Artificial vitamins for children benefit or harm? About what is not in the instructions

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Recently, proper nutrition has become more and more relevant - everyone is literally obsessed with making it “right”. It has become very fashionable to buy food in farm shops, cook food in double boilers and slow cookers, use sugar substitutes, drink 2 liters of water a day, do not eat 2 hours before bedtime, go on low-carb diets and much, much more ... This also includes a passion for vitamins - they are drunk not only during illness, but just like that, for the prevention of the health of the eyes, hair, nervous system and everything.

In itself, the trend towards healthy eating is wonderful! The sad thing is that large industrial companies use this trend not for good, but for harm, aiming only at money at any cost. In this case - at the cost of the health of us - consumers. They impose on people completely false ideas about health. These are pseudo-farmers who actually sell the same chemical-laden products that we see in large supermarkets, only at double the price and are labeled "farm product". These are vegetarian semi-finished products made with the addition of harmful preservatives, thickeners and dyes. And finally - these are absolutely all manufacturers of synthetic vitamins!

Before, I myself became interested in vitamins from pharmacies, sincerely believing that this is how I take care of my health - I support immunity, I get balanced proportions of minerals and vitamins. However, having studied the issue thoroughly, I hasten to inform you that vitamins are harmful, and here I have no doubts.

Pharmacy vitamins are defective.

First, and most importantly, scientists have not learned how to synthesize a single vitamin! Synthetic vitamins have a completely different chemical composition compared to natural ones. Scientists in laboratories have learned to reproduce only a small part of the natural vitamin formula. For example, vitamin C - in nature, it consists of 7 isomers of ascorbic acid, which are interconnected in a strictly defined way. Pharmaceutical vitamins contain only 1 isomer. Other scientists simply did not synthesize. Or vitamin E - only 1 out of 8 tocopherols is synthesized.

This is partly because we don't know how to replicate the formula, and partly because artificially synthesizing all the isomers of the vitamin is a very expensive process and pharmaceutical companies are not interested in big expenses. What do we get as a result? The fact that in pharmacies we buy an eighth of the vitamin! As a result, the body tries to reject these artificial substances that are incomprehensible to it. But it cannot completely remove them.

Because of your inferiority synthetic vitamins are absorbed by an average of 1-5%(usually not more than 10%) - a small part is excreted in the urine, and the entire remaining "tail" settles in the liver, kidneys, joints, blood vessels, forming what we call slags. That is, artificial vitamins contribute to the fact that harmful (and sometimes even dangerous) chemicals accumulate in our body, which are almost not excreted from the body. Hence all the side effects of vitamins - it can be hormonal failure, metabolic disorders, weakened immunity and aggravation of certain diseases.

Research on the effect of pharmacy vitamins on health.

Here are some examples of research.

  • Vitamin C. Study by Professor James Dwyer, 2000. 573 volunteers over 18 months. took 500 mg of synthetic vitamin C. Absolutely all subjects showed narrowing of blood vessels. By the end of the experiment, the rate of contraction increased by 3.5 times. Some studies, however, point to the positive effect of vitamin C on the development of gallbladder disease. But it's not very reassuring. This is from the category of "we treat one thing, we cripple the other."
  • Vitamin E and beta carotene. 18300 patients participated in the experiment. It was planned to complete the study in 1998, but already in 1996 the experiment had to be stopped, because among the subjects who took the synthetic vitamin, cancer cases increased by 28%, and mortality by 17% compared with the control group. The director of the Institute for Cancer Research at a press conference on January 19, 1996, said that in addition to this, the number of heart attacks and strokes increased in the group. Similar results were obtained in Finland in 1994.
  • Vitamin A. A team of scientists from Copenhagen, who studied 250 thousand patients who constantly take certain groups of synthetic vitamins, came to the conclusion:
  • the chemical vitamin A increased the risk of mortality by 16%,
  • vitamin E - by 4%,
  • beta-carotene - by 7%.

In addition to vitamins, plants contain minerals and thousands of substances that are beneficial to the body - they are called "phytocomponents". Therefore, when we eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, we get the effect of the complex effect of all the constituents of the plant on the body! There are no phytocomponents in synthetic vitamins, they are defective. Therefore, it is impossible to predict with accuracy their impact on health.

Pharmacy vitamins: we treat one, we cripple the other.

Scientists in their research usually focus on the narrowly focused effects of a particular vitamin on a particular disease or organ. There is no holistic approach when the impact on the whole organism is analyzed. And is it possible? When a synthetic substance enters the body, thousands of chemical reactions begin to occur throughout the body. Moreover, the influence often lasts more than one day and more than one month. It's impossible to track it all. So it turns out that at first it is announced to the whole world that vitamin C is allegedly excellent for influenza, and after a few years it turns out that it leads to deterioration of blood vessels. Do you remember how earlier calcium tablets were considered useful, but now it is known that this calcium (of course not natural) settles in the kidneys? There are thousands of such stories!

A separate story about the recommended doses, which are considered for the "average person" - this is the same as the average temperature in the hospital. It is impossible to “overeat” natural vitamins. The body is very smart, it easily absorbs everything it needs from plants, exactly as much as it needs here and now. Residues are efficiently and quickly removed through various channels. But with synthetic substances, everything is not so simple - they are foreign to the body (which is organic, not synthetic) and overdose can be dangerous. The consequences may be more negative than the health problem itself, which you wanted to solve with pharmacy vitamins. For example, excessive intake of vitamin A is a direct path to liver disease. An overdose of vitamin D contributes to the development of osteoporosis.

Also it is very difficult to figure out the right combination of vitamins. For example, vitamins C and E are incompatible with nicotine, and this combination is very dangerous. It has also long been known that some vitamins can interfere with the absorption of others. Therefore, I consider multivitamin complexes to be the most dangerous. This is a great psychological move used by pharmaceutical companies - in today's society, people are always looking for a "magic button", a "cure for all diseases". No need to worry about what you eat, no need to waste time on tests, no need to “steam” about anything at all. I just bought a bottle of pills. Very comfortably! But this is just an illusion of health. Then you go to the doctor, he will prescribe you pills and be sure to take vitamins, after a while again and so on ad infinitum. Not a very bright prospect.

What are pharmaceutical vitamins made from?

And finally, the very quality of synthetic vitamins. Sad but true - they are NOT made from natural ingredients of plant and animal origin. Oil, tar, bacteria, animal waste - these are the raw materials that underlie the production of vitamins in beautiful packages!

How to do without synthetic vitamins?

Therefore, I prefer not to use what I do not understand at all. This is Pandora's box. It is much wiser and healthier to simply avoid "chemistry" in all cases (unless it is a matter of life and death) and eat the most vitamin-rich foods - vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts. This approach will allow you to get the maximum benefit, avoid overdoses, side effects and allergic reactions. And do not listen to horror stories about the fact that you will almost die from a lack of vitamins. All these stories about the fact that you will not get the whole complex of vitamins from food and immediately your teeth, bones, immunity will deteriorate ... these are myths!

Let's take a look at the history of vitamins. In 1923, Dr. Glen King first established the chemical structure of vitamin C, in 1928, Dr. Albert Szent-György first synthesized a semblance of natural vitamin C, and in 1933, Swiss researchers synthesized ascorbic acid. And now let's think about this information - less than a hundred years ago, mankind did not know any synthetic vitamins, and lived perfectly, but today they are supposedly vital to us? For me it is not convincing.

In general, after conducting my investigation, I draw a very definite conclusion - synthetic vitamins, even the most expensive and carefully selected ones, are only a rather primitive copy of what nature has created. They are not needed by the body, and often harmful. Let's still love ourselves and our body, let's not create extra work for it. Pamper him with natural plant food)

By the way, if it is psychologically difficult for you to give up the habit of drinking vitamins so abruptly, or for some reason your diet is really inadequate, then I recommend that you buy non-synthetic vitamins. There are now a lot of complexes on the market, which are plant extracts, or berries and herbs dried in a gentle mode (40 degrees). They can be dissolved in water or added to juices and smoothies!

Almost everyone who strives for a healthy lifestyle, and simply for well-being without illness, pays attention to vitamins from a pharmacy or Internet sites. But, you need to answer the main question - are all these vitamins really beneficial for the human body?

The need for vitamins

Vitamins and minerals take an active part in all life processes in the human body. With their help, metabolism is regulated, internal organs work, and good health is maintained. But, the thing is that vitamins are not produced in the human body. You can get vitamins only from food (natural vitamins) or by jars from a pharmacy, that is, synthetic vitamins.

The beneficial effect of vitamins in the body:

  • regulation of metabolism;
  • Ensuring the operation of the entire enzyme system;
  • Maintaining a healthy state of the body from the inside;
  • Providing a charge of vivacity, energy;
  • Appearance of a person (healthy skin without rashes, hair, nails, well-being in general).

Synthetic vitamins

We buy vitamins from a pharmacy on the prescription of a doctor, on the recommendation of friends and relatives, at our own discretion (deciding that we really really need them). Moreover, in all these cases, the purpose of taking vitamins is therapeutic. For example, a person gets sick - buys vitamins, hair falls out - we immediately take vitamins, we feel bad, there is no cheerfulness and energy - vitamins are used.

Absolutely all vitamins in the pharmacy are synthetic. What does it mean? This means that they are obtained by extracting from fruits, vegetables, etc. extracts and some components.

The disadvantage of synthetic vitamins is that they are very poorly absorbed by our body. You will be surprised, but you will get only 15% of the benefits from a jar of vitamins, everything else will pass by the body, as it perceives vitamins as foreign compounds that carry potential harm.

85% of the constituents of synthetic vitamins are excreted from the body through sweat, urine and feces. That is, roughly speaking, vitamins from a pharmacy are not good, and you throw away most of the cost.

Synthetic vitamins should not be perceived as some useful nutritional supplements! First of all, these are medicines. And here follows a logical chain - if vitamins are medicines, then a doctor should prescribe them, but not a neighbor or a friend.

Vitamins, like any medication, can cause a serious overdose. It is forbidden to take vitamins for their own purpose, as this can provoke severe negative consequences for the body.

The difference between natural and synthetic vitamins

Few people understand that ascorbic acid is not vitamin C at all, but is not a vitamin, but just alpha-tocopherol acetate. Also with all other vitamins that are contained in a jar.

If we turn to chemistry and to the production of vitamins, we see that ascorbic acid is an extract from natural vitamin C, that is, only one hundredth of it. There is no such technology in the world that would allow to repeat the composition of a natural vitamin.

A person really needs vitamins, but in natural ones. For example, if you consume vitamin C (ascorbic acid) without a doctor's prescription, this will lead to an overdose.

An overdose of vitamins will be expressed in:

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Exacerbation of gastritis, stomach ulcers;
  • Violation of the functioning of the kidneys;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Improper use of vitamin E, which is so often prescribed to women at the planning stage of pregnancy and during its period, leads to an increase in blood pressure, which causes a hypertensive crisis, headaches, weakness, and indigestion.

Did you know that the inhabitants of the Mediterranean suffer less from various kinds of diseases, they have lower mortality than in the same Europe and people are generally healthier. Why? Because their diet contains a large number of healthy vegetables, fruits, fish and meat. That is, all vitamins a person receives not from synthetic sources, but from natural ones. While the inhabitants of Europe prefer dietary supplements, nutritional supplements and popular vitamins, but their health does not improve from this, as well as life expectancy.

Against vitamins

Research has been done in the USA. One group of people took synthetic vitamins for 6 years. The other did not take anything and led a normal life. As a result, it was those who daily consumed a certain dosage of synthetic vitamins prescribed by doctors that got sick more.

Also, there is an opinion that people with heart disease need to take vitamin E. But, all the same studies showed that after a year of using vitamins from a pharmacy, the patient's well-being did not improve, as did the work of the heart.

A growing body of research confirms that vitamins do more harm than good. That is, it is synthetic vitamins, and not those that can be obtained from food. Of course, these conclusions cause a storm of protest among the owners of pharmaceutical plants, since a huge business is built on vitamins.

natural vitamins

If you want to improve your health and enrich your body with natural vitamins, then pay attention to the following foods:

  • In, oranges, lemon, grapefruits, tangerines, rose hips contain a large amount of vitamin C;
  • In legumes, any nuts, in olive oil, cereals and vegetables, you will find useful vitamin E;
  • Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids are found in herring;
  • Sauerkraut contains B vitamins and vitamin C.

Do not run to the pharmacy for synthetic vitamins! In order to feel healthy, energetic and full of energy, it is enough to change the diet to a more healthy and saturated one.

Let's start with the basics: ascorbic acid is not vitamin C, alpha-tocopherol is not vitamin E, retinoid is not vitamin A. The list is endless (until all the vitamins run out), but the fact remains: colossal amounts of money have been spent on " hammering" such nonsense into the heads of the townsfolk.

Vitamins themselves are complex biological complexes. Their activity (consider - usefulness) depends on many factors, which are almost impossible to predict. You can’t just take vitamins just like that, put them in a sweet commercial shell and sell them for 10 rubles per jar. In fact, these are already vitamins at all, but a synthetic poison for any healthy being.

Turning to history, we learn that the true pioneer of the vitamin business was Dr. Royal Lee, who in the middle of the 20th century was the first to ask the question about the essence of vitamins. His work, research data, no one can refute. Everyone who is seriously involved in vitamins today is based on his books.

Lee himself felt the full power of the “drug industry”, against the arbitrariness of which he fought, 40 years ago, an American court in the suit of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made an unprecedented decision, ordering the scientist to burn all the materials for 20 years work! And all due to the fact that Royal managed to prove the detrimental effect of refined sugar and bleached flour on the health of the arteries, the digestive system, the heart and the development of cancer.

How the FDA turned into a watchdog of monopolists is a separate conversation. At the beginning of the 20th century, the control of medical and food companies was carried out by "Chemical Management". Until 1912, the department was headed by Dr. Harvey Wiley, who had ... an unusual, in our times, point of view on the health of the nation: “No American food product will contain benzoic acid, sulfuric acid, sulfites, alum or saccharin. Soft drinks should not contain caffeine or theobromine. Bleached flour cannot be freely retailed anywhere in America. Food and medical products must be protected from counterfeiting and manufacturing defects. Only then will the health of Americans steadily increase and life expectancy increase.”

Dr. Wylie even tried to knock Coca-Cola out of the market with its artificial drink! Imagine what a psycho! He cared about the health of the nation, what nonsense! It’s good that he was then removed from office, because Wylie’s colleague, Dr. Elmer Nelson, who replaced Harvey as head of the department, handed over power to the most decent and caring people in the country - food monopolists who certainly could feed all of America.

But back to vitamins. Let's start with vitamin C. Everywhere we find a resource, vitamin C is associated with ascorbic acid, as if they were the same thing! But it's not! Ascorbic acid is only an isolate, a fragment of natural vitamin C. In addition to ascorbic acid, vitamin C should include: rutin, bioflavonoids, Factor K, Factor J, Factor P, tyrosinase, ascorbinogen.

If someone wants to get an active vitamin, then it is important to choose all the components of vitamin C in the right proportion. Ascorbic acid, in particular, is needed to prevent the rapid oxidation of the vitamin and decay. And only ... All American pharmacists stock up, by the way, in one place, at the Hoffman-La Roche factory in New Jersey, where ascorbic acid is produced on an industrial scale from chemicals. At the output, packaging and labels differ, but not the contents ...

The word "synthetic" implies 2 conditions: the product is created by human hands and is not found anywhere in nature.

It is important to understand the difference between a vitamin and its activity. Imagine that the body is a machine, and vitamins are gasoline. Your task is to make the car go. You pour gasoline, but this alone is not enough! The engine, carburetor, fuel supply - everything must work together for the success of the whole undertaking. Got the idea?

Vitamins are much more than ascorbic pills that you buy once a month in a pharmacy. Vitamin C transmits life, a piece of sunlight, earth, and synthetic vitamins only poison cells. Vitamins do not require a lot, enough of those substances that we get from food. By the way, they are absolutely harmless.

Ascorbic acid does not act as a nutrient. It doesn't even cure scurvy! Onions are healing. Potatoes, which contain only 20 mg of vitamin C, also heal! Ascorbic acid is not.

Of course, the environmental situation in America leaves much to be desired, no matter what chemicals farmers use to increase their profits (according to the UN, more than 2,000,000 tons of pesticides are used annually in the world). Food was much cleaner 50 years ago. Although even then Royal Lee described the American diet as "the consumption of mortified food."

Vitamins and minerals are inseparable: vitamin D is necessary for the body to absorb calcium, copper “activates” vitamin C. This is another important difference between synthetic and natural vitamins: by consuming artificial tablets, we force the body to use its own reserves of minerals, which we still get from food . Synthetic vitamins are dangerous “suckers” or “chewers” ​​that our body does not need at all!

In America, 110 companies are engaged in the sale of vitamin complexes. Only 5 of them work with whole food vitamins. The reason is simple: whole vitamins are more expensive. Americans, saving, prefer to spend on synthetic vitamins (think about it!) $ 9,000,000,000 a year (in 2008, according to some sources, they spent $ 23,000,000 on nutritional supplements, the original article was written at the end of the 20th century).

Alas, the situation is no better with other vitamins: natural vitamin A is important for maintaining visual acuity, DNA synthesis, and protecting cells from free radicals. Vitamin A (beta carotene) is an antioxidant, supporting the functioning of the heart, lungs, and arteries. In 1994, an independent study showed that synthetic vitamin A did not work. At all. But people who take it are 8% more likely to suffer from heart attacks and lung cancer than (attention!) Taking a placebo.

Synthetic vitamin B simply and tastefully led to infertility in 100% of experimental pigs! They make it out of tar! And B12 from sewage sludge!

And what? Profit is the most important...

Dear readers, I suggest you talk about vitamins today. We are all well aware of how important they are for our health. We especially remember about vitamins when in the spring we get drowsiness, tiredness, irritation... We immediately understand that the immune system has depleted with the advent of spring, and our body lacks vitamins. All the fruits and vegetables that we consume, perhaps even in unmeasured quantities, do not give a result in improving the condition. And we run to the nearest pharmacy to buy some kind of vitamin complex.

Do you know what is the difference between the natural vitamins that we get from food and the synthetic ones that we buy at the pharmacy? And the difference, by the way, is big.

Today our conversation is about whether there are benefits from synthetic (pharmacy) vitamins or whether they are harmful to our health.

Vitamins in the human body are involved in almost all biochemical processes. They are catalysts of metabolic processes, regulate many functions in the body, but are not produced in the body, so they come to us in the form of food.

Vitamin complexes regulate the metabolism in the body through a system of enzymes. A deficiency of at least one of the vitamins will necessarily affect the general condition of a person. Therefore, they are important components of our enzyme system, regulate metabolism, maintaining our body in a healthy state.

But at the same time, vitamins are not pills that stimulate vigor, they cannot replace proteins, fats, carbohydrates, or minerals. They do not have any energy value, as they do not contain calories. These are complex biological complexes and their activity depends on many factors.

Synthetic or pharmacy vitamins?

Vitamins that a doctor recommends to us and we buy at a pharmacy to increase immunity or for some therapeutic purpose are synthetic. This means that they are obtained by chemical transformations or by extracting some specific components from natural ones.

Synthetic vitamins are absorbed by our body by only 15 - 20%, since these are foreign chemical compounds, otherwise it is a synthetic poison. The remaining 80-85% is excreted in urine, feces and sweat. You may have noticed this. Patients who are prescribed vitamins in solution or in tablets have a sharp and rich color of urine and they smell like a "hospital".

However, even with the obvious need and benefit for the body, synthetic vitamins are medicines. And medicines must be taken correctly, as prescribed by the doctor, otherwise an overdose is possible. If a person takes them in unlimited quantities, then negative consequences are possible.

What is the difference

In fact, ascorbic acid is not vitamin C, and alpha-tocopherol is not vitamin E, retinol is not vitamin A. What is the difference between natural and synthetic vitamins, Let's take vitamin C as an example.

Whatever health material we discover, everywhere ascorbic acid is associated with vitamin C. This is fundamentally wrong. Ascorbic acid is an isolate, just one of the fragments of natural vitamin C. In addition to ascorbic acid, this vitamin should contain rutin, bioflavonoids, tironidase, ascorbinogen, Factors K, J, P. Did you feel the difference? And in order to get natural vitamin C, these components must be observed in the right proportions. And ascorbic acid in vitamin C is necessary to prevent the rapid oxidation of the vitamin and its breakdown.

The benefits and harms of synthetic vitamins

Vitamin C

The daily norm in vitamin C is 75-100 mg per day. An overdose is possible if we take more than 1000 mg per day or 10 tablets of ascorbic acid per day, with the following negative consequences.

  • The work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed, excess acid can irritate the gastric mucosa, causing or exacerbating gastritis or pancreatitis;
  • Possible destruction of tooth enamel due to exposure to ascorbic acid, which can lead to the development of caries;
  • Impaired kidney function;
  • There may be problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • There is a risk of sexual dysfunction or delayed menstruation.

There may be periods in a person's life when an increased amount of vitamin C is needed. This happens after chronic diseases and operations in the recovery period, during pregnancy, in the spring.

What foods are high in vitamin C? The record holder is bell pepper, citrus fruits,. Moreover, 100 g of wild rose contains 1111% of the daily requirement of vitamin C. So, these products should always be present in your diet.

Vitamin D and calcium

Vitamin D enhances calcium absorption in the body, which can cause hypercalcemia. This is very dangerous in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Soft atherosclerotic plaques as a result of excess calcium calcify, blocking the lumen of the vessels, which can even lead to myocardial infarction.

In addition, an excess of vitamin D accelerates the destruction of old bone tissue, despite the fact that a new one has not yet had time to form.

Excess calcium salts begin to be intensively excreted by the kidneys, which in turn can lead to calcium deposition in the kidneys and nephrolithiasis with attacks of renal colic.

Vitamin E

In pursuit of youth and beauty, vitamin E capsules are taken. This vitamin is often included in anti-aging dietary supplements. The use of several dietary supplements (separately for the skin, for immunity, for strengthening hair or nails) with vitamin E can also cause an overdose.

  • In case of an overdose, fluid accumulates in the body, and this leads to an increase in blood pressure. In patients suffering from hypertension, this can cause a hypertensive crisis;
  • Excess prevents the absorption of vitamins A, D, K;
  • Possible violation of sexual activity; The activity of the central nervous system is disturbed, double vision, muscle weakness, fatigue, headache are possible;
  • Possible disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Reduced immunity.

As an alternative to synthetic vitamin E, natural vitamin E can be obtained by eating hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds.

Vitamin A

It is often taken in combination with vitamin E to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, as well as to improve vision.

Overdose may cause nausea, pain in the liver, yellowness of the skin, headache, muscle weakness, high blood pressure.

Vitamin B 6

The abuse of vitamin B6 leads to a violation of the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. And it is expressed in depressed mood or, conversely, hyperactivity, a violation of touch.

Chromium overdose

The excessive use of dietary supplements with chromium can also have negative consequences, namely:

  • With an excess of chromium, glucose tolerance is impaired, that is, the absorption of glucose in the body, which can lead to diabetes;
  • Possible insufficiency of kidney function, liver;
  • In large quantities, chromium can lead to cell mutation and further to the development of cancer.

By the way, 100 g of mackerel contains 110% of the daily norm of chromium.

In this video you will learn which vitamins do not have any effect on the body. I recommend watching it, it's very informative.

In conclusion, I note that vitamins from a pharmacy are medicines. And drugs without a doctor's prescription should not be abused. For taking medications, there are certain dosages and terms of their use. Uncontrolled intake of such vitamins is dangerous! Do not forget about this, then you will not have negative consequences from taking synthetic vitamins. And it is best to take vitamins that are found in food.

Dear my readers! If this article was useful to you, then share it with your friends by clicking on the social buttons. networks. It is also important for me to know your opinion about what you read, write about it in the comments. I will be very grateful to you.

With wishes of good health Taisiya Filippova

Are synthetic vitamins healthy? Until recently (the first crystalline vitamin substance was isolated in 1911 from rice bran), mankind, not yet affected by the epidemic of metabolic diseases, received vitamins from vegetables, fruits and other food products. Technological progress has brought us a quick way to get vitamins: why eat a lot of apples if you can provide yourself with the necessary substances with one tablet? But is it all so cloudless?

Everyone knows about the benefits of ascorbic acid - it is an excellent antioxidant. In food, for example in lemon, it works with a substance - an assistant flavoinoid: ascorbic acid is oxidized, and the flavoinoid restores it. And so they work for a long time, without exposing the liver to unnecessary stress. And synthetic ascorbic acid in its pure form, without a substance - an assistant, is oxidized only once and immediately enters the liver for excretion from the body, overloading it. For example, calcium supplements contain calcium carbonate, an insoluble mineral that clogs the kidneys.

In 1923, Dr. Glenn King established the chemical structure of vitamin C, and in 1928, doctor and biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi isolated vitamin C for the first time, calling it hexuronic acid, and in 1933, Swiss researchers synthesized ascorbic acid identical to vitamin C.
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) C6H8O6 is a water-soluble vitamin used by the body for biochemical redox processes, promotes the formation of deoxyribonucleic acid.

Now think about the previous two paragraphs. A hundred years ago, mankind did not know any synthetic vitamins, and today they are swallowed by more than half of the population of developed countries in Europe and America.

It is generally accepted that among the symptoms of a lack of vitamin C in the body are a weak immune system, bleeding gums, pallor and dry skin, slow tissue repair after physical damage (wounds, bruises), tarnishing and hair loss, brittle nails, lethargy, fatigue, weakening muscle tone, rheumatoid pain in the sacrum and limbs (especially lower, pain in the feet), loosening and loss of teeth; fragility of blood vessels leads to bleeding gums, hemorrhages in the form of dark red spots on the skin. However, to date (August 2011), there have not been enough studies on the basis of which it would be possible to reliably state that there is a connection between the mentioned symptoms and a lack of vitamin C in the body. Only when its amount is extremely low, some of the listed symptoms appear, signaling the occurrence of an extremely rare disease - scurvy.

Have we been counted?

The first thing that worries me is the statistics. 80% of people are deficient in vitamin C (A, B, and so on in alphabetical order). Have you ever taken a blood test for vitamin content for research purposes?

Artificial vitamins are not functional, they are copies of natural ones, isomers, their structure differs from the structure of natural vitamins. Their use leads to the fact that the amount of ballast, artificial chemicals in the body increases, causing irreparable harm to the body.

The famous scientist Pauling, who at one time intensively promoted artificial vitamin C, died of cancer. The beginning of the theory of "horse doses" of vitamins was laid by the American scientist, winner of two Nobel Prizes, Linus Pauling. In his book Cancer and Vitamin C, he argued that very large doses of ascorbic acid improve the condition of patients with certain types of cancer and significantly prolong life. At the end of his life, Pauling focused his attention on the natural sources of essential human nutrients.

Pauling's theory was decided to be tested in practice. For several years, scientists have been conducting clinical trials, but they all convincingly proved that large doses of vitamin C do not prevent cancer or colds, let alone treat them.

The British The Times published the results of a study by physicians from the University of Leicester. They say that a standard dosage of vitamin C, widely advertised as an anti-heart attack, exacerbates a number of diseases.

Back in 2000, at the annual conference of the American Heart Association, a group of scientists made a statement that large doses of vitamin C cause more rapid development of atherosclerosis. The study involved 570 people. A comprehensive examination of volunteers, whose average age was about 54 years, showed that their vessels are normal. A year and a half later, the examination was repeated, and it turned out that atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries supplying blood to the brain was 2.5 times more likely to be noted in those who were overly fond of ascorbic acid. It is noteworthy that people took 500 mg of vitamin C per day just for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Pediatricians note an increase in allergies in children who were actively fed “for preventive purposes” increased doses of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is not a medicine, but a vitamin! In some children, the breakdown of vitamin C to its final products may be impaired due to a lack of enzymes that regulate metabolism. At normal doses of the vitamin, these disorders would be compensated, but at high doses, decompensation occurred. Under-digested metabolic products - oxalates - cause allergies, can injure the renal tubules and become a source of their diseases (nephritis), and subsequently initiate kidney stone disease.

Vitamin C is synthetically obtained from glucose.

After scientists proved the importance of vitamins for human health, they began to synthesize them artificially, but it turned out that the degree of assimilation and effectiveness of such vitamins is an order of magnitude lower than their natural prototypes. There are several reasons for this. First, the problem is the presence of the so-called left- (L) and right-handed (R) isomers. Many substances, due to the complexity of their chemical structure, can exist in the form of two or more isomers, that is, as if mirror images of each other.

Vitamin C consists of 7 isomers, that is, the complete picture of a natural vitamin consists of 7 mosaics, which are in the finest relationships with each other. These bonds cannot be produced artificially. Ascorbic acid, which is known to everyone, is just one of the 7 isomers of natural vitamin C. It is easy to guess that only natural vitamin is suitable for a person, because only it is recognized by the body and absorbed. The same story with other vitamins. Chemically synthesized vitamins are absorbed by the body by less than 10%.

In synthetic vitamins: Vitrums, Centrums, Alphabets, etc. only one isomer out of seven is present in the composition. The remaining six are not synthesized and therefore simply absent from synthetic vitamins.

The same is true with vitamin E. Only one of the eight tocopherols is present in the synthetic one. Artificially synthesizing all vitamin isomers is a very complex and expensive process, and pharmacological companies are not interested in additional high costs, so synthetic vitamins are harmful, not beneficial.

To visualize the different arrangement of atoms in the molecules of mirror isomers is easier than simple: just bring a piece of paper with a word written on it to the mirror. It seems that the letters are the same, but are reflected topsy-turvy!

Often, chemically synthesized vitamins are just such mirror isomers of natural vitamins, and therefore are ineffective.

The second reason is that in nature all vitamins are not present in isolation, but together with the substances that are necessary for their absorption. For example, natural vitamin C in plants is adjacent to bioflavonoids, which ensure its absorption and themselves have a number of useful properties. Synthetic vitamin C is naturally present in the preparation in isolation, without bioflavonoids, and therefore cannot be adequately absorbed.


It is because of their inferiority that synthetic vitamins are absorbed by an average of 1-5%. A small part is excreted in the urine, and the entire remaining “tail” settles in our body: in the liver, kidneys, joints, and blood vessels. It is this fact that leads to diseases that we did not have before the adoption of synthetic vitamins.

It turns out that in the formula of each natural, natural vitamin there is a particle of a protein base, which does not exist in synthetic vitamins. Synthetic vitamins are "dead" substances that do not carry any energy, they are practically not absorbed by the body. They have a crystalline structure that cannot be broken down and processed in the human body. In addition, artificial vitamins contribute to the fact that our body accumulates chemicals that are very dangerous.

Evidence of this is the color and smell of the urine of people taking vitamins. Urine has a characteristic odor, and its color changes. This suggests that the kidneys remove vitamins from the body, working for two. In addition, the liver also feels an additional load.

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