Causes of swollen lymph nodes in dogs Lymph nodes on the dog's neck Enlarged submandibular lymph nodes in a dog of a strange shape

Lymphadenitis in dogs is one of the most serious infectious diseases, which can be primary and secondary, but in both cases it negatively affects the state of the whole organism. Just like humans, dogs also suffer from a variety of illnesses. Often such infections cause complications that seriously undermine the health of the animal.

The inflammatory process requires serious treatment and timely hospitalization. Doctors do not recommend self-treatment, as the disease develops quite quickly and can be fatal or develop into a chronic illness with serious complications.

Information about lymphadenitis

Infection in a dog can be expressed in a slight increase in the lymph nodes. It may be a small increase, a tubercle or a bump. Such inflammation is usually at the beginning of the disease, very small, but clearly gives a signal about the presence of infection in the body.

In this case, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.
It is worth noting the fact that with inflamed lymph nodes, the animal feels severe pain when pressing on the enlarged area. Each of the animals during such an infectious disease has different symptoms, and they do not always appear immediately.

Infection can be provoked by various causes, both hereditary and after past illnesses.
Such a disease can happen to your four-legged friend at any age, so even a small puppy requires special attention to prevent various complications.

Symptoms of lymphadenitis in dogs

When the lymph nodes are enlarged, in addition to the bumps that have arisen, the animal feels severe pain throughout the body, very often the temperature rises. The pet feels constant shortness of breath, heavy breathing, normal bowel function and digestion are disturbed, swallowing food is difficult. During an increase in lymph nodes in a dog, sleep is disturbed. Such symptoms can occur in varying degrees of complexity, in some animals only external factors of infection may appear.
In addition to the general symptoms, each breed may exhibit abnormalities and other signs of the disease.

Most often - this is an increase in the cervical lymph nodes. Small breeds are more likely to suffer from such ailments, as well as animals with a lot of weight and breathing problems (French bulldogs, pugs, spaniels, Canary dogs, Alabai and Staffordshire bull terriers) or lungs. If your pet has at least one of these symptoms, you should immediately contact your veterinarian, and do not self-medicate.

Causes of Enlarged Lymph Nodes

Most often, the cause of enlarged lymph nodes is various infections, as well as a consequence of past diseases.

The occurrence of pathologies:

  • Inflammatory process of a chronic nature. Frequent colds, infectious diseases. Any tissue damage can provoke infection and its development.
  • Hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to pathogens (if there is constant contact with allergens). Maybe due to malnutrition, allergies of a different nature.
  • Sensitization. In such cases, you need to seek help in order to avoid anaphylactic shock.
  • Often shortness of breath occurs as the first sign of illness. The pet constantly feels discomfort and insufficient air.
  • Insufficient work of the immune system. To do this, you need to additionally work to improve the immune system.
  • Toxicity in poor-quality dog ​​food and nutrition. Very often supplements or vitamins can be the cause.
  • Problems with the circulatory system, leukemia, which is considered a common disease.

Often the disease manifests itself imperceptibly, and many owners begin to treat it like a common cold. The general malaise of the pet does not indicate a serious condition. If you notice strong bumps and abscesses in your pet, this may indicate damage to the lymph tissues.

Important! Do not treat such formations with folk methods, as burns and tissue necrosis may occur.

In addition to such reasons, lymphadenitis can occur due to heredity, with frequent hypothermia, malnutrition and insufficient care. The infection can enter the body through the paws.

Treating an Infection in a Dog

Treatment of lymphadenitis in dogs begins immediately after the first symptoms are detected, as well as bumps or tubercles on the body of the animal (these can be inflammations on the head, neck, in the armpits). If your pet has a long, thick coat, you need to palpate from time to time to identify bumps.

The specialist should examine the dog, take the appropriate blood and urine tests, and possibly place him in a hospital for an additional examination. Only after such mandatory measures have been taken, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Usually, treatment consists of several stages and depends on the symptoms and severity of the affected areas. The veterinarian will always prescribe antibiotics to clear up the infection. Additionally, you need to give immunostimulants and vitamins. They can be in tablets and injections, and also consist as additional additives in feed.

If the doctor noticed purulent formations (about the reproductive organs separately), they are removed using drainage or pus-pulling compresses. These treatments are carried out in a hospital. It is strictly forbidden to do an independent autopsy of abscesses at home, since the infection can get to other organs and affect the tissues of the epithelium even more.

In some cases, to reduce inflammation, the veterinarian may prescribe warming and wiping the affected areas with antibacterial agents. Using antibiotics, you need to additionally take drugs to work the intestines and improve the microflora. Keep track of nutrition and additional supplements in the diet.

Disease prevention

Since lymphadenitis is a consequence of other diseases or infectious infections, it is difficult to detect. You need to constantly monitor your pet, check for inflammation. If other symptoms are observed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In order to avoid complications, you need to watch for additional supplements in the diet, as well as give your dog dairy products and take care of the proper functioning of the intestines. If possible, you can wipe your paws after a walk with antibacterial agents. It is important to monitor the condition of the skin, as well as the general condition of the body.

For a dog, you need to provide proper care, frequent walking, and additionally strengthen the immune system so that in the event of an infection, the body can overcome it on its own, without additional antibiotics.

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Dogs are often exposed to infectious or bacterial infections, the consequences of which can be very harmful to the dog. One of these diseases is lymphadenitis, that is, inflammation of the lymph nodes. The disease is dangerous for the animal, since the degree of protection of the animal from various infections depends on the proper functioning of the lymphatic system.

Lymph nodes can be called specific body filters, in which lymphocytes are located, which are responsible for the body's ability to resist infections, therefore, the state of the entire pet's body depends on their functioning.

Lymphadenitis can be both an independent disease and a secondary symptom of another disease, it occurs both in acute and in chronic form. The prognosis of the animal's condition depends on the correct treatment.


Inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs due to the penetration of various pathogenic microorganisms into the lymph node. There are two types of lymphadenitis:

  • Nonspecific (it is caused by streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli and other microorganisms).
  • Specific (occur as a complication of another disease).

The primary focus for nonspecific lymphadenitis can be various purulent wounds, boils, ulcers, tissue inflammation, caries, thrombophlebitis, as a rule, these diseases cause local lymphadenitis.

Specific lymphadenitis can occur in a dog that suffers from gonorrhea, tularemia, tuberculosis, plague, syphilis, anthrax, and a number of other infections.

The first symptom of acute nonspecific lymphadenitis will be a painful enlargement of the lymph nodes, fever, sometimes up to 42 - 42.5 degrees, weakness and malaise, a sharp decrease in appetite, tachycardia, sleep disturbance. In a healthy dog, only the inguinal lymph nodes are palpated, when palpated, they do not cause pain to the animal, if the submandibular or cervical lymph nodes are visible, or they are easy to palpate, this indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process.

Quite often, acute lymphadenitis develops after the main inflammatory process subsides. If lymphadenitis was not diagnosed immediately, then it quickly turns into a purulent form, the animal experiences constant pain, the skin near the lymph node turns red. This threatens to spread the purulent process to other organs and tissues.

Acute lymphadenitis sometimes flows into the chronic form, the chronic form is characterized by an increase and thickening of the lymph nodes, at the same time, the pain practically disappears, the purulent process in the chronic form of lymphadenitis does not occur. Also, the chronic form can occur due to various microtraumas, chronic tonsillitis, frequent inflammation of the jaws and teeth.


It is very important for a correct diagnosis consult a veterinarian promptly As a rule, the diagnosis of lymphadenitis occurs after examination and palpation of the dog, however, the following studies will be carried out to make an accurate diagnosis and identify the type of lymphadenitis in the dog:

  • Clinical and biochemical blood tests.
  • Analysis of urine.
  • Biopsy of the lymph node.
  • X-ray study.
  • Ultrasound procedure.

In severe cases, studies are supplemented by computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging.


The basic rule for the treatment of lymphadenitis - do not try to self-medicate and especially warm up the lymph nodes, if the dog's body temperature is already elevated, on the contrary, to reduce swelling, it is advisable to apply ice to the lymph node.

Since lymphadenitis is a reaction of the body to the penetration of an infection, each case will require individual therapy. If the cause of the disease is a bacterial infection, then the treatment will be carried out with antibiotics, with an allergic etiology - with antihistamines. Very often, in the first stages of the disease, ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment is used, both drugs perfectly help to cope with the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes.

In severe cases, one has to resort to surgical interventions, the lymph node is opened and drainage is established. With inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin of the dog, castration of the animal may even be necessary. Very often, with purulent lymphadenitis, a fistula or abscess occurs, in which case a surgeon is also indispensable. Throughout the treatment, the dog is treated with immunostimulating drugs, vitamin therapy, and a special diet.

Simultaneously with drug therapy for lymphadenitis, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used, such as St. John's wort, plantain, calamus root, wormwood, thyme, licorice, lavender, elderberry.

Treatment of specific lymphadenitis is carried out simultaneously with the treatment of the underlying disease.

If the cause of the disease in a dog is leukemia, then lymphadenitis is not treated at all, chemotherapy takes the main place in the treatment.


If the treatment of the disease was started on time and was strictly under the supervision of a veterinarian, then the prognosis of the disease is favorable for the animal. In the event that there was no proper treatment, scarring of the lymph node may occur, the infection will spread to other organs of the dog.

To minimize the possibility of lymphadenitis in your pet, you must:

  • Do not allow the occurrence of microtrauma in the animal.
  • Prevent infection of existing animal wounds.
  • Timely treatment of diseases that can lead to the occurrence of specific lymphadenitis.
  • Carefully monitor the condition of the teeth of the animal.
  • Check your pet's lymph nodes regularly.

Playing with his four-legged, sometimes the owner notices something on his neck that was not there yesterday. Of course, this is alarming and worrisome. A person who has been involved in dogs for a long time knows that some lymph nodes can be palpated and felt, but enlarged cervical ones indicate pathology.

A lymph node is a filter through which lymph passes. It produces lymphocytes and "blocks" pathogenic microflora. At the time of a strong infectious attack, the lymph node fills with blood, the capsule becomes tense due to cell hyperplasia.

The lymphatic system of the dog.

On the neck of the dog are superficial cervical lymph nodes. There may be two (in most cases) or one, rarely three. They are located in front of the shoulder blade, under the skin.

The lymph of the back of the head, auricle, parotid salivary gland, muscles of the shoulder girdle, bones of the pectoral limbs and joints are suitable for these lymph nodes. All lymph from these organs is sent to the cervical lymph nodes. It is they who are assigned the role of being the first to take the brunt of the microflora and neutralize it. Therefore, with an increase in the lymph nodes in the neck, it is necessary to pay attention to the state of these particular organs.


As a rule, if the pathology is in the paired organs of the right side, the lymph nodes on the neck of the right side react, and here it is necessary to look for the causes.

These lymph nodes are called physiologically palpable, but the system also includes non-palpable ones that also perform their functions, but lie deep enough. They also perform their functions and also take a hit, which is why when the external lymph nodes increase, the state of the whole organism changes, which you definitely need to pay attention to.

What to do?

Having felt an enlarged lymph node in a dog, it is necessary contact a specialist immediately . When collecting an anamnesis, the doctor will ask about the most unexpected moments for you, since the cervical ones are responsible for the outflow of lymph even from the limbs and damage to both the skin, bones, and joints can cause a reaction in the lymphatic system.

If you find an increase, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Causes of enlarged lymph nodes

Sometimes the cause of inflammation (lymphadenitis) can be a banal improperly selected collar. When the collar is sized, but its constant wearing produces chafing in those places that are not visible to the owner. Constant wearing also unacceptable, it can cause both mechanical damage and allergic to the fabric from which it is made.

An oversized collar can cause an increase in lymph nodes.

The main causes of inflammation can be:

  • bacterial infection ( festering seeded wound, damage to the joints, bones and ligaments, both traumatic and non-traumatic, purulent);
  • viral;
  • malignant neoplasms.

The nature of the flow

By the nature of the course, lymphadenitis can be:

  • sharp when the lymph node rapidly increased in size, which indicates a strong infectious agent and a sharp onset of the process;
  • chronic . In this case, the increase disappears after a while, the lymph node returns to normal, and then becomes inflamed again, then it grows weakly and slowly fades. This course is typical for chronic inflammation of the organs.

In a chronic course, the lymph node periodically returns to normal.

If palpation reveals an increase not only in the external cervical lymph nodes, but also in others that must be examined, then the cause may be leukemia or lymphoma. Such diseases are increasingly recorded in dogs, although their etiology has not been elucidated. In this case, the diagnosis must be confirmed by cytological studies and treatment, as a rule, does not give a positive result.


Lymphadenitis can be:

  • specific (for common infectious diseases, for example, canine distemper, diplococcal septicemia);
  • non-specific. It manifests itself in the case when there is inflammation of the organ from which the lymph comes to this node.

Since the cervical lymph nodes are responsible for the organs of both the ear and the limbs of the anterior girdle, infected injuries, fractures, bruises, otitis media can be the causes of enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.

Enlargement of lymph nodes is possible due to otitis media.


If you accidentally, or not accidentally, palpated lymph nodes on the dog's neck, you should immediately pay attention to:

  • general condition of the body (lethargy, fatigue, malaise, apathy, loss of appetite, fever, general or local, in a certain organ);
  • lymph nodes that are located under the jaw of the dog (do not confuse with the salivary glands, although diseases of the salivary gland will also manifest as inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes);
  • feel the lymph nodes on both sides of the neck for their size, paired inflammation, shape, soreness and uniformity;
  • we examine the limbs of the anterior girdle, since it is the cervical nodes that are responsible for their “safety”. We palpate all the bones, paying attention to the flexion and extension of the joints, as well as the pain reaction at the same time;
  • pay attention to the skin (integrity, abscesses, tumors, wounds, etc.);
  • palpate the joints for soreness and swelling;
  • check the supporting state of the forelimbs;
  • we check the armpits and palpate the lymph nodes under the arms.

If inflammation is detected, attention should be paid to the general condition of the dog.

If only the lymph nodes of the neck are inflamed, it is necessary to look for the cause in the organs that are washed by the lymph.

dog treatment

Lymph nodes signal inflammation, they themselves, with the exception of (leukemia or lymphoma), are not a specific disease. It is impossible to treat a sign, it is necessary to find out the essence and treat the affected organ.

  1. In the case of an inflammatory pathology with elevated body temperature, when everything points to the development of a bacterial infection, broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy and sulfanilamide preparations are prescribed.
  2. In the case when it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, you can give the dog ciprofloxacin (14 tablets per 10 kg of animal weight 2 times a day). You will need to inform the doctor about the use of the antibiotic when you are at the reception.
  3. It is impossible to limit yourself to 1 tablet, the course of antibiotic therapy should last 6-7 days.
  4. If the antibiotic is chosen correctly and it "works", the lymph nodes will immediately respond and return to normal the next day. However, this will not mean a solution to the problem, a visit to the doctor should be indispensable.

Ask your veterinarian about the dosage of Ciprofloxacin.

Vitamins and immunostimulants are applicable as adjuvant therapy.

Purulent wound infection

If a purulent wound infection develops in the body, it is necessary to direct treatment in its direction.

The use of the same antibiotics and sulfa drugs, washing the wound and establishing drainage if necessary, will significantly improve the situation. If it is not possible to cope with the wounds on your own, contact the professionals, rotting wounds cannot grow together, they need to be cut and cleaned.

  • Enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes in a dog can manifest itself with otitis media. With otitis, the dog will certainly show a painful condition. If inflammation is detected, immediately go to the veterinarian to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
  • Inflammation of the middle ear sometimes proceeds in such a way that the owner does not even know. Examine the ear canal. Feel it. Press lightly with your thumb on the base of the ear.

Antibiotics can help relieve the dog's condition.


Do not apply compresses to the area of ​​the lymph nodes.

Do not apply compresses to your dog.

Inflammation of several lymph nodes

If it is revealed that not a single lymph node is inflamed, but several, and at the same time throughout the body, then a suspicion of lymphoma is possible. In this case, the lymph nodes will be very enlarged, painful, with a change in their shape, and the general condition of the dog is extremely difficult. All possible variants of the course of the disease and the prognosis must be discussed with an oncology specialist .

The development of the disease and methods of treatment should be discussed with the veterinarian.


Inflammation of the lymph nodes cannot be ignored and early diagnosis will help to cope with the disease quickly and without complications.

Amenable to treatment in time noticed the disease.

Video about the causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Sometimes the owner, playing with his four-legged friend, notices that the pet's lymph nodes have increased in size. Naturally, every responsible owner has questions: “Why does inflammation of the lymph nodes in the dog’s neck occur, and is it possible to treat at home?”.

Features of the lymphatic system of dogs

Lymph nodes in all dogs are small rounded formations located in many parts of the body (submandibular, subscapular, popliteal, etc.). They are part of the lymphatic system and perform a specific function - the protection of the immune system.

Lymph nodes work like filters, cleansing the lymph and enriching it with lymphocytes - cells that eliminate such a threat as infection, trap harmful substances, and nourish the blood.

If pathogenic bacteria that provoke inflammation enter the dog's body, the lymph nodes (cervical or located in other areas) in dogs immediately react. This is manifested in increased secretion of lymphocytes and, as a result, swelling and soreness of the nodes. The process, which is characterized by inflammation of the lymph nodes, is called lymphadenitis.

Thus, inflammation of the lymph nodes is the result of some pathology that has developed in the dog's body.

Causes of diseases of the lymphatic system

There are two types of lymphadenitis: nonspecific and specific. The first type develops due to pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the body - staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli. Ulcers, tissue inflammation, purulent wounds, caries, thrombophlebitis can be the primary focus.

The second is a complication of any infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, anthrax, tularemia.

In addition, lymphadenitis can be acute or chronic.

Enlarged lymph nodes in dogs are not always the result of an immune response. This can be caused by various reasons: oncology, allergic reactions, feeding poor-quality feed, intoxication of the body, or even mechanical damage from a tight collar.

Clinical picture and diagnostic methods

In addition to enlarged nodes, lymphadenitis in a dog has other characteristic symptoms. The clinical picture of acute inflammation consists of the following signs:

  • soreness of the lymph nodes;
  • high body temperature (up to 42.5 degrees);
  • apathy, decreased mobility;
  • difficulty swallowing (with submandibular lymphadenitis);
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight deficit;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • tachycardia;
  • swelling of the paws (with damage not only to the lymph nodes, but also to the ducts).

If lymphadenitis has a chronic course, the dog begins to experience pain on palpation of the nodes. This means that, perhaps, the purulent process has already covered other tissues and organs of the dog.

A veterinarian diagnoses inflammation of the lymph nodes based on a visual examination of the animal and studies, which include:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • x-ray;
  • biopsy of lymph nodes;

Sometimes additional studies are required - computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment of lymphadenitis in dogs

Before treating lymphadenitis, you need to establish the cause that contributed to its development. Cases of mechanical damage in dogs, for example, from a collar, are quite rare in veterinary practice, so the animal will have to be treated for any serious pathology.

So, if the disease of the lymph nodes of the dog is the result of an infectious or viral disease, then the animal is prescribed antibiotics. If the course did not help, then perhaps this indicates that the pet has lymphosarcoma. In this case, it is urgent to change the direction of treatment and switch to hormonal drugs or chemotherapy.

If lymphadenitis has developed due to an abscess, then conservative treatment is first prescribed with the help of Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment, which is applied to the skin over the lymph nodes.

If it turns out to be ineffective, then in order to prevent the spread of infection to healthy areas, an abscess is opened, cleaned and a special drainage is installed.

In addition to the main treatment prescribed by the veterinarian, the dog will need vitamins, immunostimulants, and a special diet. With lymphadenitis occurring without temperature, heating is indicated.

If antibiotics are used, the intestinal microflora deserves special attention, since a potent drug kills not only harmful microorganisms, but also friendly bacteria. It is for this reason that from the first day of taking the medicine, it is necessary to introduce probiotics (Procolin, Vetom, etc.).

In addition to conservative therapy, you can use decoctions of herbs (plantain, St. John's wort, elderberry, and others), but in no case should they replace medical treatment. They are used solely as an additional tool. Remember that the lack of qualified veterinary care can cost your dog his life!


If the sick dog was examined by a specialist in time and treated, then the prognosis is favorable. If therapy was absent or carried out incorrectly, then scarring of the lymph node and the spread of infection to other body systems may well occur.

Preventive measures that prevent an increase in lymph nodes include, first of all, the prevention of injuries and the prevention of the development of infection of wounds.

In addition, you need to remember that many diseases can lead to specific lymphadenitis, so the animal must be treated in a timely manner. That is why regular examinations at the veterinarian for enlarged lymph nodes are very important.

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