After postinor when can I get pregnant. Postinor and possible pregnancy. Indication for Postinor's use

Many women after unprotected sexual intercourse use the drug postinor, which is a means of "emergency" contraception. Can pregnancy occur after postinor? What are the consequences of taking this medication? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

There are numerous stories on women's forums that after postinor, pregnancy nevertheless occurred, and women are worried about how the effect of the drug will affect the health of the unborn child. First you need to understand the mechanism of action of the drug on the body.

The main active ingredient of the drug is Levonorgestrel, which prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus. In other words, it provokes a miscarriage at the earliest stage of pregnancy.

The drug should be taken twice. The first intake of postinor should take place no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual contact has occurred. The second tablet should be taken 12 hours after the first.

Of course, taking the drug will be more effective if the woman drank the pills as early as possible. It is believed that if you take the drug on the first day after unprotected contact, it will be 95-98% effective. On the second day, the effect decreases to 85%, on the third - to 55-60%.

So is it possible to get pregnant after postinor? Practice shows that this is possible, and with a high degree of probability.

Consider the main reasons why the drug was not effective, and the woman became pregnant.

  • The medicine was used later than the terms indicated in the instructions;
  • In parallel, drugs containing St. John's wort were used;
  • During the use of the drug, treatment of tuberculosis or epilepsy was carried out;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Using a counterfeit drug;
  • Individual perception of the body:
  • Postinor was taken after ovulation;
  • Pregnancy occurred before the use of the drug.

Do not take the drug more than twice a month! Otherwise, its effectiveness will decrease. Therefore, the risk of becoming pregnant after taking postinor will increase.

It should be remembered that the drug does not protect against pregnancy by 100%. And the risk of side effects and a decrease in the body's defenses is very high. Therefore, postinor is not the best friend of girls at all.

This is what a fertilized egg looks like. It is at this stage that emergency contraception is used.

The consequences of taking postinor

Some women mistakenly believe that postinor is a conventional contraceptive drug. Only you can take it after intercourse, and not before it. However, this is misleading. Serious consequences after the thoughtless use of this drug are expressed in a change in hormonal levels, which leads to many health problems:

  • Various types of bleeding. Taking the drug is often accompanied by profuse or spotting spotting.
  • Taking postinor provokes a failure of the menstrual cycle, which can last several months.
  • Migraine and dizziness.
  • Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, which manifests itself in the form of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
  • Fatigue and low performance.
  • Aching pains in the lower abdomen.
  • Tension of the mammary glands.
  • Increased blood clotting and risk of blood clots.
  • Development of secondary infertility.

Most often, these side effects occur in women who use the drug for a long time and often. However, it is not uncommon for these unpleasant consequences of taking postinor to occur after a single use of it.

Due to the many side effects in many countries of the world, this contraceptive is prohibited. In our country, there are certain restrictions for its reception.

  • Diseases of the gallbladder;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • Thrombosis.

Postinor should not be used for delayed menstruation, nursing mothers and girls under 16 years of age.

Many women do not feel any negative changes in the body while taking the drug. However, after some time, the consequences of its use may manifest itself in hormonal failure and disruption of the reproductive organs.

Therefore, an already desired pregnancy after taking postinor may occur with complications (miscarriage, ectopic or missed pregnancy) or not occur at all.

Menstrual cycle after taking a contraceptive

How many days will my period start after taking the medicine? This question is asked by many women who have used the drug for the first time and are faced with the absence or delay of the cycle.

It should be noted that all drugs of "emergency" contraception lead to menstrual irregularities, because they contain a huge amount of synthetic hormone. Therefore, delay or profuse unplanned bleeding is likely to occur after the use of postinor.

Since ovulation does not occur after postinor, critical days usually begin a week after taking the drug. If they started ahead of schedule, you should not be afraid: the drug worked, and conception did not happen.

However, the body of each woman is individual, and it is definitely impossible to answer this question, so you just have to wait for menstruation.

However, if menstruation does not occur, it is necessary to do a pregnancy test or donate blood to the level of hCG, since after the drug you can still get pregnant.

If you can’t wait to find out the results, but you still need to wait some time, measuring basal temperature (BT) will help confirm or refute pregnancy. However, this method is not accurate.

The absence of menstruation does not always mean an unplanned pregnancy, since the drug contains a lot of synthetic hormone that disrupts the hormonal background. If menstruation has not recovered within a few months, you should definitely contact a gynecologist, since the effects of the drug in some cases need to be treated, otherwise it can lead to infertility.

The onset of pregnancy

If pregnancy does occur and a woman wants to give birth to this child, she needs to undergo a thorough examination and consult a gynecologist. After all, postinor can have a negative effect on the condition of the fetus, as well as cause various complications of pregnancy.

So is it possible to endure and give birth to a healthy child if a woman is “lucky” to get pregnant after taking postinor?

Numerous studies and real-life examples show that in most cases, the pregnancy proceeded quite well, and healthy, well-developed children were born. Of course, in this case, a pregnant woman should monitor the intrauterine development of her baby more carefully, following all the recommendations of the attending gynecologist.

Many believe that if postinor has an adverse effect on the fetus, then the woman's body will not accept it, that is, a miscarriage will occur. If conception did occur (the fertilized egg attached to the uterus), the drug was not effective, therefore, it cannot provoke any disorders in the baby.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the birth of children should always be desired and planned. There are many methods of modern contraception that can safely prevent an unwanted pregnancy for a woman's body.

How dangerous is taking postinor for the female body, it was said above. To take the drug or not, the woman decides for herself. However, you should always remember about the harm that it can cause to the female body.

Well, who doesn't? Either the condom did not “hold out”, or they themselves could not restrain themselves ... And if they say that they don’t wave their fists after a fight, then you can’t say this in the case of an extremely unwanted pregnancy. And here emergency contraception comes to the rescue - Postinor. It should be within 72 hours (the sooner the better) to drink one tablet, and after 12 hours - the second, and unwanted pregnancy will not occur. That's what the manufacturers say.

How does Postinor work? Its main "weapon" is a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone progesterone - levonorgesterol. Its shock dose fails in the process of fertilization. How exactly is not known for certain. Perhaps it prevents the release of the egg, and if it has already left, it does not allow it to move and meet with the sperm. Well, if they have already met, they will not be able to infiltrate the walls of the uterus. And only if the fetal egg has already managed to attach, then Postinor is powerless. That is why it is recommended to use it as soon as possible after unprotected sexual intercourse, but as rarely as possible.

We will not talk now about how harmful, dangerous and undesirable the use of Postinor is, because if you are reading an article with that title, it means that a situation happened in your life when Postinor was needed.

On the one hand, taking this emergency pill, every woman will think about how effective it is and what will happen if pregnancy does occur. Yes, although rarely, pregnancy after Postinor happens. How to suspect her? In the normal scenario, menstruation should appear on time, or a little earlier. Often the discharge is longer and more abundant. And now, if menstruation does not occur, and you took Postinor almost at the last minute (after 70 hours), then be sure to contact a gynecologist to exclude or confirm pregnancy.

And now, in gynecology they tell you that Postinor did not work. It is very good if you accept this gift of fate and do not even think about abortion. However, you will be tormented by a feeling of doubt: will this hormonal shock affect the development of the unborn baby? Many gynecologists, unfortunately, will tell you not to risk it. However, their fear is absolutely unfounded, because practice shows that “unwanted” surviving children are born strong and healthy, and become desirable.

The female body is very smart. Therefore, it happens that your fate and the fate of the fetus is determined by nature itself. Postinor brought harm, so the fetus will arbitrarily “depart”, and if the harm is minimal, the baby will “scramble”. This is natural selection, in which many are reluctant to believe.

Relying on nature or not is an individual matter. You yourself must decide how to deal with pregnancy after Postinor. The situation is ambiguous, because many experts argue that the active substance affects conception, and not the fetus. At the same time, other doctors send the woman for an abortion, supposedly protecting her from a possible or worse: a child with developmental anomalies.

But again, we repeat: there are plenty of examples of successful childbirth and healthy babies after Postinor. Families who gave birth to an “unwanted” baby do not regret at all, but those who had an abortion, without making sure that there were serious reasons, regretted more than once ...

Therefore, weigh all the pros and cons, calm down and pray!

Everything that happens is for the best!

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

Pregnancy after postinor- a serious reason for excitement, many women believe. Firstly, because the very fact of using postinor suggests that pregnancy is undesirable, and secondly, many believe that this drug can cause irreparable harm to the fetus and affect its normal development. Let's look into this important issue together.

Is pregnancy possible after postinor

It is no secret that postinor is an emergency drug, which is recommended to be taken only in extreme cases. But such cases, although rare, still occur in the life of a woman. Sometimes pregnancy may simply not fit into your plans - for example, the financial situation or health does not allow you to give birth, or the first one has not yet turned out and you are afraid of excessive workload.

The very fact of pregnancy after postinor seems to be something incredible for many, because these “miracle pills” are taken precisely in order to prevent conception. And yet, it happens.

The contraceptive effect of postinor is based on the use of the substance levonorgestrel, which is taken in 2 stages.

  • At the initial stage (no later than 72 hours after intercourse), levonorgestrel prevents the release of the egg from the ovary and its fertilization by the sperm.
  • At the second stage (12 hours after taking pill No. 1), a “control shot” occurs - if fertilization has occurred, levonorgestrel prevents the fetal egg from fixing on the uterine wall.

It happens that all the efforts of levonorgestrel are in vain: either the woman took the pill too late, or the egg with the sperm turned out to be extremely purposeful. However, is it possible to give birth after you tried to get rid of the pregnancy with postinor?

Is it possible to leave pregnancy after postinor

You should know that if you tried to terminate the pregnancy with folk remedies or with the help of a postinor "in hot pursuit", this only means that you were not psychologically ready for pregnancy at that very moment. This does not mean that you cannot change your mind over the next few days. In addition, many women simply cannot afford an abortion for moral and ethical reasons. However, the very fact that the fetus at an early stage has already been exposed to a drug that could disrupt its development, of course, raises serious concerns.

Do not worry - the female body is too smart to leave an inferior fetus in the womb. The thing is that levonorgestrel affects the likelihood of conception and in no way harms the fetus. Well, if he managed to “conceive” and “catch on”, this can only mean that the fetus is incredibly viable - you have every chance to give birth to a child with a high score for.

If you have any suspicions that after taking Postinor, pregnancy has nevertheless occurred, contact a gynecologist immediately - he will help you correctly assess your situation and make the right decision.

Among the drugs related to the number of emergency contraception, Postinor occupies a special place. It is considered the most effective remedy to help prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. The drug prevents the attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus, thereby preventing the fetus from developing further, however, many women have a question whether it is possible to become pregnant after Postinor.

and its features

Its action is to suppress the process of fertilization through levonorgesterone, a synthetic analogue of progesterone. Along with high efficiency, Postinor can cause a number of negative manifestations, among them are:

  • Frequent headaches
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Physical weakness.

Experts also warn that the drug, with frequent use, can have negative consequences. In this case, there is a risk of uterine bleeding, the formation of cysts, thrombus formation, impaired renal function, and the development of infertility.

Is pregnancy possible after taking Postinor

Many patients are interested in how effective the remedy is and whether it is possible to get pregnant after Postinor. Pregnancy is possible, but such cases are extremely rare and mostly possible if the patient does not follow the recommendations in the instructions. The use of tablets occurs in two stages and consists in the following scheme.

  • The first dose should take place no later than 72 hours after sexual contact. The drug blocks the release of the egg and its fertilization
  • The second appointment is carried out after 12 hours, this is a control check if you managed to get pregnant. At this stage, the medicine does not allow the fetal egg to gain a foothold on the walls of the uterus.

The chance of getting pregnant occurs when a woman drank Postinor too late, that is, after 3 days after sex, or there was no re-admission. Experts have proven that the use of the drug for 24 hours increases its effectiveness to 95%, but if the drug was taken after 24-48 hours, its activity drops to 85%, the use of Postinor after intercourse for 48-72 hours gives a chance for a negative the result is only 60% of women. In certain situations, such additional factors can affect a positive test:

  • Individual characteristics of the woman's body
  • Parallel use with medical devices that contain St. John's wort, as well as drugs used in the treatment of fungal pathologies, tuberculosis, epileptic seizures. These medicines significantly reduce the effectiveness of Postinor.
  • Having Crohn's disease also increases the chance of conceiving a child while taking these pills.

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy in time, experts recommend contacting a gynecologist even after using this drug. This will help to accurately exclude pregnancy, and the doctor will be able to choose the most convenient and appropriate contraceptive drug.

In some cases, also when using this remedy, it is possible to develop such a negative phenomenon as an ectopic pregnancy. This condition often occurs due to hormonal imbalance, changes in the mucosa, decreased patency of the fallopian tubes. It should be remembered that the IMP is extremely dangerous for a woman, she requires immediate hospitalization.

Is it possible to maintain pregnancy after using the remedy

If pregnancy occurs after taking Postinor, and women have a number of contraindications to abortion or wish to leave the child, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist is obliged to appoint a number of specific studies that will help to detect the effect of the drug on the formation of the fetus and its further development. In most cases, if a woman becomes pregnant after Postinor, the pregnancy proceeds normally and the development of negative consequences for the unborn child is minimized.

This is due to the fact that the egg during the week does not have any attachment to the mother's body, it receives the nutrients necessary for its growth from its own cells. And only a week later, when it reaches the uterus and is introduced into its cavity, it begins to cooperate with the woman's body. The influence of Postinor is observed for 2 days, after which the drug has no effect on the fetus. When, in the event of any violations in the unborn child, as a rule, Postinor has nothing to do with this.

This information makes it clear that after Postinor you can get pregnant, although this situation is extremely rare. However, if you have doubts about a possible conception, you need to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible, who will help assess your condition and make the right decision. It should also be borne in mind that the medication is a rather serious remedy with a number of side symptoms, so it is advisable to take it only as prescribed by the doctor and strictly adhering to the indicated instructions.

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