Why does a person need calcium in the body. Symptoms of late puberty and PMS. Causes of calcium deficiency

Lack of calcium in the human body leads to serious violations health. After all, calcium is one of the most important macronutrients involved in the life of the body. It is present in almost all living organisms, starting with the simplest.

The role of calcium in the human body

Calcium plays the most important role in the human body from birth. The content of calcium in the body is on average almost 1.2 kg of metal, which constantly interacts with the body, giving it back and returning again about 800 mg Ca + daily.

This element is involved in the construction of bone tissues of the body, provides strength to bones, nail plates, hair, is contained in tooth enamel, thereby protecting them from destruction.

Calcium ions are present in cells and participate in energy exchange;

Calcium is involved in the mechanism of muscle contraction (including cardiac), controls the heartbeat;

Present in the synthesis of neurotransmitters that transmit nerve impulses by activating certain enzymes.

Regulates blood pressure along with other nutrients - magnesium, sodium and potassium;

Being a catalyst for vitamin K, it is involved in the process of blood clotting;

Facilitates transportation nutrients, affects the permeability cell membranes.

Strengthens connective tissues organism.

Part of the element is excreted from the body. In order to constantly maintain the required level of calcium in the blood and in the body, it is necessary to systematically replenish the lack of calcium.

AT bone tissue it is represented by calcium phosphate - a crystalline salt of phosphoric acid.

At infant the amount of nutrient Ca is approximately 30 g. As he grows older, the amount of this element in the body also increases, and by the time of puberty, its amount will reach 1-1.2 kg. The child should receive 100, and in adolescence 150 mg calcium daily for normal development skeleton and whole body. In adults, the intake is 280 mg Ca for men and 200 mg for women.

Increased daily calcium requirement

During pregnancy and breastfeeding,

During the use of corticosteroid drugs and anabolics,

At excessive sweating, during the summer;

The athletes.

Menopause affects the level of calcium in women, men begin to lose this element from the age of 65. Many people believe that the fact that older people "grow" down, become shorter, is connected with its loss. In fact, this is not so: the decrease in growth occurs due to flattening and dehydration of the intervertebral discs.

Why does "calcium hunger" occur in the body?

If we define common causes calcium hunger, then there are only two of them:

  • Low macronutrient levels in foods;
  • Decreased absorption of calcium by the body.

With the first reason, everything is clear: to replenish the element, you need to use more products containing this element. Let's take a closer look at the second reason. Why does the body refuse to absorb calcium? After all, this chemical element the body needs.

The problem lies in our nutrition, which creates acid-base balance. Excessive consumption of protein products (sausages, smoked meats and other delicacies) leads to acidification of the body. Calcium, having basic, or alkaline properties, neutralizes unnecessary acids, forming insoluble salts. But such calcium turns out to be bound, and does not participate in the life of the body. Some of the insoluble salts are excreted from the body, and some are deposited in organs and cells in the form of lime deposits, forming sand and stones, and in blood vessels- blood clots and blood clots.

The effect of vitamin D on calcium balance

Calcium Deficiency Symptoms

When the body does not have enough calcium for life, it takes it from the skeleton. Deficiency of the alkaline element is observed in women during pregnancy. Many during this period lose their teeth - they become more sensitive and begin to crumble.

A lack of calcium in the body is observed during menopause, symptoms in women during this period are manifested by osteoporosis, bone fragility.

With hypocalcemia, there are the following symptoms and signs:

  • Increased nervous excitability, irritability, insomnia
  • convulsions calf muscles, tingling in the hands and feet;
  • Joint pain, sore gums;
  • Abundant menstruation in women;
  • Hypertension and tachycardia;
  • problems with teeth;
  • Fragility of nails, fragility and weakness of hair;

Signs of calcium deficiency have symptoms similar to other pathologies, for example, convulsions and insomnia are observed with magnesium deficiency. And in order to identify the problem, one should not self-medicate, but one should undergo an examination and consult a doctor.

Symptoms of hypocalcemia in children are expressed by the fact that children who lack calcium eat chalk and even earth. Bans won't help. To fill the lack of calcium, buy better for a child calcium gluconate or glycerophosphate tablets.

Diseases caused by calcium deficiency

The lack of calcium in the body is the cause of such pathologies as:


What is hypocalcemia? This syndrome implies a low content of Ca in the blood. It leads to decreased blood clotting and bleeding. Hypocalcemia occurs for the following reasons:

  • decrease in the level of Ca + ions
  • kidney failure;
  • rapid rise in phosphate levels;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • The use of certain Ca-lowering drugs.


This pathology is caused by a lack of calcium phosphate salts in the bones. This syndrome may appear in childhood, and leads to disability, since soft, low-Ca bones are susceptible to fragility.


This disease is characterized by a violation of the structure of bone tissue, a decrease in bone density, the predominance of decay over the process of bone formation. The risk of bone fractures increases. Classified as a metabolic disease musculoskeletal system. Women of climacteric age are more likely to be affected by this pathology.

The treatment of these diseases is aimed at replenishing calcium in the body and increasing the body's susceptibility to calcium.

Dysfunction of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, as one of the causes of low calcium in the body.

The thyroid gland, along with thyroid hormones, produces thyrocalcitonin, or, as it is commonly called, a hormone involved in phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Calcitonin also activates the work of:

  • Osteoclasts - multinucleated cells which, through the dissolution of minerals and the destruction of collagen, destroy and remove old bone tissue;
  • Osteoblasts are young cells that produce bone tissue. Osteoblasts are involved in the deposition of calcium salts in intercellular substance matrix calcification occurs.

Four small parathyroid glands are located on back wall thyroid gland and are responsible for the amount of calcium in the body, provide normal functioning nervous and propulsion systems. When the level of calcium in the blood drops below a certain level, gland receptors are excited and release parahormone into the blood, which, in turn, stimulates osteoclasts to release Ca metal from bone tissue.

Dysfunction of the parathyroid glands leads to disruption of hormone production, which in turn leads to calcium-phosphorus imbalance, and the development of endocrine diseases.

How and how to compensate for calcium deficiency?

People suffering from joint pain and brittle bones are concerned with the question: how to increase calcium in the body?

  1. It is necessary to ensure sufficient intake of Ca and vitamin D with food during menopause and men over 50 years of age. The daily intake of calcium should be 1200-1500 mg.
  2. Reduce or stop drinking coffee, smoking, alcohol
  3. Elements - phosphorus, potassium and magnesium are also involved in the process of calcium absorption and metabolism, so their intake must be balanced.

The treatment of hypocalcemia is aimed at eliminating the nutrient deficiency and the resulting consequences of this deficiency.

Not last place occupies the question of how to increase calcium in the blood, but in order not to overdo it and not provoke the formation of blood clots? Products containing this alkaline earth metal pass from the stomach to the intestines, where, after appropriate chemical reactions individual macro and microelements enter the blood, which carries them into the right amount in bones and body cells. And to prevent calcium from turning into hard lime deposits, vitamin D and other nutrients are needed.

What foods are rich in calcium?

Dairy. 1 glass of milk or kefir provides 25-40 percent of the daily requirement for calcium (). Don't be afraid to drink natural products without degreasing. Together with fats, vitamin D is lost. And there will be a minimum of calcium in refined and low-fat foods. to

Chicken eggs provide 15 percent of the daily requirement for vitamin D, but calcium is contained in its shell. There is little nutrient in the product itself - about 4%.

Spinach greens contain 10% daily allowance nutrient Ca. In the Caucasus, one of the favorite everyday dishes is an omelet with spinach. This dish not only replenishes the balance of calcium, but also ensures its digestibility.

Beans are generally amazing with an abundance of nutrients. Ca it contains 15 percent of the daily norm, but in the bean grain 25% magnesium, 60% phosphorus, 32% iron.

Parsley gives a quarter of the daily allowance. Magnesium (21%) and phosphorus (12%) present right there help the absorption of the alkaline nutrient.

Traditional medicine recommends a simple and completely harmless way: Take a few eggs, wash them thoroughly warm water and boil. It is recommended to drink water from under boiled eggs to replenish the element. And eggs will always find use in some salads, morning breakfasts for the whole family.

Lack of calcium, of course, adversely affects the state of health and well-being. But this does not mean at all that if you find the above symptoms and signs of calcium deficiency in your body, you will run to the pharmacy, pick up various dietary supplements and vitamin complexes and you will swallow everything. The system is needed in everything, but it is no less dangerous than its lack. Therefore, before you start drinking "medicines for all diseases," you should consult with your doctor.

Read also the information about vitamins in the article: "".

Calcium, along with other macronutrients, is very important for the normal functioning of the body. The lack of this element, as well as its excess, negatively affects the functioning of almost all organs and systems of our body. A condition in which there is a lack of calcium is called hypocalcemia.

Causes of hypocalcemia

Impaired function parathyroid glands- one of the common causes of low blood levels of calcium.

Hypoparathyroidism is a condition in which chronic hypocalcemia develops as a result of a violation of the production of parathyroid hormone by the parathyroid glands. This condition may develop various reasons. Postoperative hypoparathyroidism occurs as a result of injury or removal parathyroid glands during surgical operations in the neck area. There are cases of idiopathic and familial hypoparathyroidism, the pathogenesis of which is very complex.

Hypoparathyroidism can be caused by congenital genetic pathologies, diseases hematopoietic system, cancer of the parathyroid glands and metastases in them.

One of the common causes of calcium deficiency in the body is a lack of vitamin D. The lack of this vitamin occurs as a result of insufficient intake from food, impaired absorption, or insufficient sunlight.

Calcium Deficiency Symptoms

Common symptoms indicating a possible calcium deficiency in the body are weakness and fatigue. The skin becomes dry, flaky, nails lose their luster and become brittle. The condition of the teeth worsens, begins.

Due to calcium deficiency, the neuromuscular system suffers, first there is a feeling of numbness of the fingers and around the mouth, then bone pains appear. With prolonged calcium deficiency, an increased tendency to deformity and bone fractures develops, especially in the elderly.

There are also cardiac problems, since calcium is necessary for normal contraction hearts, in severe cases may develop, which is not amenable to drug therapy.

With chronic calcium deficiency, subcapsular cataracts may develop, the severity of which depends on the duration of hypocalcemia and its degree. In addition, with a lack of this microelement, the level of immunity decreases, blood clotting is disturbed and increased bleeding appears.

Calcium deficiency in children is especially dangerous because it is essential for normal growth and development of the child. With its deficiency, the formation of bones and teeth is disrupted, pathological changes in the lens of the eye. Children suffer nervous disorders, increased nervous excitability, convulsions often occur. Poor clotting blood in a child is considered one of the most dangerous manifestations hypocalcemia in childhood. Adults who were calcium deficient in childhood have an increased risk of developing multiple sclerosis.

Treatment of hypocalcemia

Treatment of acute hypocalcemia is carried out only in a hospital, since this condition threatens the life of the patient.

In chronic calcium deficiency, the basis of therapy is calcium preparations and vitamin D. Any calcium preparations are used in such dosages that the daily intake of calcium into the body is at least 1.5–2 g. In parallel, vitamin D is prescribed, the dosage of which is selected by the doctor based on the needs patient. The effectiveness of treatment is assessed by the disappearance of symptoms of hypocalcemia and the normalization of calcium levels in the blood serum according to the results. laboratory research. The level of serum calcium at the beginning of treatment must be monitored quite often (weekly or once every 2 weeks), and after stabilization of the condition, it is enough to take a blood test once every 3 months.

Prevention of hypocalcemia

To reduce the risk of developing hypocalcemia, you should eat foods rich in this trace element daily.

To prevent hypocalcemia, it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D.

The largest amount of this trace element is found in sesame seeds, hard and processed cheeses, wheat bran, yeast, almonds, hazelnuts, legumes. The calcium content in dairy products is much lower than, for example, in sesame seeds, but they must be consumed in sufficient quantities, since calcium is well absorbed by the body from them.

Foods rich in vitamin D should also be present in sufficient quantities in the diet of every person. A large amount of this vitamin is found in fermented milk products, in vegetable oils, egg yolks, seafood, especially in fish oil and fish liver. In addition, vitamin D is present in oatmeal, potatoes and greens.

In addition to intake with food, vitamin D can be synthesized in our body independently under the influence of sunlight, so in warm time of the year it is necessary to spend as much time as possible under the sun's rays (of course, during safe hours) with open skin.

In addition to vitamin D, calcium absorption requires other vitamins (vitamins C, K, group B) and minerals (phosphorus, iron, zinc, etc.), so the diet of each person must be balanced.

On the recommendation of a doctor, you can take vitamin-mineral complexes containing calcium in addition to food (Vitrum, Biomax, Complivit, etc.). Increased need for calcium in children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as in people over 35 years of age. Special multivitamin complexes for pregnant women and nursing mothers, taking into account the increased need for calcium in women during this period.

For the prevention of calcium deficiency and, as a result, osteoporosis, especially during menopause in women, as well as in all people over 35–40 years old, it is recommended to take combined drugs containing calcium and vitamin D (Calcium-D3 Nycomed, Calcemin, etc.).

For children, calcium preparations are prescribed only by a pediatrician. Taking vitamin D at a prophylactic dose (AquaDetrim) is recommended in autumn-winter period, especially in areas where there is not enough sunlight at this time.

Which doctor to contact

In children, prevention of calcium and vitamin D deficiency is necessary, which is carried out by a pediatrician. If the described symptoms appear in an adult, he needs to contact a therapist or endocrinologist. Often, a consultation with a gastroenterologist is also needed to rule out problems with calcium absorption in the intestines. With the development of complications, treatment by a neurologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist is required. It is very useful to consult a dietitian about proper nutrition with calcium deficiency.

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History of calcium

Calcium was discovered in 1808 by Humphry Davy, who, by electrolysis of slaked lime and mercury oxide, obtained calcium amalgam, as a result of the process of distillation of mercury from which the metal remained, which received the name calcium. in latin lime sounds like calx, it was this name that was chosen by the English chemist for the open substance.

Calcium is an element of the main subgroup II of group IV of the period of the periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev, has an atomic number of 20 and an atomic mass of 40.08. The accepted designation is Ca (from Latin - Calcium).

Physical and chemical properties

Calcium is a reactive, soft, silver-white alkali metal. Due to interaction with oxygen and carbon dioxide the surface of the metal tarnishes, so calcium needs special treatment storage - in without fail a tightly closed container in which the metal is poured with a layer of liquid paraffin or kerosene.

Calcium is the best known necessary for a person microelements, daily requirement it ranges from 700 to 1500 mg for a healthy adult, but it increases during pregnancy and lactation, this must be taken into account and receive calcium in the form of drugs.

Being in nature

Calcium has a very high chemical activity, therefore, in a free (pure) form, it does not occur in nature. Nevertheless, it is the fifth most common in the earth's crust, in the form of compounds it is found in sedimentary (limestone, chalk) and rocks (granite), anorite feldspar contains a lot of calcium.

It is widely distributed in living organisms, its presence is found in plants, animal and human organisms, where it is present mainly in the composition of teeth and bone tissue.

Calcium absorption

an obstacle to the normal absorption of calcium from food products is the consumption of carbohydrates in the form of sweets and alkalis, which neutralize hydrochloric acid stomach to dissolve calcium. The process of calcium absorption is quite complicated, so sometimes it is not enough to get it only with food, it is necessary additional reception trace element.

Interaction with others

To improve calcium absorption in the intestine, it is necessary, which tends to facilitate the process of calcium absorption. When taking calcium (in the form of supplements) in the process of eating, absorption is blocked, but taking calcium supplements separately from food does not affect this process in any way.

Almost all of the body's calcium (1 to 1.5 kg) is found in the bones and teeth. Calcium is involved in the processes of excitability nervous tissue, muscle contractility, blood clotting processes, is part of the nucleus and membranes of cells, cell and tissue fluids, has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects, prevents acidosis, activates a number of enzymes and hormones. Calcium is also involved in the regulation of cell membrane permeability and has the opposite effect.

Signs of calcium deficiency

Signs of a lack of calcium in the body are such, at first glance, unrelated symptoms:

  • nervousness, mood deterioration;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • convulsions, numbness of the limbs;
  • growth retardation and children;
  • high blood pressure;
  • delamination and fragility of nails;
  • pain in the joints, lowering the "pain threshold";
  • profuse menstruation.

Causes of calcium deficiency

The causes of calcium deficiency can be unbalanced diets (especially starvation), low calcium content in food, smoking and addiction to coffee and caffeinated drinks, dysbacteriosis, kidney disease, thyroid gland, pregnancy, lactation periods and menopause.

Excess calcium, which can occur with excessive consumption of dairy products or uncontrolled intake drugs, characterized intense thirst, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness and increased urination.

The use of calcium in life

Calcium has found application in the metallothermic production of uranium, in the form of natural compounds it is used as a raw material for the production of gypsum and cement, as a means of disinfection (everyone knows bleach).

Calcium is essential for strength healthy bones. This is the first thing that comes to mind when the role of calcium in the human body is mentioned. However, this is not the only purpose of this mineral, which must always be maintained on optimal level. It is closely related to vitamin D. It is a key mineral for maintaining healthy bones.

Characterization of calcium

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. Its share in general is about 2 percent of body weight. It performs many basic functions, providing normal work the entire human body, including disease prevention and absorption of other nutrients.

Calcium as a chemical element ranks fifth in the periodic table of Mendeleev and is the third most abundant in nature. Its compounds make up approximately 3.6 percent of the earth's crust. This mineral is essential for plant and animal life. It is found everywhere: in bones, teeth, eggshell, corals, water and more.

Calcium is present in every plant and has importance for his growth. It is found in the tissues, the fluid around the cells, the bones of every animal.

Thus, it is a natural component of soil, water, flora and fauna. A person, using grown plants, animal meat, water, receives calcium from food.

Nearly all of the calcium in the body is found in the bones, and its main role is to keep bones strong and strong in order to support body weight. If necessary, the body can take calcium from bones and use it, for example, in soft tissues.

How calcium is useful for the human body

Calcium is a mineral essential for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth, which also helps a number of other bodily processes such as

blood clotting;

Muscle contraction;

Enzyme production;

secretion of hormones;

Correct functioning nervous system And so on.

The baby begins to accumulate calcium in the bone tissue during the third trimester of pregnancy. The accumulation of bone tissue continues until a certain age. The most intense process occurs in childhood. For most people, bone building can continue until the mid-30s.

But after the age of 35, a person begins to lose bone tissue. On average, a person can lose up to one percent per year of total body calcium. it natural process body aging. Especially quickly calcium is lost in women after the onset of menopause. This can lead to depletion of calcium in the bones, a process that can take several years.

Therefore, children and adolescents should eat in such a way as to accumulate enough calcium in the bone tissue. This will help reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis in the future.

Exercises aimed at strengthening bones will also help strengthen bone tissue, can increase its density.

The picture is not so sad when you consider that although the building of new bone tissue after 35 years is impossible, but including calcium supplements in your diet, you can significantly slow down the process of bone loss.

Functions of calcium in the human body

The largest amount of calcium, more than 99 percent (about 1.2-1.4 kg) is found in the bones and teeth. Less than one percent - in the blood serum. On average, calcium absorption rate is about 30 percent. But there are cases when this indicator can increase, for example, pregnancy. At this time, more calcium is required to form skeletal system fetus. Accordingly, the rate of calcium absorption increases.

The level of calcium in the blood is constantly maintained in the body. A decrease in this level causes the body to immediately take it from other organs to prevent hypocalcemia.

Although only one percent of calcium is found outside the skeletal system, this form of calcium is critical to many functions in the human body. Therefore, it is maintained at a constant level and performs the following main functions:

Regulation of blood clotting;

Stabilization of blood pressure;

Normal functioning of the brain;

Exchange of information between cells.

As a rule, intracellular calcium content is very low compared to blood serum. But it performs a number of important functions:

Maintenance of hormones and other chemicals;

Promotes the promotion of spermatozoa into the egg for fertilization of the egg;

Regulates muscle contraction;

Maintaining a normal heart rhythm.

Calcium, which is found in bone tissue, performs only two important functions:

Formation and maintenance of bones:

Formation and maintenance of strong teeth.

The role of calcium in the body

While performing its main functions in the body, calcium can also affect the absorption and assimilation of other nutrients. In nature, calcium has a small electrical charge. Since our body absorbs only a certain amount of charged particles at a time, the presence of calcium can cause a slower temporary absorption rate of other charged minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc.

Reduced absorption of these minerals may not seriously affect the body and cause nutritional deficiencies, but some nutritionists recommend taking them separately, with a gap of at least two hours before or after taking calcium supplements or eating calcium-rich foods. mineral.

Use enough calcium may also reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as

colon cancer;

Decreased systolic blood pressure;

Risk of developing osteoporosis;

Obesity and overweight.

An excess of calcium can be just as harmful as a deficiency. Eating too much calcium can lead to kidney stones and constipation. Some studies have linked excess calcium to an increased risk of prostate cancer and almost doubles the risk of heart failure.

daily intake of calcium

Calcium is a mineral and cannot be produced by the body. The necessary content of this element is crucial for health.


Consider the causes of deficiency and the main symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body. Calcium deficiency, of course, can develop in both women and men, but women most often face this problem. With malnutrition, such a problem can appear in childhood. We also give a list of some products that will help fill the lack of calcium without leading to serious consequences.


Causes of calcium deficiency in the body

The occurrence of calcium deficiency in the body may be associated with a decrease in calcium intake from food due to wrong choice products and their combinations, with accelerated excretion from the body, as well as with hormonal disorders.

What can reduce the absorption of calcium from food:

  1. High phosphorus content in food. At normal conditions the ratio between calcium and phosphorus is 1:1. The most phosphorus-rich foods are yeast, soybeans, liver dishes, cocoa, and wheat germ. At modern image life, you can often find a diet in which the ratio between calcium and phosphorus is 1:10. Do not forget that the bioavailability of phosphorus is 2.5 times higher than that of calcium.
  2. The reason for the decrease in digestibility with in large numbers phosphorus consists in the formation of salts with low bioavailability with calcium. Accordingly, the mineralization of bones is disturbed, and the excretion of calcium in the urine also increases.

  3. Calcium absorption can interfere with meals with high content rich fatty acids. With excessive use of such fats, calcium in the gastrointestinal tract forms insoluble compounds and safely leaves the body. normal ratio calcium and fat in food is considered to be 1:100. Don't get carried away and low fat foods, because of which calcium is absorbed worse. It is better to add 10% cream than to consume skim milk.
  4. At breastfeeding the child absorbs 65% of calcium, when using artificial mixtures— only 50%.

  5. Many types of dietary fiber found in fruits and vegetables can reduce calcium intake in the body. At the same time, pectin does not affect its absorption in any way.
  6. fans wheat bran also run the risk of not receiving the desired element. This property wheat products even used in the treatment of conditions associated with increased absorption of calcium in the intestine.
  7. It is worth giving preference to products with low content oxalic acid, as it interferes with the absorption of calcium. For example, from spinach you will get only 5% of the available calcium.
  8. The diet should include foods such as broccoli, white cabbage, turnips. This is especially vital for people who, due to allergies, cannot consume milk and milk products.

  9. An additional obstacle may be substances that neutralize hydrochloric acid gastric juice. For example, soda and any alkalis.
  10. Do not get carried away with sugar and other simple carbohydrates.
  11. Unbalanced diets cause vitamin D deficiency in food, which disrupts calcium metabolism in the body.

The reason for the lack of calcium in the body can be its increased excretion. Calcium is excreted through gastrointestinal tract with bile, excreted by the kidneys and a small amount of with sweat. Some products in our regular daily diet can significantly increase urinary calcium loss.

What can increase the excretion of calcium by the kidneys:

  1. Excess consumption of caffeine and increased content sodium in foods;
  2. The use of carbohydrates and proteins in excess of the norm. For example, for every exceeding physiological norm 50 g of protein we increase calcium losses by 60 mg;
  3. Elevated insulin levels can also increase calcium loss.

In addition to insulin, calcium metabolism is affected by:

  1. Long-term treatment with glucocorticosteroids (GCS) leads to a decrease in bone mineralization, the risk of developing osteoporosis. These drugs affect the absorption of calcium and suppress the cells that form bone tissue.
  2. Relevant for women normal level estrogen. It is the decrease in these hormones in the blood serum that most often leads to osteoporosis.
  3. Testosterone and growth hormone, on the contrary, do their best to ensure that calcium does not leave us.

The main signs and symptoms of calcium deficiency

The main store of calcium in our body is bones. With a deficiency of this element in our food, the body first painlessly borrows from there. Prolonged lack of dietary calcium can lead to osteoporosis. According to statistics, we consume an average of 400 mg of calcium with food, although physiological needs reach 1200 mg per day.

The main manifestations of calcium deficiency in children:

  • increased tendency to fractures, rickets;
  • development of caries, dysplasia of teeth;
  • recurrent muscle pain, cramps;
  • slow overall development;
  • frequent illnesses;
  • allergic conditions;
  • the appearance of acne, boils;

Signs of calcium deficiency in adults:

  • development of osteoporosis, frequent fractures;
  • decline in growth over time;
  • deterioration in the condition of the teeth;
  • brittle nails;
  • violation of the sensitivity of the hands and feet;
  • intermittent seizures;
  • painful menstruation;
  • increased nervousness, irritability, anxiety;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased fatigue, decreased mood;
  • decreased mental activity;
  • allergic manifestations, eczema;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • frequent colds, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • gastroesophageal reflux often develops.

How to make up for calcium deficiency in the body

Due to the high needs of the body, it is necessary to include foods rich in calcium in the diet daily. Almost half of the calcium comes to us with dairy products. Most of it comes from cheese, milk and yogurt. It is quite problematic to close the need with the help of other products, therefore it is often recommended to enrich the diet with dietary supplements and calcium preparations.

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