When can you give dried apricots to babies. We choose healthy and high-quality dried fruits. How to prepare dried apricot drinks for a child

Dried apricots are dried apricots that contain many useful vitamins and minerals. Some people use this product as a treat instead of candy. Usually, dried fruits are used for baking, making desserts and compotes.

A decoction of dried apricots has the ability to treat various diseases.

Unique properties of dried apricot

Even after drying, the apricot contains a lot of useful things - iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins (A, PP, C, B).

At daily use several dried fruits can be disposed of various chronic diseases and improve your health:

  1. A thick decoction of the fruit has a good diuretic effect, and is excellent remedy for the treatment of the cardiac and genitourinary system.
  2. Dried apricots will be useful for people suffering from diabetes, anemia, hypertension, having problems with the thyroid gland.
  3. Dried product lowers cholesterol levels, prevents clogging of blood vessels, improves the health of nails and skin.
  4. Apricot calories are digested very quickly, while perfectly satisfying hunger.
  5. The potassium salts contained in the delicacy have great value for the work of the heart muscle - strengthen it and restore proper functionality.
  6. For people suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract, dried apricots will also be useful.
  7. Vitamins in dried apricots improve eyesight.

Dried fruits during pregnancy

Having all the above properties, a decoction of dried apricots should become a daily drink for a pregnant woman, as it can be used to maintain the health of a woman and an unborn baby. Orange fruit drink has a number of useful features:

  • pectin and acids remove toxins from the body;
  • minerals strengthen skeletal system fetus;
  • fructose and glucose satisfy the need for sweets without leading to excess weight;
  • prevent anemia, which is most often observed in women carrying a child;
  • saves from a lack of vitamins, especially in the cold season;
  • relieves toxicosis;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • acts as prophylactic constipation and other stomach problems;
  • strengthens immune system;
  • strengthens teeth, prevents hair loss and brittle nails;
  • relieves swelling in the legs.

A decoction of dried apricots during pregnancy - unique drink, which quenches thirst, saturates the body with the necessary substances and alleviates the already difficult condition of a woman.

We offer to prepare a cocktail of dried apricots. It is not only useful, but also very tasty.


  • water - 2 l;
  • dried apricots - 200 gr;
  • honey - 1-2 tbsp. l.


  1. Wash dried fruits under running water. Put in an enamel bowl and pour hot water(not boiling water).
  2. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Strain the liquid.
  4. Grind the fruits in a blender in puree and combine with compote.
  5. Leave to cool.
  6. Add honey and you can enjoy the pleasant taste of the drink.

Pregnancy is a difficult period in a woman's life, when the body is rebuilt and changes. In this case, it is dried apricots that will facilitate the process of bearing the fetus and give a lot of things necessary for health.

The effectiveness of dried apricots for babies

Many mothers know that with constipation in a baby, you can cook dried apricot compote, which will help you quickly solve the problem.

To prepare a decoction of dried apricots for babies, you need to choose the right dried fruits. You need to pay attention to the appearance and density - the apricot should be dry and elastic. The glossy sheen of dried apricots indicates the presence of chemicals that are processed in the treat to improve appearance.

You need to remember: the dried fruit should have a matte surface.

Before preparing a decoction, dried fruits must be soaked in cold water for 20 minutes. It is also important to monitor the concentration of compote - no more than 100 grams of dried fruits are needed per liter of water.

To preserve all the benefits as much as possible, the drink can not be boiled. To do this, the fruits are poured with boiling water, covered with a bowl and left to infuse for at least five hours. You can’t add sugar to a decoction for babies, and it’s unnecessary at all, since dried apricots already have their own natural sweetness.

For babies from 1 month old, you can add some other dried fruits to the drink - apples, pears.

A decoction of dried apricots for babies is very easy to prepare.


  • water - 1 l;
  • dried apricots - 100 gr.


  1. Rinse dried fruits, add water and leave for half an hour.
  2. Put dried apricots in a saucepan, pour warm water, bring to a boil and turn off.
  3. Leave the drink to infuse for 1 hour.

Such a decoction will give everything useful vitamins growing body and relieve stomach problems.

First you need to give the child 1 spoonful of compote and observe the reaction. If everything is fine, every day you can increase the dose to the allowable doctor.


Before using dried apricots, you need to get acquainted with all possible contraindications. If you eat a lot of dried apricots, it can lead to severe diarrhea.

Dried apricot negatively affects the body of people suffering from diseases such as stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, inflammatory processes gastrointestinal tract.

Strong allergic reactions are very often observed, but the reason for this is not the apricot itself, but chemical substances, with which unscrupulous sellers process fruits. Anhydrides are most often used, causing severe intoxication.

During lactation, a woman should carefully use dried apricots. It is best to eat home-dried fruits. The best option- decoction of apricots. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the baby.

Dried apricots - unique product, which has in its composition many substances for health and beauty. By eating it daily acceptable standards, you can get rid of many ailments. From dried apricot fruits, you can prepare not only decoctions, but also sweets, add it to all kinds of desserts and cocktails. But you should not get carried away with this delicacy - everything should be in moderation.

Due to growth manifestations allergic reactions in children to the use of sweets, many parents, as an alternative to sweets, marmalade, marshmallows and other delicacies, include in daily diet baby food dried fruits. Indeed, dried fruits are a concentrated source of vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth and development of a child. They can completely replace refined sugar, as some of them are sweeter than many berries and fruits.

All dried fruits rich in fiber and organic acids which improves digestion and metabolic processes in the body. In winter and spring, when there are few vitamins in fruits and vegetables, the inclusion of dried fruits in the diet of children is especially important. You can start feeding dried fruits to children from the age of one and a half years. It is best for kids to cook compotes from dried fruits or add them in crushed form to cereals several times a day. However, these must be dried fruits, and not candied dried fruits that are sold in the store.

Appetizing dried fruits, sold in the store, are not only dried, but also treated with preservatives so that they are stored for a long time. Most often, substances based on sorbic acid are used as a preservative, which denote E200, E201, E202. Sorbic acid in small doses is safe for the child's body, and the danger is sulfites and sulfur dioxide, which are used to process fruits so that they have an attractive appearance.

Connections sulfur contribute to the development of diseases respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract, and can also cause a child. Therefore, try not to buy dried fruits for children if the package contains E220-226 inscriptions. For example, take a sweet raisin of a transparent golden color. When buying raisins for compote for a child, many parents try to buy this one, mistakenly believing that it has a light golden color, because it is made from light grapes. But dark raisins also produced from grapes of light varieties, just when dried, all the grapes darken.

To obtain golden amber color raisins are dried with sulfites, which stabilize the golden color and act as preservatives. Also, do not look for the most golden and beautiful dried apricots or dried apricots on the market. They are also treated with sulfites. Dried apricots, dried without additives and preservatives, have a not very attractive appearance, and their color is brown and faded.

Prunes- This is a common dried plum. With constipation in a child, it helps to regulate stool and bowel function. Prunes are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. To choose prunes without preservatives, pay attention to their appearance. For baby food choose prunes that are shiny black rather than brown and sticky to the touch. Prunes should not be too sticky and have Brown color, all these are signs improper processing plums that were boiled in water for a long time before drying or soaked in plenty of charred sugar syrup.

Impregnated big the amount of sugar syrup and prunes treated with vegetable oil can harm the health of the child. As you know, sugar and refined vegetable oil are considered unhealthy foods, so you should not get involved in their excessive consumption. We also do not recommend buying large quantities children the so-called "fruit mixtures", which are dried fruits from pineapple, mango, papaya, grapes, banana and other tropical fruits. These mixtures look very beautiful, and melt in your mouth like candy.

In fact his they are the same candied fruits, they are also abundantly soaked in sugar syrup. This "exotic" in terms of calories and sugar content surpasses all sweets and cakes. Big use sugar can cause diabetes and pancreatic dysfunction in children. Candied dried fruits are very high in carbohydrates, and the content of vitamins and minerals is very low. Therefore, these treats can be included in the diet in small quantities and only occasionally, as sweets, and not every day as a replacement. fresh vegetables and fruits.

Most useful for a child, dried fruits are those that were dried correctly. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to find such products in a market economy. Therefore, we do not recommend feeding a child with dried fruits in large quantities, a handful of dried fruits is enough for a child older than 3 years of age to provide his body with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

Necessarily previously soak them in water until softened, and then rinse thoroughly with warm boiled water. Dried fruits should not be boiled or poured with boiling water, then no useful substances remain in them. Many dried fruits contain a lot of glucose and fructose, so they should not be given to children with diabetes. For example, raisins, dates and figs should be consumed by all children in moderation.

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At what age can you give dried apricots to children?

The well-known "dried apricots", which are dried apricot fruits, are useful not only for adults, but also for children. Let's talk about how to properly introduce dried apricots into complementary foods and at what age can this be done?

What is useful dried apricots for children?

Dried fruits are good opportunity saturate the child's body with vitamins, given that they are available all year round. Apricot in its composition has many useful substances and trace elements, most of which are preserved even after its “transformation” into dried apricots or apricots. Dried fruits are rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, beta-carotene, vitamins A and B.

Regular consumption of dried apricots in food will bring the immune system of children back to normal, increase hemoglobin levels and heart performance. Dried apricots contain alimentary fiber, stimulating the growth of favorable intestinal microflora, which will normalize the baby's stool and relieve him of constipation.

But it is worth remembering that dried apricots are useful in moderation. If you eat it a large number of, then the same dietary fiber can play bad joke, providing the child with gas formation, bloating and abdominal pain. In addition, dried apricots contribute to the manifestation of allergic reactions. In any case, you need to start introducing dried fruits into the children's menu with a small amount.

At what age and type to give dried apricots to children

About whether it is possible little child dried apricots, many mothers ask. Nutritionists believe that dishes with the addition of dried fruits and the fruit itself can be given to children after a year. If the child is prone to allergies, then you should wait with such dried fruits for up to three years. You need to start introducing dried apricots into the diet, like any new product, with half a teaspoon in the form of mashed potatoes, observing the body's reaction. Over time, the portion should be increased to 50 g.

Choosing dried apricot fruits for children's menu, do not be tempted by the bright orange colors and golden tints of such a product on store shelves. Often, eye-catching variegated shades of dried apricots speak of exposure to chemicals in order to preserve the presentation on for a long time. There will be no benefit from such dried fruits, or even you can harm the digestive system. Apricot, dried with a stone, is considered the richest in vitamins. Both apricots and dried apricots should be tough and dry, without brown or red spots.

Rinse dried apricots well, soak in cold water, pour over boiling water to make the fruits soft. After such procedures, it can be added to cereals, cook casseroles, pies and compotes.

For children, dried apricots are suitable for small snacks, which are especially popular with schoolchildren during breaks. Dried fruits will satisfy your hunger and will be a good alternative to sweets and sweets.

A child aged 1-1.5 years old dried apricots in grated form can be served with porridge, with cottage cheese. You can pamper children with sand singing home cooking stuffed with dried apricots. because of high concentration sugar in dried fruit compotes, they are recommended to be given to children after three years. As a "laxative" for constipation of a baby from a year old, you can offer boiled water with a little addition of dried apricots.

A small handful of dried apricots a day will be a good addition to healthy eating child. Dried fruits combined with nuts will increase brain activity and academic achievement of schoolchildren and preschoolers. For children, dried apricots can be made at home using a special dryer or an ordinary oven. In this case, you will provide yourself and your child with environmentally friendly dried fruits, without any threat to health and special efforts.


Dried apricots are a valuable source of vitamins and minerals necessary for the full development of the child. Dried apricots are perfectly stored for a long time, so they are convenient to use for complementary foods in winter time. For the first acquaintance of a baby with this dried fruit, dried apricot drinks are excellent: compote, decoction.

What is useful dried apricots?

Dried apricots are valued for their rich composition. It contains vitamin A, vitamin B complex, zinc, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus. Dried apricots have a beneficial effect on digestive system child.

Compote or a decoction of it is able to delicately solve the problem of constipation in infants. This dried fruit can be given to a child to strengthen immunity. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiac system, contributes to the normal physical and mental development of the baby.

Where to start acquaintance with dried apricots?

dried apricots in pure form breastfeeding should not be offered. It can provoke an exacerbation of colic attacks in them, cause discomfort in the abdomen. In addition, do not forget that apricots, like dried apricots, may be allergic, so introducing them in their pure form into the baby's diet is not safe.

For the first acquaintance with dried fruits, babies can prepare a decoction or compote. In such drinks there is no such concentration of substances as in the dried fruits themselves, so they have a milder effect on the fragile body of the baby.

In addition, compote can be further diluted with water, if necessary, thereby reducing its concentration.

Drinks based on dried apricots can be introduced into the baby's diet from 6 months, when complementary foods begin. children younger age who suffer from constipation, a weak decoction of dried apricots and prunes can be offered in small quantities, starting from three months.

How to prepare drinks from dried apricots for a child?

For a drink, you need to choose dried apricots good quality. It should be elastic and dry.

The glossy sheen of dried apricots (as well as prunes, raisins) may indicate that the fruit has been treated with chemicals for a more presentable appearance. Natural dried fruits have a matte texture.

Before cooking, dried fruits must be thoroughly washed and soaked in water. Compote must be boiled over low heat under a closed lid for 15 minutes. The broth should not be too concentrated: 100 grams of dried fruits are enough for a liter of water.

To save as much as possible vitamin composition dried apricots, you can not boil the drink, steam it with boiling water and leave to infuse for 5-6 hours. do not need to be added to the compote. Dried apricots contain enough fructose to make the drink naturally sweet. Honey can be added to the finished compote to taste.

In a decoction for children older than 6 months, you can add a small amount of raisins and prunes. These dried fruits are perfectly combined with each other and complement each other. Multicomponent drinks can be offered to a child only when he is already familiar with all the ingredients and there is no allergy to them.

From prunes, raisins and dried apricots you can cook vitamin compote for the breast. To do this, all dried fruits are mixed in an arbitrary proportion, washed well and soaked in a small amount. cool water. If the prunes are large, it can be cut into several pieces. When dried fruits become soft, they must be poured with boiling water and boiled for several minutes over low heat.

The finished drink should be infused for several hours. It can be offered to a child as a complete replacement for juices, to which children of the first year of life are often allergic.

Puree for the little ones

From dried apricots, you can cook a tasty and delicious baby healthy puree. It is convenient to introduce it into the diet of a child older than 6 months, who has already mastered the basic set of vegetables. To make puree you need:

  1. soak the fruits in cold water for 3-5 hours (the structure should become soft)
  2. cook prepared dried fruits in the same water in which they were soaked for 10 minutes
  3. grind the resulting composition to a puree consistency using a blender or a regular sieve

For the prevention and treatment of constipation in infants, you can add some prunes to dried apricot puree, which also has a laxative effect.

Dried fruit puree is a concentrated product, so it should be especially carefully offered to babies who have been diagnosed with food allergies.

Prunes and dried apricots puree can be added to babies in porridge (especially rice), cottage cheese.

Allergy to dried apricots

An allergy to this product can be manifested by the appearance of red rashes on the skin, its peeling, stool disorder, and swelling in the lips. Allergies can often occur after eating juicy fruits. If the family has a predisposition to this disease, the child should be protected from dried fruits for at least three years.

Children with food allergy concentrated compotes, mashed dried apricots and prunes are contraindicated.

Dried apricots may be present in the diet of infants. You can start introducing dried fruits to your baby from 6 months (or earlier if available). medical indications). At home, it is easy to prepare a delicious compote for babies from dried apricots or a fortified curd puree filling.

When the kids grow up and besides mother's milk it is already allowed to include in their diet various products, for parents, an urgent question arises: how to ensure a healthy and proper nutrition your child? Most likely, you are reading our article for this very purpose. Dried fruits are one of those rare foods that are just loaded with the vitamins and minerals our kids need. So, if you are wondering when you can give dried fruits to children, then know that this can be done when the child is already a year old. And we tell you more about this and about the benefits of dried fruits for children below.

When to start giving dried fruits to children?

So, it is recommended to start giving dried fruits to children from about 1-1.5 years, but not earlier than 10 months. In order to try dried fruits for the first time, the age of 11 months is considered optimal. You should start with those types of dried fruits that are easiest to digest. children's body, and these are mainly apples, as well as plums and cherries. When adding each dried fruit to the child's menu, do it little by little and be careful about possible reactions organism. If you don't notice any negative phenomena on the skin or on the part of the gastrointestinal tract, then you can increase their number little by little and bring up to 3-5 pieces / pieces per day.

Dried fruits can be added to cereals for a child, mashed them in small portions, cook delicious compotes, or rather fruit infusions. Indeed, under the influence of boiling water, many useful substances from dried fruits evaporate, but if you cool it to 80 ° C and pour dried fruits in a thermos with this water, leaving it for 0.5-1 hour, the child will receive all the useful substances he needs. You can add a small amount of sugar to the infusion, and even better - honey, if your child has already tried it. Moreover, weak decoctions made from dried apples or pears can be given to children earlier, starting from 6 months - up to 150-200 ml per day.

For an older baby, from about 2 years old, you can already give cottage cheese mixed with or, just be sure to pre-steam and chop the dried fruits. Steamed and softened pieces of dried fruit, a child at this age can eat and how a separate delicacy. Trying various dried fruits, you can add them little by little to tea, as well as cook soups, side dishes, casseroles with them and add them to the filling for pies and other homemade pastries.

Remember, no matter what dried fruits you buy, they must be washed under running water before use.

Why do children need dried fruits?

Often we begin to think about how we will provide essential vitamins and minerals for their little ones as summer begins to come to an end. AT warm time years, for this you can safely turn to fruits, so healthy, fresh and juicy, but what to do in winter? Don't worry winter fresh fruits can easily be replaced with dried fruits. After all, properly dried fruits retain almost the entire vitamin and mineral composition of fresh fruits, yielding to them a little only in the content of vitamin C.

Dried fruits contain a complex of useful substances necessary for the child's body to proper development and healthy functioning of such vital systems as digestive, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, nervous and others. They also help the child in the fight against all kinds of diseases. Now doctors often advise replenishing vitamins and boosting immunity by swallowing pills, but for centuries, disease prevention has been carried out with the help of dried fruits and nuts, which give the same effect, moreover, they deliver everything necessary substances the most natural way for the body to assimilate.

Dried fruits contain all groups of vitamins: A, C, E, K, D, PP, vitamins of group B and so on, as well as all the macro- and microelements necessary for the child's body: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorus and many, many others. And if some dried fruits deliver more than some vitamins and microelements to children, others supplement this list with new elements. In this way, you will provide your child with a complete supply of the necessary nutrients.

What dried fruits to choose?

It is important to note that all of the above applies to natural dried fruits. And in order to be able to choose them correctly, you should not get carried away with beautiful bright colors and a shiny surface. dried fruits lying on store shelves. After all, the more bright color have dried fruits, the more dyes and other chemicals they contain. AT best case- it can be a thick sugar syrup, which is covered with fruits to give them attractive appearance and longer preservation.

Man-made chemicals can cause serious harm the child's body, provoking the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system, as well as causing allergies. In the case of candied fruits, a special nutritional value don't expect as they often pass heat treatment, during which useful components are lost, and with the addition of sugar, only the content of the so-called “empty carbohydrates” increases. It is better to use such “dried fruits” only as an exception, like other sweets, and not to introduce them into the daily diet for children to strengthen immunity. In addition, attractive to the eye, colorful candied fruits are often made from tropical, and therefore more allergenic fruits, so you need to be especially careful when giving them to children.

As a manufacturer of truly natural dried fruits, grown, we recommend that Sun Land dried fruits, marked with the BIO label, be included in the diet of children. These dried fruits will enrich the child with everything beneficial substances, which fruits and vegetables are full of by nature, and will help him grow full of strength and health!

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