Is it possible to eat peas with proper nutrition. Is it possible to lose weight on pea porridge. Light pea soup

Porridge is a very simple dish that is very beneficial for the human body as a whole. In the distant past, our ancestors even used porridge in religious rituals, they made sacrifices pagan gods cattle breeding and agriculture. Never in the history of mankind has the usefulness of cereals been questioned; at all times they have been present as a delicacy on holiday tables nobility and were a tasty and nutritious dish for common people. Each nation expresses its passion for certain foods. For example, the British love oatmeal, the inhabitants of the East use rice porridge, and Moldovan national dish hominy is considered, that is, corn porridge.

But pea porridge is an original Slavic dish. It is very nutritious and delicious. In folk tales, it is said that pea porridge cured the sick, and put the frail on their feet, and the heroes drew strength from it. Nowadays, pea porridge is very popular among athletes, it easily allows you to build muscle and compensate for energy costs after physical exertion.

What is the calorie content of pea porridge, is it only its usefulness? Peas, as a member of the legume family, consist of vegetable proteins and contains many useful amino acids and trace elements.

There are many ways to cook pea porridge, it can be prepared both as a side dish and as an independent dish. It goes very well with smoked ribs, and is often used for stuffing in pies. Pea porridge very useful for children, you can start feeding it to children from a year and a half.

The calorie content of pea porridge is 180 kcal per 100 grams of the finished dish, and excluding oil. This is one of the high-calorie cereals. on water, for example, is 150 kcal for the same weight of the finished dish. Other cereals are even less high-calorie, so it has a calorie content of only 130 kcal. Very useful, especially for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, its calorie content is at the level of rice. Naturally, with the addition of various components, the calorie content of any porridge increases several times.

In general, in comparison with other food products, as it turned out, the calorie content of pea porridge cooked with water and without oil is quite low, given that the adult diet contains approximately 2000 kcal per day. Therefore, it may well be used as diet food saturated with various useful substances. The main thing when using it in diets is to remember that in order not to increase the calorie content of pea porridge, you should forget that you can’t spoil the porridge with oil and add a small amount of it when cooking. The value of using cereals in weight loss diets also lies in the fact that they tend to be absorbed very slowly. human body thereby prolonging the feeling of satiety.

It is impossible to say which of them. Some nutritionists, given the low calorie content of buckwheat porridge on the water, the presence of useful substances and magnificent palatability, call it one of the most useful. And, above all, because it helps to strengthen human immunity and promotes the process of hematopoiesis. Others, however, note the beneficial properties of corn porridge. Its calorie content is one of the lowest, and regular consumption of it helps to strengthen digestive system human and cleanses the body of toxins and harmful substances.

All cereals, without exception, are very healthy dishes that have anti-stress properties due to the presence of vitamin E in them. Eat them for health, but remember that you always need to know when to stop!

Everyone wants to look slim and tries to overcome overweight different methods that received reviews: gym, strict diet, dietary supplements. If you are still looking new way get rid of extra pounds, then pea porridge for weight loss will become great dish day, which, due to its properties, brings only benefits to the body. Find out how you can lose weight with a familiar dish.

What is useful pea porridge

Before considering this dish as the main food assistant in the matter of losing weight, it is worth knowing what is useful for peas? Peas are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements for our blood vessels and muscles, so it is very useful to eat porridge for those who monitor their health and want to always feel great. It is able to lower blood pressure, which will benefit those suffering from hypertension. Pea BJU is suitable for people with anemia, anemia, and high content protein will help maintain its level in the body when giving up meat, or during strict diet.


Peas themselves are high-calorie - it the energy value is 300 kcal per 100 g, while not yet finished product is taken into account. After boiling, its size increases at least three times, so the portion will not seem small. Given this, it will be very convenient to eat pea porridge for weight loss during a diet: only 100 g of peas can be divided into the whole daily ration, combining with vegetables, while there will be no feeling of hunger.

Is it possible to lose weight on pea porridge

The cheapness and calorie content of peas often becomes the main advantage in building a diet on peas. Is it possible to eat pea porridge while losing weight? The answer is unequivocal - yes! You just need to make the right diet and follow all the instructions. So, for example, if you eat only peas, then you can get reverse effect, therefore it is necessary to combine this product with others - suitable fresh vegetables, boiled meat or fish. Arranging a fasting day once a week is quite a useful event for your body and figure: the risk of getting fat in this case is reduced.

Pea porridge for weight loss

Is it possible to eat pea porridge on a diet? This dish will definitely be a great option for a diet menu. Given the rich vitamin composition, as well as high protein content, pea porridge for weight loss will help to cope with hunger. If you add to it a light vegetable salad on the vegetable oil, then such a dinner will turn out to be very satisfying and healthy. Peas can be eaten for lunch or dinner.

There are also disadvantages of this method to improve your figure. Frequent use peas when losing weight in some people causes heartburn, increased gas formation. With such side effects it is undesirable to use a pea diet, because it can even cause a backlash: food will be digested longer and worse, so there is a risk of getting better even more.

Diet on pea porridge

There are several options for what a pea porridge diet can be:

  • One of them includes a menu for those who like or are comfortable eating three times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is no specific menu, but you can not eat fried, floury, sweet, drink alcohol and carbonated drinks. Such restrictions will have to endure from 7 to 10 days, but often this becomes a habit. Pea when losing weight should become a must-have dish for every day - at lunch or dinner - you decide.
  • The second way to eat pea porridge in order to lose weight is a diet that includes only fruits and vegetables, low-fat soups, natural juices and cottage cheese (milk and yoghurts are undesirable). At the same time, peas should be eaten only at lunch, and the serving should be no more than 200 g finished product. Nutrition must be made crushed in equal proportions, that is, 5 times a day not large portions. This method helps to get rid of 3 to 7 kilograms per week.

Pea porridge recipe

Cooking peas is not so difficult, since there is only one recipe: soak the peas in water for 2-3 hours, then rinse it well and set it to boil. Pour enough water to cover the product by 2 fingers. After the peas begin to boil, reduce the heat and cook, stirring, until the state you need. Salt, add Bay leaf or garlic - all to taste. The longer the porridge is cooked, the more the peas boil and you don’t have to knead it separately. Additionally, you can fry the onion in butter, it goes well with sour cream.

Video: pea porridge with a diet

Pea porridge is perhaps familiar to most of us from childhood. Hearty, delicious and amazing healthy dish is enjoyed by both adults and children. And if you also cook porridge correctly and supplement it with something, then such a meal will certainly not leave anyone indifferent! Due to the many useful properties of this product, many losing weight have a question: how should it be prepared? This dish can hardly be called the lowest calorie, therefore, it may be worth preparing porridge in some other way, so as not to deny yourself such a rich source of vitamins and nutrients, but at the same time stick to a low calorie diet. It should be considered

Pea porridge benefits and harms for weight loss

Many are interested in. Let's start with the fact that peas contain a lot of protein, which makes it easier for the body to digest. Furthermore, this product has unique properties It cannot be replaced with other food.

Pea porridge is often replaced meat products for which it is appreciated by vegetarians. Among the main advantages, one should highlight the presence of vitamins A and E, macro and microelements, as well as amino acids. Most nutritionists are confident that peas reduce the risk of cancer.

So, what are the advantages of pea porridge:

  1. The body quickly absorbs nutrients.
  2. It has a positive effect on the cardiac and vascular system.
  3. Promotes the growth of muscle tissue.
  4. Cleanses the body of salt.
  5. Improves skin, nails and hair.
  6. Accelerates metabolism.
  7. Increases immunity.
  8. Renders positive influence for sight.
  9. Cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

Pea porridge can bring harm to weight loss only if it is consumed in excessive quantities. Among its shortcomings, some contraindications should be highlighted. It is forbidden to those who suffer:

  1. cholecystitis.
  2. Poor circulation.
  3. Kidney diseases.
  4. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to cook pea porridge during a diet?

Is it possible to eat pea porridge while losing weight? First of all, I would like to note that pea porridge will be an excellent product for any diet, since during weight loss the body will in any case experience some stress and a lack of nutrients and vitamins. Pea porridge, in turn, successfully compensates for this deficiency, since just one serving of this dish will saturate the body with vitamins A, B, C, calcium, iron, antioxidants and amino acids. In addition, peas richest source squirrel. it nutrient in which the body experiences the need in the first place.

Pea porridge is a dish that is probably almost impossible to spoil. However, in order for it to be truly healthy, tasty and low-calorie, you should know about some of the intricacies of its preparation.

1. Prepare the peas
First, let's figure out which peas are better to use for diet porridge. The largest number vitamins and nutrients are found in unpeeled peas, but it must be pre-soaked in water.

First, sort through the peas, removing the spoiled grains. Then rinse it several times, pour it into a saucepan and fill it with water in a ratio of 1:4. You can soak the peas overnight, but in principle, 5-7 hours will be enough. Thanks to soaking, the peas will boil much faster, because the porridge will turn out to be similar to mashed potatoes in consistency.

2. Put the peas to boil
Use the same water to boil the peas in which they were soaked. The pan should be with sufficiently thick walls and a bottom - then the peas will boil evenly and not burn. Bring the peas to a boil over medium heat, then season with salt, stir, and lower the heat.

Periodically stir the porridge during the cooking process. If the water boils away ahead of time, gradually add hot boiled water. It is impossible to designate any exact time cooking porridge, as it will depend on how long the peas have been soaked. As a rule, porridge is cooked for 30-60 minutes. The peas will be ready when all the peas are boiled and the mass is pureed.

Using a masher you can make the porridge more homogeneous, but this is already a matter of taste.

What to add to pea porridge?

The easiest way to cook peas is to add fried peas to the porridge. onion and butter. Another option is to supplement the porridge with sautéed onions and carrots. You can also use cracklings, herbs, mushrooms, boiled or fried meat - there are a lot of options!

For a diet, of course, fresh or stewed vegetables, boiled meat are best suited. low-fat varieties or a bird.

Before removing the pan from the heat, you can add a little more meat or vegetable broth to the porridge - then the taste of the dish will be spicier and richer. Or you can not complement the peas at all - its taste is already quite bright. In addition, such porridge is satisfying in itself, without any additives.

Diet on pea porridge reviews and results

If some people love this product and are always happy to cook various dishes with it, then for others, the reminder of it causes more laughter than joy. However, not everyone knows that pea diet is one of the most effective in the fight against extra pounds.

Are peas good for weight loss?

Wishing to gain beautiful figure often wonder what is the use of peas for weight loss. The body perfectly absorbs this leguminous plant, which can even be called. It can become a reliable assistant in the treatment various diseases and is not harmful to health. Peas will help:

  • improve metabolism;
  • cleanse the intestines, which will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body;
  • render beneficial effect for digestion;
  • remove toxins and toxins;
  • normalize blood pressure.

Peas in the diet is considered very effective, because it saturates the body and relieves hunger. In the fight against overweight it is also good because it contains lysine in its composition. Thanks to this amino acid, it is noticeable. The plant contains vitamins useful for the body (groups B, H, PP, K) and trace elements (magnesium, zinc, copper, silicon, cobalt, molybdenum), which not only contributes to weight loss, but also to the improvement of the body.

Pea diet for weight loss

One of the most effective is considered to be such a method of transformation as a diet on peas. The seven-day pea diet is low-calorie and includes three meals a day without snacks. The set of products from which the diet is composed is as follows:

  • oatmeal with an apple;
  • sugar free coffee;
  • porridge with a legume;
  • boiled chicken breast with canned peas;
  • kefir;
  • soups;
  • fish;
  • fruit.

With a three-day mono-diet, you can only eat porridge and drink at least two liters of water. When losing weight with green peas, you need to alternate two days with the use of a special salad, which includes seasoned olive oil green peas, apples, herbs and carrots.

  1. In the diet of the first and third days should be low calorie meals And for lunch, be sure to have a salad.
  2. The menu of the second day includes only salad.

Pea diet - 10 kg per week

With the help of peas, you can lose ten kilograms. Boiled peas with a diet is considered very effective. Approximate diet each day looks like this:

Pea porridge - diet for weight loss

Such a dish is an excellent side dish and is very useful because it is rich in proteins, vitamins and trace elements. On it in just a week there is an opportunity. Approximate power system:

  1. Breakfast: cottage cheese with fruit, tea or coffee.
  2. Snack:- apple, pear or orange.
  3. Dinner: a dish of peas (optional) and boiled vegetables.
  4. Afternoon snack: fruit juice.
  5. Dinner:- stew and fish.

With a dish like pea porridge, the diet is simple and really healthy. This savory product goes well with different dishes with any vegetables. Such a side dish is very satisfying and therefore will not disturb the feeling of hunger for a long time. This method will be useful for sufferers:

  • hypertension;
  • anemia;
  • anemia
  • dermatological diseases.

However, nutritionists do not advise to abuse such a dish, as it can lead to flatulence. It is not recommended to use it for:

  • diabetes
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gout.

Diet "pea soup"

The recipe for the soup beloved by many of us is not suitable for transformation, because it is boiled in fatty broth with the addition of crackers and potatoes, which is too high in calories. It is important to know how to cook pea soup with a diet. For everyone who wants to say goodbye to extra pounds, there is an excellent analogue. This pea soup with a diet will be the best helper.

Diet pea soup


  • water - 5 l;
  • celery root - 200 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • peas - 1 cup;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 1 l.


  1. In the evening, pour peas with cold water.
  2. In the morning, the bean plant is poured into a pre-prepared vegetable broth.
  3. Cook until done.
  4. While the soup is cooking, chop the carrots and onions.
  5. Transfer the carrots and onions to the heated oven.
  6. Baked vegetables are put into the soup a couple of minutes before they are ready.
  7. Add salt and spices to taste.

Diet on peas and beans

This method of transformation, like others, has its imperfections. At the end of it, it is important not to dial again excess weight. For this reason, it makes sense to take care of right exit by eating balanced and small meals. After six o'clock it is better not to eat and at the same time include in your daily routine physical exercise. Boiled peas for weight loss is the main ingredient. The menu of the "bean" day can be like this.


Beloved (or unloved) since childhood, peas are a healthy and nutritious dish, but not everyone knows whether it is possible to eat peas while losing weight and how to do it correctly. We will talk about the intricacies, pros and cons of the pea diet further.

The benefits of peas

Peas are not only nutritious, but also an unusually healthy product; it is not for nothing that they are one of the leading components of children's menus.

This representative of the legume family has a beneficial effect on general state human health, activates the work of the brain, intestines. It stabilizes blood pressure (especially high blood pressure), lowers acidity, removes stones from the kidneys. It contains natural sugars, vitamin C, alimentary fiber, vitamins of group B, A, K, PP, zinc, iodine, fluorine, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, selenium (a good antioxidant).

It is advised to eat people with skin diseases, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, suffering from constipation, those who are prone to convulsions.

Peas and weight loss

Peas for weight loss are also no less useful:

  • firstly, there are 300 kcal per 100 g of the product in dry form;
  • secondly, fat in 100 g of peas is only 0.4 g; 5.4 g of proteins and 14.5 g of carbohydrates.

An excellent indicator for eating peas is that this is a dish of athletes, and they already know a lot about right food. Peas help create muscle mass, speed up the metabolism, and due to the presence in it complex carbohydrates energizes.

Also, pea dishes remarkably expel fluid from the body, which will relieve puffiness and excess weight.

The benefits of using peas in diets

Feedback from nutritionists and ordinary people boil down to the fact that peas can and should be consumed by losing weight for the following reasons:

  • raw (72 kcal), canned (47 kcal) and boiled peas bring the same benefit to losing weight and diversify the diet;
  • this product is low in price, you can always afford it, regardless of the season;
  • after pea dishes you do not remain hungry for a very long time and you can actively play sports;
  • the body receives the right vitamins and minerals;
  • suitable even for vegetarians, as it is able to fully replace meat;
  • the appearance does not suffer, but on the contrary: the skin condition noticeably improves.

Diets with peas

Slimming with peas is distinguished by its simplicity and incredible usefulness, it is favorably combined with any vegetables, used during fasting.

Even if you just replace a hearty lunch or a hearty dinner with boiled peas, you can noticeably lose weight in just a week.

As with any diet, the pea menu requires the complete exclusion of alcoholic and sugary drinks, salt, sugar, and cigarettes. Consume in large quantities clean water, green tea, herbal infusions.

How long to “sit” on peas is an individual matter. Much depends on the state of human health, the number of kilograms that need to be lost.

Pea porridge for weight loss

Peas - benefit and harm

boiled peas or how to lose weight

In order to avoid excessive gas formation, for which many are afraid to eat peas, they usually eat it with dill, fennel or drink dill water before eating.

Option number 1

In the first option of losing weight, it is proposed to switch to healthy eating and include in daily diet next pea porridge. Dry peas are poured with water for 12 hours, after which they are boiled and twisted in a meat grinder. Such a remedy is eaten all day long during the week: added to cereals, salads, soups.

Option number 2

It is necessary to prepare dietary pea soup and consume it daily (portion up to 200 g).

Peas are boiled until cooked (before that, dry peas are soaked overnight), while it must be periodically stirred. Add some potatoes to the pan, rub the carrots there, chop the onions (optional), bring to taste with salt and pepper. You can add rye crackers to the soup.

It is allowed to have breakfast with any cereals on the water and without salt with sugar, cottage cheese, etc., for dinner - low-fat stewed fish, baked potatoes, buckwheat.

Follow the diet drinking regime, limit themselves in meat, flour and fatty, eat vegetables, fruits (apples), berries, low-fat dairy products. It is not necessary to stay on a diet for more than seven days, it is better to repeat it in a month.

Option number 3

This is a weight loss option on pea porridge. A single serving is 150 - 200 g.

The recipe for porridge is simple: crushed peas are boiled until cooked in water (1: 4), then mashed like mashed potatoes or sent to a blender. For those who have a multicooker, it will be even easier: just pour the ingredients into the bowl and select the desired mode (cooking, stewing).

Remarkable results show scales after unloading days on peas, and you can choose whatever your heart desires: porridge, soup, mashed potatoes, etc.

Disadvantages and limitations of the pea diet

Among the cons pea slimming note the main one: those who work from morning to evening, are constantly among people, will still be uncomfortable because of the risks of gas formation in the stomach.

Pea porridge for weight loss requires preparation in advance: soak the peas, boil, i.e. it takes time.

While using pea porridge for weight loss, others cannot be excluded from the diet. healthy foods: fruits, vegetables, etc., peas are not suitable for a mono-diet, even for a short-term diet.


Contraindications for the use of peas apply to people with an unhealthy stomach, intestines, suffering from thrombophlebitis, diabetes, gout, cholecystitis, nephritis. Consult with your doctor about the advisability of eating peas. It is impossible to sit on peas to women in position, the elderly and small children.

Do not forget that while eating peas in large portions and daily, you consume a lot of protein, which is not entirely safe and can be harmful, because in this way it turns out additional load on the kidneys, which can lead to the development serious problems with health.

Diet dishes with peas

Make your own diet menu Recipes of dishes with peas will help unusual and boring, you can also take chickpeas, it also benefits the body.

Brain variety of peas (mutton, Turkish) with an uneven surface is most preferable for those who want to lose weight. Other varieties of peas will not bring harm, but it will be a little more difficult to lose weight.

The stronger the peas are boiled, the easier it will be absorbed in the stomach.

Pea mash

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 13 hours.


  1. 1. Peas
  2. 2. Flour
  3. 3. Bulbs
  4. 4. Carrot
  5. 5. Oil and salt

Pea and vegetable soup

It is necessary to take dry, raw (frozen) or canned peas, peel the potatoes, pour everything with water and put on fire. When the ingredients are ready, beat them in a blender, after which the already homogeneous mass is returned to the vegetable broth, sautéed carrots, onions, zucchini, cut into small cubes, are added, cauliflower, salt, pepper. You can put any vegetables, the taste only benefits from this. The finished soup is sprinkled with herbs.

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