What size of male dignity is the norm for women. What is the best penis size? Ideal penis length. Enlargement of the phallus without leaving home

The physiology of women is individual, therefore, for some, size is still important, for some, the most sensitive area is located deep in the vagina, so that only the owner of a not very small penis can fully please them.

But how can a woman find out how suitable this particular man is for her sexually? The best way to do this, of course, is to try it “in action”, but women have their own signs that allow them to find out the size of manhood by external signs. Some take it all as a joke, but there are those who take these signs very seriously.

Some facts about the size

In most men, the length of the penis reaches 12 to 18 cm during an erection. In an unexcited, sluggish, state, the size of the male penis also varies, but the size in a calm state cannot be used to judge what scale it can reach when excited. If we turn to the results of research, it turns out that in most cases, the larger the penis in a flaccid state, the fewer times it will increase when it is excited. From the above, one conclusion can be drawn, not all that glitters is gold.

It is reliably known that external factors significantly affect the size of manhood. So, for example, the male member decreases in size and fits closer to the body under the influence of cold air, ice water and with strong excitement, thus, the male body shows a protective reaction, and this applies not only to the penis, but also to the scrotum. But under the influence of favorable external conditions, such as warm water and a general relaxed state of the body, the size of manhood increases.

So how do you know the size of a man's penis based on his external data?

Each man's penis parameters are as individual as his face. What nature has awarded, so they exist. If, nevertheless, for a woman, size is not the last thing, she should pay attention to some details.

For starters, growth. As the well-known saying goes, “went to the root”, or, more simply, it is believed that the lower the height of men, the longer their penis. It turns out that the higher the man, the shorter his tool? Frankly, a controversial statement, but there are those who continue to convince the public that he is right. Based on the same saying, we can conclude that lean men have a thicker and longer penis than large and pumped ones.

Scientists who were able to prove that sexual activity can be determined by measuring the ratio of thigh length to leg length came to the aid of women interested in this issue. In other words, the greater the length of the thigh, the higher the sexual activity of a person.

It is also believed that the fuller the lips of a man, the greater his dignity. Among other signs, it is often referred to that the thickness and length of the penis can be recognized by the length and width of the male foot, as well as the shape of the thumb, you can recognize the shape of the penis. And it is also believed that in men with a long nose, the length of the penis also does not disappoint.

Not so long ago, Korean scientists managed to find a way to find out the size of manhood. For most people in general, and men in particular, the ring finger is longer than the index finger, so the greater the difference between the thumb and forefinger in a man, the longer his penis. Scientists claim that this method is the most reliable, because. it was obtained through research. It was previously proven that the size of a person's fingers are formed at the embryonic stage, the length of the ring finger, as well as the size of the male penis, are formed at the same stage under the influence of hormones, or rather, testosterone. Those. the greater the amount of this hormone, the longer the ring finger, and accordingly the penis.

The anatomy of men is arranged in such a way that they have genitals of different sizes. The vast majority of the stronger sex is sure that their pride could be greater than it is. And only a small percentage of men are completely satisfied with the existing sizes. Penis size is a subject of eternal debate. What can it be, and what is the norm?


The external genital organs of the representatives of the strong half of humanity are not just part of the reproductive system. It so happened in society that the penis plays a decisive role in a man's sexual confidence. If he is fully satisfied with his size, relations with women on a subconscious level will develop much easier than those who are not too happy with the real size of their dignity.

Men are more self-confident if they have the dignity of impressive size.

It is known that almost 80 percent of men suffer from an inferiority complex precisely for this reason. It is more difficult for such guys to make acquaintances with representatives of the opposite sex. In addition, there is also psychological uncertainty in everyday life. Satisfying the size of the main male treasure contributes to a significant increase in self-confidence, and this is all purely a psychological moment.

There is no evidence that there is a physiological relationship between the dimensions of the penis and behavior in everyday and intimate life. In other words, men simply invent problems for themselves out of the blue. Why is that? Therefore, in most cases, their sexual organ fully complies with established standards.

Many scientists have studied the physiology and anatomy of men for decades, and have come to the conclusion that the standard size of the penis is from 12 to 18 cm. These are the indicators that are typical for most men:

  • sizes from 12 to 17.5 cm are found in 60 percent of males worldwide;
  • only four percent have a penis longer than 18 cm;
  • a penis larger than 20 cm is found in less than 1% of the adult male population of the planet.

From 12 to 17.5 cm - the most common size

What does it say? The fact that the average length of the penis in men differs by only a few centimeters. There is a clear connection between nationality and place of residence of a person with the size of his merits. Asians have the smallest penises, Africans have the largest ones. Our area is characterized by an average indicator, which is, in fact, the norm.

The length of the reproductive organ is also directly related to the anthropometric data of a man.

There is a definite correlation with a person's height and weight. Moreover, in the first case, it is positive - that is, the dimensions of the penis may be larger in a tall man than in a short one. The second one is negative. That is, the fatter the person, the smaller the penis. Here everything is explained logically - adipose tissue creates a lot of folds in the groin and pubic area. The penis, especially if it is in a relaxed state, simply hides in them. An obese man can "lose" several precious centimeters at once - an excellent stimulation to lead a healthy lifestyle and keep fit.

There is a widespread belief that the average penis size in men is directly related to the size of the feet or fingers. It's all a myth. There is no connection here, and this has long been proven in the course of numerous studies. Also, the length of the penis in a calm and erect state is in no way related. That is, if a man's penis is small when not excited, this does not mean that it will be the same after sexual arousal.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that so many men simply lie about their research. As a rule, they attribute to their dignity a couple of extra centimeters, or even more. This is also taken into account when compiling relevant statistics.

To date, the optimal length of the penis is 14-15 cm. This indicator is relevant for the vast majority of men. But what does it depend on? Human anatomy is a universal concept. But there is still no talk of mutation. So why can a penis have different dimensions, not only in terms of length, but also in terms of its thickness?

The length of an organ depends on many factors.

It's all about the blood. As you know, the male genital organ consists of cavernous bodies and has a well-developed circulatory system. Through the vessels, blood rushes to these bodies, filling the cavities in them. The more blood, the stronger the erection. Cavernous bodies with strong filling stretch and harden, as a result of which the penis increases significantly.

You can measure the length of the external genital organ when it is at rest or erect, as well as stretching it as much as possible. The measurement method is actually very simple. Many men face difficulties at this stage, but it's all because they really want the result to be as big as possible, so they excel in all sorts of ways.

The extreme points in the measurement are the peno-pubic angle and the edge of the glans penis (usually the labia, which rise slightly above the general level). The penopubic angle is the angle formed by the anterior abdominal wall and the base of the penis. For measurement accuracy, it must be 90 degrees.

Measurements can be taken both from above and from the side of the penis. The second option is considered the best, as it allows you to control the angle and take into account the physiological characteristics of the penis, for example, its curvature.

To measure the penis, it is necessary to adhere to some nuances

An ordinary ruler, even a school one, is suitable as a tool. You can also use a tailor's meter or tape measure. But it is still desirable that the tool be made of hard material.

Before the event, it is important to achieve the highest possible erection. Only then will it be possible to obtain the most correct result. Measurements should be done as quickly as possible, since this procedure will not add sexual arousal, which means that the penis can simply begin to decrease in size. Problems will arise if for some reason.

To the greatest extent, the genital organs of men differ from each other precisely in size. It depends solely on the individual characteristics of each representative of the stronger sex.

Interesting Statistical Facts

Penis size chart for a better understanding of the anatomy:

Dimensions Description
Giant (from 20 cm and more) Gigantism in terms of penis size is rare. So, as a rule, talk about the presence of such dignity, which you can hear in your circle of friends, at work, etc., in most cases is just a lie.
Average (from 12 to 18 cm) This is the most common group. In almost 60 percent of men, the dimensions of the penis are exactly the same. The average size of the penis is ideal for the structural features of the female genital organs, in particular, the vagina and uterus. I mean, it's completely normal.
Small (less than 10 cm) These are the so-called micropenises. Unfortunately for men, such a pathology (and this is precisely the pathology) occurs in almost five percent of the adult population. According to medical indications, the micropenis requires correction, as a result of which it is possible to achieve a significant increase in its size. The reasons for this problem are multifaceted. This may be a genetic factor, various hormonal disorders, underdevelopment of the testicles and cavernous bodies. Micropenises are very often observed in patients born in a "foreign body", that is, potential transgender people.

It should be noted that a micropenis is not a sentence. Modern medicine knows how to cope with this trouble. The main task is to cure the underlying disease, which provoked the development of pathology. Along with this, highly effective plastic surgeries are carried out, designed to reconstruct the structure of the penis, while preserving its tissues, so that the new organ will have the proper erogenous sensitivity.

penis size by age

The male sexual organ begins to grow rapidly upon reaching puberty, which is characterized by an unprecedented hormonal explosion. The size of the penis at 13, 14, 15 and 16 years will be significantly different. During the year, the penis in a healthy teenager grows several centimeters at once. If puberty, according to some parameters, can last up to 25 years, then the penis gets its maximum dimensions by the age of 18.

From that moment on, the size of the penis will not change until old age, or for some other, non-anatomical reasons. Upon reaching a certain age (usually after 55-60 years), the length of manhood may begin to decrease. This is a completely normal process due to the fact that in the body and, in particular, in the penis itself, the number of elastic fibers capable of stretching is significantly reduced.

Is it worth it to increase

Many men from among those who are dissatisfied with the size of their dignity dream of increasing it. For this, all kinds of available means are used - tablets, ointments, special stretching systems, etc. All this is useless, and some methods, for example, give only a short-term and completely natural result. Only plastic surgery can really help. But it is expensive, long and, most importantly, unsafe for health.

What penis size is considered normal? From 12 to 17.5 cm. If you are the owner of a penis 14-15 cm long, this is a completely normal indicator, there is nothing to be ashamed of, and no inferiority complexes should develop. Medical care should be considered if the length of the penis is less than 10 cm in an erect state, as this may indicate a pathology such as a micropenis.

The period of puberty in boys is marked by an awakened interest in the opposite sex and in their own body, and especially in the size of their main manhood. Few teenagers are satisfied with the available length or thickness of the penis.

Especially if you compare it with a photo from the network or more successful peers in this regard. What should be the penis size at 15-16 years old, and in what cases does dissatisfaction with centimeters really require a visit to a doctor?

Interest in his body arises in a boy at preschool age. It is rather psychological - what is this thing and what can be done with it? The first measurements and comparisons begin with adolescence, which usually falls on 12-14 years. For some boys, this can start a little earlier if the guy goes to sections where there is a common dressing room or shower.

In both cases, interest in the penis is the norm. If such thoughts do not visit the child by the age of majority, parents should think about the correctness of their son's sexual development. Sexual infantilism is already a pathology.

Both young men and their parents need to think about the length of the penis. If the child's concern is still justified, it is impossible to do without a confidential conversation and psychological support prior to treatment. Therefore, the only way to understand how the situation is real or far-fetched is the measurement of the penis.

The average at 16 years old should reach 13-17 cm in an erect state or 7-8 cm in a calm state. A deviation from the indicated length by 3 cm up or down is considered a healthy variant of the norm.

How to measure and at what age

The active growth of the intimate organ in boys begins from the moment of maturation, that is, from 12-13. From this moment on, doctors have age norms for lengths, which increase by an average of 1 cm every year. The average length of the penis at 15 years old is 6-7 cm (in a fully erect state 12-16). At the age of fourteen 5-6 cm (11-15 cm), at 13 about 5 cm (10-13 cm).

For the calculations to be correct, the organ must be measured correctly:

  1. The first measurement is carried out at rest. For this, a centimeter tape is better suited, and not one that has a larger percentage of errors.
  2. The member must be fixed (without stretching!) Parallel to the floor and attach the edge of the meter to its very root.
  3. The length corresponding to the end of the head is equal to the length of the penis in a calm position.
  4. The procedure is repeated, having achieved a complete and stable erection, while continuing to fix the penis in an even, parallel to the floor position.

In the presence of "unsatisfactory" results, repeated measurements should be taken, but not earlier than after 3-4 months. The procedure is carried out 1 time in 6 months and preferably with a male parent.

How important is length?

Measuring sizes for a child and parents has different sides. For a guy at sixteen, it is important to have a “cool device”, this is a sign of strength, power and sexuality. No one will ever laugh at such a teenager, and the opportunity to show off non-standard sizes will give confidence in their own sexual abilities and increase self-esteem.

For parents, the correct length is a confirmation of the correct and healthy development of the son. The ability to conceive a child, give offspring and become happy in family life, realizing oneself.

The genital organs, like all body systems, begin to develop even before the birth of the baby. After the birth, the baby must be examined by a doctor, paying attention to the presence of testicles in the scrotum and the initial size of the penis. In a newborn, they should be equal to 1.5-2 cm.

The primary examination reveals intrauterine pathologies and makes it possible to eliminate them at the very beginning of the boy's life. An alarming sign of problems with the genitourinary system is crying crumbs when urinating.

The average length of the penis largely depends on the age at which the maturation of a teenager began. The earlier the puberty period comes, the more impressive the young man will have. The following manifestations will tell about the onset of adolescence:

  • changes in the psycho-emotional state, irritability, nervousness, or vice versa, apathy and infantilism;
  • breaking voice;
  • the appearance of acne and pimples;
  • hair growth in the groin and under the arms;
  • penis enlargement.

Stages of organ development

Penis growth goes through several stages. The first comes from birth and lasts until about fourteen. Its important stage is the disappearance of physiological phimosis, that is, the opening of the head. It occurs in all boys at different ages, on average from 4 to 7 years. If this did not happen before 8, the help of surgeons will be required to eliminate a delicate problem. On average, over the years, the penis increases by 4-6 cm.

The second stage occurs with the onset of puberty - the testicles completely descend into the scrotum, subcutaneous fat disappears, the penis begins to change slightly in volume. At the third stage, which falls in the middle of the transitional age, the growth of the organ can reach 1.5-2 cm per year. She also has all the "charms" of these years, arising under the influence of the active synthesis of sex hormones.

The fourth stage is characterized by the growth of the penis not only in length, but also in width - approximately 0.5-1 cm per year. Continues growth and development, but in a lighter version up to 18-22. From this age, the reproductive system of a young man is considered completely ready for procreation.

What can affect the proper development

Various factors can affect the proper development of an intimate organ. The first of them is the non-observance by the expectant mother of the rules of a healthy lifestyle during the period of bearing a baby. Smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs, working in hazardous industries can lead to anomalies in the development of the reproductive organs.

The next stage is the baby's diet during its active growth and development, from birth to 7-8 years. It is necessary that the baby regularly consume the products necessary for men's health. They will help to properly form the vital organs and components of the reproductive system.

Physical development and sports will help to avoid problems with being overweight and will contribute to the proper synthesis of hormones. This will protect against obesity and endocrine disorders, which can cause future infertility and growth retardation of intimate organs.

Bad habits are the most destructive factor for men's health. Adolescents are very early acquainted with alcohol and cigarettes, and usually this falls precisely at the age of active development.


The responsibility for the health of the child lies with his parents, their task is to instill in him a love for a proper, healthy lifestyle. If violations are found, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. The sooner an accurate diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the greater the chances for a full recovery of health and a full sexual life in the future.

The average penis length in Russia is still average when compared with other countries. However, a new study by scientists from Ireland has shown that this reference size has increased by almost 1 mm.

What are the standard sizes?

The penis, or male sexual organ, differs from other organs in that it consists almost entirely of cavernous tissue. Its peculiarity is that during an erection it is filled with blood, significantly increasing the size of the penis. In about 80% of men, the penis grows in length, in the other 20% it is wider. It is impossible to predict how an organ will behave in an erect state, based only on the data of its width and length at rest.

Measurements of the penis are carried out only in a state of full erection. It is considered important even the temperature in the room, which should not exceed 20-23 degrees. Measurement points: pubis and edge of the head. In this case, a right angle should be maintained between the body and the genital organ.

The topic of penis size remains relevant, so experts are constantly engaged in measuring, conducting surveys, and compiling statistics on average sizes. It turned out that the average indicators remain approximately in the same limits, since they are due to heredity.

Russian statistics

And now we find out the average size of the penis in Russia. The data obtained are based solely on the data of the oral survey of citizens. Measurements were not taken, so we believe the men at their word. The results of the survey show that almost 60% of men have a penis about 13 cm + - 1 cm long. The remaining 40% are approximately equally divided between small and large specimens.

In percentage terms, the following data were obtained for the 2002 year of research (here, measurements were already taken among men who have reached the age of 18):

  1. Only 3% - size less than 12 cm.
  2. 6-12% have 12-13 cm.
  3. From 14 to 15 cm penis in 15-20% of Russians.
  4. Approximately 14% have all 16-17 cm.
  5. 18 cm in 9% of men.
  6. 8% were equally distributed among the owners of 19 cm and more.

Curious facts

According to surveys of women, it should not be less than 15 cm, although the thickness of the organ is of greater importance. According to research by a sexologist at the University of Geneva, it is reported that during an erection, the genitals of men are divided into 2 types. Some may be smaller at rest, but increase significantly during filling with blood. Others, on the contrary, are large in comparison with the first, but almost do not "grow" during excitation. Therefore, the difference is leveled. Only 21% of men belong to the second type.

Men who are satisfied with the size of the body, their appearance, almost never experience problems with erection. Incorrect penis measurements may be due to excess subcutaneous fat, the use of a ruler, and not a soft centimeter tape.

According to some reports, only 4% of men can boast a size of more than 17 cm, and the largest penis is 34.3 cm in a state of erection.

The formation of the genital organs ends by the age of 18. After that, according to experts, there will be no changes. Male self-esteem is strongly affected by the size of the penis, and being overweight significantly reduces dignity.

So, about 1 cm of the penis is “taken away” every 6 kilograms. The size itself, of course, does not decrease, but visually the genitals seem smaller.

But a real change in size down is possible with the use of androgens. These hormones normally promote puberty, support the reproductive system. But hormonal imbalance leads to the fact that the genitals change significantly in size, in addition, there are problems with erection.

Also, failure may lie in incorrectly performed manipulations. This may be due to the inexperience of the surgeon or the peculiar structure of the organ.

Penis length and sex

Almost no one thinks about the size of the vagina. The main problem is the presence of great dignity in a man. However, it is worth knowing that the depth of the vagina ranges from 7 cm in a calm state to 13 cm in a stretched intercourse. Therefore, it will be quite enough if the male organ reaches 13 cm. So, the average penis size in Russia was about 13 cm. According to various sources, this is quite enough for successful sex. In addition, female organs tend to adapt to the size of male ones. For this reason, frequent partner changes are not welcome, it harms the woman herself.

We help with drugs

For good sex you need a long lasting erection. Sooner or later, almost every man is faced with erectile disorders that severely disrupt their usual way of life. Excellent in this situation, drugs of a number of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors help. For example, generic Tadalafil. Despite the fact that this is not a branded drug, nevertheless, in terms of properties, it is in no way inferior to well-known ones. gained great popularity among men, because they quickly lead to a stable erection. Do not be afraid of the onset of an erection at the wrong time, as the drug only works with sexual stimulation. Attracts the start time of its action. After 16 minutes, you can start intimacy and enjoy it for up to 36 hours.

Tadalafil, like most drugs, has side effects. But modern advances in pharmacy reduce the percentage of their manifestations to a minimum. So, a man may occasionally complain of swelling of the nose, pain in the back and muscles, swelling of the eyelids, hot flashes and other minor phenomena that quickly pass.

If a man and his partner are unhappy with the size of the penis, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with. This is a cream for penis enlargement, which also has a positive effect on erection and potency. Penon is distinguished by its naturalness and high efficiency. Using Penon, you will be able to overcome the average penis size that most Russian men have. The cream or gel is intended for external use. To feel the result, apply it for 3-4 months 2 times a day with the same break.

The action of the cream is based on the fact that its components cause a rush of blood to the penis, an increase in its width and length. According to reviews, the cream also helps control ejaculation, which is important when it occurs prematurely.

Creams and other preparations can be bought in our store. We also provide detailed information on products and guarantee their quality.

What is the average penis size in Russia, has been studied more than once. The indicators are changing, and for the better, which should please the strong half of humanity. If you are not the owner of great dignity, seek help from modern technologies and medical achievements.

Irrelevant . However, this topic worries both representatives of the stronger and weaker sex.

Men are obsessed with him, give him nicknames, treat him with special respect and compare him to others.

They consider it a symbol of masculinity, pride and joy.

It is called differently in different countries. For example, the French call it "crossbow", Bulgarians "chock", Italians "scarecrow", and in Russia "stick", "twenty-first finger" and others nicknames.

There are a number of common superstitions about the relationship between some external signs and the size of manhood.

Although there is no scientific evidence that such a connection really exists, there are several methods that give clues about whether a man is indeed naturally endowed with large dimensions.

Dimensions of male dignity

1. By his walk

Does he sway a little or shuffle a little when he walks, or does he walk a little clumsily, as if something is in his way? A man's walk can give away what he's hiding in his pants.

After all, it is much more difficult to walk when you have a "third leg" between your legs.

2. By the size of his hands

This is one of the common methods for determining the size of manhood, which most people resort to. It is believed that the shape and size of a man's hand is a direct indication of how big he is.

The fact is that the amount of prenatal testosterone that boys are exposed to in the womb directly affects the production of hormones, which is reflected in the hands and genitals. So high testosterone can lead to big arms and more.

3. How he presents himself

Often men who are confident are those who have impressive genitals.

If he is very attentive, passionate, affectionate and always finds an excuse to accidentally touch a woman, then he knows that he has nothing to worry about.

A man who knows you won't gasp in surprise tends to be more relaxed and doesn't look for an excuse to flirt with you.

4. How he praises himself

If a man constantly praises his achievements and abilities, you should be careful. In general, such behavior is already questionable.

It may also indicate that he has an exaggerated opinion of himself and his manhood.

Male length

5. On the fingers

Many also believe that the shape of the fingers can be an indication of what to expect. If his fingers are short and thick, then his causal place is the same.

If they are long and thin, then nature endowed it with length, but not width.

There are also scientific studies stating that if a man's index finger is shorter than his ring finger, then his performance is above average.

6. By his muscles

If you want to know about his size, you should not judge by how pumped he is. A man can gain muscle mass by going to the gym to hide his real body shape.

Often very muscular men who do not leave the gym work out their bodies in order to look more attractive and compensate for those parts of the body that they cannot change.

7. In his footsteps

This is another cliché-like comparison, but many argue that there is some truth in it.

And yet, you can meet a man with big feet and large dimensions, but also someone who has huge feet, but not such a big manhood.

8. How loud it is

If he constantly boasts about his size or the fact that he is good in bed, then most likely this is just theater. Men who think a lot about themselves have little to brag about in terms of physical data.

Perhaps he just wants to divert attention from his complexes and make you believe that he is the real God.

9. By place of residence

This seems like a stereotype, but some part of it has been confirmed by scientific research. It has been proven that men from certain countries are large due to genetic factors.

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