Intestinal candidiasis symptoms. Symptoms of intestinal candidiasis. What contributes to the reproduction of fungus in the intestines? What is the treatment

Candidiasis is unpleasant disease, which most often affects the genital area, but often manifests itself in the form of thrush present in the intestines. Fungal diseases in women and men appear almost the same, signs can be recognized already in initial period. The disease begins to spread various systems and organs, due to the active reproduction of the fungus. Intestinal candidiasis is quite common in the practice of doctors involved in the treatment of thrush. During the course of therapy, many patients show signs of a concomitant disease that affect the active growth of the fungus. It is necessary to treat such patients comprehensively, paying attention to the underlying disease that led to the development of candidiasis.

Causes of intestinal candidiasis

The causative agent of infection is the protozoan Candida fungi, which are found in the body of any person, but begin to show their activity only when certain conditions. Intestinal candidiasis, its symptoms and signs indicate the presence of a disease associated with a fungal infection of the digestive system, but in most cases this is only a consequence of a chronic disease in men and women, the treatment of which has not been completed. Only a doctor can determine the presence of candidiasis after a study. Thrush can be treated with antifungal agents. Drugs are prescribed by a specialist, the regimen is selected individually.

Symptoms of intestinal candidiasis and its treatment

Diffuse or invasive candidiasis. This form is most often observed in patients with severe forms of oncology or in those suffering from HIV infection. Due to the fact that the treatment of such patients is associated with a large intake medicines, in particular, tablets that affect the digestive tract, destroying the microflora, the result may be intestinal candidiasis, as a concomitant disease.

Diarrhea occurs in most patients with intestinal candidiasis.

This form is manifested mainly by colitis, which is accompanied by diarrhea. In patients with intestinal candidiasis, the feces are liquid with an admixture of blood. This form of the disease is typical for both women and men to the same extent. Treatment is prescribed individually, under the strict supervision of specialists and is aimed primarily at restoring the microflora.

With the loss of immunity, which is accompanied by similar diseases very difficult to recover normal functions body, therefore, supportive therapy is used to relieve the main symptoms of the disease and simultaneous treatment candidiasis. With candidiasis, antifungal drugs are used that can fight the spread of thrush in the esophagus and the entire digestive system. These include well-known drugs from thrush, affecting the surface layer of the mucous membrane. It is important to choose the necessary therapy in order to prevent the further spread of the fungus, which always leads to a chronic form of candidiasis. Any form of self-treatment only worsens the patient's well-being, so only a doctor selects therapy.

Dysbiosis (dysbacteriosis) or non-invasive candidiasis is another form of manifestation of the disease. It is characterized by a violation of metabolic processes in the body. Most often occurs in patients with indigestion associated with malnutrition.

The main manifestations are dysbacteriosis, diarrhea, feces can be colored in yellow, have a liquid consistency, be accompanied by pain in the abdomen, bloating, gas formation.

Non-invasive candidiasis of the intestine is accompanied by bloating and gas

Treatment, first of all, consists in restoring the functions of digestion, for this a diet is compiled and medicines are used to restore the functioning of the digestive system. At the same time, antifungal agents are prescribed, such as Fluconazole, Nystatin, Nitamycin and their analogues, to directly affect the spread of the fungus. The course of treatment of candidiasis with lesions of the esophagus lasts at least 10 days, sometimes longer.

Preventive measures will serve to restore the body after an illness and prevent relapses. It is possible to cure thrush in this form, subject to all the recommendations, with timely handling to a specialist.

Another form of manifestation of the disease, called intestinal candidiasis, is called fecal. It refers to a secondary process in diseases of the stomach, duodenum, if there are ulcers on the surface of the organs. In this case, the integrity of the epithelium is affected, in which the fungus begins to actively infect digestive system. Treatment, as in previous cases, is carried out with antifungal drugs, the appointment of an appropriate diet, but first of all, the treatment of the underlying disease. According to statistics similar forms are more common in men and are largely associated with the consequences of stressful situations.

Consequences of thrush in the intestines

  • indigestion;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea sometimes vomiting;
  • belching and gas formation in the intestines;
  • loose stools, sometimes with an admixture of blood;
  • itching around the anus, especially after a bowel movement;
  • sudden severe pain in the stomach and intestines.

When contacting a specialist, the diagnosis will be revealed quickly, because the symptoms corresponding to this disease, pronounced and leave no doubt in the presence fungal disease digestive tract. It is also necessary to pass full examination doctor for chronic diseases.

Get tested for symptoms of intestinal candidiasis

Only after the examination, antifungal therapy will be prescribed, and treatment of the underlying disease that caused the growth and activity of the fungus is recommended.

It should be noted that in the presence of candidiasis, the disease can spread to all skin and manifest itself in the form of a rash, urticaria, allergic reactions to different kinds products, chemical substances, detergents, synthetic materials.

With the development of intestinal candidiasis, there is fatigue and irritability. Stress and adverse environmental conditions enhance the development of the disease.

It is very important to adhere to a diet during the treatment period, use all prescribed drugs, undergo a re-examination if necessary and not stop treatment until complete recovery. The treatment prescribed for intestinal candidiasis is consistent in most cases conventional treatment thrush. Tablets, capsules, suppositories, ointments containing antifungal components that have an overwhelming effect on the development of the fungus are prescribed. The course of therapy is selected individually, so you should not self-medicate, which can lead to serious consequences.

The use of folk remedies is often added to the main treatment. These include decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, with the help of which hygiene procedures. Decoctions of herbs can be taken orally, they can replace regular tea. It is good to drink infusions of chamomile, sage, mint, which disinfect the intestines and have a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal tract. It is very good for candidiasis to use garlic, which is a strong antimicrobial agent used in the treatment of many diseases of the digestive system.

If there are serious chronic diseases, difficult to treat, it must be borne in mind that candidiasis can also go into chronic form and recur during the period of exacerbation of the underlying disease or non-compliance with the basic rules of hygiene, nutrition and rest.

Yeast fungus is a full-fledged part of the microflora of the mucous membranes in human body. It is involved in maintaining the level of microbiocenosis, helping to regulate the number of other microorganisms in the intestine. It is found in laboratory swabs from household items, furniture, home textiles and food. AT a small amount Candida does not appear and does not cause discomfort to a person. But when conditions favorable for reproduction arise, a condition occurs, better known as intestinal thrush.

Candida albicans under the microscope

Causes of candidiasis

The etiological factor of intestinal candidiasis are yeast-like fungi. Several representatives belong to the genus Candida. The most common types:

  • Candida glabrata;
  • Candida albicans;
  • Candida parapsilosis;
  • Candida tropicalis;
  • Candida lusitaniae;
  • Candida dubliniensis;
  • Candida krusei.

In conditions healthy body and adequate local immunity, the growth of fungal colonies is moderate. It is restrained by other inhabitants of the intestinal mucosa: bifidum and lactobacilli, coli, enterococci. But the main barrier that preserves health is local immunity: a layer of mucin and glycocalyx - a specific glycoprotein on the surface cell membranes enterocytes.

Interesting to know! The glycocalyx performs a receptor function, recognizing foreign microorganisms and giving a signal to other parts of the cellular and humoral immune response.

Glycocalyx cells

In case of dysfunction of the immune system due to congenital or acquired causes, for example: human immunodeficiency virus, or transient physiological conditions an elderly person or baby, these defensive forces depressed and unable to function fully. The antifungal resistance of the intestine is rapidly decreasing, so the fungal infection spreads through the mucous membranes throughout the body, leading to candidiasis.

There are pathological conditions that contribute to intestinal candidiasis. Doctors distinguish:

  • diabetes mellitus, especially in advanced form with complications;
  • oncological diseases, tumors of the immune system and intestines, antitumor chemotherapy;
  • HIV infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome;
  • autoimmune diseases: thyroiditis, lupus, multiple sclerosis - and the treatment of these diseases with steroid hormones;
  • prolonged irrational antibiotic therapy;
  • violations of digestion and assimilation of food, the use of food products that contain a small amount of fiber and therefore leave the intestinal cavity untimely, deteriorate, linger and lead to the start of fermentation and decay, against which candidiasis actively develops;
  • non-compliance with the regime of work and rest, long stressful conditions, the period of pregnancy.

Symptoms of bowel disease

Depending on the reasons that contributed to the development of a fungal infection, the intensity of the manifestations of the disease changes. Therefore, there are several forms of intestinal candidiasis:

  1. non-invasive candidiasis, when colonies of fungi affect only the mucous membrane and do not spread to adjacent tissues;
  2. invasive focal candidiasis, when several layers of the intestinal wall are affected by candidiasis, but the process is limited to a small area;
  3. diffuse candidiasis.

Diffuse candidiasis of the digestive tract

Usually, at the beginning, the clinical picture of candidiasis is not specific, similar to intestinal flu. The patient is concerned about weakness, fever, which indicates intoxication. Patients complain of loss of appetite, heaviness and discomfort in the abdomen, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine, itching in anus, white cheesy inclusions may appear in the stool. Next joins strong pain in the abdomen without a clear localization and diarrhea, sometimes with an admixture of blood.

The doctor conducts a physical examination, consisting of examination, palpation of the intestines and percussion. During the examination, additional symptoms of intestinal candidiasis are revealed in the form of abdominal asymmetry, increased gas formation, rumbling, local pain and signs concomitant diseases, pathological conditions immunity. Such complaints require a detailed study and additional examination, since often instead of candidiasis, irritable bowel syndrome is mistakenly diagnosed.

Flatulence and pain in the abdomen with candidiasis

Note! Sluggish intestinal candidiasis due to inadequate treatment can lead to the occurrence and exacerbation of allergic reactions in the form of rashes on the face and throughout the body.

Diagnosis of pathology

Diagnosis of candidiasis begins with a conversation with a doctor. He finds out the circumstances under which the symptoms began, the dynamics of their development.

A non-invasive form of gastrointestinal candidiasis is common among men and women of working age. This form of candidiasis is characterized by a course against the background of complete well-being and a satisfactory condition of patients. Actively growing colonies of fungi from the inside destroy the surface of the thick and small intestine, which is accompanied by a massive release of toxic metabolic products that are absorbed into the blood from the intestine and lead to mycotoxicosis.

For the diagnosis of focal candidiasis, a targeted examination is required. histological examination followed by staining with chromic acid, and microbiology to determine the exact type of Candida fungus in order to select an antifungal drug. For sowing, swabs from the intestinal wall and analysis of the patient's feces are used. The diagnosis is considered legitimate in case of detection of more than 10 5 colony-forming units per gram of the test material, for example: in feces.

Fungus colonies in a petri dish

Additionally appoint endoscopy, which shows defects in the intestinal mucosa, which is covered with a white curdled coating.

Attention! Intestinal x-rays for candidiasis are uninformative and are used only in adults in the absence of access to more reliable diagnostic methods.

Possible complications of candidiasis

If not treated, then fungal infection spread to the mouth, esophagus and all parts of the intestine, especially quickly this can happen in infants. In the places most active growth defects in the layers of the intestinal wall, its perforation, perforation through the wall into nearby organs, massive bleeding and the development of fungal sepsis are possible. because of huge amount toxins that enter the bloodstream, the condition of such patients with intestinal candidiasis is extremely severe.

In people with background immunodeficiencies, damage to the liver and pancreas quickly develops, which exacerbates the course of candidiasis. Invasive localized candidiasis occurring against the background of defects in the mucous membrane of the intestine and stomach due to nonspecific ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum complicates their course. And these diseases themselves can act as a provocative factor that can lead to thrush.


Candidal colitis of the intestine is treated once only if the doctor's recommendations are followed. The treatment regimen for candidiasis is complex and long-term to prevent relapse and resume the growth of fungal colonies in the intestine. Therefore, methods are used traditional medicine, which are directed at once to several links in the chain of pathogenesis of candidiasis. Many patients resort to folk recipes treatment of the disease.

Antimycotic treatment

The main drugs that are used to treat candidiasis are antifungal drugs. The most famous is Fluconazole Solutab. Often doctors prescribe its analogues: Ketoconazole, Diflazon, Futsis, Pimafucin, Flucostat. In uncomplicated candidiasis, a single dose will cure chronic focus infections. Apply forms that are absorbed and render systemic action, for example: capsules or tablets, drugs of non-resorptive action, which have the property of being in the intestines of the patient for a long time and exerting therapeutic effect. Of the antibiotics, drugs of the polyene group are used: Nystatin and Flemoxin.

Important! Drugs that are not absorbed in the intestine for a long time are safer in terms of development side effects and for use in candidiasis in infants and newborns.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis

Restoration of intestinal microbiocenosis is carried out with the help of a probiotic and biologically active additives that contain bifidum and lactobacilli, their list is wide:

  • Linex.
  • Yogurt.
  • Bifiform.
  • Acipol.

Dairy products help restore intestinal microflora

Application of enzymes

The appointment of additional enzymes for candidiasis is aimed at improving the processes of digestion in the intestines and more complete assimilation useful substances from food. This alleviates the patient's condition, helps to fight candidiasis and uncomfortable sensations. More often than others, doctors recommend Mezim, Creon, Festal and Pancreatin.

Restoration of immunity

In case of severe dysfunction of the immune system, immunomodulatory drugs that contain immunoglobulins are added to the treatment of intestinal candidiasis: Viferon, Genferon. Assign complexes that contain trace elements and vitamins A, E, C, which supports immunity and allows you to quickly cure candidiasis.

Alternative therapy methods

Folk recipes for candidiasis contain garlic. It should be used as part of salads, in pure form 2 cloves once a day. According to the advice from women's magazines, decoctions help to cure the disease well medicinal herbs: sage, yarrow, chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort. Pour boiling water over dry raw materials for half an hour, take once a day. It is useful to chew propolis and rinse your mouth with soda.

diet for candidiasis

A balanced diet is a fundamental method in the treatment of intestinal candidiasis. The diet should include enough vegetables, fruits and berries: strawberries, blueberries and blueberries. With candidiasis, salads from kale and greens are useful. To improve intestinal motility, it is important that food is fresh, unprocessed, and high in fiber. Such properties have cereals from cereals: buckwheat, wheat, pearl barley, barley.

Prevention of candidiasis

For prevention candidal colitis it is necessary to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, maintain normal composition microflora, to prevent the weakening of the immune system. Need to lead healthy lifestyle life, diet and harden.

Mycosis of the intestine serious illness, which requires urgent diagnostics and full treatment, otherwise severe complications may occur.

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Many people know firsthand about various intestinal infections that can cause discomfort and unbearable pain. These include intestinal candidiasis - a disease that appears as a result of the vital activity of fungi called Candida. They can live in the human body for many years without showing any signs of life. Violation of the microflora in the intestine can provoke the reproduction of pathogenic fungi.

This disease is most dangerous for infants, it can lead to dehydration, loss of minerals and vitamins. Timely recognition of the symptoms of intestinal thrush can prevent severe forms diseases.

Intestinal candidiasis in women and the elderly can be long-term. Sometimes it manifests itself in the form of redness, itching, burning on the genitals, as well as allergies. All this leads to violation sexual life, sleep and normal lifestyle.

Mechanism of the disease

Candida - component normal microflora human intestines, only its excess can adversely affect people's health.

Candidiasis is a pathological process, it is based on overgrowth fungus genus Candida. This can first occur in the stomach and intestines, and then in other organs, which creates favorable conditions for infection with other microorganisms.

Candida growth must be controlled by unique intestinal bacteria and immunity. If the microflora in the human intestine is healthy, then it produces special substances. Bifidobacteria, enterococci, and lactobacilli have fungal-suppressing properties.

A complication of this intestinal disease is bleeding, the development of sepsis, perforation or penetration of ulcers.

The clinical picture of the disease may vary in each individual case and depends on the level of the lesion.

There are two mechanisms for the development of this intestinal disease:

  1. The first is called invasive. It lies in the fact that yeast fungi are introduced into the cells of the intestinal walls. The nature of such a disease can be widespread or local. Invasive thrush or candidiasis is manifested by erosions, cracks, membrane, polypoid and circular formations. It can develop both in the intestines and in the mouth, stomach or esophagus. In this case, there are pains in the abdomen, flatulence, the presence of blood or mucus in the stool. At the risk of progressive invasion, systemic candidiasis may develop when the mucous membranes are affected.
  2. The second mechanism, called "non-invasive", occurs in the intestinal lumen and is characterized by overgrowth of fungi. Non-invasive candidiasis develops against the background of inflammation or a weak immune system.

Causes and symptoms

Thrush in the intestine can affect several sections of the intestine at the same time. main reason such a phenomenon is a reduced resistance of the body. The reasons this disease may be the following:

  • immunodeficiency;
  • oncology;
  • unhealthy diet and violation of its regimen;
  • prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • stress;
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • regular intake of various hormonal drugs.

If rectal candidiasis is manifested by pain, bloating, discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen, diarrhea, then it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Such signs of intestinal candidiasis may indicate a serious violation in the digestive tract. The danger of self-medication is that clinical characteristic intestinal candidiasis is similar to many other diseases of the digestive tract.

Invariable symptoms of intestinal candidiasis are a feeling of heaviness, increased gas formation, as well as liquid and frequent stool. Intestinal candidiasis is accompanied by attacks of spasmodic pain, they can worsen after eating.

To typical symptoms include:

  • diarrhea
  • flatulence and pain during bowel movements;
  • lack of appetite;
  • subfebrile temperature;
  • the presence of blood, light inclusions and mucus in the stool.

Common symptoms of intestinal candidiasis are insomnia, fatigue, irritability, and weakness. There may be an increase in temperature.

Symptoms of thrush in the intestines can be secondary - skin rashes. As a rule, such changes concern the area of ​​the chest, face, back. A person can suffer not only from the usual acne, but also from urticaria.

Diagnosis and treatment

When diagnosing thrush of the intestine in laboratory conditions it is necessary to pass a fecal analysis, as well as smear microscopy. This diagnosis can be established by a doctor in the presence of the so-called intestinal dyspepsia syndrome, while dysbiosis must be confirmed laboratory. In some cases, a cultural study of swabs from the mucous membranes of the mouth, as well as the esophagus, may still be required.

One of the most modern ways diagnosis of this disease is a video-information endoscopic examination (fluorescent endoscopy, spectroscopy).

At home, the disease can be diagnosed as follows:

  • In the morning, immediately after waking up, you need to spit your own saliva into a glass of boiled water.
  • if after half an hour saliva sank to the bottom of the glass, that is high probability the presence of Candida in the body.
  • If saliva remains constantly on the surface of the water, the risk of disease is minimal.

As a rule, the treatment regimen for thrush includes the use of antifungal and antibacterial drugs with fluconazole or clotrimazole. In addition, drugs should be selected taking into account the form of the disease.

Complete drug treatment should include not only the use of the necessary medical preparations, and compliance correct mode day and food. In addition, you need to strengthen the immune system.

Medical therapy

Symptomatic therapy is additional in the treatment of intestinal thrush. In this case, the following drugs are used:

  • antifungal;
  • antispasmodics;
  • adsorbents;
  • antidiarrheal;
  • digestive polyenzymes that improve digestion;
  • drugs to increase immunity;
  • antiallergic agents;
  • multivitamins;
  • antioxidants;
  • drugs to reduce flatulence;
  • medicines needed in the treatment of anemia.

Self-medication is very dangerous for your health, do not use drugs without a doctor's prescription.

Alternative treatment

Even if Candida fungi are detected in the body of any person, it is not necessary to prescribe drugs against thrush or antifungal drugs. A systematic approach is important.

Any illness in acute form should only be treated by a doctor, but drug therapy desirable to be combined with folk remedies. How to treat intestinal candidiasis correctly? To get started, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. Before meals, it will be useful to take 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil.
  2. Every morning should begin with a cup of freshly brewed chamomile tea with St. John's wort.

Treatment of intestinal candidiasis with folk remedies is an excellent addition to the main therapy for the disease. It will increase the patient's chances of a speedy recovery.

Consider the most relevant and popular folk recipes:

  1. One of the best ways to treat this disease is oatmeal jelly. To prepare it, you need to pour kefir with water cereals in equal proportions. The dishes with the mixture are hermetically sealed, and then cleaned for 3 days in a very warm place. Drain all the liquid and leave the oatmeal to infuse for another 24 hours. In the morning on an empty stomach and several times during the day, you need to drink jelly, which is prepared from three tablespoons of oatmeal mixture and 500 ml of water. If you have patience, then you can cure candidiasis within one week.
  2. Currant leaves (preferably black) dry and chop. Then pour eight tablespoons of the mixture with one hundred milliliters of boiling water. The broth is infused for several minutes, and then boils well. Then you should cool the drink and add lemon juice. Strained infusion is drunk twice a day, one tablespoon.
  3. Birch buds, calendula, yarrow, juniper berries, chamomile are carefully crushed in equal amounts and then mixed. Two tablespoons of the mixture is poured with one liter of boiling water and insisted for twelve hours. A third of a glass should be drunk before meals three times a day.
  4. Treatment of candidiasis with folk remedies can be carried out in different ways, but the easiest and fastest is to use onion. Three onion heads need to be grated on a very fine grater. Squeeze out all the juice from the resulting gruel, and then combine it with freshly squeezed orange-lemon juice in equal proportions. After adding five tablespoons of honey, the drink is thoroughly mixed and drunk three times a day, one tablespoon.
  5. For the treatment of intestinal thrush, soda can be used, only it should be borne in mind that it is quite aggressive and the proportions and frequency of its intake should be observed. To do this, you need to add half a teaspoon of soda to 1 glass of water and rinse your mouth with it in the morning. If you suffer from itching in the anus, then it will be useful to wipe it with soda water.

Any recipe alternative treatment Better check with your doctor!


Proper nutrition with intestinal thrush is a must. Ignoring it can lead to serious negative consequences. AT daily diet there should be more protein foods, and carbohydrates - as little as possible. It is advisable to eat only freshly prepared meals. It is better to eat often, but in small portions. All food should be rich in various vitamins.

Be sure to exclude marinades, canned food, pickles, mushrooms, alcohol, spicy and fatty foods. Sweets, coffee, tea - should also not be present in the daily diet.


First of all, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene. Traditional prevention of intestinal thrush is fast treatment fungus of the genus Candida on the skin, mucous membrane of the genital organs and mouth. It is important to start treatment in a timely manner at the first signs of the disease.

Prevention of intestinal thrush is as follows:

  1. Restrict reception antimicrobial agents without a specialist appointment. The risk group includes the elderly, infants, pregnant women, and immunocompromised people. For them it is necessary to complex treatment, combining enteroseptics, probiotics, antibacterial and antimycotic drugs.
  2. Candida is a fungus that is very susceptible to carbohydrates and sugars, so it is best to eat a carbohydrate-restricted diet while you are on antibiotics. Foods such as confectionery, cabbage, sugar, sweet berries and fruits should not be consumed. Milk, beer, kvass should also be excluded from the diet. Dishes and products from high content yeast should be excluded. These include bread, pizza, lasagne, pastries, and some types of cheese.
  3. Normalize the mode of work and rest, avoid stress.

Only an integrated approach and compliance with all recommendations will help in as soon as possible get rid of the disease.

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Thrush (candidiasis) of the intestine: symptoms and treatment

The content of the article:

What is intestinal candidiasis

Intestinal candidiasis (thrush) is a lesion of the intestines by fungal microflora (the main pathogen is Candida albicans) with a reduced functioning of the immune system with severe symptoms.

Intestinal candidiasis is difficult to confirm, as many healthy people as part of the normal microflora, they have fungi of the genus Candida and are carriers of a fungal infection.
Fungal infection of the intestine, which leads to severe pathological process, is almost never found in people with a healthy immune system.

It is difficult for the gastroenterologist to differentiate between transient candida carriage and non-invasive intestinal candidiasis.

The detection of more than 1000 colony-forming units of Candida albicans per gram of pathological biomaterial indicates the disease of intestinal candidiasis and excludes the carriage of fungal flora.

To establish the correct diagnosis of "intestinal candidiasis", prescribe examination:

1. Endoscopy of the intestine,
2. Cultural examination,
3. Determination of provoking factors.

Taking antifungal drugs based only on the detection of any fungi of the genus Candida in the crop is incorrect.

Why candidiasis of the intestine develops

There are two forms of intestinal candidiasis: invasive and non-invasive.

Causes of non-invasive intestinal candidiasis

Gastroenterologists mainly deal with a non-invasive form of intestinal candidiasis against the background of a violation of the normal microflora and the reproduction of secondary bacterial microorganisms.

Against the background of a malfunction in the immune system, fungi of the genus Candida begin to actively multiply in the intestines and suppress normal bacteria. At the same time, Candida produce fungal toxins that negatively affect the intestinal mucosa and aggravate the progression of dysbiosis, provoke fungal allergic reaction, decreased local immunity.

Causes of invasive intestinal candidiasis

Mushrooms of the genus Candida do not multiply in the intestinal lumen, but attach to its cells, penetrate deeper into the tissues and migrate into the general bloodstream, spreading throughout all systems, causing candidiasis of the visceral organs.

In children, infection with a fungal infection occurs at the time of birth, at the time of passage through birth canal mother. It is known that own the immune system at the time of birth, the child is imperfect. If the mother suffered during pregnancy and childbirth with urogenital thrush, then the probability of developing oral candidiasis (and if it spreads, and intestines) in the child is quite high.

Facts that lead to the development of intestinal thrush

1. The effect of age (newborns and the elderly are more vulnerable to the effects of fungal pathogens).

2. Prolonged stress.

3. Congenital and acquired immunodeficiency states.

4. Oncological process including chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

5. Hormonal changes (pregnancy, taking oral contraceptives, hormonal drugs).

6. The presence of severe concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, AIDS).

7. Uncontrolled long-term use of antibacterial drugs.

8. Hypotrophy (lack of protein products, vitamins in the diet).

For the development of intestinal candidiasis, the provoking factor can be a single one, or a combination of several factors is possible, the second being more common.

Diagnosis of intestinal candidiasis in men, women and children

There are no typical symptoms characteristic of candidal lesions of the intestine. Candidiasis in women, men and children has similar clinical manifestations.

The main symptoms of non-invasive intestinal candidiasis

1. Discomfort, pain in the navel, in the lower abdomen.

2. Frequent liquid stool with leftovers undigested food, lots of mucus and white flakes.

3. Increased gas formation.

4. Discomfort in epigastric region after meal.

5. General weakness, loss of appetite.

6. Instability of mental reactions, hyperhidrosis (sweating).

7. Skin changes ( allergic rash, dermatitis, acne).

The main symptoms of invasive intestinal candidiasis

Invasive or diffuse (common) candidiasis is characteristic of AIDS patients, cancer, for patients undergoing chemoradiotherapy with congenital immunodeficiency conditions. This form has more pronounced clinical manifestations, may be accompanied by the formation of erosive elements on the intestinal mucosa (erosive-ulcerative colitis).

Clinical and laboratory study for the diagnosis of intestinal candidiasis in women, men and children

In order to establish a diagnosis, a gastroenterologist prescribes a set of examinations to identify a factor that provokes the development of intestinal candidiasis in a man, woman or child.

The fungal pathogen Candida albicans has many subspecies, the analysis is carried out to clarify the type of fungus in order to select an effective antifungal drug.

Instrumental and laboratory methods for diagnosing thrush of the intestine

The question of what analysis is taken for intestinal candidiasis cannot be answered unambiguously, since the examination implies whole complex events.

1. FGDS (fibrogastoduodenoscopy) - endoscopic method examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum

During EGD, an endoscopic biopsy is performed, the results of which are the main diagnostic criterion if Candidiasis pseudomycelium is found in the material. With an advanced candidal lesion, a whitish coating resembling cottage cheese is visualized on the mucous membrane, under which, in severe cases, erosion can be seen. This pattern is characteristic of invasive intestinal candidiasis. With non-invasive fungal infection, except for signs of catarrhal (mucous) inflammation, nothing is visible.

2. Colonoscopy

Endoscopic examination of the large intestine. The picture is similar to that when examining the gastric mucosa: a plaque specific for Candida infection and erosive elements with signs of bleeding. Particular attention is paid to the morphology of the biopsy.

3. Serological methods surveys

Blood test for antibodies to Candida Albicans. According to the increased titer of specific antibodies, a conclusion is made about the degree of infection with a fungal pathogen.

Cultural analysis (sowing the biomaterial on the flora) will determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to the antimycotic drug. The disadvantages of the method include the waiting time for the result.

The most modern and effective ways diagnostics - ELISA ( linked immunosorbent assay) and PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to confirm the diagnosis of intestinal candidiasis.

4. Microscopy of biomaterial

Vomit and feces are suitable for analysis, in which colonies of fungal pathogens with pseudomycelial filaments, an increased content of mucus, fat, and erythrocytes are found. AT without fail feces are examined for dysbacteriosis: in addition to fungal pathogens, another flora is often present - E. coli, staphylococci, etc.

5. Clinical Analysis blood

KLA is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin levels, an increase in ESR, a shift leukocyte formula to the left. Anemia develops due to iron malabsorption.

The child has for the diagnosis of intestinal candidiasis are limited to conducting laboratory research on the basis of which therapy is prescribed.

Complications of intestinal candidiasis

If the disease is not diagnosed in time, especially in combination with independent uncontrolled treatment, the likelihood of the disease becoming chronic is high. At the same time, the colonies of the fungus Candida increasingly capture the gastrointestinal tract; with prolonged (chronic) neglected intestinal candidiasis, a complication is erosive defects of the mucous membrane, bleeding from ulcers and intestinal perforation (spontaneous formation of a through hole with the subsequent development of inflammation of the peritoneal membranes). These conditions require emergency hospitalization as they are life threatening.

Intestinal candidiasis contributes to prolonged stool disorder, which leads to depletion of the body, electrolyte imbalance and dehydration.

During pregnancy, in the absence of proper attention, candidiasis can lead to spontaneous abortion.

Treatment of intestinal candidiasis

The treatment regimen depends on clinical manifestations and results of instrumental examination and laboratory confirmation. When prescribing treatment, special attention is paid to the correction background pathology, which led to the activation of the fungal flora.

What drugs are used to treat intestinal thrush

At invasive form intestinal candidiasis shows inpatient treatment. Start treatment for invasive intestinal candidiasis with intravenous administration polyene antifungal antibiotic(Amphotericin B), then switch to the azole group of drugs:

Fluconazole (),
Itroconazole etc.

This group of antimycotics is well absorbed from the intestine and has a systemic effect.

In the treatment of non-invasive intestinal candidiasis, antifungal agents of the polyene group are used, which are practically not absorbed by the intestinal mucosa and have local action. These include: Nystatin, Natamycin (Pimafucin).

Additionally, the treatment regimen for intestinal candidiasis includes antimicrobials, probiotics (Lactobacterin, Laktofiltrum).

For symptomatic therapy enzymes, antispasmodics (No-shpa, Baralgin), sorbents (Polysorb), immunomodulators (Immunal) and multivitamins are used.

Treatment of intestinal candidiasis in a child

Therapy of intestinal candidiasis in a child involves all the same aspects as in an adult.
If the child is on breastfeeding, this is an ideal option, with artificial nutrition, the baby is transferred to Bifidolact, Humanna and other therapeutic mixtures.

Antibacterial drugs are given after culture results are obtained, if necessary, as are antifungals. Additionally, bacteriophages and probiotics are prescribed.

The prognosis for life with an invasive form of intestinal dysbacteriosis is relatively favorable or doubtful, with a non-invasive form it is favorable, subject to timely treatment.

Nutrition for intestinal thrush

One of the important components in the treatment of intestinal candidiasis is proper nutrition.
The diet in the treatment of intestinal candidiasis is aimed at stopping complaints and suppressing the growth of a fungal infection. The diet should be nutritious and contain right amount proteins, fats, carbohydrates and biologically active substances.

Diet for intestinal candidiasis

Sugar, chocolate, sweet fruits, mushrooms, products containing yeast (cakes, pastries, pastries) are excluded from the diet.

Alcohol, and especially beer, should not be consumed with intestinal candidiasis.

It is necessary to refuse cheeses (contain enzymes that promote the development of fungal agents).

Sausages, smoked meats, marinades are sharply limited.

Meals should be frequent and fractional. Products are subjected to gentle methods heat treatment: healthier food steamed or baked. It is better to cook dishes at once, this will help preserve all the vitamins and minerals.

It is useful to increase the water load. From liquids, preference is given to unsweetened tea, compote, clean drinking non-carbonated water. You can prepare medicinal herbal tea based on yarrow, chamomile, calendula and sage. Take 100 ml 3 times a day on an empty stomach for 10 days each month.

Oranges, pineapples, grapefruit, lemons, tangerines shift acid-base balance to the alkaline side, which contributes to the activation of fungal infection. During the first 5-6 weeks of treatment citrus fruit are prohibited.

As much as possible, try to enrich your diet with healthy vegetables: carrots, garlic, lettuce, cereals, fermented milk products with a minimum expiration date and the "Bio" mark on the package. From whole milk better to refuse.

A healthy fermented milk drink for the treatment of intestinal candidiasis in men and women can be prepared at home using the Narimer biological product, which is sold in a pharmacy. The recipe for cooking is in the detailed annotation.

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