What foods can not be with sugar. Raw materials and seasonings. Approximate weekly menu

List of products: what you can eat with diabetes - such memos are given to patients at the first appointment with an endocrinologist. But if in patients with the first type of diabetes, a deviation from the diet is fraught with immediate consequences, then patients with the second type usually ignore proper nutritionuntil they encounter complications of the disease.

Basic nutrition for diabetics

The treatment of diabetes is based on a diet that limits the intake of carbohydrates and unhealthy fats with food - table number 9 according to Pevzner. Nutrition should be complete in protein composition and nutritious, but not excessive in calories. The approximate calorie content of the diet is 2300 Kcal per day. Meals are uniform in time and portions - this allows you to achieve a stable level of blood glucose. For patients with the first type of disease, eating at regular intervals makes it possible to correctly calculate the amount of insulin needed for injection.

The diet of diabetics should include a sufficient amount of vegetables, which are a source of fiber. Fiber helps lower blood sugar and removes toxins from the body associated with impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

The diet involves the exclusion from the diet of alcoholic beverages and spicy foods. Acute provokes appetite, and alcohol has a high calorie content and causes fluctuations in glycemia.

A balanced diet according to table number 9 allows you to achieve stabilization of blood glucose levels, in which the patient is not bothered by the symptoms of diabetes.

What can you eat with diabetes?

If you list what you can eat with diabetes, the list is very impressive:

  1. Grain or rye bread - limit to 200 g per day.
  2. Vegetable soups on the water - daily, soups on the second broth of lean meat or fish - three times a week.
  3. Low-fat varieties of meat, poultry, fish, sausages.
  4. Dishes from cereals and legumes are consumed without bread. The rest of the carbohydrates on this day should be limited. Do not use white rice and semolina in the diet.
  5. Durum wheat pasta - occasionally. The use of other carbohydrates on this day is limited.
  6. Vegetables with a low glycemic index - unlimited. Potatoes, carrots and beets should be limited to 200 g per day. It must be remembered that the glycemic index of foods sometimes depends on the way they are cooked - baked potatoes have a higher index than boiled and stewed ones.
  7. Eggs - up to two pieces per day, including those used in dishes. If the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood is significantly higher than normal, you should limit the use of egg whites.
  8. Fruits and berries with a low glycemic index (oranges, cherries, green apples) - up to 300 g per day.
  9. Dairy products - up to 400 ml per day, cheese, sour cream - fat-free and not daily. Low-fat cottage cheese can be consumed daily, as it normalizes lipid metabolism.
  10. Chicory drink, rosehip drink, compotes from low-carb fruits and vegetables without added sugar, tea, tomato juice.

It is advisable to agree on a specific list of what you can eat with diabetes (list) with your doctor. This will take into account not only the underlying disease, but also concomitant ones, and adjust the diet in accordance with them.

More recently, I was faced with the problem of preparing dinner for the arrival of guests: one of the guests was unusual.

This is a person with diabetes who needed a special diet.

I had never encountered such things, so I immediately set to learning the nuances of a diet for diabetics.

How to organize nutrition in diabetes

What is diabetes mellitus will not tell. You can read a lot about this on popular medical sites or in reference books. I didn't get much good nutrition advice. Everything was described in rather general terms: the need to count XE (bread units) and minimize the use of quickly digestible sugars.

To understand what diabetics should not eat, you just need to remember one rule.

Do not eat foods that contain "instant" sugar, which quickly raises blood glucose levels!

What about such products?

  • Sweets, honey, sugar, jams, preserves, ice cream.
  • Products from puff and pastry.
  • Fatty meats: duck, goose, smoked sausages and meat.
  • Canned meat and fish in oil.
  • Fat broth.
  • Milk soups with rice and semolina.
  • Pickled and salted vegetables.
  • Fatty species and varieties of fish.
  • Salted fish and caviar.
  • Cooking and meat fats.
  • Pasta, rice, semolina.
  • Spicy, fatty and salty sauces.
  • Sweet berries and fruits: bananas, grapes, figs, raisins, dates.
  • Cream, salty cheeses, sweet cheese curds.
  • Lemonades on sugar, juices from sweet fruits and berries.

The correct menu implies the complete exclusion of these products from the diet in a severe form of the disease. For mild to moderate type 2 diabetes, with constant monitoring of blood sugar levels, small amounts of these foods are allowed.

As you can see, you need to limit yourself not only in sweet foods, but also in fats. These include fat for food processing (no more than 40 grams per day is recommended), mayonnaise, cheeses, fatty meats, sausages, sausages, sausages, sour cream.

Completely eliminated from the diet fatty and sweet foods: cream cakes and pastries, ice cream and chocolate.

Flour products and bread

  • Rye bread;
  • Protein-wheat or protein-bran;
  • Wheat bread from the 2nd grade flour bread;
  • Special diabetic bread;
  • Insufficient flour products (minimum dose).


  • Soups from different vegetables or vegetable sets;
  • Okroshka vegetable and meat;
  • Beetroot soup, borscht;
  • Meat broths (low-fat, weak), fish and mushroom broths. You can add vegetables, permitted cereals, potatoes, meatballs to them. Such soups are recommended to be consumed no more than twice a week.

side dishes

  • Dishes from pasta, legumes are allowed occasionally, with a mandatory decrease in bread consumption these days.
  • Kashi: oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, barley and rice. Semolina contains almost no fiber and is quickly absorbed by the body, so it is better to exclude it. The most “slow” in terms of digestibility is buckwheat, millet and oatmeal porridge.
  • Potato dishes should be calculated according to the rate of carbohydrates. Usually it is not more than 200 grams per day.


  • Boiled meat;
  • Low-fat beef jelly;
  • The vinaigrette;
  • Fresh vegetable salads;
  • Seafood salads;
  • Caviar squash or vegetable;
  • Soaked herring;
  • Jellied fish;
  • Hard cheese (not salty varieties).

Meat and poultry

Meat in proper nutrition for diabetes should be consumed stewed, boiled or lightly fried after boiling.

Allowed daily rate - up to 100 grams per day. can be introduced into the diet only on the recommendation of a doctor.

  • Low-fat veal and beef;
  • Trimmed pork (lean parts: usually ham or tenderloin);
  • Rabbit;
  • Mutton;
  • Boiled tongue;
  • Turkey and chicken;
  • Special varieties of diabetic or dietary sausages;
  • Liver (limited use).


Vegetables can be eaten raw, boiled, baked, stewed and occasionally fried.

  • Beets, potatoes, green peas and carrots are allowed to consume no more than 200 grams per day.
  • Cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, zucchini, tomatoes and greens (excluding spicy ones) are consumed almost without restrictions in raw, baked and boiled form.
  • Preference should be given to vegetables containing< 5% углеводов (кабачки, капуста, огурцы, тыква, салат, баклажаны, томаты);

Spices and sauces

From sauces, sauces cooked on weak meat, mushroom and fish low-fat broths, as well as on vegetable broths, are allowed.


The use of fresh milk must be consulted with your doctor.

  • Sour-milk drinks (unsweetened yogurt, curdled milk, kefir) - a maximum of 2 glasses per day;
  • Non-fat and semi-fat cottage cheese and dishes from it (cottage cheese, casseroles, puddings);
  • Sour cream (in limited quantities);
  • Unsalted and low-fat cheeses.


  • Low-fat species are recommended (cod, pollock, pollock, hake, pike (Tibetan monks believe that pike ear helps to keep youth and vigor longer), blue whiting, grenadier);
  • Canned fish prepared in own juice or in tomato.


Eggs - no more than 2 pieces per day. They make an omelet, boil soft-boiled, or use it to prepare other dishes. In severe forms of the disease, the yolks should be limited in use. The exception is dietary.


Almost all drinks are allowed (except those containing alcohol and too much sugar).

  • Green or black tea;
  • Weak coffee;
  • Tomato juice;
  • acid varieties (juices are recommended to be diluted with water by half).

Sweet dishes

  • Sweet and sour varieties of fresh fruits and berries in any form;
  • Mousses, jelly, jelly, sambuki;
  • Diet sweets with sugar substitute;
  • compotes;
  • Limited honey is allowed.

Nutrition for children with diabetes

Saccharin was used to correct the taste. But we must remember that saccharin tablets can only be used by adding them to tea or coffee, so they are not suitable for use in a children's diet.

Polyhydric alcohols - sorbitol and xylitol - are also used as a sugar substitute. They are produced in their pure form and replace sugar in some foods (sweets, soft drinks, cakes, chocolate and cookies).

But such products cannot be considered fully adapted for diabetics, since they contain an increased dose of fats (especially cakes, chocolates, sweets and cookies), which in turn create a load on the pancreas. Therefore, do not get carried away shopping for your child from the diabetic corner in the supermarket.


In the people, this useful plant is also called "honey grass". Stevia is used to sweeten liquor, wines, soft drinks, and is added to confectionery. It is also an excellent preservative for fruits and vegetables.

In cosmetics, stevia leaves are used to make masks to smooth wrinkles, and in medicine, stevia is used for burns and to reduce pain from insect bites.

Stevia infusion recipe:

From dry leaves, you need to prepare a powder or buy it ready-made in a pharmacy. It will replace sugar in the preparation of drinks and any other dishes that require the addition of sugar.

We immediately prepare the infusion, which can later be added to tea, compotes, coffee, kefir, etc.

Pour 1 teaspoon of powder with 250 ml of boiling water and heat for 15 minutes in a water bath, filter.

I also suggest that you listen to about alternative foods that you can introduce into your diet.

This diet can also be used for weight loss. I hope this information will be useful to you and your family.

I wish you good health.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by impaired glucose metabolism. All treatment is aimed precisely at ensuring that its level remains normal. Therefore, in addition to the use of medical products, the patient must adhere to proper nutrition. Sometimes only this measure can improve the patient's condition and reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Basic Rules

There are certain rules that a patient with diabetes must follow. For example:

  • it is necessary to limit the consumption of foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates;
  • you need to reduce the calorie content in the diet;
  • do not forget about vitamins;
  • need to eat 5-6 times a day, and every day this should happen at the same time.

What is allowed

What can you eat with diabetes? This question arises in many people who are faced with this terrible disease. And if people with type 1 disease (insulin is taken all their lives) can eat many foods from the diet of a healthy person, while excluding fried and fatty foods, then with type 2 it is more difficult. Since insulin therapy is indicated for diabetics with type 2 disease, the doctor must calculate everything correctly. This is done so that the glucose level, if it deviates from the norm, then only by the minimum values.

Each product has its own glycemic index. It is also called "bread unit". This is an indicator of how the blood sugar level rises after eating it. On the Internet, you can find a table that shows the glycemic index of the most common foods, as well as their nutritional value per 100g. With this list, a person with type 2 diabetes can choose a diet that will not greatly affect blood glucose levels. GI products last for three types:

  • with a low glycemic index, the value of which does not exceed 49;
  • with an average GI - the value is from 50 to 69;
  • with a high GI value - more than 70.

What is included in the list of food that is allowed to patients? The easiest way to figure this out is with a table:

What can Name GI
Bakery products and bread. It is desirable that it be black bread or designed specifically for diabetics. A day of such a product can be consumed no more than 300g. This amount will help maintain normal blood glucose levels. Grain bread 40
Whole wheat bread 45
"Borodino" bread 45
Soups. Greater preference is given, of course, to vegetables, because. they are less caloric and contain a small amount of bread units. In addition, type 2 diabetics are allowed soups that are cooked on lean meat or fish. meat broth
fish broth
Poultry broth
Meat. Patients with this form of the disease can eat lean meats. Veal
rabbit meat
Fish. It can be boiled, stewed, steamed, baked in the oven. In general, just do not fry. At the same time, only lean fish can be eaten. Cod
Eggs. This product should not be abused too much, because. it raises cholesterol. However, 1 boiled egg per day or an omelet is allowed. In addition, they can be added when preparing other foods. Egg 48
Omelette 49
Dairy. Type 2 diabetics can eat low-fat foods. Skimmed milk 27
Low-fat cottage cheese 30
low-fat kefir 25
Soy milk 30
Natural yoghurt 1.5% 35
Fruits and berries. Moreover, some of them not only do not increase sugar, but also lower cholesterol levels. Grapefruit 22
Kiwi 50
Apples 30
Raspberry 30
Vegetables. Some of them can be consumed without special restrictions. Cabbage 10
Tomatoes 10
cucumbers 20
Radish 15
Parsley 5
Butter and vegetable oil. It can be eaten no more than 2 tablespoons per day. This is normal for diabetics. Butter 51
Vegetable oil
Honey. It can be eaten, but also in very small quantities, because its GI is quite high. Honey 90
Beverages. Fresh juices, tea are allowed Green tea
citrus juice 40
Tomato juice 15
Apple juice 40
carrot juice 40

What is prohibited

As a rule, people with type 2 disease have a natural question: “What can not be eaten with diabetes?”. What foods should be excluded from the diet? The list is also big.

What is not allowed Name GI
Sugar. Prohibited in its purest form. Instead, you need to use sweeteners. Now in pharmacies you can find a wide variety of such products. Sugar 70
This food is strictly prohibited. Firstly, it contains a lot of sugar, and secondly, it is very high in calories. And this is very harmful in such a disease. Buns 88
cakes 100
Cake 100
fried patty 88
Fatty meats and fish. In general, any fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. In addition, the skin must be removed from the bird, as it is usually too fat. Pork 58
fish cakes 50
Smoked products and canned food. It is worth giving up fried and smoked foods, as well as canned fish containing oil and salted fish. They have a low GI but are high in fat and calories, which is also bad for this disease.
Sauces. With such a disease, you can not eat mayonnaise, fatty sauces. Mayonnaise 60
Margarine 50
Dairy. Whole milk, full-fat cottage cheese, full-fat sour cream and kefir are also on the list of prohibited foods. Fat cottage cheese 55
Fatty sour cream 56
curd masses 70
Glazed curds
It is completely worth eliminating semolina and food made from it, as well as limiting consumption. pasta. Semolina 65
Durum wheat pasta 50
Pasta of the highest grade
Vegetables. Some vegetables can be consumed in minimal quantities. boiled potatoes 65
Fried potato 95
Boiled beets 64
fried zucchini 75
Fruit. AT some fruits contains a large amount of sugar, which affects the body. Bananas 60
Watermelon 72
Raisin 65
Beverages. Carbonated drinks, sweet compotes also not allowed. fruit compote 60
Carbonated drinks 74
Juice in a package 70
Snacks. Chips are high in calories, so they should also be eliminated from the diet. Crisps 95
Sweets. No sweets, sweets, jam, ice cream are allowed. Ice cream


Halva 70
milk chocolate 70
Chocolate bars 70
Jam 70
Alcohol. You shouldn't abuse it. A complete rejection is usually not required either. However, alcohol can be consumed only in strictly limited doses. Champagne 46
Wine 44

There are enough prohibitions, but at the same time, diabetics do not have to limit themselves in everything. After all, the list of allowed products is also not small.

Proper Diet

Nutrition with such a disease should be fractional. It is best to eat 6 times a day, but not in large portions. In this case, food will be absorbed gradually, and glucose will also gradually enter the bloodstream.

People with type 2 diabetes need to control the calorie content of the foods they eat. After all, one of the symptoms in patients with this form of the disease is a tendency to be overweight, which negatively affects the whole body. To do this, you can make your diet according to the table of caloric content of foods and stick to it constantly.

The doctor should help the patient choose the right diet, taking into account the drugs he is taking. After all, everything together should have a positive effect and give results. Some people can independently control their condition and diet. For this you need to create a special table in which you need to record the calorie content of the foods eaten and your indicators obtained by self-measurement of sugar. And then find out what is still preferable to eat.

Currently, there are many recipes for low-calorie, but tasty food. Therefore, if a specialist prescribes a diet, then you should not be upset. You can maintain normal blood sugar levels throughout your life by leading a healthy lifestyle and eating the right foods.

Read on this page what you can not eat with diabetes, what foods you need to exclude in order to take control of impaired glucose metabolism. On the site site you can learn how to take control:

  • type 2 diabetes;
  • gestational diabetes in pregnant women;
  • type 1 autoimmune diabetes - in adults and children.

The main thing to do is to strictly refuse forbidden foods overloaded with carbohydrates. They are listed on this page. The information is presented in the form of convenient lists. helps to normalize blood sugar, to avoid the development of complications. Diabetics who follow it feel just as good, if not better, than their healthy peers. This often upsets doctors because they lose patients and their money.

What not to eat with diabetes: a detailed list of prohibited foods

Patients with diabetes should not eat food that quickly and significantly increases blood sugar. Below you will find detailed lists of foods that you should not eat. Approved products are listed on the " " page. See for yourself that there is a large selection. A healthy diet for diabetes is also satisfying and tasty.

From permitted products, you can cook a variety and luxurious dishes. They will delight food lovers without harming their health, but rather improving it.

Watch a video about how the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates you eat affect blood sugar.

All foods containing sugar and starch, as well as fructose are prohibited:

  • table sugar - white and brown;
  • potatoes in any form;
  • any sweets, including those with the inscription “for diabetics”;
  • cereals and cereals;
  • any products containing wheat, rice, buckwheat, rye, oats and other cereals;
  • products in which sugar was secretly added - for example, market cottage cheese;
  • regular and whole grain bread;
  • bran diet bread, crackers, etc.;
  • flour products - white, as well as coarse grinding;
  • muesli and cereal for breakfast - oatmeal and any others;
  • rice - both white and brown, unpolished;
  • corn - in any form.

All foods containing sugar or starch are pure poison. They raise blood sugar instantly and strongly. Even the fastest types of insulin (for example,) cannot compensate for their harmful effects. Not to mention diabetes pills.

Read about products for diabetics:

Attempts to increase insulin dosages to bring down sugar after eating forbidden foods increase the risk. This is an acute complication of insulin misuse. Each of his episodes can end in fainting, calling an ambulance, and even death.

The site site promotes methods for controlling impaired glucose metabolism that it has developed. You have already realized that these methods are contrary to the official instructions. But they really help. And the recommendations of the Ministry of Health cannot boast of good efficiency. After you switch to, you do not have to buy expensive medicines, spend a lot of time and effort. Watch the video.

Keep in mind that in diabetics who strictly follow the diet, insulin dosages fall by an average of 7 times. The risk of hypoglycemia is reduced by the same amount. Blood sugar stays more stable throughout the day.

Vegetables, fruits and berries

Forbidden vegetables and fruits:

  • fruits and berries any (!!!), except for avocados and olives;
  • fruit juices;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • Bell pepper;
  • beans, peas, any legumes;
  • boiled and fried onions;
  • tomato sauce and ketchup.

You can eat green onions. Onions that have undergone heat treatment are prohibited, but in their raw form they can be added a little to the salad. Tomatoes can be consumed in moderation, no more than 50 g per meal. Tomato sauce and ketchup should be strictly avoided because they usually contain sugar and/or starch.

What dairy products should not be eaten:

  • whole and skimmed milk;
  • yogurt, if it is fat-free, sweetened or with fruit;
  • cottage cheese (no more than 1-2 tablespoons at a time);
  • condensed milk.

What else needs to be excluded:

  • any products that contain dextrose, glucose, fructose, lactose, xylose, xylitol, corn syrup, maple syrup, malt, maltodextrin;
  • products sold in the diabetic section that contain fructose and/or flour.

So, diabetic patients should not eat foods overloaded with carbohydrates. Unfortunately, it is impossible to list them all here. If you wish, you will always find some kind of sweetness, flour product or fruit that is not included in the lists. Don't think you're fooling a strict dietitian by eating these foods. By violating the diet, diabetics harm themselves and no one else.

The results of the treatment are only your concern and no one else's. If you have friends and/or relatives who are truly worried, then you are very lucky. Doctors deliberately give their patients false information about the control and consequences of type 2 and type 1 diabetes.

Study food nutrition charts, especially their carbohydrate, protein, and fat content. Read the ingredients on the labels carefully before making your choice at the grocery store. It is useful to test products by measuring blood sugar with a glucometer before meals, and then 5-10 minutes after it.

Try not to eat any processed foods. Learn to cook delicious and healthy food yourself. Compliance with diabetes requires effort and financial expense. They pay off by increasing the life expectancy of patients, improving its quality, because complications do not develop.

What cereals can not be eaten with diabetes?

Rice, buckwheat, millet, hominy and any other cereals are strictly prohibited, because they terribly increase blood sugar. You can easily see with the help of a glucometer that cereals and cereals made from them are very harmful. One such visual lesson should be enough. Buckwheat diet does not help diabetes at all, but rather brings disability and death closer. It is impossible to list all the cereals and cereals that exist here. But you get the idea...

Diet options depending on the diagnosis:

Why can't you eat rice and potatoes?

Potatoes and rice are made up primarily of starch, which is a long chain of glucose molecules. Your body can break down starch into glucose fantastically quickly and efficiently. It starts in the mouth with the help of an enzyme found in saliva. Glucose enters the bloodstream even before a person has had time to swallow potatoes or rice! Blood sugar rises instantly, no insulin can cope with it.

After eating rice or potatoes, it takes several hours for blood glucose levels to return to normal. At this time, complications develop. Eating rice and potatoes brings significant harm to the body of diabetic patients. There are no pills or insulin that can help avoid this harm. The only way out is a complete rejection of prohibited products. Brown rice affects blood sugar just as badly as white rice, so no rice should be eaten.

Read about prevention and treatment of complications:

Why can't a diabetic eat eggs?

Many doctors and diabetics believe that eggs are bad and it is better not to eat them. Because eggs raise blood cholesterol levels. Actually, this is a delusion. Eggs are a great food for diabetics and everyone else. It is an affordable source of the highest quality protein. As for cholesterol, eggs increase the level of not bad, but good high-density cholesterol in the blood. By observing and eating eggs, you do not increase, but rather lower your risk of a heart attack.

The basis of the treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes is dietary nutrition, which is aimed at maintaining an optimal level of glucose in the blood and reducing the patient's body weight. The general condition and course of the disease depends on the proper organization of the nutrition of a diabetic. Therefore, before choosing products for the daily menu, you need to visit an endocrinologist who will tell you what you can eat on a diet for type 2 diabetes.

Features of dietary nutrition

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is characterized by a decrease in the susceptibility of all body tissues to the influence of insulin, because of this, the glucose level rises significantly, which has negative consequences for human health. The purpose of the diet is to reduce the patient's body fat mass and restore tissue sensitivity to the action of insulin. Dietary nutrition becomes an integral part of the life of a diabetic, which he must adhere to throughout his life. This will not be particularly difficult, the patient just needs to learn how to choose the right foods and in the future he will know what to eat with a disease, and why it is better to refuse.

Diet principles:

  • In the diet of a diabetic, it is necessary to limit the calorie content of dishes, but at the same time maintain their energy value for the body.
  • The energy value of the diet should correspond to the amount of energy spent per day.
  • To normalize metabolism, food intake occurs at the same time.
  • During the day, it is important to organize up to six meals, in each of which you need to reduce the portion size.
  • Light fruit snacks are a must throughout the day.
  • Carbohydrates in the afternoon are reduced to a minimum.
  • When compiling the menu, a variety of products are used, but taking into account their glycemic index.
  • For fast satiety, vegetables and fruits with a high content of dietary fiber from the list of allowed foods are used.
  • Restriction of salt in the diet to 4-5 g, to remove excess fluid.
  • Exclusion of alcoholic and carbonated drinks.
  • Gentle cooking of products without the addition of refined fats.
  • The use of sweeteners in strictly normalized doses.
  • When choosing bakery products, it is necessary to give preference to products made from dark flour with the addition of bran.

Features of a balanced diet in diabetes:

  • A prerequisite for the constant maintenance of insulin in the blood throughout the day is a full nutritious breakfast.
  • Each meal should begin with the use of vegetable salads, this will help restore fat metabolism and normalize body weight.
  • A few hours before bedtime, exclude meals, as metabolic processes slow down at night.
  • Eat dishes only at room or cool temperature, for the digestion of such dishes, calorie consumption increases.
  • In each serving of food, there should be an optimal ratio of proteins and healthy fats, this helps to slow down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.
  • Allowed types of liquids should be drunk at least 20 minutes before the start of the meal, and 30 minutes after the meal.
  • When preparing cutlets, it is preferable to use chopped oatmeal, rather than baked goods made from white flour.
  • Diet foods should not be subjected to additional frying with the addition of flour, as this increases their glycemic index.
  • If raw fruits and vegetables are not well tolerated by the digestive tract, bake them in the oven or in the microwave.
  • Eat in small portions until the body is not completely saturated.

In no case do not allow overeating, it slows down the absorption of nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract

For each patient, the endocrinologist adjusts the menu, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism and the severity of the disease, but table No. 9 remains the basis for dietary nutrition.

How to Choose Low Glycemic Foods

GI - reflects the effect of the product on the body by its ability to increase glucose levels. In the diet of a diabetic patient, it is necessary to include products with a low or medium GI in the diet, this will allow the blood sugar level to stabilize for a longer period.

List of allowed products and ready meals

When compiling a diet, the patient must take into account what properties and calorie content the prepared dishes are endowed with, therefore, for their manufacture, it is necessary to choose only healthy products from natural raw materials.

So, the insulin-dependent type of diabetes requires strict control of the amount of carbohydrates consumed per day, since it is important to take into account the glycemic index of foods when administering insulin. For the organization of dietary nutrition, it is the rational choice of products for type 2 diabetes mellitus that will help to effectively establish the functioning of internal organs, thereby significantly improving the patient's well-being.

Some vegetables help control sugar levels in the body.

List of what you can eat with type 2 diabetes without limitation:

  • Vegetables. They contain fiber, which has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes: cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens.
  • Berries and fruits. Help to control a constant level of glucose in the blood: lemon, quince, avocado, kiwi.
  • Seafood, fish. It is preferable to choose dietary fish that have a low fat content: shrimp, crabs, sea bass, hake, flounder.
  • Sour-milk products with low fat content: kefir, mild types of cheese, curdled milk, cottage cheese.
  • Loose cereals. They saturate the body with useful substances and contribute to the long-term normalization of blood sugar levels: buckwheat, corn, brown rice, millet).
  • Beverages. It is recommended to use tea based on medicinal herbs: blueberry leaves, valerian root, St. John's wort, motherwort).

The patient should monitor blood sugar levels every 2 hours after eating, this will help to detect foods that cause significant fluctuations in glucose.

What you can eat on a diet with type 2 diabetes in limited quantities and with caution:

  • bakery products made from dark flour;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • corn;
  • bananas;
  • a pineapple;
  • hot spices;
  • fish and meat broths;
  • offal;
  • cereals;
  • milk;
  • coffee;
  • eggs;
  • sweets based on fructose.

The products allowed for the disease have a fairly wide range, this will allow the patient to diversify the daily diet and fill it with a sufficient amount of useful substances.

In order for the patient to easily follow the diet, it is recommended to have a memo in which there will be a table of which foods and in what quantity can be consumed in diabetes:

Prohibited foods and dishes

Before starting a diet, you need to pay attention to which foods are strictly prohibited for diabetics.

Products for diabetes with absolute contraindications:

  • refined fats;
  • fatty broths;
  • canned meat;
  • smoked meats;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sweets with cream and margarine;
  • baking with white flour;
  • sausage products;
  • semolina;
  • White rice;
  • sugar.

A complete rejection of carbohydrates is not necessary, since they are important elements for the full functioning of the body. It is enough to correctly calculate the daily rate of carbohydrates consumed, depending on the individual needs of a person.

How to replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones

In diabetes, it is forbidden to eat high-calorie foods, as they contribute to the progression of the disease and worsen the effect of sugar-lowering drugs. In cooking, there are a large number of products that, due to their pronounced taste, are not inferior to harmful counterparts.

Wheat flour

Wheat flour is a high-calorie product that is obtained by grinding wheat grains. It promotes weight gain, and therefore is contraindicated for diabetics. However, some people find it difficult to give up flour, as it is part of many delicious dishes. Endocrinologists recommend replacing flour with less high-calorie counterparts. Grinding buckwheat or corn grits on a coffee grinder, we can get flour from them at home.


Most of the population is not averse to eating chips, especially when watching their favorite movies or TV shows. You can replace the harmful product with dried banana slices or sprouted grain bread, which have many flavors, like chips.


When following a diet, it is most difficult to give up chocolate products, and sometimes breaking the ban by eating sweets takes over. The main harm of chocolate products in diabetes is that they contain fast-digesting carbohydrates, as a result of which the glucose level rises significantly. You can replace sweets with dried fruits, at the moment a wide range of useful analogues is presented. At home, you can make diet sweets, for this you need to chop dried apricots, dates, prunes and walnuts, then mix them and bread them in a small amount of sesame seeds.

Characteristics of diets for illness

For overweight type 2 diabetics, a low-carbohydrate diet will be most effective. With its observance, after 6 months, it is possible to achieve and reduce the use of drugs. This food is able to cover all the energy costs of the body, even for people leading an active lifestyle.

A low-carbohydrate diet helps to normalize blood pressure and reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood as early as 14 days after the start

The most effective low carb diets.


A rather strict diet that came to us from the 20th century, one of its brightest representatives is diet table number 9. It is characterized by a balanced diet, which is well suited for insulin-dependent type of diabetes.


The main principles of current diets is to take into account the individual characteristics of each patient, which allows you to diversify the menu with various products. The diet does not provide for strict bans on certain types of products; this brought previously prohibited products into the daily diet. When compiling a diet, they are guided by the factor of eating simple carbohydrates containing a large amount of fiber. However, it should be noted that this type of nutrition is not universal, it is possible only on an individual basis, taking into account the degree of compensation for the disease.


The diet is provided for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus to prevent a sharp change in the concentration of insulin in the blood. The main rule is to reduce the amount of food consumed high in simple carbohydrates. Therapeutic nutrition contributes to weight loss, which is relevant for this type of diabetes. It is contraindicated in patients in childhood, as well as in the presence of renal pathologies.

Mayo Clinic

The developed nutrition system is designed to reduce the caloric content of consumed dishes, which helps to normalize body weight and lower blood glucose levels. The diet of a diabetic is dominated by vegetables rich in fiber, from which a dietary soup is prepared that helps burn fat. The secret to fat-burning vegetable broth lies in the addition of hot peppers. Soup consumption is not limited, it can be eaten throughout the day, adding fresh fruit to each meal.

What foods can replace sugar

All sweeteners can be divided into 2 main groups:

  • Natural. They are quite high in calories, so this must be taken into account when using them. Not recommended for type 2 diabetes: fructose, stevia, sorbitol, xylitol).
  • Artificial. Derivatives of various chemicals: saccharin, cyclamate, aspartame).

The abuse of sweeteners leads to a toxic effect on the entire body as a whole.


This plant, whose leaves are used as a dietary supplement, is the most harmless natural sweetener for type 2 diabetes, as it does not contain calories. The plant matter can be added to prepared meals or used in cooking. It does not increase blood glucose levels, therefore it is safe for diabetics.


Available as a white powder, soluble in water. If you use saccharin when boiling, then it acquires a bitter aftertaste, so it is dissolved in warm water. Well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, can accumulate in organs and tissues in high concentrations. Saccharin is used in small doses and in combination with other sugar substitutes.

The choice of products for a diet for diabetes should be carried out taking into account the stage of the disease and in the presence of concomitant pathologies, since, depending on the severity of the symptoms, either an expansion of the diet or its strict restriction is possible.

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