How to determine the presence of a dust mite: photos, signs and treatment of allergic reactions, the fight against the parasite. How to cure allergies to dust and dust mites in a child

There are more than 150 varieties of ticks that live in the human home. These pathogens do not bite. The danger is their excrement and waste products, as a result of which an allergy to a dust mite occurs. An allergic reaction is an immune response of the body aimed at protecting against foreign components and allergens.

The human immune system produces histamine, a hormone whose task is to resist harmful substances that have entered the body. Due to the increased production of a hormonal substance, negative consequences of an allergic nature develop.

Why does an allergy occur?

In the vast majority of people, this "neighborhood" does not cause a deterioration in well-being and alarming symptoms. Typically, clinical manifestations are observed in allergy sufferers and patients with bronchial asthma. The risk group includes young children and the elderly.

The incidence increases sharply at sub-zero temperatures, as the premises are rarely ventilated, which leads to an increase in the number of ticks in a residential area. Dust mites (as in the photo) “prefer” moisture and warmth, therefore they are localized in beds, in particular pillows, mattresses and blankets, in carpets, upholstered furniture and toys. They are not on a hard and clean surface, where there is no dust.

Optimal conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms:

  1. Humidity ranges from 75 to 80%.
  2. Room temperature 24 to 25 °C.

Interesting: the life span of microorganisms is two months, their size does not exceed 0.5 mm. There are 500 mites in one gram of dust, and more than 2 million in a bed.

Clinical manifestations of tick allergy

You can suspect an unpleasant "neighborhood" while cleaning the house. If there is a genetic predisposition to pathology, against the background of a high concentration of microparticles of ticks in the air, a person has harmful signs.

Most often, repeated sneezing, nasal congestion, chest discomfort, breathing difficulties - shortness of breath are detected. People complain of lacrimation, itching in the eyes. Washing the nasal passages, rinsing the mouth and moving to another room level the signs.

The main manifestations include a number of pathological conditions:

  • Allergic rhinitis. The disease is manifested by nasal congestion, repeated and severe sneezing, itching inside the nasal cavity, transparent and abundant mucus is released from it. Such a reaction can develop instantly if a person gets into a room with a large number of ticks, or within 1-2 hours;
  • Conjunctivitis is characterized by hyperemia of the conjunctiva and proteins, profuse lacrimation, burning and itching. In some patients, visual perception is impaired. Discomfort increases when wearing lenses;
  • Bronchial asthma- the disease is provoked not only by dust mites, but also by other types of allergens. Due to the negative influence of ticks, severe attacks occur. It is especially difficult for the elderly and children. Initial symptoms of an attack: chest tightness, non-productive cough, wheezing and shortness of breath;
  • Dermatitis. Toxic substances contained in feces settle on the skin, leading to irritation. There is redness of the skin, rash, urticaria. In severe manifestations, a large area is affected, the disease is difficult to treat conservatively.

Quincke's edema rarely develops on domestic ticks, but it is impossible to completely exclude such a reaction.

It is worth knowing: such a pathological condition occurs due to the simultaneous influence of several allergens - plant pollen, chemicals and mites.

Diagnosis and therapy of the disease

An allergy to a dust mite is detected by an immunologist. He appoints special studies, through which a small dosage of allergen extracts is introduced into the patient's body. The doctor then observes whether there is a reaction or not. These tests help determine if an allergic reaction is the body's immune response to the presence of mites.

Systemic drug therapy consists in the use of antihistamine drugs. They are taken orally. Additionally, local remedies are prescribed to eliminate alarming symptoms. Effective medicines:

  1. Claritin, Astemizol, Semprex - taken orally.
  2. Histimet is a nasal spray prescribed for the treatment of rhinitis.
  3. Allergodil - with conjunctivitis.
  4. Soventol cream, Zyrtec ointment - for the treatment of dermatitis.

If a severe allergy to a dust mite, severe symptoms are detected, then drops for the eyes of a vasoconstrictive property are prescribed - Sanorin or Vizin; creams and gels with hormonal components.

Therapy is always short-term. Prolonged use of medicines can lead to side effects. Do not prescribe during childbearing, breastfeeding and in childhood. Self-use is prohibited.

  • Aqua Maris - nasal spray;
  • Losterin - cream of local action;

Desensitization is sometimes performed to prevent exacerbations. The essence of the manipulation is that a tick extract is introduced into the body, injections are carried out for 12 months with interruptions. The dosage is increased gradually. Such therapy leads to a decrease in the frequency and severity of relapses.

For your information, specific immune treatment has not only a large list of contraindications, but is also fraught with complications, therefore it is carried out only after a thorough examination.

Allergy prevention

In winter, things can be taken out in the cold. Low temperatures have a detrimental effect on ticks, leading to their destruction. This method helps to reduce their population.

Allergy to house dust mites often recurs. It is not realistic to completely exclude contact with pathogenic microorganisms. They will always live next to a person. Therefore, the main task is to reduce their number to a minimum.

Allergy is a disease that is inherent in each of us. In simple terms, this ailment is associated with the body's reaction to all kinds of external allergens.

Bed mites are also strong provocateurs. They are in every home and in fairly large quantities. So, an allergy to a bed mite will not surprise anyone now. It is these little creatures that are the biggest provocateurs of allergic reactions. After all, our favorite vacation spot is just teeming with them.

Ticks belong to the species of saprophytes - these are creatures that simply cannot exist without us, or rather without our keratinized skin particles that these organisms feed on. Like any other substance, they excrete and die. It is these dead elements and feces that combine with the dust that is in the bed linen, rise into the air and actively attack our respiratory tract and the upper layers of the epidermis. There can be no allergy from a bite, since such representatives of the tick family do not bite. So do not be afraid to be bitten by them in a dream. This will not happen.

Clinical picture of the disease

The symptoms of an allergy to a bed mite are not particularly different from the manifestation of any other allergic reactions. As mentioned above, the respiratory system and skin are the first to suffer, as a large number of allergens accumulate on them.

  1. nasal congestion, discharge and sneezing;
  2. redness of the eyes and irritation of the mucous membrane, profuse lacrimation;
  3. cough, drier character prevails;
  4. wheezing in the chest;
  5. difficulty and aggravation of respiratory processes (suffocation, severe shortness of breath);
  6. irritated skin surfaces, redness, rash. In some cases, there is urticaria with large blisters.
  7. conjunctivitis;

Photo: Manifestation of allergy to bed mites

Bed Mite Allergy Treatment

The first option: medication.

After the immunologist gives a positive answer that you have such an allergy, special drugs will be prescribed for you. Such medicines in their composition will necessarily have antihistamines, corticosteroids and nasal substances. Also, the doctor may well offer you injection treatment. You will be given a procedure called Hyposensitization. During this "healing" will be injected subcutaneously with a small amount of allergens. They will cause addiction to the provocateur, the production in the body of bodies fighting with it. As for medicines, the most affordable and effective are:

  1. A drug " ". Application is allowed from one ode, which allows young mothers to treat their baby. Relieves complications from the respiratory tract. Available in the form of syrup and tablets.
  2. The drug "Aquamaris". They are even attributed to babies. It has a convenient form in the form of drops and spray. Clears the sinuses from the accumulation of allergens.
  3. A drug " ". Relieves most of the symptoms of allergic reactions. The release is allowed in the form of tablets. It is recommended to use only from the age of six, not earlier.

The second option: traditional medicine.

As for this method of treatment, then everything is simple. For a gradual "healing" of the body and getting rid of provocateurs, you just need to rinse your nostrils with a special solution, which is prepared on the basis of salt and ordinary water.

It is recommended to do this procedure every two or three hours. Take half a teaspoon of salt (can be sea) and dissolve in a glass of water. That's all! And now, the time has come for auxiliary and very useful rules that will help get rid of and reduce the risk of complication of an allergy to a bed mite.

  1. Bed sheets. It is clear that this place is the first and most important in the moments of allergen reproduction. Change your underwear as often as possible.
  2. Wash at a temperature of at least sixty degrees, otherwise you will not kill the mites already there.
  3. You can use special additives based on acaricidal materials.
  4. Replace feather pillows and blankets, wool bedspreads and furniture covers with less allergenic materials. There are quite a number of them on the market.
  5. Dry and air your bedding frequently. Try not to lie down on a pillow with wet hair, wetting it, you will contribute to an even greater reproduction of ticks.
  6. Keep pets out of bed, as they are excellent carriers of these allergens.
  7. Ventilate the bedroom, the more often the better.
  8. Install air filters. Similar air purifiers that minimize the amount of mite particles in the air.
  9. Do a daily wet cleaning of the rooms.

House dust is considered by many to be the cause of allergies, but few people know that only one of its components, the dust mite, causes negative reactions in most people.

Allergy to a dust mite provokes the development of bronchial asthma in the future.

Dust mite features

The dust mite cannot be seen with the naked eye, the size of this arachnid does not exceed 0.5 mm. House dust mites are synanthropic organisms, as they feed on desquamated epithelium of humans and animals, food debris. Their life expectancy is about two months, during which time the female tick manages to lay 60 or more eggs, thus leaving numerous offspring. Allergenic properties are possessed not only by excrement, but also by the chitinous cover of house dust mites, so even dead mites can cause a negative immune response in a child and an adult.

The ideal habitat for a dust mite is a room with a temperature of 20°C - 25°C and a high level of humidity. The maximum number of house dust mites is found in the thickness of mattresses, pillow and blanket stuffing, carpet pile, furniture upholstery, and children's toys. Some types of these mites (flour, barn or hairy common mites) live in food - flour, seeds, dried fruits, cereals.

Signs of a dust mite allergy

In many cases, an allergic reaction to a tick manifests itself as rhinitis. The symptoms of this condition are as follows:

  • sneezing (may be repeated, in the form of seizures);
  • watery or thick mucous discharge from the nasal passages;
  • itching and burning in the nose;
  • nasal congestion.

In infants, allergic rhinitis is especially severe. At this age, the mucous membrane of the nasal passages of the child is richly vascularized, so its edema develops quickly. Breathing through the nose is very difficult, which makes it difficult to feed. Thus, the lack of appetite, insomnia and irritability of the child join the symptoms of rhinitis.

In addition, the house dust mite can provoke the development of conjunctivitis, dermatitis and asthma. In such cases, the following symptoms may occur:

  • tearing and redness of the whites of the eyes;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • poor tolerance to bright light;
  • skin itching;

  • skin rashes localized in the face, neck, armpits, elbow and knee joints, perineum, scalp of the child;
  • inspiratory dyspnea (difficulty in inhaling), wheezing, paroxysmal cough, accompanied by the discharge of a small amount of viscous transparent sputum.

Rarely, allergy to dust mites is accompanied by the development of angioedema. If symptoms of such a condition occur (hoarseness of voice, feeling of suffocation, swelling of the face, upper or lower extremities), you should consult a doctor urgently.

When the dust mite was the cause of the feeling of poor health, the following features of the course of the allergy attract attention:

  • remission away from home;
  • relapse upon contact with a large number of ticks (during cleaning or a night's sleep);
  • seasonality of allergy exacerbations (August - October), associated with the active reproduction of ticks;
  • exacerbation in the autumn and winter, due to the presence of the child at home and the refusal to ventilate the rooms;

  • concomitant feather allergy, as well as food allergy to seafood (crabs, shrimp, crayfish).

Most often, allergic reactions to house dust mites occur in children. This is due to the increased reactivity of the child's immune system. In addition, sensitization in children occurs faster because they are more in contact with the tick (crawling, playing with soft toys).


When there are obvious symptoms of an allergy to a tick, you can not do without the use of medications. Systemic treatment involves taking antihistamines (Claritin, Semprex, Astemizol). In some cases, local treatment is necessary. To eliminate the symptoms of allergies, the doctor prescribes the following antihistamines:

  • nasal spray "Histimet" for rhinitis;
  • eye drops "Allergodil" with conjunctivitis;
  • gel "Soventol", "Fenistil" or ointment "Zyrtec" for dermatitis.

In a severe course of an allergic reaction to a house tick, it is necessary to use nasal and eye drops with a vasoconstrictive effect (Sanorin, Afrin, Octilia, Vizin), as well as creams and ointments with a hormonal component. Treatment with these drugs should be brief, as long-term use they cause serious adverse reactions. Many of them are contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women. It is highly undesirable to use such drugs without first consulting a specialist, especially if a child is being treated for allergy to ticks.

To alleviate the course of rhinitis and dermatitis in children, you can use safe products: Aqua Maris, Quicks or Aqualor nasal spray, Losterin, Videstim or Desitin cream. Auxiliary treatment includes vitamin therapy, taking warm baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula). Special sprays are produced that destroy dust mites, they are designed to treat rooms and objects. Their use allows you to reduce contact with ticks and make drug treatment more effective.

To prevent exacerbations of allergy to a tick, you can do desensitization. The essence of this procedure is that the dust mite extract is introduced into the body. Usually, injections are carried out intermittently during the year, gradually increasing the dosage of the mite extract administered. As a rule, such treatment after a while leads to a decrease in the frequency and severity of relapses. Specific immunotherapy has contraindications and some risks, so it is allowed to do it only after a full examination.

Preventive actions

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to completely eliminate contact with a dust mite, since it is ubiquitous. However, in order to reduce the frequency of exacerbations and alleviate the symptoms of the disease, it is enough for many to do prevention.

  1. Remove carpets that you can do without (especially if they have a thick and high pile).
  2. Reduce the amount of furniture with fabric upholstery, replacing it with leather or imitation furniture.
  3. Air the rooms several times a day.
  4. Do wet cleaning every day, paying special attention to hard-to-reach places where the greatest amount of dust accumulates.
  5. Buy a vacuum cleaner with a water filter.
  6. Wear a mask or respirator while cleaning.
  7. Get rid of pillows and blankets filled with down or feathers, instead use products with synthetic fillers.
  8. Periodically knock out and dry pillows and blankets.
  9. Change bed linen at least once a week, dry it thoroughly in the fresh air.
  10. Take a shower and wash your hair daily.
  11. Remove soft toys from the child's room, and wash and dry the rest in the fresh air once a month.
  12. Buy a hygrometer (a device that measures air humidity) and make sure that the humidity in the room does not exceed 40 - 50%.
  13. Use dehumidifiers (with caution in bronchial obstruction).
  14. Clean the air with air conditioners or special cleaners.
  15. Refrain from eating food outside the kitchen, crumbs are an excellent breeding ground for ticks.

To clear the respiratory tract from the tick and its excrement, it is advisable to rinse the nasal passages. To do this, use a special saline solution. It can be done independently, it is enough to dissolve a teaspoon of table salt in a liter of boiled water.

Doctor visit

Doctor visit

Doctor visit

Doctor visit

Allergic reactions to insects are common. There is also an allergy to bed mites. Such insects exist in every home, in any place intended for sleep. What is a bed mite allergy and how to get rid of it?


First of all, the respiratory system and skin suffer from this insect. The patient begins to complain of the following phenomena:

1. congestion of the nasal cavity, discharge from it and frequent sneezing;

2. redness in the eye area and increased work of the lacrimal glands;

3. regular cough, which is dry;

4. wheezing in the chest;

5. difficulty in breathing (this symptom can vary from shortness of breath to asthma attacks);

6. irritation on the skin (redness and various rashes may form);

7. development of bronchial asthma.

If you notice signs of such an allergy, you should immediately make an appointment with an allergist who will conduct diagnostic studies and select an adequate treatment method for you.

Features of therapy

After the diagnosis is made, the patient is prescribed medication. These may include antihistamines, corticosteroids, and nasal types. In addition, your doctor may offer you a course of injections that build resistance to bed mites.

Aquamaris can be called the most common drug. These are nasal drops that are prescribed even for infants, since they are completely harmless. Such a tool is able to effectively cleanse the nasal cavity of allergens. In addition, an allergist can prescribe a drug such as Telfast, which is available in tablet form. Reception of this remedy is allowed from the age of six.

If necessary, after consulting with a specialist, you can also use traditional medicine, which also have a good effect, especially in combination with medications. The easiest way is to regularly rinse the nostrils with an ordinary solution, which includes a small amount of salt and clean water. Thus, you will cleanse the mucous surface of allergens. After a few such procedures, you will immediately feel that breathing has become much easier.


Want to get rid of a tick reaction faster? In this case, you should follow a few tips:

1. bedding is the main breeding ground for tick-borne organisms. That is why the bed should be changed as often as possible.

2. Washing should be carried out in hot water (from 60 degrees). Only at this temperature harmful organisms are destroyed.

3. In the washing process, you can use specialized additives, which are based on acaricide-type materials.

5. Bedding should be perfectly dry, air thoroughly after washing. You should not lie down on a pillow with wet hair, because in this case, the reproduction of ticks is activated.

7. It is desirable that there are specialized air filters in the room. They help to clean the air streams from particles of ticks.

8. Regular wet cleaning of the premises is a guarantee of good health for an allergic person.

9. You should ventilate the room as often as possible, especially in the stuffy season. If possible, it is better to sleep with an open window.

As you can see, getting rid of an allergy to a bed mite is not so difficult. It is only important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor exactly. By following the tips above, you will greatly alleviate your condition, get rid of an allergic reaction faster, and your sleep will be healthy and sound.

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Allergy is a real scourge of our time. Such a disease is now diagnosed very often, in almost every family. And no specialist can identify the exact causes of its development. An allergy that occurs in children is considered a particularly serious violation. Sometimes this disease develops even in newborn babies, but more often older children face it. Dust intolerance is also considered a possible allergic disease. Dust is not really homogeneous and does not consist only of small particles of "sand". House dust contains outdoor plant pollen, pet hairs, bed mites, etc. particles. Let's talk about what a house dust mite allergy is in a child, and say what to do with such a violation.

Allergy to house dust in a child

As practice shows, about two-thirds of young patients suffer from allergies to ticks, as well as to their waste products. But timely detection and correction of such an allergy helps to prevent such a complication.

An allergic reaction in children to a dust mite can manifest itself in different ways. Most often, such a pathological condition makes itself felt by a constant runny nose. This is not a serious, but unpleasant violation of health. The baby can be tormented not only by discharge from the nose, he can also sneeze a lot, he may experience tearing, frequent and even a headache.

Dust allergy can also be manifested by allergic conjunctivitis. In this case, the ingress of aggressive particles on the mucous membranes of the eyes leads to reddening of the proteins, swelling and redness of the eyelids, and lacrimation. In addition, the baby may be disturbed by itching and burning in the eyes.

The most dangerous manifestation of dust mite allergy is bronchial asthma. In this case, the penetration of allergens into the bronchi leads to inflammation of the mucous membranes of this part of the respiratory system, it is accompanied by the release of a significant amount of thick mucus of a viscous consistency. Such secretion leads to bronchospasm, which is manifested by a painful cough, a feeling of lack of air and severe shortness of breath. The breathing of a sick baby becomes as if whistling, it can be heard at a distance.

What to do if there is an allergy to house dust, what to do if a child is allergic to a house dust mite?

If you suspect a child has a similar allergy, it is extremely important to take measures to reduce the child's contact with aggressive substances. Parents need to organize a thorough cleaning of the premises, as well as deprive dust mites of the opportunities for comfortable life.

It is extremely important to reduce the amount of upholstered furniture upholstered in fabric. It is better to use products covered with leather or its substitute. Woolen carpets, as well as carpets or rugs with a high and / or natural pile, should be disposed of. You should not buy soft toys for your child, and if you still have them, wash them as often as possible and vacuum them with a water filter or hot steam.

Replace all down and feather pillows with blankets in your home with products with synthetic filling. To eliminate dust mites, bedding should be washed hot (at least at 60C), it is better to dry them in the air.

It is important to get rid of heavy curtains. It is better to hang blinds on the windows, and do not forget to clean them from dust in a timely manner.

You should also systematically carry out wet cleaning of the floor with skirting boards. For this treatment, it is worth using a saline solution, to prepare it, dilute five to ten tablespoons of salt in a bucket of water. All books and various little things on the shelves must be wiped with a damp cloth. In addition, it is better to hide them behind glass. Dishes should be doused with boiling water.

The best solution for a family with an allergic child will be minimalism in the interior. Only the essentials, walls with wallpaper, the floor is covered with linoleum, laminate, tiles. This will make cleaning much easier for you. When cleaning, it is better to send the baby for a walk. By the way, very useful for many reasons.

Hard-to-reach places in the apartment should be treated with a vacuum cleaner with special filters (aquafilter, HEPA filter). In addition, it will not be superfluous to acquire an air washer. Air conditioners and ionizers are not able to replace filter cleaners. Filters are especially important to change on time.

It should be noted that in dry air, dust accumulates especially actively and can hang in the air for hours. Therefore, it is extremely important to provide sufficient humidity in the room, preferably from forty to sixty percent.

To eliminate allergens from the mucous membranes, it is worth rinsing the baby's nose with a saline solution, for example, use Humer or your own prepared remedy. To create such a medicine, it is necessary to dilute a teaspoon of salt (with a slide) in one liter of boiled water. Strain the product and pour it into a convenient container, for example, from the same Aquamaris.

The methods of specific therapy for house dust mite allergy are selected exclusively by the doctor. Self-medication can cause serious harm to the health of the child and cause serious complications (for example, bronchial asthma).

To temporarily eliminate the symptoms of allergies and to alleviate the condition of the baby, antihistamines that block histamine can be used. The drug of choice often becomes which we have already considered earlier. In some cases, sorbents can be used, they help to remove aggressive substances (allergens) from the body.

If you suspect an allergy in a child, you should definitely visit an allergist.


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