A proper dinner is a healthy diet. What do people eat for dinner

The rule "not to eat after six" or "give dinner to the enemy" does not always help to lose weight. Often refusal to eat in the evening is an empty stomach, bad sleep, spoiled mood and, in the end, a raid on the refrigerator at 22.00. And then - a feeling of guilt and extra pounds. Nutritionists advise not to go to extremes. Dinner is a must, experts say, but you need to know when and what. Smachno.ua asked experts what dinner should be like
When to Dine

“Dinner time is different for everyone. The main condition is that dinner should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime, ”says nutritionist Natalia Samoylenko. That is, if you go to bed at 22.00, then your dinner should be at 18.00, if closer to midnight, then you can have dinner at 20.00.

Dinner just before bed is fraught with the fact that the body does not have time to digest the food received. It begins to ferment in the stomach and poison the body. Calories eaten before going to bed will no doubt remain at the waist.

What is better for dinner?

At night, our body not only rests, but is renewed: skin, muscles are restored, hair and nails grow. “The task of dinner is to replenish the reserves of amino acids in the body,” says Natalia Samoylenko. “Therefore, dinner should consist of proteins and its “friends” - ground and leafy vegetables.”

Protein should be light: fish, seafood, cottage cheese, white cheese, such as mozzarella or Adyghe, eggs, beans, lentils, mushrooms.

Of the vegetables for dinner, cauliflower, green salad, bell pepper, tomatoes, broccoli, celery, pumpkin, leek, avocado, Jerusalem artichoke, as well as cucumbers, zucchini and zucchini in season are good.

Ideally, half of the vegetables for dinner should be raw, the second half - steamed, in the oven, on the grill. “Vegetables should be 2 times more protein,” says nutritionist Nadezhda Melnichuk. “From fats, it is better to use vegetable or natural fats in the food products themselves.”

Losing weight is useful for dinner to eat cabbage - white, cauliflower, broccoli and other types. Cabbage contains tartronic acid, which prevents the formation of fat from carbohydrates.

Another good advice for those who want to lose weight is to eat slowly: when eating slowly, the hormone cholecystokinin, which is responsible for the feeling of satiety, begins to be released in the duodenum and small intestine.

What not to eat for dinner

For dinner, it is not recommended to eat carbohydrates, especially easily digestible ones: in the evening, our body processes glucose worse and, if it is in excess, fat begins to be deposited. Therefore, give up fruits, dried fruits, sandwiches, buns, cakes and other sweets and flour products.
Also, nutritionists do not advise eating potatoes, carrots, beets, corn flakes, cereals, especially rice for dinner.

Do not eat fried food for dinner - heavy food makes it difficult for the gallbladder, liver, pancreas. This is especially true of fried meat: the pancreas has already used up its enzymes during the day, so fried meat is poorly digested.

The combination of "flour-meat" will also be heavy: dumplings, dumplings, fresh pastries.

How much for dinner

“A handful - two palms - your portion of dinner. This is a plate that is always with you, says nutritionist Natalia Samoylenko. “If we talk about grams, then a portion of dinner for an average woman should be on average 250 g, for a man - 350 g.”

Based on this amount, 100 g is a serving of protein for dinner, 250 g is vegetables. It is also good, if there are no contraindications, to include moderately hot spices and spices in dinner: for example, cardamom, coriander, black pepper, ginger. They improve metabolic processes in the body, blood circulation, help the digestive organs and improve the removal of cholesterol and excess fat from the body.

Do not try to have dinner with kefir alone - this is not enough for the body to recover. According to Nadezhda Melnichuk, dinner should be 20% of daily calories - an average of 350-400 kilocalories. For those who are losing weight, a little less - 300-350 kilocalories.

Healthy dinner options

Dinner options may include:

  • fish baked in the oven with vegetables, green salad dressed with unrefined vegetable oil - sesame, olive;
  • poultry and vegetable salad;
  • seafood and vegetable salad;
  • omelet with vegetables; cottage cheese casserole with vegetables;
  • stewed vegetables with boiled chicken, fish, seafood.

The number of dishes for dinner can be different - everything is purely individual. What it will be dishes - depends only on your imagination and taste.

Snack before bed

“If it’s hard to resist, you can have a light snack 1.5-2 hours before bedtime,” advises nutritionist Nadezhda Melnichuk. “You can have a snack with some light fermented milk products: 1% kefir, low-fat yogurt without sugar and fillers, yogurt.”

A serving of drinks is about 200 ml, and it is better not to drink the drink immediately, but gradually. You can also drink rosehip broth or sugar-free uzvar as a snack - they will not give extra calories, but will allow you to “stretch” until sleep.

If you want something sweet in the evening

Very often in the evening I want sweets. For people who are losing weight, even a piece of chocolate eaten in the evening is a whole tragedy.

“I want sweets when the level of insulin in the blood drops sharply,” explains Nadezhda Melnichuk. “This usually happens with irregular meals - for example, you didn’t have lunch, or you ate foods with a high glycemic index, easily digestible carbohydrates for lunch.”

Therefore, in order not to have a sweet tooth in the evening, you need to eat on time during the day, and for lunch, give preference to complex carbohydrates: cereals, vegetables.

“Try instead of chocolate to drink mint tea with a spoonful of honey - consciously, enjoying it,” advises Natalia Samoylenko. “Tea will help you relax and unwind.”

You can talk and talk about proper nutrition for a long time. One of the current issues is the importance of dinner.

The myth that dinner, in fact, is not an important part of the daily diet is quite widespread.

However, leading gastroenterologists and nutritionists can confidently state the opposite.

If a person ignores dinner for a long time, then the process of starvation will start in the body, which will cause metabolic disorders and other digestive problems.

Thus, a person will only gain weight, but not lose it. So is skipping dinner worth the sacrifice?

The Importance of Dinner as the Last Meal

Dinner is an equally important meal, along with breakfast and lunch. A healthy break between dinner and breakfast should last no more than 10-12 hours, otherwise you risk getting a stomach ulcer or other gastrointestinal disease.

Instead of starving yourself, you can prepare a light and quick dinner, for example, from fresh vegetables or fruits.

Such dishes will help not only protect your health, but also remove extra pounds. Dinner should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime, so the rule "do not eat after 6" is also incorrect.

What can you eat for dinner and why

At night, our body not only gains new strength, but also renews itself: skin, muscles are regenerated, hair and nails grow. The main task of dinner is replenishment of amino acids in the body, so dinner must include proteins and fiber.

Protein-rich foods include fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs, legumes, lentils, and mushrooms. Vegetables that are great for dinner are cauliflower, lettuce, bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, celery, pumpkin, avocados, leeks, cucumbers, zucchini or zucchini.

All products for dinner are best consumed raw, it is also allowed to cook them for a couple, in the oven in their own juice or on the grill. The number of vegetables should exceed the number of protein foods on your plate.

What not to eat for dinner and why

Sugar, together with high-grade flour, increases blood sugar quite well, however, after sweet buns or pies, it also decreases with lightning speed, and the feeling of hunger comes very quickly.

Another disadvantage is that it is thanks to refined foods that fat is deposited on the hips and abdomen. Therefore, there is practically no benefit in such products, unless you are a fan of starch, of course.

red meat

For dinner, it is not advisable to eat heavy food, such as fried red meat. This product contains a large abundance of tyrosine, due to which the coefficient of adrenaline in the blood increases.

Red meat is best eaten in the daytime, for breakfast or lunch, so that by the evening the adrenaline ratio returns to normal and allows you to sleep peacefully without any problems.

An alternative to red meat for dinner will be poultry and dietary fish.

Smoked products and sausage

These foods contain the antioxidant theramine. Thanks to him, norepinephrine is produced, which contributes to the formation of nerve impulses.

A large number of impulses increases brain activity, so it can be difficult for a person to fall asleep. In addition, one should remember about the excess calories, as well as the harmfulness of smoked and sausage products.


Most often, people consume refined rice in food, which can be deposited in body fat. And the fact is that in this product there are countless fast carbohydrates. Therefore, give up such cereals during dinner.


Eating even a small piece of chocolate during dinner can ruin your figure and your well-being. Chocolate bars are usually high in sugar and caffeine. It is better to eat sweets in the morning and afternoon.


sweet fruits

Fruits such as grapes, peaches, nectarines, melon or banana are undoubtedly beneficial, however, they are high in glucose. You can replace sweet fruits with dried fruits, and fresh ones are better to eat during the day. At the same time, if you replace a sweet bun with a slice of watermelon or melon, there will, of course, be more benefits.

spicy sauces

Spicy foods, and spicy sauces in particular, are foods that kill sleep. Also, in the afternoon, the digestive tract works less actively, so there is a possibility of getting heartburn after eating this kind of food.

Fast food

Everyone knows about the dangers of burgers and the rest of fast food, so it's best to try to avoid this food altogether. Such food is harmful not only in the evening.

Usually, a standard serving of fast food replaces the daily calorie intake, which leads to the accumulation of excess fat in the body. And, having eaten a couple of hamburgers before going to bed, you can earn heaviness in the stomach for the whole night.

Recipes for diet meals for dinner

Boiled fish with fresh vegetables

  • 250 g of white fish;
  • Fresh seasonal vegetables;
  • Salt, pepper, spices.

We put the fish in boiling, pre-salted water, then cook until fully cooked. The dish is served with fresh, chopped vegetables and herbs, which can be sprinkled with lemon juice or olive oil.

Buckwheat with greens and egg

  • 250 ml of water;
  • Fresh greens;
  • Olive oil;
  • Hard boiled chicken egg.

First, cook the cereal in salted water, after readiness, fill it with oil. Serve with egg slices and fresh herbs.

Vegetable smoothie with green vegetables

  • Fresh cucumber ;
  • 4 celery stalks;
  • Green sweet pepper;
  • 40 g spinach;
  • 50 g of grain cottage cheese;
  • 250 ml of water.

We peel the cucumber, pass it through a blender along with celery and other vegetables. Add cottage cheese and beat everything together for 30 seconds. This smoothie makes a great bedtime meal.

Omelet with tomatoes and herbs

  • Two chicken eggs;
  • Half a tomato;
  • A bunch of greens;
  • Spices.

Beat eggs with spices with a whisk. Cut the tomato into small pieces, chop the greens. Pour the beaten eggs into a preheated pan over low heat, then lay out the tomatoes and cover with a lid.

Before being ready, add greens, let the omelet brew. Place on a plate and drizzle with olive oil.

Chicken fillet with vegetables

  • One chicken fillet;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • Carrot;
  • Bulb;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • Broccoli;
  • Olive oil;
  • Spices.

Saute chicken and chopped onion in a high skillet. Without bringing the meat to readiness, add vegetables to it and pour hot water. We bring to taste with spices and simmer until cooked. Serve the dish with chopped herbs.

Cottage cheese and fruit casserole

  • 200 g 1% cottage cheese;
  • Art. l. flour;
  • Egg;
  • Fruits / dried fruits / berries.

Mix all the ingredients, put in a glass baking dish. We put in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. The finished casserole is served with unsweetened tea or kefir.

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What to eat in the evening to lose weight. Dinner examples

But here you need to follow a certain daily routine: go to bed no later than 10 pm and have breakfast no later than 7 am. Otherwise, our body will perceive such forced starvation as a threat and quickly return the lost kilograms, and even gain extra ones, in reserve.

With prolonged fasting, more than 10 hours, the body produces lipoprotein lipase. It is because of this enzyme that the kilograms lost as a result of starvation return in excess.

This effect is related to evolution. The thing is that the situation with a decrease in the amount of food, our smart body perceives as a threat to existence. Under these conditions, lipoprotein lipase is activated and begins to actively store the energy source - adipose tissue. This mechanism is millions of years old. And only relatively recently, scientists have identified a link between a low-calorie diet and obesity.

Late dinner: for or against?

Now the requirements for dinner time are not so categorical. The recommendation is simple - you need to eat at night no later than 2 hours before bedtime, and preferably 4. This time is usually enough to digest most foods. Some studies related to the calorie counting method state that you can eat at any time of the day. Only the total number of calories matters. For women - 1600-1800 Kcal, for men - 2000-2200 Kcal.

Dinner is considered necessary and beneficial for the body. This is due to the latest research in the field of healthy eating. It turned out that the evening meal is important for the proper functioning of the body. But not every meal is suitable for a late snack, and the portion should not be the largest of the day. Too much dinner will damage the figure and disrupt sleep.

To satisfy hunger at night, not very healthy foods are often chosen. And this is the main problem. With the modern rhythm of life, it is necessary to observe, if not the daily routine, then at least the rules of healthy nutrition.

So, what can you eat in the evening, so as not to get better, and even better - to lose weight.

List of foods suitable for late snacks

For evening snacks, light-calorie foods that give a feeling of satiety and do not interfere with healthy sleep are suitable. What can you eat in the evening, so as not only not to get better, but also to get the maximum benefit. The basis of the evening diet should primarily be proteins, carbohydrates and fats are allowed in a minimum amount.

  1. Cottage cheese it is better to choose fat-free or with a small percentage of fat content. A good product for a proper nighttime snack. It is a good source of easily digestible protein. You need to eat it a couple of hours before bedtime, preferably without sweeteners. As an improver, you can add a handful of berries. A serving of cottage cheese is not more than 100 grams. As a substitute for cottage cheese, you can eat a small (30 grams) piece of cheese.
  2. Kefir, natural yogurt, fermented baked milk. Dairy products are almost ideal for fighting night hunger. Kefir contains a large amount of calcium, protein. The amino acid tryptophan, found in fermented milk products, improves the quality of sleep.
  3. Greens contains a lot of fiber and few calories, which means that it will take more energy to digest it. You can eat it in its pure form or as an additive to kefir, natural yogurt or cottage cheese.
  4. Fruits and berries you can eat almost anything. Even bananas, but with caution and not every day. Ideal snack - apple, citrus, cherry.
  5. Vegetables contain a lot of fiber and few calories. Only potatoes should be excluded from the evening diet. They can be eaten raw or steamed, grilled, baked in the oven, or made into a light vegetable soup for dinner.
  6. Meat also contains a lot of protein. Here we are talking about lean poultry meat in the first place. Pork and beef are suitable for lunch and dinner. Nevertheless, meat is a rather heavy product that requires a long digestion, so you can eat it no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Steam, grill or boil.
  7. Fish a good source of protein, a number of trace elements and amino acids. The protein found in fish is easier to digest than protein from meat. For dinner, choose low-fat varieties of fish - hake, cod, pike.
  8. nuts are very high in calories, so you can eat a very small portion to get enough.
  9. Eggs, or rather egg whites, a source of easily digestible protein. Eat them boiled or in the form of an omelette, for example with vegetables.
  10. Buckwheat. Nutritionists do not advise eating porridge for dinner because of the high carbohydrate content. Buckwheat has become an exception due to the large amount of protein and fiber in the composition. In addition, it is quickly digested, and slow carbohydrates retain a feeling of satiety for a long time.

List of foods to avoid

There are many useful foods suitable for satisfying night hunger, but even more foods that are eaten at night are very undesirable. The thing is that many of them are not suitable for proper nutrition, so it is better to exclude them from the diet altogether. Others take too long to digest and interfere with healthy sleep, which is bad for both well-being and figure.

  1. Fast food- pizza, hot dogs, burgers, chips and crackers - contains a lot of calories and few nutrients.
  2. Pickles and marinades whet the appetite, contain an excess of salt, which retains water in the body.
  3. Red meat and fatty foods take too long to digest, so they are not suitable for a late dinner.
  4. Pasta, pastries, sweets contain a lot of carbohydrates, so it is better to eat them in the first half of the day.
  5. Sausages and smoked products contain a lot of salt and few nutrients.
  6. Yoghurts and curds with fillers, not only are they sweet, but also with a bunch of preservatives and dyes.
  7. Alcohol bad effect on night sleep, can cause overeating due to a weakening of self-control.
  8. Mayonnaise and sauces based on it are a very high-calorie and useless product, although tasty.

Healthy dinner options

  • The ideal option for what to eat for dinner, according to nutritionists, is boiled, baked or stewed. Chicken fillet can be replaced with turkey or rabbit fillet. A good way to eat "dry" chicken breast is meat soufflé, either steamed or oven-baked.
  • In addition, it is perfect for dinner - boiled, baked - with vegetables and herbs for garnish.
  • You can stew any vegetables. Or eat them raw, for example, as a salad dressing with a small amount of unrefined olive oil and lemon juice, yogurt or just lemon juice.
  • An excellent dinner option is buckwheat with kefir or vegetables. Both satisfying and useful.
  • If you want something more substantial - fat-free or low-fat cottage cheese. You can add kefir or natural yogurt, herbs, berries or fruits to it.

If you have already had dinner, but hunger is not far behind, then the easiest and least energy-intensive way to drown out the zhor is to drink a glass of kefir. This is a good option for a late snack to lose weight. For a change, greens or berries can be added to kefir or any other fermented milk drink.
An equally easy way to snack is to eat an apple, orange, or grapefruit.

This is a very short list of dishes for dinner or a snack.

Important to remember that the selection of dishes for dinner depends primarily on ourselves. You need to focus on your feelings and remember that everything is individual. Someone will be satisfied with a light snack, but someone needs a full dinner. The main criterion is the feeling of satiety until the morning.


  1. In the first half of the day it is better to eat food rich in carbohydrates, and in the second - in proteins.
  2. Spend more energy than you get from food.
  3. Eat no later than 2 to 4 hours before bedtime.
  4. To lose weight, eat fractionally (4-6 times a day).
  5. If you wake up at night from hunger, you need to adjust the daily diet and diet.
  6. Don't confuse thirst with hunger. Woke up at night hungry, drink a glass of water.
  7. Eat only healthy natural foods.
  8. The easiest way to eat healthy is not to buy forbidden foods.

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Proper nutrition is when food is already more than food. It not only allows you to maintain the vitality of the body, satisfies hunger and gives pleasure.

Healthy food prolongs youth and even life, and therefore should become part of the life of every reasonable person. And not just once, but on an ongoing basis. A new day should start with a quality breakfast, continue with a full lunch, and complete it with a healthy dinner. It is on this very important variety of the meal that we want to dwell.

What to eat for dinner with proper nutrition is a question that worries many people who want to improve the quality of their lives. And we will answer it!

To Dine or Starve – That is the Question

Many mistakenly believe that dinner should be abandoned. Allegedly, this helps to maintain a slim figure and has a beneficial effect on sleep. But no! Dinner is an important part of the diet, and saying no to it is a big mistake.

Another thing is that you need to correctly calculate the time for the last meal of the day. The optimal period is 4 hours before bedtime. On the one hand, a person will not yet have time to get very hungry and “break loose” at the most inopportune moment. On the other hand, the body will have time to digest food and spend the energy received at dinner. And this is very important, because at night our internal organs do not have to work hard to process a late meal. Their task, laid down by nature itself, is to rest and spend at this time the energy already available in the body. But it should not be hundreds of calories gained an hour before bedtime!

Slowly, thoughtfully, carefully!

Thus, the idea of ​​having dinner in itself is not dangerous at all; the main thing is to do it not too late. Now consider another question: how exactly should you eat to give the body the maximum benefit?

Indeed, the culture of food consumption speaks volumes, including the character of a person, his upbringing and even ... the state of health.

The fact is that some people with a choleric temperament do not chew, but swallow food whole. They seem to be in a hurry somewhere, so they try to do everything as quickly as possible, including having dinner. However, swallowing unchewed pieces is harmful. It is difficult for the human stomach to digest whole parts of food, it makes great efforts and quickly “wears out”. From here come the problems with the gastrointestinal tract, characteristic of "hurry-ups".

By the way, the wise Chinese and Japanese long ago came up with a way to eat only small pieces of food. The whole secret is in the sticks that have become part of the culture of the two eastern countries. It is very difficult for them to grab a large piece of food, and this is only in the hands of the body.

Thus, a healthy diet involves slowly chewing small pieces of food. The more thorough and refined, the better!

The second important aspect has to do with what else you do during dinner. Some read, others watch TV, others do household chores in parallel with the meal ... All this is fundamentally wrong! You need to eat thoughtfully, leisurely, giving the process full attention limit. Remember the rule of the ancestors - "when I eat, I am deaf and dumb"? They were absolutely right. The fact is that, being distracted by conversations and other external factors, you can easily choke. As a result - at least a lot of unpleasant sensations, as a maximum - an absurd death.

And one more explanation why you can not eat and be distracted. So we "deceive" the brain, which does not notice the moment of saturation. As a result - overeating, heaviness in the stomach, restless sleep, excess weight.

What kind of food is there?

Now, another important question. What kind of food processing is most suitable for an evening meal? Several options are:

  • raw;
  • subdued;
  • lightly fried;
  • boiled.

As you can see, there are many options! And among them there are both very fast, and those that require a certain time for heat treatment. Most importantly, understand that a healthy diet means avoiding overcooked foods, smoked meats, pickles, sweets, and fast food. However, all of these "harmful things" should be avoided not only during dinner, but throughout the day.

Five food groups for the perfect evening

And now let's dwell on the individual components that are included in the concept of "healthy eating" and fit into the formula for an ideal evening meal.

  • Group #1: Vegetables

Among them are tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots, zucchini. In minimal quantities - young potatoes (but exclusively boiled). Complete refusal - from cabbage and legumes: these products often lead to bloating, gas formation and other unpleasant sensations that can ruin mood and sleep.

  • Group #2: fruits

For dinner, apples are suitable, but only baked. The fact is that in their raw form they stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, and this is completely undesirable on the eve of the night. But during heat treatment, the effect is completely different: apples are well absorbed, do not cause bloating and other unnecessary processes.

As a dessert, you can use grapefruits (0.5 pcs.), Oranges (1 pc.), Tangerines (2-4 pcs.). So you can eat a lot; the main thing is not to overdo it.

As for other fruits, it is better to refuse them. Bananas, grapes, pears, peaches are too high in calories. Therefore, it is better to leave them for breakfast!

  • Group #3: Berries

Excellent options for a healthy dinner are raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, blueberries ... They can be eaten individually or mixed with each other. The main thing is not to add sugar to these impromptu salads!

  • Group number 4: cereals

Among them are corn, buckwheat, oatmeal, quinoa, mung bean. And even rice! But only brown or red: white contains too much starch and carbohydrates. In addition, proper nutrition for dinner implies the rejection of semolina, peas, beans, barley: they are too heavy to eat before bedtime.

  • Group No. 5: other

It includes foods such as honey, soy tofu, whole grain bread, nuts, cereal bars, fresh herbs. They can be a great addition to the main dish - not only tasty, but also healthy.

Water, herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices…

We figured out what you can eat for dinner. Another question - what to drink? To be honest, there aren't many options. First of all, it is pure non-carbonated drinking water. It is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body and perfectly removes toxins. However, the volume should be limited: an hour before bedtime, it is better to refuse liquid altogether, and three hours before bedtime, you can drink 500 ml.

Another great way, but not to harm, is herbal infusions, decoctions and teas. Of course, not all! It is best to drink drinks based on chamomile, lemon balm, rosemary, linden, thyme, lavender, sage and other plants with a calming effect before going to bed.

You can (but not in large quantities) afford freshly squeezed fruit juice or berry juice. They contain a lot of carbohydrates and sugars, which can negatively affect the figure.

So you can allow yourself one standard glass of juice at dinner, and after that drink only water or herbal teas.

If during the day you allow yourself coffee, cocoa, green or strong tea, then in the evening you should definitely refuse the listed drinks. The fact is that they have a tonic effect, and it is completely unnecessary for those who are preparing to go to bed in the next few hours. Ideally, it is necessary to say goodbye to them finally and irrevocably.

Of course, a healthy diet implies a complete ban on alcohol - not only during the evening meal, but also regardless of the time of day, as well as weekdays or holidays. Alcoholic drinks are essentially a poison that your body does not need in any way. Otherwise, the whole point of proper nutrition will be reduced to zero.

Weekly menu

For maximum clarity, we will tell you in detail what you can eat in the evenings during the week and at the same time not get bored from the monotony of dishes.

  • Monday: vegetable soup with fresh herbs, a slice of whole grain bread, a couple of baked apples, lemon balm tea.
  • Tuesday: buckwheat porridge, a couple of pumpkin cutlets, wild pear.
  • Wednesday: vegetable stew, a handful of nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts), cornbread, a cup of herbal tea.
  • Thursday: onion soup, 2-3 potato pancakes without eggs, cereal bar, linden tea.
  • Friday: squash casserole, buckwheat bread, berry juice.
  • Saturday: quinoa porridge with a couple of teaspoons of honey, tofu cheese, chamomile tea.
  • Sunday: vegetable pilaf, fruit and berry salad (tangerines, raspberries, strawberries), homemade lemonade without sugar.

By eating such food, you can achieve a multiple effect: prevent the development of many diseases and recover from existing ones, become more beautiful and younger, get rid of poor sleep and stress ... But the most important thing is that the right food is combined with the same lifestyle. That is, no cigarettes, alcohol and sleepless nights in clubs! And then you will get results that will surprise you in a good way.

All experts in the field of nutrition, describing nutrition schemes for body shaping, specify that in the evening it is necessary to load digestion to a minimum. However, not everyone explains what you can eat for dinner on a diet so that you don’t want forbidden foods closer to the night and the body is satiated. What dishes will not contribute to weight gain, and how to eat right in the evening?

What is weight loss

Reducing the calorie intake to almost zero, eating greens and drinking kefir is a path to erosive changes in the gastrointestinal mucosa, but not body shaping, although weight may go away, but only water will be lost. Competent weight loss is the burning of fat reserves, i.e. impact on the quality of the body, depending on the quality of nutrition. It is carried out by reducing the number of calories that a person should consume, but within reasonable limits. Giving food to the enemy in the evening, as the proverb says, is not worth it - the damage to digestion is too great: you just need to find out what it is - the right dinner for losing weight.

What to eat for dinner to lose weight

Food can help burn fat if it has a so-called. "zero" calories. This concept does not mean literally 0 kcal, but the predominance of the amount of effort that the body will make to process it and get energy over the number of calories that it contains. These foods can help you lose weight, but they're not the only foods you should eat at dinner to lose weight. Evening meals, according to doctors, must include very nutritious foods, but low in calories. Mostly these are light proteins, but they are not always useful.

Dinner with proper nutrition for weight loss should include one of the following products:

  • greens (fiber and low calorie content);
  • vegetables (especially cruciferous, i.e. cabbage), better fresh;
  • spices (disperse metabolic processes).

The main principles of a proper dinner

Breakfast and lunch raise much fewer questions than an evening meal, as nutritionists vied with each other - you can’t load the body before bed. To dig a little deeper and try to form an approximate filling of a plate of food, the main principles sound like this:

  • Try to eat in the evening 25-30% of the daily calorie allowance.
  • If possible, make 2 dinners - the last one will be 3 hours before bedtime, will be less than 10% of the daily calorie content of the menu and will be represented mainly by a sour-milk group of drinks (ryazhenka, kefir, sourdough).
  • The right dinner for weight loss is a reduced proportion of carbohydrates (exclude simple ones completely) and the absence of high GI foods.
  • You can’t have dinner with potatoes, just as you shouldn’t eat boiled beets and carrots in the evening if you hope to lose weight.
  • Fruits, if you really want to, take green (or citrus fruits), because. the rest, when used for dinner, will interfere with weight loss.
  • Do not overeat - a portion should saturate you, but not to the point of wanting to lie down and not move: imagine that after dinner you need to jump more. Can you? If the answer is yes, all is well.
  • Do not mix cereals with protein at dinner (i.e. cook meat with herbs, not rice).
  • If you have to drink alcohol, then only dry wine.
  • The maximum serving of animal protein is 100 grams.
  • Avoid sweets, caffeine sources, fatty/smoked meat products for dinner.

What foods can you eat in the evening

This issue is of particular relevance for people attending events after work: it is difficult to completely refuse food here, it may look disrespectful, so you have to urgently decide which of the proposed ones will harm the figure to a lesser extent. For such a situation, nutritionists advise giving preference to red wine and hard cheeses. The ideal option is Parmesan and its “relatives”, i.e. species that have a long exposure (from a year): they have low fat content, few carbohydrates.

As a classic dinner in the evening, you can eat foods that are low in calories and fat:

  • boiled eggs (use without yolk);
  • seafood;
  • lean fish - mackerel, pollock, flounder;
  • poultry meat;
  • herbal teas;
  • vegetables (preference for zucchini, cabbage, celery, pumpkin);
  • legumes;
  • hard cheese, or Tofu;
  • kiwi, apples, dried apricots, pineapple, prunes;
  • dairy products;
  • maybe a little honey;
  • juices from vegetables / fruits that are made at home (i.e. no additives);
  • nuts and seeds are allowed in the minimum portions for dinner - they have a high calorie content, but they are very satisfying.

Dinner Options

The choice of products for preparing an evening meal is completely determined by whether you will have a load today, or you already have, or you lead an absolutely sedentary lifestyle. Deciding what to eat will have to be based on the calories already eaten, and even after answering the question of when you will go to bed. Universal dinner options, according to a number of nutritionists, are as follows:

  • Cottage cheese casserole (only egg white + low-fat cottage cheese, it is allowed to add a little sour berries) and natural yogurt.
  • A portion of kefir or fermented baked milk (up to 500 ml is possible), but it is better to leave this option for the 2nd dinner, which is closer to bedtime.
  • Smoothies (preferably vegetable, because fruits have a higher percentage of sugars that are dangerous for weight loss).
  • Fish and seafood prepared without additional fats - you can bake, stew, boil, but do not fry. Juices, wine, soy sauce are suitable for marinade.
  • Stewed mushrooms.
  • Turkey/chicken cutlets or meatballs that have been baked in the oven or steamed.
  • Omelette, but with a minimum of yolks or without them, supplemented with vegetables.
  • Boiled chickpeas or lentils with stewed tomatoes, zucchini and a bunch of greens.


Nutritionists are ready to advise this version of evening food only to people who have physical activity during the day. Then the protein will go to the structure of the muscles, and will not be processed into fats, making it difficult to lose weight. However, there are certain reservations here: a healthy protein dinner is a small (!) Portion of boiled or steamed poultry or fish (the norm is up to 100 grams), and lettuce, dill or other kind of greens. You can take a cucumber if you do not like animal protein without plant foods.

Easy dinner for weight loss

Are you not subjected to physical exertion, do you have an office job, do you not take walks, and do you go to bed early? A delicious light dinner for weight loss in your case will exclude meat, because. it will not be digested and will poison the body, but fish (low-fat species) is possible. Suitable for dinner and seafood. A serving of such protein should be about 50 g, and the rest of the plate will be occupied by vegetables. An alternative to losing weight can be an omelette (if you don’t appreciate marine life), but always with plant products.

Dinner after workout

The main requirement for nutrition after exercise, if you are aiming to lose weight by burning fat, is to create a "window" between it and food. Dinner after a workout for weight loss should be carried out after 1.5 hours, so that just eaten calories do not go to replenish energy. Protein becomes the center of your plate, so here all options for meat or fish compositions, seafood, curd dishes are allowed, but without fat. It is desirable that all products are low-calorie, i.e. for 150-200 kcal, no more, and was not accompanied by cereals.

Diet dinner recipes

You can't figure out how to create a grocery set in the evening so that it turns out to be healthy, but tasty, and go to bed without feeling hungry? Take advantage of these recipes for diet dishes that attract with simplicity and low calorie content of prepared food. The basis of these options for the evening plate is eggs, which are a must-have product on the menu, and cereals - buckwheat and rice.


  • Cooking time: 7 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 104 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: home.

If you don’t recognize meat and fish in the evening, but without them you don’t know what you can eat for dinner while losing weight so that you don’t want to eat something harmful after, try a light omelette. You can cook it in a pan, but it must have a non-stick coating, or you can cook it in the oven, but this will increase the baking time. An omelet for dinner exists in 2 variations: in milk (it is desirable that lactose is contained in a minimum amount, it interferes with weight loss), or in water. For taste and nutrition, you should add greens or vegetables. You can throw a couple of grams of hard cheese.


  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • milk 1.8% low lactose - 50 ml;
  • spinach - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the washed spinach, cut the tomatoes into slices.
  2. Put in a hot pan, pour egg whites whipped with milk.
  3. Putting a lid on top, wait until the surface of the omelet grabs.
  4. Turn over, brown the other side. Roll up before serving.


  • Cooking time: 35 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 114 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Among the dinner options in the recommendations of nutritionists, boiled rice occasionally slips, but not white, but only wild varieties. An excellent choice for weight loss is black rice for dinner, which goes well with seafood. An additional plus is the reduced calorie content of this cereal, so the portion size can be slightly increased. This is the best option for what is on a woman who does not eat enough vegetables.


  • black rice (dry) - 50 g;
  • shrimp i / m peeled - 50 g;
  • water - 210 ml;
  • cucumber - 100 g;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the groats until the flowing water is transparent.
  2. Boil for half an hour using stainless steel cookware. Salt is minimal - for dinner this is best avoided.
  3. Throw shrimp into boiling water for a minute.
  4. Cucumber cut into slices, decorate the main dish.


  • Cooking time: 25 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 179 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, it is advisable to avoid cereals in the evening for weight loss or consume them before 19-20 hours. After that, you should not eat cereals, but there is an exception - you can eat buckwheat for dinner. This cereal, according to nutritionists, is an excellent fat burner, and it is safe for people with food allergies (mainly gluten). If you don’t know what you can eat hearty for dinner while losing weight,.


  • buckwheat - 40 g;
  • water - 170 ml;
  • salt;
  • butter - 5 g;
  • green beans - 70 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook buckwheat by pouring it into boiling water for 25 minutes with the lid closed and low heat. Add oil (better without it).
  2. Separately brown the frozen beans (pan dry). Serve without mixing.


  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 72 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If an hour after the main evening meal you realized that it was far from night, hunger again made itself felt, and you couldn’t decide how to drive it safely and reliably, boil eggs for dinner. However, they may not saturate solo, so it is additionally worth going through the list of products allowed for weight loss. Here you will need greens (be guided by the presence in the refrigerator), sweet peppers, Tofu cheese (an alternative is Adyghe). It is allowed to serve such a dinner with whole grain bread.


  • eggs 1 cat. - 3 pcs.;
  • greens - 20 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 70 g;
  • Tofu cheese - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil eggs. Technology is not important, because you remove the yolk. Cut the protein lengthwise to make halves-boats.
  2. Grind pepper, cheese and herbs. Mix.
  3. Spread this mass with a teaspoon into the protein halves. Dinner tonight is ready!

Video: What to eat for dinner when losing weight

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