Why do ulcers appear on the body. Trophic ulcers treatment of ulcers with folk remedies. Photos and names of skin diseases in humans

Skin lesions can be inflammatory, traumatic, aseptic, infectious or autoimmune. Skin diseases are very common, since the epidermis is the most important body immune system and, accordingly, takes on all the "blows" as with outside influences, as well as from within the body. Very often, skin diseases in adults are closely related to improper functioning of the liver, intestines, central nervous and endocrine system.

In this article, we propose to consider common types of skin damage that can occur as a result of trauma, frostbite, burns, or the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms. All human skin diseases are presented with a detailed description of the clinical picture. The presented types of skin diseases are the most common and in most cases are difficult to treat with the methods of official medicine.

Purulent damage to the skin

Abscess- limited purulent skin damage with the formation of a purulent cavity, an abscess. Can develop into subcutaneous tissue, muscles, bones, etc., as well as in organs (liver, lungs, spleen, brain, etc.) or between them (intestinal abscess, subphrenic abscess and etc.).

Damage to the skin in the form of an abscess can occur either independently or as a complication of another disease (pneumonia, trauma, etc.). The development of an abscess is associated with the entry of pyogenic microbes into the body through damage to the skin or mucous membranes or with the transfer of the pathogen through the blood and lymphatic vessels from another purulent focus. Microbes that enter the tissues cause inflammation, followed by necrosis of a tissue or organ. The abscess is surrounded by an area of ​​inflammation. The protective reaction of the body is manifested in the formation of a capsule that limits the abscess from healthy tissues.

Inflammatory lesions of the skin (with photo)

Furuncle (boil)- acute purulent-necrotic lesion of the skin in the area of ​​the hair follicle and the surrounding connective tissue, caused by pyogenic bacteria, mainly Staphylococcus aureus.

The appearance of a boil is promoted by pollution and microtrauma of the skin, increased sweating and fat secretion, metabolic disorders, etc.

With the localization of boils on the face, severe complications(purulent meningitis, sepsis).

Panaritium is an acute purulent inflammation of the nail folds of the fingers (usually on the hand).

Look at these inflammatory skin lesions in the photo below, which shows their main symptoms and signs:

Dermatitis is a disease of the skin

Dermatitis- this is a disease of the skin or an inflammatory process on the skin that occurs under the influence of direct exposure to it various stimuli- mechanical, physical or chemical. skin disease dermatitis is often the result of external use medicines(iodine, novocaine, streptocide, etc.) hypersensitivity skin to these substances; arises from contact with nettles, geraniums and other plants. Often, mechanical damage (for example, abrasion) leads to dermatitis. to dermatitis caused temperature stimuli, include burns (including those from sunlight and electrical), frostbite.

There are acute and chronic forms of dermatitis.

It is characterized by redness, swelling, swelling, an increase in skin temperature, accompanied by a feeling of heat, burning, itching. In the future, bubbles filled with transparent contents may appear.

Treatment of dermatitis is carried out depending on the causes of their occurrence.

Psoriasis is a skin disease on the human body

skin disease ( psoriasis) - chronic recurrent non-infectious lesion of the epidermis. It is characterized by the formation of a skin disease on the body in the form of itchy scaly pink plaques. In the occurrence of this skin disease on the human body, neuropsychic trauma, metabolic disorders and the functions of the endocrine glands play a role.

Rashes in psoriasis occur anywhere on the skin, more often on the elbows, knees, in the sacrum and scalp. In some cases, psoriasis affects the nail plates, the surface of which resembles a thimble. In some patients, the rash is accompanied by swelling and soreness of the joints (the so-called arthropathic psoriasis).

Skin disease eczema- acute or chronic non-contagious inflammatory disease skin, which has a neuro-allergic nature and is characterized by a variety of rashes, burning sensation, itching and a tendency to relapse. The affected areas of the skin are characterized by redness and the formation of weeping, and then crusting vesicles on them.

The occurrence of eczema is facilitated by a variety of external (mechanical, chemical, thermal) and internal (diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and nervous systems) factors.

Neurodermatitis is thickened, eczema-affected skin that forms in areas of constant friction in susceptible individuals. Most often, the occipital region is affected in women and the skin of the legs and feet in men. The reason for the exacerbation of this disease is stress.

Other types of skin diseases

There are even more terrible types skin diseases, due to chronic infections or total disorders of the endocrine system. Skin diseases of tuberculous etiology in recent times increasingly common in dermatologist practice. Therefore, it is important to know their symptoms.

Tuberculosis of the skin is relatively rarely combined with severe pulmonary tuberculosis, although most often it is the result of the spread of tuberculosis from primary pulmonary-glandular tuberculous formations, less often - the result of direct infection through the blood. Most often, it manifests itself in the form of lupus.

Lupus (lupus) - common name a number of chronic skin diseases, in which various internal organs are often affected:

  • with lupus erythematosus, a red scaly rash appears on the face and progressive kidney damage is observed;
  • lupus vulgaris is a tuberculous skin lesion that develops as a result of direct penetration tuberculosis bacillus in human skin;
  • people who re-ill with tuberculosis develop lupus erythematosus (skin lesion is characterized by the appearance of warty areas on it, especially on the skin of the hands).

The course and symptoms of the disease depend on the activity of the pathogen, the ways of its penetration, the localization of the process, the general condition of the body and therefore can be very diverse.

Skin disease vitiligo (dog)- this is a violation of pigmentation, expressed in the disappearance of normal pigment in certain areas of the skin. The cause of occurrence is unknown. It usually begins at a young age (more often in women) with the appearance of white spots of various sizes and shapes on the skin. The spots are usually located symmetrically (on both cheeks, on both hands, etc.), gradually increase in size, merge, forming extensive areas of milky white color. Vitiligo lesions can occur anywhere on the skin. The hair on the affected areas turns gray.

The disease does not affect the general condition and worries only from an aesthetic point of view.

What other skin diseases are

seborrhea is a skin disease characterized by secretory function sebaceous glands. It occurs in both sexes, usually during puberty (12-18 years). The term "seborrhea" is translated as "saliferous". The activity of the sebaceous glands changes in the direction of both hyperfunction and hypofunction, therefore, two types of seborrhea are considered - dry (dandruff) and oily (with excessive sebum secretion).

There is no doubt that the disease is associated with neuro-endocrine disorders. The skin of the head, face, chest and back is affected, where a large number of sebaceous glands are located.

Blackheads (acne)- this is a collective designation of various skin rashes, often associated with dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.

There are several types of acne:

  • common, or juvenile, acne occurs during puberty, localized on the face, chest, back. They look like pink nodules reaching the size of a pea, sometimes with greasy plugs(comedones). They often fester. In their origin, hormonal changes, infection, hereditary predisposition matter;
  • red and rosacea occur more often in women over 40 years of age and are characterized by the appearance on the skin of the face of persistent dilations of small vessels and red nodules, sometimes with suppuration;
  • occupational and medical acne occurs as a result of contact with petroleum products, taking iodine, bromine, hormonal and some other drugs.

Damage to the skin as a result of thermal burns and frostbite

Skin damage resulting from thermal burn due to impact high temperatures, chemicals, electric current and ionizing radiation is a serious injury.

The severity of the lesion is determined by the depth and extent of the burn.

Classification of burns according to the depth of pathological changes in tissues:

  • 1st degree- redness and swelling;
  • 2nd degree- formation of bubbles:
  • 3rd degree- skin necrosis (dry or wet with fusion of dead tissue):
  • 4th degree- charring of the skin and underlying tissues.

The skin is the largest human organ and it is not surprising that in the process of diseases occurring inside the body, side effects as various kinds rashes appear on the skin. Any symptom requires careful attention to it, in this article about skin rash in adults, we analyze the causes with a photo, help you determine the culprit of the rashes, we also consider diseases, early symptom which are often skin manifestations.

Because skin rashes this is the first sign of many diseases, this signal cannot be ignored, any suspicious rash that suddenly appears should be examined by a qualified doctor (dermatologist, allergist or therapist), since the disease in a weakened form can manifest itself precisely skin changes without additional symptoms.

A rash may indicate:

  • Problems of the immune system.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Problems with the nervous system caused by stress.

So what is a skin rash?

It is generally accepted that a rash is a change in the skin and (or) mucous membranes. Changes may include primarily a change in color, texture of the surface of the skin, peeling, itching in the area of ​​redness and pain.
The rash can be localized in absolutely different places on the body, for different types of rashes, there are typical places of appearance, for example, rashes associated with allergic reactions most often manifest themselves on the hands and face, while manifestations on the surface of the body are more often associated with infectious diseases.

Remember, scratching the rash is unacceptable in any case, this will lead to even more irritation of the skin and possible education abscesses.

Types of rash

Skin rashes may be different kind, but are always subdivided into two types:

Primary- occur in areas of healthy skin or mucous membranes due to pathological processes in the body.

Secondary- occur at the site of the primary for certain reasons (for example, lack of treatment)

Undoubtedly the most favorable in terms of diagnostic capabilities and subsequent successful therapy are the primary appearances. All performances vary outward signs such as size, shape, content, color level, grouping, etc.

Let's analyze the main types of speeches

Spot- Manifested by a change in color or redness of the skin. It occurs in diseases such as syphilitic roseola, vitiligo, dermatitis, and birthmarks and freckles also belong to this type of manifestation.

Blister- Swollen redness with smooth edges, it can be regular and irregular in shape, common causes of appearance: urticaria, insect bites, toxidermia, usually does not require special treatment.

abscess- a formation filled with pus in the layers of the epidermis, according to the types are divided into superficial and deep located. Accompany such diseases as acne, impetigo, furunculosis, ulcerative pyoderma.

knot- can be found in all layers of the skin, outwardly looks like a change in the surface of the epidermis with redness and a difference in density from the surrounding tissues, usually 1 to 10 mm in size. Typical manifestations nodules cause: psoriasis, several types of lichen, eczema, papillomas, various warts.

Rash with allergies

The reason for the constant skin itching and visible skin rashes are often allergies, this is a fairly common occurrence in our time, about 70 percent of people are somehow susceptible or have experienced allergic reactions.

What is an allergy? This is an exacerbated reaction of the human immune system to an allergen that has entered the body, while in the process of getting rid of the presence of an allergen in a person, blood vessels dilate, histamine is produced in large quantities, also, redness, inflammation, swelling are almost always added to the above symptoms, and skin itching is present.

Attention! In the event of an acute allergic reaction with the formation of edema, you must immediately call the patient an ambulance!

It also often manifests itself allergic dermatitis- when exposed to an allergen, a rash area forms at the point of contact, for example, when reacting to clothing - rashes in the waist, back and those places on the body where clothes fit most tightly to the skin, or when reacting to perfume or deodorant - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greatest hit of the substance (often under the arms)

At mild form allergic reaction symptoms resemble symptoms colds: runny nose, possibly increased salivation and lacrimation. If you experience symptoms such as dizziness, tachycardia, convulsions and nausea, then this may indicate a severe allergic reaction in which there is a risk of developing anaphylactic shock, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Allergies can be caused by:

  • Pet hair
  • Plant pollen in summer or autumn
  • Medications
  • Food (chocolate, milk, citrus fruits, etc.)
  • Various nutritional supplements
  • Substances contained in perfumery or household chemicals
  • Substances that make up wardrobe items (fabric, metals, dyes)

Rash in infectious diseases

Rashes in infectious diseases are often characterized by stages of appearance, first it appears in one place, then in another, also each infection has typical rash sites, a specific shape and size, it is important to remember all the details and report all this information to the doctor when interviewing.

Below we consider a rash in various infectious diseases:

- in the initial period of the disease, a small rash appears on the face and neck, then within 2 to 6 hours the rash spreads throughout the body. It usually looks like round or oval redness ranging in size from 2 to 10 mm. Stays on the skin for up to 72 hours, then disappears without visible traces. If you have found yourself similar rash then consultation and examination of a doctor is necessary, since similar rashes are symptoms of many infectious diseases. We also recall that rubella is of particular danger to pregnant women, since if the mother is ill, the infection can harm the fetus.

- measles disease usually manifests itself with catarrhal manifestations. The rash appears after 2-7 days. The primary places of protrusions are on the skin of the nose and behind auricles, then within 24 hours it spreads to the skin of the chest, face, then the arms and neck are also covered with rashes. After 72 hours, the legs are also covered with a rash, the rash is most often saturated, merging. After the lapse of active phase diseases rash changing color, forms a semblance of age spots.

Chicken pox- with the onset of the disease, it manifests itself as red spots, then bubbles appear with a red ring and liquid inside, outwardly similar to dewdrops. After two days outer surface the bubble subsides and becomes less elastic. Subsequently, the bubbles become coarse, crusted and fall off within seven days without leaving visible traces.

Scarlet fever- Rashes in scarlet fever appear 24 hours after infection, the areas of active manifestations are the back, groin, elbows and knees, armpit skin. Then on skin inflammation appears, sometimes there is a slight blue in places where roseola is formed. The face with scarlet fever is usually not affected by the rash.

We analyze the reasons with a photo:

Rashes caused by infection:

Herpes- a scattering of small transparent bubbles forms on the surface of the skin of the face and lips correct form, then within 72 hours the bubbles become cloudy, dry up with the formation of darkish or gray-yellow crusts.

warts- the skin of the extremities is usually affected, they look like dense rough formations of an irregular shape of a grayish color.

Warts on the hand

Syphilis- the appearance of rashes basically always accompanies secondary syphilis, the rash is almost always diverse in terms of visual signs of elements, their number on the patient's skin. Usually, a syphilis rash is not accompanied by any additional sensations or unpleasant effects; after the disappearance, there are no traces on the skin. Secondary syphilis accompanied by spotty rashes, which are characterized by a symmetrical arrangement, brightness and profusion. After 60 days, the rash, as a rule, disappears, after some time the rash appears again, not so abundant, more unsaturated in color, localized in places of skin injuries, between the gluteal muscles, in the groin, on the shoulders and on the chest.

Candidiasis- (yeast diaper rash) common sites of manifestation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfolds of the skin, abdominal folds, most often affects people with overweight, the first stage of the disease is accompanied by small vesicles and pustules, which, bursting, are transformed into moist erosions of a reddish-brown color, showing a tendency to merge. Cracks and accumulations of whitish mushy tissue form on the surface of the patient's skin.

pink lichen- at the beginning of the disease, a red-pinkish spot appears on the skin of the chest and / or back with peeling in the central part, after which a spot-like rash of usually symmetrical shape forms on other parts of the body.

Shingles- manifests itself in the initial period as a group of blisters up to 50 mm, localized on one side of the chest, abdomen, head or shoulder, when it appears on the affected area, sensitivity worsens, pain accompanies, after the disappearance of the blisters, areas of hyperpigmentation and / or scars remain on the skin.

Red lichen planus - usually the rash appears as clusters of nodules and forms lines, rings or arcs on the skin with an equidistant arrangement of elements. Common sites of injury: torso, inner surface limbs, genitals. When the disease is present itching.

molluscum contagiosum- shiny blisters with even walls, translucent with a typical interspersed in the center of pinkish, reddish or yellow flowers, with sizes from 2 to 10 mm. On palpation, mushy white contents are secreted.

Rubrophytia- a disease of a fungal nature, in one hundred percent of cases the human feet are affected, at the initial stage it is keratinization and peeling of the skin between the 3rd and 4th fingers, in the course of the disease manifestations in the form of erosion and blisters are possible, in the case of the development of the disease, the entire surface of the foot is affected.

Inguinal epidermophytosis- damage to the skin, usually in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfolds in the groin (localization may be different). In the initial period of the disease, spots of a reddish tint of the correct form and with an unchanged surface appear. As the disease progresses, the heel usually merges and forms a skin lesion with scalloped borders. The main area of ​​the focus is covered with crusts, erosions and scales.

Acne- can appear on the entire surface of the body, but more often on the face, usually during puberty, are divided into comedones (clogged pores) papules, pustules, and cysts. With illiterate treatment and a neglected form, scarring on the skin after acne treatment on the skin is possible.

Vitiligo- white spots become noticeable on the skin, various in shape and size, it is possible to merge the spots into one.

solar keratosis- is formed due to excessive exposure to sunlight on unprotected skin, looks first as redness then as a keratinized dry crust, affects mainly older people, with untimely treatment may develop carcinoma (skin cancer)

Psoriasis- characterized by the appearance of a large number of bright pink papules covered with scales, with the course of the disease, the number of papules increases, they merge into large plaques, most often rashes at the initial stage appear in the area of ​​​​the bends of the elbows and legs, as well as on the head.


Human skin is regularly exposed external influence which can be very unfavorable.

In the same time internal state body, and especially metabolism, are clearly reflected in the condition of the skin. Both factors can lead to consequences such as ulcers on the body.

Provocative diseases

Why do such violations occur?

Let's start with the definition itself. Skin damage occurs regularly, because one of its main functions is to protect the internal environment of the body. At the same time, a significant part of the wounds heal quickly and without consequences, sometimes scars form. But in some cases, the process of restoration of the integument is slowed down, the wound site becomes inflamed, and ulcers form.

They occur in those places where the dead tissue has already separated, and the new one has not yet formed. At the same time, they tend not to heal for a long time, and the open surface becomes a source of additional infection with various bacteria and fungi, which only worsens the skin condition.

The causes of sores on the body can be divided into several groups:

  • mechanical injuries: if the upper layers of the skin are damaged, the infection more easily penetrates into the body and can provoke inflammatory processes in the dermis and even deeper;
  • metabolic disorders, for example, a disease such as diabetes mellitus is characterized by an unpleasant feature - any injury heals very poorly and is accompanied by the formation of ulcers, ulcerative processes on the legs can occur due to circulatory disorders;
  • malignant and benign tumors often accompanied by the appearance of ulcers, this is especially true for melanoma, sarcoma and lymphogranulomatosis;
  • some infectious diseases, such as syphilis, in which the appearance of ulcers in certain areas of the body is one of the symptoms of the disease;
  • neurotrophic disorders lead to deviations in the functioning of the nervous system and, accordingly, the regulation of many processes, which can also contribute to the occurrence of ulcers;
  • an unhealthy lifestyle, it contributes to metabolic disorders and the accumulation of toxic products in the body, some of which come out through the skin, causing inflammation.

Varieties of ulcerative rashes

Since the appearance of ulcers in humans can occur by different reasons and in different places on the body, they differ from each other and can be classified according to several criteria.

Firstly, according to the source of occurrence, as mentioned above, formations on the skin can vary depending on the cause that caused them.

Secondly, according to the location on the body.

They may appear:

  • and neck;
  • on the arms or legs;
  • throughout the body;
  • only on the genitals and so on.

Thirdly, by appearance.

So, ulcers can be:

  • small in size or large;
  • superficial or deep;
  • in the form, purulent or having a hard core;
  • gradually spreading or remaining in a certain size;
  • spreading throughout the body or arising always in the same place.

Herpes rash on the body

One of the most problematic, but not always immediately noted, is. What's this? She is an infection. Initially, it looks completely harmless and many simply do not notice it, believing that everything will go away on its own. However, this behavior only makes the situation worse.


Doctors distinguish that a person can get sick, only a few of them spread over the surface of the whole body: familiar to everyone from childhood, but for adults it is, and three types that have not yet been fully studied, but according to assumptions, can provoke sudden or affect nervous system causing neurological disorders.

The symptoms of herpes are well known and somewhat similar to common colds:

  • loss of appetite;
  • pain and aches all over the body;
  • general weakness;
  • the appearance of rashes.

As a rule, ulcers form after a few days as the last of the symptoms of the disease.

Depending on the type of herpes, they can be localized:

Rashes in appearance resemble bubbles filled with liquid, which form on their own and itch, especially in some parts of the body. The liquid that is in them contains herpes virus particles.

Vesicles are located along the nerve trunks. Gradually, the bubbles ripen and burst, then their contents enter the environment, becoming a new source of infection, and small sores form in this place.

The severity of symptoms largely depends on the person's immunity and the presence of concomitant diseases. The better the immune system works, the better less likely manifestations of the disease.

Video from an expert:

Diagnosis and treatment methods

Must, only he is able to distinguish this disease from another with similar symptoms.

Diagnostics takes place in three stages:

  • collection of information;
  • examination of the patient;
  • performance clinical analyzes blood and swabs.

Most exact method definitions is . Having found it and determined the type, the specialist can prescribe treatment.

It is worth noting that it is not yet possible to completely get rid of the virus, it remains in the human body, remaining in nerve cells, and manifests itself immediately as soon as the immune system fails. Then how to treat the disease and from what, in fact, to be treated?

Therapy has three goals:

  • suppression of the virus so that it goes into a latent state and does not appear;
  • activation of natural immunity, which will fight the virus;
  • prevention of complications that may appear after the manifestation of herpes.

Medical treatment includes taking:

  1. suppressing the activity of the causative agent of the disease. They can be both in the form of tablets and in the form of an ointment applied to the affected areas. These drugs include:, Virolex, Serol and others.
  2. Painkillers and antipyretics that help relieve unpleasant symptoms and alleviate the patient's condition: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.
  3. Healing agents that help to quickly eliminate the consequences of the disease and restore the integrity of the skin: Panthenol, Depanthenol;
  4. Antiseptics used to disinfect affected areas and prevent the spread of the virus: Zinc ointment,;
  5. Reception and vitamin-mineral complexes that enhance the body's immunity and increase its ability to resist the action of the pathogen.

During treatment, it is important to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of the virus in the environment. So, using the same towel or lipstick with a sick person is unacceptable. The same goes for application. Experts recommend using cotton swab, which each time should be taken a new one, and thrown away after the treatment of sores.

As an important method of combating herpes are physiotherapy: ultraviolet and infrared radiation, bioresonance and others.

They help to quickly restore the condition of the skin, strengthen the immune system and disinfect existing sores. This traditional method is very effective and painless, while helping to prevent a new outbreak of the disease.

There are also herpes rashes. First of all, these are infusions from medicinal herbs: wormwood, succession, tansy, oregano, celandine.

They are prepared at the rate of two teaspoons of herbs per glass of boiling water, after which they are infused for 10-15 minutes and can be used. They are used for making compresses for damaged areas, taking baths and treating wounds.

You can also use it internally, but herbs can cause an allergic reaction, and some of them are poisonous, so the latter method is only suitable for those who are well versed in the peculiarities of herbal medicine.

Also used alcohol tinctures from echinacea, calendula and chamomile. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared on their own by filling the flowers with alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 10, then putting them in a dark place for a couple of weeks. After straining, the product can be used to prepare compresses and rubdowns, as well as ingestion in a teaspoon.

More video recipes:

Diet is very important in the treatment of herpes rash.

This is not necessarily a strict avoidance of many products, but rather a recommendation that includes:

  • the use of dairy products;
  • the use of food rich in iodine, such as seaweed, fish, seafood;
  • cooking meals with easily digestible proteins: chicken, eggs, lean meat;
  • the use of onions and garlic, containing in in large numbers not only vitamin C, but also phytoncides;
  • the use of fresh herbs;
  • refusal of spices, coffee and alcoholic products.

No matter how it appears, it is necessary to find out its cause and begin treatment in order to prevent more severe course diseases.

Defects in the upper layer of the epidermis associated with a damaging factor (temperature change, mechanical and chemical influences) provoke the appearance of ulcers. It has a long course, it is difficult to heal, it can recur.

How do skin ulcers form?

As a rule, the upper layer of the epidermis is restored, but in case of negative phenomena (skin diseases, mechanical or chemical burns, injuries) this process slows down. Tissue necrosis occurs. Necrotic areas fall off, in their place a new epithelial layer slowly begins to form. Sometimes there is an absolute stop of the regeneration process. In these places, wounds form.

The skin is negatively affected by any ailment. Cause - Violation metabolic processes, dysfunction internal organs and systems.

Such processes lead to a weakening of the immune system. The result - the disease progresses, the natural mechanism for restoring the upper layer of the epidermis is suspended. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, necrotic areas will become a breeding ground for infection.

Localization of skin defects

Depending on the provoking factor, wound sites can form on any part of the skin or mucous membrane:

  • on the back;
  • on the face and neck;
  • on the lower limbs;
  • on the palms;
  • on the body;
  • on the head;
  • on the genitals.

Diabetes provokes the appearance of defects in the lower extremities, a trophic ulcer is diagnosed.

A child, a man and a woman are equally at risk of a pathological condition.

At an older age, with hidden diseases, ulcers manifest.

Types of skin ulcers

The classification of ulcerative formations depends on the cause and their consequences. Classify:

  • skin defects resulting from injuries, any mechanical damage, negative impact(chemical, radiation, electrical, thermal);
  • wounds formed during malignant and benign neoplasms(sarcoma, lymphogranuloma);
  • damage to the upper layer of the epidermis during dysfunction arterial circulation(blood diseases, diabetes mellitus, scurvy, anemia);
  • ulceration provoked by infection (leprosy, tuberculosis, furuncle, abscess);
  • skin defects in neurotrophic lesions (tumors, paralysis);
  • pathological changes in the tissues of the walls of blood vessels (obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis, syphilitic aortitis).

Skin disease symptoms

General clinical picture is manifested by such signs:

  • severe discomfort and sensitivity;
  • pigmentation in the focal area;
  • thinning of the skin;
  • an ulcer appears in the center of the affected area;
  • bleeding;
  • at the bottom of the wound, grayish contents (pus) are noted;
  • with successful healing, a scar appears in the sore spot.

In addition to general signs, there are symptoms characteristic of each type of ulceration:

  1. Venous. The place of localization is the ankle. Ulcerative lesions skins are small in size or occupy a large area. Without adequate therapy affect almost all lower part shins. The skin around is dense, hyperemic. Purulent, serous or hemorrhagic discharges are noted. With pressure in the focal area, severe pain appears.
  2. Diabetic. Fingers are affected lower extremities. They have an irregular shape, uneven outlines, necrotic areas appear along the edges. Any impact causes pain.
  3. Arterial. The place of localization is the foot. Often this is the back of the sole, heel, thumb. Ulcers are small, round in shape, around the skin becomes dry and pale. With slight pressure, pain appears.
  4. Radiation. Appear as a result of radiation. Lesions are deep, penetrating to muscle tissue and bones. They have a round shape, uneven edges. The skin around is atrophied, with signs of pigmentation, telangiectasia is diagnosed.
  5. Neurotrophic. Place of localization - calcaneal tubercles, soles, lateral part of the feet. Have great depth, in appearance resemble a crater. There are serous, purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor. The skin around the affected area is keratinized, dense. When pressed, the pain is almost not felt.
  6. Malignant tumors. Ulcers appear as a result of the decay of the neoplasm. Signs of skin lesions are pronounced. The wound is located in the center of a dense infiltrate. The edges are bumpy, necrotic places are noted at the bottom. Putrid, crumbly discharge appears.
  7. Infectious. Multiple rashes appear, localized in groups. They can be located in any part of the body, often the legs are affected. They are characterized by a small depth, have an oval shape. The bottom of the ulcers is covered with a scab. The skin around is inflamed, purulent thick discharge with an unpleasant odor is noted.

Causes of skin ulcers

Each pathological condition, accompanied by ulcerative formations on the skin, has an individual development mechanism and its own causes.

It is possible to single out a specific problem only separately for each disease.

AT big picture Consider the following causative factors:

  1. Failure of the kidneys, liver, intestines, spleen, lymphatic system detoxify and remove from the body toxic substances in full. They are produced during the life of the body, when taking medicines, eating vegetables and fruits saturated with pesticides, etc. When the “natural filter” dysfunctions, these substances begin to be excreted through the skin. As a result, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc. develop.
  2. Allergic reactions. Under the influence of chemicals, physical objects, environment and others. irritation may appear on the skin, provoking the formation of ulcers.
  3. Infections. Infectious lesion can be not only external (get fungi, viral infection, bacteria directly on the skin), but also internal. Diseases such as hepatitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc. provoke ulcer formations on the skin.
  4. internal allergens. it proteins produced by worms or opportunistic pathogens(streptococcus, staphylococcus, fungus of the genus Candida, etc.). These substances live in the body constantly, serve as an ongoing source of irritation of the immune system.
  5. Stress. Against the background of strong experiences, severe processes develop, after which an allergic reaction appears, which is expressed as a rash on the body.

Skin diseases accompanied by ulceration

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10) includes many diseases that provoke the appearance of ulcers on top layer epidermis. Here are a few of them:

  1. Acne. Blockage of the sebaceous glands leads to an inflammatory process. Ulcers appear on the face, back, shoulders, décolleté. The disease is preceded acne. Without timely treatment, severe acne develops. Causes: hormonal imbalance, frequent stress, dysbacteriosis, heredity, non-observance of personal hygiene rules.
  2. Dermatitis. Inflammation of the skin of any type (atopic, seborrheic, diaper, contact). Accompanied by severe itching, peeling, redness. flows into chronic form. Causes: genetic predisposition, regular exposure to the skin (friction, pressure), thermal factor (exposure to temperature, sunlight), the use of aggressive chemical or low-quality cosmetics).
  3. Eczema. May appear in early age. The disease cannot be completely cured, it can only be controlled. People with allergies are at risk of developing eczema. Eczema covers arms, legs, back, neck.
  4. Lichen. contagious disease, which without adequate treatment turns into ulcers. At the initial stage, a red spot with brown edges appears. Over time, crusted ulcers form at the site of the spots.
  5. Herpes. With a disease, blisters appear on any part of the body small size. In frequent cases, the affected area of ​​the lip. On the first day, a rash appears, covered with a crust. On the third day, the crust is broken, and ulcers appear in this place. Reasons: violation immune function, metabolic failures, acute respiratory infections, gastrointestinal dysfunction.
  6. Skin invasion. This is a malignant formation in which red dense nodules appear. In their place, ulcers subsequently form.
  7. Melanoma. oncological disease skin. It is possible to eliminate the disease surgically. At timely handling per medical care skin defect is successfully eliminated. The lack of qualified therapy leads to the formation of wounds. Melanoma is an asymmetrical pigmented patch.
  8. Psoriasis. It proceeds in a chronic form. Medicine is definitely not established cause the appearance of psoriasis, but it is known that it does not belong to an infectious nature. With the disease, red spots appear that spread throughout the body. The affected areas are covered with grayish or whitish scales. Without supportive therapy, ulcers form on the sites.
  9. Diabetes(SD). The initial stage of the disease is not accompanied bright signs ulceration. In this case, the skin becomes "varnished", swelling and hyperemia are noted. As DM progresses, tissue necrosis occurs, followed by the appearance of whitish spots. Further progression of the disease leads to the release of purulent-mucous exudate with an unpleasant odor. A trophic ulcer is diagnosed. The patient feels pain with moderate bleeding. Accompanied by severe itching, burning, heaviness. With the addition of varicose veins, thrombosis or thrombophlebitis due to trophic changes, weeping wounds on the legs are diagnosed. This means the addition of an infection and an increase in the inflammatory process.


The basis for the differentiation of skin diseases is a doctor's examination, clinical manifestations and diagnostic results. Diagnosis can be made using the following tests:

  1. Ultrasound of the vessels of the legs. Exclude or confirm vein thrombosis, atherosclerotic lesions of blood vessels.
  2. Blood analysis. It is determined by the concentration of glucose and autoantibodies.
  3. Culture of the ulcer sample. Reveals the bacterial origin of the wound formation.
  4. Biopsy of the ulcer sample. Carried out in order to establish the nature of the neoplasm.

Body ulcer treatment

The goal of therapy is to accelerate the recovery of the upper layer of the epidermis, eliminate the root cause, eliminate negative effects on the skin, and restore immune function. Depending on the type of skin disease, appropriate medication is prescribed.

If conservative methods are not effective, a decision is made to perform an operation.

At surgical method Treatment involves resection of the affected area, the application of a skin graft. After the operation, the patient is waiting for a course rehabilitation therapy.

The tactics of drug treatment is determined by the doctor after the results of the diagnosis. Drug therapy includes taking such drugs:

  • restoring and stimulating reparative processes (Pentoxyl, Methyluracil, Actovegin);
  • antibacterial, taking into account the results of bacterial culture for sensitivity (Augmentin, Doxycycline, Ceftriaxone);
  • restoring microcirculation (Trental, Reopoliglyukin);
  • antiallergic (Suprastin, Claritin);
  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) stop periulcerous inflammation (Diclofenac, Voltaren);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs local application(ointments, creams, cleansers);
  • enterosorbents that enhance the filtration function of the body (Polysorb, Enterosgel, Polyphepan).

In addition to medicines, additional drugs are used to enhance the regeneration process, stimulate blood flow and lymph flow. medical techniques. For example, physiotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation blood, cryotherapy, body wraps, folk remedies.

Prognosis and possible complications

With skin diseases, doctors put a conditionally favorable prognosis. Sometimes a non-healing sore on the skin requires constant control and relief of acute attacks.

Some types of ulcers without timely and adequate treatment are transformed into a complex pathological process.

Connection possible secondary infection. Such ulcers take a long time to heal and are difficult to treat.

Treatment of non-healing wounds with folk methods

Phytotherapy will give positive result only in combination with drug treatment. Funds traditional medicine have anti-inflammatory, regenerating, analgesic effect.

Before starting treatment at home, you must always get the advice of a doctor.

Traditional medicine recipes in addition to the main therapy:

  1. Mortar. Pour 1 tbsp into 1 liter of water. l. quicklime. Mix. It is important to protect the eyes and face, when lime comes into contact with water, there may be splashes. Rinse the ulcers with the resulting solution, and then apply a gauze cloth with ointment. To prepare a compress, 100 grams of spruce resin and lard are required. To the resulting composition is added 50 grams of beeswax. Stirred, put on fire, brought to a boil. The resulting ointment is smeared on a napkin and applied to the sore spot.
  2. Flush the sores every day with cool running water. Dry gently with a towel and apply a soft cloth soaked apple cider vinegar (6%).
  3. Washing ulcers. Prepare freshly squeezed cabbage and potato juice. Strain. Wash the wound daily in the morning and evening.


Often internal diseases lead to various ailments on the skin. They can manifest themselves in different ways, but the most noticeable is the appearance of ulcers on the body. They can be random, disappear quickly on their own, or become protracted and very difficult to treat. At the same time, they are different shapes, depth and magnitude.

Lit.: Large medical encyclopedia 1956

The disease is usually inflammatory, infectious, tissue destroying. Do not confuse an ulcer on the body with random mechanical damage skin. The emergence of a focus of erosion contribute to:

  • obliterating atherosclerosis. It occurs due to malnutrition, smoking and alcoholism. Ulcers appear with hair loss on the affected area and severe itching.
  • Injuries of the epidermis with subsequent suppuration. Without proper care, they develop into ulcers.
  • Bacterial and viral infections. Once inside the body, they cause processes that contribute to the formation of the disease.
  • Various blood diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus or scurvy.
  • The appearance of blood clots in the vessels. In these cases complete cure ulcers are the most difficult to achieve.
  • Benign and malignant tumors.

Improper diagnosis and treatment can lead to the transition of ulcers on the body into complex forms that are not always amenable to therapy and sometimes lead to lethal outcome. Therefore, it is very important to contact a medical institution when the first manifestations of the disease appear.

Which doctor should I contact?

Treatment of ulcers on the body depends entirely on the causes that caused them. This determines the doctor who will conduct the therapy. If you have any difficulties with the choice, you will be helped by such a doctor as:

After receiving all the data, the therapist will be able to decide on the cause of the ulcers and the method of their treatment. In addition, the doctor will give recommendations that will help prevent relapses:

  • Explain the nature of the disease in simple terms.
  • Prove that changing habits and lifestyle will help in treatment.
  • Advise to quit smoking.
  • Explains how to maintain body hygiene.
  • If necessary, he will advise the frequency of examinations by specialists.

With the exact establishment of the disease that caused the appearance of ulcers on the body, it is necessary to take measures to treat it. For this you may need:

  • Neurologist.
  • Immunologist.
  • Vascular surgeon.
  • Endocrinologist.
  • Gastroenterologist.

They carry out bacteriological, histological and cytological examination. This allows accurate diagnosis and development the best treatment. If all the requirements of the doctor are observed, in most cases a complete recovery occurs.

Treatment Methods

Therapy for a disease depends entirely on the ailment that caused it. If the main ailment is eliminated, the treatment of ulcers on the body is not difficult. Therefore, each patient requires an individual approach. All treatment is divided into two directions, which are performed simultaneously. To eliminate the causes, use:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Painkillers.

There are special drugs, the need for which is due to the underlying disease. They help to weaken or completely eliminate the influence of the disease on the appearance of ulcers. In addition, to quickly get rid of wounds on the body, apply.

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