Cat morning vomiting. The reasons why a cat vomits bile and does not eat anything. Clear cat vomit

Vomiting as such is a rather unpleasant thing, and when it happens to your beloved pet, it is doubly so. When the cat starts to vomit yellow liquid It's time for the owner to sound the alarm.
Let's look at the reasons that lead the cat's body to such an unsightly way to empty the stomach.

Causes of vomiting

The first thing a cat owner should remember is that vomiting never happens. independent disease. Nausea is always a symptom that the cat has problems. Causes of occurrence: poor quality food, stress, inflammation in the stomach, overeating, swallowing foreign object, gastrointestinal injury intestinal tract, worms.

The most remarkable thing is that cats always try to empty their stomachs at the first sign of deterioration in health. In most cases, so Ambulance turns out to be timely. Swallowed wool, inedible object, spoiled food in record time can block the intestines and cause sepsis or peritonitis. Therefore, always carefully examine the vomit, knowing about the possible cause of vomiting will help save the cat.

Cat vomiting bile

Nothing scares the owner more than vomiting with a yellow tinge. The autopilot is triggered by the knowledge that this is very bad and dangerous. Let's look at the possible reasons for such a reaction of the cat's body.

The first and most dangerous is your furry friend got sick distemper. Constant, frequent vomiting without admixture of hairballs and feed, requiring tremendous tension in the muscles of the body, the release of yellow vomit. If this is already happening, do not waste time, contact a specialist. In the conditions of the hospital, doctors can put a dropper, which will make up for the loss of fluid.

The second reason may be a change in food to a more high-calorie one. In this case, the liver of the animal does not have time to reorganize to new mode work. The cat begins to vomit undigested pieces of food. Gradually, bile appears in the vomit. If you know for sure that the food was the cause of the disease, replace it.

The third very common cause of vomiting of bile is the ingestion of small inedible objects. AT best case foreign body naturally will come out of the body. But it can get stuck in the stomach, then it starts to be produced increased amount bile.

Also, the cause of regurgitation of yellow masses may be the presence chronic disease liver, gallbladder or intestines. Don't skimp on your pet's health! Get regular check-ups with your doctor.

Problems with gallbladder in the cat tribe, fortunately, they happen quite rarely. And the evidence of this sad event will be the release of vomit either completely consisting of foam, or foam with a yellow liquid. It is worth sounding the alarm if the urge is frequent.

Diseases in which vomiting bile

Let's name the most frequent of them:

First aid at home

First of all, it is necessary to remove food, leave plenty of water. If you notice that after quenching your thirst, the cat vomits again, try drinking a teaspoon every half hour. Usually, the intake of such a small amount of fluid does not provoke continued vomiting.

It is strictly forbidden to give a cat human drugs, unless otherwise recommended by a specialist. If it is not possible to stop vomiting within a day, urgently take the cat to the doctor. The delay in death is similar - the cat will die from dehydration within two days from the moment the condition worsens.

How to make a cat vomit

There are times when you know for sure that the cat was poisoned, but you don’t have time to get to the veterinarian quickly. In these situations, it is helpful to know how to induce vomiting yourself. Remember that help must be provided immediately - within the first two hours.

  • Water the animal large quantity water or water with salt. Make weak brine- 2-3 teaspoons per glass of water.
  • Press your finger on the root of the tongue. The cat should stand or lie on its side.
  • In extreme conditions, you can simply pour a little salt or mustard on the root of the tongue. Any irritation of this area will cause vomiting.

What substances are swallowed? can induce vomiting: arsenic, antifreeze, medications, poisonous plants.

It is forbidden induce vomiting if the cat has swallowed a sharp inedible object, solvent, detergent, acid or alkali.

Nature during the creation of the body calculated everything to the smallest detail. Sneezing or coughing is a natural defensive response. The same applies to vomiting. Due to it, the cat's body wants to get rid of substances that are perceived by the animal as foreign. Naturally, if a pet vomits, then this causes a great panic in the owner. But no need to worry.

Perhaps the reason is not dangerous, but it is necessary to determine why the cat or cat vomited and what to do, what to do in this case. So, your cat is vomiting: what to do, how to treat, and should you sound the alarm?

Kotov vomits after a reflex signal coming from the brain. There can be many reasons for this:

Vomiting foam

When a cat vomits with white foam, then, for starters, it is necessary to exclude diseases such as panleukopenia or distemper. With this pathology, the cat vomits a white or yellow liquid with foam. The difference is that this vomiting does not come with food debris or hair. Most often, the urges appear frequently and do not give relief.

In addition, apathy appears in cats, animals refuse food and even their favorite dish. Just like in a dog, this pathology often leads to death if treatment is not started in a timely manner. Thus, in the event that a cat vomits a yellow or white liquid with foam, then you need to see a veterinarian as soon as possible and prescribe treatment.

Vomiting after eating

Cat vomits after eating various reasons. The main and most likely is overeating. In this case, if the cat swallows food quickly, then overeating may occur and, as a result, vomiting food covered in saliva or mucus. Also, the cat vomits after eating during the change of food. If until this time the cat was fed natural food and for some reason, the menu for the day of the pet suddenly began to consist, for the most part, of dry food, then a problem with the digestive system may also appear.

In this case, it is necessary to exclude diseases. Thus, overeating appears only with vomiting after eating with saliva or food residue with mucus.

Vomit should not contain:

  • bile with water;
  • wool;
  • worms.

In addition, diarrhea will not appear, the cat does not refuse to eat, and a single vomiting creates significant relief.

Just like in a dog, these problems tend to appear in young age and in adult cats.

Vomiting with hair

A cat, unlike a dog, licks itself all the time, and the hair gets into digestive system. As a result of the accumulation of wool, patency is impaired digestive tract, which leads to reflex cleansing of the stomach. And the cat is vomiting hair. Vomiting with a yellow liquid or foam, along with mucus, is not excluded. Neither a change in the behavior of the cat, nor diarrhea at this time should occur. Most often, this condition appears several times a month.

But not everything is so simple. Very often in long-haired cats it is formed blockage of the intestinal tract. In this case, the pet has been vomiting all the time, impurities are formed with blood, remnants of unprocessed food and bile. Moreover, the cat has weakness, she simply does not eat anything and, as a result of this process, dehydration is formed. AT this case an urgent need to perform the operation, because conservative treatment this pathology does not exist. But to the delight of the owners of long-haired cats, it must be said that there is a specially designed paste that does not allow given state and used as a preventive measure.


During damage to the cat's throat, vomiting is also not ruled out. Of course, the pet does not eat anything at this time, weakness appears, and vomit can be found in the masses. blood impurities . During damage to the bronchi or lungs, vomiting with white foam is possible. It is distinctive that cats do not have diarrhea during injuries, which does not allow an infectious disease. In this case, it is necessary to examine the mouth of the animal and determine the reason for this situation.

Any change hormonal background may produce vomiting. For starters, this applies to pregnant cats. At the first stages vomiting mucus is considered normal. If the cat vomits yellow foam, then this means that there is a disease of the gallbladder, which is chronically exacerbated during pregnancy. As a rule, urges appear in the morning, just like in a dog and a person.

It is not necessary to treat a cat that is pregnant, unless, of course, she has a temperature and she does not swear. Enough to give easily digestible food and often give the animal water to drink. It is not necessary to allow the cat to eat unsuitable objects. Often, a pregnant cat undergoes a transformation of taste, she begins to gnaw on wallpaper, pieces of polyethylene, and the like. It is necessary to feed with specially selected food, where all the necessary trace elements and vitamins are located.

Diseases of the internal organs

Most often, a cat vomits during the pathology of the gallbladder and liver. Moreover, vomiting is formed with bile of the corresponding smell. Often the cat does not eat anything, and at the same time after eating it becomes much easier for her. Diarrhea, which contains impurities with bile, is not excluded. Moreover, the cat vilifies very often and most often this happens in the morning, because it is in given time the work of these internal organs is activated.

There are statistics that a cat, as a rule, vomits after fatty foods and dry food. If this condition is associated only with non-compliance with the diet, then you only need to decide on food and provide food with water.

Also, intestinal pathologies can lead to vomiting. These are possible ulcers, gastritis, trauma, that is, all the same diseases as in a person or dog. During certain of them, diarrhea may appear, the animal does not eat anything, vomiting contains pieces of food. During the presence of an ulcer, diarrhea can sometimes even be with blood. In the last version the condition is aggravated after eating dry food because it can cause mucosal damage.

In this case, it is necessary to determine for what reason vomiting appears, which organ is infected, and proceed directly to treatment.

infectious diseases

All the more carefully it is necessary to treat the cat when it often vomits with bile, and diarrhea with water is noticeable. This often means infectious disease. This is possibly the plague. It is slightly different from the one that appears in a dog, but it is just as unsafe for a cat's life.

Also such pathologies may occur, how:

  • rhinotracheitis;
  • herpes;
  • calicivirus and the like.

All these diseases have certain characteristics. That is why it is necessary to observe the cats carefully and note any changes.

Other reasons

In addition to the above, cats can vomit after spaying or any other operation. Moreover, when the cat does not refuse food and does not vilify, then nothing should be done. If the animal does not eat anything, diarrhea appears, impurities with bile or blood are noticeable in the vomit, then it is necessary to see the veterinarian as quickly as possible in order to prevent complications after sterilization.

In addition, after surgery, liver damage sometimes appears as defensive reaction body to anesthesia, which is also manifested by vomiting. It should also be noted that after sterilization, the protective properties of immunity decrease, therefore, each vomiting with foam, especially water with bad smell needs an appeal to a venereologist to prevent distemper.

What to do?

To begin with, if the cat vomits, it is necessary to exclude poisoning or infection and this must be done as soon as possible. Then the nature of vomiting is revealed. If vomiting with worms - urgently to the hospital for treatment. Vomiting with food indicates overeating, nausea during sterilization is considered the norm, but only when there are no other signs, vomiting in the morning indicates a gallbladder infection.

Prevention is the observance of the rules of keeping and feeding. Try to avoid dry food when your cat has stomach problems. If the cat is picky and won't eat anything else, try making it with boiling water, which will make the food softer. In the case when cats eat wallpaper, it is necessary to provide them with a toy. That is, knowing why the cat is vomiting, you will no longer think what to do, and immediately take measures to alleviate the condition of your pet.

Sometimes our pets get sick. And then it becomes uncomfortable, because the owner does not know what is happening with the pet, and, most importantly, how to help him? Not all symptoms are specific and “suggest” why the purr is unwell.

And according to the general ones (diarrhea, vomiting or constipation), it will not be possible to independently determine the cause of the pet's ailment.

So why is the cat vomiting? natural cleansing stomach from licked wool or a symptom of the disease?

What to do if the cat's vomiting is constant, even with an admixture of blood or bile? About everything in more detail.

Causes of vomiting

  • Irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach/pharynx with something hard (a hairball in the stomach or a fish bone stuck in the throat). Often, cats accidentally swallow something small and inedible, starting to chew out of interest. Then in the vomit you can see what led to intestinal antiperistalsis.
  • Pet feeding. If the owners tend to put more purrs into the bowl, thinking that it’s better that they four-legged friend will be longer full, then the fluffy overeats. And then there is no doubt why the cat began to vomit. Vomit is undigested pieces of food, and the cat vomits only after overfeeding, if the portion is reduced, then more such attacks will not occur.
  • Vomiting in a cat can also occur due to poor-quality feed. The pet will probably get poisoned. Then the toxins act on the receptors of the brain (more precisely, on the vomiting center), hence the reverse peristalsis.
  • Do not forget that a purr can be poisoned not only by food, but also by chemicals, medicines (especially if the owner is self-medicating), and houseplants. There are a lot of poisons, toxins, they affect the vomiting center in the brain.
  • Why else can a cat vomit? Due to the strong helminthic invasion. Intestinal helminths in the process of life inside the host release toxins, which again poison the cat.
  • Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. They are not always of non-contagious etiology. Much more often these inflammations are the result of infectious diseases. And if you do not contact the veterinarian for help in as soon as possible the pet will die.
  • However, diseases of the digestive system leading to vomiting may not be inflammatory nature. For example, intestinal obstruction, inversion of its loop. Without a timely surgical intervention you can't save the cat. No herbs and pills will help here, which is why it is so important to go to the veterinary clinic when a cat is vomiting.
  • Brain damage. These are injuries (concussion or bruise), swelling, increased intracranial pressure - all this can be the reason why the cat vomits.

Symptoms of vomiting

It would seem, what are the symptoms if vomiting is the same for everyone. But many owners confuse it with a cough. It is believed that the pet vomited precisely because of a coughing fit and confuse cause and effect.

It doesn't take long for the cat to vomit. At first, he coughs lightly, saliva is secreted in large volumes. Purring licks, rushes about (if not exhausted), constantly swallows and breathes often, often.

Only then he bends down and stretches his neck - vomiting begins.


If the reverse peristalsis of the intestine was once, did not recur, and the cat herself feels great and behaves normally, then there are probably no serious diseases.

Often you don't need to do anything. Perhaps the reason was overfeeding or a hairball.

If vomiting recurs (at least three times during the day), then entrust the diagnosis to the veterinarian, it is not necessary to go to the clinic, you can call him at home (many clinics provide this service).

You will also need to tell the veterinarian as much as possible about the purr.

First of all, you need to remember what they fed or what they gave the pet (medicines, treats, or maybe the cat reached for a flower or a bottle of household chemicals), mention vaccinations, dewormings (last dates), remember if there were any injuries.

You need to take a closer look at the vomit. What are they mostly made of? If from undigested food residues, then problems can be associated with overfeeding, intestinal blockage, and foreign body in the stomach, and with the quality of the feed (for example, too fatty or poor quality food).

If the vomiting in a cat is accompanied by fever, diarrhea, or any other symptoms, then most likely the cause is an infection.

And without specific treatment(immunoglobulins or antibiotics), alas, there is practically no chance for a quick and complete recovery.

It is necessary to tell the veterinarian about the color of the vomit (white, yellow, with blood, with foam, etc.). This will help to better define possible cause ailments of a beloved cat.

And only after the diagnosis is made, you can start treating the pet.

Cat treatment

What should the owner do when his four-legged family member vomits? First of all, call the veterinarian or go to the clinic with the animal yourself.

The veterinarian will examine the patient, provide first aid: if necessary, wash the stomach, put a dropper. If necessary, prescribe a course of antibiotics.

You do not need to self-administer antiemetics. Firstly, vomiting is a defensive reaction of the body, perhaps in this way it tries to cleanse gastrointestinal tract from toxins.

And by prescribing antiemetic drugs on your own, you will ensure that toxins and poisons penetrate into the bloodstream, thereby the animal's well-being will only worsen.

Secondly, self-treatment is always a risk. You can make a mistake with the dosage. And, thirdly, such actions of the owners greatly complicate the work of the veterinarian. It is much more difficult to make a diagnosis when many symptoms disappear before the examination.

Only veterinarian makes a decision: what and in what dosage can be given to a cat with vomiting. All you can do is no longer feed the cat, but ensure that he has access to clean water. Dehydration is very dangerous.

The veterinarian will probably advise you at home to drink your pet every 10-15 minutes in a spoon (tea) of a special saline solution.

You do not need to pour the entire glass, this will only provoke a new attack of vomiting. Similar powders (they are then dissolved in chilled boiled water according to the instructions) it is better to keep in your first aid kit, and they are sold in any "human" pharmacy.

If the cause of vomiting is a loop inversion or intestinal obstruction, then surgery will be required. But again, you can find out about this only after you show your pet to the veterinarian.

If you decide to do without qualified assistance and do everything on your own (put enemas, inject antibiotics, give antiemetics), then you risk losing your pet.

Contact your veterinarian as soon as you notice that your pet is unwell.

Prevention of vomiting in cats

  • Check the quality of the feed. It should always be fresh and suitable for the animal (not food for the cat should be on your table). Always remove the leftover food from the bowl so that it does not spoil during the day. And don't overfeed!
  • Never self-medicate, do not give pills to an animal without consulting a veterinarian. Keep a first aid kit and any medicines (even vitamins, dietary supplements) in a place where pets and children cannot reach.
  • Don't forget about preventive actions: vaccinations, deworming and just examinations at the veterinarian. This will greatly increase your pet's chances of maintaining its health.
  • Remove higher houseplants. BUT household chemicals lock it in a locker or put it where a curious purr cannot reach.
  • Brush the coat regularly (especially for long-haired cats). If it falls out strongly, be sure to contact your veterinarian. There are many reasons for hair loss. And if you don’t fight it, then the cat can swallow it while it licks itself.

It's not uncommon to watch your cat vomit. It so happened that our pets eat grass specifically for this purpose (and any, and not at all "medicinal"). In this way, they get rid of the "trash" that has accumulated in the digestive organs.

But if a cat vomits bile, this is already a cause for alarm, because “just like that” this phenomenon does not occur, and in most cases it indicates some serious problems with the digestive organs.

To begin with, we will describe the common causes that can lead to yellowing of vomit. These include:

  • Cat eating "non-food" objects. It occurs when a pet is full of artificial casings from sausages or sausages. A similar phenomenon is observed in cases of eating chicken or fish bones, fragments of which remain in the stomach for a long time and irritate its mucous membrane, contributing to the release of bile.
  • This happens when a pet does not eat anything for a long time (illness, apathy), and then quickly catches up by overeating at a full bowl. going on powerful release bile, which irritates the stomach lining and causes profuse vomiting.
  • When eating something poisonous, poisoning, infectious diseases, strong helminthic invasions. Worms are not only thrown into the blood a large number of toxins, but are also a strong irritant.
  • Shouldn't be discounted cancer diseases . In particular, when a cat vomits bile with blood, this may well indicate the presence of a tumor in its digestive tract.

By the way, in cats, unlike dogs, with slightly yellowed vomit - not a cause for serious alarm. In these animals, when vomiting, a certain amount of bile almost always enters the contents of the stomach, and there is nothing wrong with that. Surely every cat owner with experience can confirm this. Yellowness is especially noticeable when the cat ate grass for “self-cleaning”, after which it vomited.

Read also: Depression in cats: myth or reality

A cause for alarm appears when vomiting of bile in cats appears, even if the pet has not eaten or drunk anything. In the case when your cat vomits from time to time, but this happens after he has consumed a small amount of liquid or food, but at the same time you know for sure that he could not eat anything poisonous, just observe the animal for one day. This recommendation is related to physiological features digestion in these animals.

As a rule, a cat digests food within eight hours. In the event that vomiting occurs before the expiration of this period, you will see lumps undigested food mixed with a small amount yellowish mucus. Accordingly, when vomiting occurs under the condition of an already empty stomach, the owner will only see thick mucus with numerous streaks of bile. In the second case, the pathology is clearly more serious.

Other predisposing factors

What are the reasons for what is happening? There may be many. First, it all depends on the animal. If your cat has a habit of greedily pouncing on food, sweeping away a whole bowl in a couple of seconds, then he cannot help but tear it. Often this happens when a lot of hair has accumulated in the stomach of a long-haired cat. It is possible that the pet simply ate something temptingly smelling, but inedible (the already mentioned sausage skins). Very often, a cat vomits foamy bile when he has some kind of liver disease or thyroid gland. Sometimes like this - indirect sign the presence of heartworm.

Regurgitation may occur during the period of "departure" from surgery. Particularly after sterilization.

By the way, what is the danger of this pathology? The fact is that in most cases bile enters an empty stomach. And this substance is a powerful chemical reagent, very aggressive towards unprotected tissues. Simply put, over time, bile literally corrodes the gastric mucosa, which at best leads to gastritis, but more often it ends with an ulcer. This is very common in cats whose owners feed them once a day, but in large quantities. And dry food.

Read also: Urethritis in cats - symptoms and treatment of inflammation

If you simply have no other choice (in terms of food) try to feed your cat at least two, but ideally three or four times a day. Fortunately, now the market is full of automatic feeders, which can easily cope with this without the participation of the owner.

But often such a feeder is an unbearable burden for the budget. But you still need to properly feed your pet. What to do in this case? The problem is especially acute if the owner / owners work all day, and there is no one to look after the unfortunate, starving cat. In this case, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian. Now on sale food specially designed for a single feeding of cats.

They include many dietary fiber, they are completely balanced in all vital important components. But still, we would recommend purchasing a special feeder that would “give out” food to your pet once or twice a day, between morning and evening feedings. It should be warned that feeding the cat in this case is also not worth it: the more often he gets food, the smaller the portions should be.

When should you urgently seek veterinary care?

If you notice that your cat is vomiting bile (concentrated, mixed with mucus), or this mixture contains copious clots blood, contact your veterinarian immediately. The fact is that similar symptoms often indicate a perforated gastric ulcer or malignant tumor somewhere in the intestines.

When a cat vomits a yellow liquid, this means two options: vomiting bile or eating a certain kind stern. When a cat eats a specific food, she may vomit yellow. It is quite easy to distinguish it from bile: vomit has gray shade. In this case, there is no reason to worry, you just need to exclude this species feed, because the cat's body does not accept it. The situation is different with a saturated yellow vomit- this means that bile has entered the cat's stomach, which, when healthy condition organism should not be in it.

Causes of vomiting bile in a cat

Determine the reasons why cats is coming vomiting bile, maybe a veterinarian. As a rule, if a cat vomits bile at regular intervals, this indicates diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines or gallbladder. The above diseases can occur against the background of an incorrect, unbalanced diet, drinking too fatty foods. It is also possible the development of diseases if the cat is fed not quite fresh food. It is also advisable to give the animal fractional food so that it does not swallow large pieces - this can also cause bile to accumulate in the stomach.

Name of veterinary services

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one animal

one animal

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Doctor's consultation on test results

Doctor's consultation, no pet

Cat vomiting mucus

Vomiting of a cat with mucus can begin if the animal suffers chronic gastritis, bowel disease. Presence various kinds viruses in the body or worms can also contribute to vomiting mucus. If a cat vomits mucus with white foam, then this does not pose a strong health threat, since such a pathology is considered vomiting on an empty stomach. The situation is completely different with the situation when the cat vomits only mucus without any impurities - in this case, the trip to the doctor cannot be postponed, because this can be quite a reason serious illness such as intestinal obstruction.

As in any animal disease, the main thing here is not to delay and urgently take the animal to the clinic. Self-medication for vomiting in a cat is completely useless, and sometimes dangerous! Not knowing the reason for this state of the animal, having read “useful” tips on the Internet, many owners neglect medical assistance and try to improve the health of the pet at home, on their own. Thus, often the animal not only does not feel better, but on the contrary, its condition worsens! Do not play Aibolit when we are talking about the health and even life of your cat, contact the Bio-Vet professionals, and your cat will thank you!

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