Nutrition during pregnancy. Calorie content, nutritional value and composition. Healthy food for pregnant women

The menu for pregnant women is one of the main factors that will affect not only the successful course of nine months, but also the health of the baby. That's why future mom should pay close attention to this aspect.

The fact is, in the first trimester of pregnancy, due to toxicosis, it should be quite balanced and high-calorie. But already in the second half - mom is recommended to control her appetite so as not to gain excess weight. But, at the same time, food should be nutritious and healthy. Therefore, the preparation of the menu is a very difficult task. Let's get started.

AT this case it cannot be said that it is strictly forbidden. It is necessary to make a significant amendment that there are a number of products, the use of which is not recommended very often.

Firstly, this is wine and coffee, because they are ways to increase blood pressure, which is extremely undesirable for a pregnant woman. In addition, alcohol will necessarily negatively affect the emerging systems and organs of the baby.

Secondly, pickles and beer will definitely increase the load on the kidneys, which are already working in an enhanced mode.

Thirdly, fatty, smoked, spicy and fried foods will overload gallbladder and liver.

The internal organs are gradually but significantly displaced by the growing uterus, so they work in “difficult conditions” anyway.

Fourthly, the menu for pregnant women should not include foods that cause allergies: chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, exotic fruits, seafood, nuts, and more. But, if you really want to, then use their minimum amount and very rarely.

First, fresh and cooked vegetables. It is very useful to eat them as salads, dressing and adding greens.

Secondly, the menu for pregnant women every day should include fruits. They can be eaten whole, baked, and also made into desserts. fresh fruits poured with low-fat yogurt or sour cream.

Thirdly, the following berries should be in the diet: currants, blueberries, wild roses, lingonberries and cranberries. Due to their composition, they contribute to better functioning of the kidneys and fill the body with vitamin C. It is recommended to prepare fruit drinks, jelly, compotes from them, and also eat them fresh.

Fifthly, cereals (salty and sweet) from buckwheat, millet, corn and oatmeal should serve as breakfast. The fact is that they contain a unique complex of trace elements and fiber. You can alternate them with muesli.

Sixth, it is imperative for a pregnant woman to consume fresh and sour-milk dairy products, as they are a unique source of calcium and protein.

Seventh, it is necessary to include meat and fish. But be sure to alternate these heavy products with each other. Meat contains animal protein, B vitamins and iron. It is better for a pregnant woman to purchase chilled, as it is better able to preserve everything. beneficial features. It is recommended to eat boiled pork, low-fat ham, breast fillet and boiled beef. But it is better not to use sausages, sausages and all kinds of cuts, because they contain a lot of fat, dyes and various preservatives.

It is unique in its composition, which includes phosphorus and vitamin D necessary for the formation of the baby.

Therefore, a woman, of course, can eat what is not recommended, because she "really wants to." But in this case, you need to keep in mind that from the proposed complex of products it is possible to create a very appetizing and nutritious menu for pregnant women. You need to fantasize.

Eat only healthy food!

Translated from German, this product means nothing more than puree. Only in our understanding, or, according to at least, in its current form, which is offered at retail outlets, is most likely a mixture. It consists of the main component - cereals, either raw or baked. They are supplemented with other ingredients - dried fruits, nuts, raw fruits, bran, seeds, and other products.

This food is intended mainly for breakfast. Only, it is unlikely that someone will use the contents of the box in a dry form. It may be tasty, but not very useful. To make a dish with the use of muesli tasty, quite edible, and also useful, the contents of the package are poured with some kind of liquid. The choice of liquid, as well as the type of muesli, depends on your taste and preferences.

The history of the creation of muesli

The appearance of such a useful, convenient to prepare and, moreover, delicious product we owe, first of all, to Switzerland. It was there that the doctor lived, whose name was Maximilian Bircher-Benner. In 1900, for the first time, he offered unusual, for those times, nutrition to patients of the clinic where he worked.

Its discovery was preceded, so to speak, by a meeting with a shepherd that took place in the Alps during a trip. At one of the halts, the shepherd allegedly treated the doctor to his food. It consisted of just the products that later became the ingredients of Muesli. In the cup were ground wheat grains, a little honey, strawberries and blueberries. This dish was filled with milk.

The simplicity and, at the same time, the nutritional value of this treat struck Banner. In addition, the seventy-year-old shepherd who treated him to such a dish did not look his age at all. He was very active, energetic and healthy. He also said that such food is very popular in their area. There are many long-livers in his family. The family rarely asks for medical assistance. He himself had never had to do this once in his entire life.

Returning from a trip, Dr. Bircher-Benner began to experiment with the ingredients of the dish offered to him in the mountains and offered this dish to his patients. So he became the inventor of Muesli. In its modern, so to speak, form, the product began to be widely used already in the sixties, the same twentieth century, when the fashion for diets and healthy eating began.

Varieties of muesli

In addition to the fact that muesli contains completely different ingredients, this product can vary in terms of shelf life, the presence of preservatives, and the degree of heat treatment. All characteristics are interconnected.

In turn, according to the nature of the heat treatment, muesli is divided into raw and baked. It is clear that raw muesli heat treatment are not exposed. They consist of cereal grains rolled into flakes, as well as nuts, seeds, and chopped fruits.

The so-called baked muesli is prepared in a completely different way. The technology involves mixing and baking cereal grains with components such as juice or honey. Vegetable oils are sometimes added.

One of the conditions for baking is that it is done at low temperatures. This is done in order to preserve useful substances in the components used for the production of muesli. The taste of the product processed in a special oven becomes much richer. Such muesli is sweeter than raw.

Composition of muesli

The variety of ingredients that make up muesli makes it possible for almost anyone to use this product in their diet. But, nevertheless, the basis for any kind of muesli is cereal crops and dried fruits.

Crushed or flattened grains of oats, wheat, barley are used. Some varieties include rice balls as well as cornflakes. They also use buckwheat and rye.

To enrich the mixture with vitamins, dried fruits and berries are added to the muesli. Their list is quite extensive. These are the well-known apples and pears. There are plums, as well as raspberries, blueberries. A whole bunch of exotic fruits, such as pineapple, papaya, may also be present. Often added, figs and prunes. Most types of muesli also use raisins.

Nuts are an integral ingredient in this product. Used peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews. Add and walnuts, as well as .

When baking, honey is also added to the muesli. Moreover, the taste and aroma of this wonderful savory will depend on its variety. There are many types of honey. It can be buckwheat, from flowers of acacia, linden. Or sweet clover, sunflower. Gives honey to the product and a special, if you like, soft crunch.

Add to muesli and freshly squeezed juices, dry milk whey, as well as various oils plant origin. This also affects their taste and texture. For example, peanut butter gives the product a beautiful golden color, while almond butter adds a sweetish flavor. A delicate taste appears in muesli if sunflower oil is added to the mixture during baking. The product is enriched thanks to this oil and vitamin E.

Beneficial features

  1. Taking into account the richest composition each type of muesli, we can conclude about the extraordinary benefits of this product. The unique combination of so-called "fast" and "slow" carbohydrates allows the body to quickly feel full. On the other hand, prolonged digestion helps to feel full for a long time.
  2. By eating this product for breakfast, you start your gastrointestinal tract and encourage him to normal operation. After all, the ingredients in muesli contain a lot of dietary fiber, which just have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Helps the work of the digestive tract and inulin, located in raisins, which is part of the muesli. The antibacterial properties of honey also have a positive effect on the digestive organs.
  3. A number of components that make up the product have the ability to have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. These useful material are found in cereal grains, and in nuts, and in honey, c.
  4. There are in muesli and substances that strengthen nervous system, prevent the development of osteoporosis, age-related changes.
  5. Enjoy delicious and healthy breakfast, consisting of muesli, filled with milk, or even tea, you can improve the condition of the skin and hair.
  6. richest vitamin composition help to resist infectious and viral diseases, be always energetic and active.


  • To maximize the benefits of muesli, you must carefully examine the label, which indicates the composition this product. It is very important to choose exactly the product that suits you.
  • A contraindication, for example, for people with diabetes, may be muesli with dried fruits, which have a high. For such patients, there are special varieties.
  • It is worth paying attention to the presence of stabilizers and preservatives in the product. If they are, then such muesli should be discarded. Give preference to natural ingredients.
  • Baked or fried muesli can also harm. Their increased calorie content can cause extra pounds. The abuse of this product also leads to weight gain.
  • You should not eat only muesli, replacing other products with them. Despite the benefits of this product, it is necessary to balance your diet in such a way that the body will certainly receive everything necessary for it. normal functioning Components. Therefore, muesli is desirable to alternate with other dishes.

Eat natural food and be healthy!

Food during pregnancy great importance both for the health of the mother and for the development of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful about the preparation of the diet of the expectant mother. In addition, in the first trimester of pregnancy, many women suffer from heartburn, nausea, constipation and intolerance to certain foods, which also requires a special menu. Consider what kind of food is useful for pregnant women, and which one is better to refuse for the period of bearing a baby.

Healthy food for pregnant women

During the first half of pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body of a woman and the adaptation of all her organs and systems to a new state. All this requires a lot of energy and nutrients. In addition, during this period, the organs and tissues of the fetus begin to form, which also implies an increased consumption of nutrients from the mother's body.

Many women experience nausea in the first months of bearing a child. food on early dates pregnancy should be light, non-greasy, so as not to provoke nausea. It is better to eat small portions 5-6 times a day.

Sometimes at the beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother has constipation or, conversely, diarrhea. To prevent constipation, it is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruit salads, and when frequent diarrhea you need to include in the menu fiber-rich bananas, rice, oatmeal, whole grain bread.

Daily calorie content

The calorie content of food in early pregnancy should not exceed 2400-2700 kcal per day. However, it must contain required amount proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

  • Proteins are the main building blocks for a growing child. They are found in meat, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts, seeds. Also, healthy food during pregnancy is dairy products.
  • During pregnancy, the food should include fats, which affect the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. Fats can be of vegetable and animal origin. From fats of animal origin, cow butter is recommended for the expectant mother.
  • Carbohydrates provide human body energy. They are best obtained from foods that are rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits, bread).

The daily calorie content of food in the second half of pregnancy should be approximately 2800-3000 kcal. During this period, lacto-vegetarian food is useful for pregnant women. To reduce the load on the kidneys and liver in the second and third trimesters, it is recommended to cook vegetarian soups instead of rich broths. Meat and fish should be baked or stewed and eaten with herbs.

Most Healthy Products

The fact that during pregnancy you should exclude alcohol and fast food from your diet is probably already known to everyone. However, there are still a number of products that are undesirable for a pregnant woman to eat. Here is a list of products prohibited during pregnancy:

Some food during pregnancy must be limited in the diet. First of all, these are salty and sweet foods, seafood, soft cheeses, eggs, nuts, honey, exotic fruits.

sample menu

Each expectant mother can make a menu for the day from her favorite foods, but be sure to avoid food prohibited for this period.

Here is a sample menu made up of food useful during pregnancy.

First trimester

  • breakfast: salad of grated raw carrots and beets with olive oil;
  • second breakfast: oatmeal porridge with honey, cinnamon and almonds;
  • dinner: chicken bouillon with egg and herbs;
  • afternoon tea: boiled chicken with green salad and whole grain bread;
  • dinner: a glass of fermented baked milk with black currants.

Second trimester

  • breakfast: cottage cheese with kiwi and peach;
  • second breakfast: cabbage-apple casserole;
  • lunch: fish baked with vegetables;
  • afternoon snack: vinaigrette;
  • dinner: muesli with milk.

third trimester

  • breakfast: scrambled eggs with milk and cheese, rye bread;
  • second breakfast: pear, apple salad, pomegranate seeds with yogurt;
  • lunch: meat baked with olives, cabbage salad;
  • afternoon snack: pumpkin stuffed with cheese and rice;
  • dinner: kefir with raspberries.

Food during pregnancy should satisfy all the needs of the body of the woman and the fetus in nutrients. In addition, it should be tasty, because it is very important for the expectant mother to have fun, knowing that her baby gets the same pleasure in the womb.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman

Making a menu for a pregnant woman is not an easy task. At the beginning of pregnancy, “thanks to” toxicosis, sometimes you don’t even want to think about food. In the second half of pregnancy, when appetite improves, the opposite problem arises - you have to throw all your strength into the fight against overweight. And at the same time, the diet of the expectant mother should include healthy foods.

It's easy to get overwhelmed by some of the advice on nutrition during pregnancy. The first impression is that the expectant mother cannot eat anything tasty! It seems that the “right to live” in the kitchen of a pregnant woman remains only with cereals and low-fat natural yoghurts.

When discussing the problems of nutrition during pregnancy, one detail should be clearly understood. Of course, there are foods that are good for the health of mother and child, and foods that are not recommended for regular use during pregnancy. For products that it is forbidden to be consumed by the expectant mother include, for example, alcoholic beverages, coffee, as well as spicy, smoked, fatty and heavily fried foods. However, there is no such food product, single the use of which in moderation could adversely affect the course of pregnancy or the condition of the fetus.

But is it possible to compose both tasty and useful menu for a pregnant woman? It is definitely POSSIBLE! After all, there are a lot of products that are useful for mom and baby! You just need to learn how to cook them properly.

What is prohibited for pregnant women?

In order to put an end to the unpleasant word DO NOT once and for all, we will once again designate the products and cooking methods that are not recommended for frequent use during pregnancy.

Coffee and wine contribute to an increase in blood pressure, which is highly undesirable for a pregnant woman. Beer and pickles increase the load on the kidneys, which during pregnancy already work "overtime". Alcohol in large quantities can have a negative effect on the emerging organs and systems of the baby. Fried, spicy, smoked and fatty meals overload the liver and gallbladder.

These organs during pregnancy can be significantly displaced by the growing uterus, and then they have to work in "cramped conditions." Of course, expectant mothers who are prone to allergic reactions or who have close relatives with allergies should not get carried away chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, exotic fruits, seafood, nuts, as well as other products that can cause allergies (in addition to the well-known food allergens Every allergy sufferer has their own "dangerous" foods). If the expectant mother knows that when using this or that product, she will definitely develop allergic reaction, then it is better to exclude it from the diet, in other cases - limit the use of allergens to 1 time per week, in moderation.

Diet of a pregnant woman

Before moving on to discussion various products and dishes, get acquainted with general rules compiling a diet that will be useful for the pregnant woman and will give her pleasure.

It is desirable that plant products make up 2/3 or at least half of your daily ration. Such a menu is especially relevant in the last weeks before childbirth - vegetables and greens contain prostaglandins, on which tissue elasticity depends birth canal. During pregnancy, such a “diet” will help the expectant mother to normalize bowel function and achieve more uniform weight gain. However, under no circumstances should you reduce the amount of animal products - for normal development the baby needs animal protein, which is found in meat, fish and dairy products. The diet of a pregnant woman should include 70-90 g of animal protein.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are healthier than thermally processed ones. Undoubtedly, we are talking only about those products that are traditionally eaten raw. For example, fresh carrot, cabbage and greens are healthier than soup cooked from them. Freshly prepared food is tastier and healthier than food stored in advance. Of course, a working woman often does not have the opportunity to cook food 3-4 times a day. Let this be an excuse to pamper yourself this weekend!

Eating "on the go" is not beneficial. It is better not to be distracted from the process - then the food will be well absorbed. Chew food thoroughly - this way you make it easier for the body to digest food and improve the process of its assimilation. The advice is simple: it is enough to send the next piece of food into the mouth when the taste from the previous one has disappeared. Following this simple recommendation, you will be able to appreciate favorite dish without fear for your weight and digestive problems.

Useful cooking for a pregnant woman

  • Steaming and baking in the oven. These are the most helpful ways cooking. It is POSSIBLE to bake almost everything - meat, fish, vegetables, fruits - in foil or special baking paper. Wrap a piece of lean pork, sprinkled with spices and herbs, in foil, put in the oven for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 140 degrees - and you will get an amazing homemade boiled pork. Steamed especially delicious white poultry meat, carrots, cauliflower and broccoli.
  • Extinguishing. This cooking method involves a long stay of the product on low heat in a flat dish under a lid with a small addition of water. The most delicious are beef, lamb, potatoes prepared in this way.
  • Cooking. The product is lowered into a large amount of boiling water and cooked over low heat until tender. Here the palm belongs to soups.
  • Roasting. In order for fried food to retain its beneficial properties, it is better to cook it, cut into small slices, for 3-4 minutes without adding fat. It is convenient to do this in a special wok pan - it has thin walls, it heats up evenly, and not like a traditional pan, where the bottom heats up more.

However, when using such dishes, there are many nuances. It is more convenient to cook in a wok pan on gas stove, and the burner must be large enough so that the flame covers the entire surface of the pan. There are also wok pans for electric stoves- they are flat.

Outdoors The best way frying - on coals. For the expectant mother, lean pieces of the ball, fish and poultry should be selected. Zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes and potatoes prepared in this way are excellent and very useful. However, before you start eating, you should remove the crust formed by contact with fire from the food.

Nutrition for pregnant women

Vegetables and fruits- Everything is POSSIBLE (with an eye on allergens). Raw, thermally processed. In salads and second courses! A salad of fresh vegetables and herbs is best seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil. Don't forget to wash the gifts of nature well before eating them!

Berries: cranberries, lingonberries, wild rose, blueberries, currants, chokeberry- the main assistants of the kidneys of the expectant mother, as well as natural source vitamin C! CAN eat fresh berries, buy frozen ones, cook “five-minutes”, wipe berries with sugar, make fruit drinks, compotes and jelly.

Kashi- the perfect breakfast for the expectant mother. Buckwheat, millet, corn and oatmeal very useful: they contain iron, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber. It is better to cook porridge in water, adding milk and butter a few minutes before cooking. Dried fruits can be added to sweet cereals, browned vegetables can be added to salted cereals. Muesli is no less useful - this is actually vitamin cocktail and also very tasty. Muesli is eaten with milk, kefir, yogurt or fruit juice, but I must say that they are also very high in calories.

Dairy is the main source of calcium. Both fresh and dairy products are useful.

Meat- the main source of animal protein, B vitamins and iron. For cooking, it is better to buy chilled rather than frozen meat - it preserves better useful qualities. From meat snacks, preference is given to boiled pork and low-fat ham: it is better to refuse sausage products, as they contain a lot of fat and preservatives.

Fish contains vitamin D and phosphorus, which are responsible for the functioning of the nervous system of the baby. Of course, it is better for a future mother to cook fresh fish. low-fat varieties(cod. Perch, pike, pollock, ice, hake).

At the end of our article on the benefits healthy food I would like to wish all pregnant women: cook with love and eat with pleasure, and then your diet will become the key to a successful pregnancy, a source Have a good mood and baby health!

Reading time: 7 minutes

There are recommendations from nutritionists on what to eat for a pregnant woman: the products should be healthy, contain many nutrients that are involved in the construction and proper functioning of a new organism. If a pregnant woman wants to eat some product, she should not deny herself. Refusal of the desired dish will lead the expectant mother to stress, which will cause the child great harm than eaten in small amount"wrong" product.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman

balanced, proper nutrition pregnant woman should be helpful. All the products that the expectant mother eats end up in the baby's placenta. Some elements are used to build his body, enrich cells and tissues essential substances: potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. Others may be harmful small organism Therefore, it is necessary to approach the nutrition of a pregnant woman with caution.

How to eat healthy while pregnant

Food for pregnant women should include many necessary substances. A pregnant woman should not overeat or feel hungry. Key recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to eat fractionally: 5-7 meals. Rigid diets are strictly prohibited, and in the first half a pregnant woman can eat up to 5 times a day, and in the second half - up to 7 times.
  2. Food must contain right amount fats, proteins, carbohydrates.
  3. Be sure to eat foods containing vitamins, trace elements.
  4. Heavy meals should not be eaten in the afternoon, so meat dishes, fish, eggs are best cooked for breakfast or lunch.
  5. For dinner, it is better to serve plant foods or dairy products, porridge.
  6. It is important that the last meal falls at a time two hours before bedtime, at which time you can eat yogurt or drink kefir.
  7. A pregnant woman should drink a lot - about 2-2.5 liters per day, but in the very last weeks the liquid must be reduced to 900 ml to prevent the occurrence of edema.
  8. Eat more foods containing plant fibers that improve bowel function and prevent constipation.

What can you eat

Pregnant women can eat almost all foods, but it is desirable to limit themselves to something, for example, sugar, fast food. However, little by little, rarely, you can try almost everything. Among the main products that a pregnant woman is allowed to eat are milk, cottage cheese, fish, meat, fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, vegetable fats, bread, cheese, kefir and others.

Food in the first half of pregnancy

The first half of pregnancy is a very crucial time when early toxicosis can occur. For a period of 1-5 months, the baby's body is formed. For the construction of the skeleton, the nervous system, the proper functioning of the brain, useful substances are needed. It is necessary to introduce liver and other offal into the diet, you need to eat meat, fish, dried fruits, herbs, vegetables, fresh fruits. sample menu how a pregnant woman should eat in the first half of pregnancy during the day:

Nutrition in the second half of pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy, a third of the protein consumed goes to the fetus. To avoid a deficiency, you need to eat more protein foods. Otherwise, the nutrition may not differ much, except that the number of meals will increase by one or two times. Daily diet women in the second half of pregnancy should include the following foods:

Healthy nutrition for pregnant women

If the food includes products in the required proportions, then it is considered correct. There are certain dishes that meet the requirements of healthy food, among which vinaigrette occupies one of the main places. Useful products during pregnancy: pollock, milk and dairy dishes. Only carefully prepared meals should be eaten in order to kill all possible harmful bacteria.

The vinaigrette

A classic vinaigrette can replace many dishes, because it contains all the necessary vegetables: boiled potatoes, carrots, beets; fresh onion; salted cucumbers, sauerkraut. It is recommended to fill the salad with vegetable oil. You can add other ingredients that a pregnant woman likes to it, for example: lean meat, beans, mushrooms and others.


A very tasty, nutritious dish can be prepared from muesli. Cereals themselves are very important, as they provide the body with a large supply of nutrients and trace elements. They improve digestion, add the right amount of carbohydrates. And in muesli, they are served with dried fruits, which have a lot of vitamins. By regularly eating muesli, you can stock up on the proper amount natural vitamins why you don't have to take additional medication supplements. It is not recommended for expectant mothers to eat sweets, and muesli will delight a woman with natural sugar.


Pasta is rich in carbohydrates. They are needed for correct operation internal organs, to produce large amounts of energy. You can cook many dishes from them. They are served vegetable stew, prepare meat gravy, stew minced meat, fry the liver. Almost all dishes are served with pasta, which will allow the body to consume maximum amount the right substances.


Pollock fish is very popular because it is inexpensive, while tasty, healthy. Its undoubted advantage is its antioxidant effect, it also regulates blood sugar levels. It has a good effect on the body systems: digestive, nervous, thyroid gland, mucous membrane. It contains:

  • vitamin A, necessary for the health of vision and skin;
  • vitamin PP - to regulate the nervous and digestive systems;
  • fluorine - the formation of tooth enamel, strengthening bones;
  • chromium is involved in the regulation carbohydrate metabolism, recommended for diabetes;
  • potassium promotes the removal of excess fluid;
  • phosphorus is of great importance in the work of the brain, heart muscles, as well as in the regulation of acid-base balance;
  • sulfur affects the condition of hair, nails, skin.

Milk and dairy products

You need to eat the most popular foods during pregnancy - this is milk and dairy derivatives, for example, kefir, natural yoghurts, cottage cheese, cheese. They contain many trace elements:

  • proteins;
  • amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the human body;
  • milk fat is a source of energy;
  • required calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • copper, cobalt, iron - in small quantities;
  • contains vitamins in a small amount almost all possible types;
  • lactose - for the development of favorable microflora in the intestine.

The most useful products for pregnant women

The benefits of some products are listed above. It simply won’t work to single out the best, because everyone is rich in a certain set of elements, so just a list is given of what is better to eat:

  1. Meat - animal protein, iron, B vitamins.
  2. Fish - phosphorus, vitamin D.
  3. Milk - vitamins B and D, calcium, fatty acids (Omega-3).
  4. Raw eggs are a source of 12 types of vitamins.
  5. Nuts - vitamin E, selenium, magnesium, omega-3 acids, phytic acid.
  6. Broccoli - folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamins A, E, C.
  7. Potato - vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, carbohydrates and fiber.

What not to eat when pregnant

As there are useful, so there are harmful, forbidden foods during pregnancy. The table shows what you definitely can not eat. Need to exclude:

Product Action
Smoked meats Contain carcinogens, may be added chemical substances to create a smoky effect.
Acute Overloads the liver and gallbladder.
Food products with E-additives It's chemistry, so it hurts different systems body, especially a fragile fetus.
canned food Because of the content of preservatives in them.
Margarine Trans fats clog arteries and can lead to heart disease.
Raw fish It is possible to become infected with listeriosis, which will negatively affect the development of the child.
Seafood May cause allergies.
Alcohol It is forbidden to drink alcohol, because alcohol, chemicals in its composition have a destructive effect on many tissues and systems of the body, especially on the brain and nervous system.

What not to eat during pregnancy

There are some foods that you can eat, but you need to significantly reduce their number. For example, fried, fatty foods can be eaten in small quantities. It is better to replace them with baked and boiled dishes. Among the foods that are not advisable to eat are the following:

  • coffee or black strong tea because it rises arterial pressure, there is a risk of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • chocolate acts as a causative agent on the fragile nervous system of the fetus, causes allergies;
  • sugar and sweets contain a large amount of carbohydrates, which leads to weight gain;
  • fast food - because of the high calorie content;
  • exotic fruits - due to the risk of the presence of pesticides;
  • meat, if poorly processed, contains harmful bacteria that can be the causative agent dangerous diseases: frenzy, bird flu, listeriosis and others.


The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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