Basil - useful properties and contraindications of fragrant spices. Basil benefits and harm to human health

Basil is a spice with a very spicy flavor that many find too unusual. Nevertheless, there are many fans of this greenery, and some are not ready to give up a fluffy bunch even for a month. Basil in fresh in summer, it compensates for vitamin deficiency and is a frequent ingredient in almost any vegetable salad, and in winter, dried herbs can be seasoned with almost any dish. What is the best way to use it for moms-to-be to get the most benefit?

Useful properties of basil during pregnancy

Basil is a herbaceous plant that is widely used in cooking. Its main distinguishing feature is a characteristic spicy aroma and specific taste. Many people compare basil to cilantro or parsley, although they are completely different in taste.

Basil comes in two varieties, green and purple. Rough juicy leaves are used for food, which have been considered healing since ancient times. Leaf juice contains phytoncides, carotene, rutin and sugars, as well as vitamins B2, C and PP.

The medicinal properties of this spice are not known to everyone.

  • Basil improves memory and stimulates brain activity, has tonic properties.
  • Fresh leaves have the ability to strengthen immune system which is especially true during pregnancy.
  • Essential oil has a strong bactericidal effect, therefore it is used for wound healing.
  • The juice and oil of the plant are used internally to improve digestion, get rid of bloating, colic and spasms.
  • External use of basil juice is necessary for the treatment of fungal infections of the skin and nails, eczema.
  • A water extract of greens relieves the symptoms of gastritis, improves the condition of food and alcohol poisoning.
  • tea from dried leaves helps with headaches.

During pregnancy, basil is useful, first of all, for its immunostimulating effect. It supplies the body with all the necessary substances, improves well-being future mother and even has an antipyretic effect. Respiratory and upper respiratory diseases respiratory tract during pregnancy are successfully treated with basil inhalations.

Teas and infusions on basil leaves are indispensable during the period of bearing a baby, especially if you suffer from headaches and general weakness. They increase appetite, improve digestion, protect against the addition of fungal and viral infections.

Gargling with infusion of basil eliminates cough, prevents the development of caries and infections in the oral cavity, strengthens teeth and gums. For diseases and eye fatigue, basil lotions are used, and to relieve skin inflammation, for example, from insect and animal bites, basil infusion is used externally.

Can pregnant women eat basil

- at an early stage

Basil on early dates pregnancy is not shown, but not prohibited. As a remedy alternative therapy, which implies its daily intake, basil infusions and decoctions are not prescribed, but inhalations and external use of basil juice or oil are acceptable.

As a food product, basil is allowed in minimum quantities provided that the pregnancy proceeds without complications and there is no threat of miscarriage. Excessive consumption of greens in the first trimester stimulates the activity of the uterus and can lead to hypertonicity and abortion.

There is also an opinion that basil contributes to disorders in the development and formation of the fetus, so only a woman is responsible for this spice in the diet. At Great love only a few grams of basil are allowed for this product no more than once a week.

- at a later date

On the later dates basil is also not recommended to be consumed internally. It causes digestive problems, if consumed excessively, it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and increase blood pressure. An increase in pressure is fraught with preeclampsia, which in some cases ends in premature birth.

In any trimester, basil is allowed to be consumed in small quantities and very rarely. You can add a couple of leaves to a salad, soup, tea, use as a seasoning, but not every day. The tonic property of the plant makes it dangerous during pregnancy, as it increases contractility uterus.

How to use basil during pregnancy

Basil adds flavor to any dish, be it a first course, meat or fish second, salad, appetizer or sauce. If a woman cannot completely refuse this seasoning, it is better to give preference to fresh shoots in the summer.

A couple of leaves need to be washed well, after which they can be added to any dish. If the product is subjected to heat treatment, it is better to lower it into a bowl no earlier than 10-15 minutes before readiness. Otherwise, from pleasant aroma there will be no trace left, and a specific bitter taste will come in its place.

Basil inhalations during pregnancy are acceptable: they help to cope with the symptoms of influenza and SARS, as well as rhinitis and bronchitis.

Basil oil can be used to treat open wounds and mosquito bites, and a decoction of the plant is good for eye health with conjunctivitis and inflammation in pregnant women. To do this, 15 g of dried leaves are poured with boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled and filtered. Clean gauze is moistened in the present broth and washed with an eye remedy.

To prevent diseases of the teeth and gums, it is allowed to rinse your mouth with a decoction of basil. To get a universal and effective anti-inflammatory agent, a tablespoon of basil juice is diluted in 100 ml. boiled water and rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications and harm

An absolute contraindication to the use of basil during pregnancy is a complicated pregnancy and the threat spontaneous miscarriage, in the later stages - the risk premature birth. You can not take basil and basil decoction inside if there is a predisposition to uterine hypertonicity and late toxicosis.

Other contraindications include:

Many experts firmly believe that basil during pregnancy should not be consumed in any form in any quantity, even if there are no contraindications.

How to choose the right one when buying?

In nature, there are several types of plants. In addition to purple and green, you can find brown and even blue basil on the shelves, but still it is green that is universal and familiar.

When choosing between fresh, dried and frozen basil, it is better to choose the first option. Having bought fresh greens, at home you can wash, cut, dry or freeze it yourself and be sure that the plant has gone through all the necessary processing.

When buying basil, you need to focus on the following parameters:

  • The leaves are bright and saturated, there is no feeling that they are covered with a white "cobweb" or cloudy.
  • The surface of the leaves is elastic and juicy.
  • If you rub the leaf between your fingers, without even sniffing, you can catch a bright characteristic aroma.
  • Plaque, dirt, veins and spots on the leaves are signs of a poor-quality product.
  • The outside of the leaves should look juicy but feel dry to the touch. At the same time, when pinching the sheet between the fingers, it should seem that it is about to burst and expire with juice.
  • When buying basil in a container or on a substrate, be sure to inspect the packaging for dents and cracks, check expiration dates.
  • The color of the leaves from the outer and inside The sheet may be different, but it is always uniform.
  • The basil should not feel sticky to the touch.

At some points of sale, basil is sold in special containers with water. If its appearance meets the above characteristics, you can buy it with confidence and be sure that it is fresh and very healthy.

Basil is a very insidious spice. On the one hand, it is a useful and very unusual ingredient for almost any dish, on the other hand, it can be dangerous during pregnancy. If a woman has never eaten these greens and has not had special love for her, you should definitely not start while carrying a baby. If, on the contrary, it is difficult to imagine a salad without this spice, you can please yourself with a couple of fresh leaves once a week, but only after consulting a doctor.

Specially for- Olga Pavlova

Basil came to us from the eastern part of India and Ceylon. This spicy plant has a specific aroma and inimitable taste, so it was originally used only in cooking. Useful properties of culture noticed traditional healers and began to actively use the herb to treat many diseases. Somewhat later, the chemical composition was scientifically studied and confirmed therapeutic properties plants.

Botanical characteristic

Basil herb comes in many forms and is easily cross-pollinated. It is on this property that the multiplicity of species is based, as well as the production of different plant varieties. The acquisition of new morphological properties underlies the multiplicity of names applied to one variety of basil. So, ordinary basil is called garden, mint, camphor, fragrant, although we are talking about the same species, but in different morphological manifestations.


The common basil is a tropical plant. As a wild plant, it is found in tropical and subtropical latitudes of Asia, America, Europe, in Iran, in the Caucasus. because of valuable properties the herb itself and the essential oil extracted from it, basil is actively cultivated in the southern part of France, Italy and Spain, in Moldova, China, Mongolia, as well as in the south of Ukraine and Russia.

Morphological features

The plant is a herbaceous annual. It grows on loose fertile soils. It is characterized by the following features.

  • root system. It is represented by a central root and many lateral ones that branch strongly. The depth of penetration of the plant into the soil is small - about 10 cm. Additional roots quickly form on the shoots.
  • Stem. It has round shape and four edges. Very often pubescent. Green or anthocyanin color. The plant reaches a height of 60 cm, strongly branches. In the process of development, the stem becomes stiff.
  • Leaves. In basil, they are petiolate, ovoid or round-ovate, reaching 8 cm in length, depending on the variety. The location is opposite. The edge is entire or fine-grained. Mostly hairless, deep green to anthocyanin color.
  • Flowers. They have a light purple color. Whorls of eight to ten small flowers form a racemose inflorescence at the top of the main stem, less often in the axils of the leaves. Flowering continues from June to the end of August.
  • Fruit. They begin to ripen in September. After flowering, four shiny dark brown seeds are formed, up to 2 mm long. The outer shell of the seed, upon contact with moist soil, quickly forms mucus and the fruit germinates. The ascending ability of seeds is maintained for seven years.

Wild basil in tropical climates is perennial plant. Cultivation in others climatic conditions requires annual planting.

Growing conditions

Basil is heat-, light-, moisture-loving herbaceous plant. Seeds germinate only if the soil warms up to +15°C. Also, the plant is demanding regarding the composition of the soil - it loves moist, loose fertile soil. To obtain strong viable crops, an annual fertilization of the planting site with organic fertilizers is recommended.

The ideal temperature for the development of the plant should exceed +25 C. Regular and abundant watering is necessary, as well as enough sunlight. Only in this way will the plant be able to accumulate a sufficient amount of essential oil in the aerial part.
Planting seedlings begins at the end of March. Seeds are planted in boxes, create Greenhouse effect sprayed regularly with water. disembarkation at open ground must be produced no earlier than the second half of May, when the risk of night frosts completely disappears. The culture does not withstand frost at all, the shoots die if the temperature drops to 0 ° C. Seedlings get sick if for several days the temperature environment does not rise above +15°С.

Procurement of raw materials

For the purpose of treatment, fresh basil leaves or a dried plant can be used. It is important to properly prepare raw materials.

  • Collection and preparation. They begin in June, after the plant blooms, since the inflorescences also accumulate essential oil. Shoots are taken, stepping back from the ground by 10-15 cm. This approach allows you to get several shoots per season, because the cut stem grows back.
  • Drying. Held under a canopy. This minimizes the loss of biologically active substances. It is also allowed to dry the plant in a well-ventilated area or with a dryer at low temperature regime(up to 35°C). The shoots are tied into small brooms and hung, laid out in a thin layer on paper or cotton fabric.
  • Storage. After complete drying, the stems are packed in paper bags, wrapped with a film or cellophane on top. If it is planned to grind raw materials immediately after drying, it is necessary to prepare airtight containers to reduce essential oil evaporation. In a dark and well-ventilated place, dried raw materials can be stored for two years.


Peculiarities. The leaves are used for culinary purposes. They are plucked from dried stems and crushed, after which they are added to dishes and sauces. But much more valuable for cooking are the fresh leaves of the plant, which are frozen.

Procurement algorithm

  1. Collect fresh leaves, separating them from the shoots.
  2. Rinse with cold running water.
  3. Lay out on a paper towel in a thin layer or use a special “dryer” for fresh herbs.
  4. After complete drying, the leaves are placed on a wide baking sheet and placed in the freezer.
  5. After an hour, they can be collected, folded into a container or bag.
  6. Whole leaves are added to soups and salads, they serve dishes, they shift multi-component puff snacks with them.


Peculiarities. For sauces, dressings, salads, cooking fish and meat, basil is frozen in the form of a paste. Chopped leaves are added to hot snacks and dishes without defrosting.

Procurement algorithm

  1. Fresh basil leaves are separated from the shoots, washed thoroughly with water, and dried.
  2. Place in a blender bowl for maximum grinding.
  3. Add a small amount of olive oil, to a mushy consistency, mix thoroughly. (The oil helps keep the juicy color of the greens after freezing).
  4. The resulting paste is laid out in ice molds.
  5. After 12 hours, the cubes are pulled out and put into a container or a plastic bag.


Peculiarities. In the case of using such a seasoning, it is important to be careful not to oversalt the dish.

Procurement algorithm

  1. Fresh leaves are separated from the shoots, washed cold water.
  2. With a large metal knife, cut into pieces up to 1 cm long.
  3. Fold in a jar or container in layers, each of which is sprinkled with fine salt.
  4. Store the preparation in the refrigerator.

Salted leaves are best used in one cold season. Frozen have no restrictions on shelf life.

Chemical composition

The essential oil is of particular value. Its amount in the plant ranges from 3.5% to 5%. The chemical composition is very complex, including aromatic compounds of various nature. All volatile components, to a greater or lesser extent, have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, astringent and locally irritating properties. Most of the oil contains camphor.

In addition to ether, the plant contains a number of other useful substances:

  • phytoncides;
  • tannins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • organic acids (malic and ascorbic);
  • fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, palmitic);
  • a complex of minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, iron).

Medicinal properties

Basil has been used in folk medicine for therapy since ancient times. skin diseases and digestive disorders. But over time, other medicinal properties culture. Thanks to the essential oil, the plant exhibits the following effects:

Tannins cause astringent action plants, as a result of which the process of regeneration of the skin and epithelial tissue mucous membranes.

Organic acids - regulators biochemical composition blood - have hypoglycemic and cholesterol-lowering effects. Their molecules are building blocks vascular epithelium.

The sedative, cardiotonic, anti-ischemic effects of camphor make it possible to use basil for cardiovascular disorders, respiratory system disorders, and deterioration of peripheral blood flow.


The plant is useful for the prevention and treatment of the following ailments.

  • Digestive organs. Basil stimulates the secretion of the digestive glands, therefore it is indicated for decreased appetite, feeling of heaviness after eating, flatulence, constipation. The anti-inflammatory effect of the plant allows the use of basil for gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis of various etiologies. Antimicrobial properties are appropriate for dysbacteriosis and poisoning. Also, the spice is able to regulate lipid metabolism, accelerate the breakdown and elimination of fats, which is why it is actively used for weight loss.
  • Heart and blood vessels. Basil improves tone vascular walls, improves myocardial oxygen supply, enhances heart contractions, is able to reduce arterial pressure and also eliminate platelet aggregation. Actively used for prevention hypertension and her therapy early stages, prevention of thrombosis. The stimulating effect of the plant is appropriate for heart failure, varicose veins veins, disorders of tissue trophism due to vascular insufficiency.
  • Nervous system. Basil has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Increases the ability to concentrate, improves memory, normalizes sleep and the process of falling asleep. Has antidepressant properties. Eliminates spasms of cerebral vessels, which is why the plant is actively used to treat migraine pain. The stimulating effect allows the use of basil in case of poisoning with narcotic or hypnotic drugs.
  • Skin and mucous membranes. The regenerative and antimicrobial effect of basil is used to treat all skin lesions: wounds, abrasions, scratches, insect bites, burns, frostbite, fungal infections. Also, the plant is used for stomatitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, gum disease, to eliminate toothache. A positive effect is noted when treating with basil preparations lesions such as eczema, trophic ulcers, bedsores, dermatitis.

Basil is used as a natural antibacterial, antiviral, diaphoretic. The ability of the plant to relieve feverish conditions is known. Camphor has a mild expectorant effect. ENT diseases (otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis) are also treatable with basil. Due to its ability to stimulate respiratory center brain, the plant is used for respiratory depression that accompanies pneumonia.

In addition, basil is used both as an analgesic and as an anti-inflammatory agent for arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, and myalgia. General tonic properties allow the use of grass for the prevention of SARS.

Basil is able to act as an aphrodisiac, it is considered a natural stimulant of potency. Regulates hormonal background in women, eliminates dysmenorrhea, softens the manifestations of menopause. The plant is used for motion sickness, as well as to repel insects.


The harm of basil is manifested when it is consumed excessively, and also if a person has an individual intolerance to this plant. This increases the risk of developing side effects: dyspeptic disorders, allergic reactions. disturbances of consciousness and heart rhythm failures.

Contraindications for use:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • suffered a stroke;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension;
  • encephalitis;
  • epilepsy.

Also, the herbal remedy is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

Prescription drugs

For therapeutic purposes, basil should not be taken for longer than 21 days. Otherwise, addiction and accumulation of specific chemical substances in the body.


Peculiarities. Used for stomach and intestinal disorders, poisoning, to eliminate headaches, colds, as well as for gargling, washing wounds.

Preparation and application

  1. Pour two teaspoons of chopped herbs into a cup of boiling water.
  2. Put the mixture on water bath, heat ten minutes.
  3. Infuse for one hour, then strain and squeeze the cake.
  4. For digestive disorders, headaches, colds, drink sips throughout the day. Gargle or treat wounds three times a day. To treat a toothache, add a teaspoon of salt and vinegar to the resulting broth and rinse your mouth throughout the day.


Peculiarities. It is used for bloating, poor digestion, nausea, painful periods, as well as disorders of the nervous system.

Preparation and application

  1. Pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Strain.
  4. Add honey to taste.
  5. Drink no more than two cups a day.


Peculiarities. It is used for the preparation of ointments, and is also used in its pure form.

Preparation and application

  1. Dried vegetable raw materials are crushed in a mortar until a homogeneous powder is obtained.
  2. For the treatment of skin lesions, it is mixed with any ointment base (vaseline, baby cream) in a 1:1 ratio. Apply to the affected area and cover with gauze. Used three times a day. pure powder sniffed to cause sneezing with rhinitis, as well as to eliminate and prevent motion sickness in transport.


Peculiarities. Used in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract and also used externally.

Preparation and application

  1. Fresh leaves are washed with cold water.
  2. Grind to a paste with a blender.
  3. The resulting slurry is placed in cheesecloth, folded several times.
  4. I carefully squeeze the juice into a clean glass container.
  5. Apply externally with skin diseases. Drip two drops into the ear with otitis media. Take orally a teaspoon twice a day for kidney disease.

Role in cooking

Basil is an essential attribute of Mediterranean cuisine. The plant is actively used to flavor fish dishes, meat and even some confectionery. The herb stimulates digestion, which is why it simply needs to be served as an appetizer for fatty dishes (barbecue, stew, baked meat).

The specific aroma makes the culture indispensable as a flavor for pickles: tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini. Crushed leaves are included in classic composition many herbal spices, dough dishes, sauces.

A few leaves added to a regular soup will make it almost Italian. By the way, this plant is one of the main ingredients of the famous Margherita pizza.

Finely ground basil leaves add an interesting flavor to sandwiches when mixed with butter. And if you combine them with olive oil and let it brew for at least 12 hours, you get an impeccable salad dressing.

Use in cosmetology

For beauty, the herbal remedy is used because it contains antioxidants, tannins and antibacterial components.

  • For hair . The use of basil essential oil allows you to strengthen the roots, eliminate brittleness and excessive fat content strands. To do this, an essential extract is added to the shampoo, balm or mask at the rate of three to four drops per 10 g of the original product.
  • For face . Basil extracts are used to create anti-aging products. Thanks to them, it is possible to significantly improve skin color, eliminate lethargy, and make mimic wrinkles less noticeable. Decoctions from the leaves treat dermatoses, acne, pimples, blackheads.

Using basil for healing is best started with small doses. If an allergy occurs, consult a doctor.

I also read somewhere that basil is called the “king” of herbs. It became interesting to me in connection with what he was given such a title, solely because of the taste, or maybe because of the beneficial properties of basil, and at the same time we will find out if there are any contraindications for this fragrant spices.

The botanical name of the plant can be translated as "a fragrance worthy of kings." In the East, basil can be found under the name reyhan, regan, which means "fragrant" in translation. The aroma of this plant is varied depending on the variety and each is bizarre and original in its own way.

There are more than 70 types of basil, and therefore you can find a bitter-pepper aroma, clove-mint, lemon, anise, with the smell of bay leaf, nutmeg and many other shades, there are even varieties with a caramel-vanilla aroma.

But, I think, the royal title was given to this plant not only because of the original aroma, but more because of its beneficial properties.

Basil - useful properties and contraindications

The age of the basilica is very solid, locals India and Iran (these countries are considered its homeland) have been using it for over 5000 years. They revere it and consider it magical precisely because of its beneficial properties. In India, they firmly believe that basil protects their families from diseases and brings happiness and prosperity to the house.

In other countries, they learned about this plant later, but over time, basil gained popularity all over the world. Somewhere in the 18th century, basil began to be mentioned in cookbooks, thanks to Italian and French chefs.

To understand how this green is useful, we will find out its chemical composition.

Composition of basil

Those aromas that different varieties of basil have are the smell of an essential oil of a rather complex composition, the main element of which is eugenol, as well as camphor, methylchavinol, lanalool and others.

Basil leaves, in addition to essential oil, contain tannins, rutin, carotene, phytoncides, simple sugars.

Vitamin and mineral composition of basil:

  • vitamins - A, C, B2, K, PP;
  • minerals - potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium.

Useful properties of aromatic spices

  • It is believed that the aroma of basil has a beneficial effect on the human body - it gives energy, strength, clarifies the mind, strengthens the nerves, improves memory, and cleanses the aura. It is for these properties that basils are so revered in India.
  • Basil strengthens the walls of blood vessels well, thanks to vitamin C and P, vitamin K improves blood clotting, B vitamins in combination with basil essential oil help to cope with stress, improve mood, strengthen nerves.
  • Thanks to the carotenoids included in the composition, which are converted in our body into vitamin A, as well as vitamin C, basil is a plant that strengthens the immune system.
  • Vitamin A also improves vision, the condition of nails, hair, skin. The use of basil can prevent the development of age-related pathologies of the retina.

Although the color of basil can vary from light green to bright purple, the difference in the content of the main substances is not significant.

Purple basil is very beautiful and is often used to decorate flower beds. But it is interesting not only for this, it is in purple varieties that substances such as atoncyans are contained. For basil, they are substances that color it in such a way. unusual color, and for us these substances are a cure for wrinkles and old age. You can read about how else the color of plants affects our body.

Basil is also loved by nutritionists, because the low calorie content of basil, as well as its ability to break down fats and speed up metabolic processes make it very useful for people who want to lose weight.

Basil: beneficial properties for women and men

In addition to general useful qualities I would like to note the influence of basil on the male and female body.

Basil is an aphrodisiac, it excites lovers, accelerates the movement of blood in the vessels, enhances erection, prolongs sexual intercourse.

This spice has a beneficial effect on men, improving potency.

Basil has antispasmodic properties, so it helps women with menstrual pain.

Perhaps these are not all the beneficial properties of basil, but even this list, I think, answered the question - how is basil useful for the human body.

But can basil be harmful? Of course, any useful product has both positive properties, as well as negative ones.

Basil - contraindications

  • Basil in its composition has a small content of mercury, which gives it bactericidal properties, but if consumed in excess, it can be harmful to health. If you decide to use basil for treatment, then use it for no more than 3 weeks, then you can continue, but after a short break.
  • Eugenol helps to increase the tone of the uterus, so it is not recommended for pregnant women to use it.
  • Due to the high content essential oils Basil is best consumed fresh at lunch or dinner, but not in the morning, as it can irritate the stomach lining. For the same reason, it is not recommended to give basil to children under 7 years of age.
  • Basil is contraindicated in people with diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, thrombosis.

How to use basil

More useful substances are in the fresh leaves of plants, especially during the growth of green mass. After flowering, the amount of essential oils decreases. Also, basil loses its beneficial properties during transportation, when long-term exposure sunlight, so it is better to put the collected basil in glass or ceramic dishes in water, but you need to keep such a bouquet in the refrigerator and you can safely store it in this form for a week.

Basil can be dried, frozen, but it is clear that basil will lose some of its beneficial properties.

With its fresh spicy aroma and bitter aftertaste, basil has long conquered the culinary world. Its leaves are used as a seasoning for a wide variety of dishes. This spicy herb goes well with meat, fish, suitable for potatoes, brings spicy notes to vegetable soups and salads and even desserts. Basil is also used for winter preparations, adding to marinades and tomato sauces.

Basil goes well with other herbs such as mint, parsley, coriander, and in combination with rosemary, it replaces pepper.

Fragrant basil vinegar can be an excellent seasoning for various dishes.

Recipe: glass jar fill with finely chopped basil herb and pour preheated wine vinegar, tightly close and put in a dark cool place for 2-3 weeks.

You can make drinks based on this spice, for example, it is very tasty, I recommend it.

If you have read the article, it means that you, like me, were interested to know how basil is useful for the body.

The basil has such a solid age and, of course, there are many legends and beliefs about it.

Basil in rituals and beliefs

In some countries, basil is considered a symbol of love and family well-being.

So in Romania, for example, the bride, if she agrees to link her fate with the groom, gives him a sprig of basil. And in Italy, if you see a vase with basil in the window, then know that a girl lives there, who is just waiting for her lover. In Ukraine, basil is woven together with other plants into a wedding wreath.

For the Slavic peoples, basil is a symbol of immortality.

AT Ancient Rome is a symbol of prosperity.

The Hindus believed that basil would help the deceased to go to heaven and always put basil sprigs in the coffin.

AT Christian religion with the help of the basil, a rite of faith was tested. On the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, parishioners were given twigs of basil. They brought them home and put them in the water. For diligent parishioners, twigs stand for a long time, and for those who have sinned a lot, the basil withers.

I think, having learned how useful basil is and appreciating its taste and aroma, we can also safely say: basil is the king of herbs.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Basil is native to tropical Asia. In Iran and India, culinary specialists and doctors have been using this for more than 5 millennia. aromatic plant. In Mediterranean cuisine, it occupies a leading position among spices due to its sharp taste and balsamic aroma. No wonder the Greek word "basil" means king. Almost 70 plant species are known: they differ somewhat appearance, taste and smell. Like all products, basil has useful properties and contraindications, which it is advisable to familiarize yourself with in more detail.

Composition of basil

The basil herb contains nutrients: proteins (3%), carbohydrates (5%), 1% fat, fiber and ash. There are only 23 calories in 100g of fresh basil. Everything that basil is useful for is determined by its unique chemical and vitamin composition. The plant is not too rich in vitamins, but the main ones still contain:
group B - represented by thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acid, pyridoxine, niacin, choline;
A (beta-carotene);
carotene (provitamin A);
C (ascorbic acid);
E (tocopherol);
K (phylloquinone);
PP (nicotinic acid).

The macronutrients in basil are represented by potassium, sodium, phosphorus and calcium, and the trace elements are copper, iron, manganese and magnesium. Tannins, saponins and glycosides - all this also accumulates in fragrant leaves and stems. Their spicy smell is explained by the rather high content of basil essential oil (from 0.02 to 1.5%). It contains linalol, eugenol, meylchavinol, cineol, ocimene, camphor. The esters included in the oil give the basil bactericidal qualities, and also turn it into an effective repellant (mosquito repellant).

Useful properties of basil

Asking the question whether basil is useful, they find many positive answers that lie in the plane of various branches of medicine. The question is also often asked: does the color of basil affect the percentage of nutrients? Leaf color - morphological feature, which does not change the chemical composition of the plant: everything that purple basil is useful for, lemon basil has the same extent, as well as green basil.

Basil herb in the form of an infusion antimicrobial agent, is used for gargling with acute respiratory infections, oral cavity with inflammation of the gums, caries, for refreshing bad breath. To prevent infection of wounds, basil lotions are applied to them.

The medicinal properties of basil herb in relation to the genitourinary system are in the diuretic effect and in softening small stones in the kidneys, removing excess uric acid. The use of basil as a seasoning stabilizes the functioning of the urinary organs.

What else is useful for basil - the plant is a natural antibiotic for the treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract with viral infections and bacterial infections, colds, asthma, tuberculosis. Preparations from the plant relieve inflammation in the joints and organs gastrointestinal tract(with colitis, gastritis, flatulence).

Beneficial effect on the central nervous system produces camphor oil. Camphor stabilizes the work of the respiratory and cardiac centers of the brain, thanks to which the heart rhythm is evened out, headaches and neurotic heart spasms are relieved.

According to independent studies, basil essential oil contains antioxidants. Together with vitamin C, they help prevent cancer and protect the nervous system from stress. Taking an infusion of basil, you can relieve mental stress, restore strength during a period of intense physical and mental labor.

The vitamin charge of basil strengthens the walls of blood vessels (vitamins C and P), synthesizes vitamin A (carotene); improves vision, as well as the condition of nails, hair, skin (vitamin A); strengthens nerves and improves mood (vitamins of group B).

Basil is a natural aphrodisiac

AT cultural heritage Many peoples can trace the chanting of the basil as a symbol of love between a man and a woman. For example, in Romania, the bride gives a sprig of basil to the groom, agreeing to link her fate with him. The famous herbalist N. Culpeper in his treatise "Collection of Herbs" (1653) investigated the effect of the plant on reproductive system. Basil is an aphrodisiac that enhances the sexual desire of partners against the backdrop of relaxation and stress relief. The spicy smell excites lovers, accelerates the movement of blood in the vessels, enhances erection, prolongs sexual intercourse.

Basil: beneficial properties for women and men

In addition to general beneficial qualities, basil has a specific effect on the male and female body. Men with the help of "royal grass" increase potency. For women, the antispasmodic properties of the plant are suitable for reducing menstrual pain. Many anti-aging creams used by ladies contain basil oil, which helps to smooth out fine lines and tones the skin. The same component helps to eliminate brittleness and prevent hair loss. If a woman is on a diet, then fresh leaves ennoble the taste. diet meals- green basil is especially suitable for this. Weight loss is facilitated not only by the low calorie content of the seasoning, but also by its ability to speed up metabolic processes and break down fats.

The use of basil in medicine

To properly use basil, you should consider the above beneficial properties and contraindications, which will be discussed below. Note the features of the use of plants in various diseases.
Cold, fever. Tea is prepared from the leaves with the addition of cardamom grains, sugar and milk. Freshly squeezed plant juice is even more effective.
Cough, bronchitis, asthma. Honey and ginger are put in a decoction of the leaves - this remedy softens the cough and clears the bronchi. Basil tea with cloves and kitchen salt is an active anti-flu agent.
Dermatological diseases. The antiseptic healing properties of the herb basil give a noticeable result in counteracting ringworm, acne, sometimes even leukoderma.
Depressive states, loss of strength. Basil essential oil is inhaled, for which a few drops of it are added to the aroma lamp. To strengthen the nervous system, they drink tea from a crushed plant (leaves, flowers and stems). A bath with basil essential oil is also useful. For restful sleep you can put dried basil in a pillow at the head.
Nausea, vomiting. Dry basil or fresh leaves are brewed and taken internally.
Inflammation of the eyes, blurred vision. 2 drops of herbal juice are instilled into the eyes before going to bed or the eyes are washed with a cooled decoction.
Dental diseases. With a toothache, the application of cotton wool soaked in essential oil helps. For rinsing with gingivitis, a decoction is used.

Note that dry basil retains all the medicinal properties on a par with a fresh plant.

Basil in cooking

"Royal Grass" is a versatile seasoning for many dishes. Dishes with basil acquire a noble and piquant taste. In cooking, the color of basil is of no small importance, as it determines the taste and aromatic characteristics of the plant. Purple basil (originally from Asia) has fleshy stems, red or purple leaves with a strong clove scent. Lemon basil is reminiscent of tropical citrus in its aroma. Thai green basil with narrow light green leaves is similar in smell to licorice.

When adding basil to food, you should know:
the leaves of the plant are combined with dishes of vegetables, meat, eggs, sauces and salads;
dried basil (as well as freshly picked leaves) is put in first courses;
basil is the basis of the composition of the green pesto sauce, famous in Mediterranean cuisine. If parmesan is introduced into the recipe, then Pesto acquires an original taste;
fresh basil is not subjected to heat treatment, adding to ready-made dishes.

Why purple basil is useful in cooking - it is indispensable in dishes with tomatoes. Tomatoes with basil perfectly harmonize in taste, both in second courses and in winter preparations. To check this, it is worth preparing Caprese, the famous Italian appetizer, which includes tomatoes and mozzarella. Marinated, baked and even dried tomatoes with basil are famous for their taste.

In an ensemble with various spices, basil expands the flavor palette of dishes.
Mint and basil add a unique flavor to strawberry jam. Kissels, drinks and even ice cream - mint and basil perfectly complement each other in them.
In borscht and cabbage soup, not only traditional Bay leaf but also basil, marjoram, cumin and rosemary.
in sauces for meat dishes, except for basil, add chervil with anise flavor.
Basil and thyme are a great duo for cooking fish dishes (for example, catfish fillet). Salmon is prepared by seasoning it with basil and oregano ( vernacular name- oregano).
in vegetables or fish meals fennel can be added with basil.

You should not exceed a reasonable rate of spices: after all, basil has not only useful properties, but also contraindications.

Taste of basil

Basil has a sharp fresh taste with a slight bitterness, while it resembles allspice. Lemon basil containing citral tastes similar to lemon.

How to properly store basil

To preserve the smell and taste of basil, when buying, choose fresh plants, without dark spots. Short-term storage is possible in two ways;
leaves wrapped in a damp cotton napkin are placed in a plastic bag placed in the cold;
sprigs are placed in a glass of water, covered with a plastic bag, putting on an elastic band on top; in the refrigerator with a daily change of water, the greens are stored for a week.

Harvesting basil for the winter

For long-term storage, harvesting basil is carried out in several ways.
Freeze. After draining the water, the washed branches are placed in the freezer on parchment paper, and after hardening, they are carefully placed in bags and returned to the freezer.
Ice Cubes. The crushed leaves are laid out in molds and poured with water. Frozen cubes are transferred to a bag and kept in the freezer.
Drying. The grass is cut during flowering and dried at a temperature not higher than 350 (so that essential oils do not evaporate) for two weeks. Dried basil is crushed and stored in an airtight container.

basil oil

A very useful product used in cosmetology and medicine (its properties are described in more detail earlier). Leaves contain the most essential oil. It is obtained by steam distillation. From 100 kg of basil, 2 kg of oil is produced. This colorless liquid, sometimes slightly yellowish with a pleasant sweet smell. Basil essential oil should be in any first aid kit as a first aid: it saves from burns, relieves headaches, treats runny nose and joints, and relieves asthma attacks. At the same time, do not forget that there are contraindications for taking the drug (it has a high content of mercury), but the beneficial properties of basil oil are much more numerous.

Basil seeds for weight loss

To make the figure more elegant, use the seeds of Thai basil. To do this, prepare a dessert with coconut milk or cream. Seeds are brewed with cold water, then they swell for several minutes. Drain off the water and add to the seeds coconut milk. No less tasty is the drink, where French rose buds or jasmine are added.

Thai basil seeds promote elimination excess cholesterol, acceleration of metabolism, removal of excess fluid and toxins from the body.

Basil contraindications

Along with a healing effect on the body, there is also a certain harm to basil. It is not advised to use it for some serious diseases:

  • severe varicose veins;
  • stroke or heart attack;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • ischemia of the heart;
  • deviation from the norm of blood clotting;
  • low pressure.

Harm of basil for pregnant women and nursing mothers is noted: undesirable high rate essential oil content in the leaves. The same factor limits the use of seasoning for everyone: when using basil daily and in large quantities, mercury accumulates in the body.

Growing Basil

To grow basil, fertile drained areas with loamy soil are allotted for it. Seeds for seedlings are sown in early April (the temperature in the room should be 12-15 degrees). The distance between the rows of seeds is 5-6 cm. The emerging seedlings are thinned out, observing the interval between the bushes of 2-3 cm.

60 days after sowing, plants with 5-6 leaves are planted in beds at intervals of 20 cm in rows and row spacing of 50 cm. With regular watering, plants quickly take up and grow. Weeds should be carefully removed: they jam the basil and reduce its yield.

Having studied basil, the beneficial properties and contraindications of this plant, you can successfully diversify your menu and use herbal preparations from the “royal herb” to prevent and treat diseases.

Basil is a plant cultivated many centuries ago. Its stems have four sides, and reach a height of 60 centimeters. The bush of the plant is very branched, and the leaves are oblong with a rough surface to the touch. Depending on the variety, basil can be colored green or purple. Appreciate its spicy burning taste and fragrant balsamic smell.

What is the benefit of basil?

The basil carries great benefit for human body, which is due to chemical composition. First of all, this plant is obliged to essential oil, which in basil leaves can be from 0.7 to 1.5%. This is what gives it such a specific taste and spicy aroma. Essential oil includes several aromatic substances - meylchavinol, linalool, eugenol, camphor oil and others. Camphor in the composition of basil helps to restore breathing and stimulates the work of the heart muscle.

Leaves and stems contain many tannins and minerals necessary for human health. Thanks to high content phytoncides the plant has a powerful antibacterial action. The simple carbohydrates (sugars) in basil are easily absorbed by the body without burdening it.

The stems and leaves of the plant contain many vitamins (carotene, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, niacin and rutin) and other substances that increase the body's resistance to various viruses and bacteria. Rich biologically active substances The plant has long been used in the treatment of colds and other diseases.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and rutin (vitamin P) help strengthen the walls blood vessels. Carotene (provitamin A) serves as a raw material for the synthesis of retinol (vitamin A), which is responsible for the condition of nails, hair and skin. AT childhood it is necessary for the normal growth of the body. Without vitamin A, human visual ability is lost. Riboflavin and rutin (vitamins of group B) - necessary substances for the health of the human nervous system, provide mental stability and good mood.

Among the beneficial properties of basil, it is necessary to highlight the anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound healing effects. It has an antispasmodic effect, relieving muscle spasms internal organs and blood vessels. Due to the carminative effect on the body, the plant is used as a remedy for bloating, which is useful for flatulence.

Camphor basil oil resists the oppression of the central nervous system, and in particular - the centers responsible for blood circulation and respiration. The plant has a general strengthening and tonic effect, which is used to restore the body after surgical operations and transmitted diseases.

AT medicinal purposes Basil is used internally in the form of infusions or externally. To prepare the infusion, the dried leaves and stems of the plant are usually taken. In order to make a glass of medicinal infusion, you need one tablespoon of dried herbs. The dry mixture is brewed like tea - with boiling water. Such “tea” is infused for half an hour, and after this time it is filtered through gauze folded in several layers. herbal infusion drink a third of a glass three times a day to increase immunity and support the functionality of the nervous system. An infusion of basil can be used externally to heal wounds as a poultice. They rinse the mouth with diseases of the mouth and throat. It is very useful to take baths with the addition of "tea" basil.

The properties of basil help, first of all, in the treatment of respiratory diseases: in acute or chronic bronchitis, with bronchial asthma or lung diseases. Fragrant essential oils, which are found in abundance in the plant, help to facilitate breathing and fight inflammatory processes, carotene and ascorbic acid also contribute to this. Due to the antibiotic and antibacterial properties of the plant, the cause is eliminated inflammatory process- fighting infection. Basil has an antipyretic effect, it fights the fever that accompanies most respiratory diseases. The plant effectively fights tuberculosis, reduces the harm to health from smoking, and improves the condition of patients suffering from cancer. This is due to the content of antioxidants in it, which have an anticarcinogenic effect.

Antioxidants combined with ascorbic acid protect the human cardiovascular system from the harmful effects of free radicals. They also protect the nervous system from stressful conditions. Essential oil - eugenol - reduces the content bad cholesterol in blood. Potassium, which is part of the basil, lowers blood pressure. blood pressure. Therefore, it is useful to add it to food for hypertensive patients.

Basil, due to its antibacterial effect, is excellent remedy for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity. In the process of fighting bacteria in the oral cavity, it disappears bad smell from mouth. Rinsing with infusion of basil prevents the formation of tartar, plaque on the surface of the enamel and the development of caries. But it is not recommended to chew basil in order to treat diseases of the oral cavity, since the substances contained in it are in high concentration, which, on the contrary, can lead to problems with tooth enamel.

The plant produces body light diuretic effect. This property of basil provides a fight against the deposition of kidney stones. It lowers uric acid levels and dissolves small stones, cleansing kidney tissue and eliminating pain in them.

The essential oils in basil help effective treatment various skin diseases. Due to the high content of carotene and some other useful substances, it is used to restore visual ability, partially lost as a result of infectious diseases such as conjunctivitis.

The beneficial properties of the plant help to fight a person with pain, including headaches. They provide help in the treatment of rheumatism, infectious diseases, cough. By strengthening the human immune system, basil provides fast recovery body after illness or surgery. It also speeds up the healing of wounds, protecting them from various infections.

Basil contraindications

Despite the beneficial properties of basil, it is sometimes better to refuse to eat it. First of all, this applies to people with the following health problems:

  • Thrombophlebitis or thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities;
  • Stroke;
  • Epilepsy;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Blood clotting is not normal;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia with low blood pressure;
  • Diabetes.

Basil is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. The fact is that high concentration essential oils can sometimes cause harm. For the same reason, you can not eat basil in large quantities and dishes with it for three weeks daily.

At the Basilica in in large numbers contains mercury compounds. In small quantities, they provide protection to the body against pathogenic bacteria, but in large quantities they can cause serious damage to health. In any case, it is best to consult with a nutritionist before adding basil to your diet. When using the plant for medicinal purposes, consultation should be carried out with your doctor.

The contraindications of basil once again confirm the saying that: “Everything is a poison, and everything is a medicine,” since the plant can both help health and harm it. Therefore, it should be used in moderation, if there are no contraindications for this.

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