Orthoses and bandages for the wrist joint. Orthosis on the wrist joint: types, indications, purchase rules Orthosis for fracture of the 3rd metacarpal bone

Of all hand injuries, injuries to the wrist joint are the most common. To reduce the risk of injury, prevent the development of diseases of the wrist, and also slow down the progression of existing pathologies, it is recommended to use special orthoses, which come in 3 degrees of fixation. And you need to know which one to choose.

The wrist joint connects the human hand to the forearm. Colossal loads fall on him every day, so he is subject to various kinds of degenerative pathologies and injuries. And if there is a possibility of damage to it, then you should take care of your health and ensure reliable fixation and protection of the wrist. For this purpose, an orthosis for the wrist joint has been developed, which will not only reduce the risk of injuries and the development of various joint diseases, but also help to recover faster after a fracture or surgical treatment, and stop signs of inflammation.

The difference between an orthosis and other orthopedic products

To understand what an orthosis is for, you first need to understand what it is and how it differs from other orthopedic products.

A bandage is a knitted product that fits snugly to the joint and ensures its stability. You can also find the word support, which comes from the English "support" - support. It also means bandage. Such orthopedic products can be equipped with silicone bets, textile fasteners, belts that allow them to be fixed on the body. They are recommended to be worn to reduce the risk of joint damage and minor injuries.

An orthosis is understood as more complex structures that combine fabric and more rigid fixing elements, for example, stiffeners, hinges, plastic inserts. They are prescribed after surgical treatment, after a fracture, in any condition where any movement of the hand is undesirable. Such devices are also called brace, from brace, which means fastening in translation.

However, in practice it is often problematic to distinguish one device from another, since they may have different elements in their design.

Any orthopedic product can be called a retainer.

A splint is a kind of orthosis, but it does not have hinges. Sometimes splint and orthosis are used as synonyms.

Sometimes an orthosis is confused with a splint, which is a long plaster or plastic strip. It is usually prescribed for fractures for the purpose of immobilization.

Classification of orthoses

Depending on the degree of fixation, a wrist cut can be:

  • soft;
  • semi-rigid;
  • hard.

Soft orthosis

They are made of breathable elastic fabrics and, as a rule, they have calipers or sports bandages. Such products do not reduce the range of motion of the wrist and fingers, and at the same time reduce excessive stress on the joint.

In addition, a bandage on the wrist joint can be prescribed if:

  • wrist hypermobility;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • tendinitis, arthrosis, arthritis;
  • the last stage of rehabilitation after surgical treatment.

Depending on the materials from which such a wrist brace is made, it can have a massaging and warming effect.

The wrist caliper can be in the form of a wristband that protects only the wrist joint, and also capture part of the forearm, palm and thumb joint.

Important! A soft orthosis is more comfortable than an elastic bandage on the wrist, as it does not need to be adjusted during movement. When the bandage is chosen correctly, it cannot cause the progression of the pathology, unlike a bandage, which, if the affected areas are squeezed, can worsen the course of the disease.

Semi-rigid orthoses

They are also made from elastic fabrics into which a metal or plastic frame is sewn. Such orthopedic products allow you to fix the hand in an anatomical position, reduce the load on it and slightly limit the mobility of the joint.

They are prescribed:

  • after surgical treatment, when there is no point in wearing a rigid fixator;
  • after removing a cast or a rigid orthosis;
  • with inflammatory, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints of severe and moderate degree;
  • with injuries of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus of moderate severity;
  • with paralysis and paresis

Such designs help to normalize the function of the hand and prevent the development of contracture. They do not happen in the form of a wristband, as a rule, they capture the lower third of the forearm, part of the hand.

Rigid orthoses

The rigid wrist brace has a plastic or metal frame; it is attached to the hand with straps that allow you to adjust the fit of the orthopedic structure. Also, such models can be equipped with hinges that regulate the degree of fixation.

Rigid orthoses, as a rule, are prescribed when it is necessary to completely fix the joint or leave a small amplitude of movement in it.

They are prescribed if there is:

  • fracture of the wrist joint or joints of the fingers;
  • rupture of ligaments and serious muscle damage;
  • limitation of passive movements of the hand;
  • period after major surgery.

A rigid orthosis has a number of advantages over gypsum:

  • it has a small weight;
  • it is easy to take care of it, it can be removed when necessary, for example, for medical manipulations or hygiene procedures;
  • reduces the rehabilitation period and does not cause complications that can be observed when using a plaster cast.

Attention! The degree of fixation should be determined only by a doctor, since in some conditions complete immobility of the hand is required, in other pathologies, on the contrary, this is contraindicated and can cause its progression.

Appointment of orthoses

Semi-rigid and rigid fixators prevent the appearance of contracture when the arm cannot bend and unbend correctly.
Typically, most orthoses perform a number of functions simultaneously, such as reducing stress and restoring mobility. Also, the clamps on the wrists are divided, depending on the purpose, into the following types:

  • preventive, they are advised to be used during outdoor activities, sports, fitness, any activities in which there is a constant load on the wrist, as well as at the initial stage of arthrosis;
  • a therapeutic fixator of the wrist joint will be prescribed for some time after surgery and in case of injuries;
  • permanent models are prescribed when the form and function of the wrist is completely lost.
  • athletes;
  • representatives of some professions: pianists, copywriters, loaders, drivers;
  • lovers of computer games;
  • mothers who constantly have to carry their children in their arms.

Rules for choosing an orthosis on the wrist

The selection of a semi-rigid or rigid orthosis, depending on the pathology that requires fixation of the wrist, should be done by a specialist:

  • traumatologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • rheumatologist.

Self-purchase of such a retainer can provoke serious complications, including the complete loss of performance of the wrist.

Whether a soft bandage is needed for the wrist joint, it is also advisable to discuss with the doctor, who will advise which model is better to choose.

Moreover, any fixative has a number of contraindications, for example, it cannot be used for certain dermatological diseases, pathologies of blood vessels.

When choosing a product, pay attention to the following:

  • when buying, you need to take into account the cost and the manufacturer, if the model is expensive, then this does not mean at all that it is of high quality, it is better to purchase fixators of famous brands that are produced by companies that have been on the market for more than one year, such as Orlett;
  • the material from which the orthosis is made, it must be natural, hypoallergenic, not lose its qualities after washing, it is also worth paying attention to whether it allows moisture and air to pass through;
  • you also need to remember that it is not always possible to hide a bandage under clothes, so you need to choose one that will look beautiful on your hands, it is better not to take models of light shades, as they quickly get dirty;
  • it is necessary to select a fixator of the wrist joint according to the girth of the wrist, if it captures the palm, then it is also worth measuring the width of the palm, when the model provides for fixing the finger or it is made in the form of a glove, then the length of the fingers, you also need to remember that different manufacturers have a range of sizes differ;
  • before buying a bandage, you must definitely try it on, whether it presses, rubs, or falls off;
  • check all fixing elements.

Popular manufacturers and prices

For several years, the German company Medi has been the leader in the production of cuts on the wrist. Among its models, you can find fixing and prophylactic orthoses, splints for the wrist joint and fingers.

Otto Bock offers both adult and children's models. Some fixatives use a thread with silver, which has an antimicrobial effect and prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms on the skin.

Budget models are available from Oppo, which has a large assortment of hand and thumb latches.

Orlett has a wide range of models for children, most of which are universal and are available in 3 sizes: S, M, L. Separate orthoses have a compression and massage effect.

You can buy cuts in the online store, pharmacy, special orthopedic salons. You should not buy them from persons who cannot provide a quality certificate for their products.

Prices for orthopedic products may vary:

Firm Prices
Otto Bock From 900 rub. up to 8 thousand rubles
Oppo From 490 rub.
Orlette From 640 rub.

The cut on the wrist, if it is chosen correctly, can reduce the risk of damage to the joint, prevent the progression of existing pathologies.

Orthosis for a hand with a fracture of the radius superimposed after an injury is detected on an x-ray and first aid is provided. Immobilization as an important stage of fracture therapy is carried out in the traditional way using orthopedic devices.

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Orthosis features

A specialized product is used to stabilize the wrist joint in a physiologically correct position.

Orthosis is prescribed for the purpose of:

  • Fixation of the limb in case of a fracture of the radius without displacement;
  • Additional protection of the damaged area from external factors after removal of the plaster.

The therapeutic effect is enhanced due to:

  • Warming of muscle tissues;
  • Reducing pain;
  • Permanent micromassage while wearing an orthosis.

It depends on the quality and shape of the product whether the orthosis can accurately perform the function - to remove excess muscle load, to stabilize the joint. It is advised to select a retainer under the guidance of the attending physician.

You will have to wear an orthosis to immobilize the injured area for at least a month, before the formation of a callus. As a preventive measure against re-injury - 2-3 weeks.

Benefits of a bandage

It is necessary to wear a bandage immediately after immobilization with a plaster cast until the complete rehabilitation of the injured limb.

The fixator provides with an injury to the radius:

  • Comfortable hand position without pain;
  • No puffiness;
  • Rest and relaxation of the joints;
  • Partial mobility of the fingers.

When choosing a bandage, attention is paid to the material, the absence of seams on the inside, the orientation of the latch (for the left or right hand). Wearing a bandage is allowed over clothing, a comfortable position of the limb accelerates the healing and recovery processes.

The time of using the bandage individually, depends on the severity of the injury, the presence of complications.

Advantages of gypsum

A plaster cast is the traditional method of immobilization for damage to the radius. After the fragments are repositioned, plaster is applied to the wrist joint of the bent arm from the base of the fingers to the upper border of the lower third of the shoulder.

Severe injuries with displacement of bone fragments are reliably protected from environmental factors until complete fusion. The period of treatment for uncomplicated fractures is up to 4 weeks, immobilization of multiple injuries is prescribed for medical reasons up to 8 weeks.

Langette - difficulties in use

In recent decades, the usual plaster has been replaced by shortened bandages - splints.

An alternative immobilization option for a fracture of the radius has important features:

  • Lightweight bandage;
  • Preservation of motor abilities, i.e. Prevention of muscle atrophy;
  • Less pressure on tissues.

The complex technique of applying the splint requires the professional skill of a specialist. The quality of the fusion depends on the correct immobilization. Wearing a splint in time is the same as the usual gypsum - from 1 to 2 months.

Limb recovery

The standard rehabilitation program for a fracture of the radius includes exercises that are sequentially added as the injury heals:

  1. Isometric, which are associated with muscle tension.
  2. Active: movements are aimed at gaining anatomical mobility.

The whole course is ultimately aimed at returning the functions of the limb.

A therapeutic course based on immobilization, physical activity under the supervision of specialists, following the recommendations of the attending physician will restore the patient's former freedom of movement.

How long does it take to grow

Any resulting injury heals for a long time and brings sensations that are not good, a fracture is no exception. Rehabilitation is needed after a fracture of the radius of the hand with a displacement, which is aimed at developing and restoring motor functions. Development should be carried out after the permission of the doctor.

In order for the limb to return its mobility, it is necessary to carry out physiotherapy exercises:

  1. Claps, both in front of you and behind your back.
  2. Pour water into the basin and place your hands there, unbend and bend the palm.
  3. Fingers need to stretch, but do not overdo it.
  4. Raise your arms in different directions.
  5. Raise your shoulders up.
  6. Exercises should be done from simple to complex.
  7. First, move your fingers, bend and unbend them.
  8. Then move on to your wrists.
  9. At the end, the load should be distributed throughout the arm.

As soon as the plaster is removed from the hand, you will feel that the hand is as if someone else's. This is not surprising, because for a long time the arm was immobile and the muscles weakened, the blood supply was not enough, so swelling appears.

In order for the swelling to disappear, you need to perform the following exercises:

  1. To check if there is strength left in your hand, squeeze your palm. Don't take on everything at once. First, usually on plasticine, warm it up in your hand.
  2. To make the blood move faster, stretch your arms in front of you, squeeze your palms and turn to the right, to the left. After a while, the hand will begin to function. But you should not rotate the limb too often.
  3. An ordinary tennis ball will help relieve puffiness, you need to throw it at the wall and catch it, but you should not do this too quickly. You can move the ball in the palm of your hand and touch it with your fingers.

Types of damage

Displaced fractures are either open or closed.

Fractures are dangerous, because there is a movement of bones that affect tissues. In cases where nerve tissue or blood vessels are damaged, after healing, the limb cannot fully function.

More often, a normal fracture turns into a fracture of the radius. Doctors call this injury "typical", often the radius is damaged in the lower third (at the site of impact).

If the bone does not heal properly, then the movement of the hand will be limited. If the fall is on a straight arm, then a double fracture may occur.


The signs that you have a fractured radius depend on the type of injury.

The main signs are:

  1. The upper limb begins to swell.
  2. Painful sensations on touch.
  3. The elbow joint is damaged, which means the pain intensifies.
  4. Growing pain.
  5. The bones crunch when moving the radial wrist.
  6. There are bruises.
  7. Joint pain.

Another symptom that a limb is broken will be its coldness, this happens due to the fact that the blood supply is disturbed. With a fracture, there is a large loss of blood, which leads to loss of consciousness.

The Essence of a Broken Diaphysis

Such damage is rare. But it happens because a blow was made to the radial left or right side of the forearm. Symptoms are different: pain, swelling.

If the fracture is displaced, then reposition is carried out, fixed for 8-12 weeks, carrying out X-ray control.

Operative and conservative methods

To provide first aid does not require the intervention of specialists. The main task of a person, he provides assistance to the victim - to ensure the rest of the limb and prevent damage to nearby tissues (near the fracture). No “insertion” of the joint by outsiders is carried out.

If the fracture is not open, then fix the limb in a position that is more comfortable, stop the blood from the fracture and apply a special bandage. Take the victim to a medical facility.

At the hospital, the doctor will give you first aid. If a medical worker arrives at the scene, that's even better. Upon arrival, the doctor assesses the patient's condition and determines what measures need to be taken.

After examining the patient, the doctor fixes and prevents damage to the limb. If the patient's location is a hospital, then the doctor determines whether hospitalization is necessary or not.

Conservative therapy

This is one of the old but effective methods. The secret of this method is that the traumatologist restores bone fragments with his hands, so that their position coincides with what it was before the injury.

The bones are fixed in this position and they need to stay that way until a callus is formed. This is the safest way, but sometimes surgery is better. Sometimes urgent repositioning is required.


Yes, there are cases when nothing will work without the intervention of doctors. If any complications occur, then the specialists will come to the rescue, because they will better and more accurately eliminate your problem.

Treatment with surgery is needed in cases where:

  1. Fracture of the radius open.
  2. pathological fracture.
  3. The referral to specialists occurred much later after the injury.
  4. Displaced fracture.
  5. Fracture with nerve compression.

Doctors compare bone fragments, use plates or knitting needles as fixators. The choice of what to fix depends on the fracture.

Open fractures require the intervention of surgeons, because the infection enters quickly and can pass throughout the body, including tissues in the arm, to other parts of the body.

The timing of bone fusion depends on how badly it is damaged. A fracture that has healed incorrectly is difficult to heal.

Plaster with a closed and open fracture of the radius must be worn:

  1. If the broken head of the radius is restored - 2-3 weeks.
  2. The diaphysis grows together in 8-10 weeks.
  3. “Typical place” – 10 weeks.
  4. The ulna fuses in 10 weeks.

Wellness massage

One of the most optimal components for treatment is massage.

In order for the blood in the arm to begin to circulate well again, it is necessary to warm up the muscles and saturate the tissue with oxygen.

After removing the cast, you need to learn how to massage, it's not difficult:

  1. First, carry out (stroking) movements along the entire length of the limb.
  2. Then move on to rubbing.
  3. Knead your hand with your fingers, it helps tissue regeneration.
  4. Vibration, you need to gently, alternating with stroking, press the limb.

As all courses are completed, your hand will return to its former form, if everything goes according to plan. But if the bone grows together incorrectly, then you cannot avoid those situations when the muscles are deformed and the hand becomes ugly.


Radiation diagnostic methods are the "gold standard" in the diagnosis of fractures. More often in routine practice, radiography of the limb in 2 projections is used.

An X-ray image will show the presence of a fracture, its nature, the presence of fragments, the type of displacement, etc. These data play a key role in the choice of treatment tactics.

Sometimes, to diagnose complex injuries, traumatologists use the method of computed tomography.

An experienced traumatologist will determine the necessary diagnostic methods depending on the general condition of the victim. The prognosis for recovery without consequences depends on the timeliness of contacting the doctor. Displaced bones are restored by repositioning.

Physiotherapy methods

Physiotherapy occupies an important place in rehabilitation. With the help of procedures, the rehabilitation period is reduced and it becomes possible to avoid complications.

Procedures used:

  1. Electrophoresis with calcium preparations. The essence of electrophoresis is reduced to a slow directional movement of drug particles deep into the tissues. Calcium increases the mineral density of bones and accelerates the fusion of bone fragments;
  2. Low frequency magnetotherapy. Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. UHF method. The chosen technique is aimed at warming soft tissues. As a result, local metabolism improves, which accelerates regeneration;
  4. Ultraviolet radiation. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D is produced, which is necessary for better absorption of calcium.

Causes of injury

Incomplete fracture in the area of ​​the radius - a consequence of a fall on a straight arm, damage to the hand during an accident. Injuries often occur in healthy young people during active sports, extreme sports.

According to statistics, different types of fractures of the beam were recorded in 15% of patients who visited the traumatologist. This problem often occurs in children during active outdoor play.

At an early age, the bones fuse faster, but parents have to constantly monitor the behavior of the child, often trying to get rid of the fixing bandage.

Signs that appear after a fall, a severe bruise, it's time to go to the doctor:

  • Soreness in the area of ​​​​the wrist joint (even with mild discomfort);
  • Slight swelling of the back of the forearm;
  • It is difficult to move the brush.

The fracture zone depends on the position of the hand at the time of the fall, other factors in which a force was applied that exceeded the strength of the bone.

First aid

Rendering rules:

  1. Immobilize the injured arm as much as possible using a splint or improvised means and a fixing bandage over the shoulder.
  2. If there is a strong pain syndrome, take an anesthetic, apply cold to the damaged area.
  3. If there is an open wound, the bleeding should be stopped, the wound should be disinfected. For severe bleeding, apply a tourniquet.
  4. In case of a fracture without displacement, it is necessary to prevent displacement by applying a cast, splint, or polymer fixing bandage

How long to walk in a cast and keep your arm still depends on several factors:

  • The nature of the fracture (partial or complete);
  • The place of the fracture;
  • The rate of bone regeneration.

It should be borne in mind that with conservative treatment, complications are possible due to the fact that the plaster cast can strongly compress soft tissues, nerves, and blood vessels.

This is evidenced by the following symptoms:

  • puffiness;
  • Paleness of fingers;
  • Loss of sensation in the hand.

At the first symptoms that appear, you should consult a doctor. You should not try to remove or adjust the applied bandage.

If patients remove the bandage in case of a complete fracture without displacement, a part of the bone may be displaced and it will not heal properly.

Injuries in children

Children, playing active games, are more often subject to a sudden fall, which becomes a prerequisite for various injuries and fractures.

The children's radius is flexible and elastic, with a thicker periosteum, covered with a membrane that is thicker than in adults and has tissue growth sites, is well supplied with blood. It contains more organic matter.

The growth zones of the right or left hand will be the most common fracture sites in a child. A fracture presents a danger of adverse consequences, which lead to the fact that the growth zone closes prematurely and subsequently the forearm of the injured arm will be shortened, deformation of the bone and its partial curvature are not excluded.

In children, “green twig” fractures, in which the bone looks like a broken and slightly bent branch (hence the name), fractures of bony protrusions at the points of attachment of ligaments and muscles.

The peculiarity of the fracture in children is that the bone fragments are slightly displaced, the periosteum holds them.

A good blood supply helps accelerated tissue regeneration, faster callus formation and bone fusion.

In young and middle age, residual displacements of bone fragments self-correct due to the active growth of the bone and the muscular system. But such self-correction does not occur in all cases of fractures.

The symptoms of a fracture are the same as in adults, but in addition it can:

  • The temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  • Increase blood pressure;
  • There is blanching of the skin;
  • There may be a cold sweat on the forehead.


The fracture is accompanied by damage to soft tissues and blood vessels, pinching of nerve fibers, dislocations and subluxations, which subsequently lead to complications during self-treatment:

  • Tissue necrosis due to circulatory disorders;
  • In the case of an open wound, purulent-necrotic foci may form due to infection of the soft tissues, or provoke osteomyelitis if the bone tissue has been infected;
  • Partial or complete loss of movement of the forearm up to disability.

When falling on an outstretched arm, there is a dislocation of the shoulder joint and displacement of the collarbone.

Only a doctor can evaluate the full picture of all the nuances associated with a fracture.

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Human hands make millions of movements a day, and from the stable functioning of the joints, how successful they will be. The wrist joint experiences maximum loads, so it is in it that injuries and various diseases often occur. Problems can also appear in the phalanges of the fingers. To protect vulnerable parts of the body or to quickly restore joint mobility after surgery, doctors recommend using orthoses for the hand. What types of accessories are available? Are there any contraindications for wearing? And how to choose and wear a wrist brace?

Why do you need a wrist bandage

Prevention, treatment, rehabilitation - at all stages of eliminating the problem, the patient can use a special fixator for the hand.

The right orthosis will help:

  • prevent the development of serious diseases in bone and muscle tissues, as well as in nerve endings;
  • reduce the risk of injury to joints and tendons;
  • improve the condition of the operated area and help it quickly restore its usual functions;
  • alleviate the condition during exacerbation of chronic diseases.

On a note! Wrist orthoses can be used by patients of any age.

The orthopedic industry produces a wide range of orthoses, each of which is ideal for a specific situation.

Elastic bandages on the wrist perform a preventive function. They are loved by athletes who, during training, overload their hands. Basketball and volleyball players, tennis players and gymnasts all use this type of protection to reduce the risk of injury and eliminate potential inflammation.

Soft bandages are also used by those whose professional activities are associated with heavy loads or monotonous performance of the same type of operations: riggers, computer typing operators, pianists, seamstresses, builders, etc.

After an injury, such as a fracture or wrist surgery, an orthosis is used to immobilize the hand, which immobilizes both the joint and the thumb. Such a rigid fixation excludes any mobility of the arm, which leads to the fastest recovery of the damaged area and reduction of pain.

On a note! The immobilization bandage for the hand has a lot of advantages over the classic gypsum bandage.

In case of inflammation, for example, arthrosis, a bandage is also used, which limits the mobility of the hand. With its help, swelling is reduced, blood circulation improves, and pain is eliminated.

The design of the orthosis is not always soft elastic gloves that are put on the hand. It can be a hard plastic case that will fix the whole brush. In the most difficult cases, additional hinges are used in it. If plastic inserts are used in the fabric model, then in such an orthosis the hand will be able to move only along a limited amplitude.

In addition, bandages differ in the degree of fixation, which can be standard, light or strong. In the latter case, the bandage completely immobilizes the hand after a complex injury or operation, which avoids new problems in the injured joint or muscle.

Important! There are models that fix only the wrist joint, and those that also capture the metacarpophalangeal joint.

Separately, it is worth mentioning orthoses exclusively for the metacarpophalangeal joint, which is able to fix one or more fingers of the hand. Special models are also available to stabilize only the interphalangeal joints. Such orthoses are a plastic (less often metal) “cap” that is put on one of the fingers.

Indications and contraindications for use

There are a lot of particular cases of using an orthosis to fix the hand, but there are the most common situations in which wearing them can be indicated:

  • prevention of inflammatory diseases;
  • protection against injury for bone and muscle tissues;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory diseases, including arthritis, tendovaginitis, myositis;
  • rehabilitation after fractures and other types of operations;
  • traumatic neuropathy of nerves, tunnel syndrome;
  • paralysis and paresis of the radial nerve with damage to the central nervous system;
  • rheumatism in the region of the wrist joint.

On a note! For arthritis, a semi-rigid bandage is used, which relieves pain and improves the drug effect on inflamed tissues.

You can use the orthosis almost without restrictions. It is not worn only on inflamed skin, which is covered with sores or abscesses, as well as with allergies to individual components of the product.

Which orthosis to choose

Which hand brace is right for you? This question should be addressed to the attending physician.. Only he can advise the ideal option, taking into account your age, medical history and other factors.

Despite the fact that there is often information about the absence of contraindications for the use of a hand orthosis, we do not recommend that you “prescribe a miracle remedy” on your own. Even if we are talking about a prophylactic elastic bandage, it is better to look into an orthopedic salon and ask a health worker for professional advice.

  • for prevention, an elastic bandage is used that does not limit the mobility of the arm, but tightly wraps around the joint and muscles;
  • for the treatment of serious injuries (fractures, severe sprains) and after surgery, a rigid plastic corset will help;
  • for therapeutic and restorative purposes in chronic inflammation corset of basic (medium) fixation.

You should pay attention to the quality of materials, their naturalness and environmental friendliness, the strength of fasteners and fasteners. And choose the right size. Ideally, if you have the opportunity to visit a specialized salon, where an orthopedist will help you choose a product according to your size. You can easily try on an orthosis there.

How to determine the size of the orthosis for the hand

If you buy a bandage to fix the wrist joint, then you will have to measure the girth of the wrist using two bones. Please note that some manufacturers produce separate products for the right or left hand, while others produce universal models that fit any hand.

If your task is to fix the metacarpophalangeal joint, then you need to remove two sizes. The first is from the wrist joint. The second is the length of the hand (from the wrist joint to the tip of the third finger).

To determine the size of the orthosis for the interphalangeal joint, the length of the finger is measured - from the metacarpophalangeal joint to the fingertip along the long bone protruding on the back of the palm.

How to wear an orthosis correctly

If the bandage is used for prophylaxis, then it must be worn before the expected loads.: training, lifting weights, performing monotonous work.

Therapeutic and restorative orthoses are worn until the patient has fully recovered, but the specific time of use is determined by the attending physician. In addition, the doctor may advise you to use a hard corset in the early stages. For example, after a fracture, it will have to be worn for a month. You can then replace the rigid model with an elastic one to reduce the risk of recurring problems. Such a light bandage will have to be worn with stress on the joints or muscles for several years.

On a note! Models made of soft materials are adjustable with Velcro, plastic analogues for rigid fixation can have additional straps for a perfect fit of the product to the patient's physiology.

The first fitting of the orthosis is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, who will help to properly fix the accessory. Remember that carelessness when wearing orthopedic products can lead to serious complications - pinched nerves, tissue death, circulatory disorders, so you should not experiment on your own body.

In order to restore the natural mobility of the joint and ensure high-quality healing of damaged tissues, a wrist bandage is used. If we compare this orthopedic product with the imposition of a plaster cast, it turns out that this design has significant advantages: protection of the damaged joint or ligaments, prevention of muscle atrophy, which is often observed when applying plaster, and improvement of blood flow in the inflamed limb. And, most importantly, a reduction in the duration of treatment and the duration of the rehabilitation period, which is not typical for plaster bandages.

The mobility of any wrist joint of the hand is determined by two main components. The main point is the dynamics of the movement of the muscles of the hand. The static component depends on the ligaments, the articular bag and the superficial layer of the joints and is distributed to the part that allows you to support the articulating parts of the joint and determines the direction of movement of the hand. If some forces act on the joint, exceeding its physical capabilities, damage to the ligaments of the limb occurs.

What are wrist bandages for?

Bandages for an injured wrist are used in orthopedics. They are objects of rehabilitation and are intended for fixing the limb. These products are used in a variety of situations: from ordinary sprain and dislocation of the joint to the prevention of hernias.

Today in the distribution network you can find a large number of various types of wrist bandages. Among this variety, it can be difficult to find exactly the one that a person needs. Many people have a question: how should a bandage for the wrist joint be chosen so that it is of high quality and has the appropriate efficiency and does not cause inconvenience to the user.

The answer to this question is elementary. Whatever type of bandage is: elbow, knee, ankle, wrist - it should be used directly on the recommendation of a specialist. It all depends on the characteristics of the disease, as well as the physiological, age and other characteristics of the patient's body. The doctor will provide the necessary advice on the types of wrist bandages and will definitely tell you what size of this product you need to purchase.

Wrist bandages are used:

  • during the recovery period after an injury;
  • weightlifters;
  • with arthritis and arthrosis.

The medical product allows for high-quality fixation of the diseased area in the position required for the patient. Often such an item is used by those who are actively involved in weightlifting, basketball, tennis. Moreover, a bandage for the wrist joint is acquired not only by athletes involved in professional sports, but also by ordinary amateurs. The fact is that heavy loads often become the causes of various injuries to the joints. That is why the hospitals where the victims go are strongly advised to use bandages for various wrist injuries.

The bandage on the wrist is used for high-quality fixation of the hand joint, especially if a person performs manual monotonous work.

Useful properties of the bandage

Bandages for an injured wrist are made of wear-resistant elastic fabric, which is additionally reinforced with a splint made of a plastic or metal thin plate. Many types of bandages are made from a special warming material, this allows you to speed up the process of pain relief due to the warming effect. The compression effect of the bandage helps with swelling of the injured limb. The orthosis helps to relieve swelling and eliminates the accumulated fluid in the wrist due to the uniformity of pressure on the entire injured area. The bandage is easy to put on and take off. You can wear a bandage both for illness and for prevention.

Wristbands are specialized orthopedic devices made of fabric on an elastic basis, which effectively fix the damaged area. Wristbands on the wrist are used in any situation, especially relevant when doing power sports, exorbitantly high loads on the limbs of the hands, which often causes various injuries. The product helps to firmly fix the hand and prevent further displacement of the joint.

Orthosis is often used during the treatment of various joint dysfunctions. It is important to avoid any kind of stress in such diseases. The bandage is fixed not only on the wrist itself, but also on the fingers, which avoids the classic plaster cast. Thanks to the special design of the orthopedic bandage, the healing process can be effectively accelerated.

Various hand injuries are one of the most common problems in medicine. With a dislocation of the arm, there is a strong load on the joint and its subsequent damage. After such an injury, the recovery period can last more than one month and requires the patient to completely calm the diseased part of the arm, which allows the joint to fully restore its functions.

Wearing a special postoperative wrist brace allows you to get rid of pain symptoms and speed up the recovery process.

Who should wear orthoses

Pain from an injury in the wrist often appears due to pressure on the end of the nerves of the displaced joint. Rigid fixation of the arm with the help of an orthopedic design allows you to relieve pain symptoms. It also makes it possible to prevent their subsequent appearance.

The postoperative bandage can be fixed in several versions: easily and rigidly. Designs with light fixation are used for minor injuries, as well as for the prevention of various diseases. Rigid type bandages are used for severe injuries or in the postoperative period. Wearing mode and fixation strength are set by the attending physician.

Did you know that in the process of working at a computer, not only the eyes, but also the hands suffer? This happens because with prolonged use of the keyboard there is a large load on the joints of the hands. Then the person experiences a sharp pain.

As a result of this disease, heaviness and pain in the wrist appear. If the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner, the pain symptoms become chronic. Wearing a bandage with a light type of fixation will provide the necessary support to the wrist, prevent inflammation of the radial nerve and eliminate pain.

People who spend a lot of time at the computer are often diagnosed with joint tunnel syndrome - compression of the radial nerve as a result of a significant load on the wrist of the hand when working on the keyboard.

Pathologies in which it is necessary to use a postoperative bandage:

  • joint damage;
  • sprain;
  • inflammatory processes of the hands;
  • pinching of the radial nerve;
  • joint diseases;
  • joint deformity.

In order not to make a mistake in the selection of a bandage, it is better to seek help from a doctor or consultants in a specialized store or pharmacy. They will help you choose the right bandage size and give you advice on how to use this orthopedic product. The modern design of the product and taking into account all the wishes of traumatologists allow the bandages to maintain the correct fit of the joints for a long period. The therapeutic effect in a patient from the use of an orthopedic structure persists for 6 months.

Fracture of the fifth metacarpal (Boxer's fracture)

Fractures of the "neck" of the metacarpal bones, more often the fifth (V), are sometimes called a boxer's fracture. It happens when the fist hits a hard object incorrectly. Doctors divide them into 2 types:

Brawler's fracture is a fracture of the "neck" of the fifth (V) metacarpal only.
A Bar Room fracture is a fracture of the “neck” of the IV or/and V metacarpal bones.

Typical symptoms are pain and swelling at the fracture site. Pain is aggravated by movements of the fingers, there may be a visible deformity ("retraction" of the metacarpal head). When moving the fingers, sometimes there is a pathological mobility, a crunch that occurs between the fragments.

The first and most important step in treatment is immobilization. It is important that the immobilization also covers the joints above and below the injured joint.

The best and most effective means of immobilization for such a fracture is our hand orthosis with splints AM-SP-01 specially designed for a boxer's fracture. The orthosis allows you to immobilize all fingers except the thumb.

Product Feature

Hand brace with splints AM-SP-01 an excellent remedy for injuries of the hand such as a boxer's fracture and other fractures and dislocations of the fingers. The orthosis immobilizes the desired finger, allows you to position the finger, control the movement of the fingers, the level of stabilization. The rear position of the splint and openwork design allows the orthosis to be used immediately after surgery. This is the most versatile hand brace for any injury, metacarpal fractures, collateral sprains, and phalanx injuries.

Orthosis AM-SP-01 is universal, can be applied to any brush size, on the left and on the right hand, can immobilize every finger except the thumb.

Unlike rigid plastic orthoses, our orthosis is soft, comfortable and comfortable to wear. You can't take it off at night. The orthosis is elastic, the Velcro surface for Velcro allows you to easily adjust the fixation and comfort.

The orthosis is made of material .

This is a three-layer material consisting of an outer elastic polyamide fabric with Velcro properties, an inner layer of neoprene foam, and an elastic terry lining on the inside. The material is characterized by softness and high elasticity. It does not have coarse fibers, does not rub the skin. Fabric orthoses are the most durable and effective on the market.

Orthosis AM-SP-01 not afraid of water, it can be worn in water, washed and rinsed. The orthosis has a plastic, aluminum palm splint. The orthosis has 2 independent pockets for the splint and, depending on the injury, the splint can be inserted into any pocket for immobilization of a specific finger. The tire is plastic, it can be bent to get the desired shape.


  • Fracture IV-V of the fifth metacarpal (Boxer's Fracture, Brawler's Fracture)
  • Fracture I-III of the fifth metacarpal bone
  • Dislocation II-V of the fifth metacarpal bone
  • Sprain of the ligaments of the hand

size table

Overlay method

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