Delicious and healthy berries. The most useful berries for women: blueberries. Lingonberry - the elixir of immortality

Sometimes we don’t realize the abundance of berries that nature gives us, we don’t notice how strawberries smell fragrant in the beds in June, raspberries and blueberries are poured in July, and cranberries and lingonberries ripen in autumn. But can there be anything more wonderful than a small basket filled with juicy, tasty, fragrant and sweet berries? Today, mankind knows a lot of berries, so different in color and taste, but incredibly healthy.

It is difficult to say what they are - the most useful berries for our body, because each has its own advantages. From colds, old age, cardiovascular disease, for harmony and beauty - everything is possible for small berries! They are rightly called universal remedy because they contain vitamins, organic acids, flavonoids, antioxidants and minerals. Carbohydrates, which are rich in these sunny fruits of health, beauty and longevity, are also of great value. It is proven that berries are 2 times sweeter than sugar, but at the same time they are considered a low-calorie product. And this is exactly what is needed for people who dream of losing weight.

Berries in cooking: application and storage methods

Berries found today wide application in cooking - they make jam and jam, cook compotes, add to pastries. Dishes with berries are incredibly tasty, but in order for the berries to bring real benefits, you need to try not to heat them.

Traditionally, the most valuable are fresh berries, but this does not mean at all that you can enjoy these gifts of nature only in the traditional summer-autumn berry season. After all, there is a way that allows you to save the benefits of juicy and tasty berries. cold winter. This is freezing. Scientists have proven the benefits of frozen berries, which retain maximum amount useful substances.

And now let's see which berries are in the top five most useful.

Cranberry - the berry of life

Swamp beauty, the berry of life and the queen of all berries - as soon as they do not call cranberries! And this is well deserved, because fragrant cranberries are an invaluable gift of nature, a real panacea for many diseases and an inexhaustible source of vitamins B, C, PP, which are vital for the functioning of the human body. Thanks to high content proanthocyanidins, cranberry is considered a source natural antibiotics and has a powerful antibacterial action. It is indispensable for colds, diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract.

In the people, this berry is often called the “berry of youth”, because it is rich in antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on our skin. That is why cranberries are often used for cooking and included in modern cosmetics.

Blueberries - the queen of wild berries

The benefits of wild berries are a proven fact. Grown by nature itself, and not by human hands, these berries are a real treasure. All of them have valuable properties, however, blueberries are especially useful among wild berries. Blueberries are a real champion in terms of the number of useful properties. It contains vitamins A, C, PP, B, iron, carotene, tannins, organic substances and essential oils.

Probably, the fact that blueberries strengthen vision is known to everyone today: on its basis, a number of medicines recommended to strengthen the retina and improve vision. However, not everyone knows about others. unique properties this wild berry. BUT modern medicine proved that blueberries are indispensable for anemia, gout, rheumatism, urolithiasis, inflammatory diseases mucous membranes of the mouth and upper respiratory tract.

In addition, blueberries contain pectin substances, which have a beneficial effect on digestive system and promote the elimination of toxins and salts from the body heavy metals. That is why this wild berry is recommended for people suffering from obesity and metabolic disorders.

Raspberry - berry of harmony

The beneficial properties of this fragrant and incredibly tasty berry are known to many. Well, who has not heard about the benefits raspberry jam and did not eat it with spoons for colds and flu? But, indeed, our grandmothers did not cook jam from this berry in vain, they knew about the health benefits of raspberries.

Raspberries contain vitamin C, magnesium, folic acid, iron, zinc and many other useful substances. Thanks to such a rich composition, it saves from colds, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces pressure.

In addition, American scientists conducted a series of studies and found in the composition of raspberries a substance from the anthocyanin group, which can destroy and slow down growth. cancer cells in the body.

AT last years raspberries began to be called "female berry". Japanese scientists have proven that sweet raspberries are effective in combating overweight. The fact is that an integral component of the chemical composition of raspberries are lipolytic enzymes that promote the burning of fats in the body. Widely known diuretics and choleretic properties this berry, thanks to which salts and excess fluid are excreted from the body.

Lingonberry - the elixir of immortality

Our great-grandfathers called lingonberries the berry of immortality - indeed, in those distant times, almost any ailment was treated with this berry. Chemical composition cranberries is unique. This is both a medicine and a storehouse of vitamins, and an indispensable food product. Cowberry has a powerful diuretic and antibacterial effect, so it is indispensable for cystitis, pyelonephritis, gout, kidney disease.

Interestingly, due to the high content of zinc, strawberries are able to increase female and male libido. Doctors recommend eating at least one handful of this sweet berry before lovemaking.

As you can see, the most useful berries are not luxury and exotic, they are products that we have known and loved since childhood. Juicy, tasty and fragrant - they are not inferior in their useful properties to fruits and vegetables, and rightfully deserve praise and the title of a real elixir of health, youth, beauty and longevity.

There is a huge variety of berries in the world, they are divided into those that grow in wild nature, and grown in household plots, dachas, and gardens. All of them have useful properties, their valuable nutrients are very important for the human body. Today I will consider in detail the most useful berries in our world.


It is considered the very first berry that appears in the spring-summer season. Its taste is quite variable from sweet to sour, and even slightly bitter. Concerning healing qualities, we can note an improvement in performance digestive tract, when using it. In addition, it contributes to the normalization blood pressure.

Black currant

In terms of saturation minerals and vitamins, as well as antioxidants, it is superior to many types of fruits and berries. There is especially a lot of ascorbic acid in it, for example, in an orange it is four times less.

In addition, it contains anthocyanin. This is a special pigment that can prevent heart disease - vascular system, endocrine, and even prevent the development of oncological pathology.


This delicious berry is a favorite treat not only for kids, but also for adults. It is able to strengthen the immune system and reduce the temperature. She has many healing properties, for example, the elaginic acid and vitamin A contained in it, prevent the formation cancerous tumors, and protect a person from cardiovascular diseases.

It also contains vitamin PP, which helps to get rid of fatigue, improves sleep and appetite. Plus, its use helps to reduce the manifestations of cellulite, reduces " Orange peel". People with kidney disease and gout, eat this delicious berry need with caution.


Cherry berries are considered dietary product. It has an antiseptic effect, is able to heal abrasions. Due to the coumarins present in it, it maintains the tone of the body. Also, its use normalizes sleep and improves mood. Bioflavonoids protect against the action of carcinogens.

Sea ​​buckthorn

This orange berry has a fragrant aroma. It is eaten in the form of jams and juices. It helps to get rid of beriberi and pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. The oil heals stomach ulcers, has a regenerating property, helps to treat skin burns and its inflammatory processes. The only negative is that it is difficult to assemble, but with the help of a special scoop, the removal of berries is facilitated, which prevents them from being crushed.


Probably, this is the most fragrant representative, wild berries, which are common in central Russia, have a special bright taste. It contains a nicotinic acid, which has a tonic effect, prevents insomnia and fights stress and irritability. Strawberries should be used with caution in case of a pronounced allergic background.


It is rich in ascorbic acid, vitamins A and B. It contains a lot of pectins, which improve the digestion process. This berry strengthens blood vessels and has beneficial effect on the high blood pressure, respectively, contributing to its reduction. However, it is forbidden to eat with peptic ulcer stomach in the acute stage.


This forest representative has a unique useful composition. This is a real medicine, a panacea for many diseases. It contains: iron, silver, iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus. It is also rich in vitamins: B1, B2, C, K, PP. All of the above elements are vital for the functioning of the human body.

It also has a powerful antibacterial effect, due to the content of substances such as proanthocyanides. They act in genitourinary system. Accordingly, in the pathology of the urinary system, its use is simply irreplaceable. Thanks to this substance, it has a bactericidal effect. Cranberries increase the elasticity of the walls blood vessels and their strength.


Conducted numerous studies indicate its benefits for almost all organs and systems of the body. It helps to strengthen vision and memory, lowers cholesterol, and even opposes the development of oncological pathology. Blueberries improve the recovery process nerve cells.


It is useful for pregnant women. It contains such as: C, E, folic acid. The berry improves the activity of the cardiovascular system, helps to strengthen skeletal system not only the mother, but also the child.

This berry is often taken from colds. As in blackcurrant, it contains a lot of anthocyanins, which provide strong immunity, respectively, protect

Grows in our country great amount various berries. It is worth noting that all of them differ not only in excellent taste, but also in special benefits for the body.

Useful properties of berries

So, what are the benefits of berries? First of all, it is worth noting that berries and fruits are of great importance in human nutrition. They contain a huge amount of organic acids and vitamins. So berries are able to increase vitality person, improve mental and physical activity. Berries have a great advantage over vegetables, because they are mainly eaten raw, without heat treatment. In order for the daily supply of vitamins in the human body not to be cut off, it is enough to consume from 60 to 200 grams of berries, it all depends on the type.

The beneficial properties of berries do not end there. They are rich in salts of potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium. In turn, phosphorus salts are involved in the construction of nerve tissues, and calcium salts are indispensable for the human skeletal system. Another important advantage of berries is that even when frozen, they retain their vitamins. That's why. These gifts of nature are simply indispensable in the cold season, when the immune system weakened.

What berries are healthier

So, which berries are useful. I would especially like to note such a useful and very tasty berry as raspberries. Her main value is salicylic acid. It is for this reason that raspberries are perfect medicine with interstitial diseases. Salicylic acid can relieve fever and improve immunity. Plus, raspberries are great for the digestive system.

Kalina is a unique berry that helps with many ailments. It is very often prescribed for edema, as it has a diuretic effect. Astringent and antiseptic substances of this berry contribute to rapid healing ulcers and wounds. Freshly squeezed berry juice is very often used for bronchial asthma. If you gargle with juice, it will quickly eliminate a sore throat.

The healing properties of sea buckthorn were also appreciated by residents Ancient Greece. This berry is especially rich in valuable vitamins A, which is indispensable for the human body. It is worth noting that even carrots cannot be compared with sea buckthorn in terms of quantity. this vitamin. It is for this reason that anyone who wants to have good eyesight should eat sea buckthorn. Red rowan also stands out among the whole variety of berries. This berry contains vitamins A, B and E. Rowan juice helps with diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

It doesn’t matter if you choose exotic goji and acai, or you love raspberries, mulberries and blueberries - all berries benefit the body, this is known for sure. But what exactly is it about berries that makes them so beneficial? It's not just low sugar and calories. Berries are extremely rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which have a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

Today, the Forest Fairy invites you to take a closer look at the properties of these gifts of nature and re-evaluate some of the healthy berries that are widely distributed and available to everyone.

Useful properties of berries for the human body

Eat fresh berries daily in summer and frozen in winter to…

1. Protect your brain and slow down aging

Berries are excellent at fighting inflammatory markers of aging in the brain. They not only contain cells that protect cells, but they can also change the signals of neurons in a way that prevents inflammation. Studies have shown that berries reduce the rate of age-related neurodegeneration and the changes that occur against it in cognitive and motor functions person(). Harvard medical University also conducted a study on 16,000 women and found that the consumption of berries (in experiments it was strawberries and blueberries) slowed down cognitive decline by an average of 2.5 years.

2. Improve digestion and cleanse the body

Berries are healthier for digestion than any fruit because they are easy to digest, high in fiber and low in sugar. The latter makes them a great choice for those looking to lose weight and consume less fructose ( fruit sugar). In the same time, insoluble fiber in the fiber of berries contribute to the detoxification of the body, which has a positive effect on heart health and nervous system. Some berries contain even more fiber than whole grain cereals. For example, 100 g of raspberries have 2.4 times more fiber than the same amount of boiled buckwheat or quinoa! ()

3. Protect the heart and blood vessels

And although it does not overtake other berries in our ranking in terms of the content of vitamins and minerals, nevertheless, in 100 g of blueberries you will find almost 100% of the recommended daily dose vitamin C, 4% RDD niacin, 18% RDD manganese and up to 10% RDD copper.

7. Gooseberry

Health Benefits: Potassium, vitamins B6 and A, fiber.

Gooseberries do not have a dark red or purple color, and therefore are somewhat behind the berries described above in terms of antioxidant content. However, it has an orac score of 3332, which is comparable to red currant (3387).

In addition, eating just 100 g of gooseberries will provide you with more than 60% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, 17% of the RDA of fiber, 6% of vitamin B6, 5% of potassium and 2% of vitamin A. Vitamin Aessential for good vision, as well as the health of the mucosa and skin.

8. Strawberry

Health Benefits: Vitamin C, potassium, manganese, folic acid.

Strawberries are one of the lowest calorie berries - only 32 kcal per 100 g of berries. At the same time, it contains quite a lot of flavonoid antioxidants, anthocyanins and ellagic acid, as well as lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene. Like other berries, strawberries are very good for the heart and fighting inflammation. It is also rich in vitamin C (130% RDA per 100 g), folic acid(6% RDA) and B vitamins. Of the minerals, you will find in it about 20% RDA of manganese and 4% of potassium.

9. Redcurrant

Health Benefits: Fiber, vitamin K, iron, and potassium.

Unlike black currant, red currant contains 2.3 times less antioxidants, but remains a rich source of fiber (17% RDA per 100 g of berries), vitamins B6, K (18% RDA) and C (91% RDA), copper, iron and the important electrolyte potassium, which is often deficient in the diet (up to 7% of the RDA).

10. Blueberries

Health Benefits: Vitamin K, antioxidants if wild berry.

Like blueberries, blueberries are one of the most antioxidant foods of all fruits, vegetables, and spices. Research shows that these beneficial berries fight memory loss, vision loss and other signs of aging, and may reduce blood levels. bad cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.

The antioxidant value of blueberries mainly comes from polyphenolic anthocyanin compounds such as chlorogenic acid, tannins, myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol. It also contains other flavonoid antioxidants such as carotene-β, lutein and zeaxanthin. The chlorogenic acid in blueberries has been shown to help lower blood sugar levels and control blood glucose levels in people with diabetes II type.

Wild blueberries should be much higher on our list of healthful berries, as they are rated at almost 10,000 on the orac scale. However, purchased blueberries have a value of only 4,669 points, which is significantly lower than that of currants, mulberries and cranberries.

But even blueberries from the store will bring many benefits to your health, because they remain rich in antioxidants, vitamin C (21% per 100 g of berries), vitamin K (32% RDA) and other trace elements.

Below you can compare the beneficial properties of berries using tables specially prepared by us.

The content of antioxidants in berries according to the ORAC scale

  1. Raspberry black - 19220 on the orac scale
  2. Elderberry - 14697
  3. Blueberry wild – 9621
  4. Cranberries - 9090
  5. Blackcurrant - 7957
  6. Blueberries - 7570
  7. Mulberry - 6130
  8. Blackberry - 5905
  9. Raspberry - 5065
  10. Blueberries - 4669
  11. Sea buckthorn - 4580
  12. Strawberries - 4302
  13. Red currant - 3387
  14. Gooseberry - 3332.

Did you know that frozen berries retain more antioxidants than fresh ones? This is true, since the harvested berries are usually frozen within 24 hours. Whereas in a store or at your home, they can be stored for days before eating, while the nutrients in them are destroyed by light and air oxidation. Another advantage of freezing is the ability to saturate your body with the beneficial properties of berries in winter time and indeed all year round.

To obtain maximum benefit from frozen foods, do not heat them in the microwave. This destroys many nutrients, especially vitamin C. Instead, place frozen berries in a bowl and refrigerate overnight. The next morning they will be ready to eat with oatmeal or any other way.

Table of calories and BJU in berries

How many calories, protein, fats, carbohydrates, sugar and fiber contain the most useful berries - see the table specially prepared by us. The figures in it and in the tables below are taken from open database .

*Here and below RDD is the recommended daily rate macro- and micronutrient intake for the average adult. For children, adolescents and the elderly, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation, the numbers can vary significantly.

What vitamins contain the most useful berries?

Berries are a valuable source of vitamins C, E and K. Our following table will help you compare different berries in terms of vitamin content:

How many minerals are in berries? Table

The beneficial minerals found in berries complete this material. If you want to see more tables from the Forest Fairy with nutrients in food, write about it in the comments! Which products should we consider next?

It has been proven that people who often eat berries have a 34% lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those who do not eat berries. In addition, such people retain youth and beauty longer.

Everyone in the world has heard about the benefits of berries. It is a beautiful and fragrant powerful source of vitamins, featuring such a variety of flavors that everyone can choose something to their liking. Berries must be present in the human diet. They are an important part healthy eating. By adding them to morning cereals, you can not only diversify breakfast, but also recharge yourself for the whole day with vigor and good mood. Most of them contribute to the production of the "hormone of happiness", and this is one of the reasons why berries are so loved.

What are the benefits of berries

Berries are, first of all, antioxidants. They keep you young and healthy. These small pantries of nutrients are rich in vitamin C, quercetin and anthocyanins. The richer the color of the berry, the more antioxidants it contains. And that means she's doing well. inflammatory processes in the body. In addition, berries prevent sclerosis and strengthen memory, have a positive effect on joints, help with arthritis, reduce the risk of cataracts and do not leave the skin and hair to lose their attractiveness.

Vitamins in berries are diverse: A, B, K, P, E. They strengthen the immune system and prevent a number of serious diseases.

One of the properties of berries, which is impossible not to pay attention to, is that they are excellent.

saturate human body water. On the one hand, this is true for those who drink little, and on the other hand, it is very important for everyone who wants to lose weight. excess weight. Any berry easily eliminates “false hunger”, and thanks to fiber leaves a feeling of satiety. It also helps to remove toxins from the body and lower cholesterol levels.

Can berries hurt?

Some harmful properties berries also have. For example, organic acids contained in them destroy enamel, and their excess in the diet can lead to disorders in the digestive tract and allergies. There is also individual intolerance to some species.

Preventing a negative scenario is easy: control how many berries you eat, and be sure to rinse your mouth with plain water after eating them. It is enough to eat a small handful at a time.

What berries are best to eat

There is no single answer to the question of which berries are best to eat. A different set of vitamins and minerals does not work the same way, so it's best to trust your intuition. Usually the body knows what substances it lacks and requires exactly those products in which they are present.

It must be remembered that only fresh berries are most useful. Rare of them retain their properties in a frozen form, such as blueberry juice, which does not lose its benefits. But especially you should not pin your hopes on jams and jams. This product is more harmful than vice versa.

10 healthiest berries

So, the rating of the most useful berries! Berries, of course, are useful for everyone, but each type has a different effect on the body. We will tell you in detail which berries are considered the most useful, and what are their benefits for human health.

It is not so easy to single out the TOP of the most useful berries, because they all have treatment and prophylactic action.

1st place. If we take the average value, then blackcurrant is the leader in the rating. This berry is the absolute champion in the content of vitamin C, rich in iron and anthocyanins. Currant prevents the appearance of diabetes and the development of cancer.

2nd place. In second place are cranberries. In addition to vitamin C, it contains many vitamins of groups B, P and K. It strengthens the immune system well and removes salts of heavy metals from the body.

3rd place. Blueberries are in third place. Wild berries are generally considered one of the most useful, and blueberries are famous for their ability to strengthen vision and memory, so they are indispensable for knowledge workers. Blueberries, like black currants, protect against cancer and relieve kidney stones.

4th place. In fourth place is raspberry. The sweet and fragrant berry is actually low in calories, which cannot but rejoice those who are losing weight. It protects against colds and improves male potency.

6th place. In sixth place is cranberries. The berry is rich in potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and vitamin C. It contributes good assimilation food, quenches thirst, has a diuretic effect. A person who eats lingonberries can forget about gastritis and other problems with the digestive tract.

7th place. Seventh place went to blackberry. The berry has a strengthening effect on bone tissue and supports the work of the heart muscle.

8th place. Gooseberries are in eighth place. He contains ascorbic acid, carotene, copper and pectins, therefore it is very valuable for normal functioning organism.

9th place. Ninth place is occupied by useful elderberries. They strengthen the immune system better than anyone else and, of course, support the health of our hair, skin and nails.

10th place. And the tenth place went to sunny sea buckthorn, which has a lot of carotene and tannins. She is able to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and skin.

However, any berries are useful for humans. Regularly eating them, a person not only prolongs the duration of his life, but also improves its quality.

Want to learn more about the benefits of berries?

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