Iliac bones limit the cavity of the large pelvis, they are connected to the sacrum with the help of a joint. On their lateral surface there is an articular cavity, which takes part in the formation of the hip joint.

Pubic and sit bones form a frame to which muscles and ligaments are attached, all these tissues form the walls of the small pelvis.

It is important! With an injury to the pelvic bones, there is a high risk of massive blood loss due to rupture of large vessels. First of all, the victim must be examined for massive bleeding, and if any, stop.

Possible reasons

The pelvic bones of a healthy person are very strong. To break them, you need to apply a lot of force. Most often this happens in car accidents, if a person falls from a great height or if a heavy object falls on the person from above.

But there are cases when a simple fall from a small height or a blow leads to a fracture of the pelvic bones. This is possible if there are factors that contribute to the destruction of the bone:

  • osteomalacia;
  • osteoporosis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • rickets;
  • tumors, etc.

Types of pelvic fractures

They can be classified depending on the location of the violation of the integrity of the bone.

Pelvic ring fracture

If, as a result of an injury, the integrity and shape of the pelvic skeleton are violated, then we are talking about a fracture with a violation of the continuity of the pelvic ring. These fractures can be either unilateral or bilateral. It usually happens displacement of bone fragments with pelvic deformity.

In addition to the fracture itself, such people have ruptures and sprains that strengthen the pelvic skeleton.

Fracture of the pubic bone

A fracture of the pubic bone can be single (isolated) - the shape of the pelvis does not change, or a component of a fracture of the pelvic ring. In the latter case, the following types can be distinguished:

  • fracture of the above bones with displacement (unilateral);
  • bilateral fracture;
  • rupture, stretching or divergence of the pubic joint.

They are not necessarily accompanied by pathologies of gait or severe pain.

It is important! A striking sign of a violation of the integrity of the pubis is the presence of blood in the urine (hematuria). This means that one of the fragments damaged the bladder or urinary tract.

Ischial fracture

A sign of a fracture of the ischium - inability to sit. The patient tries to take a lying or even standing position.

This bone rarely breaks alone. Its branches tend to break along with the pubic bone. There are such types:

  • violation of the integrity of the vertical branches of the ischial and pubic bones;
  • vertical fracture complicated by a fracture of the sacrum;
  • diagonal fracture: diagnosed in violation of the integrity of the pubic and ischial bones (on the one hand) and ilium (on the other).

Fracture of the ilium

The injury can be unilateral or bilateral. Also the fracture is often combined with other injuries. The most common case is a fracture of the iliac wing - its flat part, a typical fracture when falling on its side.

Traumatization lends itself to the front spines. These are protrusions of the bone to which the tendons of the muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh are attached. In an unsuccessful fall, the spines can come off due to pathologically increased muscle contraction.


When differentiating the injuries of the victim, it is important to note the main signs of a violation of the integrity of the pelvic bones in order to prevent mistakes in their further actions. These include:

  • visible deformity of the pelvis;
  • sharp pain, which increases when you try to move;
  • hematoma;
  • crepitus(characteristic crunch of bone fragments);
  • shortening of the leg (observed when the iliac spine is torn off);
  • inability to move;
  • urinary incontinence(in rare cases);
  • traumatic shock (rapid heartbeat, severe drop in blood pressure, pallor, confusion);
  • pathological muscle tone of the anterior wall of the abdomen (“acute abdomen”) is observed with injuries of internal organs.

The presence of these symptoms (not necessarily all) indicates a fracture of one or more pelvic bones.

Note! With severe pelvic fractures, a person cannot walk and sit, but with single fractures, motor function can be preserved. This makes initial diagnosis difficult. You should definitely pay attention to the nature of the gait, because in a stressful situation, he may not feel pain.

First aid

Algorithm of actions in case of a pelvic fracture:

  1. , if any. Arterial bleeding from the vessels of the thigh stops when a tourniquet is applied above the site of rupture of the vessel. If the localization of bleeding does not allow the application of a tourniquet, then it is stopped by tightly pressing the vessel in the wound and tightly packing the wound with a dressing or hemostatic material.
  2. call an ambulance help.
  3. Lay down the patient on a hard surface, put soft rollers under your knees. Try to move the victim as little as possible.
  4. To give .

It is important! If the patient is bleeding, then drugs that affect blood clotting (for example, aspirin) should not be given to him.

5.Transport the person to the hospital required in the supine position. He needs to bend his legs at the hip and knee joints ("frog pose").

Methods for diagnosing a fracture and its complexity

Assessing the patient's condition, the doctor, on the basis of manifestations typical for a pelvic fracture, prescribes additional studies to clarify the diagnosis and clarify the details.

The main diagnostic method for pelvic injuries is radiography. It is necessary to take several pictures in different planes so that the doctor can assess the condition of the bones from different angles.

If soft tissue injury is suspected, x-rays will not be sufficient. To assess the condition of the vessels, it is recommended computed tomography with contrast, and to assess the state of internal organs Ultrasound, CT or MRI(magnetic resonance imaging).

Laparocentesis- puncture of the abdominal cavity with a needle to collect fluid (if any). It is carried out in order to detect blood or exudate in the peritoneal cavity.

Data complete blood count(hematocrit, red blood cell count, hemoglobin) give an idea of ​​the general condition of the patient. With a strong decrease in these indicators, there is reason to suspect the presence of internal bleeding.

The complexity of diagnosing all injuries in a fracture of the pelvic bone is a large number of various structures that can be damaged by bone fragments (intestines, main arteries and veins, large nerves, uterus, prostate gland, bladder, etc.).


Directed treatment of pelvic fracture starts with anesthesia with the help of novocaine blockade of large nerves or the introduction of potent general anesthetics.

After establishing an accurate diagnosis, the doctor determines the method of treatment. For small single fractures without complications, they resort to skeletal traction and conservative treatment. If the patient has multiple fractures and soft tissue injuries, then this is an indication for surgical intervention.


The operation is performed under general anesthesia. During the intervention, the surgeon revision of the abdominal organs and the cavity of the large and small pelvis. In the presence of bleeding and damage, the doctor eliminates them.

When the patient is no longer at risk of bleeding from injured organs, doctors move on to osteosynthesis- comparing the fragments and fastening them with special knitting needles, screws, pins.

Depending on the severity of the injuries and the extent of the operation the rehabilitation period can last from a couple of months to a year.


To ensure optimal conditions for bone regeneration, it is necessary to completely immobilize the fracture site. This can be achieved through plastering, overlays special tires or commits sick on the "shield"- a special surface on which the pelvis acquires an anatomical shape.

Together with immobilization resort to skeletal traction. To do this, the injured limb is placed 30-40 cm above the body and a load is attached to it (first 1 kg, after a while 2-3). This position of the leg promotes proper fusion and stimulates bone growth at the site of injury.

Conservative treatment

This link of therapy includes the reception of such groups:

  • painkillers;
  • antibiotics - to prevent the spread of infection;
  • vitamin-mineral complexes - calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D salts are especially important;
  • immunostimulants for the prevention of congestive pneumonia in bedridden patients.


Negative consequences are possible with extensive injuries, rough transportation of the victim, or with inadequate treatment of a pelvic fracture. Possible complications:

  • irreversible disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, which leads to the need for their resection or removal;
  • malfunctions of the genitourinary system;
  • motor dysfunction one or two legs;
  • shortening one or two legs;
  • loss of skin sensitivity below the fracture site;
  • massive blood loss;
  • joining the infection;
  • fusion of bones in the wrong position.

Despite the high risks and wide range of possible complications pelvic fracture responds well to treatment. The main danger lies in wait for the victim at the stage of injury before the arrival of the ambulance. Often the patient's life depends on the quality of first aid provided by ordinary passers-by.


The recovery period after a fracture often determines the degree of functioning of the lower extremities in the future. At this time, it is very important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and diligently perform physical exercises.

How long does rehabilitation take

The recovery time of the patient depends on the severity of the injuries and the method of treatment. If there was surgery, then this period is significantly lengthened and complicated. Average time for bone fusion 1-1.5 months. In children, this period is shorter - up to 3 weeks, in the elderly longer - about 2 months.

Full recovery of leg function can be observed 3-5 months after the injury.

Exercise therapy and exercises for the development of the pelvis

About a month after the fracture, the doctor allows you to stand up and walk using a walker. load on a sore leg increasegradually.

In the initial period physiotherapy done in bed, before the patient gets up. Recommended raising a healthy leg, rotational movements (turns inward), neat crossing of limbs in the air.

After removing the immobilization, it is allowed to perform more amplitude movements, as well as muscle contraction without movement of the limbs (isometric).

When the doctor allows you to get up, the main load is presented in the form walk. It should not bring severe pain or discomfort.

At the last stage, when a walker is no longer required for walking, you can make circular movements with your pelvis, squats, swing your legs, etc.

Photo 2. With proper treatment and rehabilitation, pelvic function can be fully restored.
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