Why food should be thoroughly chewed briefly. Why is it important to chew food thoroughly? What does chewing food do?

10 03.16

Without food it is impossible to imagine human life. It is necessary for most processes in the body. The habit of hurrying, eating on the go, consuming the benefits of civilization in the form of fast food, leads to sad consequences.

Few people think about why food should be chewed thoroughly. Let's try to figure it out.

Where does it all start

Civilization and society literally forces a person to increase the speed of food consumption, which is fundamentally wrong. It contributes to:

  • the development of the food industry and chemical technologies, when puree-like finished products are imposed by marketers;
  • fast food, when you can have a bite to eat in small cafes, on the street, if you feel hungry;
  • more and more products appear that do not require preliminary preparation (to saturate, it is easier to fill with water, heat up, and so on).

All this is complemented by artificially produced additives that whet the appetite, through visualization, using the sense of smell.

As a result, the habit of chewing food is gradually lost.

The process of digestion, the human oral apparatus is arranged in a special way. Its main purpose is the processing of ingested food. This happens due to:

  • specialized dentition adapted for chewing;
  • a large number of salivary glands that produce enzymes that contribute to better absorption;
  • strong muscles that promote chewing, swallowing, sucking.

This is where the process begins to promote better assimilation of products.

Doctors have proven that in the absence of the correct approach to chewing, problems appear in the gastrointestinal tract.

Hence arise:

  • gastritis-like conditions;
  • ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes;
  • violation of acid-base balance;
  • poor absorption of beneficial nutrients.

The body is a smart system capable of accumulating fats and carbohydrates in the “depot”, which has not gone through the correct assimilation cycle.

The results are deplorable, inconclusive even in the process of losing weight, when extra pounds appear, given that you follow all the rules of a diet and a healthy diet.

We eat and don't rush

Surely you have heard from your grandmothers more than once: “You can’t rush! Eat slower." They are right. The process of eating should resemble a kind of ritual, when you can not only calculate the nutritional value, usefulness, but create all the conditions for maintaining the ability to chew food.

This is necessary to preserve longevity, beauty. By providing a full cycle of digestion, a person can create effective conditions for the restoration of the body:

  • saturation occurs slowly due to the natural breakdown of food;
  • teeth and gums perform their natural functions - grinding, which helps saliva;
  • due to the tongue, its receptors, you can feel the full taste of food;
  • thoroughly chewed food is easier to swallow.

The process of chewing is so multifaceted and complex that it is difficult to understand it on "automatism".

Due to the careful work of the digestive apparatus, a unique opportunity presents itself:

  • recognize food intake as a necessity;
  • reduce the need for large quantities;
  • determine the time when you can stop, realizing that there is no hunger;
  • pay more attention to your body.

If you learn to eat correctly, and food not as a means of quick satiety, then the result will not be long in coming. Food should be chewed as if tasting and evaluating each of its components.

The longer you do this, the softer it will become, and the enzymes will work better. It is necessary to do at least 50 chewing movements at a time.

  1. The structure of the muscular tissue of the oral cavity improves.
  2. The skin of the face is tightened.
  3. The blood supply to the gums increases, which is the prevention of periodontal disease.
  4. Nutrients are efficiently broken down.
  5. Eating is stretched in time, but this only brings benefits.
  6. You learn to experience new, unfamiliar tastes by enjoying food.
  7. You can evaluate the usefulness of food by the time it is chewed.

Due to this, an excellent therapeutic effect is achieved.

What can be done?

There are a few simple rules that will help you learn to eat more slowly and get full faster.

  1. Well, if you learn to cook yourself. Start with simple meals that won't be difficult to prepare. Gradually move on to more complex ones, based on the principles of a healthy diet.
  2. You can not eat standing up, lying down. You should sit up straight, breathe deeply and calmly, forget about the clock.
  3. Establish a strict regimen when food is taken at certain hours.
  4. Remember that all food affects health, figure, general condition.
  5. Learn how to use oriental chopsticks by putting your fork and knife aside. At first it is very difficult, but with practice you will quickly get used to it.
  6. For eating, allocate yourself a separate place, not including the TV, computer.

  7. You can not eat what is quickly prepared without your participation. Forget about what you can throw in the microwave or pour water.
  8. If there is a habit of snacking, then it is better to do it at the expense of fruits, nuts, vegetables, and not snacks, bars and other harmful products.
  9. It is important to chew food, thinking about its composition.
  10. Look at every bite you are about to eat.
  11. Do not be distracted, treat food consumption as a kind of sacrament.
  12. Try to adjust your loved ones to this lifestyle.
  13. Remember that a full life depends entirely on a special mood, when food is perceived as a natural desire to enrich your body.

Despite the desire of civilization to speed up our lives, it is necessary to remember the role of proper nutrition. Having learned the chewing technique, you can become a real gourmet guru, sharing experience with others in gaining a great figure, good mood and beauty.

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Until we meet again, your Evgenia Shestel

Hello dear readers.

Do you know that there is a very simple healing technique that cures many diseases, especially diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. , duodenitis, diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas are difficult to cure without the use of this method.

So, get acquainted - therapeutic chewing.

The essence of this technique is so simple that you might be surprised that it can cure diseases. But do not rush to conclusions, read the article and try it. You will quickly feel the beneficial effects of therapeutic chewing.

Of course, if you have a disease, for example, gastritis, already running, you cannot defeat it with one method, I already wrote about this in an article. But without chewing your food thoroughly, you won't be able to fully recover.

In today's world, people have forgotten how to do it right. Eating on the run, overeating, drinking leads to obesity and the development of chronic diseases of all organs and systems. To maintain excellent health and remove toxins, they will be used often. The combination of the method of proper chewing of products with one of the methods contributes to the prevention of diseases and the fastest getting rid of many diseases. Let's talk about how to chew food properly.

An excursion into the history of the emergence of the technique

The founder of the method of proper chewing of food is the American physiologist Horace Fletcher. After 40 years, his health cracked, diseases occurred one after another, worsening his general condition and reducing his ability to work. He was diagnosed with a "bouquet" of ailments from the digestive, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, and psychological problems arose. A sharp deterioration in health led to the refusal of insurance companies to pay medical insurance for long courses of therapy.

Despite the difficult streak in life, Fletcher did not become depressed, but tried to find the roots of his problems. He came to the conclusion that the deterioration of health arose as a result of malnutrition - snacking on the go, violation of the daily routine, fast eating while watching the press and television programs. Thanks to his knowledge in physiology, the doctor described in detail the causes of ailments with malnutrition. Based on scientifically based findings, he created an effective method of therapeutic chewing, which was called fletcherism.

Briefly about the process of digestion

According to the physiology of digestion, food begins to be digested already in the oral cavity. Food contains essential nutrients that are essential for the life of the body. These are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. For absorption in the digestive tract, nutrients must be broken down into smaller particles that can enter the bloodstream. In this state, they are delivered by the circulatory transport system (special proteins) to cells and tissues.

Food components are broken down by the digestive juices of the mouth, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, and liver. They contain enzymes that break down large nutrient molecules into smaller particles. Carbohydrates begin to break down already in the oral cavity, and then in the duodenum 12. Thus, the body prepares them for further digestion in the digestive tract. Proteins and fats are broken down mainly in the stomach and small intestine. For proper digestion, food must be mechanically crushed by teeth, chemically treated with saliva. And the more the better.

The essence of the method of therapeutic chewing

The method of therapeutic nutrition is based on the physiology of digestion and is aimed at maintaining the health of all organs and systems. Fletcher proved that chewing one portion of food in the oral cavity should account for at least 30 chewing movements, ideally about 100. As a result, the food lump is completely saturated with saliva, softens, liquefies and enters the esophagus without swallowing movements, as if sliding down the throat and without spasms moves along the esophagus. This phenomenon has been called the "Fletcher food probe".

Of course, you don't have to go to the point where food passes without being swallowed, but remember, the more you chew, the better.

The technique of thoroughly chewing food was known in oriental medicine. It was actively used by yogis. Thanks to the correct way of eating, they were saturated with a small amount of food, healed physical and spiritual ailments, life expectancy was at least 100 years. With a small amount of food consumption, yogis maintained a cheerful state during the day, and maintained a healthy sleep at night.

There is another aspect here.

The fact is that when we chew slowly and focus only on food (we don’t get distracted, we don’t talk, but we feel the food, its taste), we energetically interact with it. All this leads to the fact that we take more nutrients from food, energetically and physically saturate faster. We need less food now.

The digestive organs become healthier and stronger.

Yogis knew about all this. No wonder there is a legend that the stomach of a yogi is able to digest even a rusty nail. There is a deal of truth in it.

Have you noticed that when someone cooks food, tastes it, they get satiated faster? And he no longer wants to sit down and eat with everyone. He just energetically interacted with food. Draw your own conclusions.

Every person who wants to maintain good physical shape throughout life should know how to chew food properly. Here are the main principles of the healing technique:

  • do not fill your mouth with food, it is necessary to place food in the oral cavity in small portions, filling it halfway;
  • chew food slowly - the number of minimum chewing movements can, for example, be calculated by the formula: one movement for an existing tooth, three for a missing or diseased tooth. For example: if you have 32 healthy teeth, then chew food 32 times, you can increase the number of jaw movements by 2-5 times. But that's about all. The main principle - the more the better;
  • while eating, try to achieve maximum contact of the food bolus with the tongue, which has a large number of receptors. This allows you to activate the work of the digestive glands through nerve impulses to the central nervous system;
  • eating should take place in a calm environment, provided there is no irritability and anger. Negative emotions disrupt the process of splitting food;
  • the meal should not be accompanied by other activities (reading, talking, watching TV), while eating, you need to concentrate on the taste of dishes, smells, the process of chewing and saturation. Those. energetically interact with food.

Fletcher suggested a 5-week course of the technique, during which a person uses therapeutic chewing at each meal. During this period, a healthy way of eating is fixed at the reflex level and then maintained for a long time. With the extinction of skills, the course can be repeated.

Scheme of a 5 week course of healing chewing:

  1. The first week - each serving of food in the mouth is crushed for 1 minute.
  2. Second week - 2 minutes.
  3. Third week - 3 minutes.
  4. Fourth week - 2 minutes.
  5. Fifth week - 1 minute.

The technique must be used at every meal, otherwise the effect will be reduced to zero. In this case, all Fletcher's recommendations should be followed.

Of course, in the modern world with a frantic pace of life, it is difficult to constantly adhere to the recommendations for long chewing. Do then, at least periodically, such courses, and during breaks try to chew based on the availability of free time. When you feel beneficial changes and learn to eat with energy benefits, you will enjoy chewing thoroughly, and you will no longer want to stupidly quickly swallow food, like animal.

Benefits of therapeutic chewing

Positive changes in the body are noticeable after the first course of application of the technique. The attitude towards food is radically changing - a person enjoys dishes, enjoys a meal, gains strength, emotional upsurge, feels true happiness.

The positive impact of the Fletcher method on health:

  • the effect of separate nutrition without difficulties in compiling a diet - nutrients are split sequentially during slow chewing;
  • a decrease in the volume of food consumed by 2-5 times - proper chewing contributes to the normalization of the satiety center in the brain, which prevents malnutrition and obesity;
  • a set of natural body weight. Fat people lose weight, thin people gain weight;
  • small energy costs for the digestion of a small volume of products - energy goes to the recovery and healing processes in the body;
  • improvement of the work of digestion and other body systems - nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, sexual;
  • getting rid of many diseases;
  • maintaining the correct biorhythms - active daytime wakefulness, calm and uninterrupted sleep at night;
  • maintaining a good mood and a state of emotional uplift.

Now you know how to chew food properly. Use the technique at every meal and enjoy good health, excellent mood, good performance. To enhance the healing effect, combine proper chewing with or wet (with water) fasting.

And then you will be healthy and happy! What do you want!

I suggest watching an interesting video about therapeutic chewing:

Sincerely, Sergey Tigrov

The process of eating should be beneficial and enjoyable. Therefore, it is important not only what you eat, but also how you do it. A hurried lunch often causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to chew food thoroughly and how to do it correctly.

Do I need to chew my food thoroughly?

Why food should be chewed thoroughly, what is the use of it

Research scientists have proven that long and thorough chewing of food can have a positive effect on the body. Among the main advantages are the following:

1. The process of digestion is easier and faster. When food is finely ground and moistened with plenty of saliva, it is much easier for it to move through the alimentary tract. Therefore, the process of its digestion proceeds faster.

2. Weight loss. If you chew each bite well, then the body will be saturated much faster. So you eat much less. This is due to the fact that in the process of chewing, special substances are released in the brain that control appetite. You just don't want to eat too much.

3. Gums become stronger. Chewing is a kind of gymnastics for the gums. It improves blood flow, resulting in healthier and stronger gums.

4. The harmful effects of acids on tooth enamel are neutralized. Saliva, which is produced in the process of chewing food, significantly softens the aggressive effects of acids. A long lunch will help maintain the beauty and health of your teeth.

Eating small, well-chewed portions of food allows you to improve the whole body as a whole. In addition, you will have time to relax a little and relax at lunch.

How to properly chew food?

If you decide to start chewing food correctly, then you should listen to the following recommendations.

The process of digestion of food begins already in the oral cavity: teeth grind food, and saliva enzymes break down the complex carbohydrates and starch that it contains. Chopped and saliva-treated food passes through the digestive tract more easily, is digested faster and is better absorbed. In addition, during chewing, food acquires body temperature, which means that the mucosa of the esophagus and stomach will not suffer from too hot or cold foods.

In the stomach, under the influence of gastric juice, the digestion of proteins contained in food begins. From the stomach, food enters the duodenum, where further breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats occurs. Cooking of food is completed in the small intestine: simple compounds are formed in it, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream and saturate the body with energy and nutrients.


Improves the work of the stomach, pancreas and liver. As soon as food enters the mouth, the brain sends signals to the stomach and pancreas. They begin to actively produce digestive acids and enzymes. The longer the food is in the mouth, the more signals the stomach and pancreas will receive, which means that the body will produce enough enzymes for high-quality and fast digestion of food.

Promotes rapid digestion and complete assimilation of food. Chopped and chewed food does not linger in the stomach, it is immediately broken down by digestive juices, and putrefactive fermentation does not occur in the intestines.

Strengthens teeth and gums. Chewing is a kind of exercise for the oral cavity, resulting in increased blood flow to the gums and teeth. Excellent prevention of periodontitis. In addition, saliva contains potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, which strengthen tooth enamel. Saliva also forms a protective film on the surface of the tooth.

Eliminates digestive problems. Slow chewing of food is a prevention and one of the effective ways to treat heartburn, gastritis, colitis, constipation, and diarrhea.

Helps to lose weight. Trying to get full faster, we often eat more than we need. But if you eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly, you can satisfy your hunger with a much smaller portion.

Reduces stress on the heart. When you eat fast, your heart rate increases by at least 10 beats. In addition, the stomach, overflowing with large pieces of food, presses on the diaphragm, which is located above it. In turn, the diaphragm presses on the lungs (the volume decreases, the load increases) and the heart, as a result, the heart rate rises. A full stomach also puts pressure on the pancreas, so she has to work hard to cope with a large amount of poverty. The pancreas also begins to press the heart and partly the diaphragm, which makes breathing even more difficult. It turns out a vicious circle. You can’t get into it if you don’t rush while eating, don’t be distracted by watching TV and reading a magazine, but fully concentrate on the process itself.

Why is it important to chew food thoroughly? Leading experts tell us about this, but we still swallow food hastily, not caring about the form in which it enters the stomach. The rhythm of modern life makes us do everything on the run - we are constantly in a hurry somewhere and forget about the most important thing - food culture. And it includes the correct attitude to the pace at which our chewing muscles should work.

What threatens non-compliance with the recommendations of experts who call for eating slowly and sedately - as if you were at a dinner party with the queen? The negative consequences of haste can lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - after all, food that enters the stomach in the form of a lump is not absorbed by our body and will slow down metabolism. And we are well aware that a fast metabolism and healthy digestion are the key to a slender figure, which we strive for so much.

Why you need to chew your food thoroughly: a little history

More than a hundred years ago, the principle of "going slower - you will be farther" was proposed by Horace Fletcher. This world-famous American nutritionist was a firm believer in eating slowly, because swallowing food in a hurry is simply unhealthy. The main advice given to people by the "Great Chewing" sounded like this: each piece must be chewed 32 times - until it passes from a solid state to a liquid one. In this form, the food is quickly absorbed by our body, which means it will help maintain a feeling of satiety and harmony. Everything that remained after a thorough "processing" in the mouth, the specialist advised to spit it out.

Fletcher's concept extended not only to products requiring thorough softening, but also to drinks. He believed that milk, water, and even freshly squeezed juice should be consumed like a taster drinks wine - holding every sip in his mouth to enjoy its taste. Agree, this is how everyone will begin to enjoy daily meals.

Fletcher's advice has helped not only himself - the nutritionist successfully got rid of excess weight, following his own methodology - but also many people who are ready to stop rushing at the table and start eating right. The theory of thorough chewing of food attracted the attention of one of the most famous billionaires - Rockefeller. And in the house of a nutritionist, Mark Twain, beloved by all, often visited.

The idea of ​​a slow absorption of cooked dishes is promoted to the masses by yogis - long-livers, distinguished by enviable health. They went much further than Horace Fletcher: they recommend chewing food not 32 times, but all 100-200. This approach allows you to get enough of a relatively small portion very quickly and not feel hungry for a long time. Yogis themselves need only one banana to recharge their batteries.

Do you want to achieve amazing harmony and improve your well-being? Then do not rush - eat slowly, turning the meal into a real ritual. This will help get rid of many digestive problems and prevent the development of serious diseases, directly or indirectly related to the habit of swallowing without chewing.

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Nutrition experts confirm that the digestion of staple foods is a physiological process, which is based on the processing of food that has entered the digestive tract. The better it is absorbed, the more benefits our body will receive. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates can work for the benefit of human health only if they are broken down into simple compounds. In this they are helped by enzymes produced by the cells of the salivary, gastric and intestinal glands. In a split form, the products we used for breakfast, lunch or dinner are absorbed and transported into the body.

The right path to health

Consider two options for behavior at the table: a detailed analysis will help you understand how to chew food properly.

The first situation is this: we are in a hurry, we choke on cooked dishes and finish the meal as soon as we start it. What happens when "fast" food enters the digestive tract?

    Food that has not been in the mouth for a long time quickly enters the stomach, in the upper part of which hydrochloric acid is produced. The result of its impact on proteins, fats and carbohydrates is the occurrence of fermentation processes.

    After that, the products should be alkalized and redirected to the initial section of the small intestine, but this does not happen, because the pylorus (the valve that blocks the path from the stomach to an important organ) refuses to let food through until its chemical composition indicator reaches a certain value - 7.8 . Energy resources - the forces of the body - are spent on the "preparation" of what is eaten.

    With age, with snacks in a hurry, the gatekeeper simply stops working. Undigested masses that have entered the duodenum return back to the stomach or intestines (thin - if it is healthy, or thick - such a scenario is possible with dysbacteriosis). The work of the digestive tract is disturbed, layers in the form of stones appear, as a result of protein decay, healthy microflora dies, and immunity decreases.

Now let's see what happens if we start eating slowly, chewing food thoroughly.

    Food, turned into a softened and homogeneous slurry, slides itself into the esophagus.

    Nothing prevents the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The products accepted by our body are easily absorbed by it, and all the substances we need are absorbed into the blood without problems.

    Toxins do not accumulate in us, but are excreted naturally.

    The microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, unpleasant sensations disappear after eating (heaviness, abdominal pain, heartburn, belching).

Harm from poorly chewed food

Speaking about the negative consequences of rushing at the table, one cannot help but recall that all food that has not been fully processed, entering the body, is deposited in the form of body fat. In addition, what we put into ourselves without chewing properly can not only cause considerable discomfort after a meal, but also cause disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract:

    Such food will not bring you health, no matter how useful the products used in cooking are. The reason is insufficient grinding, which blocks the work of the gastrointestinal tract, causing bloating and an unpleasant feeling of heaviness.

    If you swallow a dry piece without chewing it, you will damage the gastric mucosa, which can cause erosion and the development of an inflammatory process.

    To chew food badly means to promote the reproduction of harmful bacteria in our body. When they enter the intestines, they provoke the occurrence of infectious diseases.

    Insufficiently processed food simply will not be digested and will turn into fat reserves that burden our figure. Such a “burden” is unlikely to please anyone, but we ourselves are to blame for this - we had to chew more slowly and longer. The fact is that a large piece of food will be absorbed by our stomach for more than an hour - one and a half, or even more. And we often do not give him such a margin of time for work. The result - extra pounds instead of harmony.

  • Another consequence of poorly chewed food is a deficiency of important vitamins and minerals. The body simply does not have time to absorb them and suffers from their absence. Needless to say, it is much more difficult to make up for a deficiency than to take care of the easy digestibility of useful and vital substances in time.

    If you have poorly processed food in your mouth, you will feel hungry much faster. When we grind food to the required state, it evenly fills the stomach and is easier to digest, which means that saturation will come earlier than with an incorrect, hasty snack.

That is why food must be chewed thoroughly. The advice of experts will help you avoid many of the troubles associated with the rapid absorption of food - a feeling of heaviness and swelling of the abdomen, irritation of the mucous membrane and vitamin deficiency. And most importantly - a meal made slowly will be the first step towards a slender figure.

Think for yourself: do you want to be full or always hungry? After all, a person who does not follow how and what he eats, swallows hastily and chokes on something harmful in order to be in time somewhere, will live with a constant wolf appetite - due to insufficient digestion of what he has eaten.

How does chewing our food affect our body?

What contributes to a slow and truly proper meal?

    Strengthening our gums - a uniform load on them increases blood circulation and reduces the risk of developing periodontitis.

    The healthy functioning of the digestive tract - when food enters the mouth, our brain receives the appropriate signal. In turn, he begins to “notify” the pancreas and stomach about this, which contributes to the active production of digestive juice and important enzymes. Their quantity, and with it the quality of food digestion, depends on the duration of chewing.

    The full assimilation of all the nutrients that come with food - the chewing process allows us not only to enjoy the taste of cooked dishes, but also to get all the valuable vitamins and minerals from them. Products containing complex carbohydrates begin to be digested right in the mouth. If we want to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract, it is in our interest to chew food longer and more thoroughly.

    Losing weight and gaining a slim figure - when we eat slowly, we are satiated faster in much smaller portions. We consume a minimum of calories and help ourselves to gradually get rid of the accumulated kilograms. Once in our mouth and coming into contact with saliva, food provokes the production of histamine. Its goal is our brain, which it reaches 20 minutes after the start of the meal, signaling to it that the body has received the necessary nutrients, and we are full and satisfied. In addition, this hormone helps to improve and accelerate metabolism.

    Normalization of cardiac activity - large pieces of food that we have not chewed during breakfast, lunch or dinner put pressure on the diaphragm and load the heart, worsening its work.

How many times you need to chew food: how to do it right

Whom to trust - yogis or nutritionist Fletcher? Recently, a study was also conducted by scientists from Harbin - they proved that chewing food 40 times contributes to the full absorption of nutrients.

If you are not ready to count, you can use the results obtained by specialists from Birmingham. They proved that people who spend up to 30 seconds on each serving lose extra pounds much faster than those who eat hastily, not caring about the quality of food digestion.

There should be no hurry. This rule must be remembered for life, in order to pass it on to your children. Instant swallowing of large pieces is good for boas, but not for people. If you want to understand how to chew food properly, follow the advice of yogis or Japanese people who are used to eating until eight out of ten parts of the stomach are filled.

How to learn to eat right?

If you find it difficult to get used to everything new, you can use these simple but effective tips:

    Try to eat not with a fork or spoon, but with chopsticks, which the Chinese use so easily. This will teach you how to eat slowly, patiently turning solid food into liquid.

    Try to concentrate on the taste of what you eat, enjoy it to the fullest. For a person who is in a hurry and swallows food hastily, it becomes increasingly difficult to enjoy cooked dishes, no matter how appetizing they may be.

    Eat only at the table. Do not forget about the food culture - you can do serving so that you want to make a meal exclusively in the kitchen, and not in the living room or at the computer.

    Remember how many times you need to chew food, and count to yourself. If this does not work (for example, you get lost), you can time it - 30 seconds for each serving.

    Eat only what you have prepared yourself - such a dish is pleasant to savor for as long as possible!

    Do not stoop while eating - sit up straight. Do not be distracted by conversations - swallowed air contributes to the formation of gases in the intestines and slows down digestion.

If you want to know how many times you need to chew food and whether you need to count yourself in order to lose weight, come to us - we will give valuable advice, develop a weight loss program and become guides to the world of harmony without painful diets and restrictions on everything. Start the path to a perfect figure with a healthy diet with us!

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