How many presidents were in the Soviet Union. Rulers of the USSR surname name patronymic, year of life, years of government

22 years ago, on December 26, 1991, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a declaration on the demise of the Soviet Union, and the country in which most of us were born is no more. Over the 69 years of the existence of the USSR, seven people became its head, whom I propose to recall today. And not just remember, but also choose the most popular of them.
And since the New Year is coming soon after all, and considering that in the Soviet Union the popularity and attitude of the people towards their leaders was measured, among other things, by the quality of the jokes compiled about them, I think it would be appropriate to recall the Soviet leaders through the prism of jokes about them.

Now we have almost forgotten what a political joke is - most of the jokes about current politicians are paraphrased jokes from Soviet times. Although there are witty original ones, for example, here is an anecdote from the time when Yulia Tymoshenko was in power: They knock on Tymoshenko’s office, the door opens, a giraffe, a hippopotamus and a hamster enter the office and ask: “Yulia Vladimirovna, how would you comment on the rumors that you use drugs?”.
In Ukraine, the situation with humor about politicians is generally somewhat different than in Russia. In Kyiv, they believe that it is bad for politicians if they are not laughed at - that means they are not interesting to the people. And since they still elect in Ukraine, the PR services of politicians even order a laugh at their bosses. It's no secret, for example, that the most popular Ukrainian "95th quarter" takes money to make fun of the one who paid. This is the fashion of Ukrainian politicians.
Yes, they themselves are sometimes not averse to making fun of themselves. There was once a very popular anecdote about himself among Ukrainian deputies: The session of the Verkhovna Rada ends, one deputy says to another: “It was such a hard session, we need to rest. Let's go out of town, take a few bottles of whiskey, rent a sauna, take girls, have sex ... ". He replies: “How? With girls?!".

But back to the Soviet leaders.

The first ruler of the Soviet state was Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. For a long time, the image of the leader of the proletariat was beyond the reach of jokes, but in the Khrushchev and Brezhnev times in the USSR, the number of Leninist motives in Soviet propaganda increased dramatically.
And the endless chanting of Lenin's personality (as it usually happened in almost everything in the Soviet Union) led to the exact opposite of the desired result - to the appearance of many anecdotes ridiculing Lenin. There were so many of them that there were even jokes about jokes about Lenin.

In honor of the centenary of the birth of Lenin, a competition was announced for the best political joke about Lenin.
3rd prize - 5 years in Lenin places.
2nd Prize - 10 years of strict regime.
1st prize - meeting with the hero of the day.

This is largely due to the tough policy pursued by Lenin's successor, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, who in 1922 took the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Jokes about Stalin also took place, and they remained not only in the materials of the criminal cases initiated on them, but also in the people's memory.
Moreover, in the jokes about Stalin, one feels not only a subconscious fear of the “father of all peoples”, but also respect for him, and even pride in his leader. Some kind of mixed attitude to power, which apparently at the genetic level was transmitted in us from generation to generation.

- Comrade Stalin, what should we do with Sinyavsky?
- This what Synavskiy? Football caster?
- No, Comrade Stalin, a writer.
- And why do we need two Synavsky?

On September 13, 1953, shortly after the death of Stalin (March 1953), Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev became the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Since Khrushchev's personality was full of deep contradictions, they were also reflected in jokes about him: from undisguised irony, and even contempt for the head of state, to a rather friendly attitude towards Nikita Sergeevich himself and his peasant humor.

The pioneer asked Khrushchev:
- Uncle, did dad tell the truth that you launched not only a satellite, but also agriculture?
- Tell your dad that I plant more than just corn.

On October 14, 1964, Khrushchev was replaced as First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU by Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, who, as you know, was not averse to listening to jokes about himself - their source was Brezhnev's personal hairdresser Tolik.
In a certain sense, the country was lucky then, because, as soon everyone was convinced, a person who was not evil, not cruel, and not making special moral demands either on himself, or on his comrades-in-arms, or on the Soviet people, came to power. And the Soviet people answered Brezhnev with the same jokes about him - kind and not cruel.

At a meeting of the Politburo, Leonid Ilyich pulled out a piece of paper and said:
- I want to make a statement!
Everyone stared at the paper intently.
- Comrades, - Leonid Ilyich began to read, - I want to raise the issue of senile sclerosis. Things have gone too far. Vshera at the funeral of comrade Kosygin ...
Leonid Ilyich looked up from his paper.
- Somehow I don’t see him here ... So, when the music started playing, I alone guessed to invite the lady to dance! ..

On November 12, 1982, Brezhnev's place was taken by Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov, who previously headed the State Security Committee, and who adhered to a tough conservative position on fundamental issues.
The course proclaimed by Antropov was aimed at social and economic transformations through administrative measures. The rigidity of some of them seemed unusual to the Soviet people in the 1980s, and they responded with appropriate jokes.

On February 13, 1984, the post of head of the Soviet state was taken by Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko, who was considered a contender for the post of general secretary even after the death of Brezhnev.
He was elected as a transitional intermediate figure in the Central Committee of the CPSU, while there was a struggle for power between several party groups. Chernenko spent a significant part of his reign at the Central Clinical Hospital.

The Politburo decided:
1. Appoint Chernenko K.U. General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU.
2. Bury him in Red Square.

On March 10, 1985, Chernenko was replaced by Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, who carried out numerous reforms and campaigns that ultimately led to the collapse of the USSR.
And the Soviet political jokes on Gorbachev, respectively, ended.

- What is the peak of pluralism?
- This is when the opinion of the President of the USSR absolutely does not coincide with the opinion of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Well, now the poll.

Which of the leaders of the Soviet Union, in your opinion, was the best ruler of the USSR?

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

23 (6.4 % )

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

114 (31.8 % )

Russian history

Topic #20

USSR AFTER STALIN in the 1950s


In the end 1952 a large group was arrested by the MGB Kremlin doctors, who were accused of deliberately killing the leaders of the party and state (in 1945 - the 1st secretary of the Moscow city party committee and chairman of the Sovinformburo Alexander Sergeevich Shcherbakov, in 1948 - Andrei Alexandrovich Zhdanov). Most of those arrested were Jews by nationality, which gave reason to declare "disclosure of a Zionist terrorist group of killer doctors", "associated with the international Jewish bourgeois-nationalist organization "Joint"". A TASS report about this was published in Pravda on January 13, 1953. “The pests were exposed” by the doctor Lidia Timashuk, who was awarded the Order of Lenin for this (in April 1953, after Stalin’s death, the decree on awarding was canceled “as incorrect”). The arrest of doctors was supposed to be the end of the anti-Semitic campaign in the USSR: after the public execution of murderous doctors, mass repressions were to be launched against all Jews, they were evicted to Siberia, etc. The arrest of doctors was carried out with Stalin's sanction, among those arrested was Stalin's personal doctor, Professor V. N. Vinogradov, who, having discovered that the leader had a disorder of cerebral circulation and multiple small hemorrhages in the brain, said that Stalin needed to move away from vigorous activity. Stalin regarded this as a desire to deprive him of power (in 1922 he did the same with Lenin, isolating him in Gorki).

Organizers "Doctors' Affairs" were L.P. Beria and the new Minister of State Security S.D. Ignatiev, the executor was the head of the investigative unit of the MGB, Major Ryumin. In this way, Stalin was deprived of the help of the most qualified doctors, and the very first serious cerebral hemorrhage became fatal for him.

(A month after Stalin's death, a report was published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the verification of this case, on the illegality of the arrests, on the use of methods of investigation in the MGB that were unacceptable and prohibited by Soviet laws. The doctors were released, Major Ryumin was arrested and shot in the summer of 1954, six months after Beria. )

March 2, 1953 Stalin was struck by a blow at his dacha in Kuntsevo near Moscow, and for about half a day he was not given any help. Stalin's condition was hopeless ("Cheyne-Stokes breath"). Without regaining consciousness Stalin died at 21.50 March 5, 1953 From March 1953 to October 1961, Stalin's body was in the Mausoleum next to Lenin's body. On the day of the funeral (March 9) there was a stampede in Moscow, hundreds of people were killed or maimed.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR(Stalin's successor as head of government) became George Maximilianovich Malenkov. His first deputies were L.P. Beria, V.M. Molotov, N.A. Bulganin and L.M. Kaganovich.

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR(formally it was the position of the head of state) March 15 at the session of the Supreme Council was approved Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov.

MIA and MGB were united within the framework of the new Ministry of the Interior (MVD), the Minister of the Interior again (after 1946) became Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria. In 1953, an amnesty was held, and many criminals were released ("The Cold Summer of 53rd"). The country's crime rate has risen sharply (a new surge after 1945–1947). Beria intended to use this situation to strengthen the powers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for his own purposes.

Minister of Foreign Affairs again (after 1949) became Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov(A. Ya. Vyshinsky, who held this position, was sent to the USA by the Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN, where he died of a heart attack).

Minister of War remained (since 1947, replaced Stalin himself in this post). Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov and Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky became his first deputies.

Thus, after the death of Stalin, the period of disgrace for V. M. Molotov, K. E. Voroshilov and G. K. Zhukov ended.

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was the only secretary of the Central Committee who was part of the top party leadership - the Bureau of the Presidium. It was decided to release him from the duties of the 1st Secretary of the Moscow City Party Committee, so that he could concentrate on work in the Central Committee. In fact, Khrushchev became manage the apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPSU, although formally he has not yet become the First Secretary. G. M. Malenkov and L. P. Beria, actually leading the country after Stalin's death, intended to concentrate power in the Council of Ministers - the government of the USSR. They needed the party apparatus for the precise execution of government decisions. In Khrushchev, they saw a simple performer who did not pretend to power. (They made the same mistake as Zinoviev and Kamenev, who in 1922 recommended Stalin for the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP(b).)

Beria and Malenkov understood the need for changes in the country, but while maintaining the essence of the regime. Beria took the initiative to normalize relations with Yugoslavia, Malenkov urged to take care of the material and cultural needs of the people. But the leadership of the party and the state was afraid that Beria, relying on the organs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, would sooner or later want to take all power into his own hands and eliminate all his rivals. Khrushchev initiated the elimination of Beria. Malenkov was the last to agree to the elimination of his friend Beria.

AT June 1953 Beria was arrested at a meeting of the Presidium of the Central Committee in the Kremlin. The arrest was made by 6 officers led by marshals Zhukov and Moskalenko. Before that, all the guards in the Kremlin were replaced by the military, and Zhukov brought the Taman and Kantemirovskaya tank divisions into Moscow in order to prevent possible actions by the Interior Ministry officials to free Beria. The people were informed that the Plenum of the Central Committee, held on July 2–7, exposed “the agent of the British and Musavatist (bourgeois Azerbaijani) intelligence, the enemy of the people Beria”, who “wormed his way into confidence” in the leadership of the party and state, sought to “place the organs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs over the party” and establish their personal power in the country. Beria was removed from all posts, expelled from the party, convicted by a military tribunal (chairman - Marshal I. S. Konev) and at the end December 1953 shot.

AT September 1953 Khrushchev was elected 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. The term "cult of personality" was first mentioned in the press. Verbatim records of the Plenums of the Central Committee (glasnost) began to be published. The people got the opportunity to visit the Kremlin museums. The process of rehabilitation of the innocently convicted has begun. Khrushchev's popularity grew, and the military and party apparatus supported him. In fact, Khrushchev became the first person in the state.

In 1955 Malenkov declared his unwillingness to hold the post of head of government. new Chairman Council of Ministers became Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bulganin, and Malenkov became the Minister of Power Plants.

Even Malenkov, in his first speeches as head of government, spoke about the need to increase the production of consumer goods (group "B") and the priority of group "B" over group "A" (production of means of production), about changing attitudes towards agriculture. Khrushchev criticized the outstripping pace of development of group "B", saying that without a powerful heavy industry, the country's defense capability and the rise of agriculture cannot be ensured. The main problem in the economy was the agrarian problem: there was a shortage of grain in the country, although Malenkov declared at the 19th Congress of the CPSU in 1952 that "the grain problem in the USSR has been solved."

Task number 1. Was G. M. Malenkov right when he spoke about the priority of group "B" over group "A"?

September (1953) Plenum of the Central Committee decided to increase purchase price for agricultural products (for meat - 5.5 times, for milk and butter - 2 times, for vegetables - 2 times and for grain - 1.5 times), take off debt from collective farms cut taxes on personal farms of collective farmers, not to redistribute income between collective farms (equalization condemned). Khrushchev declared that the improvement of the life of the people is impossible without the rise of agriculture and the improvement of the life of the collective farmers. Were reduced mandatory deliveries agricultural products to the state, reduced(subsequently cancelled) household taxes. This led to a greater interest of collective farmers in production, and the supply of cities improved. In peasant farms, the number of poultry increased, cows appeared. By the spring of 1954, 100,000 graduates were sent to collective farms and state farms.

Referring to the grain problem, Khrushchev said that Malenkov's statement at the 19th Party Congress about its solution was not true, and that the shortage of grain impeded the growth in the production of meat, milk and butter. Solving the grain problem was possible in two ways: the first - increase in yield, which required fertilizers and an increase in the culture of agriculture and would not give an immediate return, the second - expansion of cultivated areas.

In order to immediately increase grain production, it was decided to develop virgin and fallow lands in Kazakhstan, Southern Siberia, the Volga region and the Southern Urals. People landed right in the steppes, in off-road conditions, without basic amenities, lived in tents in the winter steppe, there was not enough equipment.

February-March (1954) Plenum of the Central Committee approved the decision to development of virgin lands . Already in the spring of 1954, 17 million hectares of land were raised and 124 grain state farms were created. The leaders of Kazakhstan, who insisted on preserving the traditional sheep breeding, were replaced: Panteleymon Kondratievich became the 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan Ponomarenko, and the 2nd secretary - Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. In 1954–1955 350 thousand people went to work in 425 virgin state farms on Komsomol vouchers. In the record-breaking year of 1956, virgin lands produced 40% of the country's total grain. At the same time, grain production in the arid steppes required a high degree of agricultural culture and was highly dependent on weather conditions. In the future, extensive (without the introduction of scientific achievements and new technologies) farming methods led to the impoverishment of the fertile soil layer and a drop in yields due to wind erosion of the soil.

Thus, Khrushchev's attempt to solve the grain problem within the framework of the collective farm system failed, but grain production increased, which made it possible to eliminate bread lines and start free sale of flour. However, there was not enough grain for the needs of animal husbandry (for fattening beef cattle).

Task number 2. Was the development of virgin lands justified in the USSR?

C 14 to 25 February 1956 The 20th Congress of the CPSU was held, which determined the final turn to de-Stalinization Soviet society, liberalization domestic economic and political life, expanding foreign policy ties and establishing friendly relations with a number of foreign countries

The report at the congress was made by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. Key points international part of the report:

a) the fact is stated that it was formed and exists world system of socialism("socialist camp");

b) a desire is expressed cooperation with everyone social democratic trends and parties (under Stalin, social democracy was considered the worst enemy of the working-class movement, since it distracts the workers from the revolutionary struggle with peaceful slogans);

c) stated that transition forms various countries towards socialism can be diverse, including the possible way for the communists and socialists to win the parliamentary majority following the results of the elections and carry out all the necessary socialist transformations by peaceful, parliamentary means (under Stalin, such statements would have been followed by an accusation of opportunism);

d) the principle is emphasized peaceful coexistence two systems (socialist and capitalist), building confidence and cooperation; socialism does not need to be exported: the working people of the capitalist countries will establish socialism themselves when they are convinced of its advantages;

e) danger of war persists, but her inevitability is no more, because the forces of peace (the socialist, labor movement, the countries of the "third world" - the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America) are stronger than the forces of war.

The report gave an analysis of the internal economic situation of the USSR and tasks in the field of economics:

a) electrify the entire national economy, accelerate the electrification of railways;

b) create a powerful energy, metallurgical and machine-building base in Siberia and on Far East;

c) in the VI Five-Year Plan (1956-1960) to increase production industrial products by 65%, catch up with the developed capitalist countries in per capita output;

G) in agriculture to bring the annual grain harvest to 11 billion poods (1 pood = 16 kg), to fully provide the country with potatoes and vegetables in 2 years, to double the production of meat in a five-year period, focusing mainly on development pig breeding;

e) sharply increase crops corn, primarily to provide livestock with fodder (Khrushchev, working after the war as the 1st secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, saw that corn yields high yields; it was a mistake to distribute corn crops in areas where it had never been cultivated before and could not produce high crops - in Belarus, the Baltic states, the Tula, Leningrad regions, etc.); in 1953 there were 3.5 million hectares under corn, and in 1955 - already 17.9 million hectares.

Decisions of the XX Congress in social policy:

a) to transfer all workers and employees during the VI Five-Year Plan to a 7-hour working day with a 6-day working week, from 1957 to begin the transfer of individual sectors of the economy to 5-day work week with an 8-hour work day;

b) increase volume housing construction by 2 times due to its transfer to industrial rails (transition to large-panel housing construction, when the elements of houses are produced at house-building factories, and at the construction site they are only assembled into a single whole). Khrushchev called for the creation of a socialist architectural style - durable, economical, beautiful. This is how “Khrushchev” houses appeared with separate apartments of a small area, but they were also a great joy for those who moved there from communal apartments and post-war barracks;

c) Khrushchev called for an increase production of household appliances and to expansion catering networks to liberate the Soviet woman;

d) from September 1, 1956 canceled introduced in 1940 tuition fee in high schools, technical schools and universities;

d) it was decided raise the salary low-wage workers by 30% and increase the minimum pensions up to 350 rubles (since February 1, 1961 - 35 rubles); it was considered expedient that the salary of the heads of enterprises depended on the results achieved.

In the report of the Central Committee, the name of Stalin was mentioned with respect: the report was approved by the Bureau of the Presidium of the Central Committee, in which the majority was against exposing the cult of personality, primarily V. M. Molotov, G. M. Malenkov, K. E. Voroshilov, L. M. Kaganovich, themselves involved in mass repressions. Khrushchev believed that it was necessary to tell the truth and repent in order to restore the confidence of ordinary communists and the common people in the leadership of the party. Despite the objections of Stalin's associates, Khrushchev on the evening of the last day of the congress (February 25) gathered closed session at which he made a presentation "About the cult of personality and its consequences", in which for the first time he openly connected "deviations from the Leninist norms of party life" and what was happening in the country lawlessness and arbitrariness with the name of Stalin. Khrushchev's speech was a courageous step, because he himself, implicitly believing Stalin, signed sanctions for the destruction of "enemies of the people."

The congress delegates learned for the first time about many things: about Lenin's characterization of Stalin in the supplement to the "Letter to the Congress"; that most of the delegates to the 17th Party Congress (1934) were killed for "counter-revolutionary crimes"; that the confessions of many prominent figures of the party and the state about their participation in sabotage and espionage were extorted from them under torture; about the falsification of the Moscow trials of the 30s; about torture with the permission of the Central Committee of the Party (Stalin's letter to the NKVD in 1937); that Stalin personally signed 383 "execution" lists; on violation of collective norms of leadership; about Stalin's gross miscalculations during the war, etc. By decision of the congress, a commission was formed to investigate the circumstances of the murder of Sergei Mironovich Kirov.

What we know today in all details came as a shock to the congress delegates. Khrushchev's report was classified for the Soviet people until 1989, although it was immediately published in the West. The text of the report was read out to the communists at closed party meetings; notes were not allowed. After such meetings, people were taken away with heart attacks. Many have lost faith in what they lived for (the suicide of the writer Alexander Fadeev in 1956 was caused, in particular, by this circumstance). The lack of clarity in assessing the Stalinist regime led to a pro-Stalinist demonstration of Georgian youth in Tbilisi in October 1956, who were shot.

Based on the decision of the XX Congress June 30, 1956 decision of the Central Committee "On overcoming the cult of personality and its consequences". Stalin's "individual mistakes" were condemned there, but the system he created was not called into question, neither the names of those who were guilty of lawlessness (except for Beria), nor the facts of lawlessness themselves were named. It was stated that the cult of personality could not change the nature of our system. After this decision, mass rehabilitation illegally repressed. They were released without returning their confiscated property and were given compensation in the amount of 2 months of earnings before arrest. The executioners and scammers, meanwhile, continued to work in their places, avoiding punishment.

Task number 3. What decisions of the XX Congress of the CPSU, in principle, could not be taken under Stalin and why?

From the mid 50s. an era has begun scientific and technological revolution (NTR). First of all, it was expressed in the application atomic energy for peaceful purposes, as well as in the development outer space. In 1954, the world's first nuclear power plant, Obninsk, was put into operation; The nuclear icebreaker "Lenin" was put into operation. Scientific and technological revolution in the USSR developed within the framework of military-industrial complex.

October 4, 1957 launched the first artificial satellite Earth. In the USSR, more and more powerful samples of ballistic missiles were developed and tested. After test flights of the dogs Laika (without a descent vehicle), and then Belka and Strelka (returned to Earth) April 12, 1961 man flew into space for the first time Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin(left as a senior lieutenant, after 108 minutes of flight - 1 orbit around the Earth - landed as a major).

The era of scientific and technological revolution was accompanied by qualitatively new catastrophes. In 1957, a radioactive release occurred at the Mayak plant in the Chelyabinsk region, and the radioactive trace was not eliminated, and the consequences of contamination are still being felt. In 1960, a ballistic missile exploded at the start. Marshal M. I. Nedelin, several generals, hundreds of engineers, soldiers, and officers burned alive.

The oil and gas industry developed rapidly, oil and gas pipelines were built. Priority attention was paid to the construction of ferrous metallurgy enterprises.

In the mid 50s. it became clear that super-centralized management of the economy, when any minor issues are resolved only at the level of the ministry, does not justify itself and hinders the development of production. In addition, the ministries duplicated each other's activities. On the line of different ministries, counter-transportations of the same goods were carried out. In 1957, the economic reform began . The entire territory of the USSR was divided into 105 economic regions, in each of which territorial economic management bodies were established - councils of the national economy (sovnarkhozes). Each economic council included one or more regions and developed as a single economic system, devoid of departmental contradictions. Economic councils got the right independent planning, could establish among themselves direct economic ties. The need for the existence of large all-Union ministries disappeared, about 60 ministries were liquidated, their functions were transferred to the economic councils; only 10 most important ones remained, which could not be divided (the Ministry of Defense, the Interior, Foreign Affairs, Communications, Communications, etc.).

In 1957-1958, when the ministries had already been abolished, and the economic councils had not yet been formed, the national economy worked most efficiently, as it got out of control and guardianship of the overgrown bureaucratic apparatus. Dissatisfaction with the economic council reform was primarily expressed by officials who lost their posts. Gradually, the employees of the abolished ministries became part of the apparatus of the economic councils or the branch departments of the State Planning Commission, and the number of bureaucratic apparatus that controlled the economy did not practically decrease.

Task number 4. What are the positive and negative sides of the economic reform in the USSR?

Enterprises in the 1950s appeared communist labor brigades, but the incentives were still only moral (a pennant for winning the competition), the salary was time-based - almost the same for both the leaders and the laggards.

In the field of agriculture, the reform was that in 1958 all equipment of state machine and tractor stations (MTS) was mandatory sold to collective farms. Only large rich farms benefited from this, for which it was convenient and profitable to maintain their own equipment. Most of the rest did not have the funds to either buy the equipment or to maintain it, so when they were forced to buy the equipment, they were on the verge of ruin. In addition, the machine operators did not want to move to the collective farms along with the equipment and looked for other jobs in the city so as not to worsen their standard of living. The bankrupt collective farms were written off their debts and turned into state farms - state-owned agricultural enterprises.

Khrushchev's visit to the USA once again convinced him of the need to develop corn (after visiting the fields of the farmer Garst, who grew hybrid corn). A new wave has begun corn campaign: corn was sown up to Yakutia and the Arkhangelsk region. The blame for the fact that it does not grow there was shifted to the local leadership (“they let things take their course”). At the same time, American varieties of corn gave good yields in the Ukraine, the Kuban and other southern regions of the country.

At the end of the 50s. The 1st secretary of the Ryazan regional party committee, Larionov, announced that he would increase meat procurement in the region by 3 times in one year. As a result, all collective-farm dairy cattle of the region, cattle confiscated from the population, and cattle bought in other regions with huge bank loans were put to slaughter. The next year there was a sharp drop in the level of agricultural production in the Ryazan and neighboring regions. Larionov shot himself.

Khrushchev personally traveled around the country and supervised agriculture. FROM 1958 started again struggle with personal subsidiary farms. Collective farmers trading in the markets were called speculators and parasites. Citizens were forbidden to keep livestock. In the mid 50s. private farms provided 50% of the meat produced in the country, in 1959 - only 20%. Another campaign was the fight against squandering on a state scale (“you don’t need to make museums wherever Pushkin has been”).

In 1957 were expanded budgetary rights of the union republics, they were partially transferred to the functions of the State Planning Commission. By the end of the 50s. began equalization of the pace of their development. The development of industry in Central Asia and Kazakhstan was provided by labor from the central regions of Russia, and unemployment appeared among the local population traditionally employed in agriculture. Lands between the republics of Central Asia were redistributed without taking into account the national composition of the inhabitants and their desires. All this became the basis for interethnic conflicts in the future. AT 1954 Crimea was transferred from the RSFSR to Ukraine in commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. The decision of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU was not even supported by an official act of state bodies.

By the end of 1958, there were failures in the implementation of the Sixth Five-Year Plan. AT January 1959 took place XXI (Extraordinary) Congress of the CPSU, who took seven year plan development of the national economy for 1959–1965. (the last 2 years of the 6th Five-Year Plan + the 7th Five-Year Plan) to establish a long-term perspective of economic planning. The seven-year plan provided for: an increase in industrial output by 80% (actual fulfillment - 84%), an increase in agricultural production by 70% (actual fulfillment - 15%). By the end of the seven-year plan, it was planned to overtake and overtake the United States in per capita agricultural production, and by 1970 in industrial production.

Lenin Vladimir Ilyich (1870-1924) 1917-1923 reign
Stalin (real name - Dzhugashvili) Joseph Vissarionovich)

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