Pomegranate peels: benefits and harms. Treatment with pomegranate peels. Useful properties of pomegranate, fruits, seeds and peel

The medicinal properties of pomegranate have long been used in folk medicine. The benefit of the culture lies in the vitamins and organic acids contained in it. The bark of the fruit is rich in tannins, which prevent the development of diarrhea. The preparation of the medicine begins with the preparation of the crusts and their subsequent drying. It is not recommended to use pomegranate decoction for a long time. Long-term use can provoke gastritis or ulcers.

Proper drying of crusts

Preparing the peel for use includes several main steps:

  • The pomegranate is washed under running water, dried with a paper towel or towel.
  • The peel is carefully removed from the fruit with a knife. The white pulp layer does not contain nutrients, so it should be separated as much as possible from the upper layers of the crust.
  • The prepared pieces are carefully wiped, then placed on a clean cloth or napkin and covered with gauze. For quick and even drying, it is recommended to lay the blanks in a thin layer and turn them over daily. Moldy skin must be discarded.

The average drying time is 7-10 days. For further use, place pomegranate peels in paper bags, glass jars or wrap in newspapers so that moisture does not penetrate inside. Store blanks in a dark, dry and cool place.

Preparation of the infusion

Pomegranate Peels for Diarrhea is an effective treatment tool for diarrhea in adults and children. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the exact observance of the prescription and all its proportions. To restore health, the following instructions for preparing infusions and decoctions are recommended.

The recipe for a water infusion is as follows: 10 grams of a dry product is ground to a powder state using a coffee grinder or in a mortar. The crushed mass is poured with 1 cup of boiling water. The container is covered with a lid on top (an ordinary saucer is suitable for this purpose). The exposure and infusion time until ready for use is 30 minutes.

At the first dose, the optimal dosage is half a glass. If the patient's condition has not stabilized 10 minutes after taking the drug, the infusion should be drunk completely. In case of intolerance or inability to use the entire remedy at once, it is possible to take it according to the following scheme: 2 teaspoons 5 times a day.

Another method of obtaining an infusion is to park the peel in a teapot. To do this, put a small handful of the dried product in it and pour it with boiling water so that the water completely covers the crusts. To maintain the temperature, reduce heat losses, it is recommended to cover the kettle tightly with insulation (bedspread, blanket or special heating pad). The duration of infusion varies from 20 to 30 minutes. At the end of this time, the infusion is filtered through a strainer or cheesecloth and immediately drunk.

If there are no dried parts of the pomegranate available, then you can brew a decoction of fresh peels. In this case, it is necessary to insist the remedy a little longer - until the solution is completely colored.

Prescription for pregnant women

With the unpleasant symptoms of diarrhea during pregnancy, a decoction of pomegranate peel will help to cope. Cooking is carried out according to the following recipe:

  1. 1. ingredients are prepared - 25 grams of dry peel and 1 cup of boiling water;
  2. 2. pomegranate peel is cut into small pieces with a sharp knife, you can grind it in a blender;
  3. 3. prepared peel is poured with boiling water;
  4. 4. the container is set on a slow fire and boiled for 25-30 minutes;
  5. 5. The broth is filtered and diluted with boiled water to a total volume of 1 glass.

The second option for obtaining a decoction can be the use of a water bath. Pomegranate skins are poured with boiling water according to the above scheme, put in a water bath and incubated for up to 25 minutes. After that, insist 40 minutes and take at a concentration of 1 teaspoon of decoction per 1 liter of boiling water.

An ornamental plant pomegranate gives in late autumn its miraculous fruits - pomegranates. The healing properties of the pomegranate have been praised since ancient Indian manuscripts and Greek writings. And today pomegranate has not lost its popularity. Pomegranate fruit, seeds and peel very useful, have healing properties. Pomegranate contains a large amount of polyphenols, vitamin C and unsaturated fatty acids, which affect the production of nitric oxide. This substance improves the patency of blood vessels, which increases blood circulation in the body, and prevents the formation of blood clots.

1. One of the healing properties of pomegranate is the fight against anemia, pomegranate fruits, pomegranate juice increase hemoglobin. For anemia, use diluted pomegranate juice 0.5 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2 months.

2. The bark of a ripe pomegranate contains the alkaloids peltierin, isopeltierin and methylisopeltierin, which have a strong antihelminthic effect. To get rid of worms, insist 40-50 g of crushed bark in 400 g of cold water for 6 hours, and then simmer until half of the liquid has evaporated. The cooled broth is filtered and drunk for an hour in small portions, after an hour they drink a laxative, and after 4-5 hours they make an enema.

3. Peel and fruits of pomegranate have an astringent property, so they are used against diarrhea, diarrhea, colitis and enterocolitis. The pomegranate peel is dried, crushed and taken, adults - a pinch 3 times a day after meals, and children are given freshly squeezed juice, diluted half with water. In the case of infectious diarrhea, the polyphenols contained in the pomegranate peel effectively reduce the growth of dysentery bacillus and other pathogens.

4. An aqueous decoction of pomegranate peel or its juice is used for gargling (with sore throat and pharyngitis), oral cavity (with gingivitis and stomatitis), disinfects the mouth and throat. Tannins relieve pain, and organic acids destroy the infection.

5. pomegranate fruit- Beneficial for diabetics. To do this, use 100 g of juice 4 times a day before meals.

6. Removes radiation. Pomegranate juice is very useful for anyone who works with radioactive isotopes or lives in an area of ​​high radiation.

7. For oily skin, acne, a mask is made from lightly fried, crushed pomegranate peel mixed with butter or olive oil. Store this mixture in the refrigerator, apply to the skin no more than 2 times a week. Dried peel powder can effectively treat skin acne, burns, cracks and scratches.

8. pomegranate seeds very gently reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients. And pomegranate fruit membranes, dried and added to tea, will help calm the nervous system, get rid of anxiety, and improve night sleep.

9. Increases the activity of hormones. Pomegranate seeds contain oils that restore hormonal balance in the body. Therefore, pomegranate seeds are eaten, they are especially useful for painful periods, headaches and menopause.

10. With various inflammatory diseases (kidneys, liver, ears and eyes, joints, gynecological organs), a decoction of pomegranate peel helps. 2 teaspoons of crushed pomegranate peel are poured into 1 cup of hot water, boiled in a water bath for 30 minutes, filtered, squeezed and diluted with boiled water to the original amount. Take 50 g 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

pomegranate peel contains a small amount of very toxic substances - alkaloids. Never exceed the dosage of decoctions, otherwise there will be an increase in pressure, dizziness, blurred vision and convulsions. In addition, the organic acids of pomegranate juice can severely destroy tooth enamel. Therefore, always dilute the juice with water.

An aqueous infusion of dry peels of Pomegranate fruits cures many diseases. This is a universal natural medicine: an aqueous infusion of dried pomegranate peels. It cures of defeat by any strain in diseases: Dysentery, Salmonellosis (about 400 strains are known), Cholera, Typhoid fever, Stomach and intestinal ulcer (small intestine), Colitis (large intestine), Dysbacteriosis, Acute appendicitis and the need for surgery disappears, treated with this infusion for a week.

Recipe for the preparation of an aqueous infusion of dry fruit peels grenade and its applications.

Put about 10-12 g of dry pomegranate peels into a preheated cup, glass or glass jar and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them (you can pour 200 ml of raw water into this container, lower 10-12 g of pomegranate peels and bring to a boil with an electric boiler, but do not boil). Cover and leave for 25-30 minutes, then you can drink 20-25 ml at a time. Drink on an empty stomach, with the 1st dose in the morning, after sleep, and the 4th dose at night, before bedtime. Do not throw away the crusts, insisting continues.

In this treatment, alcohol is contraindicated. The essence of the treatment is that in the entire gastrointestinal tract all pathogenic bacteria are constantly suppressed (healthy bacteria are not suppressed) and their locations are successfully colonized by healthy bacteria necessary for humans.

In addition to the above, it is known that Hippocrates treated cut and stab wounds with this water infusion. A clean (cotton) cloth was applied to the wound, previously moistened in an aqueous infusion of dry crusts. pomegranate fruit. This cloth was constantly kept moist until the wound healed.

Often people just throw away the pomegranate peel, unaware of its properties. In fact, pomegranate peels are even healthier than seeds, as they contain 2 times more antioxidants - substances responsible for removing free radicals from the body. In the chemical composition of the pomegranate peel, you can also see organic substances, minerals and vitamins.

Pomegranate peels are rich in antioxidants

Useful properties of pomegranate peels

Pomegranate skins are one third composed of tannins or tannins. Due to these components, the peel of the plant has an astringent taste. Tannins are famous for their anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties. Tannins have a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), remove toxins from the body and inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora.

Tannins are good for diarrhea (diarrhea), but if consumed in excess, they can also cause constipation.

Other health benefits of pomegranate peel:

  • disinfectant (antiseptic);
  • healing;
  • antihelminthic;
  • bactericidal;
  • cleansing.

Due to the vitamin and mineral complex in the composition, pomegranate skins have a beneficial effect on the immune system. They prevent the occurrence of viral diseases.

Pomegranate peel will strengthen the immune system

Applications for pomegranate peel

The peels of the plant are actively used in folk medicine.

They are used for the following purposes:

  1. Gargling with pharyngitis and tonsillitis (tonsillitis). A decoction of pomegranate peels is used for coughs, in particular - bloody.
  2. Therapy of diseases of the teeth and gums. The skins of the plant have a pronounced antiseptic effect, and also slow down bleeding. They are used to treat the most common pathologies: periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis.
  3. Therapy and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the large amount of antioxidants in the pomegranate peel. These substances help break down cholesterol compounds, which, in turn, significantly reduces the risk of developing heart pathologies.
  4. Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (including inflammatory), intestinal disorders, diarrhea. Pomegranate peel is used even for gastritis, as it inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms on the mucous membranes. For the same reason, the skin of the plant is used for colitis and dysbacteriosis. Pomegranate skin is able to completely cure diarrhea due to its astringent action.
  5. Healing of skin lesions (wounds, burns). The peels of the plant contain vitamin C, which stimulates tissue regeneration. Also, do not forget about the antiseptic effect that prevents infection and festering of wounds. To heal lesions, a topical powder is used.

What do pomegranate peels help with? They can be taken with heavy and painful periods. Pomegranate peel helps to remove helminths from the body. It shows the greatest efficiency in the treatment of enterobiasis and ascariasis.

Pomegranate peel is effective against worms

This is where the medicinal properties end, but the skin of the plant is also used for cosmetic purposes. Face creams and masks are often made from the oil that the pomegranate fruit secretes. The peel is used for the production of various products for hair and scalp.

The composition of the skins of the plant includes enzymes and fatty acids. It is these components that have a beneficial effect on the hair, making it smooth, shiny and strong. Rinses based on pomegranate peel cleanse the scalp and stimulate hair boils.

Preparation and storage of the peel of the fruit

It is difficult to buy pomegranate peels in a pharmacy, since they are considered exotic and are extremely rare. Dried peel or powder can be purchased from online stores, but you will have to order in large quantities. Therefore, it is easiest to make blanks yourself.

Their production is carried out in several stages:

  1. Fruit selection. It is advisable to choose fresh and ripe medium-sized pomegranates with a rich red crust. The fruits should have a uniform shade without white spots.
  2. Training. The fruits must be washed and dried before making blanks.
  3. Cutting the peel. You can cut off the entire skin or just the top part of it. Drying. The blanks can be dried in direct sunlight (on the balcony or on the window), but they must first be covered with a thin cloth, ideally with gauze. The drying process takes an average of 5-6 days, but it is best to wait a week.

You can cut off the entire crust or the top

Dried pomegranate can be stored for up to 3 years. In order for the blanks not to deteriorate, they must be placed in paper bags and left in a dry and cool place.

By grinding the skin with a mortar or coffee grinder, you can get pomegranate powder. It is best stored in glass containers.

How to brew pomegranate peels

The benefits of pomegranate peel will only be noticeable if it is properly prepared. You can make tea, tincture or decoction from the skin. In this case, the method of preparation directly depends on the purpose of use.

Universal tea for the treatment and prevention of various diseases

A universal remedy used for preventive purposes (from influenza and SARS), as well as to strengthen the immune system and cleanse the body.

To implement the recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • ginger (dried) - 1 teaspoon;
  • mint - 3-4 leaves;
  • lemon - to taste;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • peels - 1 tablespoon.

Tea with pomegranate peel can be taken as a preventive measure

How to brew? First you need to mix mint, ginger and dried skins in a glass. After that, all components must be poured with boiling water and left for 5-7 minutes. Honey and lemon are added at the end.

If you don’t have the right ingredients on hand, you can do without them. To make tea, it is enough to use aromatic spices and the skins themselves.

Diarrhea decoction for children

Making a decoction does not require additional ingredients. You will only need dried pomegranate peels (without a white layer) and boiling water. To prepare the product, you will need about 1-2 tablespoons of skins. If the broth is prepared for children, then it is not necessary to boil the crusts: it is enough to pour them with a glass of hot water and leave for 35-45 minutes.

How to drink? The dosage depends on the age of the child:

  • up to 1 year - 5 ml 2-3 times a day;
  • up to 5 years - 5 ml 3-4 times a day;
  • up to 7 years - 7-10 ml 3-4 times a day;
  • up to 12 years - 10-15 ml 3-4 times a day.

To prepare a decoction, you need to use dried peel without a white layer.

A child over 12 years old can add an adult decoction in a large dosage (a whole glass at a time). Treatment for children and adults is very different, as pomegranate peels are not completely safe. They can cause constipation and indigestion if used incorrectly.

Diarrhea decoction for adults

This decoction treats almost all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but best of all it helps with diarrhea. To make the product, you will need half a glass of pomegranate skins and 500 ml of water. It is desirable to pre-crush the crusts to a powder state, but this item is not mandatory.

The peel must be placed in a saucepan and pour water. After that, the container must be put on the burner and turn on a slow fire. When the broth boils, it should be left to cook for another 10-15 minutes. The finished mixture should be allowed to brew for 2 hours, then pour it into a thermos and drink as needed.

Decoction of pomegranate peel helps to cope with diarrhea

How to use? For diarrhea, you can drink a whole mug at a time. For the intestines, to maintain the health of the digestive tract, you need to take 50-100 ml of decoction 2-3 times a day for a week.

To prepare a remedy for worms, you will need pomegranate powder (50 g). It must be poured with 600 ml of water (2 cups) and left to infuse for 5-6 hours. After that, the solution must be poured into a small saucepan and put on fire. Cook until boiling, then remove from heat and set aside. The decoction is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach, along with laxative tablets to help clear the stomach.

Solution for rinsing with diseases of the oral cavity

To make a solution, you need 20-30 g of dry powder. It must be poured with a glass of water, brought to a boil over low heat and cook for another 10-15 minutes. The finished solution must be removed, cooled and let it brew for 1-2 hours. After that, rinse the mouth with a medicinal decoction. Repeat the procedure every morning.

A solution with pomegranate powder is suitable for rinsing your mouth

According to the same recipe, you can prepare a tincture, only instead of water you will need vodka or alcohol (200 ml). Alcohol must be mixed with water and powder, and then left to set for several hours. The tincture is applied according to the same principle (every morning for rinsing the mouth).

Cosmetic lotion with pomegranate peel

A few recipes for making cosmetics at home:

  1. Decoction for hair. It is necessary to mix 300 ml of water and 100 g of pomegranate skins. First, the mixture must be brought to a boil over low heat, then let it brew for a day. The decoction can be used on clean, damp hair.
  2. Face cream. You will need a base: any creamy product used for skin care. You need to add 50-70 grams of pomegranate powder to it. You can also supplement the recipe with any cosmetic oils.
  3. Infusion against dandruff. This recipe is not suitable for people with sensitive scalp or brittle, parched hair. For the manufacture of tincture you will need: 50 ml of vodka, 100 ml of solution (prepared according to 1 recipe). Ingredients can be added to hair shampoo or applied independently. The tincture should not be left for a long time on the scalp or on the hair itself. Maximum use time: 15 minutes.

All these recipes can be modified: add any cosmetic ingredients, oils and vitamins.

Cream with pomegranate powder is good for the face

Contraindications and harm to pomegranate peel

Products with skin or pomegranate powder can cause serious harm to the human body.

Before using them, you need to know the main contraindications:

  • tendency to manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • indigestion, frequent constipation;
  • severe diseases of the excretory system;
  • viral hepatitis C.

Do not use pomegranate for constipation

The simultaneous use of decoctions with pomegranate and antihistamines is not recommended. Before taking products with skins during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. It is better for nursing mothers to refrain from using products with pomegranate peel, as otherwise the fetus may obviously develop an allergic reaction.

The most dangerous substances contained in the pomegranate skin are alkaloids (organic alkalis). With excessive use, they negatively affect the functioning of the immune system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Pomegranate decoctions can be given to children only in scanty doses. With the manifestation of any side effects (nausea, vomiting), the reception should be stopped.

Application, recipes and medicinal properties of pomegranate.



pomegranate fruit rich in sugars, vitamin "C", tannins. pomegranate juice considered useful when; rind decoction and membranous septa used as astringent at indigestion and(high content due to tannins). pulp grenade reddish sour in salads and desserts is also used for soft drinks cooking.


root bark(and less often - branches and trunks) was used as a medicinal raw material (and is still used in subtropical and tropical countries) common grenade.

GARNET KILLS CANCER CELLS. Medicinal properties. Video

POMEGRANATE JUICE due to the beneficial tannins it contains, ellagic acid and anthocyanins, it has a much stronger antioxidant effect than green and Red wine. Seeds of pomegranate seeds, juicy shell covered, edible. rich grains potassium and vitamin "C", they are low in calories (eighty kcal per serving, lower by a third of most and rich in fiber).
Antioxidant properties pomegranate seeds help prevent the oxidation of low density lipoproteins. Prevents it walls constriction by fat deposits and blood saturation supports antioxidants.

Pomegranate peel and seeds, is it worth throwing away? Unique healing properties of pomegranate peel, recipes for health. Video

Pomegranate is also useful for the bone system - it reduces manifestations in the affected cartilage tissues. . This fruit intensity reduces inflammation and cartilage destruction prevents with its enzymes.

Recipes for treatment with pomegranate juice.

Anemia of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment with pomegranate juice. Drink half a glass before meals. pomegranate juice several times a day for half an hour. At the same time, the corresponding diet, preventing constipation. Continue treatment for 2 - 4 months. The course can be repeated in a month.

Pomegranate peel for the stomach. Infusion of dry pomegranate peels. Video

Cleansing the body with pomegranate juice. blood purification from toxins and improve metabolism up to 3 times a year you need to conduct a course of treatment and drink for 21 days pomegranate juice. In the first seven days, drink several times a day should be 1/2 tbsp. juice, in the second week - reduce the number of daily doses to 2, and in the 3rd week pomegranate juice you need to drink once a day.

Violation of menstrual cycles. Treatment with pomegranate juice. In order to normalize the production of ovarian hormones, in the first 10 days of the cycle, you need to drink a glass daily pomegranate juice.

Treatment with pomegranate juice. Runny nose, fever, sore throat. pomegranate juice rinse and pomegranate juice take orally with the addition of a small honey.

Edema, stagnation. Treatment with pomegranate juice. Take a third of Art. pomegranate juice.

Appetite is bad. Treatment with pomegranate juice. drink 1/2 tbsp. pomegranate juice a quarter of an hour before meals.

In diseases of the cardiovascular pomegranate: recommended 60 min. breakfast drink 1/2 tbsp. sweet pomegranate juice(one course of treatment three months).

Burns. Treatment with pomegranate juice. moisten the area with juice diluted with water, then sprinkle area of ​​affected skin from dry pericarp powder. On a surface burnt a crust is formed, under which goes fast healing.

Diabetes, gastritis with low acidity. Treatment with pomegranate juice. P it is recommended to take 0.5 - 1 tbsp. spoon honey three times a day.



Anemia. Treatment with pomegranate juice. Diluted with water take 1:1 pomegranate juice by: from half to one tbsp. three times a day half an hour before meals for a couple of months. And after a break - one month - you can repeat the course.

Pomegranate for inflammatory diseases, joint pain and fractures, oral cavity, bleeding and bleeding, for gargling throat (with pharyngitis and). Two tea spoons crushed peel pour boiling water st., and boil in a water bath for half an hour, decant, and then squeeze and bring the volume to the original volume with boiling water. Before meals, take fifty ml. two to three times a day.

Pomegranate for indigestion (). Two tea spoons crushed peel on the water of Art., boil for fifteen minutes. and insist 60 minutes, a third of Art. drink before meals.

INDICATIONS FOR THE USE OF POMEGRANATE. chronic. Spoon st. pomegranate peel brew st. boiling water. Steep under the lid until the water turns pink. Application. Drink warm during the day, one st..

Inflammatory processes. Treatment with pomegranate juice. One spoon st. crushed peel one hundred ml. water brew, decant and take one - two teaspoons before meals three times a day.


The medicine that Hippocrates used to heal!
salmonellosis- in five hours.
Dysbacteriosis- during the week.
passes in five hours.
- in seven days.
Acute appendicitis- in five hours.
Colitis (colon)- during the week.

Approximate weight ratio dry pomegranate peel and boiling water steep: 1:20. In a preheated cup, Art. or put a glass jar about ten - twelve gr. dry peel pomegranate fruit and fill them with Art. boiling water steep (in this container you can pour raw water st., omit ten - twelve gr. pomegranate peel and bring to a boil with an electric kettle, but do not boil). Cover with a saucer or paper folded in four layers. Insist twenty-five - thirty minutes, and you can start drinking. Don't throw away peels, insisting continues. Once crusts poured boiling water over steep - the treatment began, and these twenty-five - thirty minutes. insisting with pomegranate peel The container should be near the person being treated. Cooking infusion of water peels of dry pomegranate fruit for all diseases, the treatment listed is the same. Application is different.

For treatment in five hours from: typhoid fever, salmonellosis, cholera, acute appendicitis - use the water infusion as follows:
1. After twenty-five - thirty minutes. infusion, drink about half of the liquid (half tbsp). Infusion do not express, insisting to continue. And cover with a saucer again. If after ten minutes felt healthy after that, which means the disorder was common stomach (diarrhea) and completely cured. You can safely embark on any journey, because. constipation and diarrhea you won't.
2. If after ten minutes. myself did not feel recovered, so you can have salmonellosis or dysentery, or cholera or typhoid fever. You need to stay at home and after three hours drink the remaining water infusion. The treatment process lasts three hours (infuse three and a half hours), and recovery occurs five hours after the start of treatment. To cure in seven days from: ulcers of the intestine (small intestine); colitis (inflammatory process in the colon), stomach ulcers, dysbacteriosis - water infusion use dry pomegranate peels, So:
- After insisting twenty-five - thirty minutes. start drinking. About half a day to drink water infusion(ninety - one hundred ml.) For four doses approximately equal in portions and at intervals equal to, approximately, time, i.e. twenty - twenty - five ml. for one take. Drink on an empty stomach moreover, the first dose is in the morning, after sleep, and the fourth dose is before bedtime, at night.
- water infusion drink not every day of the week, and one day later, that is, on odd days of the week, the first, third, fifth, seventh - drink the infusion, and on the second, fourth, sixth days - do not drink the infusion (rest from treatment).
- Enough of this for a complete cure. But for reinsurance, if someone wants to continue treatment, for example, stomach ulcers, then you can repeat the course of treatment no earlier than seven days later.
- During treatment water infusion do not express - the insistence continues.

ATTENTION! When treating this alcohol is contraindicated, and in particular, it is contraindicated on the days of taking water infusion.
- Treatment consists of gastrointestinal tract all the time, all pathogenic bacteria are suppressed (healthy bacteria are not suppressed) and their locations are successfully colonized by healthy bacteria, bacteria necessary for humans.
- It is known, in addition to the above, that Hippocrates water infusion treated it stab and cut wounds. Superimposed on wound clean rag (cotton), pre-dipped in infusion of dry pomegranate peels with water. This rag was maintained constantly until wet wound healing.

scarlet fruit with ruby ​​pulp grains- one of the most useful fruits on earth. Roots in the name of the pomegranate- in the Latin word granatus, means that "grainy". And it's useful... everything is absolute: the pulp of the fruit, and the skins, and the juice of the pomegranate, and the flowers of the pomegranate tree, and the roots. In his treatises, Avicenna pomegranate I remembered a hundred and fifty times and always - for different reasons! AT cosmetology pomegranate is indispensable practically. Being set creams, ointments and oils, he smoothes perfectly and whitens the skin Yours helps to get rid of pigment spots and freckles. Wonderful strengthens pomegranate nails Yours and persistent does and strong hair.

PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. POMEGRANATE.There are contraindications. pomegranate peel and a small amount contains very poisonous substances - alkaloids. Never exceed the dosage pomegranate decoction.

After enjoying the juicy pomegranate seeds, almost everyone throws away the peel remaining from the fruit. However, the beneficial properties of the peel of the fruit are held in high esteem by traditional healers and supporters of natural skin and hair care. What is the use of pomegranate peel, how to use the product for healing the body and for cosmetic purposes?

Pomegranate peel contains:

  • tannins (about 30%);
  • antioxidants (phenolic compounds, flavonoids, proanthocyanidins);
  • vitamin C, beta-carotene (provitamin A);
  • alkaloids (isopeltierin, peltierin, methylisopeltierin);
  • minerals (calcium, phosphorus).

Nature itself endowed the pomegranate peel with a rich chemical composition.

The chemical composition of the product provides:

Folk healers use pomegranate peels for:

  • dysentery;
  • disorders of the digestive system (including intestinal disorders, diarrhea, ulcers, etc.);
  • bad breath and gum disease;
  • sore throat and cough;
  • rhinitis;
  • wounds and burns;
  • bleeding (including heavy menstruation), etc.

Hippocrates was also aware of the healing power of pomegranate peel.

It is useful for every beauty to know about the cosmetic properties of pomegranate peels. In skin and hair care product:

  • prevents dry skin, provides effective hydration;
  • saturates the epidermis and hair with valuable substances;
  • prevents skin cancers;
  • exhibits sun protection properties;
  • has an anti-aging effect;
  • prevents the appearance of dandruff;
  • prevents hair loss;
  • eliminates pimples, blackheads and blackheads.

Video: choose the right pomegranate

Options for using pomegranate peel for healing

The treatment of most diseases requires complex therapy, so pomegranate peel should be considered only as an aid.

Raw material preparation

  1. Free the peel from the grains and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Separate the white, loose part of the peel: it has no medicinal value.
  3. Dry the colored part of the peel in the sun or in an electric dryer (you can simply spread the raw material in a thin layer in a dry place) and place it in a tightly closed container for storage.

Video: how to quickly peel a pomegranate


From diarrhea

Grind the dried pomegranate peel into a powder. Pour a teaspoon of finished raw materials with 200 ml of boiling water and simmer for a quarter of an hour in a steam bath. Insist for 40 minutes.

Take 4 times in knocks on a teaspoon until diarrhea is cured. Usually, improvement is noted in the next few hours, and after a couple of days, digestion returns to normal completely.

To grind the peel, you can use a coffee grinder or a porcelain mortar.

Video: decoction for stomach diseases

From worms

  1. Powdered peels (50 g) pour cool water (2 cups).
  2. After 6 hours, bring the broth to a boil and keep on low heat until half the volume of the infusion has evaporated.
  3. Filter.

Take in the morning on an empty stomach, drinking the decoction in several doses (in small portions) for an hour.

Video: preparing a decoction of worms

For gum disease

Mix equal volumes of calendula and chamomile flowers, pepper grass, pomegranate peel and comfrey root. Two tablespoons of the collection pour 500 ml of water, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 5 minutes. Pour into a thermos and leave for 2 hours.

For 7-10 days, rinse your mouth and throat 5-6 times a day.

Calendula flowers in the composition of the remedy will relieve inflammation

Universal infusion


Rinse a glass container with boiling water and pour 10 g of ground pomegranate peels into the container. Pour raw materials with 200 ml of boiling water and cover with a lid or saucer, leave for 30 minutes.

The prepared product does not need to be filtered.

It is necessary to take the composition immediately after preparation, it should be next to the patient.

Use for indigestion, dysentery, typhoid fever, salmonellosis

Drink half the volume of the prepared product. Cover the rest of the drink with a saucer again and leave to infuse further.

If after 10 minutes relief came, then the cause of discomfort was indigestion. In this case, you do not need to take more infusion.

If there is no improvement, the rest of the remedy should be drunk after 3 hours.

Application for ulcerative lesions of the intestine and stomach, dysbacteriosis and colitis

Take 25 ml of the product 4 times a day: in the morning on an empty stomach and then every 3.5 hours.

The remaining 100 ml of infusion should be poured.

Application for stab wounds

Moisten a cotton cloth in the infusion and apply to the affected area, re-moisten the cloth in the product as it dries.

Apply until complete healing.

Infusion from rhinitis

Mix pomegranate peels, willow and oak bark, observing the ratio of 1 to 1.5 to 0.5. Brew a tablespoon of the collection with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes.

Drink 1/3 cup before meals.

The infusion can also be used to wash the sinuses with rhinitis and sinusitis.

Gargle solution for sore throats, diseases of the oral cavity, bad breath

Dilute ground pomegranate peels (4 g) in a glass of water.

Rinse your mouth or throat twice a day.

Recipe for cough drops

  1. Mix ground pomegranate peels with pink Himalayan salt in a ratio of 8 to 1.
  2. Pour in enough water to form a pasty mass.
  3. Form small balls.

Dissolve in the mouth one "candy" three times a day.

Pink Himalayan salt will enhance the antiseptic properties of the pomegranate peel

medicinal teas

For chronic cough

Brew the pomegranate peel like a tea (the water should turn pink).

During the day, drink a glass of the product in small portions while warm, adding honey to taste.

For gastrointestinal problems

Combine chopped ginger, cumin, mint, green tea leaves and pomegranate peels in equal volumes. Pour a teaspoon of the collection with 200 ml of water, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 1 minute. Leave for 5 minutes, filter and add honey to taste.

Composition to stop bleeding

Dilute the crushed peel (8 g) in water at room temperature to a paste concentration.

Take twice a day.

Burn Remedy

  1. Treat the affected area with fresh pomegranate juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5.
  2. Sprinkle the skin with ground pomegranate peels.
  3. Secure with a plaster or bandage.

This procedure will help relieve pain and prevent the appearance of a blister at the site of the burn.

In the treatment of burns, the peel is used in combination with pomegranate juice.

Tincture for healing burns and wounds

  1. Pour the peel removed from one fruit with 100 ml of 40% alcohol. Insist 7 days.
  2. Combine the resulting extract with glycerin and water, observing the ratio of 1 to 1 to 1.

Use to treat damaged skin several times a day.

Features of use in the treatment of children

Pomegranate peel is an allergenic product, so it should be used in the treatment of children with extreme caution and only after consulting a pediatrician.

In the treatment of babies, pomegranate peel is used for diarrhea. A decoction is prepared in the same way as for adults, however, the dosage is reduced: children are given it no more than 3 times a day, 0.5 teaspoons each.

The baby may not like the bitter taste of the drink. In this case, the agent is injected into the cheek with a syringe.

When coughing, you can give the child to hold the dried pomegranate peel in his mouth.

Cosmetic applications

For facial skin


  • From acne. Fry the peel a little in a dry frying pan and grind into flour. Add a little of any unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oil to a tablespoon of raw materials until a thick porridge is obtained. Apply to areas covered with rashes for 10-20 minutes, remove with running water. Apply 1-2 times a week.
  • For lightening age spots. Pour two tablespoons of ground pomegranate peel with a tablespoon of boiling water and wait a bit until the peel swells. Add 0.5 teaspoon of lemon juice to the gruel. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes, wash with running water. Do not treat the area around the eyes. Use once a week.
  • From wrinkles. Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped pomegranate peel with 1-2 tablespoons of hot milk, wait for it to cool. Apply for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Repeat once a week.

Milk as part of a homemade mask with pomegranate peel will provide a lifting effect


The compositions are applied to wet skin with massaging movements, after 2-3 minutes they are removed with warm water.

  • Moisturizing. Mix a tablespoon of ground pomegranate peels with a tablespoon of kefir or natural yogurt.
  • Against black dots. Add honey and lemon juice (one teaspoon each) to a tablespoon of ground pomegranate peel.

For hair

Mask for softening and moisturizing hair

Use a blender to process 1/4 pomegranate (seeds and peel). Add a teaspoon of linseed (or olive) oil and starch (preferably corn) to the mass.

Apply to curls along the entire length, wrap your head with a film and warm with a towel or hat. After 30-40 minutes, rinse your hair in the usual way.

Decoction to strengthen hair and eliminate excessive oiliness

Pour 2-4 tablespoons of pomegranate with a liter of water, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 5-10 minutes. Filter after cooling.

Use as a rinse after every hair wash for 2 months.

Contraindications, possible harm and precautions

Pomegranate peels are contraindicated in:

  • hemorrhoids and anal fissures;
  • chronic constipation;
  • nephritis and other kidney diseases in the acute phase of the course;
  • hepatitis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance.

Pomegranate peel contains alkaloids (about 5%): in large quantities, these substances are poisonous to the body. When making and using home remedies with peel, it is important to carefully follow the recommended dosages. Otherwise, there is a risk of poisoning, which is accompanied by:

  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • general weakness;
  • vomiting;
  • decrease in visual acuity.

The use of pomegranate peel decoction is incompatible with taking other antihistamine drugs. Therefore, you can use the remedy only after consulting a doctor: the treatment of most diseases requires an integrated approach.

From alcoholic beverages for the duration of treatment with pomegranate crusts should be abandoned

An allergy test is recommended before use for cosmetic purposes. Apply a little on the elbow crease. If after a day no negative manifestations (burning, irritation, peeling, redness, etc.) are found, the composition can be used.

The benefits that pomegranate peel can bring to health and beauty are worth it not to be lazy and dry the valuable “skin”. However, the use of the product requires careful adherence to dosages, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and existing contraindications.

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