What does it mean when menstruation is brown. Menses brown. On the video about the discharge

menstruation healthy woman characterized by regularity and homogeneity, which allows us to evaluate the state of reproductive system. During menstruation, the girl can do this on her own, since the discharge is available for inspection. Normally they look like venous blood, but in some diseases, instead of the usual picture, various deviations are observed.

Why menstruation Brown? In some women, from the first menstruation, they have a similar color, which is explained by the characteristics of their body. If they do not cause additional unpleasant symptoms, then you should not worry. You can consult a gynecologist for prevention purposes to exclude pathological causes such allocations.

The situation is different if the menstrual blood suddenly or gradually changes its characteristics. More often, instead of ordinary blood, the appearance dark discharge, or there are thicker periods. For some gynecological diseases these symptoms are the only signs of pathology. If a woman is not too attentive to her health, then the disease can be severely triggered. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should know the normal properties of menstrual blood and the reasons for their change.

Menstruation is normal

With the help of this physiological phenomenon Every month a woman's body removes an egg from the uterine cavity. At the same time, the inner layer (endometrium) is updated, which grows monthly under the influence of sex hormones. The menstrual cycle is created by nature to carry out fertilization - if it does not occur, then the woman's genitals "get rid" of changes. Accordingly, at normal level hormones and no changes in the uterus, the discharge will resemble normal blood.

During menstruation, women usually pay attention to their color, which rarely changes during life. But there are other characteristics that fully describe the normal properties:

  1. The main characteristic is the duration, it should not be less three days or more than a week. Violation of their duration means that not everything is in order with the hormonal background. It is from the sex hormones that the correct regulation of the cycle depends.
  2. Menstruation is normal without discomfort- but there may be a slight malaise or weakness, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. The appearance of severe pain during this period indicates a gynecological pathology.
  3. Dark red or red-brown periods are a good sign. They must contain fresh blood so they shouldn't be too dark.
  4. The largest volume is released at the beginning of menstruation, and the rest of the time the amount of separated blood gradually decreases. If it is released too much during the entire period or the discharge is scanty, then endometrial disease can be suspected.
  5. The selections should be homogeneous - uneven color, inclusions in the form large clots indicate problems with separation of the inner layer. Black menstruation directly indicates the disease - they occur when blood coagulates inside the vessels of the uterus.
  6. The menstrual cycle is constant - discharge begins at certain period. Black discharge after or before menstruation may not be related to the cycle, since the source of blood may not depend on sex hormones.

Brown menstruation may be a variant of the norm, since the discharge contains various impurities - destroyed cells, mucus and blood clots.

Reasons for changing the color of menstruation

There may be a clarification of menstrual blood - normally, this process is observed in a woman after childbirth or before menopause. It's connected with hormonal changes, which leads to insufficient "ripening" of the endometrium during the cycle. When the period of discharge comes, this immature layer contains insufficient vessels. Therefore, menstruation becomes pale - they contain little blood.

More often instead normal blood appears darker - this is caused by its folding inside the uterine cavity. The reasons provoking the development of this process affect the vessels of the inner shell. At the same time, the blood in them begins to form many clots, forming black discharge. Normally, in women, menstruation should not collapse.

Inflammatory diseases

The development of this process rarely begins on its own - the defeat of the inner lining of the uterus begins against the background of other diseases. A decrease in immunity means a lot, since the uterine cavity communicates with environment through the neck. Therefore, inflammation is usually caused coli- bacteria that live in digestive tract. With a decrease defensive forces of the body, they penetrate the vagina, and can move further - to the endometrium:

  • There are signs of endometritis - fever, fever, pain in the lower abdomen.
  • When they are recognized in a timely manner, the disease can be cured without consequences. Otherwise, the process becomes lengthy, which leads to permanent changes in the functional layer of the uterus.
  • A little later, menstrual disorders join - menstruation is brown.
  • Instead of normal secretions, a bloody substance appears, which has a smearing character and bad smell.
  • The color change is caused by inflammation - endometrial growth processes are disrupted during the cycle. To a meager amount of blood is added excess amount mucus and dead cells.

Instead of life position“It will pass by itself” you should choose a different tactic - contact a gynecologist. He will appoint the right combination antibiotics and procedures that will eliminate inflammation. Postponing treatment indefinitely can lead young and "healthy" women to infertility.

It is important to eliminate the cause of endometritis, since the persistence of violations in the immune system will cause an exacerbation of the disease in the near future.


This disease is characterized complex mechanism development - its causes of development are not fully understood. It is based on the spread of cells of the inner lining of the uterus to atypical places - literally to any part of the body. More often they move within the genital organs - into the fallopian tubes, cervix or vagina.

Increases the risk of the disease by conducting medical abortions and caesarean section- with these manipulations, endometrial cells can fall on other tissues.

Since they have the properties of the endometrium, they are able to form secretions under the action of sex hormones. But blood is obtained with other characteristics, in contrast to the norm:

  • Black discharge before menstruation is possible, since these defective cells have excessive activity. In conditions that do not correspond to the uterine cavity, the blood coagulates rapidly. It does not mix with special mucus and cells, so it quickly becomes black.
  • Black discharge is often combined with other unpleasant symptoms- pain, weakness, fever.
  • With this disease, a woman may lose excess blood, which is lost through areas with abnormal activity of these cells. Repeated repetition of such events causes exhaustion in a woman, making her susceptible to other diseases.

Treatment of the disease is usually surgical - areas of abnormal cells are removed or cauterized. Elimination of such a focus leads to recovery - the menstrual cycle normalizes, and black menstruation disappears. But women are monitored for a long time to avoid recurrence of the disease.


Any neoplasms in the uterine cavity are an obstacle to the normal outflow of menstrual blood. Often they themselves become a source of bleeding. In tumors, a different structure of vessels is noted - arteries and veins are tangles with fragile walls. This explains their instability to damage - even an increase blood pressure may lead to bleeding.

Therefore, instead of normal menstruation, black periods may occur, containing many clots - blood clots. Tumors can be benign and malignant, which causes differences in their clinical manifestations:

  • Bloody discharge, as a symptom, rarely depends on the course of the cycle - they can occur at other times.
  • This allows you to confuse the natural onset of menstruation, which is masked by periodic discharge during the cycle.
  • Bleeding is characteristic of twisting of the polyp stem or collapse malignant tumor- cancer.
  • At the same time, blood begins to enter the uterine cavity from the vessels of the neoplasms, which quickly coagulates. This explains why black periods occur - clots fall into normal discharge, painting them dark.

Malignant tumors of the uterus have an unpleasant feature - they almost do not appear. Late treatment dramatically worsens the prognosis, as these tumors rapidly spread into the abdominal cavity. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of a tumor, you should consult a gynecologist.

Venereal diseases

Some pathogens of sexually transmitted infections affect the inner lining of the uterus. They cause the development of a slow inflammatory process there, which changes the nature of the discharge:

  • The causative agents of gonorrhea and chlamydia cause the formation of multiple small sores on the surface of the endometrium.
  • Their surface bleeds, gradually becoming covered with a layer dark clots blood.
  • Inflammation increases the secretion of mucus, which contains dead epithelial cells (pus).
  • Mixing this substance with menstrual blood causes brown periods, also containing bacterial cells.

The lack of treatment for these diseases leads to infertility, as dense adhesions form inside the uterus. They prevent the fertilization of the egg, as they close the lumen of the fallopian tubes. Therefore, you should protect yourself during sex with condoms, and also contact a venereologist at the first suspicion of these diseases.

Health should be treated in a balanced way. It is important not to worry too much about the little things, but also not to turn a blind eye to symptoms that may seem minor at first.

Every girl has to follow the flow menstrual cycle- its duration, volume of allocations and other indicators. If, unexpectedly, instead of the usual bleeding on the first day of menstruation, a woman observes brown discharge, the question arises: “What is this? Is it just a minor detail or something to seriously worry about?

Normal pattern of menstruation

Each woman may have her own characteristics with regard to the cycle. You should not consider a factor as a problem if it distinguishes you, for example, from your girlfriend. Some characteristics are the same for all healthy women.

Normal periods should:

  • Be red;
  • Have no smell;
  • Have a discharge volume of about 30-60 ml per day.

If a woman notices brown discharge on the first day of her period, then something is definitely happening in the body. Serious or not? Should I see a doctor or wait for the next menstruation to observe their character?

Let's try to figure out the reasons that can provoke the appearance brown discharge during menstruation. Let's talk about what can be done.

Some reasons and your actions

If brown discharge began on the first day of menstruation, you should not panic, but analyze some of the reasons by which such a change can be caused.

  • Pregnancy. In a situation where a woman has regular sex and does not use contraception, pregnancy is a very likely factor. In this case, menstruation may be delayed and after some time, discharge may appear, taken for menstruation. In this case, brown discharge may indicate the completed conception and the fixation of the embryo in the endometrium of the uterus. To make sure of this, it is worth buying a pregnancy test. Maybe you - future mom. Whether this is a cause for concern or not is up to you.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. If brown discharge on the first day of menstruation is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, this can bode danger. Confirmed fears or not, abnormal color of discharge and pain- symptoms that are more than enough for a visit to the doctor. An ectopic pregnancy can lead to lethal outcome so don't hesitate to take action.
  • Large loads. Many women for a certain time are constantly subject to overwork. This can lead to a number of menstrual irregularities. If on the first day of menstruation the color of the discharge differs from the usual, then the reason for this may be precisely excessive active image life. If a woman has a habit of traveling a lot, hiking and getting adrenaline different ways, then this pleasure should be limited. The body makes it clear that such a load is not “up to it”. Any severe or prolonged stress can cause brown discharge on the first day of menstruation. In this case, it will not be superfluous to contact a specialist and start using sedatives.
  • Taking medications. If your period has just begun, and you observe brown discharge, then this may be caused by taking certain medications. It is worth analyzing the situation. Since the discharges changed character for the first time, have you begun to apply from the time last menstrual period some medications? Many women who wanted to become slimmer started taking diet pills. This led to malfunctions in the reproductive system and instead of the usual discharge on the first day of menstruation, they received brown marks on the linen. Stop taking new drugs for a while and consult with a specialist - perfect solution that can help establish normal menstruation.
  • Hormonal birth control. If you have recently started taking new hormonal pills in order to prevent pregnancy, then menstruation may begin with unusual, brown discharge. The body gets used to the drugs for a certain period and soon the menstruation will become habitual. If selection dark color does not stop, then you need to see a doctor.

When does discharge indicate illness?

Sometimes the appearance of brown discharge on the first day of menstruation may indicate the development serious illnesses genitals. In such cases, health is great danger. To avoid sad consequences, noticing something wrong in the work of the body, it is necessary, immediately, to consult a doctor. It is better to be overly cautious than to pay for self-confidence with your life. What diseases can menstruation brown tint?

  1. endothermite. So called inflammatory processes occurring in the uterus. With this disease, brown vaginal discharge can be seen by a woman not only on the first day of menstruation, but throughout the entire menstrual cycle.
  2. endometritis. The disease occurs due to the growth of cells of the inner layer of the uterus in muscle tissue organ.
  3. The occurrence of uterine polyps. This disease is provoked by inflammatory processes and hormonal disorders. In this case, the mucous membrane of the organ suffers. Dark brown discharge can be one of the symptoms of the development of this disease.
  4. polycystic ovary syndrome. This disease can make a woman infertile. If brown discharge on the first day of menstruation bothers you for more than the first cycle, you should urgently go to the gynecologist for an examination.

Consultation of specialists is mandatory in almost all cases when brown discharge appears during menstruation, instead of the usual bleeding. Most often, this phenomenon indicates violations in the body. Now consider situations in which dark discharge is not a cause for undue concern.

How old are you?

In girls, the nature of menstruation can change from month to month. This trend continues for a year after menahre (first menstruation). Considering constant hormonal changes in a maturing body, you should not overreact to the appearance of brown discharge instead of normal monthly bleeding.

No need to be too puzzled and women aged 38-45 years, when the period of perimenopause comes. At this time, the body also undergoes significant changes. The menstrual cycle becomes unstable, and menstruation comes "once every other time." The appearance of dark discharge may be the result of a hormonal imbalance characteristic of this age.

In any case, do not be too self-confident. If dark brown discharge on the first day of menstruation continues for long period and are accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms, you can’t hesitate to visit a gynecologist!

Is brown periods normal or something to worry about? Let's figure it out. Scarlet blood is fresh. If a woman marks herself copious discharge scarlet - this almost always means a lot of blood loss. And if these discharges began earlier than the expected days of menstruation, then almost always we are talking O breakthrough bleeding and need urgent appeal to the doctor.

The color of menstruation is normal - red, maroon. The blood darkens a little as it oxidizes. The fact that the blood is not scarlet indicates that the discharge lingers for some time in the uterus, vagina, that is, there is time for oxidation.

But what do brown periods say. The fact that the selection is scarce. This may be a variant of the norm if a woman has the 1-2nd day of menstruation or, conversely, the last 1-2 days. Rarely observed monthly brown with clots, they are usually small. At the same time, this may be when taking hormonal contraceptives. Some women scanty menstruation- is the norm. They are healthy, get pregnant and give birth without any problems. It is worth worrying if the total amount of blood loss during menstruation is less than 30 grams, then you should do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and take tests for hormones. But only if it is observed outside of taking contraceptives.
Brown periods after a delay or, conversely, very heavy discharge are often observed in adolescent girls while the menstrual cycle is established. And it lasts up to two years after menarche (first menstruation).

You can also consider brown discharge instead of menstruation as a sign possible pregnancy. Naturally, those women who had unprotected intercourse. But without fanaticism. If the test showed a negative result, then for sure there is no pregnancy. Brown periods on the first day are the norm for many women. Now such modern diagnostic tests are being sold that do not make mistakes and show correct result even a little before the start of a delay in menstruation. A weak second line should be considered as a positive result.

Spotting brown discharge can be with an ectopic and missed pregnancy. Signs of an ectopic pregnancy at first are a weak increase in hCG. This is very clearly seen on a blood test taken in dynamics. And some women notice this when they take pregnancy tests. When the second, control strip, indicating pregnancy, does not become brighter with repeated tests. But the second method is considered unreliable. The main thing is that it is not visible on ultrasound gestational sac at enough high level HCG. In area fallopian tube if the fetal egg implanted in it, there may be soreness. If nothing is done, everything ends with a rupture of the fallopian tube and emergency operation. And it's good if everything works out.

If brown periods occur during a pregnancy that has ceased to develop, it is no longer so scary. Although, if tightened with curettage, the removal of the fetal egg from the uterus may occur inflammatory process. Signs of a missed pregnancy are the absence of an increase in hCG or even its decrease. The embryo does not have a heartbeat, this can be seen with ultrasound. Subjective signs - toxicosis disappears, the chest becomes softer.

Non-pregnancy reasons why menstruation is brown is a lack of weight. When a girl is too thin, too few hormones are produced in her body. This requires, among other things, adipose tissue, which in this case few. Menstruation may disappear altogether. The girl is infertile. The situation is normalized with weight gain to normal.

Changes in the nature of menstruation after childbirth. Especially if the woman is breastfeeding. In this case, menstruation may be completely absent. And some women get brown periods after giving birth, which is sometimes a surprise. In this case, it is necessary to check for pregnancy. It can occur even before the arrival of the first menstruation after childbirth. Even if a woman breastfeeds her baby often, on demand.

The appearance of brown discharge on the first day of menstruation is not necessarily pathological symptom. However, it is necessary mandatory inspection gynecologist to rule out diseases.

Causes of brown discharge on the first day of menstruation

One of the fairly common complaints when contacting a gynecologist is that a woman sometimes has brown discharge on the first day of menstruation. There are many reasons for this. In some cases, this condition is quite normal, in others it is a symptom serious illnesses.

To find out what causes the failure of the menstrual cycle, it is important to know its physiological course. When a woman is fully established monthly cycle, has become permanent, then menstruation should begin painlessly and last an average of 3-5 days. Normally, the interval between bleedings is from three weeks to 35 days, and the bleeding volume is from 50 and not more than 150 ml. In this case, the discharge should not have a pungent odor, be accompanied by itching, cutting and burning.

When the cycle is fully formed, a woman needs to monitor its regularity, mark it on the calendar right days. It is advisable to write down all its deviations from the usual in order to know the episodic or permanent nature, since this is a guarantee of a general and reproductive health women.

Physiological causes of brown discharge

The appearance of such secretions is quite normal during the period of the first menstruation, when the teenage girl has not yet fully established.

The reproductive system is still immature, the balance of hormones has not been formed and their concentration is still insufficient. Therefore, menstruation is not yet regular, meager (hypomenorrhea), appear weak brownish discharge V .

The period of reaching or becoming menopause is manifested by such brown discharge. It's all about fading away normal function ovaries and the female reproductive system as a whole.

It is quite acceptable when, before the onset of menstruation or within 1-2 days after their termination, scant discharge is noted, which has a brownish tint.

Such a phenomenon is not considered pathological, provided that the duration of the discharge takes no more than 3-4 days, is not accompanied by pain, burning, itching. General state should remain satisfactory, and there is no unpleasant odor in the discharge.

When a woman uses to prevent pregnancy oral contraceptives or hormonal spiral, then instead of menstruation, the so-called appears. It looks like a scanty brown staining discharge that appears in the first days of the expected menstruation.

If a sexually active woman found the occurrence of brown discharge on the first day of menstruation, then the cause of this may be the onset of pregnancy. Sometimes its onset occurs imperceptibly and is manifested only by a delay. Otherwise, such discharge indicates the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

Polycystic ovaries can be manifested by the fact that a woman had normal periods, and then suddenly menstruation appeared dark brown several cycles in a row.


If a woman has, the doctor will prescribe corrective hormonal treatment.

Hormonal disorders due to medication are corrected by changing the drug or changing its dose. If the failure caused endocrine pathology, then the underlying disease is treated.

Stress as the cause of brown discharge requires an appointment sedatives. You may need to consult a neurologist, psychologist and psychotherapist.

At inflammatory diseases uterus are assigned antimicrobials, antihistamines.

polyps, ectopic pregnancy need surgical treatment. There are modern laparoscopic operations that are much less traumatic than classical ones and allow you to quickly return to your normal lifestyle.


Deviations of the normal menstrual cycle are both symptoms of various gynecological diseases, and can be completely physiological causes. Brown discharge that appeared during menstruation is one such example. Do not panic, but it is better to immediately seek help from a specialist and undergo a full examination.

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Normally, menstruation should have a dark red color and a slightly sour smell. Daily rate secretions is, as a rule, several tens of milliliters.

Dark and scanty periods - this means that the discharge of blood has a brownish tint, they are very rare (less than 50 ml per day), often take the form of spotting discharge, which is not normal for normal menstruation. Sometimes these are accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Dark color they acquire due to the fact that, starting to flow from the uterine cavity, the blood coagulates and, as a result, darkens.

Scanty periods are often combined with:

  • pains of a cramping nature in;
  • headache;
  • pain in the lumbar;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • vomiting.

It happens that meager periods are passed from mother to daughter along the family line. In this case, we cannot talk about any pathologies, this is quite normal phenomenon, which will not affect either the health of the woman or the pregnancy.

Causes of dark, scanty periods

Why are periods black and scanty? This has a row the following reasons:

  • disorders of endometrial production (due to acute or chronic inflammation, abortion, genital tuberculosis, etc.);
  • pathologies in the functioning of the ovaries and pituitary gland;
  • violations at work endocrine system, diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland (as a result - hormonal failure);
  • anemia;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the body;
  • suffered injuries or;
  • violations metabolic processes(weight loss or weight gain)
  • pregnancy (including ectopic);
  • psycho-emotional experiences, stress, nervous diseases;
  • interruption of sexual life for a long time;
  • improper selection of contraceptives.

Very meager periods are a common occurrence in infantilism, which is characterized by improper maturation of the genital organs, a stop in their development at adolescence, or when birth defects genitals. Infantilism must be treated, otherwise a woman will never be able to give birth to children.

Sexually transmitted diseases can be the reason why menstruation becomes scarce. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the often associated venereal diseases symptoms:

  • pain with;
  • itching or burning sensation in the perineum or vagina;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • strange smell.

Read also 🗓 Very scanty periods after a delay

During pregnancy, scanty dark-colored discharge with a simultaneous increase in temperature, malaise, pain in the lower abdomen require an urgent appeal to a gynecologist, because they often portend an imminent miscarriage.

Scanty discharge can also begin in a practically healthy woman due to banal hypothermia or nervous experience.

Whatever caused meager periods, it is impossible to determine their cause, and even more so to try to treat them on your own. If the phenomenon is left unattended, then infertility may develop. In any case, you should consult your doctor.

How does this relate to age?

Most often, age can cause mild periods without violating the norm of health. Main age categories when this phenomenon occurs, are associated with periods of formation and attenuation of the reproductive function in a woman. This:

  • teenage years;
  • climax.

Approximately from the age of 12, the girl's body develops much faster, but the reproductive organs are only at the stage of formation during this period. Ovulation may not occur at all in the first months, and the menstrual cycle may present various “surprises”, such as instability, the duration of more or less normal 4-5 days, the presence of scanty dark-colored secretions, which is due to the endometrium, which in its development differs in adults and adolescents, and the formation of hormonal levels. If the girl does not feel other signs of discomfort, the presence of brown discharge should not be considered a pathology.

At the age of about 50, a woman begins a period hormonal background changes, and the reproductive function fades away. In this regard, the menstrual cycle is modified: it becomes irregular, menstruation is not abundant or active, there are normal or dark (even black) colors. It is always better to seek the advice of a gynecologist. Sometimes it can hide under the guise of the onset of menopause and serious pathology. By the way, in last years there has been a trend towards more early offensive menopause, the first signs of which may appear after crossing the 40-year milestone.

In connection with the formation of the menstrual cycle, scanty ones are also possible after childbirth, especially when breastfeeding a baby, because prolactin, the hormone responsible for lactation, suppresses the production of other hormones important for the normal course of the cycle, and the endometrium develops during the first three months slowly. After the termination breastfeeding on full recovery cycle may take up to six months. If the cycle has not recovered in a year or unusual symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Read also 🗓 Very scanty brown menses cause

Preventive measures

Appearances meager allocations It is easier to prevent than to cure later. Preventive measures include:

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • frequent change of pads and washing, avoiding non-natural means;
  • protection during intercourse with a condom;
  • rejection of low-quality or excessively narrow linen;
  • visiting a gynecologist at least once every 6 months;
  • preference for active healthy lifestyle life.

By following these simple steps, you can save normal work female body, to a certain extent, prevent the occurrence of disorders, pathologies, inflammation in the reproductive and other systems, organs. If meager periods appear, it is absolutely impossible to independently identify their cause, and even more so, it is absolutely impossible to start therapy, this also applies to treatment. folk methods. We must not forget that ignoring the essential signs and symptoms of serious diseases can cause the most severe consequences for the functions of reproduction and childbearing. Therefore, you should be attentive to your health and visit a gynecologist on time.

Having no deviations, normal periods have a number of signs:

  • they must occur regularly every month;
  • blood has a certain color;
  • the discharge should not have a sharp and strange smell;
  • menstruation (both cycle and menstruation) should not be too long;
  • there should not be strong, interfering with the usual way of life, pain.

If any of the above processes occur, you should contact your gynecologist immediately. Scanty dark menstruation, menstrual irregularities - possible signs many female diseases. In the presence of such violations, you should not ignore a visit to the doctor.

Doctors recommend following preventive measures, take care of health, carefully monitor the cycle and nature of menstruation. Indeed, even if menstruation began on time, but is characterized by scarcity, discoloration and a short duration (less than 3 days), this can be caused by the onset of the disease, from the usual beriberi to endometriosis and cervical erosion. And if the situation is ignored, more dangerous consequences are possible, for example, the development of cancer.


Maintaining a woman's health to a large extent depends on her observation. The appearance of dark scanty periods, which in certain cases can be both the norm and symptoms of development various diseases, should not be left unattended.

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