Postpone menses. How to delay menstruation for a couple of days? When help is needed

Natural, that is, occurring without special intervention, a delay in menstruation can occur for several reasons:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • general physical exhaustion;
  • severe psychological stress.

The last two points usually become a delaying factor not intentionally, but as a consequence of a special life situation. Many women note a one-time increase in cycle length after significant nervous disorders, entailing complete loss appetite. An overly active pursuit of harmony also risks leading to violations of the menstrual schedule.

Starving on purpose to delay the onset of menstruation is strongly discouraged: the method is fraught with serious health problems. For the same reason, it is desirable to control stress levels by taking sedatives if necessary.

Among the least dangerous methods allowed by gynecologists are hormonal contraceptives, some drugs, the action of which is based on the first two items in the list above. Traditional medicine also offers a wide range of recipes that promise to push back menstruation.

In any case, when deciding to postpone menstruation, you need to adequately assess the need for such measures: for example, on vacation, it is quite possible to get by with tampons and painkillers.


Oral contraceptives are popular not only because they almost completely protect against unwanted pregnancy. Another significant plus of their use is the alignment of menstruation: the cycle is guaranteed to fit into a period of 28 days. The content of a special number of hormones in tablets allows you to experiment a little with the timing of the onset of periodic bleeding:

  1. If the expected delay is planned much in advance (a month in advance), you can postpone your period for a couple of days, shifting the birth control pill for two days. The cycle will increase slightly once, and then again be reduced to 28 days, provided there are no further violations of the contraceptive schedule;
  2. Monophasic tablets suggest a seven-day break for the onset of withdrawal bleeding. A woman who plans to delay her period for several days should take the first pill from a new pack the next day after the end of the previous one. As a result, menstruation will not begin until a break in the course of the contraceptive follows. It should be borne in mind that the epithelium that is ready to exfoliate must necessarily come out, therefore it is not recommended to delay bleeding in this way for more than a week;
  3. Not all girls take contraceptives all the time, but this does not mean that they cannot be used to delay menstruation. The secret is simple: you should only drink third-phase tablets from a three-phase preparation, and it is better to start taking them a couple of days before the expected menstruation. Hormonal failure will delay menstruation. With this method of delay, one should not forget about additional contraception;
  4. To delay menstruation with a monophasic drug, you need to start taking it at the end of the cycle, 5-6 days before critical days. Such a trick allows you to postpone your period for a week without harm to the body: COC works as a hemostatic agent. Contraception should be taken care of separately.

Having decided to delay menstruation by taking oral contraceptives, it is important to remember that you should not get carried away with a convenient method. The ongoing hormonal failure will not pass without a trace, the body will need time to recover, and constant shifts provoke various reproductive diseases. Therefore, gynecologists strongly advise against resorting to such a measure more than once a year.


Gestagens These are hormone-containing drugs, mainly prescribed for the treatment of infertility, maintaining pregnancy, stabilizing menstrual cycle or contraception. These funds regulate the level of progesterone, on which the discussed effect, the delay in menstruation, can be based.

The technique looks like this: in the middle of the cycle, that is, 14 days before menstruation, you need to start drinking pills, and you should finish on about the day when natural bleeding should have ended. Such subtleties suggest the use of the method only with a clear cycle. A few days after the end of the course, menstruation will begin.


Self-administration of such potent hormonal drugs to yourself in order to delay menstruation inevitably entails serious problems with health, therefore, without prior consultation with a gynecologist, it is impossible to use gestagens to delay menstruation.

In cases where a drug from a number of gestagens is constantly prescribed as a means of contraception, it is possible to slightly shift the period of administration after withdrawal bleeding by delaying the start of a new package.


There are a number of drugs prescribed by gynecologists or other doctors for the treatment of certain diseases and, in addition to their basic properties, have the ability to delay menstruation. Basically, these are hemostatic agents that significantly increase blood viscosity in short term. High blood clotting can turn into a serious danger for ladies suffering from heart and kidney disease, diabetes, asthma, obesity.

The free sale of a drug in a pharmacy without a prescription does not mean the safety of its use, it is necessary to take into account the diseases in the anamnesis. Here is the list pharmaceuticals, most commonly used to delay menstruation:

Norcalut In medicine, it is used to regulate the menstrual cycle with significant deviations from the norm. If there are no such problems, the effect will be the opposite. Norkolut to delay menstruation begins to drink in the middle of the cycle, without stopping the intake for two weeks: menstruation will go a week late. The second option for using Norcalut is to take it directly during menstruation in order to significantly reduce the amount of discharge. This technique is more gentle compared to the first;

dufaston it hormonal medicine does not affect ovulation and pregnancy in any way, it is used in the treatment of endometriosis. The main task of Duphaston is to slow down the growth of the endometrium and its rejection. Accordingly, critical days healthy woman thanks to this means they will arrive much later than usual. Recommended regimen: 2 tablets daily from the middle of the cycle and you can forget about menstruation during the holidays. Duphaston does not increase blood viscosity, which is a definite plus, reducing the number of contraindications. Possible side effects: heaviness in the liver, headaches, allergies;

Dicynon It is prescribed once a year as a platelet stimulator, more than frequent use threatens to turn into thrombosis. It quickly thickens the blood and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, it is indicated for women suffering from excessively abundant secretions and internal bleeding. To delay menstruation, the medicine is drunk 5 days before they begin, the duration of the course for longer than a week is undesirable. Often, ladies who have used Dicinon complain of dizziness, nausea, numbness. lower extremities. The strength of the ailments that have arisen may negate all the benefits of the desired delay;

Tranexam The active substance, tranexamic acid, coagulates the blood, and therefore provides a significant reduction in critical days. To achieve this result, the tablets are drunk 3-4 times a day, starting from the first day of bleeding. Tranexam is not taken as a means of delay, but with an increase in the dose, it is able to suspend menstruation for a day. The drug is excreted through the urinary system, so it is not suitable for ladies with diseased kidneys.

Folk methods to delay menstruation

A century earlier, long before the modern progress of medicine, our grandmothers knew how to push back periods with the help of herbs, roots, and certain products. Folk remedies have not lost their relevance even now, because there are much fewer contraindications to them than to hormonal drugs. Thinking about how to delay menstruation without harm to health, you should trust proven recipes:

Lemon Great amount vitamin C in yellow citrus strengthens the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic. You can delay your period by eating a large number of lemons and dramatically increasing the level of vitamin C in the body. Few people are able to gnaw sour lemons like apples, so folk healers advise cutting the fruit into slices, mixing with honey, and then eating it. Fortunately, in any pharmacy you can buy ascorbic acid - it overtakes lemon in terms of content. essential vitamin and very easy to use. It is better to start taking it in advance, a couple of days before menstruation, then it will move at least a day;

Parsley decoction The remedy is a diuretic, but at the same time it thickens the blood. You need to take 40 g of fresh herbs, finely chop, then pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. After cooling, strain the product. 4-5 days before menstruation, start drinking half a glass of decoction twice a day before meals. Diseases urinary system and low blood pressure will become a contraindication to the use of decoction;

Nettle decoction It has long been advised to women who ask how to delay menstruation. It is very simple to prepare the product: put half a liter of water on the fire, bring to a boil, throw in 5-6 tablespoons of dry nettle leaves, boil 5 min. Strain after cooling. Take the same as parsley;

Water pepper It is used as a decoction to delay menstruation. For 40 g of dried leaves, half a liter is taken hot water, the composition is boiled for 5 minutes, and then insisted under a tightly closed lid for 2-3 hours. Drink half a glass three times a day.

A substitute for decoction can be a tincture sold in pharmacies. It is drunk 1 teaspoon before each meal. Using such a remedy, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the body - the risk of allergies is high.

In addition to these, there is another remedy - for the most desperate. The method is simple and allows you not to keep the names in memory medicinal herbs: baths with ice water postpone critical days. It was believed that it was worth lowering your legs for a few minutes in a basin of icy water, and the problem was solved. However, there is a flip side to the coin: the remedy can cause a cold or even inflammation of the ovaries - that's the price of simplicity.

No matter how important the reason why she decided to postpone her period may seem to a woman, first of all, you should take care of your own health. This rule applies to folk methods, and the most modern medicines. The menstrual cycle is very easy to break, but sometimes difficult to restore.

Are you planning a grand celebration, a wedding, or are you going to the sea for a weekend? Such plans can easily destroy "these very women's days”, coming often so at the wrong time. But there is a way out! Let's talk about How can you delay your period for a few days without harming your body?

The main thing in the article

Can I delay my period for one, two or more days at home?

If a woman is healthy and her menstrual cycle is stable, then it is quite possible to “cheat” and delay the onset of menstruation at home. True, this should often not be done, since you can knock down your menstrual cycle, and this is a direct path to gynecological diseases (myoma,). The only exceptions are those cases where we are talking oh because of medical indications(severe bleeding, anemia).

To help cope with the problem of delay can:

  • medicinal preparations;
  • folk remedies.

We will consider both methods in more detail below.

What can I do to delay my period?

One of the simplest and effective ways delay the onset of menstruation these are medicines but also side effects they have the biggest ones. Therefore, each representative of the fair sex should think carefully whether it is worth the risk, and before taking it, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Less dangerous folk recipes, but no one can give a 100% result. Since they help some representatives of the weaker sex, while others "remain offended", as evidenced by the discussion of funds from the people at various women's forums.

How to delay menstruation for a day?

Female sex hormones are responsible for the entire menstrual cycle, and therefore the delay depends directly on them. Taking hormonal agents containing progestogen (progestins, gestagens) gives an almost 100% guarantee of the absence of menstruation on time. You can find these hormones in contraceptives ().

You need to start taking them from the middle of the menstrual cycle, and stop on the day when the period should begin on time. This method can lead to delay up to five days. In cases of choosing a single-phase contraceptive to delay menstruation, it is necessary to take one pill per day. She will not be able to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, but on the day of the “planned” onset of menstruation, the rejection of these pills will give delay for 1-3 days.

How to delay menstruation for a few days and a week?

All the same are able to get rid of menstruation for a fairly long period of time. According to the instructions, in order to avoid an unwanted pregnancy and not have negative impact on the body, contraceptives are drunk in courses with interruptions. But if you drink them non-stop, skipping recommended breaks, then there will simply be no menstruation at all. The cycle will resume only after the end of taking the pills.

Gynecologists warn that the reception contraceptives without interruption can adversely affect women's health, and do not recommend taking such funds for more than 2 months.

Drugs and pills that delay menstruation

Medicine offers a whole line of drugs that can delay the onset of menstruation. True, their direct purpose is the treatment of some gynecological diseases, but the side effect is . With stable use of such drugs, the absence blood secretions lasts long enough. Let's take a look at these tools below.

How to take duphaston to delay menstruation?

Duphaston- a hormonal medicine that allows you to delay menstruation for a period up to a week. Remember that this is not, so you should not be careless in terms of sex. Its main task is to solve the problem of endometriosis. It acts on the uterine mucosa, which contributes to increased output progesterone.

To delay, you need to start taking Duphaston in the middle of the cycle, two tablets per day. The method is considered quite safe, since the components of the drug do not affect blood viscosity and do not provoke its stagnation in the pelvic organs.

Vikasol for delaying menstruation

Vikasol to delay critical days is accepted 2 tablets per day. The drug is a hemostatic and purposefully works on the formation of a blood clot to stop bleeding. It is impossible to use the drug for a long time to delay, since the blood of menstruation should physiological norms go outside and this remedy contributes to their blocking inside the female body. After a while, the plasma begins to decompose, provoking inflammatory processes.

Dicynon for delaying menstruation

Dicynon discharged to strengthen vascular walls, thickening of the lymph, stimulation of the appearance of platelets. It is used for bleeding, and women use dicynone to delay menstruation. But it should be remembered that Dicinon can provoke such side effects as:

  • hypertension;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • rash;
  • limb numbness.

Dicinon should be drunk 5 days before the "start" of menstruation.

Utrozhestan for delaying menstruation

How to take askorutin to delay menstruation?

In gynecology askorutin accept at heavy bleeding during menstruation. This vitamin complex has a high content of vitamins P and C. If menstruation occurs with complications, then the drug is taken a few days before the start of the cycle, and then continue the course for another 1-2 weeks. In healthy women, this intake of ascorutin causes a delay for about 4 days.

How to take tranexam to delay menstruation?

Tranexam prescribed to women with strong profuse discharge. But subject to an increase in dosage and taking more than 500 mg per day menstruation stops completely. You should be careful when using it, as the consequences can be unpredictable.

Norkolut to delay menstruation

Norkolut produces a directed action on the regulation of the menstrual cycle. It is prescribed to women if a fact is present. If everything is fine with this, then it renders reverse effect. That is the beginning taking Norkolut 14-15 days before menstruation can delay the "meeting" with them for 5-7 days. It is also quite often taken by women with heavy discharge during menstruation, as it helps to reduce the amount of discharge.

How long can trimedat delay menstruation?

This drug is aimed at eliminating disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and, as a side effect, has a violation of the menstrual cycle. His reception can both keep and cause menstruation. As for the timing of the delay, then everything is individual and depends on the duration of taking trimedat.

Can candles delay periods?

can affect the menstrual cycle and provoke a delay, but provided that the suppositories are aimed at stopping bleeding, help strengthen the vascular walls, or are hormonal.

How to delay menstruation with birth control pills?

In addition to the direct purpose - protection from unwanted pregnancy, these funds are often used to delay menstruation. For this, they simply do not take a break between courses. Such effects can delay menstruation for a week, or even until the next cycle.

How to delay menstruation folk remedies

Not so long ago everything human diseases and physiological abnormalities were treated exclusively by folk medicine. And today her recipes are widely used and how self therapy, And How aid at conservative treatment. Consider options from the people that will help delay critical days.

Nettle decoction

The most popular way from our grandmothers, which helped postpone the arrival of menstruation by a few days. To prepare it, you need to stock up on dry nettle grass. You can collect it yourself or buy ready-made grass in a pharmacy.

For 0.5 l of broth you will need 5 tablespoons of chopped nettle. Boil the herb for 5 minutes and leave for 1-3 hours.

Drink nettle decoction as a tea, starting from the middle of the cycle. Also, such a remedy will alleviate the condition of women with prolonged, profuse discharge.

Lemon - an assistant in delaying menstruation

Traditional medicine uses to delay lemon because he is rich vitamin C(vitamin C). The concentration of this element in lemon helps to delay menstruation. for 2-3 days. Of course, not everyone can eat a lemon without anything, so it is recommended to use it with sugar or honey. Eat this fruit increased quantities follows 5 days before the planned day of the onset of menstruation.

In other words, you can eat not only lemons, but also other foods containing maximum amount ascorbic acid. But it should be warned that this method does not work for everyone, so do not be too upset if the allocations begin on time.

Decoction of water pepper

water pen c - a source of vitamin K, which is the main element that promotes blood clotting (thickening).

A decoction is made from the herb in the following proportion: 2 tbsp water pepper + 1 tbsp boiling water. Grass pour and let it brew.

It is necessary to take such a decoction 1/3 tbsp three times a day, 10-12 days before planned date start of menstruation. Postponement due to this method can last up to 7 days.

Fees capable of extending "clean days"

Women who dream of extending the time without menstruation, but do not use medical preparations, you need to pay attention to the following herbal recipes:

  • mix the following herbs in equal proportions: yarrow, goose cinquefoil, nettle, valerian (root), burnet (root). The resulting fee is brewed in proportion: 3 tbsp + 0.5 l of boiling water. Infuse the collection for 10 minutes and drink 200 ml 3 times a day. Reception to start a week before the "red" date;
  • the second fee can give delay for 4-7 days. To begin, mix the herbs in equal proportions: mint, shepherd's purse, raspberry leaves. For a glass of boiling water, apply 1 tbsp of a mixture of herbs. Infuse for half an hour and drink half a glass three times a day. You need to start 5 days before the “planned” date.

What neuroleptics delay menstruation?

When conducting latest research it was found that antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics), which lead to an increase in the production of prolactin, can provoke a syndrome such as amenorrhea, in other words, the absence of menstruation. The test group had the following scores:

  • in 70%, the discharge was poor, and the cycles were lengthened;
  • 30% had no periods at all.

It is connected with increased level prolactin, which regulates childbearing function, cycles and ovulation. Therefore, in the treatment of neuroses and other disorders, it is better to refuse such drugs, and use drugs that do not increase the level of prolactin.

Can alcohol delay periods?

Doctors prohibit the intake of alcohol during menstruation, as it causes blood flow to the pelvic region, and strong drinks constrict blood vessels, causing bleeding. The volume of released blood increases, so the conclusion follows, that drinking alcohol before menstruation can trigger their onset.

Does masturbation delay periods?

Experts assure that masturbation does not affect the menstrual cycle in any way. After all, if you look, self-satisfaction in terms of physiological actions differs little from Therefore, this method is not suitable for postponing the onset of menstruation.

Is it possible to delay menstruation for a month or several months and why is it dangerous?

Summing up, let's talk about possible consequences artificial delays in menstruation. Immediately, we note that the date of the onset of menstruation shifted in this cycle will lead to a longer period of discharge in the next one, and the volume of released blood will also increase significantly. The latter fact can cause the development of anemia.

Another terrible consequence of an artificial delay in menstruation for more than a day can be a neurotic process in the uterus, and this threatens with the development of cell necrosis and sepsis.

Any intervention in the physiological process occurring in the body can provoke the appearance serious illnesses, that's why before deciding on such an experiment, weigh all the pros and cons.

The menstrual cycle is absolutely natural process which occurs regularly in every healthy woman. Unfortunately, sometimes this phenomenon happens at an extremely inopportune moment and, accordingly, a logical question arises - is it possible and if so, how to delay menstruation without harm to health?

A little about female physiology

If there are no deviations, the menstrual cycle is quite regular and predictable, but each woman has her own individual characteristics. So, in some women, menstruation proceeds quickly, painlessly and not very plentifully, in others, on the contrary, menstruation is delayed for several days and very plentiful, which makes this period as uncomfortable as possible.

It all depends on the work of the hormonal system of the body. It is the hormones that regulate the whole process. Ideally, starting from the first menstruation, the cycles are repeated regularly every 28-30 days of the month with a duration of 4 days to a week. Sometimes there are violations of the usual rhythm, but if they are temporary and soon everything is restored, there is no reason to worry.

This process is necessary for the female body to renew the uterine mucosa and develop an egg that is waiting for fertilization and, if this does not happen, menstruation occurs - the egg breaks up and, together with the internal endometrium of the uterus, goes out through the vagina.

Most copious discharge observed in the first few days of menstruation, after which the process slows down and by the end of the cycle, the discharge stops. Since these days there is a significant loss of blood, it is desirable to help the body restore it. For this, it is necessary to provide special diet rich in minerals, proteins and vitamins.

The regularity of the cycle can be affected by many of the most various factors including emotional ones. Each woman has her own individual cycle, which can differ significantly from the ideal. Hysteria about this is not worth it, however, if you notice that inexplicable changes are occurring, be sure to contact a competent gynecologist, since such behavior of the body may indicate the development of a pathology that requires treatment. For example, if bleeding increases on the third and subsequent days (should noticeably decrease), there is a chance uterine bleeding, which in turn is caused by some disease.

The menstrual cycle - ways to regulate

Sometimes it happens that it is simply necessary to delay the onset of menstruation, for example, when important competitions fall on these days, holidays at sea and similar situations. It is quite possible to do this, however, this can only be done after advice from a gynecologist and, in no case, not to do it regularly, since a gross intervention in physiological processes can be dangerous.

There are a number of drugs, taking which you can postpone your period for a week or a few days. All of them are hormonal in nature, since they must affect hormonal system. The first phase of menstruation is characterized by an abundance of estrogen, and later progesterone begins to be actively produced. There is a special delicate balance between them, breaking which you can delay your period for a couple of days, and sometimes even longer.

Medical methods

To begin with, it’s worth saying that a delayed menstrual cycle is possible only a few days before its planned start, but if the process has already begun, you can’t try to stop it, and it’s unlikely to succeed.

Almost all medications used to delay menstruation have another main purpose - to normalize this process. As a rule, these are drugs of three groups of influence - contraceptives, gestagens and hemostatic. Let's consider them in more detail.


In addition to their main purpose, these medicines are often used to restore normal functioning reproductive system women by normalizing hormonal balance.

These drugs are taken in certain courses associated with the woman's monthly cycles with short breaks between them. If you do not take a break and immediately start taking drugs from a new course at the end of the course, you can postpone your period for a week, and sometimes even until a new cycle.

One of the most popular drugs in this series is Jess plus. In addition to protecting against unwanted pregnancy, with the help of this drug, you can regulate the timing and duration of the menstrual cycle. This is achieved by the ability of Jess plus to thicken uterine mucus, and this, in turn, affects the endometrium - it slows down its separation, which means it delays menstruation.

Jess plus in almost every woman allows you to achieve meager periods, because it depresses the physiology of the ovaries, and therefore suppresses hormonal background. In addition, the drug thickens the blood and prevents thickening of the endometrium in the middle period of the monthly cycle, so the discharge becomes much less. The blood quickly coagulates and oxidizes already within the uterus, so when it comes out it acquires a dark brownish tint, which is quite normal.

Another hormonal drug is Regulon. It is taken mainly for conditions causing deficiency sex hormones, but with the help of Regulon, you can also delay your period for several days, up to a week. This drug has positive effect on the processes of lipid metabolism, which means it greatly reduces blood loss during menstruation and slows down its onset.

Utrozhestan also refers to hormonal agents that help in the treatment of infertility and an unstable menstrual cycle. Main active substancefemale hormone progesterone, the level of which affects reproductive processes female body. It is taken only as directed by a gynecologist from about the 16th day of the cycle and up to and including the 25th.

Hormonal agents are very effective, but they must be used very carefully and preferably not often, because with their regular use, the body ceases to independently produce natural hormones and reproductive function fails. It's not only dangerous possible development infertility, but also a whole bunch of female diseases, the most dangerous of them is uterine cancer, which in women who abuse hormonal drugs detected much more frequently than others.

Hence the conclusion - hormonal contraceptives should be taken only for their intended purpose and strictly according to the instructions of the gynecologist who prescribed them.

Medications of the gestagenic series

These drugs are used to prevent ovulation and delay menstruation, as well as, if necessary, exposure to the uterine mucosa, but only as directed by a doctor.

More often than others, Orgametril, Primolut and Prengyl are used. These traditional drugs allow you to get rid of menstruation if you start taking them two weeks before the onset of menstruation and stop taking them a few days before its planned end.

Such funds are quite effective, but they should be used as rarely as possible, otherwise the resumption of the usual monthly cycle may not take place - you will have to be seriously treated.

Hemostatic drugs

There are a lot of such medicines, but almost all of them have similar action. With their proper use - under the supervision of a doctor, these drugs practically do not cause side effects and do not lead to menstrual irregularities.

A number of such medications include Tranexam, Dicinon, Etamhilat, Duphaston and others.

Tranexam is well suited for women whose discharge is very plentiful and prolonged. Here it is very important not to overdo it with the dosage. The drug is very powerful and if you take more than 500 mg per day, menstruation stops completely, but this does not mean that this can be done all the time.

Dicynon is also able to reduce bleeding. It activates platelet formation and improves the condition of the tissues of the walls of blood vessels, which leads to minimization of blood loss.

It is often prescribed to women who have more than 3 days of heavy discharge. The duration of admission is 5 days, and if blood loss is very plentiful and prolonged - 5 or more days, dicynone is taken up to 10 days, 250 mg per day. With the help of Dicinon, you can also delay the onset of menstruation for up to two weeks. For these purposes, a few days before they start, take 500 mg of the drug per day. If you plan to delay your monthly Dicinon tablets, you should know that next cycle usually arrives on time. That is, after taking Dicinon, the next menstruation will not go in 30, but in 15 to 20 days - in the usual time.

Etamzilat - allows not only to delay menstruation for several days, but also greatly reduce their duration and abundance. This medication is used mainly in the form of tablets, but there are also injectable samples. They are used to restore and strengthen blood vessels in case of very heavy bleeding. The drug is very effective, but has a number of contraindications. It should not be taken in the presence of blood clots and at the same time as taking anticoagulants.

Duphaston - nonsteroidal drug, which rarely causes side effects, while being very effective for restoring the monthly cycle and pushing it back for several days. In addition, Duphaston has a very good effect on the state of the blood, while it does not affect its clotting at all and does not have a negative effect on the liver tissue, so it can be taken even by pregnant women.

Grandma's recipes

At all times, folk remedies have been especially popular, the basis of which is natural natural ingredients. At minimal harm body, they are quite effective, and they are easy to prepare even at home. However, their use should only take place under the supervision of a professional gynecologist, otherwise unpleasant surprises are possible. How to delay menstruation - the most popular folk recipes:

  • Nettle. Nettle is used in the form of a decoction, which is prepared from dried raw materials, pouring six tablespoons of it into 500 ml of boiling water and bringing to a boil in a water bath. Nettle decoction, after boiling insist half an hour, after which it is cooled and taken in small doses three times a day. Nettle helps not only to delay the menstrual cycle, but also to normalize it. Substances contained in the stalks of nettle help to significantly reduce the period of menstruation;
  • Askorbinka - vitamin C. This vitamin has the widest range beneficial effects on the body. It protects it from viruses, relieves pain, spasms and strengthens blood vessels, but can cause severe allergies when it is in excess. To delay menstruation with ascorbic acid, it is taken in large quantities about a week and a half before the start of the cycle;
  • Lemon juice can also delay your period, but only a little. To do this, five days before they start, eat 4 to 5 slices of a medium lemon without sugar and other sweeteners daily;
  • Water pepper, rich in vitamin K, improves blood clotting, and this helps to postpone menstruation a few days later. Vitamin works best natural origin, so you should work hard and prepare a drink from two tablespoons of dried water pepper, infused in boiling water. You need to take this drug 10 days before the start of menstruation, a third of a glass once a day;
  • If you have good health, you can delay menstruation by dipping your feet in cold water, but this method is dangerous - you can get an inflammatory process in the ovaries;
  • Parsley also has certain properties with which you can somewhat delay the timing of menstruation. The drug is prepared by infusing dry grass in boiling water. You need to take the remedy very moderately - no more than a tablespoon three times a day. This remedy is contraindicated in gallstone disease and low blood pressure.

There are many other recipes, each of which has the right to life, but it should be clearly understood that they will help one woman, not another. Besides, folk treatment it is advisable to carry out only under supervision professional doctor, at worst after his consultation.

Good things come in small packages

Since the menstrual cycle is a natural phenomenon, normal for every healthy woman, its artificial regulation is undesirable. Abuse in this case can lead to serious hormonal disorders, up to complete and incurable infertility, so you should always be guided by the recommendations of a qualified gynecologist and maintain moderation.

One more thing - if a doctor advised your friend a drug, this does not mean at all that the same one will suit you. Each organism is individual and requires a special approach, otherwise you risk getting the opposite of the expected result, which can often be seen from reviews on women's forums.

And finally, it is worth mentioning again - non-compliance with recommendations for taking hormonal and other drugs that affect monthly cycle, is fraught with development inflammatory process, in which it may be necessary to remove the uterus, therefore, unless absolutely necessary, you should not interfere with the natural rhythm of the body.

It is strictly forbidden to take hormonal medications for women on the threshold of menopause, with genetic pathologies vascular system associated with low patency and women who abuse smoking and alcohol.

In this article, we talked about how you can delay your period and how it can turn out. As you can see, if you do it right - under the supervision of a doctor and only in case of emergency, problems can be avoided, especially when using funds traditional medicine. But abuse threatens with the most serious troubles, up to oncological pathologies.

Sometimes a woman just needs to delay the onset of menstruation. In order to create a delay, you can use proven folk recipes.

Every woman can confirm that the beginning of her period means another period of inconvenience for her. It is especially annoying when the beginning of critical days coincides with the beginning significant event in life. That is why it is not at all surprising that the desire to delay menstruation for a couple of days periodically occurs in every representative of the weaker sex.

Traditional medicine for delaying menstruation

Folk remedies for a temporary delay in menstruation are products with high content vitamin C. For example, parsley. Vitamin C has the ability to strengthen walls blood vessels, and this can lead to some delay in menstrual flow. However, this method is only suitable for those ladies who know exactly the day of the onset next menstruation, and their menstrual cycle is remarkably regular. Thus, to delay menstruation, it is necessary to start drinking a strong infusion of finely chopped parsley about a week before the expected date. You can also take ascorbic acid, which has the same effect. However, before starting to take ascorbic acid in large doses it is necessary to remember about the risk of gastritis against the background of irritation of the gastric mucosa with vitamin C.

If a woman, on the contrary, wants her critical days to end as soon as possible, then you can take a decoction of parsley from the first day of the menstrual cycle. Thus, the duration of menstruation will be reduced from 5 days to 2-3 days.

With help folk remedies can delay menstruation

Lemon to delay menstruation

There is an opinion that for some delay in the onset of the next menstruation, lemon helps a lot. It is necessary to consume citrus 5 days before the expected “X” days, without sugar. This method not safe for gastrointestinal tract, because to achieve the desired effect, you need to eat up to 3-4 lemons daily. There are also cases where the use of lemon did not bring any results at all.

The likelihood of a delay in menstruation by several days increases if a woman is held in cold water legs before bed. However, this method also has its drawbacks: you can easily get inflammation of the ovaries.

Vitamin K for delayed menstruation

If a woman wants to delay the onset of the next menstruation and at the same time not harm her health, then you should pay attention to foods rich in vitamin K. Vitamin K is best absorbed by the body when drinking a decoction of water pepper. This herb has a wide range of effects on female body, so the use of a decoction can delay the onset of menstruation for a whole week.

To prepare this miraculous drink, pour 2 tablespoons of water pepper grass with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. The resulting infusion should be brought to a boil again, strain, cool and take a third of a glass three times a day. The effect of taking the decoction is observed if the woman began to drink the drink in advance, about 10 days before the expected date of menstruation.

Nettle infusion to delay menstruation

Since ancient times, many people have known that stinging nettle is excellent tool to stop bleeding, including menstrual bleeding. Of course, nettle decoction will not be able to cancel the onset of menstruation, however, menstrual flow can be slightly suspended for about 5-7 hours. To do this, you need to drink a decoction of nettle three times a day for half a cup.

Oral contraceptives to delay menstruation

Taking birth control pills, you can delay the onset of menstruation even for a few weeks. To do this, a woman simply does not take a break after taking the last pill from the package, but immediately starts taking pills from a new pack. It is important to understand that a very long cancellation of critical days can lead to serious consequences for the female body.

Menstruation is a sign of good women's health, giving the opportunity to reproduce offspring and remain attractive long years. But this condition does not always please women, because for many menstruation causes pain, bad feeling, limit the usual daily routine and reduce productivity. Ladies become irritable, react sharply to familiar situations, begin to realize the "injustice of the world", because nothing will ever prevent men from getting up and going on vacation, and the lady must guess the timing so that the long-awaited vacation is not overshadowed by the "red" days of the calendar.

On the eve of the summer season, many women turn to gynecologists with a request to suggest a way to delay the onset of menstruation for at least a few days. There are options, but each of them is fraught with complications, the possibility of developing pathologies and hormonal disruptions.

How can I postpone my period while on vacation?

There are two main options for delaying your period:

  • pharmacological
  • folk

The first one is the reception medicines such as hormonal drugs. Women who have chosen as a way to prevent unwanted pregnancy oral contraceptives, can do without additional medical intervention, simply by continuing to drink pills from the next pack, without interrupting for the prescribed 7 days. So you can skip the full cycle, excluding the onset of menstruation in the current month, or simply shift their arrival by a few days. If you stop taking the pills early, you can hasten the onset of menstruation so that it passes ahead of time and did not interfere during the rest. Next pills you need to start drinking 7 days after the pause.

For other women who do not use oral contraceptives, only hormonal agents selected by a doctor may be suitable. It's pretty dangerous method, which can lead to complications in the form of hormonal disruptions, so you need to resort to it in the most extreme cases.

There are a number of hemostatic drugs that can reduce the amount of discharge to a complete stop for several hours. The dosage in such cases is chosen very high, and this threatens with thrombosis.

Fully safe method delay the onset of menstruation pharmacological way does not exist if the woman is not using COCs (combined oral contraceptives).

The second way to postpone the onset of menstruation is the use of folk knowledge and skills.

  • Nettle decoction - pour 5-6 tablespoons of herbs hot water(0.5 l), boil for about 5 minutes and drink the mixture (without sediment) after it has infused and cooled. This method allows not only to delay the onset of critical days, but also to bring their finale closer if they start untimely.
  • Vitamin K will help delay the onset of menstruation if you get it not only from food, but also as vitamin supplement. Taking the drug should begin 10 days before the expected onset of menstruation, the only way to delay their onset for several days. If the vitamin was not at hand, it can be obtained from products: 2 tbsp. Add tablespoons of dry crushed water pepper to a glass of hot water, cool, strain, drink 1/3 cup three times a day.
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