The seam is inflamed what to do. Healing of postoperative sutures without scars. Inflammation of the sutures after surgery: causes

Infiltration after surgery is one of the most frequent complications after surgical intervention. It can develop after any operation - if you have an appendix removed, a hernia removed, or even just an injection.

Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor your condition after surgery. It is quite simple to cure such a complication if it is diagnosed in time. But if tightened, it can develop into an abscess, and this is already fraught with an abscess breakthrough and blood poisoning.

What it is?

The term itself is a combination of two Latin words: in - "in" and filtratus - "strained". Doctors call this word pathological process when particles of cells (including blood cells), blood itself, and lymph accumulate inside tissues or any organ. Outwardly, it looks like a dense formation, but simply a tumor.

There are 2 main forms of this phenomenon - inflammatory (this is usually the complications after surgery) and tumor. Inside the second formation is not innocent blood and lymph, but tumor cells, and very often cancerous ones. Sometimes doctors call an infiltrate an area on the body where an anesthetic, antibiotic or other substances are injected during treatment. This type is called "surgical".

The inflammatory process can begin even before the operation. Particularly often diagnosed is appendicular infiltrate, which develops almost in parallel with inflammation of the appendix. It is even more common than a complication after appendicitis surgery. Another “popular” option is a tumor in the mouth of children, the cause is fibrous pulpitis.


Inflammatory infiltrate is the main type of such a pathology, which often appears after surgery. There are several types of such inflammation, depending on which cells inside the tumor are the most.

  1. Purulent (polymorphonuclear leukocytes gathered inside).
  2. Hemorrhagic (erythrocytes).
  3. Round cell, or lymphoid (lymphoid cells).
  4. Histiocytic-plasmocellular (inside plasma elements and histiocytes).

Inflammation of any nature can develop in several directions - either resolve over time (in 1-2 months), or turn into an ugly scar, or develop into an abscess.

Scientists consider postoperative suture infiltrate to be a special kind of inflammatory. Such a disease is especially insidious - it can "jump out" in a week or two after the operation, and after 2 years. The second option happens, for example, after caesarean section, and the risk that the inflammation develops into an abscess is quite high.

The reasons

From the appearance of purulent, hemorrhagic and other formations after surgery, no one is immune. The complication occurs in both young children and adult patients, after banal appendicitis and (paracervical and other tumors).

Experts name 3 main reasons for this phenomenon - trauma, odontogenic infections (in the oral cavity) and others. infectious processes. If you went to the doctor because the postoperative suture became inflamed, a number of more reasons are added:

  • an infection has entered the wound;
  • postoperative drainage was incorrectly performed (usually in overweight patients);
  • due to the fault of the surgeon, the layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue was damaged, and a hematoma appeared;
  • suture material has a high tissue reactivity.

If the scar becomes inflamed only a few months or years after surgical procedures, it is the suture material that is to blame. Such a pathology is called a ligature (a ligature is a dressing thread).

Pathology can also be provoked by a tendency to allergies in a patient, weak immunity, chronic infections, congenital diseases and etc.


A postoperative complication does not develop immediately - usually on the 4-6th day after hour X (surgical intervention). Sometimes even later - after one and a half to two weeks. The main signs of incipient inflammation in the wound are:

  • subfebrile temperature (it rises by only a few divisions, but it is impossible to bring it down);
  • when pressing on the inflamed area, pain is felt;
  • if you press very hard, a small hole appears, which gradually straightens;
  • the skin in the affected area swells and turns red.

If the tumor appeared after surgery to remove inguinal hernia may add other symptoms. About the pathological accumulation of cells in abdominal cavity they will say:

  • aching pain in the peritoneum;
  • bowel problems (constipation);
  • hyperemia (strong blood flow to sore spots).

With hyperemia, edema occurs and boils pop up, the heartbeat quickens, the patient suffers from headaches.

What is a post-injection infiltrate?

Infiltration after an injection is one of the most common complications after an injection, along with hematomas. It looks like a small dense bump in the place where the needle with the medicine was stuck. The predisposition to such a mini-complication is usually individual: someone has a seal on the skin after each injection, and someone has never encountered such a problem in their entire life.

The following reasons can provoke a similar reaction of the body to a banal injection:

  • the nurse performed the antiseptic treatment poorly;
  • the syringe needle is too short or blunt;
  • wrong injection site;
  • injections are constantly made in the same place;
  • the medicine is administered too quickly.

Such a sore can be cured with conventional physiotherapy, iodine mesh or compresses with diluted dimexide. Help and folk methods: compresses from cabbage leaf, aloe, burdock. For greater efficiency, before the compress, you can lubricate the cone with honey.


It is usually not difficult to diagnose such postoperative pathology. When making a diagnosis, the doctor relies primarily on the symptoms: temperature (what and how long it lasts), the nature and intensity of pain, etc.

Most often, the tumor is determined by palpation - it is a dense formation with uneven and fuzzy edges, which responds with pain when palpated. But if surgical manipulations were performed on the abdominal cavity, then the seal can hide deep inside. And with a finger examination, the doctor simply will not find it.

In this case, more than informative methods diagnostics - ultrasound and computed tomography.

Another must diagnostic procedure is a biopsy. Tissue analysis will help to understand the nature of inflammation, find out which cells have accumulated inside, and determine whether any of them are malignant. This will allow you to find out the cause of the problem and correctly draw up a treatment regimen.


The main goal in the treatment of postoperative infiltrate is to relieve inflammation and prevent the development of an abscess. To do this, you need to restore blood flow in a sore spot, relieve swelling and eliminate pain syndrome. First of all, conservative therapy is used:

  1. Treatment with antibiotics (if the infection is caused by bacteria).
  2. Symptomatic therapy.
  3. Local hypothermia (artificial decrease in body temperature).
  4. Physiotherapy.
  5. Bed rest.

Effective procedures are considered to be UV irradiation of the wound, laser therapy, mud therapy, etc. The only contraindication for physiotherapy is purulent inflammation. In this case, heating and other procedures will only hasten the spread of infection and may cause an abscess.

When the first signs of an abscess appear, a minimally invasive intervention is first used - drainage of the affected area (under ultrasound control). In the most difficult cases, the abscess is opened in the usual way, using laparoscopy or laparotomy.

Treatment of a postoperative suture with complications is also traditionally carried out using conservative methods: antibiotics, novocaine blockade, physiotherapy. If the tumor has not resolved, the suture is opened, cleaned and sutured again.

An infiltrate after surgery can form in a patient of any age and health condition. By itself, this tumor usually does not cause any harm, but it can serve initial stage abscess - severe purulent inflammation. The danger is that sometimes the pathology develops several years after the visit to the operating room, when the scar becomes inflamed. Therefore, it is necessary to know all the signs of such a disease and, at the slightest suspicion, consult a doctor. This will help to avoid new complications and additional surgical interventions.

The article for the site was prepared by Nadezhda Zhukova.

Sometimes the stitches after the operation are disturbing for a long time. What are the causes and how to get rid of pain.

For any person, surgery is a serious step. Following her postoperative period no less difficult and dangerous. Sometimes it stretches for a long time. If the seam hurts for a long period after surgery, you need to see a doctor.

Causes of pain

Unpleasant sensations and pain at the suture site can occur after any surgical intervention. Are damaged nerve fibers soft tissues, increases the sensitivity of the injured part of the body. This process is natural and understandable - grow together damaged tissues, stitches heal.

But if over time the pain only intensifies, the temperature periodically rises, this is a reason to seek help. Internal suppuration of the tissues may occur, even if the external incision is tightened.

Why does the seam hurt after surgical operation And how long will it take for it to heal? This directly depends on the complexity and duration of the operation, the qualifications of the surgeon, the cleanliness of the instruments and materials used. Pain can occur for the following reasons:

  • the place of the seam was rubbed by clothes;
  • education adhesive process, hernia;
  • inflammation at the site of the ligature - the body rejects the threads;
  • discrepancy internal seams due to muscle tension;
  • aching pain as a reaction to abrupt change weather conditions.

Pain duration

How long can a stitch hurt? Unpleasant sensations can be constant or occur intermittently, for example, when muscle tension, coughing, sneezing. Pain and swelling around the wound may be accompanied by other symptoms. Fluid or pus may leak through the stitches. Characteristic general weakness and lethargy, sleep and appetite disturbances, decreased concentration.

It is impossible to say exactly how much the suture will hurt after the operation. Everyone has their own deadlines. Usually, pain in the suture area lasts a little more than a week, depending on the characteristics of the body. The average healing time of surgical wounds depends on the location of their localization:

  • for wounds from abdominal surgery- it's about two weeks;
  • stitches after appendicitis and laparoscopy are tightened after 7 days;
  • circumcision involves the duration of regeneration up to 15 days;
  • the sutures in the chest area heal for a long time;
  • healing postpartum suture occurs within 10 days;
  • external seams after cesarean section are removed on the 6th day.

Seams can be internal and external. The first ones are applied using catgut made from sheep intestines. They are self-absorbed in the body. The outer ones are more durable, they are made with natural (silk, linen) or synthetic threads. Through certain time such stitches are removed. Metal staples are also used. At the same time, it must be understood that connective tissue fully developed within 2-3 months.

Painful stitches after caesarean

After the intervention, the wound is present on the skin, fatty tissue, muscles, and the wall of the uterus. Often women complain that. Pain makes it difficult for a woman to recover and care for her baby.

The pain is sharp, not subsiding, lasts for two days, is removed medications. It gradually decreases discomfort and itching can be observed for about two weeks. The sensitivity of the skin is disturbed, numbness of the abdomen in the incision area may occur. Completely symptoms disappear within six months. A regular inspection of the condition of the seam by a specialist is necessary.

When the seam hurts after a cesarean for a long time, or complications arise - the seam diverges, swelling, redness appears, the temperature rises, purulent discharge appears - a visit to the doctor is mandatory. Sometimes the consequences take a long time to make themselves felt. After a few years, fistulas from the suture material can form. The scar thickens, its color changes, and fistulas periodically fester.

Features of seam care

Restoration of the skin and healing of sutures depends on the immunity of the body, the ability of the skin to regenerate. After laparoscopy, small incisions remain, they are not stitched, but glued with a plaster. Postoperative scar may be large sizes, have drainage, it heals for a long time, requires quality care.

Treatment of the wound in the hospital is carried out by the medical staff. After discharge, the patient takes care of the suture at home, in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor. In order for the seam to be quickly and well tightened, you need:

  • follow the doctor's instructions;
  • observe personal hygiene;
  • full sleep is necessary;
  • proper nutrition.

The first 10 days it is not recommended to take a bath, you can wash in the shower. The scar is carefully dried with a bandage, then treated with an antiseptic. Suitable iodine, Zelenka, Fukortsin, alcohol and others. For processing, do not use cotton wool, as the villi may remain at the seams. The tightened seam can be lubricated sea ​​buckthorn oil or Levomekol ointment. If the wound is clean and dry, no dressing is needed.

Circumcision is the most frequently performed procedure by urologists. After the operation, the patient at home independently makes dressings with a solution of Furacilin. Before removing the bandage, it is necessary to soak it with hydrogen peroxide so as not to injure the wounds. When the bandage is easily removed, the dressings are stopped. Wounds can be lubricated with brilliant green or applied antiseptic ointment. To avoid complications and pain in postoperative sutures, circumcision should be performed by an experienced and qualified urologist.

How to get rid of pain

After any violation of the integrity of the skin, scars form. Sometimes they deliver not only physical pain, but also emotional discomfort, being cosmetic defect. In the affected area, the connective tissue cannot replace healthy skin, since it does not have sebaceous and sweat glands. There are also changes in nerve endings located in the skin. In the thickness of the seam appear painful formations- neuromas.

There is a neuropathic pain syndrome. The pain happens not only in the scar, but also around it. It can be burning, shooting, and may worsen after coughing or sneezing. In addition to analgesics, hormonal preparations, antidepressants. Patients do not tolerate physiotherapy procedures well, since the suture is very sensitive to touch. If a drug therapy does not give effect, scars are removed surgically.

Over time, the seam fades and becomes less noticeable. To restore the skin, nutrition should contain enough protein, vitamins and trace elements. In summer, the seam should be protected from sunlight, thin delicate skin can get burned. In pharmacies, there are drugs that promote the resorption of sutures. Scars can be massaged daily, while rubbing vitamin E or Asterisk balm.

Any serious surgical procedure ends with suturing soft tissues oral cavity. During this period they need Special attention and care. You should avoid any mechanical damage, follow all the recommendations of the dentist and do not forget about hygiene standards. If the wound bleeds slightly after surgery, no need to be scared - it's normal. When this happens for several days in a row, you need to be on your guard and visit the doctor as soon as possible.

Inflammation of the suture after surgery is not the most a rare occurrence, and it does not always happen by mistake of a doctor (as most patients believe). Very often, inflammatory processes can be caused by completely different factors.

Inflammation of the sutures after surgery: causes

The reasons for the inflammation of the joints after surgery may be not only poor-quality actions of a specialist. They also depend on:

  1. Low immunity;
  2. Entering the body of various bacteria and infections;
  3. Failure to comply with the conditions of personal hygiene;
  4. Divergences of seams or cases of rejection by their body;
  5. Failure to comply with proper sterility;
  6. Misdiagnosis and definition possible contraindications to surgical intervention.

The inflammatory process affects the overall psychological and emotional state patient. He feels constant fatigue and feeling overwhelmed. There are constant discomfort in the area of ​​​​the seam, reaching cutting pain. The nature of the manifestation pain directly depends on the causes of inflammation. It is difficult at first glance to determine what inflammatory process occurs in the connection area. In this case, the appearance of redness and the formation of various seals are often noted. If the cause of the disease lies in the ingestion of infections, then an increase in body temperature is not excluded. AT similar situation there is a need for the use of antibiotics during the entire treatment.

Inflammatory process after surgery: treatment

Inflammation of the suture after surgery is not considered the most terrible complication if timely contact qualified specialists. The doctor will determine the causes of the disease and prescribe further treatment. It can be localized (in the area of ​​​​the inflamed area) or holistic, in which medicines affect the entire human body. There is a certain chance that you will have to redo the connections again.

The inflammatory process after surgery can lead to many serious complications. Patients with similar problems should not postpone a visit to the dentist. When the first adverse symptoms, discomfort in the area of ​​​​sutures, you must immediately go to the clinic.

Although the seams are applied with strong, strong threads, situations of their divergence are possible. This speaks of mechanical damage or is a sign of incipient inflammation. The condition of the seams requires constant monitoring and immediate correction of possible defects.


Hello. To begin with, three and a half years ago I had my appendix removed (due to the negligence of doctors, it ruptured), after removing the sutures, the suture parted, for almost a month I went for dressings with a "hole" in my stomach. Finally, everything healed. The suture is simple terrible. A month ago in the place where the seam has come apart I felt a compaction, which after 3-4 days turned into a lump. I went to see a surgeon, who, during palpation, said (neither tests nor ultrasound prescribed) that it was a hernia. She didn’t bother me. But 4 days ago, the seam, in this place where the hernia has become somehow inflamed, painful, red. It hurts to touch it. What could it be ??? inflammation??? (K normal doctors I can’t get in yet, because I don’t live in the city and I don’t have anyone to leave a small child with yet) THANK YOU!!!

Hello. You should contact your surgeon immediately to rule out acute surgical pathology. In your case, it could be an abscess. postoperative scar and restrained with phlegmon of the hernial sac. Don't joke with this or you'll get yourself in a lot of trouble and blame the doctors again. Health to you.


Hello! I have already contacted you with a question about the inflammation of the seam. I went to the hospital, it turned out that I had an abscess. The doctor performed an autopsy. About 20 ml came out. thick pus. During the revision with a clamp, a foreign body was not found. The doctor said that there could be a ball that is injected during the operation. But he could not find it. 4 and a half years and the seam did not bother me during this time ???

Apparently you had a ligature abscess, that is, over time, for some reason, the body begins to react to foreign objects in the body (in your case, these are ligatures, i.e. suture material - lavsan, nylon, etc., which never resolve) and tries to "expel" them with the formation of infiltrates, abscesses. Therefore, it is desirable to find this ligature and remove it. Health to you.

Consultation of a surgeon on the topic "INFLAMMATORY OF THE SEAM" is given for reference purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation, please consult a doctor, including to identify possible contraindications.

About consultant


Surgeon of the highest qualification category. 26 years of experience in elective and emergency surgery.

Graduated from Kuibyshevsky medical institute in 1990 with a degree in general medicine. Internship in Surgery Regional hospital№1 Ulyanovsk.

Passed repeated improvement and advanced training at the bases of UlGU, Penza, N-Novgorod on the topics: " Topical issues emergency surgery of the organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities", also in St. Petersburg on "Endovideosurgery of the organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space".

Conducts different kinds planned and emergency surgical interventions, operations with purulent processes.

During my work, I mastered various techniques surgical intervention:

  • removal benign tumors skin and subcutaneous tissue(atheromas, lipomas, fibromas, etc.) various localizations;
  • opening of abscesses, phlegmons, felons, necrectomy of various localizations, including amputation and disarticulation of both fingers and limbs (upper and lower), for example. with diabetic or atherosclerotic gangrene;
  • various types of hernia repair in inguinal, femoral, umbilical, postoperative hernias, both tension and non-tension types of plastic;
  • resection of the stomach according to B-1, B-2 with various types of anastomoses;
  • cholecystectomy (laparotomy) with various types of both external and internal (CDA) drainage of the common choledochus;
  • experience of small laparoscopic operations, mainly assistance in cholecystectomy, appendectomy;
  • appendectomy;
  • suturing of perforated ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • splenectomy;
  • resection of the small and large intestines with various types of intestinal anastomoses different states(obstructive and adhesive intestinal obstruction etc.), hemicolectomy;
  • laparotomy for various injuries internal organs(suturing wounds of the liver, wounds of the intestine, mesentery, pancreas, etc.);
  • other types of emergency interventions on the abdominal organs.

Information about the types and healing process of the postoperative suture. And also told what actions need to be taken in case of complications.

After a person has survived the operation, scars and stitches remain for a long time. From this article you will learn how to properly process the postoperative suture and what to do in case of complications.

Types of postoperative sutures

With the help of a surgical suture, biological tissues are connected. Kinds after surgical sutures depend on the nature and scale of the surgical intervention and are:

  • bloodless that do not require special threads, but stick together with a special adhesive
  • bloody, which are sutured with medical suture material through biological tissues

Depending on the method of suturing bloody, the following types are distinguished:

  • simple nodal– the puncture has a triangular shape, which holds the suture material well
  • continuous intradermal- most common providing a good cosmetic effect
  • vertical or horizontal mattress - used for deep extensive tissue damage
  • purse-string - intended for tissues of a plastic nature
  • entwining - as a rule, serves to connect the vessels and organs of the hollow

From what technique and tools are used for suturing, they differ:

  • manual, which are applied with a regular needle, tweezers and other tools. Suture materials - synthetic, biological, wire, etc.
  • mechanical carried out by means of the apparatus using special staples

Depth and length bodily injury dictates the suture method:

  • single-row - the seam is superimposed in one tier
  • multilayer - the imposition is carried out in several rows (first, muscle and vascular tissues are connected, then the skin is sutured)

In addition, surgical sutures are divided into:

  • removable– after the wound has healed, the suture material is removed (usually used on integumentary tissues)
  • submersible– not removed (applicable for joining internal tissues)

Materials that are used for surgical sutures can be:

  • absorbable - removal of suture material is not required. They are used, as a rule, for ruptures of mucous and soft tissues.
  • non-absorbable - removed after a certain period of time set by the doctor

When suturing, it is very important to connect the edges of the wound tightly so that the possibility of cavity formation is completely excluded. Any type of surgical suture requires treatment with antiseptic or antibacterial drugs.

How and with what to process the postoperative suture for better healing at home?

The period of wound healing after surgery largely depends on the human body: for some, this process occurs quickly, for others it takes longer. long time. But the key to success is proper therapy after suture. The following factors influence the timing and nature of healing:

  • sterility
  • materials for suture treatment after surgery
  • regularity

One of the most important requirements for trauma care after surgery is observance of sterility. Treat wounds only with thoroughly washed hands using disinfected instruments.

Depending on the nature of the injury, postoperative sutures are treated with various antiseptic agents:

  • potassium permanganate solution (it is important to follow the dosage to exclude the possibility of burns)
  • iodine (in in large numbers may cause dry skin)
  • brilliant green
  • medical alcohol
  • fucarcinoma (it is difficult to wipe off the surface, which causes some inconvenience)
  • hydrogen peroxide (may cause mild burning)
  • anti-inflammatory ointments and gels

Often at home for these purposes use folk remedies:

  • oil tea tree(in its purest form)
  • tincture of larkspur roots (2 tbsp, 1 tbsp water, 1 tbsp alcohol)
  • ointment (0.5 cups of beeswax, 2 cups vegetable oil cook on low heat for 10 minutes, let cool)
  • cream with calendula extract (add a drop of rosemary and orange oils)

Be sure to consult your doctor before taking these medications. In order for the healing process to take place as much as possible short time without complications, it is important to follow the rules for processing seams:

  • sanitize hands and tools that may be needed
  • carefully remove the bandage from the wound. If it sticks, pour peroxide before applying the antiseptic
  • with help cotton swab or gauze swab lubricate the seam with an antiseptic preparation
  • bandage

In addition, do not forget to comply with the following conditions:

  • do the processing twice a day, if necessary and more often
  • regularly carefully examine the wound for inflammation
  • to avoid scarring, do not remove dry crusts and scabs from the wound
  • do not rub the seam with hard sponges during the shower
  • in case of complications (purulent discharge, swelling, redness), consult a doctor immediately

How to remove postoperative sutures at home?

Removable postoperative suture must be removed in time, as the material that is used to connect the tissue protrudes for the body foreign body. In addition, if the threads are not removed in due time, they can grow into the tissue, which will lead to inflammation.

We all know that a medical worker should remove the postoperative suture in suitable conditions using special tools. However, it happens that there is no opportunity to visit a doctor, the time for removal of stitches has already come, and the wound looks completely healed. In this case, you can remove the suture yourself.

To get started, prepare the following:

  • antiseptic preparations
  • sharp scissors (preferably surgical, but you can also use nail scissors)
  • dressing
  • antibiotic ointment (in case of infection in the wound)

The procedure for removing the seam is as follows:

  • disinfect the instruments
  • wash your hands thoroughly up to the elbow and treat with an antiseptic
  • choose a well-lit place
  • remove the bandage from the seam
  • using alcohol or peroxide, treat the area around the location of the seam
  • using tweezers, gently lift the first knot slightly
  • while holding it, cut the suture thread with scissors
  • carefully, slowly pull the thread
  • continue in the same order: lift the knot and pull the threads
  • be sure to remove all suture material
  • treat the suture site with an antiseptic
  • bandage for better healing

In the case of self-removal of postoperative sutures, in order to avoid complications, strictly observe the following requirements:

  • only small superficial seams can be removed independently
  • do not remove surgical staples or wires at home
  • make sure the wound is completely healed
  • if bleeding occurs during the process, stop the action, treat with an antiseptic and consult a doctor
  • protect the seam area from ultraviolet radiation because the skin there is still too thin and prone to burns
  • avoid injury to the area

What to do if a seal appears at the site of the postoperative suture?

Often, after the operation, a seal is observed under the suture in a patient, which was formed due to the accumulation of lymph. As a rule, it does not pose a threat to health and disappears over time. However, in some cases, complications may arise in the form of:

  • inflammation- accompanied painful sensations in the seam area, redness is observed, the temperature may rise
  • suppuration- when the inflammatory process is running, pus can be released from the wound
  • the formation of keloid scars - is not dangerous, but has an unaesthetic appearance. Such scars can be removed with laser resurfacing or surgery.

If you observe any of these symptoms, please contact your surgeon. And in the absence of such an opportunity, - to the hospital at the place of residence.

If you see a seal, then consult a doctor

Even if it later turns out that the resulting bump is not dangerous and will eventually resolve on its own, the doctor must examine and give his opinion. If you are convinced that the seal of the postoperative suture is not inflamed, does not cause pain and there is no purulent discharge, follow these requirements:

  • follow the rules of hygiene. Keep bacteria out of the injured area
  • process the seam twice a day and change the dressing material in a timely manner
  • when showering, avoid getting water on the unhealed area
  • don't lift weights
  • make sure that your clothes do not rub the seam and areolas around it
  • before going outside, put on a protective sterile bandage
  • in no case do not apply compresses and do not rub various tinctures on the advice of friends. This can lead to complications. The doctor must prescribe treatment

Compliance with these simple rules- pledge successful treatment seam seals and the possibility of getting rid of scars without surgical or laser technologies.

The postoperative suture does not heal, reddened, inflamed: what to do?

One of a number postoperative complications is inflammation of the suture. This process accompanied by such things as:

  • swelling and redness in the suture area
  • the presence of a seal under the seam, which is groped with fingers
  • increased temperature and blood pressure
  • general weakness and muscle pain

The reasons for the appearance of the inflammatory process and further non-healing of the postoperative suture may be different:

  • infection in the postoperative wound
  • during the operation, trauma to the subcutaneous tissues occurred, as a result of which hematomas formed
  • suture material had increased tissue reactivity
  • in patients with overweight wound drainage is inadequate
  • low immunity in the operated

Often there is a combination of several of the following factors that may arise:

  • due to the error of the operating surgeon (instruments and materials were insufficiently processed)
  • due to non-compliance by the patient with postoperative requirements
  • due to indirect infection, in which microorganisms are spread through the blood from another source of inflammation in the body

If you see redness in the suture, contact your doctor immediately.

In addition, the healing of a surgical suture depends largely on individual features body:

  • weight- at fat people the wound after surgery may heal more slowly
  • age - tissue regeneration in young age going faster
  • nutrition - lack of proteins and vitamins slows down the recovery process
  • chronic diseases - their presence prevents rapid healing

If you observe redness or inflammation of the postoperative suture, do not postpone a visit to the doctor. It is the specialist who must examine the wound and prescribe the correct treatment:

  • remove stitches if necessary
  • will wash the wounds
  • install a drain to drain purulent discharge
  • will appoint necessary medicines outdoor and indoor use

Timely implementation necessary activities prevent the possibility severe consequences(sepsis, gangrene). After the medical manipulations your doctor to speed up the healing process at home, follow these recommendations:

  • treat the seam and the area around it several times a day with the drugs prescribed by the attending physician
  • during the shower, try not to catch the wound with a washcloth. After leaving the bath, gently blot the seam with a bandage
  • change sterile dressings in time
  • take a multivitamin
  • include extra protein in your diet
  • do not lift heavy objects

In order to minimize the risk of an inflammatory process, it is necessary to take preventive measures before the operation:

  • boost immunity
  • perform oral hygiene
  • identify the presence of infections in the body and take measures to get rid of them
  • observe strictly hygiene rules after operation

Postoperative fistula: causes and methods of struggle

One of negative consequences after surgery is postoperative fistula, which is a channel in which purulent cavities are formed. It occurs as a result of the inflammatory process, when there is no outlet for purulent fluid.
The causes of fistulas after surgery can be different:

  • chronic inflammation
  • infection is not completely eliminated
  • rejection by the body of a non-absorbable suture material

The last reason is the most common. The threads that connect tissues during surgery are called ligatures. Therefore, the fistula that arose due to its rejection is called ligature. Around the thread is formed granuloma, that is, a seal consisting of the material itself and fibrous tissue. Such a fistula is formed, as a rule, for two reasons:

  • getting into a wound pathogenic bacteria due to incomplete disinfection of threads or instruments during surgery
  • weak the immune system patient, due to which the body weakly resists infections, and there is a slow recovery after the introduction of a foreign body

The fistula can manifest itself in a different postoperative period:

  • within a week after surgery
  • after a few months

Signs of fistula formation are:

  • redness in the area of ​​inflammation
  • the appearance of seals and tubercles near the seam or on it
  • pain
  • pus
  • temperature rise

After surgery, there may be very unpleasant phenomenon- fistula

If you experience these symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor. If measures are not taken in time, the infection can spread throughout the body.

Treatment postoperative fistulas determined by the doctor and can be of two types:

  • conservative
  • surgical

The conservative method is used if the inflammatory process has just begun and has not led to serious violations. In this case, the following is done:

  • removal of dead tissue around the seam
  • washing the wound from pus
  • removal of the outer ends of the thread
  • patient taking antibiotics and immunosuppressants

The surgical method includes a number of medical measures:

  • make an incision to drain the pus
  • remove the ligature
  • wash the wound
  • if necessary, repeat the procedure after a few days
  • in the presence of multiple fistulas, you may be prescribed a complete excision of the suture
  • stitches are re-attached
  • prescribed a course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs
  • complexes of vitamins and minerals are prescribed
  • standard therapy prescribed after surgery

AT recent times appeared new way fistula treatment - ultrasound. This is the most gentle method. Its disadvantage is the length of the process. In addition to these methods, healers offer folk remedies for the treatment of postoperative fistulas:

  • mummy dissolve in water and mix with aloe juice. Soak a bandage in the mixture and apply to the inflamed area. Keep a few hours
  • wash the wound with decoction Hypericum(4 tablespoons of dry leaves per 0.5 l of boiling water)
  • take 100 g of medical fly in the ointment, butter, flower honey, pine resin, crushed aloe leaf. Mix everything and heat in a water bath. Dilute with medical alcohol or vodka. Apply the prepared mixture around the fistula, cover with a film or plaster
  • put a sheet on the fistula at night cabbage

However, do not forget that folk remedies are only adjuvant therapy and do not cancel a visit to the doctor. To prevent the formation of postoperative fistulas, it is necessary:

  • before the operation, examine the patient for the presence of diseases
  • prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection
  • clean instruments carefully before surgery
  • prevent contamination of suture materials

Ointments for healing and resorption of postoperative sutures

For resorption and healing of postoperative sutures, antiseptics(brilliant green, iodine, chlorhexidine, etc.). Modern pharmacology offers other drugs of similar properties in the form of ointments for local action. Using them for healing purposes at home has several advantages:

  • availability
  • wide spectrum of activity
  • the fatty base on the surface of the wound creates a film that prevents overdrying of tissues
  • skin nutrition
  • Ease of use
  • softening and brightening of scars

It should be noted that for wet wounds skin ointments are not recommended. They are prescribed when the healing process has already begun.

Based on character and depth skin lesions, different types of ointments are used:

  • simple antiseptic(for shallow superficial wounds)
  • containing hormonal components (for extensive, with complications)
  • Vishnevsky ointment- one of the most affordable and popular pulling means. Promotes accelerated release from purulent processes
  • levomekol- has a combined effect: antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. Is an antibiotic a wide range. Recommended for purulent secretions from the seam
  • vulnuzan- based tool natural ingredients. Applied to both the wound and the bandage
  • levosin- kills microbes, removes the inflammatory process, promotes healing
  • stellanine- a new generation ointment that removes puffiness and kills the infection, stimulates the regeneration of the skin
  • eplan- one of strongest means local treatment. Has analgesic and anti-infective effect
  • solcoseryl- available in the form of a gel or ointment. The gel is used when the wound is fresh, and the ointment is used when healing has begun. The drug reduces the likelihood of scarring and scars. Better put under a bandage
  • actovegin– more cheap analogue solcoseryl. Successfully fights inflammation, practically does not cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it can be recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women. Can be applied directly to damaged skin
  • agrosulfan- has a bactericidal effect, has an antimicrobial and analgesic effect

Seam ointment
  • naftaderm - has anti-inflammatory properties. It also relieves pain and softens scars.
  • contractubex - is used when the healing of the seam begins. Has a softening smoothing effect in the scar area
  • mederma - improves tissue elasticity and brightens scars

Listed medicinal products prescribed by a doctor and used under his supervision. Remember that self-treatment of postoperative sutures cannot be done in order to prevent suppuration of the wound and further inflammation.

Plaster for healing postoperative sutures

One of effective means for the care of postoperative sutures is a patch made on the basis of medical silicone. This is a soft self-adhesive sheet that is fixed on the seam, connecting the edges of the fabric, and is suitable for small damage skin cover.
The benefits of using the patch are as follows:

  • prevents pathogens from entering the wound
  • absorbs discharge from the wound
  • does not cause irritation
  • breathable, thanks to which the skin under the patch breathes
  • helps to soften and smooth the scar
  • retains moisture well in tissues, preventing drying out
  • prevents scar growth
  • convenient to use
  • when removing the patch, skin injury does not occur

Some patches are waterproof, allowing the patient to shower without risking the stitches. The most commonly used patches are:

  • spaceport
  • mepilex
  • mepitac
  • hydrofilm
  • fixopore

For achievement positive results in the healing of postoperative sutures, given medical device must be used correctly:

  • remove the protective film
  • Apply the adhesive side to the seam area
  • change every other day
  • peel off the patch periodically and check the condition of the wound

We remind you that before using any pharmacological agent you need to consult your doctor.

Video: Postoperative suture treatment

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