Dark red clots during menstruation. Menstruation with blood clots causes and when to see a doctor

If menstruation does not go as usual, a woman has anxiety. Many faced such a problem as blood clots during menstruation.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be different - from changes in lifestyle to the development of pathological conditions in the reproductive system of the female body.

Normally, every month in the body of a woman, an egg matures, capable of further fertilization. The reproductive organs begin to prepare for a possible pregnancy, specific hormones are produced, and as a result, the inner layer of the uterus, the endometrium, thickens.

If conception does not occur, there is a decrease in hormone production. As a result, the blood supply to the tissues of the uterine cavity decreases and rejection of the endometrium begins, which goes out through the genital tract. This is the monthly discharge, which includes blood, particles of mucous tissue and endometrium.

Blood clots during menstruation

If menstruation begins with blood clots, the reasons may be different, and this is not always a pathology. Normally, discharge during menstruation should not be liquid, their color and consistency are also different.

Especially abundant blood clots during menstruation are observed when the position of the body changes, for example, when a woman gets up from a chair or rises from a lying state.

The reason is that in a stationary position lying or sitting, blood stagnates in the uterus, which gradually coagulates. Therefore, menstruation comes out with blood clots, which in this case cannot be called a pathology.

Nature also provided for the behavior of a woman's body during menstruation. During this period, special enzymes are produced that perform the action of anticoagulants, that is, they stop the rapid blood clotting.

However, when enzymes are not able to quickly perform their function. Therefore, blood clots come out during menstruation, the reasons in this case are completely harmless.

Signs of pathology

Why do blood clots come out during menstruation, we found out. But this is not always the norm. In some cases, a woman should be wary, for example, when she sees blood clots during menstruation, similar to the liver.

The volume of discharge during menstruation is usually no more than 250 ml. With the following symptoms, a woman should definitely consult a doctor:

  • excessively heavy menstruation, turning into bleeding;
  • menses are accompanied;
  • secretions come out;
  • prolonged menstruation.

The reasons

Consider the main reasons why menstruation deviates from the norm:

  • Hyperplasia of the endometrium of the uterus. This disease is one of the most common causes that provoke large pieces of coagulated blood in the monthly discharge. The condition can develop as a result of diabetes, obesity, hypertension.
  • Myoma of the uterus. This is a benign tumor, as a result of which it occurs. In the disease, the discharge is often very profuse, containing clots.
  • Hormonal imbalance. If there is a malfunction in the hormonal system, heavy menstruation is likely, sometimes.
  • Endometriosis. The endometrium from the uterine cavity grows further, passing to other organs. Menstruation is characterized by profusion, irregularity, the woman experiences severe pain.
  • Polyps. In this case, the tissue of the uterine cavity grows like polyps.
  • Navy. An intrauterine device, which is placed for contraception, can be perceived by the body as a foreign body. As a result, the discharge contains pieces of coagulated blood.
  • Curettage and childbirth. Within a month after childbirth or surgery, menstrual flow may be pathological. Abundant discharge with clots may be accompanied by fever. First of all, the remains of fragments of the placenta in the uterus should be excluded.
  • . This condition is characterized by profuse discharge, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and fever.
  • Rolling problems. In this situation, the blood begins to immediately clot in the uterine cavity, since the enzymes that prevent hemocoagulation do not work.
  • Taking medications for If a woman self-medicates and takes pills or Norkolut with, heavy periods may appear. The reason may be that the delay is not associated with a progesterone deficiency.
  • Inflammatory processes of the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Colds, as well as SARS.
  • Excessive amount of vitamin B in the body of a woman.

When is a visit to the doctor necessary?

If there are large clots in the discharge, a woman needs to go to the doctor. It is especially worth hurrying if menstruation is accompanied by severe, unusual pain, and is also prolonged and excessively plentiful.

Situations when a visit to a gynecologist cannot be postponed:

  • duration of heavy menstruation for more than 7 days;
  • clots in the discharge are accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • menstruation causes severe pain;
  • a woman is planning a pregnancy, in this situation, discharge with clots may indicate a miscarriage.

Let's summarize the above. Blood clots during menstruation are normal if a woman does not feel other changes in her well-being. However, if heavy bleeding contains large clots, has an unpleasant odor and is accompanied by severe pain, which has not happened before, this is a reason to see a doctor without delay. The doctor will prescribe an examination to find out the reasons for the deviation from the norm.

Painful menstruation video

From about 13 to 14 years old, girls begin menstruating. Bleeding is repeated monthly and stops during pregnancy or with the onset of menopause. Their intensity depends on the individual characteristics of the woman and on the processes occurring in the body during the monthly cycle.

Sometimes liver-like clots appear with menstrual flow. Why do periods go in clots? Is it necessary to treat pathology?

What is menstruation and what does normal discharge look like?

Menstruation, menstruation or regulation is the period of a woman's monthly cycle, when the uterine layer is renewed and the unfertilized egg is expelled. At this time, a small amount of blood is released. Normally, up to 250 ml of blood comes out for the entire period.

The mechanism of formation of blood clots lies in the specifics of the menstrual cycle. During the first period of the cycle, the hormone estrogen prepares the woman's reproductive organs for fertilization. Under its action, the endometrium of the uterus thickens.

If fertilization does not occur, the top layer of the endometrium begins to flake off. In the process of detachment, the integrity of the blood vessels is violated, so blood is released. Normal discharge is red or light burgundy. Together with the blood, an unfertilized egg, small clots of clotted blood, and mucus are separated.

In the first day or two, the blood is released little by little. It has a dark color. In the following days, the intensity of the blood output increases. By day 5-6 there are only spotting. It is considered normal if menstruation is not accompanied by severe pain, and the secreted clots are small in size and appear several times during menstruation.

Why do blood clots form?

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Small blood clots during menstruation are layers of the endometrium or caked blood pieces, since the blood does not come out immediately, some of it lingers in the uterus and coagulates. Sometimes the clots are large and stand out constantly throughout the menstruation.

This phenomenon may indicate the development of pathology. Of particular concern should be the regulations that differ from the previous ones.

Individual features of the structure of the reproductive organs

In some women, heavy periods with clots are caused by congenital pathologies of the reproductive organs. Structural anomalies include:

  • Bicornuate uterus. With this deviation, the organ is divided into two cavities.
  • Unicorn uterus. One of the fallopian tubes is absent or poorly developed.
  • The division of the uterus into parts by a septum.
  • Curvature of the vagina and uterine cavity.
  • Underdevelopment of the reproductive organs (uterine cavity, vagina, cervix).

With an incorrect structure of the reproductive organs, menstruation is accompanied by profuse bleeding with blood clots, pain in the abdomen on different days of the cycle, and a violation of the cycle. The atypical shape of the uterus leads to the fact that the blood is not released from the cavity in time. Menstruation comes with clots that come out with uterine contractions.

The duration of the regulation in the presence of congenital disorders usually exceeds 7 days. Pathologies reduce a woman's ability to bear children. If structural anomalies prevent pregnancy, they are corrected surgically.

Gynecological pathologies

Gynecological pathologies are one of the most common reasons why menstruation comes with clots. They develop under the influence of various factors. The following causes lead to diseases:

  • abortions;
  • violation of the integrity of the reproductive organ during caesarean section;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • colds;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • late birth;
  • bad habits;
  • malnutrition;
  • stress.

uterine fibroids

Many gynecological diseases at the initial stage do not have clear manifestations. Most of them can be suspected by the way menstruation went. The table lists pathologies that cause menstruation with clots that look like pieces of the liver.

DiseaseDescriptionAssociated symptoms
endometriosisPathological growth of the inner layer of the uterus.
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • copious discharge of blood during menstruation;
  • violation of the monthly cycle
PolyposisThe formation of growths in the cavity and on the cervix - polyps.
  • irregular menstruation;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation
MyomaA benign formation that develops in the uterine cavity. Able to grow quickly and reach large sizes.
  • sharp pains in the abdomen, regardless of the period of the monthly cycle;
  • menstruation is long;
  • increased urination;
  • brown discharge after intercourse;
  • increase in abdominal volume at a stable weight
OncologyDegeneration of cells into a malignant tumor. In most patients, primary oncology develops in the cervix. With untimely treatment, it spreads to other reproductive organs.At the initial stage, it proceeds without symptoms. Over time, brown fetid discharge, pain and discomfort during intercourse appear.
Ovarian cystThe appearance in the tissues of the ovary of a cavity filled with liquid contents.
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • painful spasms of the abdominal muscles;
  • causeless increase in body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • change in menstrual cycle

Infectious diseases

The nature of the regulation can be affected not only by infections of the genital tract, but also by diseases affecting other organs and systems. Clots during menstruation appear due to:

  • Salpingitis. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes is caused by bacteria and fungi that enter the body during intercourse or if the rules for gynecological procedures are not followed. Abundant regulation accompanied by itching in the perineum. Violation of the menstrual cycle and increased bleeding occurs when the disease becomes chronic.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious pathogens affect the state of the reproductive system. Many of them lead to disruption of the ovaries, reduce the contractility of the uterus, change the structure of the uterine tissues. Most infections are accompanied by additional symptoms: a violation of sexual desire, discomfort during sex, fetid discharge throughout the cycle, fatigue, irritability, instability of body temperature.
  • Colds. During menstruation, clotted blood clots come out in the acute course of SARS and influenza. Viruses cause fever, which affects the ability of the blood to clot and increase the circulation of blood fluid. After recovery, menstrual manifestations return to normal.


A change in the nature of discharge during menstruation is observed after taking hormonal contraceptives and installing an intrauterine device. Hormonal pills suppress the production of eggs and thicken the mucous secretion. Ovulation does not occur, which is why women do not get pregnant.

After giving up hormonal contraception, the body begins to produce hormones on its own. The first months from the moment of cancellation, there is an abundant release of blood, menstruation comes in clots. However, if there are no other disturbing manifestations, everything quickly returns to normal.

Very severe bleeding and the appearance of pieces of blood is sometimes observed for 3 months from the date of installation of the intrauterine device. During this period, the reproductive organ adapts to the foreign body that has appeared. Menstruation lasts from 7 to 10 days. Some women notice spotting in the middle of their cycle.

After a few months, the discharge becomes less intense. However, for most women, menstruation does not return to the form that it was before the installation of the spiral.

Miscarriage in early pregnancy

In the first weeks after fertilization, a woman may not be aware of the birth of a new life. If, due to any factors, the pregnancy is interrupted, strong bloody discharge with clots and mucus will appear.

The bloody lump in this case is part of the exiled fetal membrane. The clot has the form of a broken bubble. Sometimes during menstruation it comes out in chunks. If the gestation period is short, then the uterus is able to cleanse itself.

However, sometimes particles of dead tissue linger in the body. In this case, after heavy bleeding, discharge with a sharp unpleasant odor will appear. Signs of a miscarriage:

  • periodic pain or sharp pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region;
  • small reddish discharge, which quickly takes on the character of intense bleeding with pieces;
  • blood when urinating.

In most cases, early miscarriages do not cause complications. The most dangerous are the causes of spontaneous abortion. However, sometimes the fetal egg is attached outside the uterine cavity. A miscarriage during an ectopic pregnancy is a threat to a woman's life. With an ectopic abortion, the following symptoms are observed:

  • pain from the organ to which the embryo was attached;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • spotting is not intense, but with particles of dead tissue;
  • the discharge is darker than with the regulations;
  • if there is bleeding, it is difficult to stop.

Beginning of menopause (45–50 years)

Before menopause, the level of female hormones in a woman's body decreases. The uterus loses the ability to quickly renew the epithelium. Changes in the body lead to a violation of the frequency of menstruation.

There is a delay in menstrual flow of several months. When they appear, they take on an intense character. Due to the irregular cleaning of the uterus from the epithelium, the bloody fluid contains a large amount of mucus - the inner epithelium of the uterus. The onset of menopause is also characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the frequency of menstruation increases to 50–90 days;
  • regulations do not last long;
  • nervousness appears;
  • sleep worsens;
  • there are violations of the heart muscle and vascular system;
  • reduced efficiency and ability to concentrate;
  • Sudden hot flashes (hot flashes)

Undesirable symptoms go away after the restructuring of the body and its adaptation to new conditions. However, the duration of the adjustment period for all women is individual.

Change in hormonal balance

Hormonal balance is one of the main indicators of the well-being of a woman's reproductive system. The frequency and nature of monthly discharge is influenced by estrogen and progesterone. The first hormone promotes the formation of an egg and the formation of a new layer of the endometrium of the uterus. The second is responsible for the processes that occur after the reproductive cell reaches the uterus.

If fertilization occurs, progesterone promotes pregnancy. In the event that the cell is not fertilized, the hormone initiates the onset of menstruation.

Often, women are faced with various manifestations of hormonal imbalance. The result of this is a change in the regularity of the menstrual cycle, the volume and nature of the discharge. Blood clots during menstruation, the causes of which are different, are also evidence of a violation. Consider this phenomenon, highlighting ways to deal with it.

Menstruation comes with blood clots - what does this mean?

During menstrual days, the color and consistency of the discharge changes. At first, the blood has a scarlet hue, towards the end it is dark red, sometimes brown. This option is the norm. But why do blood clots come out during menstruation, is it not a violation, not every girl knows. This fact is associated with a lack of anticoagulants. As a result, small volumes of body fluid can curl up in the vagina and come out. Its dimensions reach 0.3-4 cm! Scarlet periods with blood clots are dangerous, the causes of which are due to uterine bleeding. The condition requires urgent medical attention.

Abundant periods with blood clots - causes

It should be noted that such a phenomenon can also be considered as a sign of a violation. When heavy periods with clots are noted every month, an examination and examination by a gynecologist is necessary. Among the main reasons for such symptoms are:

  1. Failure of the hormonal system. Often, copious, bloody discharge during menstruation occurs in adolescents when the cycle is just beginning to form. Similar is observed in women after the birth of a child.
  2. Endometriosis. The disease is characterized by a change in the structure of the inner lining of the uterine cavity, which becomes similar to the mucous membrane. The lesions form a focus of inflammation. When complaining of blood clots during menstruation, sorting out the causes, doctors initially exclude this disease.
  3. With such a violation, sections of the endometrium, the last layer of the uterus, are found in the muscle layer.
  4. The presence of neoplasms in the reproductive system. Abundant menstrual flow always accompanies diseases such as cysts, polyps, fibroids. Outgrowths form on the walls of the reproductive organ.
  5. Diseases of the pelvic organs. Inflammations, infections of this department often involve the uterus, causing blood clots during menstruation, the reasons for which the girl does not understand.
  6. Somatic diseases. These include disorders that are not associated with damage to the reproductive system, but actively affect hormones in general. This is noted with damage to the kidneys, thyroid gland, liver.

Scanty discharge with clots during menstruation

Normally, menstruation takes 3-5 days, the volume of fluid secreted is 50-150 ml. Reduced periods with clots are a sign of a violation. Among the reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • taking oral contraceptives for a long time;
  • overweight or vice versa, underweight;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • stress, anxiety, physical activity;
  • anemia;
  • anomalies of the reproductive organs.

Severe bleeding during menstruation with clots

Many factors explain this phenomenon. So blood clots during menstruation, similar to the liver, can be observed with:

  1. The presence of a septum in the cervix. Has a congenital or acquired character. It is most often formed at the stage of development inside the mother's womb. Abnormal outflow of menstrual fluid leads to the appearance of black blood clots during menstruation, the causes of which are unknown to the girl.
  2. Caused by impaired function of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland and thyroid gland. As a result of the growth of the endometrium, an increase in the volume of secretions is noted.
  3. The use of a spiral. As a result, the introduction of a foreign object, the uterus can respond with the growth of the endometrium, the inflammatory process and the appearance of polyps.
  4. Consequences of abortion or spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

Menstruation with clots - causes (without pain)

In order to get rid of and completely eliminate large blood clots during menstruation, the causes of which are unclear, the girl should consult a gynecologist. Comprehensive diagnostics will help solve the problem. It includes:

  • examination in a gynecological chair;
  • taking swabs from the vaginal cavity and urethra;
  • Ultrasound of organs in the small pelvis.

Abundant periods with blood clots - treatment

The process of therapy depends entirely on the factors that caused the violation. Complex treatment of heavy periods with clots consists of:

  • diagnostic measures: examination, ultrasound, exclusion of infection and inflammation in the pelvis;
  • drug therapy;
  • preventive measures.

The basis of treatment is hormonal preparations based on progesterone: Utrozhestan, Duphaston. In order to reduce the risk of developing anemia, iron-containing drugs are prescribed: Sorbifer, Maltofer. In order to reduce blood loss, during menstruation more than 150 ml, Dicinon, aminocaproic acid, calcium gluconate are attributed. If the problem is due to the installation of the IUD, doctors remove it.

Abnormal periods are a problem that almost all the fair sex faced. The state of women's health is displayed in the features of the course of the menstrual cycle as in a mirror.

Menstruation with blood clots and mucus, as well as any changes in the duration of the cycle, is an occasion to take a closer look at yourself.

What it is

Bloody menstrual flow contains more than just blood. In fact, they are a mixture of blood, sloughed endometrial cells and vaginal mucus. Normally, their volume is about 80 ml, they may contain small blood clots. If the number and size of clots increase, this may be one of the first symptoms of a gynecological disease.

Another alarming signal is a change in the smell of secretions. It usually resembles the smell of raw meat or iron. The appearance of the disgusting is a direct indication of a malfunction in the reproductive system.

Among the reasons that provoke heavy periods with blood clots and mucus, there may be:

  • postpartum period;
  • Hormonal changes;
  • Abnormal structure of the uterus;
  • Installation of an intrauterine device;
  • Gynecological diseases of various origins.

In the latter case, unpleasant odors often join the abnormal type of discharge.

Clots larger than 2 cm are considered large. When they appear, it is better not to look for a way to stop strong periods on your own, but to contact a gynecologist. By self-medicating, a woman risks losing time and only aggravating the problem.

Causes of bad breath during menstruation

There are various factors that provoke the appearance of an unpleasant odor during the menstrual cycle. Some of them are safe for health and are of an extraneous nature. Others indicate violations in the body.

Improper hygiene

Neglecting hygiene procedures is not the best solution, especially during menstruation days. A sanitary tampon or pad is an ideal environment for the rapid development of putrefactive microorganisms.

Here it is warm, humid, and there is a rich source of nutrition - the protein contained in the secretions. If the hygiene product is not replaced in time, it will be impossible not to notice the presence of bacteria - it will be indicated by the growing smell of rotten meat.

This is the most easily fixable cause of the problem. However, its appearance with careful observance of the rules of intimate hygiene is a rather serious signal of trouble in the body.

Infectious diseases

Violations of intimate hygiene are far from safe. The “reserve” of microorganisms in the most intimate part of the body is a real time bomb.

Menstruation with the smell of rotten meat is a symptom of several diseases, including:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • endometritis;
  • Candidiasis;
  • Sexually transmitted infections.

With candidiasis, vaginal discharge becomes abundant, cheesy, their smell is usually sour, less often - putrid, aggravated during menstruation. In the menstrual flow there are impurities of mucus.

Admixtures of foamy, fetid mucus in normal spotting during menstruation is one of the symptoms of trichomonas colpitis. - a characteristic symptom of this disease, they persist throughout the cycle. If you suspect an infection with Trichomonas, you should contact a gynecologist. If left untreated, serious complications are possible, including infertility.


The clinical manifestations of various gynecological diseases are very similar, so self-diagnosis and self-treatment are unacceptable.

Almost every woman has seen blood clots on her pad during menstruation. They are small and large, stand out rarely or often. Sometimes the clots resemble pieces of a torn liver, and this frightens the woman.

Why blood clots appear, and why they are dangerous to health, you will learn further.

Are blood clots during menstruation normal?

Every month, the reproductive system produces an egg, which goes through all stages of development, and at the time of ovulation becomes ready for fertilization. The hormonal system and reproductive organs are preparing for pregnancy, as a result of which the inner layer of the uterus, the endometrium, thickens. If a woman is carefully protected, conception does not occur. Levels of certain hormones begin to decline.

Under the influence of hormones, the blood supply to the uterine cavity also decreases. The endometrium is rejected as unnecessary and leaves the reproductive organ through the genital tract. In other words, menstruation is coming - a mucous-blood mass with particles of the endometrium. Too liquid menstrual flow should not be.

Studying the question of why menstruation comes with blood clots, we will immediately consider the phenomenon from the side of the norm. In most cases, they are allocated after a change in body position. If a woman lies or sits for a long time, the blood in the uterus stagnates and slowly clots. But after she gets up and moves around the room, the discharge quickly comes out in clots. This is fine.

It is also necessary to take into account that on critical days the body produces enzymes whose properties are similar to anticoagulants. With moderate menstruation, they reduce the rate of blood clotting. With abundant secretions, specific enzymes do not have time to cope with their functions, and menstruation comes with clots.

Blood clots during menstruation as a sign of pathology

If there are periods with large blood clots and resembling a liver, and the menstruation itself resembles bleeding and is accompanied by severe pain, this indicates a deviation.

Consider the main reasons for this negative phenomenon.

  1. Poor blood clotting. The blood quickly coagulates in the uterine cavity, because the necessary enzymes do not work.
  2. Intrauterine device. Mechanical means of contraception the body takes for a foreign body. Unusual conditions affect the nature of the discharge.
  3. . In addition to thick spotting, a woman is worried about pain in the lower abdomen and hyperthermia.
  4. Childbirth / abortion / curettage. The first or operations are pathological. The size of the clots reaches a length of 12 cm. Abundant thick discharge can leave the body against the background of elevated body temperature. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and examine the uterus. It is possible that particles of the placenta remained in the cavity. Now you know why large blood clots come out during menstruation.
  5. Myoma of the uterus. The development of a benign tumor in the main reproductive organ disrupts the stable cycle and makes the monthly discharge abundant and thick.
  6. Hormonal disorders. The wrong ratio of hormones makes menstruation irregular, intense, thick. Sometimes the discharge is brown in color.
  7. Endometriosis. Hyperplasia, that is, an abnormal growth of the uterine lining, often leads to the presence of large blood clots in the menstrual flow. The causes of endometriosis and blood clots during menstruation are endocrine disorders, including obesity and diabetes, and hypertension.
  8. Incorrect structure of the internal genital organs. The development of the genital organs of the girl begins in the prenatal period. Incorrect formation of the structure distorts the body of the uterus, which makes it one-horned, two-horned, bent or saddle-shaped (there may be other anomalies, for example, an intrauterine septum). Such deviations disrupt the contractility of the uterus during menstruation, so bleeding intensifies and clots come out.
  9. Oncological diseases. Malignant neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system provoke bleeding with clots in different phases of the cycle.
  10. Iron-deficiency anemia. Insufficient amount of iron in the blood leads to a decrease in hemoglobin levels. Hemoglobin is a protein responsible for oxygen supply to cells. Deficiency of the substance disrupts the functioning of the body and leads to weakness, nausea, dizziness and painful periods. In the secretions, clots 2–4 cm in size are visible.
  11. Ovarian cysts. Enlarged ovaries with cyst-like formations cause pain and discomfort. Unpleasant sensations intensify during intercourse. Functional cysts distort the hormonal status and prolong the 2nd phase of MC. Bleeding becomes irregular. When the critical days begin, the discharge is copious with clots.
  12. Polyposis of the endometrium. The growth of the inner layer of the uterus occurs according to the type of formation of polyps. The disease causes pain in the lower abdomen and menstruation with clots.
  13. The use of drugs that accelerate the onset of menstruation. With a delay in menstruation, some women drink Duphaston, Norkolut and other pills that bring bleeding closer without consulting a doctor. The appearance of clots on the days of menstruation in this case is due to the fact that the delay was not due to a progesterone deficiency.

Excessive bleeding with clots on menstrual days can disturb a woman with infectious diseases of the pelvic organs. Also, the consistency of the discharge is affected by an excess of vitamin B and insufficient fluid intake.

What is the danger of menstruation that comes with clots

In menstrual flow, the presence of small single blood clots is allowed. But if the dark pieces come out, accompanied by additional symptoms, you should consult a doctor for clarification.

  • Relieves dizziness.
  • Body temperature fluctuates between 37.5 - 40°C.
  • Outside of menstruation appeared brown discharge.
  • There is severe pain and other discomfort in the abdomen.
  • There is a pre-fainting state.
  • Heavy menstruation lasts longer than 7 days.
  • Menstruation began on time, but they come with large brown-black clots and the stomach hurts a lot.
  • For all critical days, blood loss exceeded 150-200 ml (in one cycle).

So why are blood clots during menstruation dangerous? They may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, a dying polyp, or another life-threatening condition.

If a woman, unusual menstruation should alert her. Pieces in menstruation indicate that the fetal egg cannot be fixed in the uterine cavity.

If the fetal egg develops in the fallopian tube, the woman will feel a pulling pain in the right or left side. Sometimes the pain symptom does not appear until the fallopian tube is stretched and completely ruptured. Its contents enter the peritoneum and provoke septic shock. In the absence of urgent medical care, the woman dies.

If, during menstruation, not only clots came out, but the above symptoms also appeared, you should definitely consult a doctor, regardless of age and desire to have offspring. Problematic discharge may indicate a serious medical condition.

Diagnosis of pathological menstruation begins with a study of blood clotting and determining the level of hemoglobin. White blood cell counts will help the doctor verify the presence / absence of an inflammatory process. The patient also takes blood tests for hormones and antibodies. The second analysis will help identify the causative agents of the infection. If there is a suspicion of oncopathology, the patient is tested for tumor markers.

A biopsy allows you to determine the nature of the tumor. of the pelvic organs reveals neoplasms, anomalies in the location and structure of the internal organs of the reproductive system and endometrial hyperplasia. In addition, the cervix and uterine cavity are examined using a hysteroscope. An optical device facilitates inspection of suspicious areas.

Treatment and prevention

Having figured out what it is - blood clots during menstruation and what disease they may indicate, we will consider in general terms the treatment of pathology and the prevention of iron deficiency anemia. Conservative therapy aims to eliminate the factors that provoked abnormal bleeding and compensate for the lack of iron.

Preparations for conservative therapy:

  1. Hormonal agents.
  2. Folic acid.
  3. Iron preparations to maintain hemoglobin.
  4. Cyclic vitamin therapy containing vitamins A, E, B, C.

Surgical treatment aims to remove fibroids, intrauterine septum, abnormally overgrown endometrium and other pathological elements. In advanced cases and cancer, removal of the uterus is indicated.

To replenish the reserves of iron lost with menstrual flow, the patient is prescribed a diet. The diet should contain the following products:

  • Buckwheat.
  • Fish.
  • Apples.
  • Eggs.
  • Veal.
  • Red meat.
  • Pork or beef liver.
  • Butter.
  • Boiled beets.
  • Dark chicken meat.

If a woman does not suffer from iron deficiency anemia, such nutrition will still be useful. The listed products facilitate the course of menstruation. About a week before the expected bleeding, it is recommended to refrain from certain foods:

  1. Canned food.
  2. Pickles.
  3. Smoked products.
  4. Legumes.
  5. Fast foods.
  6. Crisps.
  7. Cabbage.
  8. Coffee.
  9. Marinades.
  10. Energetic drinks.

What are these dietary restrictions?

The fact is that before menstruation, 1 - 3 liters of excess fluid is concentrated in the body. Salt increases this volume and creates an additional load on the kidneys. But dehydration also negatively affects the menstrual process, so a woman should consume water in sufficient quantities.

Coffee and various energy drinks increase the tone of the uterus and increase pain during menstruation. Also, you should not use tonic drinks and foods that promote gas formation in the intestines. According to medical statistics, women with iron deficiency anemia suffer from colitis, gastritis, and enteritis. Eating a safe diet will be beneficial for them, even if there are no problems with menstruation.

With a sedentary lifestyle, a woman can conduct a small experiment and observe how menstruation will go - with clots or not. To do this, a week before menstruation, you need to do exercises daily. It is possible without complex exercises.

If blood clots during menstruation used to come out due to low physical activity, this time menstruation will pass without lumps. But if sports and diet could not change the composition of the discharge, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

P.S. Remember that menstruation should not be too uncomfortable and reduce performance. If on critical days you notice large, liver-like pieces of thick blood, immediately go to the clinic or call an ambulance for heavy bleeding and feeling unwell.

Waiting for the situation to improve by itself, as well as self-medication, will lead to the fact that you miss a serious illness. With the progression of oncological pathology, treatment may be useless.

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