Numerology: how to find out your life path number and your purpose. Research work and presentation "The meaning of numbers in our life. What do the numbers mean in a person's life? transmission

Have you ever thought at least once about the meaning of numbers in a person's life, about the meaning of numbers in our life with you? .. What is hidden in ordinary plain numbers? And why are any encodings carried out using numbers? In fact, it is not in vain that there is a whole science of numerology, which studies the influence of numbers on our lives. Let's try to understand the basics of number theory.

Although numerology has gained great popularity relatively recently, this science was born in ancient times. Previously, people used numbers not only for counting, but also as a way to communicate with each other.

The value of each number can be divided into three types:

  1. Opportunities - the value of the number in the field of serving people, realizing one's own talents, self-realization.
  2. Inclinations and talents - the value of the number in the field of business, career and personal growth.
  3. Human relations - the meaning of the number for family relationships, marriage, health, "weak" and "strong" sides of the human personality.

Numerology identifies nine main numbers and associates each number with an impact on a person's life. That is, each person has his own number that directly affects his personal life.

Consider the nine basic numbers and their meaning.

Unit (1)- this number implies the concept of individuality, "Ego", that is, I am alone. This is the concept of exclusivity, separating oneself from others. If events in your life are often intertwined with this number, then you should overcome selfishness and pride, work on these qualities so that they do not prevail in your life.

Couple (2)- manifests itself in the form of harmonious relations between men and women, the unity of relations. Frequent “twos” in your life indicate that your life is always accompanied by a faithful companion, with whom you decide everything and everything one and together.

Troika, spirituality (3)- the number comes from the Holy Trinity: Father-Son-Holy Spirit. The creation of two produces a third or a third. If triples prevail in your life, then this means that you are striving for creativity, unity with God, for harmony of soul and body.

Four or material goods (4)- earthly life. The predominance of the number "four" in life speaks of the desire to earn as much money as possible, material wealth, enrichment, household and domestic issues are most of all occupied.

Five (5)- Mark of distinction! The predominance of fives in life speaks of your luck, of the harmony of the material and spiritual, that everything is fine and calm in your life.

Six (6) is the negative number. If there are a lot of sixes in your life, then this indicates the predominance of anger and anger, pride and irritability. Holders of sixes must reconsider their lives in order to stimulate the flow of positive numbers.

Seven (7)- manifestation of harmony, luck, luck in life, existence, projection of the spiritual onto the material.

Eight (8)- the number of infinity, which always enhances the influence of other numbers. The predominance of eights in life indicates that you are striving for development in infinity, trying to understand the laws of the Universe and moving in the right direction in life.

Nine (9)- the number of the ideal, in other words, "God, Ideal, Good." In life, this is the number of grace and divine love, peace and tranquility. Nines prevail in the life of a happy person who lives with God, in harmony and harmony.

Thus, it becomes clear that we are accompanied in life not just by numbers, but by signs of fate that can and should be used. Understanding the laws of numerology, you can correct and correct many life situations, be guided by the influence of signs in your activities.

The value of numbers in a person's life is difficult to overestimate, because even the name and surname are encoded using certain numbers, deciphering which you can understand the fate of a person. In other words, the number is a mirror image of the internal state of a person, a hint of the desired direction of development. By learning to understand numbers, you can make them true friends and life partners.

The science of numbers is called numerology. It is one of the most ancient sciences. With its help, you can find out what awaits you in love, career, success or failure awaits you.

The universe moves according to its own laws, and nothing happens in it just like that. Numerology is the key to the secret gates of the world and often it is the Universe itself that wants to warn or tell us about something with the help of numbers. The laws of the universe are based on numbers from 1 to 9. 9 is the final number. With the help of numerology, you can track your life schedule, and if a recession appears on it, then it is better not to plan any important events for this period and wait for better times. But if the numbers indicate a prosperous period in life, then it's time to start meaningful undertakings in any area of ​​life.

Definition of a life numerical code

In the date of birth of each person, his fate is hidden, and if you calculate the numbers correctly, you can learn a lot about yourself. How to do it? For example, your date of birth is July 09, 1985, you need multiply the number of the day, month and year. So, we multiply 9 by the number of the month - this is 7, equals 63. Now we multiply 63 by the year 1985, it turns out 125055. This number is your life code, now it remains only to look at the values ​​of the numbers.

The meanings of the numbers in the life code

  • 0 is a very bad value. This meaning of death - relatives or oneself, also means a serious illness. If 0 is located at the end of the code, then it means death from a serious illness. 0 in the middle indicates sudden death in the prime of life. But do not be afraid, if 0 is in your code, this does not mean that this is waiting for you, but there is a possible scenario for such a development of events.
  • 1 - the whole scale of numbers begins with it. And nothing good comes with it. If 1 is located in the middle, this means that its owner will face a blow of fate, illness among loved ones and moral degradation of the individual. When this figure is at the beginning, it says a lot - birth in a dysfunctional or poor family, moral or physical childhood trauma, that is, 1 carries inherently poor conditions from birth.
  • 2 - the figure of constancy. Owners of such a number in the code will have a permanent job, one partner. But they do not develop development, having reached a certain level of development, such people often stop there.
  • 3 - speaks of a love of work, but without enthusiasm. People with 3 move towards the goal in the easiest way. But they can achieve a lot if they overcome themselves - they learn to discipline and hard work.
  • 4 - speaks of high diligence. People with 4 in the code often have outstanding talents, work hard. But of the minuses is that such people rarely become bosses and mostly work for someone. But there is a way out of this situation, the main thing for such people is to be more decisive and learn to say “no”.
  • 5 - a sign of curiosity. People with the number 5 in the code will not be able to live in the same house or apartment all their lives, it will weigh them down. These people love to travel, learn new things, communicate with interesting people. The big minus of such people is inconstancy, they often live like lone wolves, without friends and family.
  • 6.7 - family sign. People who have this figure will be an excellent husband or wife, you can rely on them. There will certainly be children in their lives, and their soulmate will be happy next to them.
  • 8, 9 - numbers of careerists. These numbers have the highest energy potential and people who have these numbers in the code are distinguished by wisdom, intelligence, wealth, but usually they do not have happiness in their personal lives.

In the code, there may be numbers whose meaning contradicts each other, for example 5 and 7 - this means that everything is in the hands of the person himself and what he will focus on will prevail in his life.

The magic of numbers in human life

The magic of numbers was used in ancient times when conducting magical sacraments and rituals. All information about the numbers was carefully stored and passed on by magicians by inheritance. They will be useful to you not for rituals, but in the most ordinary life situations.

  • Are you late for an important meeting or event? Start saying the number to yourself along the way. twenty. The number 2 speeds up and increases your actions, and 0 removes all obstacles in your path. You will not even notice how miraculously all the traffic jams will dissolve, and time will drag on more slowly.
  • If you want to get rid of something in your life - from a thing, a boring job, a protracted useless relationship, then imagine in your head what you want to get rid of, and say the number to yourself forty four. These numbers have unique properties, they resemble lightning bolts in their appearance, and besides, one square is 4 plus one more square (4) already 8 corners and this destroys any stable structure. And the figure eight, as you know, is a sign of infinity, so it turns out that with the number 44 we release the situation into infinity.
  • If, on the contrary, you want to increase or increase something, then imagine what exactly you want to increase and repeat to yourself forty magpies. This combination of numbers can multiply a lot, so even in Moscow many years ago they called a lot of churches - forty forties.
  • repeating a number twenty one will bring you happiness, good luck and ease in any endeavors. According to one of the digital values, the number 21 stands for happiness.
  • If you need to add some item, such as the amount of clothes in the wardrobe or the amount of money in the wallet, then imagine it colorfully in your head and say it to yourself seven plus one. The number 7 carries a magical effect, 1 is the meaning of achieving the desired and adding energy, and 7 + 1 = 8, and 8 is infinity.
  • If you want to reduce something in your life, for example, you want to lose weight, then visualize yourself slim and thin, repeating to yourselften minus one. This combination also brings positive changes, since 10 - 1 \u003d 9, and 9 is the number of changes.

For us, numbers are just numbers or mathematical values, but things are not so simple. Even our date of birth has a certain meaning, everything starts from it.

In everyday life, we never think about the meaning of certain numbers that always surround us. What are they hiding? There is such a science as numerology, which studies the meaning of numbers in our lives.
Previously, people communicated with each other using numbers, it was something like a code. Values ​​can be divided into three groups:

  1. Opportunities - means self-realization, the discovery of one's hidden talents.
  2. Inclinations - these numbers are more related to career growth and the growth of oneself as a person.
  3. Human relations - determine the strengths and weaknesses of a person, but play a big role in family relationships.

All people have their own unique number that affects their entire life. Let's clarify the meaning of the nine main numbers and find out their influence:

  1. The number one (one) is selfishness, that is, this person always defines himself higher and more important than others. If this figure is often found in your life, try to cope with selfishness, otherwise it will begin to prevail over you.
  2. Number two (two) - the relationship between a man and a woman, that is, a couple that decides everything together. If this figure is often found in your life, then there will be harmony in love relationships.
  3. The number three (three) is a symbol of the Holy Trinity. If you have a lot of triples, then this means that your ideal is close to harmony.
  4. Number four - the predominance of the four in your life may indicate that your goal is to earn a lot of money, but most of all you think about life and home values.
  5. The number five (five) - the predominance of this figure indicates that you are a lucky person, everything is quiet and calm in your life, everything is going as planned and luck accompanies everywhere.
  6. The number six (six) is not a very good number, if this figure is present in your life in excess, control the outbursts of anger and anger that will prevail over you. This is always negative, try to set yourself up positively, think more about the positive, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with this further.
  7. The number seven (seven) - is manifested by unexpected luck, such people are considered to be quite lucky, their side is always positive.
  8. The number eight (eight) - a sign of infinity, enhances the value of all the numbers that are nearby. People whose life is dominated by this figure strive to learn as much as possible and move in the right direction in life.

9. The number nine (nine) is an ideal number, peace and quiet reign in life, peace. If the nine prevails in your life, then you can safely consider yourself a happy person.

There is a numbering of houses and apartments in numbers, thus our houses are assigned a certain aura. For comparison, you can notice the fact that when you enter an apartment, your mood can change dramatically for better or worse. After all, this or that atmosphere has already developed in your home. If you really noticed a change in your condition, this only proves the influence of numbers on our ordinary life.

The impact of numbers on the atmosphere:

  1. There will be creative energy in the house and you will enjoy life, attract the attention of others.
  2. People who are nervously unstable can have frequent tantrums. In such apartments there are usually a lot of mirrors.
  3. You need to avoid quarrels and conflicts so that as little negative energy as possible accumulates in your home.
  4. The residents of this house are creative personalities, they have a desire to go somewhere.
  5. Often you want to walk or travel, the purple color suits the apartment.
  6. This apartment has a good atmosphere, warmth and comfort reign, I want to relax and have fun.
  7. A place to study or learn a new profession, in order not to get bogged down in this routine, give your home more positive and optimistic.
  8. It is freedom, the desire to meet friends.
  9. There is a heavy atmosphere, people often start to get sick and suffer from insomnia.

Such a science as numerology, as well as astrology, in a certain way can determine what kind of character a person has, find out the future, direct decisions on the right paths and predict the outcome of a transaction. Numerology can still help when choosing a married couple.

If you imagine the Russian alphabet and replace each letter with a number, then it is quite possible to decipher your name, namely it leads us through life. The name is given to us for a reason. There are times when a person does not like his name, but he cannot explain why. This can only mean one thing, this name does not reveal him as an individual and creates some discomfort. Such people often experience nervous shocks and unjustified fears.

How to find out your number?

In order to find out your personal number that will accompany you through life, you need to take the date of birth, namely the day, month and year. Then add up all the available numbers and you get a single number. But do not think that people with the same date of birth will have the same fate and one path through life, this is a delusion. After all, you were born at different times, in different places and conditions, which already changes the course of events quite a lot.

With the help of numerology, you can recognize your hidden talents, it depends on how much you can fulfill yourself in this life.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that in our life we ​​are haunted not just by numbers, but by certain signs of fate that we need to listen to, perhaps thanks to these signs, something can be changed for the better. Even the greatest skeptics, delving into this science, will be able to change their mind. So many coincidences and supporting facts simply can not be.

Friends, the days of the month, like people, have their own character. Therefore, at different times, a person suddenly experiences joy. And sometimes nothing seems to portend trouble. And they are crowding on the threshold, and until the day is over, they do not want to leave. Since ancient times, the connection of numbers with the fate of people, the significance of numbers in human life has been noticed.

The meaning of numbers in human life and the calendar

What is the best day to start a new business?

People have noticed for a long time that it is impossible to start a new business on the first day of each month, because failures will begin. The same applies to getting a job. To make the work a joy, postpone its design until the next date, the same applies to

Repair, too, should not be started exactly the first, then it will end quickly and go as planned.

The second is dangerous because it is on this day that scammers are activated and because of them you can lose a large amount. You should not agree to some very dubious transactions - it is not known how they can end.

If the number is three on the calendar, you can’t borrow even a small amount for anyone. It is noticed that, basically, the owner will not return.

You need to live together on the fourth day of every month. If a scandal breaks out or a small quarrel starts, then for a long time everyone will be offended by each other, forgiving with difficulty.

For some reason, the number five in the calendar loves accidents, disasters, violation of transport schedules. Try not to use the services of cars and trains, so as not to get stuck on the way.

Business negotiations, important dates should be postponed on the sixth, otherwise even minor misunderstandings can ruin a big relationship.

On the seventh day, the authorities are very harsh towards their subordinates. Therefore, you should be at your workplace quietly and not ask for a raise or bonus.

On the 8th, nothing will particularly please, even a new outfit bought that day. This is the time of prohibitions: you can’t get involved in adventures, start risky business. It is better to postpone for a better time. Sharp objects should be kept away or handled with care.

On the following days of the month, to find out what can happen, you should add the numbers. For example: we divide the 26th day of the month into numbers 2 and 6, then add them up - 2 + 6 = 8

Tip: take Red pencil and mark the dates that are “dangerous” for you on the calendar and the negative will be much reduced.

Numerology of numbers is an ancient science that tells about the connection of a person's life with the date of his birth and all the numbers that arise and repeat on the path of life. The founder of numerology, Pythagoras, developed a unique calculation method that people use to this day.

The meaning of numbers in numerology

Each number, according to numerology, has its own unique meaning. Brief decoding of numbers:

  • 0 - the beginning of everything, a symbol of non-existence and intangible things that are beyond the bounds of conventional understanding
  • 1 - the personification of masculinity and courage, a symbol of the masculine principle. In personality characteristics, it indicates incredible stamina and willpower, the desire to achieve goals and succeed.
  • 2 - a symbol of the feminine. Indicates qualities such as femininity and softness, the ability to improve and harmonize the space around him. A person whose numerological map is dominated by units is endowed with incredible flexibility and strives for partnerships.
  • 3 - the personification of creativity. This is a symbol of an extraordinary, bright person who dreams of the recognition of others and glory.
  • 4 - indicates such qualities as diligence, the ability to organize and manage processes, people. It is characteristic of patient and consistent people who strive for stability and stand steadily on their feet.
  • 5 - the ability to adapt to a sharp change in circumstances, environment. People with fives in the card are inquisitive and curious, they are interested in everything. They love to look for new things and share knowledge with others.
  • 6 - the number of harmony and love, a happy, calm lifestyle. The desire for family and romance, the creation of a warm, spiritual hearth
  • 7 - the number of people with high intelligence. It is they who make discoveries in science, become philosophers, scientists, researchers. This is a person capable of introspection and one who knows how to penetrate into the very essence of things and phenomena.
  • 8 - a symbol of the material world and everything connected with it. The number of wisdom and self-confidence, love and acceptance of the world around in all its splendor. Ability to seek and find compromises in any situation
  • 9 - the number of people incredibly sociable, social. They do not represent life alone, they strive to surround themselves with friends and fans. They rejoice at new events and impressions. Communicative and able to find a common language with anyone

To understand which of the numbers corresponds to your personality, you need to make a numerological calculation and determine which numbers prevail in it.

Method of calculation

To create your own numerological chart, it is enough to know the date of your birth. The calculation method is quite simple and is based on the sequential addition of numbers.

It's very simple: for example, your date of birth is October 16, 1991. Add up: 1+6+1+9+9+1. We get: 27. Repeat the addition: 2 + 7 = 9. Nine will be the main number of your card.

There are a few exceptions. If your number turned out to be 11, 22, 13, 14, 16 or 19, they do not need to be reduced to one digit, but consider special values:

  • 11 is a very powerful number that is endowed with great magical meaning. A person whose life is affected by this combination is endowed with incredibly strong energy from birth. If this quality is developed, he may well become a psychic, a telepath, or discover other supernatural abilities in himself.
  • 22 is a symbol of a very rational person. Logic and reason always come first. Strictly follows the law, moral principles and obeys social norms. Weak side - a tendency to obey, fawning over the powers that be

13, 14, 16 and 19 are those that indicate negative manifestations of character:

  • 13 - extreme degree of selfishness. A person lives and acts only for the sake of his own desires and needs, he does not give a damn about others and does not take into account their interests. Egocentrism is the basis of life and the formation of principles
  • 14 - a person devoid of a sense of responsibility. Not from evil, but he constantly harms the people around him. Because of him, someone constantly suffers - suffers financial losses or moral harm. Tendency to dominate, lack of craving for spiritual development and indifference to others
  • 16 - a person who is his own law and authority. Complete contempt for social, moral, legislative norms. Refuses to be held responsible for misdeeds and committed actions that harm people and the world. Not able to control himself and limit in something. A life that is continuously connected with working off heavy karmic debts
  • 19 - a tendency to self-abasement, low self-esteem, a complete lack of self-love and self-acceptance. Self-esteem is completely absent. It’s scary if such a person gets power - he can cause tremendous harm by abusing his powers.

Watch a video about the meaning of numbers in terms of numerology:

Key concepts of numerology

In addition to the main number, by date of birth, you can calculate several more main numbers that characterize the personality and the main karmic moments:

  1. Life path number. Indicates the karmic destiny of the soul that exists in the current incarnation of a person in the physical world
  2. Birthday number - indicates the ways in which the destination can be successfully fulfilled. The shortest way to realize the mission of the soul
  3. The number of the Soul - shows the sources of filling with energy that are most correct for a particular person
  4. The number of appearance - reflects how the environment perceives you

Knowing how numbers affect your life, you can correct the negative aspects and shift the focus to the development of the strengths of the personality.

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Imagine modern life without figures and numbers is absolutely impossible. They surround us everywhere - the clock face, bus and house numbers, telephones, banknote denominations, memorable dates, pin codes.

People invented numbers many centuries ago. All of them are the result of the work of the human mind, but we attribute truly mystical properties to some of them. We love some numbers and numbers, but we try to avoid some or even we are afraid.

It happens that all his life a person feels some kind of magical connection with certain numbers. And sometimes the number literally “haunts” a person, foreshadowing troubles or, conversely, promising success.

For example, for Edita Piekha, the symbolic numbers turned out to be 1,3 and 7. The singer was born on 07/31/1937 at 5 pm in house 37. For some time she lived in a room on Grechesky Prospekt, 13, apartment 31, and her first own apartment appeared on Budapestskaya Street in house 31. In addition, the singer was refused 3 times to receive the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union and signed an order on October 13, on 31st year of performance on stage.

And for the royal family of the Romanovs, the number 17 was truly fatal. It was on the night of May 17, 1896, during the coronation of Nicholas II, that the famous Khodynskaya tragedy occurred. Nine years later, on October 17, 1905, a manifesto was signed limiting the absolute power of the monarch.

On December 17, 1916, Grigory Rasputin was killed, who prophesied to the royal family - the death of the last Romanovs would also be associated with his death. The prophecy came true - in 1917 the October Revolution took place, ending with the establishment of Soviet power, and on July 17 (according to the new style), 1918, the entire Romanov family was shot by the Bolsheviks in Yekaterinburg.

People who are passionate numerology(a parascience of numbers, close to astronomy) even make predictions about the entire life, using the figure resulting from the addition of all the numbers of the full date of birth.

For example: 11/02/1970 = 0 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 0 = 21 = 2 + 1 = 3. The resulting "personal figure of life" largely determines the character of a person, his abilities and destiny.

sacred numbers

Numerology singles out the so-called “sacred” numbers from the general series - 3, 7, 12 and 60. In Slavic culture, the numbers 3 and 7 are endowed with a sacred meaning.

We encounter them all the time, sometimes without even thinking about their "significance". Let's try to figure out what is so special about them.

Number 3 - divine perfection

It is with the troika that many Russian folk tales begin: "For faraway lands, in the farthest kingdom." Usually with a fabulous father three sons who need to pass three trials.

If the hero needs to do something, obstacles will surely await him, and everything will turn out as it should, only on third time. By the way, remember this when something does not work the first time - on the third it will definitely happen!

Number 3- a very important number for Christians who venerate the saint Trinity- God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. According to the Bible, the apostle Peter denied his Master three times, and Christ was resurrected after being crucified on the third day. It is believed that a person is born thrice(at birth - for the carnal life, at baptism - for the spiritual, at the time of death - for the afterlife).

Troika in Christianity- divine perfection, one of the four perfect numbers (3, 7, 10, 12).

In art - triptych, in literature - trilogy. Nature three elements that form life are water, earth and air. You can continue, it seems, endlessly.

Why is number 3 so popular?

Three symbolizes integrity, stability, completeness. Therefore, the threefold repetition of words or actions gives a feeling of completeness and completeness. Pythagoras considered three as the number of harmony.

In Eastern culture, it means unanimity, and in traditional chinese numerology- creativity and a happy life. By the way, for a happy life in apartment No. 3 (33, 333), Feng Shui recommends using red tones in the interior. They will enhance the positive influence of Mars - the patron of the triple.

Number 7, "spiritual and wise" seven

Seven- one of the most common mystical figures, familiar to us from childhood from fairy tales, proverbs and sayings: “The wolf and the seven kids”, “The tale of the dead princess and the seven heroes”, “Measure seven times, cut once”, “Seven do not wait for one” - you can list for a long time.

In the rainbow 7 colors, in a week - 7 days, in music - 7 basic notes, in history - 7 Wonders of the World.

Special meaning, like the triple, seven has in Christianity: 7 days of Creation, 7 deadly sins and 7 virtues, 7 sacraments performed by the church, 7 archangels. Seven is the number of spiritual perfection, which comes from the Hebrew word "savah" (to be filled, to have prosperity). It is this number, according to researchers, that occurs thousands of times in the Bible, and it is this number that indicates what is good, useful and noble.

Seven is considered a lucky number if it occurs in a sequence of several numbers - in a phone number or passport.

According to the philosophical teachings of Feng Shui, the seven means spirituality, wisdom and brings good luck in combination with the number eight. So if you live in apartment 87 or 78, you should be lucky in all your affairs and undertakings. By the way, in order not to stop on the way to perfection and feel confident - both at home and at work, psychologists recommend making cardinal changes in life every seven years - changing the field of activity, place of residence (or at least make repairs with a rearrangement), start a new hobby.

Number 12

This number tells us nature itself - in a year 12 months, in the sky 12 zodiac signs, By 12 hours lasts day and night, a person 12 pairs of ribs

In ancient Greece, the pantheon consisted of 12 gods, Christ had 12 apostle disciples, and Hercules, according to myths, performed 12 labors.

But if 12 is a perfect and harmonious number, then 13 is already “over-12”, which means it is not good and even dangerous. Even the 13th feat of Hercules, which originally existed, was not included in the school textbook because of its depravity.

Number 13

In dark cults, the number 13 plays an important role, as it is used to summon spirits. And it is on Friday the 13th that all sorts of “devilry” happens.

We sometimes count something not in tens, but in dozens (12 each). And 13 pieces - this is the so-called "devil's dozen."

Due to the widespread fear of this number, in many countries there are no planes with tail number 13, there is no such number (and sometimes even the whole floor!) in a hotel.

Even the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, which causes rumors about the imminent end of the world. But, perhaps, this is just a kind of “pass” for the unlucky 13th year?

Whatever it is, remember: no matter what numbers and numbers surround us, we can always make ourselves happy. Sami!

Kozhalo Alice

Purpose of the study - to figure out

Object of study - numbers.

Subject of study

Research objectives:




Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 12 of Vorkuta"


"The Importance of Numbers in Our Lives"


Kozhalo Alisa Alekseevna


Pakshina Larisa Alexandrovna

Vorkuta 2016



2.1 The history of the emergence of numbers 4

2.2 Questionnaire 5

2.3 The history of the emergence of forms of representation of numbers and ways to write them 6

2.3 The meaning of numbers in human life 9




Everywhere in life we ​​are surrounded by numbers,

But they are not dry, they are not cold.

The heat burns in them of concentrated thought,

The light of their austere beauty shines.

D. Veldbrecht, N. Turner.

From birth, a person is surrounded by numbers. Many people do not attach much importance to this fact, and many of them have never thought about the history of the emergence of numbers. But numbers play a very important role in our life. They are everywhere: in the date of birth, in the time, in the school and class number, in the assessment of the subject of study, and so on indefinitely. When I started studying numbers in the first grade, I wondered why they look like that, and who invented them? The teacher told us that we use "Arabic" numerals, but besides them there are "Roman" and other types of numerals.I was very interested in this, and I decided to learn all about the numbers.

In Dahl's dictionary it is said that a digit is a numerical sign. In other words, numbers are signs of numbers.

Purpose of the study- to figure out the history of the emergence and ways of recording various types of numbers from the moment of their birth to the present day, find out the meaning of numbers in our lives.

Object of study- numbers.

Subject of study- the history of the origin of numbers, the meaning of numbers in human life.

Research objectives:

  1. To study the history of the emergence of numbers;
  2. Get acquainted with the forms of representation of numbers, ways of writing them;
  3. Find out the origin of Arabic numerals;
  4. Find out the meaning of numbers in human life;
  5. Conduct a survey among third grade students.
  6. Conduct conversations with primary school teachers of the MOU "Secondary School No. 12"

Hypothesis: I assume that the numbers we use in everyday life originated anciently in Arabia.

Research methods:

  1. Search and analysis of literature and information sources on the Internet on this issue;
  2. Compiling and conducting a survey among third grade students;
  3. Conversations with primary school teachers.
  1. The history of the emergence of numbers

From what I read, I learned that primitive people, just like modern little children, did not know the account. But now children are taught to count by parents and teachers, older brothers and sisters, comrades. And primitive people had no one to learn from. Life itself was their teacher. The ancient people had nothing but a stone ax and a skin instead of clothes, so they had nothing to count. Gradually they began to domesticate cattle, till the fields and harvest; trade appeared, and here you can’t do without an account!

At first they counted on their fingers. When the fingers on one hand ended, they switched to the other, and if there were not enough on both hands, then they switched to the legs. So, for example, wanting to exchange a made spear with a stone tip for five skins for clothes, a person put his hand on the ground and showed that a skin should be placed against each finger of his hand. One five meant 5, two meant 10. Therefore, if in those days someone boasted that he had "two arms and one leg of cows", this meant that he had 15 cows, and if someone had 20 rabbits, it was called "the whole man", that is, two arms and two legs.

Numerical terms appeared expressing the difference between one and two and many. Large numbers were first formed using addition: 3=2+1, 4=2+2, 5=2+3 .

At first there were special names for numbers only for one and two. Numbers greater than two were called using addition: 3 is two and one, 4 is two and two, 5 is two, two more and one.

The names of numbers in many nations indicate their origin.

So, the Indians have two - eyes, the Tibetans - wings, other peoples have one - the moon, five - the hand, etc. Among those peoples who still retain their primitive way of life, such names of numbers are still used. And on the banks of the Amazon River, a tribe was discovered that knew only three numbers - 1, 2 and 3, and the number 3 was called "poettarrarorinkoaroak". That's how hard it was for people to learn to count!

But how did the numbers that we use in life appear? We call them Arabic. And is it really so? What do my peers think about this?

  1. Questionnaire

I decided to find out if third-grade students are familiar with the origin of Arabic numerals. A survey was conducted among third grade students. The questionnaire contained questions:

  1. What are the numbers we use in math called?

A) Roman b) Arabic c) Russian d) I don't know

  1. In which country were Arabic numerals invented?

a) India b) Arabia c) Egypt d) I don't know

As a result, the following results were obtained:

Conclusion: as a result of the survey, I found out that not all children know the name of the numbers that we use and the country of their origin, since they gave different answers. Most believe that the numbers are Arabic, as they told us at school and the country of origin of Arabia. Is that so?

Then I decided to learn more about the origin of numbers.

  1. The history of the emergence of forms of representation of numbers and ways to write them

In different countries and at different times, numbers were recorded in different ways. Before people knew how to make paper, records appeared in the form of notches on sticks and animal bones, in the form of deposited shells or pebbles, or in the form of knots tied to a belt or rope.

There was also a need to measure the length and capacity of objects. Units of measurement were crude, and often based on the size of the human body. We are reminded of this by such units as finger, foot (foot - English), elbow.

Now we, accustomed to the inscription of numbers, do not even believe that there was some other system for writing numbers.

Numbers, as such, appear only when writing appears. Even in the case when this writing is very primitive, representing an image of events with the help of pictures, a person always finds a way to indicate the number of certain objects. This is done in the most natural way: the object as its symbol is repeated as many times as the number needs to be depicted. Thus, the primitive peoples of Australia and Polynesia used "batons of messengers" in the past to transmit messages. This is a special tablet sent to notify about any events or proposed actions - hunting, liberation from captivity, etc., covered with symbolic drawings that played the role of a letter. Groups of identical signs found on such a wand denoted the corresponding number of objects: participants, days, animals, etc. The Roman numbering system for the first four numbers grew out of the same technique: I, II, III, IIII.

Fig.1 First four Roman numerals

An interesting example of subject writing is the pile of the Incas - the original inhabitants of present-day Peru. It is believed that in it subject writing revealed all its possibilities. A kipu is a thick rope or stick, on which cords with knots and plexuses are strung. Semantic meaning was attached to the number of cords and knots, their size, location and color. The weight of a quipu sometimes reached four kilograms. Uncolored cords were used for numerical recording and memorization of significant events, multi-colored cords for more complex messages.

Fig.2 Quipu of the Incas

So, along with writing, a system of numbers was also developed.

These "numbers" were very different and sometimes even funny for different peoples.

In ancient Egypt, the numbers of the first ten were written down with the corresponding number of sticks. And "ten" was indicated by a bracket in the form of a horseshoe. To write 15, it was necessary to put 5 sticks and 1 horseshoe. And so on up to a hundred. For a hundred, a hook was invented, for a thousand - a badge like a flower. Ten thousand was indicated by a finger pattern, one hundred thousand by a frog, and a million by a figure with raised hands.

It was not very convenient to write down large numbers in this way, and it was quite inconvenient to add, subtract, multiply, divide them.

Much better came up with the recording of numbers in ancient Babylon. It is very similar to the modern one, only we count in tens, hundreds, thousands and so on, and the inhabitants of ancient Babylon combined units of 60, 3600 (60x60=3600), and if necessary, 60x60x60=216000 and so on. They wrote in ancient Babylon on soft clay tablets with sharp sticks. It is difficult to depict complex figures with a stick on clay, therefore the Babylonian writing consisted mainly of various combinations of wedges (it is called cuneiform). Units were represented by narrow vertical wedges, and tens by wide horizontal ones, all numbers up to 60 were "collected" from such wedges. When it was necessary to write down a number greater than 60, then the next digit was opened, they wrote in it how many times the number 60 fits in the number being written, and what remained (that is, the remainder of the division by 60) was written, as before, in the first digit. Spaces were left between the digits so that the numbers from different digits did not mix.

Such a record of numbers is convenient because if we know how to multiply and add the numbers of the first category, then it is very easy to learn how to perform these actions with any numbers - these calculations can be carried out "in a column", as we are taught at school. True, the Babylonian system was still very cumbersome due to the fact that 60 is a fairly large number, so it was not used anywhere else.

But the numbering and calculation system that developed in India around the 6th century AD turned out to be so convenient and successful that it is now used all over the world. Europeans got to know it in the 10th - 13th centuries through the Arabs, who were the first to appreciate the merits of this way of writing numbers, learned and transferred to Europe, so the new numbers in Europe began to be called Arabic. This happened also because the simplest counting device, working in the decimal number system, was always with a person. centuries at hand - these are his 10 fingers.

At the beginning, the Indian numerals were only 9: 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. The number 0 appeared much later, most likely around 500 AD. And at first, if it turned out that there were no ones in some digit, then a gap was left between adjacent digits. For example, the number 209 was written like this: 2 9. It is clear that it is very easy to make a mistake when counting such gaps. To get rid of these troubles, first, instead of an empty discharge, they began to put a dot, and then a small circle, which gradually turned into the number 0.

Much later, the figures began to be depicted differently. Look at the Roman numeration: I - one, II - two, III - three. There are five fingers on the human hand. In order not to write five sticks, they began to depict a hand.

Fig.3 How did they come up with the designation for 5 and 10

However, the drawing of the hand was made very simple. Instead of drawing the whole hand, it was depicted with a V sign, and this icon began to denote the number 5. Then one was added to five and got six. Like this: six - VI, seven - VII. And how many are written here: VIII? That's right, eight. Well, what's the shortest way to write four? It takes a long time to count four sticks, so one was taken away from five and written like this: IV is five without one.

How about ten? You know that ten consists of two fives, so in Roman numeration the number "ten" was represented by two fives: one five stands as usual, and the other is turned down - X. Otherwise, ten can be written with two intersecting sticks. If you write one stick next to X on the right - XI, then it will be eleven, and if on the left - IX - nine.

When writing arose, many peoples began to use the alphabet to represent numbers.

The designations of numbers among the ancient Greeks and Slavs are very similar. In order to distinguish numbers from words, a special icon was placed above the letters depicting numbers: the Greeks - just a dash, and the Slavs - a wave, which was called "titlo".

Conclusion: Having studied the history of the origin of numbers and how to write them, I found out that the numbers that we use in everyday life did not appear in Ancient Arabia, but in India. The Arabs used Indian numerals. And the Europeans borrowed numbers already from the Arabs, so we call them Arabic.

  1. The meaning of numbers in human life

After reading the history of the origin of numbers, I thought: What is the meaning of numbers and numbers in our life?

What is a number? A number is a set of certain digits, when viewed from a mathematical point of view. There is a whole science - numerology, which studies the influence of numbers on our lives. Although numerology has gained great popularity relatively recently, this science was born in ancient times. Ancient people believed that our life is controlled by numbers. Particularly great importance was attached to the date of birth of a person, which determined his life path. According to the law of numerology, the numbers included in the date of birth are added up until they give a single digit.

First, write down your date of birth. For example: 03/07/2006 - the date of my birth.

Now we add all the numbers together until we get a single number: 0+7+0+3+2+0+0+6=18=1+8=9

The resulting number is the numerological value of the date of my birth.

I will briefly give the meanings of the numerology numbers of the date of birth:

1 is a symbol of one's own person, a symbol of glory and power, action and ambition.

2 - symbolizes balance in mood, actions, softness and tact of character, the search for compromises, smoothing sharp corners, acute problems.

3 - people of the "troika" are sociable, kind, noble, often changing their mood.

4 - symbolizes a balanced, hardworking nature, cautious, avoiding risky ventures.

5 - symbolizes an enthusiastic nature, loving adventure and risky activities, prone to everything unusual.

6 - remains unsurpassed. Nature is honest, frank, reliable.

7 - symbolizes mystery, as well as knowledge.

8 is business, enterprise, fearlessness in all spheres and areas of life, especially in commerce and industry.

9 - symbolizes a strong personality with potential intelligence, capable of high development.

From ancient times to our time, many people believed and believe in lucky and unlucky numbers. For example, they are afraid of the number 13 and believe in luck 3 and 7. Many other mystical numbers are also known. The essence of numerical superstitions and numerical mysticism is that supernatural, mysterious meanings are attributed to individual numbers. I don’t consider myself a superstitious person, but when I heard the expressions “spit three times”, “God loves a toriday”, “Friday the thirteenth”, etc., I wondered if the number 13 is really unlucky, and 3 and 7 are lucky. And they started collecting information about the numbers 3, 7, 13.

From childhood, we are familiar with fairy tales that begin with the number three: “in the three-ninth kingdom, in the thirtieth state, there lived a king and he had three sons,” or a stone at a crossroads offers the hero three paths, sent to distant lands, to the thirtieth state. The triple is also found in the names of fairy tales and their content: “Three Bears”, “Three Fat Men”, “Three Little Pigs”, “Three Underground Kingdoms”, “Three Comrades”, “Three Brothers”, Three Heroes” and others. A lot of them.

Legends also did not escape the number three. For example, the legend that the Earth rests on three whales. The spirit of the trinity manifests itself everywhere and in everything. See for yourself:

  • components of time: past - present - future;
  • three-dimensional space: height - width - length;
  • three branches of life: animals - plants - microorganisms;
  • three historical epochs: modern - middle ages - ancient world;
  • three periods of human life: youth - maturity - old age;
  • a person has three main forces: mental - emotional - motor;
  • three manifestations of the mind are characteristic of a person: intuition - intellect - instinct;

You can also continue about the number seven:

  • Seven wonders of the world. Seven days of the week. Seven colors of the rainbow. Seven weeks of fasting. Seven deadly sins. The Frenchman takes the strongest oath: "Strong as seven." Happy feels in seventh heaven.
  • Names of fairy tales: "Wolf and seven kids", "Seven goat heads".
  • The number "7" literally permeates the entire history of the culture of the peoples of the Earth.
  • The cult of the number "7" was born in ancient Babylon. Observing the sky, ancient astronomers counted 7 planets: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

But what about the number 13?

In Germany and France , for example, there are no houses with number 13, in the USA there are no buses No. 13, in some countries there is no No. 13 in the lottery, in many hotels there are no thirteenth numbers, in buildings there are no 13 floors, in trains there are 13 cars, on ships - 13 cabins, the 13th rows “disappear” in airplanes, and in airports there is no 13th gate, in hospitals on the 13th carry out planned operations, and there are not even wards with this number.

Even in Formula 1, there is no car with number 13. And Indiana residents are already accustomed to putting bells around the neck of their beloved black cats on Friday the 13th, as State law prescribes..

At one of the mathematics lessons, I held a practical lesson on the topic “Sets”, in which the guys made up sets of numbers, there I also invited the guys to name which numbers they consider lucky and which are not. As a result, out of 16 people: 6 people believe that the lucky number is 3, and eight people think that the number is 7; 10 people called the number 13 - unlucky. From the responses received, one can conclusion that not all students in my class can be considered superstitious people.

What do the teachers of my school think about this? I decided to have several conversations with primary school teachers of the MOU "Secondary School No. 12".

From conversations with teachers, I learned that many of them highlight lucky and unlucky numbers. But lucky numbers are different for everyone and it's not only 3 and 7. They bring them good luck, they are present in many significant dates for them, phone numbers, apartments, houses or schools where they studied. But many still called 13 unlucky. The teachers turned out to be more superstitious than the children.

Conclusion: Numbers are of great importance in human life. Many distinguish among them happy and unhappy.


During my research, I found out:

  1. It turns out that the numbers that we use in everyday life are more correctly called Indian, and not Arabic. We use these numbers in our lives every day and do not think that earlier people could count in some other way, for example, on fingers or with the help of pebbles, or that numbers can be written in letters from the alphabet.
  2. The method invented by the Indians and brought into the world by the Arabs was more convenient and economical. These seemingly simple ten icons can easily express huge meanings. Therefore, Arabic numerals could eventually become the most common in the world. Bashmakova I.G., Yushkevich A.P. "The origin of number systems" In the book: Encyclopedia of elementary mathematics, v.1.M.; Gostekhizdat, 1951, pp. 11-74.
  3. Stroyk D.Ya. "A Brief Essay on the History of Mathematics", M. "Nauka", 1984
  4. The Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius.
  5. Children's encyclopedia "I know the world" (mathematics), Moscow AST, 1999;

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Intellectual competition "Little Explorer" "The meaning of numbers in our life" Completed by: student of grade 3 A of the secondary school "Secondary School No. 12" in Vorkuta Kozhalo Alisa Leader: Pakshina L.A.

The purpose of the study is to find out the history of the emergence and ways of recording various types of numbers from the moment of their birth to the present day, as well as the meaning of numbers in our lives. Research objectives: 1. To study the history of the emergence of numbers. 2. Find out how to represent numbers, how to write them. 3. Find out the meaning of numbers in human life. 4. Conduct a survey among third grade students.

Notation of numbers in ancient Egypt

Notation of numbers in ancient Babylon

Roman numerals

The designation of numbers among the Slavs

CONCLUSIONS The figures that we use in everyday life, it is more correct to call Indian, not Arabic. The method invented by the Indians and brought into the world by the Arabs was more convenient and economical. Therefore, Arabic numerals could eventually become the most common in the world. Numbers are of great importance in human life. Not all third grade students know about the origin of numbers.

Different numbers influence the personality of a person and his fate. Therefore, many are interested in how to find out their number in numerology. By calculating them, you can find answers to your questions and make your life better. A science such as numerology studies the influence of numbers on people and at the moment there is a lot of information that helps to better understand what is happening in the life of each individual.

Birth number

The numerology of fate makes it possible to understand the potential of a person, the predominant features of his character, but does not allow you to accurately calculate his whole life. People born under the same numbers may be similar to each other, but it is not at all necessary that they will have everything in common. Numbers can suggest that it is better to develop and maintain in ourselves, what potential is in us. It is important for every person to understand this, because if he goes the wrong way, then his life can be broken.

It is customary to divide numbers from one to nine, just as modern numerology recognizes 11 and 22 as the strongest and luckiest birth numbers. It is believed that great people are born under them, capable of leading masses of people, uniting them with a common idea or doctrine. It is believed that many famous personalities were born under these numbers.

Calculation by date of birth

There are several ways to find out your number in the most common option is to use all the numbers from the date. In other words, if a person was born on December 12, 2002, then we take into account the numbers 12/12/2002. After that, you need to sum them up, that is, 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 2 and get 10. Next, you need to add the resulting numbers again. As a result, it turns out that the person was born under the number 1.

And in the second method, which is recognized by modern numerology, the number of a person is calculated taking into account the translation of the literal value of the month into numbers. For Russian letters, numeric values ​​are assigned. The alphabet is written in several rows, each of which has nine letters.

Then these numbers are summed up using a table: a letter is selected and its numerical value is looked up. This method refers to According to the previous example, it turns out that we need to add 1 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 2 and it will come out 29, which is 11. That is, this method allows you to find a more correct value.

Calculation according to Pythagoras

It was the calculation, taking into account the numbers belonging to the letters, that Pythagoras made at one time. Thus, months according to this system have numerical values:

  • January - 7.
  • February - 3.
  • March - 2.
  • April - 4.
  • May - 4.
  • June - 4.
  • July - 2.
  • August - 8.
  • September - 1.
  • October - 7.
  • November - 1.
  • December - 4.

This method is also taken into account when calculating the numerology of the first and last names. All numbers must be summed up, and this will allow you to get the personal number of a person by name. But the Pythagorean method does not take into account values ​​from one to nine, but all numbers below 22. But one and two are not considered.

The meaning of numbers according to Pythagoras

Here is a brief meaning of the numbers in human numerology developed by Pythagoras:

3 - an active person who loves to work;

4 - a leader who is used to solving everything personally;

5 - sociable, friendly personality;

6 - a very creative, talented person;

7 - a purposeful person who loves risk;

8 - responsible and reasonable person;

9 - a lonely sage, very prudent;

10 - fatalistic nature, there are the makings of a leader, often passionate;

11 - an active person with a large supply of energy and vitality;

12 - a purposeful, hardworking person;

13 - a bright, energetic personality who does not like everyday life and tranquility;

14 - meticulous personality, with a lot of patience;

15 - a cheerful person with a huge supply of energy;

16 - sensual, emotional nature;

17 - purposeful, romantic person;

18 - a receptive person, very emotional, but keeping his inner world in himself;

19 - self-confident personality;

20 - a very serious and categorical person;

21 - adventurer;

22 - a very smart person, prone to constant self-improvement.


With the help of numerology, you can also find out what problems a person may face in his life. In addition, the numbers will allow you to calculate how likely the occurrence of an event. To do this, you need to take the two-digit number of the date of birth and subtract the smaller one from the larger one. Let's say a person born on the 15th will count 5-1, and as a result 4 will come out. With single digits, zero is subtracted.

The meaning of numbers in numerology regarding problems

Let's take a look at the brief meaning of the problematic numbers obtained by the subtraction method:

0 - problems in life are not expected;

1 - various dependencies may occur;

2 - increased self-doubt;

3 - inability to express their emotions;

5 - conservatism, fear of change;

6 - evasion from obligations;

7 - indecisive character;

8 - a person does not understand well where is good and where is evil;

9 - lack of ability to sympathize.

Meaning of birth numbers

The most important thing that can be determined with the help of numerology is why a person came to this world, what he must achieve, what is his mission on earth. We have already considered the methods of how to find out your number in numerology, now let's look at the meaning of these numbers.

People born under a unit are born leaders, the so-called leaders. They must develop willpower, self-confidence, they are characterized by activity and selfishness, often they are powerful. Also, they can be observed stubbornness, initiative, aggression and the ability to creative self-realization.

Those born under the deuce are ordinary team members. This is the average person. They must develop modesty, vulnerability, sensitivity, gentleness. Usually such people are emotionally unstable, offended, rarely decide to make decisions, are consistent, caring, passive. This is the meaning of numbers in numerology.

Those born under the number three come into this world to be initiators and instigators. To gain life experience, they must be proactive, friendly, optimistic, sociable, visible in society. They need to improve their creative and oratory skills. Often these are self-centered individuals, lazy and in need of approval from society.

Those born under the number four come into this world to work. These are true workaholics who need to be organized, purposeful, hardy, diligent, patient, stubborn conservatives in order to gain life experience. It is also important to develop in oneself This is how the meanings of numbers in numerology are deciphered.

Those born under the number five are called the souls of society. These are freedom-loving individuals, they are witty, enterprising, quick-witted, flexible. To gain life experience, they need to develop a love for self-improvement. They are usually eccentric, impatient, love entertainment of all kinds, are very fond of sensationalism and do not always respond positively to change.

Those born under the number six, the numerology of fate designates as a support for society. They should be interested in spiritual development, take care of people, sacrifice themselves, have an increased sense of responsibility and a balanced psyche. Often they are overly emotional, idealistic, beautiful, artistic. They can suppress their own desires and try to control someone else's life.

Born under - thinkers. To gain experience in life, they need to be thoughtful, lonely. Priority should be introspection and spiritual quest. They must have an analytical mind, not trust others, be afraid of change, be stingy with feelings. Such people are often withdrawn, shy and critical in their judgments. This is the meaning of numbers in numerology for those born under the seven.

Those born under the number eight play the role of "grey eminence", these are careerists. They must be energetic, purposeful, determined and self-confident. These are cold, fair, sensible people, with a merciless and demanding attitude towards people, often prone to dictatorship.

Those born under the number nine come into the world as philosophers and righteous people. To gain life experience, they need to develop humanism, disinterestedness. They must have love for others, compassion, sometimes even fanaticism.


Now you know how to find out your number in numerology, and you can determine your mission. Numbers help us to follow our path and achieve goals that allow us to realize our spiritual intentions.

Municipal state educational institution

"Krasnoseltsevskaya secondary school"

Bykovsky municipal district of the Volgograd region



"The Meaning of Numbers

Sustova Elizaveta, 6th grade

Yusupova Dinara, 6th grade

Project Manager:

Ryzhova Natalya Mikhailovna, teacher of mathematics

Research objectives:

    Acquaintance with the basics of the science of numerology;

    Pay attention to the influence of numbers on the fate of a person.

    Comparative analysis of human qualities, manifested in life, with characteristics according to the laws of numerology.

Object of study:personality traits

Subject of study:the relationship of human qualities with the laws of numerology

Hypothesis:the characteristics given by numerology to a person coincide with the qualities of a person.

Methods:search, practical, analysis.

Work plan:

    Study the literature provided by the teacher.

    Find information on a topic on the Internet.

    draw conclusions on the topic.

    Present the results of the study in the form of a presentation.

Description of work:

Numbers mean a lot in our life. Knowing the date of birth, you can say a lot about the character of a person, about his inclinations and aspirations. You can guess what's in store for him in the future...


We are very interested in this topic. We always wanted to learn something new about numbers. After all, the world of numbers is very mysterious and interesting.

This topic is relevant because numbers are very important in our world. If there were no numbers in the world, then we would not know how old we are, in what century or year we live.

We wanted to learn as much as possible about the origin of numbers, about their meaning in our lives.

The magical properties of numbers have excited people for thousands of years. The “Holy Trinity”, an odd number of flowers in a bouquet, “The Devil's Dozen”, in many countries there are no planes and houses with the number 13, etc. have come down to us. Numerology is able to tell a lot about the personality and what is given from birth.

Numbers don't rule the world

but they show

how the world is run.

Johann Goethe

    From the history of numbers

What is a number? A number is a set of certain digits, when viewed from a mathematical point of view. In addition, these sets of certain numbers constantly appear in our lives, starting from the date of birth and continuing with a daily continuous stream: date, time, money, phone number, identification code, meter readings, etc. By definition, NUMBER is the number of objects in abstraction from them. Numbers characterize the quantitative side of any phenomena, events, processes, that is, everything that can become the subject of our research.

Learn a little about the history of numbers.

The ancient people, apart from a stone ax and a skin instead of clothes, had nothing, so they had nothing to count. Gradually they began to domesticate cattle, till the fields and harvest; trade appeared, and here one cannot do without an account. First, they counted on the fingers, when the fingers on one hand ended, they switched to the other, and if there were not enough on both hands, they switched to the legs. But how to remember who owes whom, how many foals have been born and how many horses are now in the herd, how many sacks of corn have been collected? That's when people came up with numbers...

The ancient Mayan people drew scary heads instead of numbers, like aliens, and it was very difficult to distinguish one figure head from another.

The Indians and the peoples of Asia, when counting, tied knots on laces of different lengths and colors. Some rich people accumulated several meters of this rope “account book”, go and remember in a year what four knots on a red cord mean! Therefore, the one who tied the knots was called a memorizer.

The ancient Egyptians on very long and expensive papyri wrote very complex, cumbersome signs instead of numbers. For example, here is what the number 5656 looked like.

It was very inconvenient to store fragile and heavy clay tablets, ropes with knots, rolls of papyrus. And this continued until the ancient Indians invented their own sign for each number. Here's what they looked like. A little later, the Arabs simplified these icons, and they began to look like this.

But in Russia, numbers appeared only under Peter I, before that, each number had its own letter of the alphabet.

    The art of numerology.

Many people are sure that all the blows of fate are destined from above, that is, the fate of a person has already been determined and, no matter what he does, it is impossible to change it. So thought the French writer Balzac. He also said that for each person the number of all the troubles allotted to him, and their nature, is predetermined and calculated.

Is it possible to find out exactly how many troubles and misfortunes, and how many happy days are destined for everyone in his life? In search of an answer, scientific minds even before our era paid attention to numbers and began to attribute magical meaning to them.

"All things can be represented in the form of numbers," said the ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Pythagoras. Thus, he made it clear that the world is ruled by numbers and a secret is hidden behind every number.

Have you ever thought at least once about the meaning of numbers in a person's life, about the meaning of numbers in our lives with you? .. what is hidden in ordinary plain numbers? And why are any encodings carried out using numbers?

In fact, it is not in vain that there is a whole science of numerology, which studies the influence of numbers on our lives. Let's try to understand the basics of number theory. This science was born in ancient times. In which numbers fascinated humanity. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt, Judea and Phoenicia endowed numbers with special magic. Numerology of numbers is the ancient science of the hidden meaning of numbers. Its ancestor was the mathematician and astrologer Pythagoras (580-500 BC), he put forward the belief that numbers dominate everything in a person's life. Despite the fact that it is Pythagoras who is considered the father of numerology of numbers, this science has long been developed by other peoples.

The art of numerology allows us to reveal the secrets of numbers, to learn their magical meaning, and, perhaps, to find answers to questions that previously defied any explanation. The main meaning of numerology is that between the phenomena of the Universe and a person, the connection occurs through numerical values ​​and is deciphered by mathematical operations. Therefore, with the help of certain calculations, you can find out what is destined for a person by fate. Any person has not one “numerical value”, but several. Each of them is responsible for a certain area - relationships, character, purpose. In order to find out these numerical codes, it is enough to know:

    exact date of birth

    surname, name, patronymic

    meanings of numbers and letters

With the help of numerology, you can find explanations for many conflicts and disagreements, find an approach to a person who is dear to you.

House and apartment number, phone and car number, passport number and date of birth... So many numbers in our lives! Numerology - the mysticism of numbers - claims that these numbers are not given by fate by chance. Everyone has “their” number given at birth.

"Number - essence"

Many numerical codes of a person change during life, for example, the address of residence or surname, but the date of birth remains the same for everyone. The day, month and year of birth are the main numbers in a person's life. The entity number is calculated using this data. For example: 01.11.2003

Then I sum all the numbers: 0+1+1+1+2+0+0+3 . I write down the result 8 .

Add up until one digit remains.

My number is 8 .

This number means the number of the entity.

Essence number 1 endows its owner with such qualities as activity, striving for leadership, and patience.

A person with the number of Essence 2 is characterized by softness, tact, non-conflict. His life flows measuredly, cyclically, all situations repeat themselves sooner or later, at certain intervals.

People with Essence number 3 have very great potential. They will never miss their own, live for today, take only those cases that will bring great benefits, without wasting their energy on trifles.

Essence number 4 promises its owners a stable, disciplined life, the main mission of which, they consider to be the development of a sense of justice and the accumulation of experience. These people are very honest and reliable.

A person with Essence number 5 easily adapts to any circumstances and conditions, spontaneously lights up with new ideas or activities. They approach any business with cheerfulness, resourcefulness and imagination. Distinctive features of such people are creativity, originality, enthusiasm and mobility.

People born with Essence number 6 are very ambitious, they strive to make themselves, to prove to others their significance.

Essence number 7 endows a person with creativity, an easy attitude to life and strong intuition, which gives them the opportunity not to think about many things, but simply to follow the call of the heart. Among them are many speakers, artists, designers.

Essence number 8. The life of these people is filled with anxiety and spontaneity. They have a strong character and violent willpower, for them there is no word "impossible".

The main mission in the lives of people with Essence number 9 is salvation and help to other people. A person with the number 9 is endowed with a good intellect, but he needs a profession related to spiritual values, economics or finance are contraindicated for these people.

Thus, it becomes clear that we are accompanied in life not just by numbers, but by signs of fate that can be used.

The value of numbers in a person's life is difficult to overestimate, because even the name, patronymic and surname are encoded using certain numbers, deciphering which you can understand the fate of a person.


Not only numbers, but also letters or sound symbols act in conjunction with numbers and necessarily affect a person. The name and its bearer influence each other. Numbers will help clarify this connection.

You need to add up all the numbers in your first and last name and thus come to a number of one digit, which can be considered your lucky talisman.

The letter and the number that corresponds to this letter (slide)

A - 1, B - 2, C - 6, G - 3, D - 4, E - 5, F - 2, W - 7, I, Y - 1, K - 2, L - 2, M - 4, H - 5, O - 7, P - 8, R - 2, C - 3, T - 4, U - 6, F - 8, X - 5, C - 3, H - 7, W - 2 , W - 9, S - 1, L - 1, E - 6, Yu - 7, I - 2

To find out what number can be considered your talisman, you must first write your full name, patronymic and surname. For example, Yusupova Dinara Anvarovna. I look at the table, write out all the numbers that correspond to each letter in the first name, patronymic and last name, and add them up.

7+3+6+8+7+6+1 + 4+1+5+1+2+1 + 1+5+6+1+2+7+6+5+1 = 86 = 8 + 6 = 14 = 1+4 = 5

So my talisman is a number 5 .

If your talisman is number 1, be prepared for the fact that it will reward you with such character traits as the desire for leadership, the desire to be the best, the thirst for honor and respect. One will give your behavior generosity, pride, desire for creation, initiative, a sense of responsibility, justice. The number 1 can be correlated with the sun. Therefore, a medallion in the shape of the sun will be a good talisman, but on its reverse side it is necessary to write or scratch out a unit. For a talisman, a coin worth 1 kopeck is also useful, only it should be made of yellow metal.

Two is a symbol of openness, emotionality, spiritual giftedness. Therefore, we can expect that this particular number will give you more friendliness, fidelity and sensitivity. Two is the symbol of the moon. Therefore, you can use silver trinkets for the talisman, for example, a silver ring. Do not forget to engrave 2 on the outer or inner side of the ring, otherwise the talisman will not work.

Three is a mysterious number. This talisman makes people optimistic, they are not afraid to make decisions and take risks, because they are sure that they will always win. The number 3 sets up its owners for a positive attitude towards themselves and others. Three attracts happiness and harmony like a magnet, so very rarely people whose talisman number 3 are unhappy. For a talisman, you can use an equilateral triangle. It can be a pendant or other decoration. In order for the talisman to act as a talisman against the envy of strangers, you can depict the number 3 on the talisman.

The four-talisman makes people wayward and stubborn. They strive to live not according to generally accepted rules, but according to their own standards. For a talisman, you can use everything that consists of four components: a cube, a parallelepiped, a square, a cross, and even a flower with four petals. In the center of the talisman, you must write the number 4.

The number 5 is a symbol of success and completion, so the talisman in the form of the number 5 gives people a lively and mind that allows them to find a way out of any situation. Five makes it possible to find a rational grain in every business, to take the initiative. Those whose talisman is the number 5 always strive to try their hand at rare professions. For a talisman, it is good to use a five-pointed asterisk. It can be worn around the neck as a pendant, pinned to a dress as a brooch, or simply put in a pocket.

6 - usually this number is the talisman of those who are loved by everyone without exception. The six not only gives them charm, but also allows you to bypass all the pitfalls in life. The talisman in the form of the number 6 allows you to achieve everything very easily, with almost no effort.

The symbol for the number 6 can be a six-pointed asterisk or an equilateral hexagon. Be sure to write on the talisman 6. You can draw a hexagon on paper and carry it in your wallet or pocket, then you will feel how luck smiles at you

7 is an unstable and somewhat magical number. If, as a result of the test, you found out that this particular number is your talisman, it is safe to say that you have some unusual abilities, for example, excellent intuition. For a talisman, you can depict a treble clef or an equilateral heptagon. You can write 7 on paper and always have this sheet with you.

The number eight symbolizes infinity. If you understand that this is your lucky number, you are destined to live a long, comfortable life. For a talisman, you may well use two rings linked together. Firstly, such a talisman resembles the number 8, and secondly, it symbolizes the rings of Saturn. After all, the figure eight is a symbol of the planet Saturn.

Nine-talisman is able to give the character of a person initiative, enterprise, energy, self-confidence. However, the nine can reward too self-willed people with ruthlessness, arrogance, a contemptuous attitude towards everyone they consider below themselves.

If your talisman is the number 9, you can use a flower with nine petals for it, or just a circle with 9 written in the middle.

So, now we know a little more about the meaning of numbers and their impact on our lives.

    Research results.

For our research work, we used the data of 15 of our classmates and, on the basis of a summary table of research data (Appendix 1), compiled a diagram “The number of coincidences of a person’s qualities with his characteristics according to numerological laws” (Appendix 2).

Analyzing and comparing the obtained data, I found out that by the number of name matches 67% , by number of birthday matches 80%

We learned that the favorite number in the class is 7

And we also asked if our classmates think that the date of their birth affects fate? (Appendix 3).

Thus, we can conclude that with the help of numerology with a probability of more than 70% it is possible to characterize a person, but one should not blindly believe everything magical.

    Conclusion. Conclusions.

While working on this topic, we learned a lot of new things from the history of the emergence of numbers of different peoples and times.

In the course of the research work, we got acquainted with the basics of the science of numerology, studied some of its sections, and we came to the conclusion that the characteristics of a person given by numerology basically coincide with reality. Numerology indicates not only positive, but also negative qualities of a person. Knowing about them, you can fight them. A person can always find ways to change something in his destiny. To do this, you need to learn to evaluate yourself and your actions realistically, to know your capabilities and inclinations that are given to you from birth. In the future, when choosing a profession, you can take into account those recommendations that correspond to us in numerology.

Having carried out a comparative analysis of the qualities of a person, manifested in life, with the characteristics according to the laws of numerology, they confirmed the hypothesis put forward about the coincidence of the characteristics given by numerology to a person with the qualities of the person himself.

Yes, numbers play a huge role in human life. A lot can be explained with numbers. We realized that it is impossible to do without knowledge of mathematics. Therefore, mathematics is called the queen of sciences.

The set goals and objectives have been fully achieved.

Thank you for your attention!


    Pictures and animations:,

    Fundamentals of numerology:›osnovi.htm

    Portrait of Lomonosov:

Annex 1

Full Name


Date of Birth

Entity number

Akhmedov Adyl Makhamadovich

Amirov Ferdy Shirinovich

Bogatyrev Egor Alexandrovich

Ilmensky Alexander Vladimirovich

Mendeshev Ruslan Anatolievich

Sarsikeev Ruslan Alekseevich

Sustova Elizaveta Amanzhanovna

Dursunov Emrul Makhamadovich

Akhmedov Akram Akhmadovich

Arshimov Erbulat Armanovich

Davletkaliev Roman Anatolievich

Kairova Aina Amyrzhanovna

Muzaffarova Leyla Mahsudovna

Shakhsadinova Gulmira Sunnatovna

Yusupova Dinara Anvarovna

A frequently occurring number - a talisman are the numbers: 5 and 1.

Essence numbers: 4, 6, 8.

Analyzing the data, we came to the conclusion that in fact, in our class, mostly initiative, fair, active classmates with a strong character, ready to prove their need to the class, achieve their goal.

Annex 2

Appendix 3

Do you think that the date of your birth affects your destiny?

Didn't notice

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