What to eat for a snack with proper nutrition. What a useful snack. Healthy Green Snack - Smoothie

healthy image life with a confident gait entered life common man. And that's great! After all, now you can absolutely freely find information on how to eat right, how to remove overweight and look stunning. It is no longer a secret that for people who are on a diet or just watching their weight, it is important to eat right and balanced. BUT light snacks just allow you to satisfy your hunger between main meals.

In order to make it easier for you to decide what to eat on a diet, we have made a selection of the most healthy and tasty, and most importantly, low-calorie snacks.

Before you start choosing what to cook for a snack, you need to consider a few basic rules that help you lose pounds faster and still not feel constant hunger:

  • 20 - 30 minutes before meals, you need to drink a glass of water;

  • total water per day should not be less than 1.5-2 liters. If you include bread with bran in the menu, the amount of water consumed per day should be more than 2 liters;

  • the time between snacks should be at least 1 hour;

  • try during the summer months dairy products use to a minimum;

  • nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits, use very a small amount, literally 5 - 10gr. per serving, as they contain quite a lot of carbohydrates and calories;

  • if you like crispbread, be sure to read their composition and energy value;

  • if you are on a diet, then try not to exceed 100kcal per snack.

Top 10 Delicious and Healthiest Light Snacks


It can easily be called a quick snack, and all because the smoothie is prepared in an instant. It can be fruit, berry or vegetable. First, in a blender, you grind fruits or vegetables, and then add the dairy product that you like best: kefir, milk, yogurt, soft cottage cheese. But this is not at all necessary - many people practice to use smoothies in pure form without additives.

Smoothies can be sweetened with honey if desired. If you use apples or pears in cooking, then at the beginning they should be grated.

As a rule, for 1 serving you take 100g. dairy product and one whole fruit. If you decide to combine fruits and berries, then take half of each ingredient. For example: half a banana, half an apple, 200g. berries and so on. On our website you can look at recipes and - the latter can be used not only as light snack but also for breakfast.


There are no limits for your imagination here. The only ban is mayonnaise and similar sauces. Salad should be dressed before serving with vegetable or olive oil, soy sauce, lemon juice. The lowest calorie vegetables are cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, bell pepper. Don't forget greenery too.

To prevent the salad from getting bored, add a small piece to it from time to time. boiled meat veal or beef jerky.

If you like to chew something while watching TV, cabbage or lettuce will serve as a great way out. Cut them into thin strips or roll them into a roll and have fun!

Boiled meat and fish

A piece of meat rich in protein and other trace elements will only benefit your figure. In addition, it can be boiled in advance, cooled, cut into portions and folded into a container to take with you to work or put in the refrigerator at home. Believe me, you will not have the desire to eat a muffin or coffee cake if you provide yourself with such a healthy protein snack. The same applies to boiled fish, but it is still convenient to eat at home.

"Proper" sandwiches

Least of all, at the thought, than to have a snack, so as not to get better, think about them. Meanwhile, sandwiches can be a healthy and tasty snack, both at home and at work. Instead of regular bread, you should take whole grain, with bran or diet bread. Cut pepper, tomato, cucumber into thin slices, boiled chicken, low-fat cheese. Add a leaf of lettuce and have a snack without harm to the figure.

Lavash roll with stuffing

Lubricate unleavened thin pita bread with a small amount of soft low-fat cottage cheese. Cut veal, chicken or other lean meat into thin strips, baked in a sleeve or boiled. Finely chop the tomato, lightly pepper it. In order to “crunch”, add a lettuce or cabbage leaf cut into strips. Spread the ingredients evenly on a pita sheet, roll it into a roll and cut into portions. Divide the resulting pieces into two parts or share with a colleague.

Muesli bars

To crunch on the road, so that it is a low-calorie snack, you can use muesli in briquettes (bars). They differ in that they do not crumble, and they do not need to be soaked in a fermented milk product. The only thing, be sure to pay attention to the composition and number of calories in one briquette.

Dried fruits

You should not abuse them, as dried fruits are quite high in calories. But in small quantities, they are useful and able to satisfy hunger. Do not rush to quickly eat a piece of dried apricots or prunes - stretch the pleasure by chewing it for a long time.

Frozen fruits and berries

Light snacks will also provide you with frozen fruits or berries. large fruits should be cut into small cubes, divided into portions for convenience: one portion fits into one glass with a capacity of 200 ml. When you feel hungry, take out the workpiece and eat without defrosting! For such a tasty and quick snack, mango and pineapple are perfect.

Low-fat cottage cheese and cheese

Of course, cottage cheese! Where without him? Before mixing it with other ingredients, keep in mind that 100g. low-fat cottage cheese is about 80 kcal. Therefore, if you need healthy snacks for a diet, do not mix cottage cheese with very high-calorie foods. Instead of sugar, put half a teaspoon of honey and a handful of dates or 1-2 prunes.

In addition to cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses can be used for a low-calorie snack. Cut it into small slices or cubes and eat. You can add a cup of green or herbal tea sugarless.


This fruit can be combined with anything: cottage cheese, fruit salads, smoothie. But it is best eaten as an independent dish. The simplest thing is to grate the apple along with the peel. In this form, it will be better absorbed than you just eat the whole apple. You can add some grated carrots to it.

If you want to snack on an apple at work, the grated apple option won't work. Therefore, you can simply cut it into small pieces and eat them for 10 minutes, even while working at the computer. So you stretch out the pleasure and satisfy your hunger for longer than if you quickly ate the whole apple.

Another option is a baked apple. The advantage of this preparation is that you can bake it in the evening, and eat it at any time. next day(this is for example if you need to take something for a snack at work). In order to properly bake an apple, the core must be removed from it. Although many do not do this, it still turns out very tasty. Place a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet, then an apple. Put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 5-10 minutes. Honey gives a richer and more refined taste to baked apples - just add just a few drops of honey to the middle of an apple before baking, and you will get something that will not only fill you up, but also get real aesthetic pleasure.

Now you know what you can eat on a diet so as not to feel hungry and not harm your figure. We hope that such light snacks will not only help you achieve your goal, but also push your imagination to new recipes!

Proper nutrition in without fail includes snacks.

This is due to the fact that on the system people have to consume food in small portions and in order to stock up on energy for the whole day, this must be done often.

In order for PP to bring the body maximum benefit, you need to know about the basic rules for snacking and products that can be used for this.

What is healthy food

Useful products provide human body important nutrients, without which its full functioning is impossible.

A healthy food is one that does not contain chemical elements and is made from environmentally friendly raw materials. To distinguish healthy food from harmful, you need to pay attention to its composition.

Inadmissible components in the composition of healthy food: dyes, flavors, stabilizers, flavor enhancers.

The quality of food is also reflected in the way it is prepared. For example, when frying foods in butter or vegetable oil, substances dangerous to the body are released.

For food to benefit, it must be steamed or baked in the oven.

Even the most healthy food cannot be healthy if it is consumed in unlimited quantities. So the basic rule correct reception food - moderation.

When to eat

For the body to better absorb nutrients you need to eat often (up to 6 times a day). In addition, each meal should be taken at regular intervals.

Breakfast starts at 7-9 am. This is the ideal time to consume carbohydrates, as they take longer to digest in the body than other organic compounds.

Lunch is held no later than 12 noon. Day - optimal time to eat the first course. For consumption, a vegetarian soup, borscht or mushroom stew is suitable.

Lunch is served from 13:00 to 15:00. At this time, the body is still able to absorb heavy food. may include durum wheat pasta, whole grain bread.

Lunch is served from 16:00 to 17:00. This meal can be skipped if the lunch was heavy. Otherwise, you can refresh yourself with fruits or sour-milk drinks.

The ideal time for dinner is 18-20 hours. In the afternoon, it is better to give preference to protein products - fish, cottage cheese. It is important that the last meal occurs no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Benefits of snacking

Nutritionists advise considering snack foods such as apples, pears and other types of fruits, as well as fermented milk drinks.

Snacks for proper nutrition also do not exclude dried fruits and low-fat cheeses. To improve intestinal motility, it is recommended with flakes or bran.

They also relieve a person from feeling hungry for a long time. early stages diets.

Important! From sweets during the diet, dark chocolate is allowed. You can eat no more than 1 slice of goodies per day, otherwise problems with the figure cannot be avoided.

The list of products allowed for snacking at the BCP:

  • yogurt and cottage cheese without additives;
  • vegetable salads;
  • dried fruits;
  • cheeses;
  • almond;
  • legumes;
  • fruit;
  • pistachios;
  • bran.

At work

Snacking at the workplace should serve several purposes:

  • stimulate the digestive system;
  • give a person a surge of energy and strength for the whole day;
  • effectively eliminate the feeling of hunger;
  • have a low calorie content.

It is not necessary to remove fats and carbohydrates from snacks, the main thing is that these organic compounds consumed correctly.

At work, people often do not have enough time to fully refresh themselves with useful and healthy food. Usually preference is given to fast foods or ready-made cooking.

In the production process of such food, harmful components and stale products are used, which are bad for health and figure. Instead of a move dog or a cheeseburger, it is recommended to eat a handful of nuts, dried fruits or yogurt.

To make up for energy costs at work, you need to snack on the following types of products:

  • fruits (no more than 2 varieties);
  • berries (no more than 1 cup);
  • dried fruits pre-soaked in water (no more than 2 handfuls);
  • smoothies (about 250 ml);
  • fruit and nut bars of organic origin.

Need to know! The constant consumption of chips, rolls, go-dogs leads to disruption of cardio-vascular system.

Snack options for the whole family

There are many recipes for preparing a healthy family afternoon snack.

Some of the dishes require 5 minutes to prepare, others require imagination and culinary skills. Several options for dishes will be considered from simple to complex.

Bread with cottage cheese

For the dish you will need whole grain bread (who may prefer crispy), soft cottage cheese and any greens (parsley, dill, green onion). You can diversify the appetizer with pre-chopped tomatoes and bell peppers.

Cottage cheese is mixed with vegetables, herbs and applied thin layer for bread. Instead of vegetables, you can use other ingredients - dried fruits, berries, nuts.

Chia yogurt

The second option is original recipe Healthy and satisfying Chia yogurt. The dish can be prepared for a family snack or in order to take it to work in the morning.

It will require the following ingredients:

  • yogurt;
  • half;
  • raisins - 1 tbsp;
  • any nuts - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Yogurt is poured into a plastic container and seeds are added to it.
  2. Raisins are washed and crushed with a knife or blender.
  3. Banana is cut into cubes and added to yogurt together with raisins.
  4. The mixture is covered with a lid and kept in the refrigerator for 1 night.

Chia yogurt is ready for your morning or afternoon snack the next day.

Homemade shawarma with chicken and vegetables

Ingredients for the dish:

  • thin Armenian lavash;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • cottage cheese;
  • low-fat sour cream or yogurt;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • greens and green onions;
  • pepper and salt.

The method of preparing shawarma is simple: first, tomatoes and chicken are cut into strips. Greens are crushed and mixed with yogurt. Lubricate the pita bread with cottage cheese and evenly spread the sauce with herbs and vegetables on it.

The dish is divided into portions and consumed after dinner. Instead of chicken, you can add shrimp to the filling. This ingredient will give the shawarma a more piquant taste.

When losing weight

People who are trying to lose excess weight, it is better to snack on low-calorie foods, which, despite their low energy value, can give the body the necessary strength. The list of such ingredients includes:

  • cheeses;
  • eggs;
  • poultry meat;
  • fish;
  • pistachios;
  • dairy products without sugar;
  • vegetable salads.

Important! The feeling of fullness occurs only 20 minutes after the stomach sends signals to the brain. For this reason, you need to eat slowly so that satiety comes from eating fewer foods.

What diet can you eat in the evening: the second dinner

In order not to go to bed on an empty stomach, it is necessary to eat 2-3 hours before bedtime. It is important that the last meal is light compared to lunch and breakfast.

Nutritionists are allowed to eat cottage cheese casserole in the evening, baked lean meat or fish with vegetables, salad with low-fat dressing.

The list of products acceptable for consumption in the evening does not include side dishes (pasta, rice, potatoes). These ingredients will contribute to the appearance of excess fat deposits at the waist.

Snacks are allowed after dinner. The list of foods that break down quickly and do not require energy for processing include: apples, bananas, boiled beets, oranges, berries.

Who is fractional nutrition suitable for?

Fractional nutrition is based on frequent use food in small portions. It means having breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner at the same time.

Important rule fractional nutrition- minimizing the consumption of salt and sugar, balancing the menu. This way of eating is practiced in curative medicine, since small portions of food are better absorbed by the body and prevent symptoms of heaviness, flatulence and discomfort in the abdomen.

Frequent meals in this case will allow you to control the amount of insulin released per day. This method of eating is suitable for people with overweight and patients with diabetes.

Separately, it is necessary to single out persons suffering from diseases of the digestive system. With this type of pathology, doctors recommend eating small portions (no more than 300 g at a time) in order to exclude injury to the inflamed mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fractional nutrition also allows you to speed up the outflow of bile and the body and reduce the concentration of acid in the stomach. Smaller amounts of food are easier and faster to digest. Fractional nutrition is also recommended for athletes, as it allows you to distribute calories more competently and eliminate the feeling of heaviness in the stomach during training.

People with normal sensitivity to carbohydrates and people who do not suffer from diabetes, it is not necessary to eat fractionally. They can choose any scheme of consumption of products. Nutritionists say that weight gain does not depend on the frequency of meals.

Useful video

From this video you will learn what you can eat for an afternoon snack, what are diet snacks for weight loss, what to do if you want to eat after dinner.

Main conclusions

Proper nutrition implies a fractional intake of food that does not contain chemical components. The main goal of snacking on PP is to make up for the lack of energy with minimal risks to the figure and digestive system.

Eat better at work simple products, which do not require time costs for cooking (nuts, dried fruits, berries). There are many options for a snack for the whole family: it can be shawarma, yogurt or cottage cheese bread.

Losing weight need to eat foods that are on for a long time give a feeling of satiety, but at the same time provide energy for the whole day (pistachios, eggs, low-fat cheeses, nuts).

AT evening time nutritionists prohibit snacking on side dishes (rice, potatoes). These foods take the longest to digest, and the products of their processing are deposited at the waist.

Proper nutrition is especially necessary for people suffering from excess weight and gastrointestinal pathologies, patients with diabetes mellitus. This way of eating allows you to avoid heaviness in the abdomen and insulin spikes.

A long time ago, someone said that snacking between meals contributes to weight gain. Since then, many have given up on small meals, which were consumed by the feeling of hunger that suddenly surged at the most unpredictable moment.

Everything would be fine, but many years have passed, when suddenly nutritionists from all over the world unanimously declare that snacks are useful and help maintain a stable weight and even lose weight. Who is right and who is not, still needs to be figured out, and perhaps many more years will pass before we learn a new truth.

But now is not about that. Suppose you are going on a long journey, and where and what you will eat during your wanderings you do not know. Eating places are either too expensive for you, or you do not know about their existence and location, and even if you get to them, then only a couple of times a day. But what about eating the rest of the time? Well, if you do not care about your figure and you can eat whatever your heart desires. And if not? So, we cannot avoid snacking, so let's make them useful.

Snacks are useful

Fortunately for many losing weight and not only, frequent snacking turns out to be not only harmless, but also useful. Of course, snacks should not be anyhow, but quite specific. As it turned out, frequent use food helps the body, which helps our body to constantly work and absorb nutrients in a timely manner and in the required quantity.

Eating 5-6 times a day, you constantly feed your body with the energy it needs. This allows you not to overeat at the main meals and control your appetite. However, not all snacks are the same. By snacking on sweet candies or pastries, you risk not only disturbing your blood sugar levels, but also provoking your body to overeat, since sweets, in contrast to the usual, provoke a great appetite, and do not dull it.

Frequent eating however limits the amount of food. This means that eating often, it is necessary to reduce the usual portions. The most important thing here is to create a calorie deficit for those who are losing weight, and for those who maintain their weight, to maintain the calorie content of food at the proper level. Be sure to count calories, otherwise being carried away by snacks, you can inadvertently go over the calorie content.

Benefits of snacking

Power frequency

Many who have ever been on a diet are well aware of this terrible feeling of an empty stomach, rumbling and sucking us from the inside. We sit in front of the refrigerator and look at the clock with horror and mentally rush the arrows. Looking forward to the time when we can have lunch.

It's good that those days are gone. Now you can eat often and without remorse on full rights and grounds. There are often, always, when the feeling of hunger interferes with a normal life. Hooray!

Firstly, frequent meals helps the body not to feel hunger and stress, helps it to keep on high level metabolic rate.

Secondly, it is purely psychologically easier to know that in an hour you will be able to have a light snack than to understand with horror that dinner will not be soon, but you want to eat immediately after breakfast.

moderate appetite

Importantly, frequent meals do not allow you to get very hungry, which means that next move food will not be as plentiful as always. The feeling of hunger is dulled and appetite becomes moderate. Even if you eat only once a day, then you will definitely eat more than the body needs for this meal, which means you will get extra calories that are disposed of as unnecessary into body fat.

A few years ago, it appeared, which based its principles on the fact that various food not compatible with each other due to their chemical properties and is not absorbed in the body or is absorbed incorrectly. In some aspects of such nutrition there is a true meaning. For example, it is known that fruits generally do not combine well with other foods and are poorly digested. The rotting and fermentation of fruits begins in our intestines, which adversely affects our well-being and the work of the digestive tract. Everyone knows that our intestines absorb most useful substances and micronutrients. But few people think that our intestines, like a sponge, absorb not only good, but also bad.

If you snack on fruits separately from your main meal, this will positively affect your well-being and get rid of such problems. unpleasant symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, bloating.

Deep sleep

Good deep sleep very important for our health and even for our appearance. Turns out

Everyone knows from their own experience that falling asleep on a full stomach is quite difficult, and if it does, then sleep does not bring satisfaction and rest. In the same way, falling asleep on an empty stomach will be very difficult, and the dream will be short and disturbing, I know from myself. In general, if you overeat or undereat - bad dream you are provided.

That's why snacking helps you get a healthy sound sleep. By eating often, you won't go overboard with the amount of food at dinner, and you can also afford a snack before bed, which will not affect your figure in any way.

Rules for proper snacking

Snack quality

For a snack to be healthy, you need to clearly understand what products it consists of. Be sure to consider the calorie content and, when making a snack. Snacks don't have to be high in calories, but they should be nutritious. This means that it should be based on protein food, cellulose, slow carbohydrates. This will not affect your figure and moderate your appetite for a long time. If you are a woman weighing about 60 kg, then the calorie content of your daily ration(taking into account the calorie deficit) should be about 1600-2000 calories. Divide this amount into 5-6 servings and find out that each meal, including snacks, should contain about 300 calories.

Number of snacks

If we take into account that the average time a person is awake is 16 hours, then the number of snacks during this time should be an average of 4-5 times plus 2-3 main meals. Do not eat too often, as you may not notice how you gain extra calories. The main thing is to keep the distance between meals no more than 3 hours. You can start by setting an alarm clock for yourself so as not to miss a snack, and then swoop in like a kite for your dinner and sweep everything away in one second.


It is very important to think over your snacks in advance so that there is no situation that you are hungry, and there is nothing in your refrigerator except for smoked sausage and a piece of cake. Be sure to shop useful products for the future, you can make a schedule of snacks and what it will consist of. Make sure you always have fresh fruits, cottage cheese, bread, eggs, boiled chicken or beef, dairy products, nuts, etc.

Wash down with snacks

Very often we confuse the feeling of hunger with the feeling of thirst. Therefore, always keep a bottle of water near you or take it on the road. If you feel like eating something, try drinking water. After a few minutes (15-20) you can move on to a snack if you feel like it. In any case, drink more water, replenish the body so that it metabolic processes worked without interruption.

Examples of quick and healthy snacks

Fruits and vegetables

The fastest and most convenient snack is what nature itself has created. Any fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, which fills the stomach and swells in it, giving us a feeling of satiety. You can take a banana, an apple, a pear, a tomato, a cucumber and much more with you on the road. Dried fruits are also good. Just do not confuse with candied fruits, only whole dried fruits. The main thing is to prepare a snack in advance and wash it so that you can have a snack anywhere. For example, I always have an apple in my purse, but this often brings me some inconvenience. At the entrance to the club, you will have to say goodbye to your snack for a while.


Nuts are very high in calories, so be careful with them. Let the nut snack be just one of all your snacks in one day. But, despite this, nuts are very useful. They contain omega-3, which improve lipolysis, fat metabolism in our body. The best nuts are almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, etc. The latest healthiest nuts are peanuts, they have the most low quantity useful substances, especially if fried with salt and vegetable oil. Also excluded are all nuts in sugar or chocolate glaze.

Dairy products

Much has been said about the benefits of milk. And about the benefits sour milk- even more. Today, only lazy people are not seen in the production of fermented milk products. And it's not in vain. The lactic acid bacteria contained in such products have a beneficial effect on the work gastrointestinal tract. Firstly, they will give you a feeling of satiety, and secondly, they will eliminate possible reasons digestive disorders if you are away from home and you do not have the opportunity to eat a full hot lunch. However, do not abuse too sweet milk drinks and yogurts, with the addition of various fruit preservatives. They are high in calories and high in glycemic index. It is better to choose traditional kefir or yogurt without additives.


There is nothing better than drinking boiled eggs on the train. Oh, this is a classic of the genre! So many good and nostalgic memories. No wonder people are always long way take boiled eggs. First, they do not deteriorate for a long time. Secondly, they are very nutritious and at the same time the protein content in them is maximum in relation to other components. And this means that not a single calorie will go into excess fat. Satiety boiled eggs give on long hours. But do not get carried away, this is heavy food for the stomach. Eat no more than 1-2 eggs per day.

Sports nutrition

Now very often shopping malls meet the store sports nutrition. Do not rush to bypass them, even if you are not an athlete. There, too, there are a couple of products for you to have a healthy snack and feel full for a long time. On sale you can see various necks, which are sold in a convenient disposable bottle. Also you can buy protein bar, high in protein. Ask the seller which product is right for you for a snack, so as not to buy a mass gain product out of ignorance.

Healthy and moderate should be not only snacks, but all meals so that your figure pleases you, no matter where and when you eat.

And for those who like to chew hunger with chewing gum, the following educational video. AT modern world Sometimes even drinking water is bad.

We are used to snacking on the run in the bustle of business and sometimes we don’t even pay attention to what we eat and how often we do it, and therefore after a while we note the appearance extra pounds, stomach problems and other troubles. We are lured by their aroma kiosks and street stalls with hot and fast, but by no means the right food. But snacking can be not only harmful, but also useful. They are even necessary for people who care about their health and figure.

As you know, there should be five or six meals a day, of which there are three main ones: breakfast, lunch and dinner, and two or three snacks that will avoid hunger, do not overeat, get enough in small portions. As a result, it is possible to maintain harmony and good health. This is a kind of fractional nutrition, which is often prescribed by doctors in recreational purposes including for weight loss.

Proper nutrition with the inclusion of snacks is useful in that it contributes to normal exchange substances, lowering blood sugar and cholesterol, allows you to remove toxins from the body. It should be light, nutritious and low in calories so as not to become full-fledged reception food, which will certainly lead to undesirable consequences.

The role of snacking in weight loss

If the goal is to lose weight, then you can’t do without snacking at all. They should contain no more than 150-200 calories, be balanced, consist of fresh and natural products, include proteins, carbohydrates, vegetable fats and fiber. Nutritionists advise to arrange additional reception food not earlier and not later than two to three hours after breakfast and lunch. If you can’t cook something in the evening, then it’s better to have a banana, kefir, dried fruits with you. They will save you from feeling hungry and annoying rumbling in your stomach.

In the pursuit of weight loss, many mistakenly believe that you can achieve the desired result by reducing food intake. Everything is just the opposite. There is even a certain technique when a person eats, of course, without fanaticism and loses weight. This result is explained by the fact that our digestive system is not overloaded, the body is not stressed and it no longer needs to accumulate fat reserves for future use. Experts in the field of nutrition have proven that a person with irregular meals runs the risk of acquiring two extra pounds in a month.

By the way, proper nutrition can provide us with a strong and healthy sleep, and he, in turn, will again save us from overeating, weight gain and bad mood. That's why it's so important to include snacks in your diet.

Wanting to relieve the feeling of hunger, you should not be content with bagels, sandwiches with sausage and cheese, chocolates With high calorie. They cannot saturate us for a long time, and therefore we eat again and again. Losing weight and slenderness in this case is impossible. That is why it is important to consider what a healthy snack will be and what effect certain foods have on our body.

  • Nuts, seeds

For daily consumption enough to eat a small handful of cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts, this is about 20-30 g. They not only perfectly saturate, but also, due to the content of vitamins, useful minerals and vegetable fats, have a positive effect on the beauty and health of a person, help with mental stress.

This product is high in calories, so you should not abuse it in unlimited quantities.

  • Chicken breast, fish

Helps to keep feeling full low-fat varieties meat or fish with bread, slice whole grain bread and a leaf of green salad. An alternative can serve as an egg, Adyghe cheese, vegetable salad with dressing from vegetable oil and lemon juice. Such a snack is rich in essential proteins, fiber.

  • Fruits, dried fruits

As a second breakfast, it is recommended to eat apples, kiwi, pears, citrus fruits, avocados, bananas, dried fruits, candied fruits, as well as seasonal berries. They have a positive effect on digestive system and our appearance. The main thing is not to overdo it, because they are rich in carbohydrates. Only 100-150 g will be enough to provide the body necessary energy and calories for a long period.

  • Vegetables

A vegetable snack can be arranged not only in the first, but also in the afternoon. For this, tomatoes, bell peppers, Beijing cabbage, carrots, vegetable juices etc. They are low-calorie, rich in fiber, trace elements, vitamins, so they are ideal for proper nutrition. Vegetables can be consumed both raw and stewed or baked.

  • Dairy products

A healthy snack can provide kefir, natural yogurt without dyes and aromatic additives, low-fat cottage cheese, bifidok. High content beneficial bacteria in such products helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system, improve well-being and promote weight loss. If desired, fiber, a spoonful of honey can be added to sour-milk drinks.

It is important to think over the second breakfast and afternoon snack in advance so that there is no temptation to grab some candy or cookies from the table. It is advisable to alternate daily options for healthy snacks. For example, if there was some kind of fruit in the morning, then a vegetable salad or cottage cheese will do in the afternoon. The next day you can cook a delicious sandwich. To do this, you can wrap a piece of chicken breast, lettuce, mustard or spinach leaves, or slices of cucumber and tomato in thin pita bread.

How possible variant make smoothies. This drink will perfectly saturate and energize you for the whole day. To prepare, pour a glass of kefir or yogurt into a blender bowl, cut half a pear into slices, add a little cottage cheese and 1-2 tablespoons of fiber or bran, grind everything until smooth and pour into a bottle. For variety, use berries, kiwis, bananas, and other juicy fruits instead of pears.

Also great way a snack will be a cottage cheese casserole without sugar, an omelet from two proteins and a yolk with herbs or vegetables, a hard-boiled egg and a piece of cheese, buckwheat, bread with curd paste.

Calorie content per 100 gr - 47.6 kcal (b / w / y - 4.69 / 0.65 / 6.94)

A very tasty and simple snack or dessert: in fact, it is cottage cheese with fruits and bran, but with a different serving, it can also appear as a wonderful dessert. Very convenient to make and take with you to work or as a snack after a workout!

◻ pear (1/2) - 60 gr
◻ tangerines or orange - 80 gr (clear from films)

◻ bran (I have linen) - 10 gr

☑ In cottage cheese...

Let's take snacks with us 😉😋

Calorie content for 1 serving - 131 kcal (b / w / y - 12.9 / 1.8 / 19.1)

A very tasty and simple snack or breakfast: in fact, it is cottage cheese with fruits and bran, but with a different serving, it can also appear as a wonderful dessert. It is very convenient to cook for breakfast, take with you to work or as a snack after a workout!

📑 INGREDIENTS (for 1 serving):
◻ fat-free creamy cottage cheese (Savushkin product 0% fat, for example) - 120 gr
◻ pear (1/2) - 60 gr
◻ cocoa powder / carob - 5 gr
◻ vanillin or vanilla seeds - to taste
◻ sweetener - to taste

Oat-rye cake with fruits and nuts

Calorie content per 100 g of the finished dish (after baking) - about 160 kcal (b / w / y - 4.6 / 4.5 / 25.2)

Such bread is suitable for proper nutrition (1-2 slices as a snack)!

✅ rye flour - 80 gr
✅ ground oatmeal or oatmeal - 140 gr
✅ fat-free yogurt or kefir - 350 gr
✅ honey - 10-15 gr
✅ banana (2 small) - 150 gr
✅ apples (2 medium without skin) - 300 gr
✅ mix of nuts - 80 gr
✅ dried figs or prunes - 120 gr
✅ baking powder - 2 tsp

1) Combine rye flour with ground oatmeal and baking powder, pour over yogurt or kefir (add honey if necessary), mix.
3) Banana grate or mash ...

5 delicious recipes with pita bread! Great ideas for a PP snack!🍅🥝🍋🌯

Save yourself!📌

1. Lavash with chicken and vegetables: a super-protein PP snack!
🔸 per 100 grams - 112.29 kcal 🔸 B / W / U - 8.46 / 0.75 / 17.57 🔸

Lavash - 1 piece
Chicken fillet - 150 g
Lettuce leaves - 20 g
Tomato - 1 pc.
Cucumber - 1/2 piece
Onions - to taste
Greens - to taste
Natural yogurt - 2 tbsp. l
Garlic - to taste
Thank you team for the recipe. diet recipes

Cut the chicken fillet into pieces and fry in a pan. In a thin pita bread, put a lettuce leaf, sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes and cucumbers on top, chicken fillet, onions, greens. Add sauce (yogurt, garlic, pepper) and wrap in a roll.

2. Lavash pie with mushrooms and cheese
🔸per 100grams - 164.11 kcal🔸B/W/U - 10.34/4.81/19.32🔸...

Quick and easy pp dessert: cottage cheese with pear and orange.

Let's take snacks with us 😉😋

Calorie content per 100 gr - 47.6 kcal (b / w / y - 4.69 / 0.65 / 6.94)
Calorie content for 1 serving - 131 kcal (b / w / y - 12.9 / 1.8 / 19.1)

A very tasty and simple snack or breakfast: in fact, it is cottage cheese with fruits and bran, but with a different serving, it can also appear as a wonderful dessert. It is very convenient to cook for breakfast in the evening, take it with you to work or as a snack after a workout!

📑 INGREDIENTS (for 1 serving):
◻ fat-free creamy cottage cheese (Savushkin product 0% fat, for example) - 120 gr
◻ pear (1/2) - 60 gr
◻ orange or tangerine - 80 gr (clear from films)
◻ cocoa powder / carob - 5 gr
◻ vanillin or vanilla seeds - to taste
◻ sweetener - to taste

Sandwich with chicken and cheese waffles 👍🌮

Calorie content per 100 g of sandwich - 127 kcal (b / w / y - 13.7 / 2.3 / 16.0)
Calorie content of 1 serving (1/2 sandwich) - 230 kcal (b / w / y - 24.9 / 4.2 / 29.1)

Calorie content of wafers per 100 g - 134 kcal (b / w / y - 11.4 / 2.0 / 23.3)
Calorie content of 1 serving of wafers (2 pcs) - 307 kcal (b / w / y - 26.2 / 4.6 / 53.5)

Delicious sandwich with waffles prepared in a multi-baker and chicken breast- the perfect breakfast, lunch, dinner or healthy snack! Delicious, healthy and very easy! Take it with you and treat your friends!!!

📑 INGREDIENTS (for 8 servings):
For waffles (8 waffles)
✔ soft cottage cheese 0% - 200 gr
✔ low fat cheese - 150 gr
✔ kefir 1% - 200 gr
egg white- 4 pcs (120 gr)
✔ rice flour - 250 gr
✔ baking powder - 1/3...


3) Garlic (2 cloves)
6) Pepper and salt - to taste
7) Fresh cucumber - 80 gr


A quick curd dessert for breakfast or a snack 🍮🍓

Calorie content per 100 gr - 80 kcal (b / w / y - 11.7 / 0.7 / 6.3)
Calorie content of 1 serving - 175 kcal (b / w / y - 25.7 / 1.5 / 13.8)

A very quick and delicious sweet breakfast or sugar-free snack 🍬 Cook for yourself for breakfast or take a healthy yummy with you!!!

📑 INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings):
▫ fat-free cottage cheese (soft creamy) - 350 gr
▫ hot chocolate Fitparad (cocoa powder is possible) - 15 gr
▫ vanilla / coconut protein (or coconut / nut flour) - 15 gr
▫ strawberries (or other berries) - 60 gr

1) Add hot chocolate or cocoa to the cottage cheese, if you put cocoa powder, then you can add a little sakhzam from Fitparad, when I use hot chocolate, I no longer sweeten ...

Salad leaves with curd filling (light snack) 🌱🌿

Fast, tasty and healthy!!! A great lung variant dinner or snack!

Calorie content per 100 gr - 48 kcal (b / w / y - 6.0 / 1.8 / 3.2)

1) Creamy low-fat cottage cheese - 80 gr
2) Fresh / dried greens - to taste
3) Garlic (2 cloves)
5) Cottage cheese granular (cottage cheese in cream, drain the cream!) - 120 gr
6) Pepper and salt - to taste
7) Fresh cucumber - 80 gr
8) Lettuce leaves romano or iceberg - 200 gr

1) Chop the greens, cut the cucumber into thin strips, grate the garlic on a fine grater or squeeze it out, combine the ingredients with cottage cheese, soft cottage cheese, add spices to taste.
2) Rinse the lettuce leaves, dry them, remove the hard part from the romano.
3) Put 2-3 tablespoons of the filling in the middle of the sheet and roll it up.
Crispy with curd filling is ready! 😋 Bon appetit!

@food_and_diet @food_and_diet @food_and_diet @food_and_diet

fruit bread

Such bread is suitable for proper nutrition (1-2 slices as a snack)!

Calorie content per 100 gr - 190 kcal (B / F / U - 4.4 / 2.5 / 37.8)

100 g of figs, dried apricots or prunes (to your taste)
100 gr dates, pitted
2 oranges (for juice and zest)
100 gr rye flour
100 g whole grain flour (or ground oatmeal)
1 tsp baking powder
1 teaspoon spice mix (cinnamon, cloves, ginger)
100 g raisins (or dried cranberries/cherries)
40 gr ground nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, etc.)

1. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees. Line a large loaf tin (approximately large) with parchment paper.
2. Chop dried apricots and ...

2. Baked apple

An apple can be baked with honey and ...

Vegetable cupcakes with cottage cheese and cheese 🌽🌶🧀🌿

Calorie content per 100 gr - 99.4 kcal (b / w / y - 7.67 / 3.00 / 11.14)
Calorie content 1 piece - 59.3 kcal (b / w / y - 4.57 / 1.79 / 6.63)

Easy to make, tasty and healthy dish- the perfect combination of vegetables and hearty curd soufflé. it ideal option for lunch or a snack, because muffins with vegetables are equally delicious both hot and cold 👍

📑 INGREDIENTS (for 12 pieces, 60 gr each):
✔ 1 egg and 1 egg white
✔ fat-free cottage cheese - 100 gr
✔ low fat cheese - 60 gr
✔ milk 1% - 70 gr
✔ vegetable mix (frozen vegetables): pepper, green beans, green pea, corn, carrots - 350 gr
✔ chickpea flour (can be rice or corn) - 60 gr
✔ salt, pepper, spices (dried...

Healthy snack - avocado with tomatoes 🍅🥑

Calorie content per 100 gr - 110 kcal, B / F / U - 2.5 / 6.9 / 9.9

Avocado salad is not only original taste but also health benefits. Avocado is famous high concentration polyunsaturated fatty acids which makes it beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Avocados also contain a lot of fiber, which improves digestion and promotes the removal of toxins. In this salad, the neutral taste of ripe avocado is emphasized by tomatoes, which are especially tasty now at the height of summer, and sun-dried tomatoes add piquant sourness!

📑 INGREDIENTS (2-3 servings):
✔ ripe avocado (1 pc) - 100 gr
✔ tomatoes (1 large or 2 small) - 200 gr
✔ sun-dried tomatoes - 40 gr
olive oil- 1 tsp
✔ balsamic red...

Homemade cream cheese from kefir and sour cream

Crispy low-calorie crispbread with cream cheese - what could be better and easier for breakfast or a snack?! And you can cook such cheese at home from sour cream and kefir! I guarantee you an excellent result: a delicate taste without extraneous sourness and aftertaste, a creamy texture that does not include any grains! 😉👍🍽

Calorie content per 100 g of finished cheese - 280-290 kcal (b / w / y per 100 g finished product - 6.2/25.0/7.8)
Calorie content of 1 portion for breakfast (50 gr of cheese and 3 loaves) - 230 kcal

✔ 600 gr sour cream 20% fat
✔ 500 ml of kefir 1% fat
✔ 1 teaspoon salt
✔ greens, garlic - optional

From this amount, about 500 grams are obtained at the output ...

5 best snacks for weight watchers

The principles of fractional nutrition, which allows you to lose weight without restrictions, include eating in small portions and dividing the diet into 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks. But many nutritionists advise those who are losing weight not to succumb to the temptation and avoid unhealthy snacks. However, a snack can be made very healthy, tasty and not very high in calories.


1. Cereal bread with soft cheese and herbs

Take 2 thin slices of whole grain bread, or thinly sliced ​​rye bread (no more than 50 grams). Spread them with soft cheese and sprinkle with chopped herbs. If you choose cheese with low content fat, then such a snack will cost 100-150 calories.

2. Baked apple

You can bake an apple...

49 PP-snacks up to 50 kcal????????????????

Help satisfy sugar cravings

✔ Fruit...

49 PP-snacks up to 50 kcal.

In this article, we will offer 49 delicious snacks that will help you avoid the temptation to snack on something high-calorie during a diet or unloading days. These recipes will help satisfy cravings for sweet, salty, satisfying and quench your thirst without harming your figure and without fear of gaining excess weight. The main advantage of the proposed snacks is the content of no more than 50 calories in each of the options. Try and lose weight with pleasure.

Helps satisfy sugar cravings

✔ Half a large baked apple with 1 tbsp. l. fat-free yogurt and sprinkled with cinnamon. (46 calories)
✔ Half frozen banana. (46 calories)
✔ 1 glass of freshly squeezed apple juice sprinkled with cinnamon. (49 calories)
✔ Fruit...

Nutritious kefir smoothie with bran 🥛

Can safely replace breakfast or snack. Convenient to take with you in a shaker to work or training! 👍💪

Calorie content per 100 gr - 61 kcal (b / w / y - 3.1 / 1.1 / 8.9)
calorie content of 1 serving - 200 kcal

INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings):
- kefir 1% - 400 gr
- banana - 100 gr
- persimmon - 120 gr
- fiber - 20 gr
- flax bran or flax-seed- 20 gr

Mix all the ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth, add sweetener if desired, pour into glasses. 👍

Chocolate orange cookies (with dried fruit and apple)

Calorie content per 100 gr - about 140 kcal (B / F / U - 2.7 / 2.8 / 27.6)
Calorie content 1 piece (about 40 gr) - 55 kcal

These cookies are very tasty and easy to prepare, it consists only of healthy ingredients: fresh apples, dried fruits, cereals and nuts with cocoa powder and hints of orange! What could be tastier? These biscuits can be used in fasting, also suitable for vegetarians. You can have cookies for breakfast or as a snack during the day!

- dates - 100 gr
- prunes (other dried fruits are possible) - 110 gr
- nuts (cashews or almonds) - 40 gr
- oat flakes - 70 gr
- rye / oat bran or fiber - 40 gr
- juice of 2 large...

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