The kitten vomited up a white liquid. The cat vomits foam: possible causes and methods of first aid. Natural Causes of White Vomit

Causes of vomiting in cats and cats. What to do if a cat vomits white foam or mucus. Diagnosis of green, red, black, yellow, orange, pink and clear vomit. Cat vomiting after eating. Treatment

Vomiting in cats and cats


It is unlikely that there will be at least one owner who would not observe such a phenomenon as cat vomiting. But the owner of the cat does not always pay due attention to what happened, considering it just a reaction of the body to food. Yes, this happens, but it also happens that bad changes occur in the cat's body, and this is one of the first symptoms of a serious illness. Therefore, it is better to figure out if there is a reason to treat a pet.

Causes of Vomiting in Cats


Here is a list of diseases in which a cat can begin to burp regularly:

    chronic kidney failure. Often with chronic renal failure in the morning, the contents thrown out consist of empty saliva, manifested uremic syndrome;

    gastroenteritis, gastritis - mucus may be visible;

    But it's not good to write it off unpleasant phenomenon only for pregnancy - infections can attack a cat at any time, so if you suspect it is better to show the animal to the veterinarian.

    Cat Vomiting Diagnosis

    People often forget that it is necessary not only to remove the symptom, but to understand the cause of the phenomenon. Vomit may be a symptom various violations in the cat's body. To understand the true cause of regurgitation, you need to consider vomiting - after diagnosis, it will become clear whether the animal needs emergency treatment, and which one.

    Cat is vomiting blood

    When an owner notices blood in a cat's vomit, they may panic. Should not be doing that. We need to get together and first of all study an unpleasant phenomenon.

    Perhaps there is scarlet blood in the mass, or the mass itself is thick and brown. If vomiting is still Brown color, then there is a high chance of having stomach bleeding. It could have been caused by a hit foreign body, tumor, ulcerative process, liver disease, acute course gastritis and some other diseases. Why brown? Because in vomiting not only blood, but also gastric juice.

    Scarlet hematemesis or mass of pronounced Pink colour signals bleeding in the esophagus or mouth. There is nothing you can do here except take the cat to the clinic.

    Black vomit

    black cat vomit can also scare the owners. Usually such an attack does not manifest itself without accompanying symptoms: along with regurgitation, fever, drowsiness, weakness, pain, diarrhea, signs of dehydration appear. They do not take any independent actions - only a specialist deals with the treatment of the problem. The task of the owner is not to try to feed the cat, but to get him to the doctor as soon as possible.

    Clear cat vomit

    snatch clear liquid maybe an adult cat, and little kitten. Instead of the contents of the stomach with pieces of food, there is simply clear water with some gastric juice. A small amount of mucus from the esophagus may be present.

    Simple yellow vomit found in a cat's diet consisting of industrial feed. But if the vomit is bright saturated yellow, even orange, it means that bile has spilled into the stomach.

    The reasons

    The entry of bile into the stomach is due to problems with the biliary tract or liver disease.


    It is better to re-examine the nutritional advice for cats: fatty foods excluded completely, not to mention stale. The second step will be to consult a veterinarian about checking the condition of the animal.

    Cat has green vomit

    Green vomiting appears if a lot of bile or even intestinal contents splashed into the stomach. Usually the impetus for the process is a severe infection. Required here urgent help veterinarian, not home treatment, take care of your cat!

    When a kitten or cat vomits greens and wool, everything is not so critical: probably, the pet tasted green grass, and before that it swallowed its own wool - this is where the stomach cleans itself from the wool that has stuffed it.

    Cat vomiting white foam

    It happens that a cat vomits with white foam - a single occurrence of a threat does not carry. Nausea begins when the food is digested and goes to the intestines, and mucus and gastric juice remain in the empty stomach. The air that gets to them helps to form a foamy white mass. This happens at any age: both in old cats and in young ones after childbirth.

    Multiple foamy vomiting in cats testifies to the presence chronic diseases stomach. Foam is a derivative of mucus that protects the walls of the organ, and in its absence, an ulcer may form.

    Foam vomiting is often observed in a kitten after switching to solid food: the stomach is often full, so it turns on vomiting reflex. The process is quite long in time, and stops only when mucus and gastric juice exit in the form of white foam. In adult animals, such a reaction of the stomach is also possible when switching to a new type of food.

    Veterinary medicine indicates among the causes of morning white cat vomiting with foam, beginning gastritis. Parallel symptoms may be alternating diarrhea and constipation, refusal to eat, apathetic behavior.

    If the vomit with foam contains a certain amount of hairs, the cause of the trouble was a lump of wool stuck in the stomach. The fibers of the green grass will help the animal get rid of the foreign body.

    It is not at all good if, in addition to foam, bile or blood is found in the contents ejected from the stomach: the cat is shaking and suffering from constant diarrhea, nervous seizures develop: urgently see a veterinarian.

    Vomiting mucus

    Vomiting in a cat with the presence of mucus in it does not bode well: erosive and chronic gastritis, intestinal diseases, viral diseases.

    Vomiting in cats after eating

    There are several reasons for this: the cat could eat heartily, and the gag reflex worked. Or the cat ate too hastily, swallowing pieces - such a meal will not go in the future. In both cases, the phenomenon will be one-time.

    Sometimes the owner notices that the pet constantly vomits immediately after eating undigested pieces - the veterinarian is already waiting for his patient, because this serious symptom inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to pain during eating and the refusal of the stomach to digest food in the usual way. Why is it worth going to the clinic as soon as possible? There were times when cat vomit after eating due to volvulus.

    Cat has a gag reflex without vomiting

    Watching their pet, the owners sometimes notice gagging that ends in nothing. Most likely, wool has accumulated in the stomach of the pet. Weak peristalsis can not cope, and there are more hairs. The veterinarian will remove the woolen ball, and the owners will be given advice on how to comb out the pet's fur.

    What to feed a cat after vomiting

    After the cat has vomited, the attentive owner continues not only to observe the state of the purr, but also offers him diet food. It does not cancel the medication, but accompanies it. A starvation diet is mandatory in the first 10 hours. Instead of water after a single nausea, it is better to give the cat a couple of ice cubes to lick. Repeated vomiting dehydrates, so the cat will have to try to drink fresh clean water.

    The diet in this case is therapeutic: the stomach and intestines will react poorly to fatty, spicy and salty food. If the cat eats dry food, choose medicinal forms.

    The beast is given two days in a row rice water, baby puree, boiled chicken.

    Treating cats for vomiting

    Trying to stop vomiting on your own is not worth it - not knowing true reason can cause serious harm to your pet.

    When the owner notices that the cat has vomited after sterilization, he may panic, but there is no reason to worry: the cat has endured anesthesia and is moving away from it, or she was fed early. Treatment is not required. A single vomiting in a cat after vaccination also does not need help.

    In case of poisoning, the cat must be given absorbents; if severe poisons are suspected, a veterinarian is taken for treatment.

    In any case, you can help the cat with vomiting with drugs that restore the water-salt balance.

    The doctor will prescribe a diet and prescribe pills that will save the cat's body from new vomiting.


    The gel of uniform consistency has a pleasant taste and is colored white. The contents of the sachet are used according to the dosage: for cats, 0.5 ml is calculated per kilogram of the pet's weight.


    Mezim is classified as a human drug approved for ingestion by animals. For treatment, a quarter of the tablet is used, which is turned into powder and treated to a kitty 15 minutes before meals.


    Cerucal can be bought in the form of tablets and injections. The dosage is calculated on the weight of the animal: 0.2-0.4 mg per kilogram of the weight of the animal. Reception is carried out 3-4 times a day.


    Substance in powder form white color issued in sachets. On the adult cat medium size is enough for 1.5 g of medicine. The powder is diluted to a mushy state boiled water(50 ml).

    Do not start the process cat vomiting on its own - the owner is responsible for the health of the animal.

    Cat vomiting video

Vomiting for a cat is a kind of mechanism for protecting the body from contamination by unwanted substances and microorganisms. Gag reflexes can be observed in the cat's body for several reasons, often having nothing to do with infections or diseases. Also of some importance is the frequency of vomiting in the animal and its general state, which is the key to determining why a cat is vomiting.

First of all, vomiting with the release of white foam may indicate a malfunction in the secretion of bile in the body of the animal. The food eaten from the stomach is sent to the intestines, while the secretion of mucus does not stop, which turns into white foam when it comes into contact with air. In the case when, in addition to white foam, nothing else is present in the vomit, nothing dangerous for the animal's body occurs.

Vomiting white foam can occur as a result of eating stale food, or it can be too rough for the cat. Very often, a cat vomits foam after his stomach is clogged with wool. In the case when foam vomiting occurs systematically, there is a reason to seek help from a veterinarian.

The problem is that vomiting white foam can be one of the symptoms of distemper infection, or feline panleukopenia. Sometimes white foam combined with liquid yellowish color. However, in the event that the cat actually vomits in case of one of the above diseases, vomiting will occur several times in a row. However, other urges are false.

cat vomits food

In the event that the cat vomits after eating, it can be assumed that he has a disease of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, moreover, of a pathological property. In most cases, the reason given state is overeating or a diet that is not suitable for a particular animal. There are often cases when general malaise cat is associated with a large amount of wool that enters the cat's esophagus or stomach as a result of the fact that the animal licks itself.

If the cat repeatedly vomits food, and mucus or blood is present in the vomit, the animal should be shown to the veterinarian. He will take everything necessary tests after examining the cat and will take all measures to ensure that the penetration of the infection into the cat's body is excluded. If necessary, the doctor will conduct therapy even before all the test data are ready.

cat vomits liquid

A cat may vomit with a liquid that is yellow in color, or is generally colorless and transparent. This type of vomiting may be evidence of a rather dangerous disease in a cat called “ distemper". A cat with this disease vomits liquid or foam that does not contain hairballs or undigested food. The vomiting process itself costs the cat a lot of stress of all forces, the movements caused by reflexes are quite strong. After the process of vomiting ends, the cat hides in a dark corner and, with the repetition of vomiting, it becomes worse. Gradually, the animal can stop reacting to the space around it and take care of itself. In the event that vomiting continues throughout the day or is repeated two or three times in twelve hours, it becomes very dangerous. There is dehydration of the cat's body, because the animal does not drink, but consumes the liquid. It is this factor that often leads to the death of a cat, therefore, when vomiting liquid, droppers should be given to the cat in order to make up for the loss of fluid.

The cat vomits bile

Vomiting of bile may indicate that the animal has such infectious disease like calicivirus or cat distemper. The onset of this disease often takes place against the background of bile secretion during vomiting, since in this way the liver cleanses the blood from various toxins and bacteria. Until the animal is treated, bilious vomiting will recur more frequently.

Also, the reason that the cat vomits bile can be a change in the animal's food, as a result of which the liver is unable to cope with the increased nutritional value of the new type of food. If at the same time vomiting occurs, the cat first vomits masses of food, and then bile is mixed with these masses.

Vomiting of bile can be caused by the presence of a foreign body in the cat's body. A cat can swallow a small item just by playing with it. If she passes through intestinal tract, it will come out naturally, if it stops in the stomach, the cat will vomit bile.

The cat is vomiting blood

If the cat vomits with blood, it can be assumed that he has an injury to the gastrointestinal tract. These lesions may be due to a tumor, the presence of an ulcer in the animal, or the presence of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract of the cat, such as a needle, glass, and so on. Injuries that cause bloody vomiting in a cat can be located anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, from the oral cavity to the intestines. Vomiting blood is dangerous for the animal in that its sufficient duration lowers vitality the entire body of the cat, leads to dehydration, which, as described above, is a threat to the life of the animal.

Cat vomits worms

The presence of worms in the body of a cat is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance, since their presence indicates poisoning of the body. If the cat began to vomit with worms, you should limit its contact with young children and stop kissing the animal, since it is quite possible that the worms will change the object of their location.

In order to determine what type of worms have settled in the cat's body, you should take the cat's feces for analysis. Preparations for the expulsion of worms should be given to the cat strictly under the supervision of a doctor, since the use of such drugs can lead to severe intoxication of the body. It is entirely probable that the installation of a dropper will be required.

cat vomits saliva

In the event that a cat vomits with saliva, first of all, the possibility of infection of the animal with a disease such as cat distemper or panleukopenia should be excluded, since this pathology manifests itself in the fact that the animal vomits white or yellow liquid with foam. Remarkable is the fact that vomiting with saliva is not accompanied by the release of wool or food debris. When vomiting saliva, urges occur with great frequency and do not bring relief to the cat.

Cats become lethargic, stop eating, even if it concerns their favorite food. Frequent vomiting saliva is pretty an alarming symptom indicating the need to contact the veterinarian regarding the course of treatment. You should also restrict the animal in food for some time, paying more attention to the amount of fluid consumed by the cat in order to avoid dehydration of the cat's body.

Cat vomits after eating

A cat may vomit after eating as a result of infection with such dangerous diseases like pancreatitis, gastritis, hepatitis also these symptoms can cause intestinal obstruction syndrome. You should not try to treat the animal on your own - it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately.

Even if the cat vomits after eating with a sufficient degree of regularity, one should not panic, as this can occur in cases where the animal has overeaten or a certain amount of wool has accumulated in its stomach. If outwardly the cat looks playful, cheerful, his eyes shine and cold nose then everything is fine with him.

The cat is vomiting, what should I do?

The gag reflex that sometimes occurs in a cat can be caused by the most various factors. Most often, vomiting is purely physiological process when the animal needs to burp its fur. This is due to the fact that cats, due to their own cleanliness, often lick their fur, as a result of which whole balls of hair accumulate in their stomachs. These balls are not absorbed by the body and are not digested. Most often, this trend is characteristic of long-haired breeds of cats.

If the cat vomits too often, you should contact the veterinarian. A specialist should intervene if the cat has been vomiting for more than a day. In such a situation, an appropriate blood test of the cat should be done, after which the animal is sent for ultrasound and x-rays. Often, cats vomit as a result of their infestation with worms. In this case, it is necessary to do prevention - give the cat antihelminthic drugs twice a year.

The cat vomits and does not eat anything

The cat may vomit total absence He has an appetite as a result of food poisoning. The animal's activity decreases, the cat becomes drowsy, lethargic, lethargic, sleeps a lot. On the second or third day, he begins to vomit with yellow or white mucus or foam. It should be noted that vomiting tends to increase throughout the day. The cat begins to show aggression, becomes nervous. It is not bad in such a situation to give him a sedative to drink, and then limit his food intake.

What to do?

First of all, at food poisoning in a cat, it cannot be fed with anything until the condition returns to normal. Since there is food poisoning, it is recommended to give the cat a weak solution of potassium permanganate to drink. AT without fail you should consult a veterinarian in order to accurately determine the cause of what is happening to the animal.

It is always necessary to remember that when vomiting comes out a large number of water, as a result of which the body begins to suffer from dehydration. In order to neutralize this situation, if possible, you should give the animal more water. In addition, for high-quality gastric lavage, the same coal is recommended as for humans. If all remedies have been tried and none help, you should contact your veterinarian so that they can be prescribed quality drugs and prescribed appropriate treatment.

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If a cat vomits white foam, you should not immediately panic. After all, this phenomenon occurs quite often. Maybe it's just natural process cleansing the stomach from wool. However, one should not discount other possible problems. After all, vomiting can be not only cleansing, but also pathological, that is, caused by any infection, infection or disease.

Why does a cat vomit

If vomiting is observed in a cat once, then you should not panic. All you have to do is keep an eye on it throughout the day. If the condition of the animal has returned to normal, then no action is needed. Otherwise, if the cat gets worse, then a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

There are a number of reasons why a cat vomits white foam:

Attention! Inflammation of the adrenal glands is scary because the cat's blood sugar level begins to drop sharply, muscle weakness, he vomits. In this state, leave the animal without medical care it is forbidden. The cat may die.

First aid for a cat

Regidron helps to reduce the intensity of vomiting.

If there is confidence that the cat does not suffer from serious diseases, and there are no problems other than vomiting, then can handle the situation on your own:

  1. Put the cat on a one-day starvation diet. Per day digestive system unload, the body will begin to "recover" itself. After this time, the vomiting should stop. Now you can gradually, but often, feed your pet with rice boiled on chicken broth. It is better to start with minimal portions every 2-3 hours. In the following days, portions increase, but the number of meals decreases.
  2. Brew mint. You can use pharmacy tea. The broth should be cooled to 37 degrees and poured into the cat's mouth. One tablespoon of broth is enough. It can be given both immediately after vomiting, and after a few hours.
  3. If the cat often swallows wool, you can give him a teaspoon of vegetable oil 3 times a week.

When to go to the vet

A visit to the veterinarian is necessary to determine the cause of the vomiting.

If the vomiting does not stop for a long time, think about what to do, it's not worth it. The only answer is to seek help from a specialist. Especially if there are a number of related problems:

  1. The cat has lost interest in food and is vomiting foam. This may indicate a development dangerous pathology- hepatic lipidosis.
  2. Animal torments intense thirst. If the cat is constantly drinking, there is a possibility of kidney problems that need to be urgently treated.
  3. The cat drinks a lot, but does not go to the toilet for a little.
  4. The cat vomits almost constantly. Vomiting, which is repeated several times per hour, should alert.
  5. The cat has stopped making contact, he is frightened or in a clouded state. This may indicate severe intoxication of the body, as well as problems in the brain.

Attention! With such symptoms, hoping for a miracle is dangerous and pointless. Vomiting may be harmless on its own, but when combined with the above problems, it can become deadly. Therefore, you need to immediately deliver the animal to veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home. Before his visit, self-medication is impossible!

Diagnosis and treatment

Improper nutrition can cause vomiting.

To understand what actually caused vomiting, the doctor needs to get some details from the owner:

  1. When the vomiting started.
  2. What did the cat eat recent times. Have there been any changes in his diet? How much did he eat?
  3. How often does vomiting occur?
  4. What is the volume of vomit and its composition.
  5. Does the cat have any chronic or infectious diseases.
  6. How the animal eats and drinks.
  7. Cat behavior.
  8. Frequency of going to the toilet.

In addition, the doctor must examine the animal. Sometimes, to make a diagnosis, it is enough to get information from the owner of the pet and palpate the abdomen. If this is not enough, the doctor will prescribe a urine and blood test.

Some clinics prefer to do a full spectrum diagnostic measures, which includes an x-ray of the kidneys and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Treatment depends entirely on the diagnosis. Mainly appointed medical preparations and measures to prevent dehydration.

An injection of the drug "Cerukal" helps to stop persistent vomiting.

The treatment strategy is to eliminate not only the signs of pathology, but also its causes. Therefore, the owner of the cat must understand in what cases and how he can help the cat on his own, and when it is necessary to immediately seek help.

In the video, the veterinarian talks about the causes and methods of treating vomiting in a cat:

If a cat vomits white foam, there may be several reasons for this turn of events. Each of them is no less important than the other. In any case, serious attention should be paid to this fact. It may also happen that such a phenomenon is caused by quite normal factors, after the elimination of which everything will be in order with the animal's body.

The most common causes of white foam vomiting are:

  • binge eating;
  • diet change.

While the cat is young enough, he can overeat, because he does not have a “brake” on the amount of food he eats. The same thing happens with an adult, but here, most likely, banal greed plays a role. Having returned the food that got into the stomach, the animal sometimes continues to vomit already at the level of reflexes. During this, vomiting of white foam may occur.

A change in diet in a cat is also the cause of vomiting of white foam. For example, the animal was transferred from canned food to dry food, or vice versa. Be that as it may, any change in nutrition can stimulate vomiting in a cat, which is accompanied by the release of white foam. Moreover, by offering the cat a new, tastier food, she can also overeat, as a result of which what was described above will happen. To prevent this from happening, you should transfer the cat to a new diet slowly.

Separately, it is worth noting that vomiting with white foam is the excretion of gastric juice mixed with the secrets of the mucous membrane.

If the cat vomits white foam, in which blood impurities are clearly visible, this fact may indicate that the animal has some kind of acute infectious disease. In addition to these symptoms, a cough is also sometimes observed. It is quite remarkable that in this case vomiting is not a symptom of the disease, but rather a consequence persistent cough. In turn, blood in the vomit also appears due to coughing, due to which small capillaries are torn.

In the event of such a symptom, you should remember if your pet had contact with a sick animal, and also whether it was previously vaccinated against various kinds respiratory diseases. But whatever the answers to these questions, if your pet is vomiting white foam with blood, you should not put off a visit to the veterinarian.

Other Possible Causes of Foam Vomiting in Cats

There are also other possible reasons vomiting foam in a cat. Namely:

  1. Malnutrition and hunger.
  2. Hairballs formed in the stomach.
  3. inflammatory processes.
  4. Disease of the adrenal glands.

Malnutrition and hunger

Banal malnutrition can cause a cat to vomit white foam. Similar action will happen to a starving cat. Remember that cats are quite sensitive to lack of food. In this regard, when the animal ceases to enter the body normal amount food, he continues to synthesize all the secrets for digestion at the same level for quite a long period of time.

Thus, hydrochloric acid accumulates in it, irritating. If you do not feed the cat in time, the acid finds its way out by emptying the stomach. That's why veterinarians It is recommended to prevent cats from fasting for more than one day.

Hairballs formed in the stomach

If too much hair has accumulated in the stomach of a cat, it is possible that she will vomit white foam. Most often, this state of affairs occurs in cats that can boast of long and beautiful hair. Moreover, the accumulation of wool in their stomachs occurs not only during the molting period, but also all year round. Especially clean cats suffer from this, suggesting a “marafet” daily.

Wool that gets into the stomach of an animal falls into lumps, which increase every day. These lumps irritate the gastric mucosa quite strongly, due to which the cat has profuse vomiting of white foam. Also during this period of time, the cat practically does not eat food, but drinks a lot of water. They may also suffer from constipation. All of these together are symptoms of excessive hair in her stomach.

To solve this problem, there are several options at once. First, you can buy a cat special vitamins designed to improve the digestion of wool. Secondly, just wait until the hairball comes out with the help of vomiting. And thirdly, you should take the cat to the veterinarian and follow his advice.

Inflammatory processes

Inflammatory diseases are not only common, but also quite dangerous cause frothy vomiting in cats. These inflammatory diseases are related either to the stomach itself or to gastrointestinal tract generally.

When this is the cause of the disease, the cat will usually vomit white foam on an empty stomach. But then, in addition to vomiting, a number of other symptoms occur:

  • weight loss;
  • apathy;
  • complete lack of appetite;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea.

adrenal disease

This is perhaps one of the most dangerous diseases, a symptom of which is vomiting of white foam. When a cat's adrenal glands don't work properly, the animal's body stops synthesizing cortisone. As a result, the cat strongly and rapidly loses weight, becomes lethargic, she loses her appetite, but diarrhea appears. Among other things, it is noted significant reduction blood sugar.

Remember, any hormonal disorders in cats require immediate veterinary attention as they can lead to very serious consequences, including death.

Other Causes of Foamy Vomiting in Cats

When a sufficiently large number of worms accumulate in the cat's body, it can no longer independently cope with the volume of toxins that they secrete. As a result, the cat's kidneys and liver gradually begin to fail. Refusal of honor is always accompanied by white frothy vomit.

Body intoxication

For whatever reason it may arise, its consequence will always be vomiting. As mentioned earlier, vomiting is a natural process that helps cleanse the body, including toxins.

The influence of medicines

If your animal is sick with something, the veterinarian will most likely prescribe medications. But they may not suit a cat in the same way that not all medicines are suitable for a person. As a result, the cat may vomit white foam. If you notice a similar phenomenon, the drug should be discontinued and again consult with a veterinarian to correct the treatment.

Many panic when domestic cat vomits white foam. Fear is not always justified. However, at certain symptoms When a cat is sick, you need to sound the alarm. In the article I will describe the causes of vomiting, why the cat often burps. I will name cases when necessary medical intervention and what to do in the first place, and how to treat. Let me tell you about the ways first aid.

There are natural causes that do not cause fear and diseases that do not represent anything.

The first group includes the following.


If the cat does not eat for several days, his stomach continues to produce juice. The hydrochloric acid contained in it acts irritatingly on the mucous membranes and the cat can vomit. A foamy substance is formed, pushed out through the contraction of the gastric muscles.

Binge eating

Individual representatives of the cat family do not know the measure when eating.

This is especially true for kittens, which are satiated as long as food is placed in them. As a result, he may puke excess.

In adult specimens, the process in question is provoked by an overabundance of the volume of consumed products when changing the diet.

So, with the introduction of dry food, an insatiable creature eats until it feels full. Swallowed food swells, increasing at times in volume. As a result, the glutton vomits up what he has eaten. Typical sign overeating - unprocessed pieces in the vomit and gray shade foam.


Licking itself, the cat swallows the hairs. The advancement of hairballs along the gastrointestinal tract is complicated by getting stuck, up to constipation.

Due to irritation of the walls of the stomach, foam is produced, with which digestive apparatus throws out unnecessary garbage. Wool in torn saliva - clear reason unpleasant phenomenon.

Regular combing and the use of products that help the discharge of woolen balls will help to avoid execution.

Foreign objects

Curious creatures, unwillingly, swallow small objects. Foreign bodies leave the body by forced emptying of the gastrointestinal tract.

Physiological processes

Pregnancy and heat. On the initial stages gestation it happens against the background hormonal changes and is considered normal. On the later dates the uterus presses on the digestive apparatus, forcing it to be released from the contents. During estrus, nausea is also possible with the corresponding consequences.


Occurs after consumption of antibiotics. Also, cats vomit from an anticonstipation drug -,.

stressful situations

After an experience of shock, frustration, a sharp change of scenery nervous system crashes. The result is spasms that provoke contraction of the gastric muscles.

Operational interventions

Vomiting after surgery under anesthesia. Considered the norm.


Foamy vomiting is a typical reaction after vaccination. It is not dangerous if it lasts no longer than 3 days.

Symptoms that signal disease

  • Viral infections such as Aujeszky's disease. Accompanied by weakness, refusal to eat, profuse salivation, elevated temperature. There is a yellowish tint or blood in the erupted mass.
  • Pathologies internal organs. The emptying of the digestive organ is supplemented by diarrhea, weight loss (subject to the regimen and quality of nutrition). Or, on the contrary, the cat refuses to consume food and liquid. When the cat pukes yellow foam, this indicates a disease of the liver and gallbladder. If the cat drinks a lot, but does not walk or rarely walks in a small way, the pet has kidney stones. Bloody foam is characteristic of damage to the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer). If a pet vomits in the morning on an empty stomach, it looks like heartburn. Dark color mass indicates the presence in the digestive organ of hydrochloric acid(gastritis, enteritis). A greenish color indicates. Admixture in the form of feces signals an injury to the intestine.
  • Worms. Vomiting occurs against the background of hair loss, diarrhea, followed by constipation, itching of the anus. In the erupted mass, worms and mucus are visible.
  • Sphincter weakness. Typical for kittens. Food does not pass due to the underdevelopment of the swallowing muscles. Stabilize with age. best way out- feeding with crushed food.
  • Tumors, increased intracranial pressure, blood clots and pathology of the brain. Fountain vomit.

What to do and how to treat foamy vomiting before the vet arrives

The first type of assistance − starvation diet for a period of 24 hours. During this period you need constant control, to determine the frequency of the ongoing process, associated symptoms and general condition.

After a day, under conditions of improving well-being, you can gradually introduce food. It is advisable to start with boiled rice in small portions at intervals of 6 times a day.

Two days later, add boiled lean meat to the diet. With a visible recovery, within a week the cat is transferred to the usual diet.

To avoid the nausea reflex from dry food, alternate it with natural food.

With simple disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient will help Mint tea chilled to 35-37 degrees Celsius. Poured into the mouth after the eruption of the masses.

Continuous access to water is provided to prevent dehydration simultaneous reception enterosgel or atoxyl.

In case of food poisoning, the cat is injected into the mouth with dissolved Activated carbon at the rate of half a tablet per 5 kilograms of weight.

A solution of rehydron will make life easier for a patient with paroxysmal short-term vomiting.

Cerucal and no-shpa will eliminate pain syndrome and nausea.

When should you take your cat to the vet?

Medical help is needed if vomiting does not stop for more than two days, occurs every hour, while the cat:

  1. Constantly drinking.
  2. Has difficulty urinating.
  3. Dehydrated ( increased salivation, eye roll). To check, lift the skin area, then release. A slow return to its original place signals a lack of fluid in the body.
  4. He licked off a medicine, a chemical, a poisonous substance.

Each case of vomiting white foam is individual.

Careful observation of the pet will help determine the cause of the trouble.

Health cannot be neglected pet. The slightest delay is fatal.

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