How to determine what color to face. What hair color suits me: how to make the perfect choice

Hello everyone! Each person has a certain color type, which remains unchanged throughout life. And no matter how the girls try to change something in their appearance - dye their hair, whiten their faces, fight age spots and freckles - it will not change. Moreover, some are sure that they belong to a mixed version. But this does not happen: everyone belongs only to a specific color type.

Why know your appearance color type?

Depending on the color of curls, eyes, skin tone, all people belong to one of four color types: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. Such a seasonal theory of separation of appearance helps to determine the winning shades for wardrobe and makeup choices. It is based on the assertion that warm and cold tones change depending on the season of the year. Cold tones are more typical for summer and winter, warm tones for spring and autumn.

It is the color type that determines which colors will suit a particular person, and which palettes should be avoided. Correctly chosen tones in clothes will emphasize the dignity of a girl, divert attention from imperfections, make her younger, while an erroneously defined wardrobe color scheme can make her look sickly, tired, aged. Some shades can transform the appearance, visually make it better: the eyes become shining, not dull, a blush flaunts on the face, the skin acquires a healthy, pleasant color. Other tones change the image for the worse, girls lose their attractiveness.

In order to correctly combine shades in makeup, choosing the right things for the wardrobe is to carefully find out your appearance color type. Then the selected colors will advantageously emphasize even skin, hair and eye color.

How to determine your color type?

In order to understand which of the four categories a girl belongs to, you should follow these simple recommendations:

  • For a more objective characterization of appearance, you need to call someone for help. It will be difficult to determine the color type alone, you can mistakenly confuse the colors that you just like with those that really emphasize the individual characteristics of the girl.
  • To diagnose the selection of suitable colors, it is advisable to choose the brightest room (preferably white) with a large mirror. Bright objects and figurines, furniture should be covered with a light cloth or removed from the room.
  • It is worth testing in natural neutral lighting: bright daylight, evening and electric light can incorrectly convey shades and distort colors.
  • When determining the color type, it is imperative to wash off decorative cosmetics, completely get rid of makeup, remove earrings, pendants and other jewelry. So the result will be closer to the truth.
  • If the hair is dyed, the girl should hide the curls under a scarf, scarf or any fabric in white or neutral color. This is the only way to more accurately determine the result.
  • It is worth dressing in clothes of a neutral color, it is advisable to bare your shoulders.

After following the recommendations, you need to apply a variety of fabric samples, always plain. You can prepare scarves, stoles, scarves, diapers, T-shirts, towels, or just multi-colored shreds for this procedure. It is necessary to apply the fabric alternately to the face, paying attention to changes in the skin on the face and the shine of the eye: on some colors, the skin may appear gray, earthy, the face is tired, the eyes are dull, other shades can give the face freshness, hide small defects, make the skin shine, eyes to shine.

If the pink color suits the girl more, then she belongs to the cold Winter or Summer color type, if the peach color is coming, then it is characterized by warm tones and fits into the Autumn or Spring category. Moreover, if the shade of peach is warm and muted, closer to orange, then this is Autumn, if warm and bright, then Spring. If gray-pink tones, cold and muted, are more suitable, then the Summer color type, bright and cold - Winter.

Features of appearance color types

It is not difficult to distinguish two cold and two warm color types from each other: Winter has pronounced contrasts of skin and hair, Summer is characterized by more muted transitions, fuzzy shades.

Autumn, unlike Spring, has an even golden skin tone, the blush on which is rarely kept, and “spring” women are often covered with pinkish-peach tints.

Try to describe your appearance objectively. Determine which tones, warm or cold, more. To do this, you can carefully examine yourself in the mirror and answer the following questions:

  • What shade of hair?

Hair color - dark or light - does not really matter. Here it is important to pay attention to the shade of the transfusion of curls in the sun. If the shade of highlights is golden, reddish, golden brown, chestnut or yellowish, then this type is warm, Spring or Autumn, if ashy, light brown, gray, brown or bluish, then Winter or Summer.

  • What color are the eyes?

“Warm” eyes include warm hazel, chocolate, brown with golden flecks on the iris, soft bluish or turquoise. Cold color types are characterized by any shades of cocoa, gray without impurities, pure green, ice blue.

  • What shade of skin?

If the skin is caramel, peach, golden, chocolate, then this is a warm color. In this case, the intensity of tanning is not important, you need to pay attention to skin tone. Cold types include beige, porcelain, olive.

If the curls are colored, then for testing it is worth growing the roots a little. Moreover, if it takes place in the summer, then the result may not be objective: under the influence of the sun, the shade of the hair acquires reddish notes that are not characteristic of hair at other times.

Now you can proceed to the specific characteristics of seasonal color types, highlighting the features and comparing them with the external data of any girl.

Appearance color type SPRING

Spring is the lightest and warmest of all color types. A girl of this category looks gentle, light and airy, regardless of clothing. It is characterized by discreet and warm natural colors.

Golden "spring"

"Soft" spring

"Bright" spring

Color of the skin light, creamy, golden, peach, ivory, baked milk. It is thin, velvety, tender, as if glowing from within. A slight blush can be seen on the cheeks, the freckles are golden brown. Sunburn with light skin covers a little with a reddish tint, if the skin is dark, it will be a beautiful bronze.

Hair have a golden sheen, a reddish tint. They are wheat-colored, honey, can be dark: warm chocolate. Over time, the hair may lose its light shade, the hair will darken, but it will still be a reddish tint. The curls are thin, often curly. Eyebrows in tone with curls or slightly darker.

Eyes belong to light tones: golden brown, light brown, light green, hazel, green-yellow, green-gray, light blue, turquoise.

Lips apricot hue, but most often pale pink.

The Spring Girl is characterized by natural, fresh, soft colors. It is worth choosing wardrobe items in orange, red, peach, lilac and light blue. Tones of light brown shades are perfect: caramel, beige, sand, mustard, cream. It is better to give preference to plain materials and fabrics with small discreet patterns and patterns. Large accents on clothes can overshadow the appearance.

Avoiding this type of appearance is worth dark shades in outfits and bright contrasting colors. So natural lightness and femininity can be suppressed.

Appearance color type SUMMER

Summer is the most common color type. It is rich and cold, not contrasting.

"Natural" summer

"Warm summer

“Mild” summer

Color of the skin it can be light or dark, but it must be highlighted with a blue tint. It is tender, olive light in color or light pinkish, milky with bluish. The skin tans perfectly if it is light olive and prone to burns if it is light pink, faded.

Hair with a cold ash, mouse or steel shade, light, dark blond. It is the representatives of this type of appearance who most often dislike their natural hair color, repaint their hair. Grayish haze is a characteristic feature of this type. Eyebrows and eyelashes do not have reddish notes.

Eyes inexpressive, unclear, gray, gray-blue, gray-green, hazel, blue, blue-green.

Lips pale pink, milky, pale.

The Summer Girl is more suitable for soft and light pastel shades, muted colors. Such clothes are able to emphasize the tenderness, softness of this type of appearance. You can choose wardrobe items in pale blue, burgundy, turquoise, beige, color, ivory.

A summer representative should avoid wearing shades of a yellow-red palette: orange, coral and others. It is also necessary to abandon the wardrobe of dark colors, black and white products. They focus on the shortcomings of the appearance of this color type. Bright and contrasting colors in clothes will look ridiculous, cross out the tenderness and femininity of the girl.

Appearance color type WINTER

“Natural” winter

"Warm winter

“Bright” winter

Winter is typical for girls with a contrasting, bright appearance. Spectacular ladies belong to such a rich color type.

Color of the skin porcelain, translucent, milky, it easily burns under the influence of sunlight. Another type with dark skin, olive tint, sunbathing its owner acquires a brown even tan. No freckles.

Hair black, dark brown, blue-black, ash or blue tint predominates, there is no golden sheen, platinum blond. Eyelashes and eyebrows are similar in color to curls.

Eyes piercing, have a clear contour, not cloudy, contrasting and bright: gray, gray-blue, blue, dark brown, almost black, green.

Lips most often pale.

Cold, but bright colors are best emphasized by the natural beauty. It is white, blue, grey, black. Cold tones of a bluish and pinkish tint will suit the face. It is advisable to give preference to monophonic outfits of strict lines, without floral and floral prints. To give the image of colors, you can pick up bright clothes and catchy makeup.

Winter girl should give up neutral, faded shades, red and golden palette.

Appearance color type AUTUMN

“Natural” autumn

“Soft” autumn

“Dark” autumn

Autumn is a rich warm color type. Girls with such a bright and expressive appearance often do without makeup. This category is the rarest.

Color of the skin warm tones, opaque, peach, honey golden, ivory, bronze, warm olive, golden, reddish. She hardly tans, burns easily, there is no blush.

Hair can be light or dark, with a reddish tint: orange, red, carrot, cognac, dark chestnut, copper. Curls are often curly. Eyelashes and eyebrows are quite light. Freckles are sunny, red, golden red, often located all over the body.

Eyes interesting amber, cognac, gray, olive, bright blue, icy blue, transparent light green or green.

Lips peach shade or with warm pink notes.

Decorate the girl-Autumn outfits of warm muted shades. A palette close to nature is suitable: the color of the earth, foliage, trees. These are brown tones, pistachio, olive shades, coral. Clothing should emphasize the softness of this color type.

It is worth giving up cold colors in the wardrobe. They are able to overshadow the natural warmth and magnetism.

Why do the same dresses in different colors have such a strong effect on the complexion? How to turn shining eyes into tearful ones with the help of a colored scarf and why find out your color type?

A color type is a set of skin, eye and hair tones that we received from nature. Leading in modern conditions should be considered skin color. Hair color can be easily changed with paint, colored contact lenses can be inserted into the eyes, but it is impossible to permanently change the natural skin tone. Therefore, in determining the color type, it is recommended to focus specifically on the main skin tone and its changes under the influence of tanning.

Traditionally, there are four color types: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Each color type has its own characteristics.


Light, slightly bluish skin, any pimple or redness on it is very noticeable. As a rule, Winter has blue or black eyes. Hair can be black or any shade of blond. Tans badly, tan seems slightly grayish, quickly disappears.


Light skin of warm tone, there is a light peach shade. Hair and eyes of any color other than blue-black. It is almost impossible to get a dark tan, the skin remains a shade of light cocoa or burns. Tan Spring is coming, a light tan makes the skin brighter.


Perhaps the most diverse color type in hair and eye color. A characteristic feature is that a tan fits well on the skin, it is possible to tan to fairly dark saturated colors.


Light skin that burns easily. Tanned Autumn is almost impossible to find. There will be warm shades in the color of the hair or eyes: brown eyes, brown hair.

seasonal selection

In accordance with your color type, you should choose a color of clothing that will make natural colors brighter and emphasize the beauty of the skin.

winter you have to be careful with warm colors. When combined with a cold skin tone, they can create a feeling of soreness. But cold pure colors will emphasize the beauty of Winter. Ultramarine, fuchsia, menthol, rich wine - these are the colors of winter. By the way, it is by them that you can reliably distinguish Winter from other color types. Attach handkerchiefs of these colors to your face. If attention shifts to a scarf, and the face seems dull and uninteresting, this is not Winter in front of you. If the pure colors of the scarves emphasize the beauty of the face, then you can not check further, the color type is determined.

Spring Feels great in clothes of pure pastel shades. In bright saturated colors, it is lost, in warm, complex, muted, the skin acquires an unhealthy shade, and fiery red gives the impression that Spring cried for a long time before trying it on. But light pure colors emphasize the airy beauty of Spring.

Fly on the contrary, muted complex colors are needed. In pure transparent colors, Summer is lost, the contour of the face is blurred, it seems that the model was fast asleep a minute ago, and now she needs to at least wash her face. We change the handkerchief to a dull green, or dusty lilac, and suddenly the contour of the lips appears, the eyes seem brighter, the skin glows with health. Another check is that most shades of brown do not go with summer.

Autumn according to suitable colors, about the same Summer, but in a more saturated version. The pale sand color of summer turns into a deep olive, coffee with milk is replaced by a full-fledged brown color - and Autumn is the only color type that suits it!

The selection of hair color is a responsible matter, because the whole appearance is at stake - whether it will be attractive or inharmonious, depends largely on the color of the hair.

Hair color determines a lot - from the psychological self-awareness of a woman, and ending with the color scheme of the wardrobe. If you radically change the appearance, it may turn out that the things acquired before the transformation do not fit the face at all as well as before.

Therefore, there is no right to make a mistake in choosing a hair color, and in order to do everything right and achieve the maximum result, you need to analyze your appearance well - color type, psychological state and personal qualities, and also find an image that evokes pleasant associations in you. These three parameters do not always lead to one answer - one tone and hair color. For example, a woman wants to be a blonde with a golden hue like Marilyn Monroe, but she has a fiery character (which corresponds to a red color), and her natural color type is winter (black hair color is ideal). How to act in such confusing situations, we will try to figure it out in this article.

How to choose the right hair color?

To find out if the hair color is suitable, you first need to determine the color type. There are 4 main color types, which are determined depending on:

  • shade and color of the iris;
  • skin tones;
  • hair colors.

Thus, by changing the hair color, you can enhance or weaken the characteristics of your color type. To look brighter, you need to enhance the parameters of your color type, and the easiest way to do this is with the help of the color of clothes and hair.

Next, what you should pay attention to when choosing a hair color is character. Aggressive colors such as black and platinum white suit bright women who like to be in the spotlight. Muted and intermediate versions of these colors are suitable for soft people who do not claim leadership and attention.

In order to like yourself in the mirror, you need to find a kind of ideal, type, and in choosing a hair color come closer to it. This will provide a good mood and self-confidence.

Who suits red hair?

Red is a classic autumn color not only in nature, but also in the theory of color types. The woman "autumn" is the owner of brown, cognac or green eyes, red and warm skin tone. In this color type, swarthy shades of the face are rarely found.

But a spring color type with blue eyes and a warm skin tone can also wear red hair, provided that it should not be saturated.

Who suits chocolate hair color?

Chocolate hair color can be cold or warm. "Warm" chocolate suits the autumn color type, because it harmonizes with the warm shade of the iris and skin.

Chocolate with a cold tint is a lightened version of black, and therefore it suits girls with a summer and winter color type.

Who is black hair suitable for?

Black hair color is a variant of winter. Winter is characterized by a cold swarthy or light skin tone and a bright iris of cold shades - blue, for example, or has brown eyes.

Who is caramel hair color suitable for?

Caramel is an ideal option for the autumn and spring color type. This is an intermediate option between blond and chestnut color, and therefore is ideal for girls with soft rounded features.

A warm shade of appearance - the iris of the eyes and skin tone - is the main condition for harmony with the caramel color.


Color is determined by two pigments - and pheomelanin. The shade of the hairline will depend on their combination and proportions. Melanin has a dark and granular structure, and pheomelanin molecules are diffusely distributed throughout the hair and give off red. Melanin darkens. The predominance of pheomelanin is observed in red-haired people. And if the pigments are present in a small amount, then the hair will be light gray or ashy. These pigments are produced by special cells - melanocytes. The cell density varies from hair to hair, so the individual hairs of one person always differ from each other in color, which gives the hair extra shine and shades. Artificial dyes stain hair evenly, an experienced one will always distinguish dyed hair from natural.

But how do you determine your hair type? Everything is very simple. Brunettes are called people with a color from thick to dark brown. A step lighter than brunettes - brown-haired, with a range of shades from dark blond to chestnut. Blonde people have light brown hair. But everything is very relative. Sometimes dark browns are called light browns, and light blonds are called dark blonds.

Real blondes, on the other hand, have a small amount of pigment in their hair, which can make their hair look ashen or even completely white. Speaking of hair colors, it is impossible not to mention the color. Pheomelanin granules predominate in the hair of redheads. The red-haired gene is recessive, so the birth of a red-haired child in the family can be an absolute surprise for parents of brunettes or blonds. I would like to advise such parents to look through old photo albums in search of a red-haired ancestor, which will immediately explain everything.

The modern cosmetic industry can radically change the color of your hair in a matter of minutes. But it’s still not worth getting too carried away with coloring. Each such coloring procedure is a chemical attack aimed at destroying natural pigments, which causes hair to suffer in one way or another. After all, there is nothing better than beautiful, well-groomed, and most importantly - healthy hair. And the color is, in general, secondary.


  • how to find out what kind of hair i have

Despite the fact that each person is a unique and individual personality, psychologists distinguish several main types character, which can manifest themselves more or less in different people. Knowing your type character, you can use its features for your own benefit, form a lifestyle and activity that suits you.


To determine the type character take a simple test that will determine whether the right or left side of the body controls you in a number of situations. Bring your fingers together and note whether the left or right thumb is on top. If the left thumb is on top, then you are prone to, and if the right one, you have an analytical mindset.

Take a pencil in your outstretched hand and point it at any point in space. Then alternately close your eyes and determine which eye is the leading one, and when closing which eye, the target begins to move. If the target moves when you close your left eye, you have a gentle character, and if the right eye, you have a firm and persistent character.

Also try crossing your arms over your chest. If the left hand is on top more often than the right, you are prone to cunning, and if the right - to ingenuity. Then clap your hands, placing your hands crosswise. Decide which hand is more comfortable for you to clap. If left, it is not easy for you to make decisions, and if you are right, you are a persistent and decisive person. Different combinations of results in this simple test allow you to determine the main features of your character.

In addition, individual personality accentuations or features are distinguished. character strongly expressed in this or that person. Demonstrative type character different desire to stand out, artistry, the desire to attract attention. These people tend to constantly change their field of activity, they are not able to concentrate on anything for a long time.

Pedantic type character characterized by too long reflections before making a decision. Such people are prone to increased, scrupulousness and seriousness. excitable type character not controlled, but by feelings and inclinations. Excitable people are very impulsive and abrupt, and also prone to conflict. People with anxiety type character prone to self-doubt, fear and, are distinguished by unnatural behavior and self-criticism.

There is also a hyperthymic type character- people with it are distinguished by increased optimism and enthusiasm, they experience a constant thirst for activity, often enjoy authority and are successful. The opposite of the hyperthymic type is the dysthymic type. These people are prone to pessimism, they are gloomy and not emotional.

If hyperthymic and dysthymic states often alternate, it has a labile or cyclothymic type character. There are also individuals who violently and emotionally react to any events taking place around them.

These types are not always character are embodied in a pure form in one person, but you can examine the characteristics of your behavior and relate it to the types described in order to determine which ones are often found in your own character.


  • how to find out what my character is

Men often think about how to find an approach to the woman they like. In order for there to be harmony within the couple, you need to understand how you want to see your relationship and what you expect from your soulmate. Naturally, sometimes you need to make concessions, but if your life is full of compromises, you may just have chosen the wrong one. type of women.


First, determine which type of u concern you. Take a closer look at yourself. What do you do, what do you devote your free time to, what will always come first for you?

If home and comfort have always been of particular importance to you, if you make sure that your family and guests are always comfortable and comfortable, then you belong to type of at the "Owner". Such a man may suit several options for women, depending on what he expects from this woman. women. If you need a companion with the same interests, who will pay a lot of attention to the house, then the woman "Mistress" is a great option. A good alliance can also be obtained with a “Careerist” woman who devotes a lot of time to work.

If you are very socially active and housework is not on the list of things that you will enjoy doing, then your type of- Male Warrior. But, since someone still needs to look after the house, it is better to choose an economic woman who will compensate for your lack of attention to home comfort. An option with an extravagant, spectacular woman is also possible. She will be a worthy couple for a “high-flying” man and will always be able to surprise with the originality of a dinner or at least an outfit.

Well, the last type of- Man "Adventurer". This one always needs fresh impressions, new places, emotions, so a calm, constancy-loving woman will not suit him. It should be a kind of nymphet who, in any situation, will be able to understand and support all the quirks of her soulmate, as well as make up for the lack of emotions.

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How well do you know your partner? After all, the absolute difference of interests in life cannot be a good basis for marriage. If you want home comfort, a delicious dinner every day, then it is unlikely that an alliance with a woman who loves entertainment or an intellectual who always sticks out at the computer, and not at the stove, will end in success. But when two people are overtaken by love, they least of all think about it. Awareness comes much later. Sometimes, when the family has long been created and children are born.

Useful advice

Do not hesitate or spend too much time thinking about whether you will be a good couple or not. Many stories convince that only actions can lead to at least some result in a relationship. Time will tell if you are compatible or not.

Chestnut color is natural, natural and soft. These are the colors of caramel and chocolate, these are the tones of ripe nuts and cocoa. And when they talk about chestnut color, they do not mean any particular tone, because chestnut color is rich in shades.

Bright brown-haired women

It is clear that women with chestnut hair color are not as striking as "red beasts", bright or extravagant brunettes. But chestnut-colored hair has many shades and attracts attention with its naturalness.

The chestnut palette is so diverse that a woman of any color type can choose the right shade for herself: from light chestnut to honey, from ash chestnut to graphite, from chocolate to dark chestnut.

Undoubtedly, outwardly the chestnut color seems neutral, however, when choosing a shade, sharp contrasts between skin color and hair color should be avoided. In addition, natural shades of hair have recently gained immense popularity. Therefore, when choosing a shade, you need to strive for naturalness and take into account the combination of natural hair color, skin tone and eye color. A well-chosen shade will emphasize the beauty of a woman and will look fresh at any age.

Experts say that the desired hair color can be obtained by choosing a shade that differs from the natural hair color by no more than two tones. The paint is selected a tone darker than the desired color for blond hair. For dark hair, the shade of paint should be two tones lighter than desired.

By choosing the right shade, skillfully applying the rules of makeup and choosing a wardrobe that shades hair color, any woman with chestnut hair will look elegant and sophisticated. No less impressive and no less bright than a burning brunette, fiery or platinum blonde.

Hair color and character

Hair color affects the character of a person - psychologists say. Women who have radically changed their hair color at least once agree with this statement. And if red-haired people are distinguished by wildness and eccentricity, fatal brunettes are purposeful and have a strong-willed nature, and blondes, then women with chestnut hair color, as a rule, are balanced, responsible and self-sufficient. From this, their careers are most successful.

In addition, according to statistics, the owners of brown hair are associated with homeliness more than blondes, redheads or brunettes. Beauties with a chestnut tint give the impression of thoughtful interlocutors and have a special attractive force for others, based on deep human values.


  • Brown hair color and shades
  • chestnut color

Dark blond hair color used to be out of fashion and was associated with "dullness". Most of the girls dreamed of getting rid of him and dyed their hair in bright unthinkable colors. Today the situation has changed.

Fair-haired, and especially dark-blond - at the peak of popularity, because naturalness is in fashion today. If you have blonde hair, there is no need to become a burning brunette or a dazzling blonde. On the contrary, many natural blondes and even brunettes are repainted in a dark blond shade. What is and how dark blond hair looks.

What determines hair color

But first, let's find out what hair color generally depends on. It is determined by the presence of pheomelanin and eumelanin pigments in the hair. Melanins are natural dark pigments that are present in varying amounts not only in the hair, but also in the skin and in the iris of the eye. Pheomelanin has a reddish hue. Its molecules are distributed diffusely and various combinations of it with eumelanin (black-brown pigment) form different hair colors. If there is more eumelanin, the pheomelanin molecules do not "clog" the color with a reddish tint and the hair is dark. If there is little eumelanin, and on the contrary, there is a lot of pheomelanin, the hair is red or reddish. If both eumelanin and pheomelanin are low, the hair is blond.

What does dark brown hair color mean?

If you have dark blond hair, it means three things. There is more eumelanin in the cells of the cortical layer of your hair, the density of vegetation on your head is average (about 100,000-120,000 hairs, for comparison, brunettes have 100,000, redheads have 80,000, blondes have 150,000). Your hair is of medium thickness and softness (the thickest and toughest hair is dark, light, respectively, thin and soft).

The spectrum of human hair color is very wide. To determine the color, special scales have been created based on the breakdown of the color gamut into three categories: reddish-orange, yellowish-orange and ashy. A test for an accurate determination of color can be done using spectrophotometry (reflected light) or colometry (the use of special solutions with pigment extracts). But this is for scientific research. In the popular understanding, people are divided into brunettes, brown-haired and blondes according to hair color. These three categories, in turn, are divided into subcategories. Brunettes include people with dark brown, black and blue-black hair. The ranks of blondes include people with blond hair, ashy, golden and light blond hair. If you have dark blond hair, then you, along with the owners of chestnut, blond and red hair, are brown-haired.

Dark blond color - natural, versatile, deep. It goes with almost any makeup. He always looks elegant and with him you don’t have to worry about the hairstyle and selection of clothes - almost any style and color scheme will suit dark blond. If your hair is dark blond, long and slightly wavy, the effect of your hair will always be amazing.

Good day, dear readers! Olga Ramazanova, leading heading of beauty, is with you. Have you ever wondered why one color suits one person, and absolutely does not suit another?

The thing is that nature has created us completely different in skin tone, hair, eyes. However, there is a certain similarity in the appearance of people and they can be combined into conditional groups. In this article, I will introduce you to a very interesting topic - how to find out your color type.

Why do you need to know your color type?

The answer is very simple - so as not to make mistakes in choosing clothes, hair tone and even accessories. Knowing which color type a person belongs to, he can choose exactly what suits him. This knowledge will help you create your individual harmonious image. Agree, quite often you can see on the street, for example, a fair-haired girl with bright dark eyebrows or repainted in a bright red color. This imbalance is very striking. Remember that fashion is fashion, but you need to know your nature of beauty and present it correctly.

How to determine your appearance?

Most likely, you have already heard about the division of color types according to the names of the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are other systems for determining the color type of a person, but this one is the most convenient (especially for makeup artists).

There are such concepts in coloring as cold and warm shades.

  • Cold ones are those in which there is a blue pigment: turquoise, lilac, fuchsia, burgundy, etc.
  • Warm ones have a yellow pigment: brown, gold, peach, herbal, etc.

To understand what kind of appearance I have, first you need to determine which shades prevail in appearance. Look carefully in the mirror and pay attention: is there a golden tint in the hair, what color are the eyes and freckles. The most important thing is to understand your skin tone. With a cold color type, the skin of the face has a slightly gray tone, and with a warm color type, it is yellowish.

I'll tell you one more secret. Look at the color of the veins on your wrist. If there is yellow pigment in the skin, then the veins will be green (blue vein and yellow skin give green). In this case, you can be sure that the color type is warm. If the skin tone is cold, then the veins will remain blue.

Cool color types include Winter and Summer. To warm - Spring and Autumn.

  • If you are the owner of bright eyes, dark hair and eyebrows, then the color type will be Winter or Autumn.
  • Spring and Summer are usually characterized by muted tones and soft transitions. Light brown, ashy or blond hair combined with pale skin gives a feeling of lightness.

Description of color types

I hope you have already figured out which color type you are. If there are still doubts, then I give a detailed description with recommendations on who suits what.

Winter is cold and bright. Often these are oriental girls with an exotic appearance. Their skin can be dark olive, pale porcelain, cold beige. Eye color is bright - brown, green, blue, etc. The lips are well-defined and have a rich color. Hair - black, chestnut, dark blond without red.

Such girls in clothes can make bright accents and not seem vulgar: red, purple, turquoise, a combination of black and white, pink and others. Makeup is also allowed to be saturated, although even without it, winter girls look amazing. Lipstick should be cold: red, burgundy, fuchsia, purple and almost all shades of pink. Eye makeup is also desirable to withstand in cold shades. Metal of such girls: silver, white gold.

Spring is warm and subdued. This type is quite rare, but more often they are European girls. They have soft and fair skin and may have freckles. The hair is golden, blond with a slight reddish tint. Eyebrows and hair color do not contrast with the tone of the face. The eyes are soft - blue, gray, green.

A spring girl needs to choose a wardrobe in her own color scheme. All gentle warm shades will do: yellow, mustard, grass color, peach, etc. It will create contrast and give freshness to the blue color. In makeup, the main thing is not to overdo it. Light tone, pastel shadows, brown mascara, warm lipstick and peach blush - all you need. Jewelry suitable from gold, wood and natural stones.

Summer is cold and subdued. Most often, this type is found among us - Slavs. The skin is light, porcelain or cold beige. The eyes are gray, green or blue - tender. Hair color is mostly light brown with a gray tint.

Clothing is suitable for soft light colors: tea rose, blue, purple, gray, etc. Make-up is also aged in such colors. Almost all shades of pink, cold red and berry are suitable for lipstick. Ink is better to use brown. The metal of summer girls is silver and white gold.

Autumn is warm and bright. These are fiery red beasts - pale-faced and with freckles. Hair rich red or brown with a golden hue. The eyes are very bright - green or blue.

The things of such girls should be bright colors: red, turquoise, yellow, blue, etc. As a rule, they do not need special makeup. It is enough to highlight the eyes with brown eyeliner and mascara, apply a transparent gloss and warm blush. You can not skimp on jewelry, almost everything suits such girls.

To better understand what clothes will emphasize your dignity and individual style, I recommend subscribing to a free course " 5 stylish lessons". The course is very high quality, with specific examples and a huge number of photos.

Excellent video about another classification of color types:

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