Systemic hypoplasia is a consequence. Hypoplasia of tooth enamel - treatment in adults and children. Hutchinson, Fournier and Pfluger teeth

The rudiments of milk teeth in a child are formed during the period of intrauterine growth and development. Their health is influenced by many factors: a woman's nutrition during pregnancy, the functioning of cardio-vascular system fetus, intake medicines and synthetic vitamin complexes. Milk teeth, like molars, consist of cement, dentin, dental crown, pulp, root and enamel coating. Tooth enamel covers the crown and protects it from penetration pathogenic bacteria and development of caries. This is the most hard tissue human body, more than 90% of which are minerals inorganic origin.

If a mineral metabolism in the tissues of the fetus for some reason is disturbed, tooth enamel becomes thinner and cannot fully perform its functions. This condition is called hypoplasia (underdevelopment). It is not always possible to determine the pathology visually, so it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations at the dentist regularly. The first time to show the child to a specialist is necessary after - at 6-8 months. The doctor will be able to notice violations in time and prescribe necessary treatment, which will prevent caries and the destruction of tooth enamel.

What is the reason?

Approximately 60% of children suffering from enamel hypoplasia, the causes of violations are associated with pathological course pregnancy or fetal malformations in the embryonic period. If a woman during gestation suffers severe infectious diseases, the risk of improper formation of tooth germs will be higher than in women whose pregnancy proceeds without deviations. Particularly dangerous during pregnancy are the so-called childhood diseases - measles, chicken pox rubella.

Other factors that increase the likelihood of enamel underdevelopment include:

  • premature birth and associated prematurity ( maximum risks in children born before 33-34 weeks);
  • pronounced toxicosis in the mother at the beginning of pregnancy and on later dates gestation;
  • birth injuries (including injuries resulting from the application of obstetric forceps or applying a vacuum);
  • congenital malformations of the heart system or blood vessels;
  • insufficient lactation or conditions leading to a deterioration in the quality of breast milk in women who are breastfeeding (smoking, drinking alcohol, taking strong drugs, poor nutrition);
  • hemolytic disease - incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the child according to antigens, resulting from the Rhesus conflict.

All these causes cause improper formation of tooth germs, thinning of the enamel layer, active leaching of phosphorus, fluorine and calcium from bone tissues, which include teeth. In some cases, hypoplasia may be the result of a woman's increased consumption of foods with high allergenic properties during pregnancy. These include honey and bee products, oranges and other types of citrus fruits, strawberries, products with the addition of dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives.

Important! Do not forget about the genetic predisposition. If parents have dental problems or have a history of deciduous teeth hypoplasia, there is a little over 10% chance that the child will also have enamel problems.

How to understand that a child has enamel hypoplasia?

In most cases, it is impossible to recognize the pathology on its own. To make the diagnosis more accurate, the teeth must be dried with air currents - this way it will be easier for the specialist to examine the grooves, dimples and indentations that result from deformation and thinning of the enamel.

To clinical signs improper formation of the enamel coating can be attributed to:

  • darkening or excessive lightening of the enamel;
  • the appearance of spots of a milky, creamy or yellowish hue, which outwardly may resemble the initial stage of caries;
  • painful reaction on contact with hot or cold food, air and other irritants.

The child may have one of the listed signs or several symptoms at once - in this case, the doctor diagnoses "mixed enamel hypoplasia".

Non-carious lesions of milk teeth - enamel hypoplasia

Important! To differentiate enamel hypoplasia with the initial stages of caries, the doctor applies a special dye to the child's teeth. This method diagnostics is suitable only for the spotted form of pathology, because the mechanism of action is based on obtaining a response. The spots that form on the surface of the enamel when its development is disturbed will not interact with coloring pigments.

Types and forms of pathology

Hypoplasia in children can appear in three clinical forms Oh. The most common of these is patchy hypoplasia, in which the only symptom existing disorders are milk spots. If the degree of demineralization is high enough, the spots may become dark yellow, beige or Brown color and outwardly resemble the early stages of caries. On the this stage You can cope with the problem with the help of mineral applications with solutions containing calcium and fluoride compounds.

Distinctive features of this type of hypoplasia are:

  • smooth surface of spots (with initial stage caries spots are usually rough);
  • symmetry (the lesion concerns tooth groups located symmetrically with respect to the central axis);
  • clear contours of spots.

If parents do not turn to a specialist, pathology can lead to the penetration of bacteria into the layers of dentin and the formation of carious cavities.

Non-carious lesions of milk teeth - enamel hypoplasia, amelogenesis imperfecta

A less common form is striated hypoplasia, which is characterized by the formation of furrows and depressions on the surface of the enamel. With a strong pronounced hypoplasia on the teeth, areas with a complete absence of enamel or a very thinned enamel coating can be determined. If there are enamel defects on the surface of the teeth, mainly round shape, we are talking about the erosive form.

Table. Diagnosis frequency various types hypoplasia in childhood.

Form of pathologyHow common is it in children under 3 years of age?How common is it in children 3-7 years old?How common is it in children 7-12 years old?
spotted form63% 51% 44%
striated form21% 27% 31%
erosive form12% 16% 21%
mixed form4% 6% 4%

Note! AT rare cases pathology can take a mixed form, when signs of several or all known clinical forms of hypoplasia may be present on one tooth. In this case, the child is diagnosed with "mixed hypoplasia". Treatment of this type is quite complicated, and its success directly depends on the timeliness measures taken and seeking dental care.

Treatment Methods

Enamel hypoplasia on milk teeth can lead to serious diseases and defects when the dentition changes and the child grows molars, therefore, it is necessary to take action at the first signs and symptoms. If parents regularly show the child to the dentist, the progression of the pathology can be stopped at early stage. For these purposes, applications with medicinal solutions based on fluoride and calcium. The number of procedures depends on the severity of the existing disorders, the form of the disease and associated complications and can be from 5 to 20 procedures.

In some cases, a doctor may recommend the use of fluoride medications. They contain increased concentration fluoride, help prevent demineralization of tooth enamel and positively affect its density and structure. In no case should drugs of this group be used without a doctor's prescription, since many of them have age restrictions. The concentration of fluoride substances in such products is 30-35 times higher than allowable rate therefore, improper use can cause enamel pathologies and the development of caries.

Important! AT advanced cases the doctor may prescribe a specialized treatment using. This is necessary if there are signs on the teeth carious process. Failure to treat may result in deep defeat milk teeth and the appearance of caries on permanent molars.

Prevention is the basis of health

Preventive measures are needed long before the birth of a child. The expectant mother should regularly undergo dental examinations and undergo oral hygiene in a timely manner. Any diseases are a source of infection and increase the risk of violations in the formation of fetal tooth germs, therefore, dental health must be approached responsibly. Modern anesthetics are safe for the health of a woman and a child and can be used even in late pregnancy, allowing for treatment with virtually no pain and discomfort.

If removal is necessary, the operation can also be performed in the third trimester, but with certain restrictions. If the pregnancy is complicated, the doctor may recommend a procedure after the baby is born. In clinically difficult cases, when extraction must be performed before childbirth, but there is a possibility of complications during or after the operation, the woman is hospitalized in the department's hospital. maxillofacial surgery. The duration of hospitalization can be from 3 to 10 days.

To provide the body of a growing fetus with all the necessary micro and macro elements, in daily diet you need to enter the following products:

  • greens and lettuce leaves;
  • fruits (apples, pears, bananas, kiwi);
  • vegetables;
  • meat and fish (rabbit, veal, lamb, cod, salmon, tuna and trout are especially useful);
  • nuts;
  • eggs of chickens and quails;
  • dairy products and milk-based products prepared with the addition of natural sourdough;
  • vegetable oils obtained by cold pressing (almond, pumpkin, corn oil).

Nutrition should be balanced and varied even after the birth of a child, so that the baby receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals along with breast milk. This will prevent many serious disorders, such as rickets, neurological disorders and pathology of tooth enamel.

Enamel hypoplasia is a pathology that must be treated at an early stage. If this is not done, the child's molars may already grow affected by caries. It is almost impossible to notice existing disorders at an early stage on your own, so the child needs to be shown regularly. pediatric dentist- at least 2 times a year.

Video - Treatment of enamel hypoplasia

Enamel hypoplasia occurs in approximately 30% of children. This state accompanied by underdevelopment of tooth enamel. Usually the lesion affects milk teeth, as they have more thin layer coatings. The affected tooth is visually different from a healthy one: on its surface you can see superficial grooves and deeper changes. It should be noted that the enamel thinned during hypoplasia cannot serve as reliable protection for the pulp, as a result of which, simultaneously with hypoplasia, the child develops pulpitis and caries.

An example of hypoplastic tooth enamel. A photo.

Causes of the appearance and development of hypoplasia

In the event that hypoplasia affects the milk incisors, the cause of the problem must be sought during fetal development, when the process of laying the rudiments of milk teeth took place. If the diagnosis of hypoplasia was made with a permanent bite, then most likely the reason lies in past infections or more serious health problems. There are many reasons that provoke the development of hypoplasia. However, depending on the age of the child, they can differ dramatically.

Causes that provoke the disease during fetal development

  • genetic predisposition.
  • Severe toxicosis in the mother, preventing the absorption of minerals and trace elements.
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking during pregnancy.
  • Viral diseases transferred during the period of bearing a child, for example, influenza, SARS, rubella.
  • Poor nutrition of the expectant mother or constant dieting.

Factors that provoke a problem during childbirth

  • premature birth.
  • The presence of gynecological diseases in the mother.
  • Birth trauma.

Causes of the disease up to a year

  • Availability congenital diseases such as heart disease or diseases of the vascular system.
  • Malnutrition as a consequence of the fault of the mother, and as a result of problems with the intestines in the child.
  • hemolytic disease.

Causes leading to hypoplasia after one and a half to two years

  • Malnutrition leading to malnutrition essential vitamins and micronutrients.
  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Severe anemia.
  • Various diseases of the digestive system.
  • Serious viral infections.
  • Enamel lesions of various etymologies, ranging from caries to stomatitis.
  • As a result of taking some medicines, including antibiotics.

Important! Since in some cases hypoplasia indicates the presence of serious disorders in the functioning of the body as a whole, in addition to the dentist, it is recommended that the child comprehensive examination with a series of tests.

What are the types of hypoplasia in children?

Depending on the origin and severity, hypoplasia may differ in appearance. Only an experienced dentist can determine this or that form of the disease. For this reason, at the first hint of enamel problems in a child, it should be shown to a specialist. By prevalence, the disease is divided into:

  • systemic;
  • local.

Moreover, each of these types is divided into several types.

Systemic hypoplasia

This type of hypoplasia damages both hard and soft tissues tooth. AT this case The disease goes through three stages:

  • discoloration of the enamel - while white, brown or yellow spots. Usually, with the growth of the child, the size of such spots does not change at all;
  • underdevelopment and thinning of the enamel - during this stage, grooves, waves and other changes appear on the enamel;
  • complete absence enamel - occurs quite rarely. During the complication, pulp exposure may occur and more complex dental pathologies may develop.

Local hypoplasia

During local hypoplasia, the surface of the enamel is covered with various spots from white to brownish. This complication may develop as a result mechanical injury and affect both one tooth and several. In the vast majority of situations, local hypoplasia affects permanent or milk molars. Treatment of the problem is carried out by filling.

Changes in the shape of teeth with enamel hypoplasia

Depending on the degree of damage to the enamel, the teeth may take characteristic shape. According to this form, dentists carry out a classification, during which teeth are isolated:

  • Getchinson;
  • Pfluger;
  • Fournier.

Hutchinson's teeth

Hutchinson's teeth.

Hutchinson's teeth are congenital pathology. They are formed in the course of an imbalance of minerals and trace elements. Define this pathology possible by the following signs:

  • the incisal edge of the enamel may be devoid of enamel;
  • appearance teeth resemble barrels with an extension in the neck area;
  • the cutting edge has a notch in the middle.

In addition to the fact that such teeth look extremely unaesthetic, they bring a lot of discomfort to the child. At the same time, there are serious problems with chewing food and its further digestion.

Pfluger teeth

Pfluger's teeth have underdeveloped tubercles. The anomaly most often affects the first large molars. As a result of the disease, the child may have problems with nutrition, digestion and staging correct speech. Often, Pfluger's teeth indicate congenital syphilis, for example, if during childbirth the child became infected from the mother.

Fournier teeth

These teeth resemble Hutchinson's teeth in shape, but they lack a pronounced cutting edge. The cause of the anomaly causing this problem is still unknown. In most cases, the reasons are genetic predisposition and mineral imbalance.

Treatment of enamel hypoplasia in children

Important! The method of treatment of hypoplasia should be selected an experienced specialist based on the inspection and individual characteristics child. In some cases, the process can be extremely complex and lengthy.

Unfortunately, tooth enamel hypoplasia is a disease that cannot be completely cured, especially when it comes to permanent teeth. The main goal of therapy is to combat the symptoms and complications that occur.

The following ways to deal with the problem can be distinguished:

  • artificial mineralization and strengthening of enamel;
  • fight with various complications, including caries;
  • giving the teeth an aesthetic appearance.

Enamel remineralization

This procedure can be performed in the dentist's office. For this, a special solution and caps are used, which are put on the dentition and ensure uniform penetration of the strengthening composition into the enamel. Remineralization is carried out in courses, the duration of which is determined by the dentist and is based on the initial state of the tooth surface.

Capa for remineralization of tooth enamel.

Dealing with Complications

In this case, the doctor cleans the damage by removing dead tooth tissue. After that, the resulting cavity is washed and a seal is applied. If hypoplasia is accompanied by other diseases, such as gum disease, then the treatment will be symptomatic.

Giving the teeth an aesthetic appearance

Restoration of teeth can be done in several ways. In this case, it all depends on the severity of the damage to the enamel. Typically, children use the following methods:

  • imposition of a light seal;
  • veneer making.

It should be understood that in the process of growth, the child's jaw will change, and further restoration may be required.

Hypoplasia is enough serious illness teeth in children. Main danger condition lies in a number of possible complications. It must be understood that the sooner the treatment of hypoplasia is started, the more effective it will be.

352 03/08/2019 5 min.

Hypoplasia of the teeth is a pathology congenital or acquired in childhood, leading to fragility, serious thinning of the enamel. It has various stages: from small lesions to complete absence of enamel. The main manifestations of the pathology include a change in the shape of the teeth, the appearance of grooves on the enamel, dark spots, indentations. Leads to possible complications: caries, different forms pulpitis, malocclusion The child has.

Pathology can manifest itself both in milk and permanent teeth. In the article we will consider the types of hyperplasia, the causes and symptoms of the disease. As well as methods of treatment, possible complications and methods of prevention.

Disease Definition

Hypoplasia of tooth enamel is congenital disorder proper development teeth. If, when the first teeth appeared, the child immediately had problems (, grooves, strange shape tooth) it is recommended to consult a dentist . Timely treatment and careful dental care reduce the risk of complete tooth decay.

Depending on the age of the child and the severity of the pathology, the pathology can manifest itself in varying degrees. In mild cases, we are talking about the thinning or absence of small areas of enamel. Sometimes the pathology may be accompanied by the absence of some teeth in a row.

With systemic hypoplasia, the enamel is completely absent, the teeth are deformed. This leads to a strong sensitivity of the teeth to cold, hot, chemical exposure.

The main reasons for the development of hypoplasia:

  • chronic pathologies in children;
  • various metabolic disorders due to an imbalance of minerals;
  • toxic dyspepsia;
  • brain dysfunction occurring between the ages of six months and 12 months;
  • acute infectious diseases.

At local form The reasons are often:

  • germ infection permanent teeth;
  • chronic perioditis of milk teeth;
  • even minor injuries and .

A severe (systemic) type of pathology develops as a result of:

  • intrauterine infection of the child (transferred pregnant rubella, toxoplasmosis and others);
  • taking certain drugs during pregnancy, such as tetracycline antibiotics (or treating a child under 12 months of age with them);
  • unbalanced nutrition given to a child under the age of one year (leads to a violation of mineral metabolism);
  • violation of protein metabolism and other types of metabolism.

Untreated nasopharyngeal infections and lack of beneficial minerals before the age of 6 years lead not only to hypoplasia of milk teeth. The rudiments of permanent teeth are often damaged.

If a systemic form of hypoplasia is detected, the child is registered with a dispensary. He needs preventive supervision at least once every 2 to 4 months and regular treatment emerging problems.


There are 2 main degrees of localization of hypoplasia:

  • local(there is a defeat of one or two permanent teeth, not typical for milk teeth);
  • With systemic(leads to the defeat of all teeth from birth).

Systemic hypoplasia, in turn, has several varieties:

  • Fournier's teeth(the central incisors have a deformation in the form of a “screwdriver” or “butterfly”);

  • Pfluger's teeth(damage to large molars, which have underdeveloped tubercles and too wide a crown);
  • Gechinson's teeth(deformation of the teeth, almost like in Fournier, but on the edge of the teeth there is a notch that is not covered by enamel in the form of a half circle).

The "tetracycline form" develops if a woman during pregnancy inadvertently took antibiotics of the tetracycline group or gave them to a child under 1 year old. Teeth acquire a characteristic yellow-brown tint and underdeveloped enamel. If the treatment was carried out after 6 months, even permanent teeth acquire a yellowish tint. Read more about whether caries can be treated during pregnancy.

Depending on the severity of the lesion, the following forms are distinguished:

  • enamel color change(the mildest form, in which single spots of a white or yellowish hue develop on the surface of the teeth, may develop);

  • slight underdevelopment of enamel(leads to the appearance of single defects on the surface of the teeth: grooves, stripes or waves);
  • aplasia(complete absence of enamel, causing hypersensitivity to thermal, mechanical and chemical stimuli).

Rarely, scala hypoplasia develops, in which several grooves develop on the enamel of each tooth.

Enamel hypoplasia often leads to impaired dentin development. This becomes the main reason for the deformation of the teeth.


Signs of hypoplasia in each case are different. Most frequent symptoms diseases become:

At in large numbers foci of the absence of enamel or its complete absence, hypersensitivity of the teeth develops. This results in soreness with hot, cold, or hard foods, as well as sour, sweet, and other irritating foods.

If a child has proper care caries develops behind the teeth for up to a year, this is a reason to consult a dentist.


There are no ways to completely cure hypoplasia, since the development of this pathology is irreversible. Applies only systematic treatment, which reduces the consequences and development of complications. It includes:

At system form hypoplasia with complete absence of enamel is performed orthopedic treatment. After complex diagnostics the doctor decides on the installation of permanent crowns or veneers.

With enamel hypoplasia, careful care of the teeth and oral cavity is essential. Parents must learn themselves, and educate the child proper cleaning teeth, use of mouthwash, and floss. The choice of brush and toothpaste is important, especially for milk teeth.


Without permanent treatment and preventive measures mild form hypoplasia leads to the development of such complications in the future:

  • fragility of teeth;
  • decreased resistance to various diseases;
  • formation of malocclusion;
  • tendency to damage, chipping of enamel;
  • enamel hypoplasia of permanent teeth (if milk teeth are not treated);
  • development of caries,;
  • acute or chronic periodontitis.

Even after successful treatment, it is too early for parents to “relax”. It is necessary to carefully monitor the standing of the child's teeth, attend preventive examinations without missing.


Most importance has prevention. If a child has enamel hypoplasia, traditional preventive examinations 1-2 times a year are not enough for him. When registering for a dispensary, it is necessary to visit a doctor every 2 to 4 months, depending on the severity of the problem. The main preventive measures include:


For details on what is hypoplasia of tooth enamel, see the video

Almost always, hypoplasia is a congenital ailment, although it manifests itself after birth. The rudiments of milk teeth are laid in the first three months of the intrauterine period. At the same time, they are mineralized.

The presence during this period of any provoking factors practically guarantees the occurrence of enamel pathology in the baby.

The main intrauterine causes:

  • gestosis during pregnancy, especially in the early stages;
  • infectious diseases mothers during pregnancy, such as measles, rubella, toxoplasmosis, severe forms flu;
  • malnutrition of the mother during pregnancy, especially deficiency meat products in the diet;
  • premature birth;
  • traumatic injuries of the child during the maternity process;
  • hemolytic disease;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • endocrine and renal pathologies at mother.

Causes of the disease after birth:

  • acute pathologies of the stomach and intestines;
  • errors in the nutrition of a child in the first year of life, in particular, the use of low-quality mixtures that contain insufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements;
  • neurological abnormalities in a child;
  • influence radiation background or other toxic substances;
  • improper calcium metabolism.

Signs of hypoplasia

The main symptoms of hypoplasia are:

  • discoloration of teeth;
  • occurrence on outer surface dental tissue stains or flaws;
  • the appearance of sensitivity to thermal stimuli (cold and hot);
  • change in the shape of the crown parts of the teeth.

Types of disease

There are three types of hypoplasia:

  1. Systemic. There is a defeat of the teeth, the rudiments of which are laid at the same time. Occurs as a result of action adverse factors in the prenatal period or in the first 6 months after birth. Enamel changes color, its thinning or complete absence is observed - aplasia.
  2. Local. The defeat of the teeth occurs during their development or due to infection of the primordia. Occurs only in permanent teeth.
  3. Focal. It is extremely rare. Like the systemic view, it strikes individual groups teeth, especially the anterior and large molars. Sometimes there are defects in upper teeth only on one side. Often the cause of the pathology is the transferred osteomyelitis of the jawbone. The crown of the erupted teeth is small with a yellow tint. The surface of the enamel is rough.

Forms of hypoplasia

There are several clinical forms of the disease:

  1. Spotted form. Whitish spots appear on the enamel with clear outlines, a smooth and shiny surface, located on symmetrical teeth. The central and lateral incisors are often affected. upper jaw. This is the most common form, diagnosed in every second case of the disease.
  2. erosive form. There is a thinning of individual sections of the upper layer of the teeth. The shape of the defects is often rounded. Flaws are located symmetrically. This is the most common form, which can be complicated by caries.
  3. Furrowed form. On the surface of the enamel, grooves are formed, located strictly parallel to the crown part of the tooth, different in length and width. In appearance, they resemble the natural recesses of enamel. The bottom of the grooves is covered with a thin layer of enamel. Sometimes it is absent altogether.
  4. mixed form. Spots, grooves and erosion alternate on the tooth surface, and a combination of these defects can be observed on the same tooth. AT recent times the prevalence of this form has increased dramatically.

An overview of enamel hypoplasia and other non-carious lesions of the hard tissues of the teeth can be obtained from this video:


Enamel hypoplasia is complex disease which is easier to prevent than to cure. Prevention starts from the 6th week of pregnancy and continues until the child reaches 2 years of age.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother should visit the dentist at least 4 times, even if nothing bothers her.

Note: dental treatment can not be carried out at all stages of pregnancy, but preventive procedures can be made at any time. The schedule of visits is appointed by the dentist depending on the condition of the teeth and mucous membranes. oral cavity.

Ideally, the infant should be on breastfeeding throughout the first year of life. In the future, the diet should be carefully compiled so that the necessary amount of vitamins and trace elements is present in it (he tells about vitamins for teeth for children).

For the first 2 years, the baby should undergo preventive examinations at the dentist every six months. During the visits, if necessary, professional cleaning of the teeth and the formation of self-hygiene skills of the oral cavity are carried out.

Treatment of enamel hypoplasia

Hypoplasia belongs to diseases that are not amenable to complete cure. The main task therapy is the elimination of factors contributing to the development of complications.

Treatment goals:

  • mineralization of the upper layer of the tooth with special synthetic preparations;
  • the fight against caries, which developed against the background of hypoplasia;
  • restoration of function and appearance of teeth.

The choice of treatment method depends on the form of the disease. For spotty hypoplasia, professional hygiene and saturation of the enamel with fluorine. Every day, solutions of preparations with high content fluorine. The duration of treatment is 1 month. After 3 months, the procedure must be repeated.

Take note: sensitivity to temperature changes, the composition of food is observed with partial or complete aplasia. Until this moment, she does not bother the baby, and the parents are concerned about the appearance of the child's teeth.

With an erosive form, defects are filled. The damaged area is slightly ground, an adhesive solution is applied and the defect is filled with a composite material. After it hardens, the surface is ground to give smoothness.

Therapy of erosive hypoplasia consists of several stages:

  • treatment of teeth with a mineralizing solution;
  • removal of softened enamel with a bur or a sharp instrument;
  • antiseptic treatment of the formed cavity;
  • application of a calcium-based preparation to the bottom of the cavity for a period of 1 month;
  • filling the defect with a material that releases fluorine;
  • restoration of the shape of the tooth.

With a striated and mixed shape, the teeth often cover artificial crowns. This is the preferred option, since not all babies can withstand the filling procedure.

Be prepared for your son or daughter to be taken under dispensary observation, since abrasion and destruction of teeth occurs very quickly, which subsequently leads to malocclusion.

See video about the treatment of enamel hypoplasia:

Such a pathology as enamel hypoplasia is more common in children and children. adolescence but it also occurs in adults. At the same time, the enamel becomes thinner, and the teeth become very fragile, due to which they lose their ability to resist. various diseases and are easily damaged.

What is tooth enamel hypoplasia

Hypoplasia of tooth enamel - specific disease, in which the formation and development of enamel due to metabolic disorders does not occur as it should. The body, as a result of metabolic disorders, does not receive all the necessary useful trace elements, and this contributes to the fact that the enamel becomes vulnerable and very thin. Because of this, the tooth can break even with a slight load.

In addition, hypoplasia is indicative of serious violations protein metabolism and metabolism, so it can not only be called independent disease, as well as a serious sign that the child has certain health problems.

Causes of the disease

For successful treatment diseases need to know what causes them. The following main reasons for its development can be identified:

  • chronic somatic pathology in children
  • violation of metabolic processes as a result of an imbalance of mineral and protein metabolism
  • acute infectious diseases
  • toxic dyspepsia
  • brain disorders that arose at the age of 6-12 months

Types of enamel hypoplasia

The localization of the lesion depends on its severity and the age of the child. Such a process is irreversible.

AT dental practice There are two main types of hypoplasia - local and systemic.

With local hypoplasia, one or two teeth are predominantly affected. In this case, only permanent teeth are affected - it never occurs on milk teeth.

The reasons for which local hypoplasia occurs are as follows:

  • infection of the permanent tooth germ
  • tooth injury
  • chronic course of periodontitis of a milk tooth

Outwardly, local hypoplasia looks like a spot on the enamel of a yellowish or white tint, and the enamel of the dental crown may be absent either partially or completely.

Systemic hypoplasia, unlike the local form, immediately affects all teeth. It occurs for the following reasons:

  • at intrauterine development baby, when the expectant mother suffered serious illness(rubella, toxoplasmosis, etc.) or if she has a metabolic disorder.
  • as a result of a woman taking certain medications during pregnancy or a child in the first year of his life (for example, tetracyclines);
  • in case of malnutrition of the crumbs or the presence of a serious pathology

If a child has been found to have systemic enamel hypoplasia, he must be registered with a dispensary.

Can be distinguished systemic hypoplasia several varieties. It depends on the type of damage to the teeth and their forms.

In modern dentistry, there are 3 main forms of enamel hypoplasia:

  • Discoloration of the enamel - the mildest form, in which yellowish or white spots form on the enamel the same size, their boundaries are sharply defined. Such spots do not react to various stimuli, do not hurt, do not cause discomfort, do not stain with dyes (unlike a carious lesion).
  • Enamel underdevelopment is a more severe form of the disease. It is characterized by the appearance of small depressions on the surface of the enamel - dots, waves or grooves, but its surface remains smooth and dense.
  • Aplasia is the most severe form, in which tooth enamel is completely absent. Fortunately, it is very rare. With aplasia, there is no enamel at all in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe crown of the tooth. The child in most cases has pain from chemical, thermal or mechanical stimuli.

For clarity, you can consider what enamel hypoplasia looks like in the photo.

Symptoms of hypoplasia

Enamel hypoplasia is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • The appearance of yellowish or white spots, punctate depressions or grooves on the smooth surface of the tooth enamel.
  • The presence of lesions on the crown of the tooth with an absolute absence of enamel.
  • The teeth acquire a bizarre shape, due to the absence of enamel on almost their entire surface.


The main thing that needs to be done to prevent the disease is to eat rationally and fully for a woman who is carrying a child, as well as for a baby in the first years of life. At this time, medication is categorically contraindicated, especially for tetracycline antibiotics. It is also necessary to prevent the development systemic diseases, as they contribute to metabolic disorders, resulting in hypoplasia.

Treatment of tooth enamel hypoplasia

Unfortunately, today this pathology is irreversible, and there are no drugs that could eliminate its symptoms. Therefore, the treatment of enamel hypoplasia is only symptomatic. It consists in carrying out the reconstruction of tooth enamel. In that case, there are only small foci of local hypoplasia, there is nothing to worry about, because pain syndrome missing. If there are deep erosions and stains on the enamel, it is necessary to carry out a tooth filling composite materials. If the enamel is missing partially or completely, the dentist can perform orthopedic treatment and put a crown on the tooth.

Hypoplasia of the enamel of milk teeth

Carious lesions of the teeth are characterized by an epidemic character. Very often you can encounter when parents visit dentists with very young children who are not even a year old, but carious teeth can already be found in their oral cavity.

In this case, parents are not worried in vain: the dentist not only needs to take care of curing caries in the baby, but also to establish what caused it, because this is the only way complete treatment. And very often the cause of early caries in children can be enamel hypoplasia. Therefore, the teeth of the crumbs need to be taken care of in advance. In our clinic, thanks to a joint examination by a pediatric dentist and a pediatrician, it is possible to determine the cause of hypoplasia and prescribe rational treatment which includes, first of all, preventing the development of hypoplasia further and restoring already affected teeth.

Little attention is paid to such a disease as hypoplasia, because it is almost invisible to the parental eye. But very often it can provoke a very adverse effects. Undoubtedly, it is easier to detect caries, since it appears on the child’s teeth as brown and sometimes black spots on the teeth of the crumbs, and minor waves on the enamel or whitish spots are much more difficult to detect.

Statistics show that the number of children who suffer from this pathology is increasing every year. If at times Soviet Union it was 3-4% of cases, today the number of such children is already more than 40%, in some regions this figure has already exceeded 50%.

The most common complication of hypoplasia is early caries, developing at lightning speed, but immediately acquiring a multiple character. The child has pain or milk teeth simply crumble.

Anatomical features

Each tooth has a group of tissues. The first, most durable top layer enamel is a cell-free tissue, which is formed by hydrokiappatite crystals, it is laid in the form of prisms. Its thickness on the tooth surface is different: there is immune zones, for example, on the cutting edge or fissures, the enamel is thinner than on the tubercles. It is these immune zones that are less commonly affected by caries, but enamel hypoplasia can often occur in them. main feature What distinguishes milk teeth from permanent ones is that their enamel is much thinner, so they are more vulnerable to hypoplasia and caries.

The second layer of dental tissue is dentin, which has a hollow tubular structure. Pathogenic microorganisms through such tubes penetrate the inside of the tooth, exerting a destructive effect there. The dentin of the milk tooth also has its own characteristics. For example, its amount is almost the same in milk and permanent teeth, but the thickness of the tubes is completely different. Their diameter in milk teeth is much larger than in permanent ones. It is thanks to this that microorganisms can develop and multiply much easier in temporary teeth. It also differs from each other chemical composition dentin of first and permanent teeth.

Hypoplasia is not able to affect the dentin, but it is able to make a hole in the enamel - the first protective layer of the tooth. caries due to anatomical features unstable teeth, develops rapidly.

Preventive actions

Hypoplasia is easier to prevent, so even before the baby was born, you need to take care of his teeth. But, unfortunately, not all pathological factors can be prevented or corrected. in the best way, allowing to prevent enamel hypoplasia in crumbs, is the observation future mother in the dispensary throughout pregnancy, as well as after the birth of the baby.

Even if everything looks good, a woman should definitely visit a dentist before pregnancy and do not forget about visits to him during her (at least four times). Of course, treatment can not be carried out at all times, but it is quite possible to visit a doctor for preventive purposes.

After the birth of a child, you need to carefully monitor his nutrition, the state of the oral cavity and the health of the body as a whole. Undoubtedly ideal nutrition at this time is breastfeeding.

As the child grows older, attention should be paid to the prevention of injuries, since as a result of injuries of milk teeth, hypoplasia of the enamel of permanent teeth may develop. Mandatory is timely treatment caries to prevent the possibility of developing its complications, such as pulpitis or periodontitis. Don't forget that in inflammatory process the rudiments of permanent teeth can also be involved. That is why it is so important to visit the dentist on time.

The first visit to the dentist should be scheduled when the child is 1 year old. If the baby has problems in the oral cavity, then these visits become regular - about 1 time in two to four months. This will allow timely identification of hypoplasia and take the necessary measures.

Treatment of enamel hypoplasia of milk teeth

Today there is different ways, which are used to treat a pathology such as hypoplasia of the enamel of milk teeth. Wherein main goal is the elimination of factors that contribute to the development of caries, restore enamel, as well as the normal shape of the tooth.

Treatment is mainly carried out by filling or prosthetics of the affected teeth. It depends on the intensity and form of the lesion. For example, with a spotted form of hypoplasia, treatment in most cases consists of prosthetics, because over time, spots can seriously affect the appearance of the teeth. In the striated form of the disease, treatment is carried out by the method of prosthetics or filling. But keep in mind that filling is a very time-consuming process and the baby must carefully follow all the doctor's advice.

After filling, it is necessary to monitor the baby's oral cavity. As soon as you see the slightest changes, immediately contact your dentist. Modern methods diagnosis and treatment will avoid the progression of the disease and the possibility of developing its complications.

So, now you are well aware of such a pathology as tooth enamel hypoplasia, in particular, about its features in children. We hope that you will try to prevent this disease or, in case of its first symptoms, immediately consult a doctor.

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