Bean diet: description, menu, reviews and results. Sample menu for the day. Diet for weight loss on meat and legumes

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Legumes have been used by people for a long time, because they can not only be used to cook delicious food but also to get energy supply for the whole organism. Lentils, beans, beans, soybeans, peas contain many useful substances in their composition, in particular, they are a storehouse of protein, necessary for the body person. Nevertheless, many consider such food heavy for the stomach, so legumes are not often used for weight loss. What you should know about these unique fruits, whether they can be used for a diet and in what quantity, let's figure it out. Find out, .

What is the legume family

Not everyone knows that in addition to beans, beans, lentils, soybeans, chickpeas, peas, legumes also include peanuts, cocoa beans, from which chocolate is made. Fruits are massively used in all cuisines of the world, they prepare first and second courses, snacks, salads, and canned. We will now consider the species common in our region, they are inexpensive, they are quite popular, these are soybeans, beans, peas, lentils, and beans. In addition to standard ripened fruits, there are varieties that are eaten green, peas, beans in pods.

We also note that soy meat is made from soybean, which is rich in protein, which belongs to legume products for weight loss. Exists whole list soy products, with which vegetarians have long been familiar, are oils, pastes, semi-finished products that replace meat and are used for diet food. All varieties are of great value, which allows them to be included in diets. different type. This applies to both recovery diets and weight loss menus.

Energy value of beans per 100 g:

  • Calories: 298 kcal;
  • Proteins: 21 g
  • Fat: 2 g;
  • Carbohydrates: 47 g;
  • Dietary fiber: 12 g;
  • Water 14 g.

Legumes for weight loss: benefit or harm

Often, when thinking of legumes, peas and beans come to mind, followed by soybeans. These are the main fruits that are common and available to the consumer in our region. also in recent times began to use lentils, beans more intensively in food, some prefer chickpeas, but it is already more difficult to find it in our supermarkets.

There are people who love everything beans, soybeans or peas, as well as lovers proper nutrition, because these products contain a large amount of protein, include fats, carbohydrates, starch, a vitamin-mineral complex. Despite this, scientists have proven that the bean diet for weight loss is quite effective and allows you to do so without compromising health.

What contributes to weight loss on legumes:

  1. They are rich in alimentary fiber, contain complex carbohydrates, protein. Once in the human body, each of these substances performs its own tasks, one of the components of which is weight control.
  2. The presence of dietary fiber and starch reduces the absorption of glucose and fats.
  3. Satiety of products allows you to dine in a small portion and not feel hungry for a long time which is important when dieting.
  4. The low fat content makes it possible to include these products in different diets, and also use them as the main menu.

The disadvantages of legumes and to whom they are contraindicated

Not everyone can use legumes for weight loss. They contain difficult-to-digest proteins, are digested for a long time by the stomach, so this diet is not recommended for use in case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is forbidden to add them to the menu and for diseases of the biliary tract.

In order for food to be digested and processed faster, it should be subjected to intense and prolonged heat treatment. For those who are reluctant to cook or do not have time for this, losing weight on beans will not work. To cook peas, beans, soybeans faster, it is recommended to pre-soak them in cold water.

The disadvantage of undercooked fruits can be bouts of flatulence. They also occur with excessive consumption of these products in food. Avoid flatulence will allow small portions and plentiful drink. As for raw use, they are only eaten in unripe green form, green beans, green peas.

Among the variety of types of diets on beans, the most effective are those in which fats of animal origin are completely excluded from the diet. In other words, you can’t eat any meat, this can also be attributed to the minuses for those who cannot imagine their life without such a delicacy.

Therefore, meat-eaters diet on beans without meat is not suitable.. But there is another option here, when legumes, lean meats, and fish are included in the diet. But in any case, you will have to give up sweets and pastries.

What are the benefits of losing weight on legumes

This diet will great solution for those who love such food, who cannot lose weight on other diets, due to constant breakdowns, and it is also relevant as an imperceptible weight loss without intense stress. But this does not mean at all that it will be necessary to sit on only one bean, balanced diet nutrition allows you to eat vegetables, fruits, dairy products, but not exceeding daily allowance calories.

The benefits of a diet on beans, peas, lentils

  • Muscle tissue is strengthened;
  • The body receives enough energy;
  • The acids included in the composition contribute to the acceleration of metabolism;
  • rises immune defense organism;
  • Thanks to fiber, the body is cleansed of toxins;
  • At right menu the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.

Due to the fact that the use of legumes for weight loss in most cases excludes the inclusion of fats in the diet plant origin, the course of such diets recommended by nutritionists is 14 days.

Bean diet and its features

Let's just say that there are two types legume diets, for which it is possible to compose varied menus. Some suggest the use of meat with legumes, while others categorically reject it. Both the first and second options, when consuming 1000 calories per day, give results, yet you can lose more on a purely bean diet. Sweet, fatty, fried, smoked, baked goods are completely excluded from the diet.

Diet for weight loss on legumes

From these products, the menu should be formed in such a way that the daily energy value is no more than 1000 kcal. You can cook any salads, soups, add a snack with peanuts, drink a glass of kefir at night.

  • Beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, other legumes;
  • Sour-milk fat-free products;
  • Vegetables, fruits, berries, fresh juices;
  • Green tea, still mineral water;
  • Kashi from different cereals;
  • Mushrooms, soy meat and other soy products;
  • Unroasted, unsalted dry peanuts, tree nuts.

sample menu per day:

  • Breakfast: Fat-free cottage cheese 100 g, berries 120 g, green tea;
  • Second breakfast: Apple or other non-sweet fruit;
  • Lunch: Legumes 100 g, vegetables 150 g, herbal or green tea;
  • Afternoon snack: Snack with nuts (peanuts 5 pcs.);
  • Dinner: Soy meat 100 g, any porridge up to 70 g, tea;
  • You can drink a glass no later than 2 hours before bedtime. fat-free kefir.

Diet for weight loss on meat and legumes

Sitting on any diet is hard, even if it includes meat, you always want sweets. The diet with meat is designed for a maximum of 14 days, then you can see the results in weight loss. It will take 4-5 kilograms, this is not much, but without harm to the body. After all, a diet, not bean diet pills, which are promised in a week.

This is painstaking work, and in order for it to be as effective as possible, it should be paralleled with playing sports. This menu includes vegetables, fruits, dairy products, rye bread, hard cheese, lean meats, and all types of legumes. The diet excludes sweet, fatty, is calculated in daily rate 1000 kcal. Dinner no later than 19:00, from drinks Fresh Juice, unsweetened tea, plenty of water.

Approximate daily menu:

  • Breakfast: Cottage cheese with raisins or toast rye bread with a thin piece of cheese;
  • Second breakfast: A glass of fat-free fermented baked milk or kefir;
  • Lunch: Boiled beans 100 g, vegetable salad or a glass of tomato juice;
  • Dinner: Boiled lentils, vegetable salad, fruit juice 200 g.

The diet is quite sparing, instead of meat, you can add fish to the menu low-fat varieties, as well as green peas, canned beans. A big plus will be soups, pea, bean, perfect for lunch. You can cook a joint dish in a slow cooker, beans with meat, vegetables, without adding fat. Be sure to drink plenty of water, if you really want to eat in the evening, a glass of fat-free kefir is allowed.

With its help, you can lose from 3 to 5 kilograms in just two weeks. Of course, there are diets and faster ones. But this nutrition system allows you to lose weight and eat right at the same time. Do not be afraid, you will not have to eat only beans and peas for two weeks. The diet menu is very varied. And if you combine it with daily exercise, then the result will not keep you waiting.

Legumes are very diverse. These are peas, and beans, and corn, and beans, and lentils. Many consider peanuts to be a nut, but in reality they are the same beans. Cocoa, as you know, is also made from cocoa beans. Therefore, the role of this culture in nutrition is really great. Vegetarians focus on this food, because it is rich in protein, which in a normal diet is obtained from meat. Legumes are often used as a side dish for meat, boiled soups and cereals, added to salads. So why not use this wonderful product in order to lose weight?

The essence of the bean diet

, like many others, is based on a dietary restriction. But you do not have to constantly starve. But the foods in the diet are extremely low-calorie. The legumes themselves are rich in protein, so during weight loss damage muscle mass there will be no body. They have a lot of fiber, which helps to quickly saturate the body, thanks to it you will not feel hungry. In addition, it has a good effect on the work of the entire digestive system. By cleaning the walls of the intestine, fiber frees it from toxins, has a beneficial effect on metabolism. BUT metabolic processes are known to play a big role in the process of losing weight. Often body fat and excess weight appear precisely as a result of their violation.

On the fourth day breakfast will again consist of toast, cheese and kefir. For second breakfast, make a salad of oranges, apples and kiwi. The lunch menu includes 100 grams of boiled beans, 150 grams of boiled fish and 200 grams of vegetable salad. Dinner will be modest - 250 grams of pea soup and a couple of slices of rye bread.

On the fifth day breakfast will delight you with low-fat cottage cheese with raisins. Before lunch you can have a fruit snack. Don't forget bananas on time bean diet prohibited. For lunch, prepare 150 grams of vegetable broth, 200 grams of lentils and a salad of sauerkraut. You can have dinner with stewed eggplant and a slice of black bread.

On the sixth day of the bean diet breakfast will be very interesting. In advance, you need to germinate about 150 grams of sprouted beans. You can drink this amazingly useful dish with any juice. We snack on fruit again in anticipation of dinner. And then we prepare the already familiar to us pea soup(about 250 grams) and vegetable salad without oil. You can eat some black bread. Dinner will be vegetable stew. Do not add potatoes or beets to it.

On the seventh day you need to have breakfast with 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. The second breakfast will consist of a couple of fruits. For lunch, you can cook 100 grams stewed beans or green peas and sauerkraut. In the evening, the menu will consist of pea porridge, 100 grams of boiled lean meat and a couple of slices of rye bread.

So a week bean diet ended. But there is one more, the menu of which will be the same. And when it is over, you can look in the mirror with joy and see pleasant changes.

Thanks to undoubted benefit beans and other legumes, as well as the presence of "dietary" protein in them, diets with a predominance of legumes are becoming increasingly popular in modern world. It is known that when compiling a diet for weight loss, it is important to take care of a sufficient amount squirrel, thanks to which you can save muscle tissue and get rid, first of all, of fat. If you connect classes to the diet sports, the effect will be simply stunning.

Beans will also enrich your body with a number of rare and useful substances and will help to establish the work of many body systems. This article will be useful to you if you want to know how exactly you should eat when bean diet and what other types of legumes are useful for.

Useful properties of beans: why can you lose weight with the help of beans? (VIDEO)

Beans is nutritious and useful product which can help in the fight against overweight. Perhaps, among all legumes, beans are the most popular and valuable product.

Let's take a closer look at her useful properties and consider the features of its dietary value.

  • bean capable interfere with the absorption of light carbohydrates in the body, thereby blocking the intake of excess calories in the body.
  • Beans are rich in easily digestible vegetable protein , which is a great alternative to meat and fish protein.
  • Thanks to the presence vitamins(B, E, PP, C), trace elements and other useful substances, beans perfectly strengthens the immune system and promotes
  • Amazing property beans is to stimulate the production of human body hormone responsible for appetite suppression.
  • bean controls cholesterol level and can lower blood sugar levels.
  • Beans, like all legumes, contain a large amount of fiber. Thanks to these plant fibers, the work of the entire digestive system is improved and the intestines are cleansed, which contributes to general health improvement body and remove waste and toxins.

Variety of legumes: what is included in the bean diet?

White, red and black beans are the most affordable and popular legumes, however, in addition to them, lentils (red and brown), peas, soybeans, chickpeas, mung beans have similar properties.

lentils o It usually appears on our tables infrequently, but it is no less useful product than beans or peas. Treat yourself to lentil soup, or better yet, use it as a nutritious side dish rich in vitamins (especially B group) and trace elements (cobalt, selenium). As with other legumes, lentils contain a lot of quickly digestible protein (26%) and dietary fiber. Lentils also contain a lot of folic acid.

In bright peas chickpeas protein contains about 30%. This variety of legumes contains rare and necessary for a person trace elements such as selenium, silicon, molybdenum, copper.

Peas extremely useful in the presence of dietary fiber, vitamin C, carotene and the absence of fat. There is a lot of vitamin PP in peas, which is necessary for the normalization of work of cardio-vascular system. In addition, peas can slow down skin aging and help the body cope with infectious diseases.

Not everyone knows that everyone knows peanut is not a nut, but a type of legume. It occupies one of the first places in energy value and contains a small amount of fat. Peanuts are rich in beneficial antioxidants. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on memory, attention, general well-being person.

Soya beans is also valuable food product, which contains many proteins and valuable nutrients, especially vitamins D and E. They contribute to the normalization fat metabolism and maintaining balance beneficial microflora in the intestine.

Mash is a favorite bean product in China, which is called the golden bean. The car contains diet light protein and lots of nutrients. It heals the body as a whole, helps to cope with cardiovascular diseases and normalizes hormonal background in both men and women.

Pros and Cons of a Bean Diet

Bean Diet considered one of the most efficient and healthy diets for our body. Thanks to it, you can quickly lose those extra pounds and

Undoubted bean diet benefits:

  • Since legumes contain a large amount of highly digestible protein, it is recommended to combine it with physical exercises - the effect is not long in coming.
  • Pulses fill you up quickly due to their high fiber content, so you won't feel constant feeling hunger, but at the same time they contain a minimum of calories.
  • Adhering to such a diet, you can effectively cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
  • Legumes contain a lot of useful substances, vitamins and antioxidants, so your body will not lack them.
  • This diet does not require any special material costs from you.
  • Beans and other legumes are available throughout the year, so seasonality doesn't affect your ability to stick to this meal plan.

To cons of the bean diet the following points can be included:

  • Be sure to drink enough water - for an adult, this is an average of 2-2.5 liters per day, since during such a diet the body will actively get rid of toxins.
  • Legumes contain a large amount of purines, substances that can cause diseases such as gout.
  • Some varieties of legumes are recommended to be soaked for several hours before consumption.
  • Pulses often cause this unpleasant phenomenon like flatulence.

Opinions of doctors about the bean diet: to whom is it contraindicated?

No matter how wonderful properties beans and other legumes have, for people with some it can be strictly contraindicated. These primarily include:

Types of bean diet

Bean diets are of two types.

  1. Proper nutrition with a predominance of beans: with such a diet, a person learns to eat right, but at the same time enriches his diet with dishes made from beans.
  2. Mono-diets with beans: during such a diet, a person eats mainly legumes for some time.

More balanced and useful option considered, of course, proper nutrition with a predominance of bean dishes. However, if you need drop a few extra pounds during limited quantity time (for example, for some solemn event), then you can use and. However, you shouldn't get carried away with them.

The duration of the bean mono-diet should not be more than weeks, during this time you will safely get rid of 3-5 extra pounds. Do not forget about the need to drink plenty of water, you can also add. Before going to bed, to normalize digestion, it is advisable to drink 200 grams of kefir or natural unsweetened yogurt.

Sample bean diet menu for a week

If you decide to follow the seven-day bean diet, then an approximate menu of such a diet will come in handy. Its convenience lies in the fact that you know exactly what products and in what quantity you will need over the next seven days.


  • Breakfast: a glass of fat-free kefir, a sandwich (whole grain bread, cheese)
  • Lunch: orange or grapefruit (the second breakfast remains the same throughout the week)
  • Lunch, dinner: 100 grams of boiled beans and a little fresh vegetables


  • Breakfast: 150 grams of cottage cheese, you can add some dried fruits or fresh fruits
  • Dinner: 100 grams of beans and 100 grams boiled fish
  • Dinner: 100 grams of beans and some fresh vegetables


  • Breakfast: a glass of fat-free kefir, boiled egg
  • Dinner: 100 grams of boiled beans (preferably green beans) and 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet
  • Dinner: 100 grams of beans, a piece of boiled fish and some fresh vegetables or herbs


  • Breakfast: natural unsweetened yogurt, sandwich (whole grain bread, cottage cheese, garlic, herbs)
  • Dinner: green bean soup (no meat added or fried), some fresh vegetables
  • Dinner: 100 grams of boiled beans (preferably red),


  • Breakfast: tea without sugar, oatmeal cookies
  • Dinner: 150 grams of boiled green beans, a piece of low-fat boiled fish, a glass of tomato juice
  • Dinner: boiled egg, some vegetables, kefir 1%


  • Breakfast: tea without sugar, sandwich (bread and cheese)
  • Dinner: bean soup, vegetable juice, tomato
  • Dinner: 100 grams of boiled green beans and some vegetables


  • Breakfast: unsweetened natural yogurt
  • Dinner: 100 grams of boiled red beans, 100 grams of cottage cheese
  • Dinner: 100 grams of boiled green beans, orange or Orange juice

Thanks to this diet, your body will receive a large supply useful substances and valuable squirrel required muscle tissue. In addition, as you can see from the sample menu for the week, the diet will not require you to spend any special money. It is beans and other legumes that will help you get rid of excess weight with health benefits and avoid starvation while dieting.

Bean Diet Recipes

If you adhere to proper nutrition or any kind of diet, this does not mean at all that you should eat bland and monotonous dishes. Our recipes will help you diversify your diet diet meals with legumes that will appeal to all members of your family.

Vegetables with beans baked in a pot

It is not only tasty and healthy food but also beautiful original dish with which you can surprise your family or guests. To prepare it, you will need special ceramic pots- they are designed for cooking in the oven. In fact, this is such a home version of a multicooker that allows you to create a real culinary masterpiece. with my own hands. The dish is served in the same pots, which will give your dinner a unique charm. Guests will certainly be delighted not only with the taste, but also with the appearance.

The bean diet is loaded with healthy plant-based protein. This type of unloading is well-deservedly popular, but not for everyone.

Subject to complete exclusion: sweets, pastries, fatty meals and food, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. The duration of the diet is 1-2 weeks.

Diet menu

Second breakfast: kiwi, orange, apple (optional)
Lunch: 100 g boiled or canned beans and 250 ml juice (tomato or pumpkin)
Dinner: lentil porridge, green vegetable salad, 250 ml juice

Breakfast: skim cheese(150 g) and tea (coffee) without sugar
Second breakfast: sweet and sour fruits (2 pcs.)
Lunch: boiled beans (up to 100 g) and sauerkraut salad with greens and a small amount vegetable oil
Dinner: green pea boiled (up to 100 g), steamed fish (100 g), unsweetened green tea
Before bed: a glass of fermented milk drink

Breakfast: black bread toast, 30 g of low-calorie cheese, 250 ml of kefir
Second breakfast: one fruit
Lunch: pea porridge - up to 6 tablespoons, vegetable salad, unsweetened drink
Dinner: bean soup (without meat), vegetable salad and tomato juice
Before bed: a glass of fermented milk drink

Breakfast: black bread toast, 30 g of low-calorie cheese, 250 ml of kefir
Second breakfast: fruit salad without dressing (apple, kiwi, orange)
Lunch: 100 g boiled or canned beans, 250 ml juice (tomato or pumpkin), steamed fish - 150 g and vegetable salad
Dinner: pea soup, a couple of slices of bread, a cup of unsweetened tea
Before bed: a glass of fermented milk drink

Breakfast: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, some raisins, unsweetened drink (tea, coffee)
Second breakfast: sweet and sour fruits (1-2 pieces)
Lunch: vegetable broth, boiled lentils - 200 g, sauerkraut
Dinner: stewed eggplant (200-250 g), a slice of black bread, tea
Before bed: a glass of fermented milk drink

Breakfast: sprouted beans, 200 ml juice
Lunch: sweet and sour fruit
Lunch: pea soup, vegetable salad (200-250 g), tea and a slice of black bread
Dinner: 250 g vegetable stew (without potatoes and beets), tea with a slice of lemon
Before bed: a glass of fermented milk drink

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (150 g), tea (coffee)
Second breakfast: any fruit
Lunch: fresh or sauerkraut salad, stewed beans, tea
Dinner: pea porridge, boiled meat (100 g), a couple of slices of rye bread, juice or tea
Before bed: a glass of fermented milk drink


It is important to remember that any legumes provoke the fermentation process and contribute to the formation of gases in the intestines. This diet not suitable for people with stomach ulcers and duodenum. It is undesirable to resort to it with dysbacteriosis.

The process of losing weight usually involves limiting the amount of calories and fat. This often does not take into account that weight loss will not be effective enough without the presence of protein in the diet. Numerous studies confirm that weight loss is difficult if the food contains minimal amount proteins. These high molecular weight organic substances help to use fat for the needs of the body, and not muscle mass.

Protein sources are meat, fish and legumes. Although bean-based weight loss programs are not very common, nutritionists treat them with approval, considering them to be quite effective, loyal, and allow you to reduce weight without severe starvation. special value such diets are for vegetarians who do not eat meat.

Health Benefits of Beans for Weight Loss

The legume family has up to 17 thousand species, it includes beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, as well as the beans themselves - an annual vegetable crop, one of the most ancient on Earth. Judging by the ancient chronicles, the Vicia faba plant has been known in the Middle East for 8 millennia, it was considered the food of the gods and was used to treat many diseases, including obesity. Russian farmers have been growing it since the reign of the Rurik princes.

There are about 2 dozen varieties of beans, among them are white, green, black, asparagus (cowpea), common for Europe, as well as snake, mung, chickpeas (lamb peas), which are exotic for us. In composition and benefits for weight loss, they differ slightly, the main advantages are a fairly modest calorie content, a large amount of fiber and protein. In structure, these proteins are similar to those that are part of the meat, but unlike meat or fish, the vegetable crop contains almost no fat.

Fiber (dietary fiber) cleanses the intestines, promotes digestion, and also suppresses the feeling of hunger for a long time, which allows you to control your appetite. When legumes are used in the treatment of obesity, it has been found that the weight of people in whose diet they were included decreases faster than in patients in the control group. Bean seeds contain about 35% protein, so 100-150 g of this product is enough to meet your daily protein needs.

In addition, the fruits of Vicia faba serve as a source of nutrients necessary to stabilize the work of all organs and systems, strengthen immunity, improve metabolism, useful for weight loss:

  • vitamins: A, C, PP, as well as 5 representatives of group B;
  • macronutrients - potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • trace elements - iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc;
  • amino acids formed from proteins - arginine, glycine, serine, cysteine, tyrosine, proline;
  • essential amino acids - histidine, leucine and isoleucine, methionine, tryptophan, phenylalanine.

A significant advantage of bean diets for weight loss is the combination high efficiency with easy tolerance - despite the satiety of the diet, daily calorie content usually does not exceed 1000 kcal. For this reason, they are often chosen by those who are unable to withstand other, more stringent dietary practices. Unripe beans are especially useful, they have a richer composition, and the taste is more delicate.

Attention! There are slimming capsules called "Magic Beans", they are recommended to drink 2-3 per day. But there are no legumes in this preparation, it is made on the basis of extracts of garcinia, sea convalia, food and animal fiber and L-carnitine.


Beans are not only useful material. They contain purines that can provoke an attack of gout; phytates that prevent the absorption of iron and calcium, and an excess of proteins can lead to the development of uric acid diathesis or urolithiasis.

Due to the presence in the seeds of Vicia faba a large number coarse fiber, their use can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, digestive disorders, increased gas formation, flatulence, intestinal colic. There are also cases of the development of an allergy to proteins, in the presence of such a reaction. vegetable product completely eliminated from the diet.

Carefully! Mature beans must be heat treated. In their raw form, they pose a danger to the human body, because they contain toxins that can cause serious poisoning. At high temperatures these toxic substances are destroyed.


Among the methods of weight loss are popular fasting days on legumes, as well as one-two-week comprehensive programs which include the use of enough big list additional products.

Protein fasting day

Such a short-term diet is great for those who want to quickly remove excess adipose tissue from the abdomen and thighs (called abdominal fat). The diet is not too strict, it includes 700 g of protein food:

  • beans
  • lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef);
  • lean fish (cod, pike, hake);
  • fat-free cottage cheese;

The ratio of components is arbitrary, products can be boiled, baked or stewed without fat. The number of daily meals is 4, the last one should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. On such a diet, you can lose 2 kg in one day, it is recommended to repeat fasting days no more than 1 time in two weeks.

The menu might look like this:

  • Breakfast: 100 g of meat and unsweetened herbal tea.
  • Lunch: 200 g of stewed beans and fresh vegetable.
  • Snack: 200 g of fish or 2 hard-boiled eggs and choleretic tea.
  • Dinner: 200 g of cottage cheese and mineral water without gas.

bean soup diet

This diet is designed for 7 days. It is quite strict, but for weight loss it gives a decent result: according to reviews, during this time you can get rid of 7 kg. You can repeat the diet according to this method after 2 months.

The diet does not change all week. The main dish is a chowder made from beans, carrots and bell pepper(you can add onion if you like). Additional products: stewed vegetables, low-fat kefir. Meat and fish meals are not included in the menu. It is recommended to drink a glass of water an hour before meals.

  • Breakfast - coffee or tea without sugar.
  • Lunch is bean soup.
  • Dinner - boiled beans with a side dish of stewed vegetables.
  • Before going to bed - a glass of kefir.

Important recommendations! To keep the results of losing weight and not gain lost kilos again, after the completion of the dietary regimen, the transition to a normal diet should be smooth. Meat and fish are allowed to be included in the diet no earlier than after 5 days. For at least 10 days, it is recommended to take food in small portions, increase calories gradually, avoiding fatty, fried and sweet foods, and limit the amount of salt.

Complex protein diet

This diet program is quite mild and easily tolerated. It is observed for 7 or 14 days, in one week you can lose 5 kg. According to the rules, the lunch and dinner menu should include legume dishes. It is also allowed to use:

  • lean meat and fish;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • berries;
  • dairy minimum fat content(including hard cheese);
  • fresh fresh juices;
  • unsweetened tea and coffee.

Water per day should drink 1.5-2 liters. Four meals a day, the last meal - up to 18 hours.

Sample menu for the week

days Breakfast Options afternoon tea options Lunch options Dinner Options
1 Kefir Fruit salad 100 g boiled beans with 1 tsp. vegetable oil, vegetable juice Tomato and cucumber salad, a couple of spoons of boiled lentils, fruit juice
2 100 g cottage cheese, some raisins, yogurt apple or pear Portion of bean soup 100 g of fish fillet and green peas, herbal tea
3 Rye bread toast with cheese, tea Fruit salad Salad of sauerkraut, boiled beans and onions, dressed with 1 tsp. vegetable oil, coffee Pea porridge, cucumber and green onion salad dressed with 1 tsp. vegetable oil, herbal drink
4 Slice whole grain bread, slice of cheese, coffee 2 kiwi or orange A serving of bean soup, 2 slices of rye bread 100 steamed meat, 50 g boiled cowpea (asparagus bean), fruit juice
5 100 g cottage cheese, a handful of raisins, yogurt Grapefruit A plate of vegetable broth, 200 g boiled lentils, a slice of rye bread Braised eggplant, a few tablespoons of boiled chickpeas, tea
6 150 g boiled beans, orange juice 4-5 plums 100 g stewed beans, 50 g sauerkraut, tea Stew of vegetables and any type of legume (without potatoes), a slice of whole grain bread, herbal drink
7 100 g cottage cheese, kefir 3 apricots or peaches Bean soup (about 250 ml), a slice of rye bread Baked fish (150 g) with a garnish of 100 g boiled beans, tomato juice

Dishes can be prepared according to your own recipes, adhering to the requirements specified in the methodology, or you can use the cooking methods suggested below.


bean chowder

This is the base dish in many protein diets for weight loss.


  • 250 g green beans;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • parsley or celery;
  • 1 st. l. olive oil.

Soak dry grains overnight in cold water. Then replace the water with fresh, cook the stew for about an hour over low heat. Put finely chopped carrots, onions, peppers, cook for another 15-20 minutes. Add greens, oil and salt at the very end of cooking.

Village soup


  • white bean (you can use canned food) - 400 g;
  • fresh tomatoes without skin - 400 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • pasta (preferably small) - 1/3 cup;
  • greens of oregano, basil or dill;
  • vegetable broth - 1.5 l.

If dry grains are used, they should first be soaked for several hours in cold water, then boiled. canned product no such training is required. Broth and chopped vegetables are loaded into the pan, boiled for about an hour, then add pasta, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, salt and keep on low heat for another 10 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Bean puree

Soak dry bean seeds for half a day cold water, then cook over low heat for 1.5-2 hours until soft. Rub through a sieve, add a couple of tablespoons of cream, salt, allspice, mix thoroughly. Serve puree hot.



  • young fruits of a green bean - 300-400 g;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Cut the onion into rings, grate the carrots. Place all ingredients in a thick-walled saucepan or slow cooker, add half a glass of water, cook for about an hour.

bean dumplings

Grind the cooked beans in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add soaked bun, egg, finely chopped onion, salt. Mix thoroughly, form small dumplings, roll them in breadcrumbs. Cook without fat - steam or in the oven. The ratio of ingredients is arbitrary.

Vegetable stew

The components of this delicious and nutritious vegetarian dishes any seasonal vegetable crops can serve:

  • asparagus bean;
  • bell pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • broccoli, white cabbage or Brussels sprouts;
  • onion;
  • carrot;
  • sweet potato.

It is best to cook stew in a slow cooker. To do this, the vegetables are washed, peeled and cut into small cubes (onions in half rings). A little water is poured into the bottom of the multicooker container, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil are added, then the rest of the ingredients are placed there. Cooking mode - "Extinguishing". The stew can be served hot or cold.

Salad "Hercules"

Such a low-calorie, but satisfying snack dish is prepared in a few minutes.


  • green bean (preferably milky ripe);
  • Bulgarian red pepper;
  • fresh herbs (dill, parsley, basil);
  • low fat hard cheese.

Boil the grains, cut the pepper into cubes, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, chop the greens with a knife. Mix everything, put in a salad bowl, season with 10% sour cream or yogurt.

hot salad

Soak chickpeas in water for a day, boil. Eggplant peeled, cut into cubes, pour salted water for 10 minutes, then squeeze and bake in the oven. Combine eggplant, chickpeas, finely chopped green onion, dill or parsley. Lightly salt, mix gently. Serve hot.

bean broth

Acts as a bowel cleanser, promotes weight loss. To prepare a daily portion of the decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of milky green beans with two glasses of boiling water, hold in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, then cool. Divide the drink into 4 parts and drink throughout the day.


Bean diet for weight loss can not be followed by everyone. Restrictions on its use are associated both with the composition of this vegetable crop, as well as with the peculiarities of its assimilation.

  • because of high content in the seeds of legumes, substances that promote the crystallization of salts uric acid- purines - this diet is prohibited for diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, uric acid diathesis, urolithiasis, gout, arthritis, rheumatism.
  • The presence of a sufficiently large amount of phytates (the so-called compounds phytic acid) reduces the bioavailability of trace elements, including iron. It makes beans forbidden product with some blood diseases.
  • This kind of diet for weight loss is not recommended for the elderly, as well as for diseases of the digestive system. The reason is the heavy digestibility of legume fiber, its irritant effect on the mucous membrane (the result is increased gas formation, flatulence, stool disorders).
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