Cats have wet noses. The cat has a cold wet nose Why do cats have a wet nose

Not everyone understands why cats have a wet nose, whether this is normal or indicates the presence of any disease. If you have never had a cat at home and were not particularly interested in the noses of animals, this question could reasonably arise at some point in your life.

Should a cat's nose be wet?

If a cat has a cold and wet nose, this indicates that she is healthy and feels great. In some cases, a warm wet nose in a cat is also the norm, for example, if she just woke up or actively ran and played.

- This is a consequence of dehydration, low humidity, elevated body temperature. A wet nose in a cat remains so due to the secret of the mucous membrane or when licking, if there is not enough secret. When a cat sleeps, her nose dries up and becomes warm - this is not a cause for concern. After a short amount of time, it will again become moist and cool.

If you notice that the cat's nose remains dry and hot for a long time, you should look for other symptoms of her poor health. For example, she is lethargic and does not eat well. These signs clearly indicate that the cat is unwell.

Wet or dry cat nose

A wet and cold nose of a cat speaks of her well-being and is considered a sign of a healthy animal. A cat's nose can be wet or dry depending on many factors such as humidity, temperature, etc. A dry nose can be an indicator that you are not feeling well. A dry and hot cat's nose may indicate a fever, but this is not a definitive diagnosis.

A perfectly healthy cat can have a dry nose under appropriate conditions, such as low humidity. In a healthy cat, the nose is moistened by the secretion of the mucous membrane and by licking. Therefore, in a sleeping or just waking cat, the nose is dry.

If you're worried that your cat's nose is dry or hot, and you're afraid it might be sick, look for other causes of discomfort such as loss of appetite, lethargy, etc., as well. These indicators are more reliable witnesses of the cat's ill health.

Nasal discharge in cats

It is not uncommon for cats to have nasal discharge. They can be both liquid and watery, and thick mucus. It might even be blood. There are several possible reasons for this, including:

  • upper respiratory infections
  • bacterial infections
  • fungal infections
  • nasal cavity tumors
  • head injury
  • foreign objects in the nasal cavity
  • allergies
  • cleft palate
  • cheyletiellosis
  • tooth abscess
  • pneumonia

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract can be accompanied, in addition to nasal discharge, by coughing and sneezing. If a cat has a discharge from the nose, it should be taken to the veterinarian to determine the cause and further treatment. Be careful, nasal discharge in a cat can be a sign of a serious illness.

Inspection of a cat's nose

Sometimes your veterinarian needs to examine the inside of a cat's nose. Examining the nasal cavity requires the use of a thin tube called an endoscope, which is equipped with a light and a video camera. Naturally, due to the invasive nature of this procedure, the cat may require general anesthesia.

There are times when a cat may need artificial respiration. It is made by blowing air into the cat's nose. In this case, the cat's airways should be cleared and the mouth closed.

Owners who take care of their pets should be able to determine their well-being by their appearance. An indicator of whether a cat is healthy or sick is the condition of the tip of her nose. If a cat has a wet nose, then it can be assumed that she is healthy. But even if the nose is dry, this does not mean that the cat is necessarily sick. There is a small percentage of cats for whom a dry nose is normal. The final conclusion about the state of health of the pet can only be made by a veterinarian.

The condition of the cat's nose when it is healthy

The sense of smell in cats is much stronger than the sense of smell in humans. To prevent it from decreasing, cats always carefully monitor the cleanliness of their nose. The organ itself consists of two nasal passages that separate cartilage. The organ is not covered with hairs in front. This part of it is called the lobe or mirror. It contains glands that secrete a special fluid. Mucosal secretions make the urine moist and cool. His condition is normal. These secretions themselves are a viscous substance, thanks to which the animal is able to easily recognize odors. With the help of a mirror, a cat is able to determine the temperature of food without touching it. Since cats do not have sweat glands, the sputum of the earlobe carries out the thermoregulation of the whole body in them.

Another function of a wet nose in a cat is to determine the direction of the wind. This is dictated by her hunting instincts - cats lie in wait for prey from the leeward side. A cat feels cold air currents with its nose long before a person feels them. Therefore, if a cat hides its nose, then this indicates an impending cold snap.

A dry and hot lobe indicates that the pet may have a fever. But it can be in a healthy animal. A dry nose happens to a cat during sleep and immediately after waking up, especially if she sleeps near heating appliances. If the cat shows increased physical activity, the humidity of his nose also decreases. This is especially true for kittens because of their mobility and playfulness. Also, the lobe "dries up" when it enters a hot room or after severe stress.

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Signs of the disease

The first sign that a pet is sick is dry and hot urine. This is caused by increased body temperature and the fact that the sick animal drinks less liquid. If there is a suspicion that the cat has a fever, then you should use a thermometer. An additional sign of a fever in an animal is hot ears.

If it is established that the temperature of the cat is elevated, then it may be a cold, an infectious or dermatological disease, or poisoning. Sometimes the lobe also changes color. In this case, the nature of the pathology can be determined by its color:

  • bright red color is a sign of infection or rhinitis;
  • the bluish color gives reason to fear that the pet has heart problems;
  • a yellow tint may indicate liver or kidney disease,
  • white color - there is reason to assume a violation of the functions of the circulatory system.

A sign of rhinitis is also too wet lobe. In all these cases, urgent veterinary consultation is necessary.


Usually a cat keeps its own nose clean, but sometimes it needs help. You need to wipe your pet's earlobe very carefully, adhering to certain rules. Do not use wet wipes for this purpose, as the composition with which they are impregnated can cause allergies in the animal. If dust or dirt gets into the nose, the cat will sneeze and wash until the ducts are cleared. In case of severe contamination or the formation of crusts from snot, the animal's earlobe can be cleaned with a cotton swab. But cotton swabs can only be used to clean the visible part, it is absolutely impossible to penetrate them inside the nose. If the crusts are very dry, they should first be lubricated with petroleum jelly.

Very often the cause of concern for owners of cats and cats is hot dry pet nose. It is believed that the dryness of the organ of smell certainly indicates the presence of a pet disease. However, is this true?

In a normal healthy state, the cat's nose should be slightly damp and cold due to the fact that a certain secret of its mucous membrane constantly appears on the surface of the olfactory organ, and also because the animal often licks it.

What does a hot and dry nose mean (reasons)?

The temperature of a cat's body is different from that of a human. a couple of degrees higher. This fact can be misleading to the owner, and by touching the cat's nose and ears, a false alarm occurs.


However, false dryness and an increase in temperature may be present for several more reasons, finding which, you should not panic:

  • the animal is sleeping;
  • cat only after sleep;
  • long lying in the sun or near the stove or fireplace;
  • excessive heat in the house.

Such reasons are called domestic. As a rule, they are not associated with pathologies, and you should not worry. You should give the pet time to move away from sleep, place it in a cooler place and after some time check again.


Pathological causes of dry and hot nose and ears can be due to overeating, sedentary lifestyle, inflammatory processes, dehydration, high body temperature.

Signs of diseases and treatment

The most alarming symptom in the presence of a dry and hot nose along with hot ears is the lethargy of the animal, apathy, constant drowsiness, fatigue, loss of appetite.

Must listen pet's pulse. If diseases are present, it will be accelerated. In this case, deep breathing, sneezing, and possibly coughing are observed.

Depending on the affected disease, it may manifest itself:

  • diarrhea,
  • vomit,
  • animal anxiety,
  • hair loss,
  • nasal secretions.

The cat does not respond to the call of the owner, the pupils may be dilated. Most often, of the above, a pet has two or three symptoms inherent in any one disease.

Another sign of an unhealthy condition can be the strange behavior of a cat when he strives hide in a dark corner.

Examination of the mucosa and bladder

When examining the oral mucosa, the normal state should ensure the pallor of the latter.

If the mucous membranes are inflamed or there are wounds on it, ulcers are a sign stomatitis. The presence of pathologies of the digestive system can be determined by palpation, feeling the belly of the pet. Soreness always indicates the presence of a disease.

Should be explored bladder fullness to exclude pathologies of the genitourinary system. Carefully look at the animal's excrement for an uncharacteristic consistency, impurities, worms. And also examine the urine for the presence of blood, mucus, changes in color and smell.

Establishing diagnosis

Starting treatment for a pet, you should make sure that the diagnosis is correct.

The most common pathologies associated with an increase in temperature of an inflammatory nature. When stomatitis is diagnosed, treatment should begin immediately. The affected oral cavity is recommended to be treated with disinfectants. For this, it is permissible to use a solution of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin.

You can moisturize with douches. Wounds and ulcers lubricate Lugol's solution with glycerin, methylene blue. With multiple lesions, the use of antibiotics is indicated - oxytetracycline, erythromycin. For general support and accelerate healing - vitamins.

Discharge from the nose

If a concomitant symptom is nasal discharge and an established diagnosis of rhinitis, the first aid will be washing with warm water, removing dried crusts. Medication is prescribed by a veterinarian.

Therapy of diseases of the digestive system

Therapy of diseases of the digestive system will depend on the specific pathology identified. The general purpose will be the use of a course of antibiotics to avoid complications in the form of other infections, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment aimed at eliminating symptoms: antiemetics, antispasmodics, painkillers, diarrhea remedies. Mandatory use of a sparing or starvation diet, depending on the disease.

The presence of concomitant symptoms in the form of difficulty urinating indicates the development of pathologies of the pet's genitourinary system.

Blockage of the urinary tract

With blockage of the urinary canals, therapy will consist of the following components:

  • antispasmodics - no-shpa, atropine sulfate, papaverine;
  • sedatives - rovatin, sodium bromide;
  • analgesics - analgin, aspirin, paracetamol;
  • disinfectants for the genitourinary system - biseptol, bearberry decoction;
  • diet.

In severe cases - catheterization.


An equally dangerous disease can be inflammation of the bladder - urocystitis. First aid - warmth and peace. At elevated temperatures, it is strictly forbidden to warm the groin and stomach of a cat.

The next step in treatment is a diet in the form of vegetables, cereals, broths, free access to drink.

Drugs used for urocystitis: antibiotics, sulfanilamide, analgesics, antispasmodics. In severe cases - washing the bladder through catheterization.

cat cold

Often, dry nose is explained by the common cold, but the danger from such a disease should not be discounted.

A lethargic animal is a sponge that absorbs various side infections, so a cold must be treated.

  1. You should immediately provide the cat with a calm, dry and warm place.
  2. Drink a warm drink, you can warm milk.
  3. Warm compresses and heating pads only in the absence of temperature.
  4. To improve blood flow in the superficial skin vessels, you can apply a light massage of the entire body of the animal.
  5. Treatment is symptomatic. If lacrimation is observed, it is permissible to use antiseptic agents, for washing the eyes - potassium permanganate or furatsilin.

A runny nose that appears can be treated by washing the nasal passages with a solution of novocaine with adrenaline, ethacridine, tannin, a solution of boric acid, zinc sulfate. Assign nasal drops in the form of a solution of methanol with fish oil. In parallel, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, vitamins are used.

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