When does ovulation not occur? Lack of ovulation with regular menstruation: causes, treatment. Reproductive Health Center

Motherhood is the best event in a woman's life, which sometimes should be prepared in advance. If everything is normal, the partner is reliable and sexual intercourse is on time, then it is difficult to understand why there is no ovulation with regular periods. Let's try to figure out the problem.

How normal is the lack of ovulation?

To begin with, let's remember how the process of ovulation will be marked. Normally, the growth of liquid vesicles occurs in two ovaries at the same time, but then one follicle overtakes the rest in growth. It is where the ovum matures. Having reached the desired parameters, it breaks through the ovary membrane and goes into the fallopian tube. The corpus luteum is formed at the exit site. It produces progesterone.

Lack of ovulation with regular periods indicates a lack of progesterone, which exists in a certain balance with estrogen. And if the cell has not matured, there is no corpus luteum, then there is no one to produce progesterone. Therefore, the level of estrogen in the blood increases. This environment does not contribute to the development of the follicle. Normal periods do not go. Their place is occupied by completely different bleeding, characterized by scarcity or, on the contrary, profusion.

The lack of ovulation with regular menstruation can cause different reasons:

  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • violation of the process of hormone production or excessive abuse of birth control pills;
  • changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • violation of the diet (obesity or sudden weight loss);
  • poor quality of life: chronic fatigue, stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition.

And now let's look at whether ovulation can be absent with regular menstruation is normal? Yes, in the following situations:

  • for girls who are just getting acquainted with adult life, this process is just starting;
  • in women before menopause approaches, when the process of egg production is already fading:
  • in young mothers after childbirth;
  • the entire period of breastfeeding: the development of the follicle blocks prolactin.

There is an opinion that immediately before menstruation a few days or after, pregnancy is impossible due to the lack of mature cells. But this is a delusion. Ovulation immediately after menstruation with a regular cycle is quite possible. There is always a chance of conception, provided that protective equipment is not used. After all, the egg, under the influence of certain factors, matures at different times, and the spermatozoa remain active for up to 5-7 days (they live in the genital tract).

We have selected for you a video that details the cases of ovulation immediately after menstruation:

How to detect the absence of ovulation

In a healthy woman, if menstruation is regular, but there is no ovulation, its absence is not easy to detect. Often such "empty" cycles alternate with normal ones. And these failures occur with a sharp change of residence or when traveling to exotic countries. The most reliable signs of its absence are considered:

  • atypical nature of blood discharge (scanty or abundant);
  • basal temperature is at the same level, while normally there is a “peak” before ovulation - a slight decline followed by an increase;
  • no discharge in the middle of the cycle (abundant, viscous, viscous);
  • the appearance of acne, dandruff, excessive hair growth in the male pattern.

Diagnostic methods

There are also various methods for diagnosing the absence of ovulation with regular menstruation:

  • Ultrasound is the most reliable;
  • ovulation test: lack of reagent reaction - a sign of the absence of an increase in the content of LH;
  • basal temperature is single-phase.


If a woman has a lack of ovulation, it is important to take action in time. Basically, there are two treatment options:

  • Contacting a doctor: ovulation stimulation, restoring the balance of hormones.
  • Establishing the rhythm of life. Sometimes healthy sleep, rational nutrition and proper rest work wonders, and the body itself regenerates this important female function.

Such a phenomenon as the absence of ovulation has its own medical name. The diagnosis that can be heard from a doctor in this case is anovulation.

When a woman does not ovulate, she does not have the opportunity to become pregnant. Since the egg is not released from the ovary, the sperm cannot fertilize it. If a woman does not ovulate regularly, this can cause infertility. This means that the issue of diagnosis and treatment of this pathology must be taken seriously. To do this, you need to find out the reasons for which there is no ovulation and figure out what to do next.

If a woman wants to get pregnant, then the lack of ovulation can disappoint her unpleasantly. Of course, it is impossible to calculate whether there is ovulation at home with 100% accuracy. One can only guess from the secretions, sensations, check with a test. But the test can determine this process in the body by almost 99%, so there is reason to think. Such a reaction is quite understandable, because the problem, indeed, can turn into sad consequences. But do not immediately panic, you need to find out the reasons.

There are two reasons why ovulation is absent:

  1. Physiological.
  2. Pathological.

Physiological reasons include the following reasons why there is no ovulation:

  • pregnancy;
  • postpartum period;
  • pre-climatic period;
  • reception OK.

If the release of the egg does not occur for one of these reasons, the woman cannot influence this in any way. But physiological causes do not pose any threat to health.

When ovulation does not occur, it makes sense to get tested for pregnancy. If it is confirmed, then you should not worry, because anovulation is absolutely natural during the period of bearing a baby.

The process of release of the egg also does not occur for some time after childbirth. This is also the norm, especially if the child is breastfed. During lactation in the body of a woman, the level of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the production of breast milk, is increased. This hormonal process blocks the release of the egg from the ovary into the abdominal cavity.

In the period before the onset of menopause, anovulatory cycles appear more often and with greater regularity. Interestingly, this process begins around the age of 30-35 years and lasts until the menopause. Women at this age can still afford to have a baby, so the chances of conception are reduced.

But do not worry, because the number of ovulatory cycles increases gradually, with age. After the age of 30, getting pregnant can be a little more difficult than at a younger age, which means you have to put in a little more effort.

The action of hormonal contraceptives is aimed precisely at suppressing ovulation. Due to the influence of this type of contraception, the release of the egg does not occur. This is a normal physiological reaction of the body to these drugs.

In the event that the physiological causes of anovulation are excluded, you should find out what is wrong and why ovulation does not occur for so long.

The following factors can provoke the absence of ovulation:

  • obesity or excessive thinness;
  • too intense sports;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • stress;
  • infectious diseases of the reproductive system;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • diseases of other organs and systems.

Of course, these factors must be eliminated so as not to aggravate the problem. Only experienced doctors can help a woman cope with such a situation.

For quite a long time, a woman may not realize that she does not ovulate. In order to timely identify this problem, you need to be attentive to your body. Some signs will help to suspect anovulation:

  • feeling in the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • basal temperature;
  • duration of the menstrual cycle.

Women who experience characteristic sensations during ovulation (pain, nausea, dizziness, etc.) may notice their absence in one or more cycles. But these are subjective signs that are not manifested by everyone.

Those who regularly measure basal temperature rectally will not be able to help but notice if it does not rise sharply. This is a fairly reliable sign that ovulation is not occurring.

Talk about anovulation can also change the duration of the menstrual cycle. At the same time, it can change both towards a longer and shorter cycle. Unequal cycle duration can be a symptom of other abnormalities, so it is difficult to judge ovulation by it. At least one cycle for sure. It is necessary to observe the duration of at least several cycles in a row.

In order to confirm that a woman is indeed not ovulating, the doctor will definitely recommend at least two types of examinations:

  • hormone analysis;
  • Ultrasound control.

A blood test for various hormones will show the state of the general hormonal background of a woman and help the doctor draw conclusions. So, for example, in the second phase of the cycle, an increased level of progesterone is normally observed. If the analysis shows a different result, then ovulation does not occur.

Ultrasound diagnostics is very informative for suspected anovulation. With ultrasound, you can see:

  • How do follicles develop?
  • Is the size of the ovaries normal?
  • whether there is polycystic ovaries, etc.

To make a more accurate diagnosis, the doctor may ask the patient to undergo these examinations again after a short time.

Regardless of the reason why ovulation does not occur, the situation can be influenced. It is important to remember that having anovulatory cycles 2-3 times a year is normal. Every healthy woman is faced with the fact that she does not ovulate in one of the cycles. And she doesn't even notice it.

But even if a woman often encounters this phenomenon, this is not a reason to consider herself inferior. With the help of modern diagnostics, you can not only accurately identify the problem, but also effectively eradicate it.

The main thing is not to try to solve the situation alone and neglect going to the doctor. Not only gynecologists, but also specialists such as

  • endocrinologist;
  • nutritionist;
  • neuropathologist, etc.

Laboratory studies and prescriptions made by doctors almost always help a woman get rid of diseases and other factors that cause anovulation.

So, what to do if there is no ovulation? That's right, the first thing to calm down and make an appointment with a doctor. Then follow his recommendations, and ovulation will not be long in coming.

Many people encounter the concept of "ovulation" at the stage of pregnancy planning, namely, its long non-occurrence. Not all women know that they have pathologies. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the reasons why there is no ovulation. They can be very different: from hormonal failure to infertility. In these situations, it is customary to contact a profiling specialist. After determining the causes, the physician will be able to understand why there is no ovulation and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

In healthy girls of reproductive age, this process occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. With the advent of new periods, the formation of several follicles with eggs begins. One of them subsequently assumes the role of dominant. On the 14th day of the cycle, he should covulate. It is assumed that an egg comes out of it, ready for fertilization.

The timing of this process can be shifted, because it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. If this chain is not carried out, then we can talk about such a phenomenon as anovulation. By the way, it is normal if it is observed no more than three cycles per year. The remaining cases are considered pathological.

Why doesn't it come?

Why doesn't ovulation occur? This question is in most cases asked by those who have been planning a pregnancy for a long time. According to statistics, almost 30% of couples have recently faced this problem.

So, ovulation does not occur for physiological and chronic reasons. If the question belongs to the first group, then medical treatment or surgical intervention is possible here.

There are also natural cases of non-release of the egg:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • menopause;
  • when it comes to teenage girls.

If this is just an anovulatory cycle, then spotting will still be observed.

Pathological absence is caused, first of all, by the wrong structure of organs or diseases of the thyroid gland:

  • dysfunction of the hypothalamus;
  • frequent stress;
  • no blood enters the brain;
  • the presence of a malignant tumor in the pituitary gland;
  • genital trauma;
  • lack or excessive weight gain;
  • or ;
  • inflammation in the ovaries;
  • early menopause;
  • long-term use of OK;
  • unregulated physical activity;
  • excess prolactin.

Diseases leading to anovulation

Many are interested in what is the reason for the lack of ovulation. The fact is that it often does not occur due to developing ailments. The process depends on the hormonal background, and there is often an imbalance in it.
It is customary to attribute tumors of the appendages, inflammatory processes occurring in the ovaries, PCOS to diseases of this category. The second group affects the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The latter is a gland of the central organ of the central nervous system responsible for the production of hormones.

The state of the thyroid gland is of key importance in the formation and maturation of the NC. She, in general, is responsible for the operation of all systems, including the reproductive one. If something is not done, the cycle becomes anovulatory.

Sometimes there is simply not enough iodine. Therefore, during the planning period, doctors advise taking iodized salt.

How to determine anovulation

Not all women feel the rupture of the follicle and the release of the NCC. To understand how the body functions, it is necessary to monitor its work. To clarify the “day X”, you can use home tests or measure basal temperature. The egg itself lives for 1-2 days, so this period is the most favorable for conception.

Often the vaginal secretion also changes. It becomes more viscous, similar to the white of a raw egg. There is also an increased libido and abdominal pain from the side where the dominant follicle has matured.

A lady can independently establish signs that there was no ovulation. All manifestations will be recorded depending on the time of onset of the pathology and the degree of established violations:

  • for several months, the nature of blood discharge and the interval between them have changed significantly;
  • smooth BT schedule;
  • LH tests show one line;
  • homogeneous milky discharge is fixed;
  • the condition of the skin and hair deteriorated sharply.

It should be taken into account that . This phenomenon is rare and mainly in women with. However, this fact is also worth considering when there are guesses about anovulation.


At the appointment, the doctor must understand the nature of the patient's menstrual cycle. If it turns out that menstruation does not come on time, then there is a reason to diagnose a violation of the ovulatory stage. The following are various examinations:

  • blood donation for hormones;
  • general blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, pelvic organs;
  • MRI or CT scan of the brain (in rare cases);
  • folliculometry.

Based on the overall clinical picture, treatment methods are developed.


To restore the ovulatory process, it is enough for some to follow a diet, eliminate stress and rest more. If pathologies of a hormonal nature are detected, then an appropriate medical correction or metabolic therapy is prescribed.

Many patients are offered stimulation, which is acceptable for most who cannot become pregnant on their own. In order for the procedure to bear fruit, it is important to find out if there are other reasons preventing conception:

  • male infertility;
  • infectious diseases of the uterus and ovaries.

The most common diagnosis is PCOS - polycystic ovary syndrome. Often the follicle reaches 22 mm, but does not burst. As a result, the egg cell dies inside the capsule. To track this moment, you need to visit folliculometry several times in a cycle. Using a special sensor, the ultrasound examines the retrouterine space on the screen and determines whether a corpus luteum has appeared.

It has been scientifically proven that in the case of stimulation, a woman can already in the second cycle. It all depends on her age and body. There should be rest between treatments to allow the appendages to recover. If conception did not occur with the first scheme, then the doctor should change the treatment regimen. Often, when stimulated, twins are born, since several nucleated cells are released and eventually fertilized.


Prevention of this anovulation is very simple. It is recommended to treat endocrine and gynecological pathologies in a timely manner, to lead a healthy lifestyle.

The key aspect is nutrition. Meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy products should be present in the diet of the expectant mother. It is better to avoid flour products, sweets, alcohol, carbonated drinks, fatty and fried foods.

If there is a tendency to be overweight, then you can not do without physical activity. At the same time, violations are recorded in too thin girls.


The reasons why there is no ovulation can be very different. When ladies suspect that she is absent for several cycles, then you need to make an appointment with a specialist. After the examination, the doctor will figure out for what reasons and why there is no ovulation for a long period, and prescribe treatment. It is important not to take any medications on your own.

The reasons for the lack of ovulation can be different. Some of them are physiological, and some are associated with dangerous diseases, mainly endocrinological. Let's take a look at why there may be a lack of ovulation and what are the symptoms of this.

Physiological causes of anovulation

Normally, ovulation does not occur in pregnant women, as well as in those who are breastfeeding in the first months after childbirth, if the child is exclusively breastfed and regular, including at night. I must say that there are exceptions here, because this information should not be used as confirmation of the reliability of the method of preventing unwanted pregnancy called lactational amenorrhea. Ovulation in breastfeeding women may be absent due to increased levels of the hormone prolactin, due to which, in fact, the production of breast milk occurs.

The complete absence of ovulation is observed in women during menopause and nothing can be done about it. The number of ovulations per year begins to decrease at about 30 years of age (someone earlier, some later). Very young girls have anovulatory cycles per year 1-2, older women have anovulatory cycles in a month, or even more often. It is for this reason that the older a woman is, the more difficult it is for her to get pregnant even with regular sexual activity.

Normally, there is no ovulation in women taking oral contraceptives and using other methods of hormonal contraception, the effect of drugs is precisely to suppress ovulation.

Pathological causes of anovulation

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for women to fail to become pregnant due to the presence of diseases or pathological conditions.

So the reasons for the lack of ovulation may be an excess or lack of weight. And one and the other for a woman can be very dangerous. In recent years, thinness has become very fashionable. But girls with very low body weight do not think about the fact that they can thereby forever deprive themselves of the happiness of motherhood. But being overweight is also dangerous. Of course, it is not the deficiency or excess of kilograms that is dangerous, but the diseases that lead to these disorders, and the processes in the body that are disturbed due to these deviations.

Suspecting the absence of ovulation, a woman should come to an appointment with a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Since the reason for this can be a number of diseases: hyperprolactinemia, PCOS, thyroid pathology, etc.

How to determine the absence of ovulation and how to treat it

The main signs of the absence of ovulation are the non-occurrence of pregnancy within 1-2 years of unprotected sexual activity. In this case, you should consult a gynecologist for advice. The doctor will recommend an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries on certain days of the menstrual cycle. If there is reason to suspect a pathology, the doctor will also recommend taking a blood test for FSH to understand whether the reason for the lack of ovulation is the onset of menopause or premature ovarian failure. You also need to be prepared for a visit to the endocrinologist.

On your own, without a doctor and examinations, you can try to measure the basal temperature (temperature in the rectum) every morning. In the first half of the cycle, it is below 37 degrees, the day before the onset of ovulation it slightly decreases, and after the onset of ovulation it rises to 37.2-37.4. The success of this method of determining fertility lies in the correct implementation of the "procedure". It is better to use an ordinary mercury thermometer, the temperature is measured only in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Incorrect results (often false positives) can occur when the body temperature rises due to illness, after sex, when taking certain medications, alcohol, etc. It does not make sense to measure basal temperature for women using hormonal contraception.

In addition to the absence of jumps in the basal temperature chart (it is compiled daily based on the data obtained by measuring it), a woman may notice that in the middle of the cycle the amount of vaginal discharge does not change, nor does their consistency change, sexual desire does not increase, there is no discomfort in the abdomen and ovaries. All these signs are subjective, but a woman who has previously experienced them will definitely pay attention to their sudden disappearance. These are the symptoms of a lack of ovulation.

And yet, can something be done if there is no ovulation? As we said earlier, there are various reasons for this phenomenon. Some physiological have the peculiarity to pass (with the exception of menopause), diseases to be cured. The main thing is, noticing the absence of ovulation, treatment should be started immediately, until time is lost.

The main mission of any woman on earth is the birth of children. But sometimes conceiving a child is not so easy. At first glance, it seems that everything is fine: the partner is healthy, menstruation is regular. However, you can't get pregnant. A woman in this situation is in no hurry to go to her doctor, because she believes that everything is normal, just until the time has come. In fact, things may not be as smooth as they seem. After all, there is such a problem as with regular menstruation. conceptions can lie precisely in it.


Why is this happening? How to cope with this problem and conceive a child? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to understand what ovulation is. This is a function of the female body, entrusted to her by nature itself. The process occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. In this case, an egg is released from the ovary, ready for fertilization.

Its maturation occurs under the action of hormones. This process is controlled by the brain system. After leaving the ovary, the egg enters the fallopian tubes, in which it meets with the sperm. If fertilization has not occurred, then it dies after 13-36 hours, and a corpus luteum forms in its place. It gradually decreases, and as a result, menstruation begins.

Physiological causes

Why does it happen that a woman is worried about regular menstruation? The reasons for this phenomenon are different. But they are usually divided into physiological and pathological. The first are the following factors:

  1. Puberty. Usually a girl in the first couple of years after the onset of menstruation cannot become pregnant. She has not yet reached the stage of puberty, so the process of ovulation in her body does not occur.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. The period after the birth of a child.
  4. Lactation.
  5. Menopausal period.
  6. The use of hormonal contraceptives. Even after giving them up for several months, ovulation may not occur.

However, the absence of ovulation for one or two months a year is not considered a pathology. This phenomenon is typical for a completely healthy woman of reproductive age.

Pathological causes

These reasons are more common. In such cases, medical intervention is usually required. Pathological causes include:

  • Sudden weight loss or gain. All this contributes to a change in the hormonal background in women and can lead to anovulation.
  • Violation of the thyroid gland and pathology of the adrenal glands.
  • Pathology of the brain system that controls this process. Various head injuries, tumors, circulatory problems, and an increase in prolactin production can lead to disruption of the central link responsible for ovulation.
  • Gynecological diseases. The most common is polycystic ovaries. Pregnancy during this ailment is difficult. Indeed, with this disease, not only the structure of the female gonads changes, but also their function.
  • Great physical activity, especially with a small body weight. This is the most common problem among female athletes. Since their lifestyle contributes to a decrease in the production of hormones responsible for
  • Inflammation of the internal genital organs of a woman and various infections. This reason is almost the most common and requires long-term treatment. Late diagnosis of inflammation or infection can lead to the development of a chronic disease.
  • Stressful situation. The loss of a loved one, problems at work and in the family, moving - all this can cause prolonged depression that negatively affects the functioning of the ovaries.
  • The use of medications that affect the production of hormones.

The least common reason for not ovulating is a malformation of the ovaries. Treatment of pathology is very difficult.

Signs of anovulation

A woman can herself feel the absence of ovulation with regular menstruation. The reasons for this phenomenon are different. And if they are not physiological, then the exact one can only be determined with the help of a gynecological examination or a medical examination. The following signs indicate anovulation:

  1. Male-pattern facial hair, acne and obesity. All this is evidence of the lack of ovulation due to polycystic or adrenal disease.
  2. Mastopathy. The development of this disease contributes to a violation of the production of sex hormones.
  3. Change in basal temperature.
  4. The absence of ovulation can manifest itself in the form of heavy menstrual flow over a long period of time.
  5. Uterine bleeding is observed, which can be mistaken for menstruation.
  6. A woman experiences uncharacteristic sensations for her before the start of the menstrual cycle.
  7. Problems with conceiving a child.

Diagnostics. What kind of examination should a woman undergo?

The detection of any of the above signs should be regarded as a signal for contacting a doctor or a reproductive health center. To make a diagnosis and prescribe the right therapy, the gynecologist will first of all conduct an examination and ask the patient about all the nuances of the course of her menstrual cycle. He can also take a measurement of basal temperature.

If necessary, the girl will be tested. It is done in the same way as a pregnancy test on the date of the expected ovulation. You can calculate the approximate time for egg maturation yourself. To do this, subtract seventeen from the number of days of the menstrual cycle. Testing is required every day. The process lasts until the onset of ovulation or critical days.

When the second line appears on the ovulation test, this indicates that the level of luteinizing hormone has reached the level at which the egg is ready for fertilization. If such a result appeared the first time, then you need to repeat the procedure the next day. Why? Because the second strip on the ovulation test can also indicate a tumor. In order to find out the cause, the woman is given a referral for a blood test and ultrasound. If there is a possibility that ovulation is absent from a violation in the work of the central link, then craniography is also prescribed.

Lack of ovulation: treatment

Before solving this problem, you need to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence. After all, the type of treatment will depend on this. Sometimes, in order to restore the process of ovulation, a woman simply needs to reconsider her diet. In the case of obesity, even a small weight loss can contribute to the normalization of this process. For problems with the thyroid gland, hormonal drugs are prescribed.

With a triple detection of elevated prolactin in the blood test, medications are prescribed to help reduce it. It is also important for a woman to create a comfortable psycho-emotional environment around herself. It should be noted that earlier pregnancy with polycystic ovaries was considered impossible. However, medicine does not stand still. To date, this diagnosis is curable - the conception of a child becomes possible.


If it is impossible to eliminate the cause, various medications are prescribed for:

  • "Clomiphene". It promotes the production of prolactin.
  • "Menogon". It is used as an injection for the growth of the ovaries and stimulation of their development.
  • Dufaston is a tablet containing synthetic progesterone. The reason for their appointment may be a pregnancy that is in jeopardy, lack of ovulation, infertility. This tool is very effective. It has no androgenic side effects.
  • "Utrozhestan" - capsules containing natural progesterone. Before using any of these remedies, you need to make sure that there really is no way to overcome the cause of the lack of ovulation. After all, any hormonal intervention in the body can have its consequences. And they are not always favorable.

Contact a specialist!

For any problems with conceiving a child, the best option is to contact a reproductive health center. These institutions are created to combat infertility. In such a center, you can get a complete examination. Also sperm is stored here. Here, in vitro fertilization services are provided, genetic studies, cryopreservation are carried out. Pregnancy with polycystic ovaries became possible due to treatment in such clinics.

A small conclusion

Now you know why women do not ovulate with regular periods. The reasons may be different. Of course, infertility is one of the most terrible diagnoses that a representative of the weaker sex can hear. Lack of ovulation, of course, can be its cause. But before you pass this verdict on yourself, you should consult a doctor and fight for the opportunity to be a mother.

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